A PESSIMIST IS A SEASICK DURING THE' 'WHOLE VOYAGE OE Coos Bay Times Your Paper the Coos Bay Times ii proud of Its title "The Peopl' rIor " na lt trlv" at All timet to lire BP to ,u naDV by uorotl,lg lta ergl to pomoUnR tho peojlo'e intoretU. feu A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Ooos Bay Times If. A Bonrtfc west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people and dovotod to tho best iMtoroaU of thto grtmt loctlos . Tho Time always boosts ud serar blocks. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MAN WHO IS flirt rn? EIFE Vol. No. XXXIX.' VILA MING FIERCE ATTACK Alter Storming Acjua Prieta Four Times During Night Retires Early Today E Starved and Famished Army Rc-ouens Bombardment of City With Big Guns TEN AMERICANS ARE HURT General I'iiiinIoii Arrives .:. ii, lit to Personally Command on Amcilnm Side Holler Is VlSJn Mutt Take (My Noon or Loso AMKRK'AN FORCES t MAY TAKH ACTION 4 (Cj AumUIM Ttrf lo c'ear Tlmn.l 4 4 DOUGLAS, Arlz.i Nox. 1!. Tho American troops Hint hail moved hark from tlio hor- dcr, wcro ordered (to pack ) their uaggngo I" u wngon '4 train ami each Instructed to tako Individual rolls, hull- catltic Hint It Is the purpose to take drnntlc action In tho event of further firing npon American territory. . Dr Auotlile.1 I'mi tu Coot Ilr Tlmft.T DOUOLAS, Arl.. Nov. 2. Vllln's attack of last nli;ht on 'Agua Prleln wi$ resumed again at noon with n ihirp tnachlno nun attack. Tho Vil li gunners swept tlio center of tho (own from their pOHltloiiH on thu cist. Sergeant Mays was shot In thu band and Private Mitchell in tho lop; on the American hIiIo durliii; this at tack. Winnings Kent Two warnings woro sent to Callos hjr the Amorlcnn nrmy officers nftor the two soldiers wcro shot nt noon. The machine gun nttack, finally cetsej niul was followed by dcaultn tj artillery cxehango which practical hitopped at 1 o'clock. Piotoct Spectators General Davis sent tho Amorlcnn troops back from tho boundary COO urilj to keop spectators out of tho tone of flro In tho oxpectntlon of a win attack this aftornoon. Woman and Children Dlo Jl-Jor Ryan recolvod n roport thot J5 women and children woro killed la Agua 1'rlota and 35 women and children woundod. battle last night TmlMo Attack Continued Until Day light This .Morning (0 AuocUie.l rttu to Coot Ilty Tlmw.l DOl'fJLAS, Ariz., Nov. 2. Aftor our desperato nttacks on Agua Wa, which kept tho Carranza do feea blazing practically nil night "h flashing guns and bursting Villa drew off shortly after aayllsht today, General Callos reported tho VJlla 'orces in retreat, but at 7:30 o'clock u hlg giis re-oponed tho bom wrdmeat, I-'ivo Persons Hurt tight persons on tho American ae o( the boundary woro wounded , ' rC8u't of tho fighting yestorday "ii last nlKht. General Ktmston arrived this "nlng to nKsumo command of tho Aerlcan forces hero. Villa's men havo boon without ter f0r 34 i,om.s anil wm,ollt food rf three days. Mud, Danmgo l)oiu. v , heavy guns In last night's uie did much damago." One big was star'ed In Agua Prieta and uj" J?ber of Kuns woro dismounted. v the "arbed wlro entunglemonts p 6 ll,tl0 damaged and Calles ex- tbim t:' nimo confldenco In his 'tMo beat back furthor attacks. .Must Win Soon. the? Vllla 8Uccect,s In entering !ua,rin w,th,n 21 hour8 1,,s forces or er !S bel,0vci1. either retreat iatr 1 0 American boundary and render, as It a known that In ad- . '"" 10 tho lnolr of 1 ,uPply of ammunition Is none too larg, Th lj0sses ncpoi'tcd e loss s of the Carranza gar- lei &re, rei)ortcil "y General Cal 85 K killed and 75 wounded, IB Dim Established 1878 As Tho Const Mnll. g64.42 t AMERICAN AUTO Z RECORD BEATEN TODAY X 4 tPr AsaocUteil Tress to coot ojr Timet. t NEW YORK, Nov, 2,- X t Dario Resta won the 100 X t mile auto race for the t Harkness gold challenge X cup at Sheepshead Bay X X today, The averaged X t time was 105,39 miles an X t hour, This beats the t i American record, i 44446 TUN AMERICANS WOUXDEB IX FIGHT , , The Amorlcnns wounded on account or tho iWexIcnn O battle wore: Louis 1 Taylor, struck In spine, paralyzed. Corporal Jones.Bhot through both thlgliH. 4 Private Whlddou, lilt In tho neck. II. K. Jones, wounded In shoulder. Mexican boy, shot In stom- i nch. ' I'rlvato Harry Jones, stomach wound, probably fatal. i I'rlvato Tank, wounded In leg. Mexican 'womnn, lost fin- ger. V Sergeant May, shot through hand. I'rlvato Mitchell, shot In leg. although unofficial reports stated hlu casualties woro 2C0. Villa dead and wounded In largo numbors strewed tho desert around the barbed wiru barricades of tho Mexican town. XoIno Is Terrific At a: 00 a. in., Villa launched the fiercest attack, and tho combined fire of rifles, machlno guns and cannon probably surpassed In vio lence the din of nny previous Mox Icau battlo near tho border American army offlcors declared tho nolso tho worst they had ever heard, Douglas trembled under tho vibrations of tho continuous crashes and concussions. Jtitln of Uullets llullots from tho Mexican side rained upon tho Amorlcnn town to points a mllo or more from tho bor der. Scoros of women and chil dren, most of thorn hysterical and weeping, cowered behind brick or udobo walls. TwontyHhreo hundred rofugcea woro concentrated nt a camp In tho suburbs of Douglas. HUSPKCT AMH1UCAXS Hoth Sides Try to Keep on Their Own Sldo Br AuocUteJ I'r to Coot Par TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 2. American offlcors who watched tho fighting at Agua Prlota last night bollovo Villa would havo taken tho town, but for tho failure of his guns to destroy tho searchlights. Colonel Slocum reported that It was ovldont both sldos woro en deavoring to respect American ter ritory. IS FL PDAXICIXfi OX Hl'XKHK IllUi JliailWAV KI.OATIXO Dlit Thrown l'! Along Sides, Making is . .. It Sort of ('"" iieswciiiN Knter Complaint nunkor Hill peoplo and others tra versing tho road between Mnrshfleld and that section wore today entering complaint to tho condition of the-hlghw-ay. It scorns that tho road crows Instead of making drainago ditches alongsldo tho planking, throw tho dirt up In HtHo dikes and this has converted tho roadway Into ix miniature canal. In places the planking Is floating and cars splash mud andi water ovor occupants and passing pedestrians. Tho worst place Is at tho east end of M,n r.an Rank Inlet bridge but there aro many similar spots. It Is llkoly that uoau ouiiciv" Frank Norton will have to trouble at tended to at once. How tho road crew made the mistake in the first pIqco Is a puzzlpr. ROAD DOOED MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. ELECTIONS ON IN EAST TODAY Ohio is Only State Where Gen eral Prohibition Law is Be ing Voted On E CLOSE RAGES Many States Are Selecting Of ficers or Deciding Other Questions Put to Vote WOMEN OUT IN NEW YORK HIv Thotiiiud or Them Act. 11s Watch ers at the Polls .Much Interest Is Taken In thu Woman Suf frage Proposition Thero IH AMocLtM Trait to Coo P7 TIdim.1 WASHINGTON, I). C, Nov. 2. The chief Interest In the elections being held In ten stntes today np" pcared to center In tho propositions for granting stiff rago to women In Now York, Pennsylvania and Mass achusetts. The voters of Massachusetts, Mary laud and Kentucky are also ballot ing fot Governor and other sttite officers. Rtnto-wlde prohibition Is the feat ure of the Ohio election. Other statu or local Issues are be fore tho peoplo of Now Jor'sey, Mis sissippi, Michigan nml Virginia. KlltST HKTUItXH IN One District In Massachusetts Is Against Woman Suffi'iigu (Ilr AttnclttM Trctt to Com rr Tlmn. DOSTON, Nov. 2, HoturiiB from Acushnet, first received from today's election In .Massachusetts, gavo for Govomor, McCall, Itcpubllcan, 110; Walsh, democrat, 18. Tho voto for tho suffrago ameudmciit stood for. 14; against, 101). PHOIIIIUTION UP Ohio Peoplo voto on State-wjdo Liq uor Question Today 1)7 AhocIjIM rrrtt to Coot Utr TlmM.1 COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 2. Cltl zons voted ou stato-wldu prohibition today. Thero uro many municipal elections. Stnto-wldo prohibition of tho liq uor traffic Is an Issue again this year, as lt wub last year In tho form of a proposed constitutional amondmoiit, which' would forbid tho salo or manufacture for sale of nny alcoholic beverages. Tho "wets" havo countered this proposal with petitions under tho In itiative and referendum law by which tho peoplo will also voto on another provision which would pro vent tho submission of any consti tutional amondmout more than twlco In six years. Is Only Stale. Ohio Is tho only stato In tho Union which will voto this fall upon tho liquor Issue. In addition to tho broader question of prohibition the so-called qulro llcenso decentraliza tion law, passed by tho recent Legis lature, will bo subjected to referen dum. Tho Issuo concerns largely the mothod of llcpnso commission ers. Also Under FJre. Tho Spraguo Congressional redis ricting bill, passed by thu recent Legislature, will also bo underflre by referendum, which was petltlono'l by tho Democratic stato organiza tion. Tho redisricting law as drawn would, It Is declared, result In nor mal years In tho olectlon of sixteen Republican Congressmen and possi bly six Democratic Congressmen. Tho Democrats claim that tho law which they passed whon In power divided tho districts evenly as between tho two parties. All cities In Ohio will soled May ors and other municipal officers, Jiut no state offlcors are to bo chosen this fall. WOMKX ARE OUT Act as Watchers at Polls In New York fBr AttotUted rir to Coot B7 Tlmt.J NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Some G, 000 women suffragists wore on duty In every election district In New York city today as watchers t the polls. Tho proposed changes In tho constitution woro the onlystate-wldo Time Vnto Ada for results, SCI g4444444 t KING GEORGE IS TODAY X REPORTED RECOVERING X t I 9 Ujr AtioclttnJ trr to Coot rr Timet. X LONDON, Nov, 2, X X King George, who return- X t ed to London last night t t from France-, is recover- X X ing slowly from the fall X t from his horse, X 44444444$ VOTESTpRATIC PltKSIDUXT WILSOX CASTS HIS IJAM.OT IX XKW .IKItNKV Third Tlmo Within Kew Weeks That Ho Has Mailo Trip Hack to I'rliirctou tDr AttontttM Tn to tt Btf Tlmm.l PRINCKTON, N. J Nov. 2. For thu third tlmo within n few weeks, 1'rosldiint Wilson returned homo to day to v6to. Hu cant his ballot in nu effort to restore tho Now Jersey Legislature to thu Democratic col umn and elect Democrats to local offices. WALSH LEADING KK'H'ltXS IXIHCATi: HIS HLKC TIOX AS COVHHXOIt Oiie.foiiith Of Hostou Precincts Olvo lllm Doiihlo tho Voto of .McCnll I Ilr AmocIM) Vrtf t Coot ir TIidm. IIOSTON, Nov. 2. Iteturns from 50 out of 225 precincts in tho city of llostou gave .McCall 421)7, Walsh, 8701, Tho samo precincts in 1014 'gave McCall 35811 and Walsh 8324. Walsh Is tho present democratic govomor. Issues before tho voters of the stnto today. KLKOT IX MARYLAND luleiest Thero Centers In Contest I'or (hivornor tnr Asiocittoi rrft o coot iir tibim.j UALTIMORH, Nov. 2. Autumn weather prevailed throughout Mary land today. Interest centered In tho contest for Governor. CONTKST IS CLOSH Lively Contest for (Joveruor On In Massachusetts tDr AttocUlt I'mi to Coot Uir Tlmat.) IIOSTON, Nov. 2. Indian sum mor weather prevailed horo. It Is generally conceded that tho race be tween Governor Walsh, Democrat and formor Congressman McCall, Republican, for Governor, would bo close. Interest ou tho woman suf frago amendment Is keen. ALL DEMOCRATIC Election In .Mississippi .Merely Rati fins tlio .Voiiiiiicos tllr Aufltld Trent to Coot lir Tlmit.J JACKSON, Miss., Nov. 2.Bo causo of tho largo Democratic ma jority, today's oloctlon Is regarded merely us a ratification of tho Dem ocratic nominees for stato orriccs. ELECTING GOVERNOR Intoi est Contest Is on Today In Kentucky Or Atoll4 l'r to Coot IU7 Timet. LOyiSVILLE, Ky., Nov. 2. Tho nice for Governor attracted tho prin cipal attention at tho Kentucky elec tions. Formor Congressman A. O. Stanley, of Henderson, recently won the Democratic Gubornatlonal nom ination in a tlireo-slded contest by the largest plurality over accorded a candidate in Kentucky. Tho runner-up declared In favor or state wide prohibition. Mr. Stunley favored continuing In effect tho county unit law, or -local option. This atand later was Incor porated in tho Democratic party plat- forin. Tho pla,trorm also favors submit ting to a voto of tho pooplo a con stitutional amendment that would do away with tho prison contract system and pormlt tho working of convicts on the county roads. Edwin P. Morrow, of Somerset, Is the Republican nominee. Fred J. Irexlor, a Louisville man, heads tho Progressive ticket. S E TO Premier in Public Speech Says Nation Must Do More Than in the Past TELLS I Says They Have Not Gained a Foot on Franco-Belgian Front Since April WILL PRESERVE, SERBIA (heat ltrllalti and J'rance Havo An Understanding that independence of Italkiui Stato Must Ito Pre served -Tell of Resignation tD AtiooUthl Prttt to Coot Ilr Tint. LONDON, November 2. In nn ad dress before tho Hotisu of Commons this aftornoon, Premlor Asqulth stat ed tliut Field Marshal French, com mander of tho Urltlsh forces on tho Franco-Uolglum front, waB now In command of a million men. He asserted thu total casualties In Franco and Flanders amounted to 377,00 mid assorted that tho finan cial situation of Great llrltalu wan serious and that thu nation must be prepared to make fur hotter sncrlflco than It hud yet done. (icrniaiis Xot. Gaining Asqulth assorted that tho Germans had not niado a net gain of a foot of ground in the west slnco April, and ho strongly bulluved tho conscription would not bo necessary. In tho soa of Marmora, British submarines Bunk or damagod two battleships, flvo gunboats, ono tor pedo boat, eight transports and 107 supply ships. To Protect Serbia Ho said there was a full aKroomont between Groat Britain and Franco to maintain tho Indepoudonco of Ser bia and not lot hor hooomo tho "prey of a sinister and nogarlotiB combina tion of aermany Austria mid Bulgar ia." About Greek Premier Ho announced that Former Pre mlor VonlzoloB of Greoco, whoso advo cacy of Intervention In tho war on tho sldo of tho ontonto allies led to his resignation had asked Franco and Great Hrltnln Sopt. 21 for 150, 000 men with tho express under standing that Greeco would mobilize. Tho Dardanelles At'ack Tho premier accoptod his full share of tho responsibility for tho first attuck on tho Dardanelles which resulted In failure with tho loss of several ships. W1LLAFID TO FIGHT SIGNS I'OR AN EVENT FIRST WEEK IN MARCH Will Go Twenty Hounds With Any Opponent tho Promoters May Decide Upon Ur Atioclttt4 rrtu la coot Wr Tti.J NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 2. Jcsb Wlllard announced today that ho had signed a contract with local pro motors to fight a 20-round bout tho first week In Murch ugalnst any op pouont selected by the promotors. muntHstand discount City officials" toduy had tholr first city warrants slnco tho banks announced that thoy would bo dis counted flvo per cent. There was a good deal of dlscontont expressed and some declarod that they would hold thulr warrants until thoy reach ed par again. O COSTS TEX DOLLARS TO ' ABUSE HIS WIFE Fred Nlomo was fined $10 In tho pollco court lato to- day for assaulting his wlfo yestorday, Mrs. Nlomo ap- peared as her own attorney and Bprung question aftor question at hor husbaud. taiiKllug him up In his ans- wors. Ho told tho Judgo he did not strlko hor In tho faco but sought only to tako the revolver away from her and that tho whole trouble start- ed when she grabbed a hand- ful of letters away from his. Mrs. Nlomo Is applying for a divorce. GERMANS A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall Mn flfi and Coos Ray Advertiser. ou I ITALIAN OFFENSIVE X t IS ON THE DECLINE X O tOr AttocUttd Iru to Cot IUj Tim. t VIENNA, No, 2, The t general Italian offensive, t which has been in Droir- X ress for a fortnight, has t X been met successfully by t t tho Austrians, the War t t Office announced, and is X t beginning to decline, X AXOTHMR AXflLO-PH KNCH KXPK D1TIOX TO HALKAXS MADK Transports With Soldiers Arrlvo Off Kavala, Greece, Twenty Miles From Bulgarian Border tar Attocutoa itm to vt ur tidm. AMSTERDAM, Nov. 2. A now Anglo-French expedition to tho Bal kans Is announced by the Tageblatt, which says that RritlBh and French transports with troops, havo appear ed off, Kavala, Greoco, which Is about 20 miles west of the Bul garian border. BRITISHJJjSE BOAT WAR VESSEL REPORTED SUNK AT GIBRALTAR Statement Mado by tho Admiralty Says That It Was Duo to n Collision (Or AMoelttwl rren lo Cool nt. Timet. . LONDON, Nov. 2. Tlio British Admiralty this" nftornoon announced that tho British torpedo boat No, 00 was sunk at Gibraltar yestorday aftor bolng in n collision. SEVENTEEN MEN BADLY HURT AT DUPOXT WORKS Wholo Carload of White Cannon Powder Blown Up and Causes Many Injuries tnr AttotlttM rrM to tout rr Timet. WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 2. Sovonteou mon woro badly Injured today by tho heavy explosion of a largo quantity of powder at tho Du pont Powdor Works at Caruoys Point, Now Jorsoy. A carload of white cannon pow dor oxploded. Tho Injuries resulted from tho vivid flash of flro which onvolopcd tho entire promises. WOMEN IN RUSSIA ARE ORGANIZING Steps Aro Being Taken to Form n Federation or Clubs In That Country fllr Attolild Pru to Coot mr Tiro..) PETROORAI), Nov. 2. 8tops havo boon taken to form n federa tion of women's clubs In Russia un dor the leadership of tho Women's Equal Rights Association. Parents commlttoes In connection with Russian high schools havo had a Bomowhat checkered trial In the past. Under tho preaont ndmlnlstra tlou of thu department of education they aro to bo given freer scope. Eloctlona havo been hold rcently In all tho Petrogrud gymnasiums, or high schools for boys and girls, CHINA TO DAIRY Danes Will go Thero to Show Them How. tnr AMoelit4 rrett to ejwt B7 Time. COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Nov. 2. A numbor or Danish dairymen have been engaged to go to China to organize tho Chlnoso dairy In dustry along modern linos. WOMEX LIKELY BEATEN O IN MASSACHUSETTS (Br Anocltt! l'rvu to cvot str Timet. 4 BOSTON, Nov. 2. Re- turns from nine towns gave McCall 1107. Walsh 560. Woman suffrage. Yes 504, No, 1105. 1 Tlmo Want ads bring results. SEND IRE M S POWDER OS E AT Capture Important Railroad Town and Forces Now RusrH ing on to Capture Nish ALLIES HAVE HOPE Think Rumania Will Enter the War and That Greece May Possibly Also Help STILL FIGHTING AT RIGA Further Progress Claimed to Havo Been Made by tho Germans In That Quarter- Flerco Fighting Under Way In Dvi'isk Region tnr Ai.creUleJ rrett to tot Bir Tlmi LONDON, Nov. 2. According to reports recolvod, Cask, nn Important railroad Junction point In Serbia. about 30 miles southwest of Krag- uyovatz has boon occupied by the Teutonic forces and apparently th" tnvadors are now rushing through tho valley toward Nlsh at a rapid pa co. Want Rumania In Meanwhllu tho ontonto allies are hoping Rumania may throw in her lot with them and that Greeco will final ly Join them also. Tho Bulgarians havo drawn closer In on NIbIi. Tho French assort they Inflicted considerable losson on the Bulgarians in south Serbia. Fight in tho East In tho cast, tho Gorman advance on Riga from tho west made further progress. In tho Dvlnsk region, florco fighting Is uudor.way. The Russians, undertaking n strong of fensive movement, wore repulsed with heavy losses. Further south Is ovldenco of con sldornblo extension of the Russian offensive. No important engage ments aro reported jn tho west. AFTER SUNDAY LAW INJUNCTION' ASKED AGAINST TWENTY-FIVE COUNTIES Action Is Started by IJriinswlck'Balke. Cullender Company, Sport ing GK)ds Dealers (Ur Auocute4 neat la Coot I)r Tints. , PORTLAND, Oro., Nov. 2. The Drunflwlck-Ralke Collcndor Company today petitioned tho Unltod States' 'district court to grant tomporary 'and pormanent Injunctions against 'the officers of 25 counties to pre sent the enforcement of tho Sunday 'dosing law. Tho law has boon on the statute books many years but not until re cently has any attempt been made to onforro It, Tho stato district court has already granted an Injuctlou In this county. TWO HUNDRED FROM WASHING TON' WILL SEE GAME Tako Band Ou Steamer Congress to See Football Event at San Francisco Today (Ur Aitotlttfcl I'ren to Ceo Tstr Timet. SEATTLE, Wash., Nov, 2. Twi thundrod and fifty University or Washington students with a Imu-l Ploft for San Francisco on the steam cr Congress today to attend the Wash ington-Califomla football game at Berkeley Saturday. ARTILLERY FIGHTING IS RK PORTED AT DARDANELLES Orrlclul Statement at Constantinople Says that, Troops of tho A'lles Were Dispersed Ur AwxlteJ rreu to Coot B7 Timet. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 2. An official statement says; "On the Dar-' danolles front there are violent artil lery duels. Near Arl Bumuor the artillery struck three at the enemy'aj mine throwing positions. Our tW (terlos dispersed masses ot trooir near MorUllman and Ellas Burawj On tho Caucasus front we dtepertwd. two attacks," T P STUDENTS ATTEND TURKS BOMBARDING