HEAR A HUNDRED ADVISERS, BUT Coos Bay Times Your Paper The Coo Buy Times la prond topis' Pop01"'" nd ' trlvc Uvo nj ,u nam0 by doPotll,K promoting tbo people's Interests. Vol. No. XXXIX. Team Meets Michigan Uni versity at East Lansing for" Contest on the Gridiron Oregon State Picked as Win ner Over Willamette Wash ington Counted for Victory YALE'S CHANCES ARE SLIM Ilarinril (iocs lntt Gamo Willi Peon- nylwmla In Belter Slmpo Thau Ijist Saturday Four Tennis of III),' Nino Play" in Illinois (Or AioclteJ I'rett to Coot l)r Timet. EAST LANSING, Mich., Oct. 30. Tho Oregon AgglcB outplayed Michi gan Aggies nml by smashing tuctlea they rushed their heavier opponents off their feet, winning n (IocIbIvo vic tory. In tlio first quarter, Abraham, who was tlio stnr or the enmo, iicorcd a touclulown. The Michigan dcfeiiBO stiffened In tho second, but In thu third Allen gnvo Oregon another touchdown. In tho fourth Abraham scored again. Oregon Aggies 20, Michigan Ag gies 0. Other Results Today ' Cornell Ifi, Virginia Polytechnic 0. Lehigh, i'J; GottyBburg, 0. LaKnyclto, 17; PiMinsylvanla, 0. Dartmouth, liO; AmhorBt, 0. MtnucBotu, (i; IIHiioIh, fi, Chicago, M; Wisconsin, 13. Nebraska, 21; Anion, 0. Carlisle, 0; West Virginia Wos leyan, II. Pittsburg, 12; Alloghony, 7. John HoiikliiH, 12; Swathmoro, 21 Yalo, 0; Colgate, 1C. Army, 13; Villa Nova, 1C. Harvard, 13; PomiBVlvania State 0. Prlncoton, 27; Williams, 0. Syracuse, H; Michigan, 7. North Carolina Agricultural and Meehanlral, 11; Navy, 12. Indiana, 7; Washington and Leo 7. Ml HIGAN FAVORITK Xrlllier Team Knew of ShoUgtli of tho Other Side ID; Auoeltled I'rett to Cw,t ntjr Timet.) EAST LANSING, Mich., Oct. 30. Tho football gamo horo today bo tweeu tho Aggies of Oregon and Michigan furnished a spectacle- of to teams representing colleges 2000 miles apart going Into a contest with no dcflnlto knowledge of each oth er's strength. Michigan wns tho fsvorlte, howovor. FAVOR WASHINGTON Oregon Slnlo L'nlvei-hKy Also Kv- pei'trtl tit Win tOr Auoclttt. Trttt to Coot Ptjr Timet. SEATTLE, Oct. 30. Washington nd Whitman battled hero today for football honors, tho former on lerlng tho gamo as strong favorite Oregon was llkowlso picked to win over Wlllamotto nt Salem, while Washington stato was counted on 'or a victory ovor Idaho at Moscow. California clashed with St. Mary's College and Southern California mot the Sherman Indians. VALFS CHANCUS fiWJI "nnrd .WIu7o"Gnnio Hotter Than Uist Saturday. IDr Auof U(j rrcM t0 CoM Dty Tmei, NEW YORK, Oct. 30. Yalo'B "ances of victory ovor Colgate to wr were regarded as dubious when "e teams lined up, but Harvard et Into tho gamo against tho enn. stato determined to mnko a Deei showing than last Saturday. Other games which attracted at tention were. Army Vs villa Nova. orth Carolina A'ggles vs. Navy. Virginia Polytechnic vs. Cornell. Virginia vb. Virginia Military Academy, TO FIGHT IT OUT I' our Undefeated Teams of "Rig Nllio" Min. 'rml.iv ISj Auo, Utea Prett c coot B.tjr Tlmei.l CHICAGO, Oct. 30. Four undo- ated elevens of tho "Big Nino" "8ht R out today to decide which p lr of tho teams shall clash for 6 championship honors. Tho .!?W Lronet together Wisconsin " Chicago at Chicago and Mir ta and Illinois, at Champaign. Inne- 1 C. TE1 IS" WINNER TODAY ... if iTiirn nnnHrn1? 1 1 R a 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I ' II II f I L i Vfliui ui nun tiniv cgi of its tills "Tho 11 times to " energies to Established 1878 As Tho Const Mnll. . GLYCERINE PLANT 1 BURNED TODAY t t . t 4 tllf AoclteJ I'rett to CMot Cr Timet, AURORA, III,, Oct, 20, X Fire early today in the l plant of the W, F, Job- I )ins Chemical Comnanv, n "which glycerin for use 1 !., t,!u ..ri" i hi iiiii wpiusives is man t ufactured, caused dam age estimated at $100, 000, The cause is un- X known, STATU HAS SPKCIAL DAY AT THU KX POSITION Governor Wltliycnmho and Staff Ks- cortod to Ground by Detach- niei'l of Cavalry tnr Attocltteil I'rett to Coo tlf Timet. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 30. Gov ornor Wltliycomho of Oregon and staff woro cBcortcd to the Panamn Paclllc exposition by United Stntcs cavalry today to colobrnto Oregon Day. Tho program Included addres ses by prominent offlclalH and a re ception. of y. s. JAPAN WANTS AMKHICA TO All) IN STOPPING CIIIXKSi: MOVK TIiIiiUh Chungo to .Mount chy Shoulil Not ho Attciiipted Until War Huh lltvn Settled (Ur AuoUteJ rrnit lo Coot liar TIrim. TOKIO, Oct. 30. Tho Japanese govorninont has rcqiiostetl tho Amor lean government to give Its support In representations which are being made at Poking for tho purpose of postponing tho ro-cstabllshniont or a monarchy In China until the Kuropcnn war Is ended. Japan's policy was decided upon after a con sultation with Grent Britain. Will Not Talk Secretary Lansing declined to dis cuss tho naturo of Japan's request that tho United States support a gen eral representation to China against tho change of tho form of govern ment. The Amorlcan government, it is understood, roccjitly took a position that It could not express any vlowa on tho subject, as to do so might bo construed as Interference In tho intornal nffalra of a sovereign stato. HKQUKKT SUNT OUT .lapaiioso Asked Aid of V. S. nnd K" teuto Power ID; AmoUIJ rreu to Coot P7 Tlnrt.J PUKING, Oct. 30. Tho Japanese government Oct. 1C communlcatod to the ontento powors and tho Unit ed States a request that thoy act with It In uttoniptlng to bring about a postponement of tho chaugo of tho form of tho Chlneso government. Tho United States and Franco abstained In stops taken at Poking by Japan, FGreat Britain and Russia. This phase of tho situation Is causing much speculation among Chlneso officials, sotno of whom ox nress tho belief that Franco anil tho PUnlted States aro not willing to fol low tho Japaneso leadership In Or iental politics. SEATTLE Tim ilmdiro Seattle of tho Pugot fSoiind Bridge and Dredging Com pany is being prepared for sea and It Is said on the waterfront that the craft will get away on Wednesday for tho north after a stay horo of two years during which tlmo sho-wns employed in digging Coos Bay to a depth of 2D feet from tho bar to the Smith Mill. It IB probable that tho tug Gollali, tho largest tow boat on tho Pacific, will como from Seattle to take her north and that a steam schooner will bo engaged to take tho romalu dor of tho paraphernalia. Of the old crow It Is said that Captain Thorshelm, Axel Ilonnol ykko, Frank Arnot and Joe May will go north on .her. The understanding 13 that tho Seattle will go to work on Puget Sound. Hallowe'en ball, Kaglo.i ball, Sat urday night Piatt's Orchestra. OREGON SO 0 10 IE WE (EmiB Satt MARSHFIELD, OREGON KILLS FIVE OF HIS RELATIVES William Cameron, of Carey, Idaho, Commits Wholesale Murder of his Own Family E But With Bullet in Head He is Still Alive and Has Chance of Recovery MURDERS WIFE AND BABY Then Shoots Wife's Parents, Mr. and .Mrs. .lolin Adiiuisou, and Also Kills Hi-iithcr-hi-Law, Jiunes Adaiuson Attempts Kiilcldo IPr Attirtitea Front to dm 0r Timet.) BOISE, Idaho, Oct. 30. William Cameron, who last night at Carey shot nml killed his wife, bnby daugh ter, wlfo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Adainson, and brother-in-law, lauiOH Adnmson, and then Hont a bullet Into his own head, la still ollvo today and may recover. WD B I LiTY VISITS LORD LIIXTF.NANT OF IRKLAND GOKS TO F.XPOSITIOX llhi Wife, Lady Aberdeen Will Pre ' hide at National Woman's Club CoiijioNs Thero ill AltoclnM rrett tn Coot Uf TIdim.1 SKATTLK, Wash., Oct. 30. Tho 'Marquis of Aberdeen, Lord Lieuten ant of Ireland, doparted for Sim Francisco by train this morning accompanied by tho ..Marchioness. It is expected Lady Aberdeen will pro uld o at tho national congress of wom en's clubs In Sau Francisco. SCHOONER IS LOST TWO .MAST ROAT SKHX TO CAP SIZK IX ATLANTIC RUitstor In Observed from Coast Guard Station ami Savers Standing By BOAT IDKXTIFIIJD (Ur AuotUttd rrctt t covt r.tr Time NIJW YORK, Oct. 30. Tho vesEol proved to bo tho K. C. Titus. Tho captain nml crow woro rescued. (nr AtoltteJ Tfttt to Coot Utf Timet. NKW YORK, Oct. 30. Observers i at tho Point Lookout Coast Gunrd j station two miles south of. Long f Beach, saw a two mastotl schooner, fighting her way through heavy bcob, capsize and founder. Tho llfo saving crow is reported standing by. STAGE1SDELAYE High Boas breaking up to tho very dca wall upsot tho beach traffic of yestorday between Coos Bay "und Florence. Stages loavlng Mnrsh fleld nt C o'clock yesterday morning failed to got clear through to tho Umpqua and returned hero about 11:30 Inst night. Passengora from Floronco wero dolayed ovor night at Gardiner and on the road down ono of their cars was swept complotoly over by the waves. It was empty at the time. Tho stages camo through all right today. Swept by Water The storm of yestorday was gen eral along tho southorn Oregon coast. At C a. m. tho atages loft Floronco for Coos Bay. Delays put them back several hours and at noon tho Ump qua was reached. It was on this trip the cars woro swept by the wa ter. Last ovonlng tho party camo doWn to tho mouth of tho Umpqua expootlng to find tho stages waltlug. They were met by ono driver, whoso niachlno was stuck in tho sand a milo down tho beach, nnd so went back to Gardiner. In tho meantime other stages from Coos Bay reached tno Umpqua., pulled out. the machine but found tho passengers gone and so came back. I f ' ATTEMPTS 4 BE GUIDED BY YOUR MEMIIKR OP THK ASSOCIATED PRKS9 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 19 15 DECIDED kxpkrts tiiixic hkspkriax was torpkdokd Stato Fragment of Kitglnu of War Found Could Xot Hnvo Been P.leco of Mine tllf AttoHtteJ Prett to Coot lUr Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 30. Secretary Lansing nnnouncod today that tho Navy Department had def initely established tho fact that tho fragment of nn onglno of war, which eh nk the steamer Hesperian, showed that It had been torpedoed. In tho opinion of tho United States naval exports, tho fragment could not hnvo been a part of a inarlno mine. Will Inform' Gci-iuuUy Secretary Lansing said tho result of tbo navy department Investigation would ho communicated Immediately to tho Gorman government. P INCORPORATE STKAMSHIP COM PANIKS Capital Is Th rco .Million and Prom inent Chinese Hold Siiuio of Tho Stock (Mr AilorUtM IVwt to. Coot nt Tlrom. NIJW YORK, Oct. 30. Interest and curiosity was aroused in ship '..I... l...tn !... I... .1... II 1'iiiK tuiiiua iii-'iu i) iuu iiiiim I'ujuuuu at Albany of tho Pacific and Kastoru Steamship Company. It Is capital Izod for $2,000,000 and some of tho shares nro owned by prominent Chi nese, ono of them Kal Fu Shu, who Is about to retire an Chinese Minis ter at Washington. Offlccru rofiiBCd to discuss tho purposes of tho company, except to say that It Is a big enterprise RECEIVED IN EAST IJXTKRTAIXMICXT AT DKS .MOIXF.S FOR .MRS. FIKLDS OF PORTLAND Carries Petition of Women Voters Demanding Suffrage Amendment to Constitution lif Auoeltt rtm to Coot !' TlrnM.) DKS MOINHS. Oct. 30. Senntor and Mrs. CummliiB will he hosts to night nt n reception for Mrs. Sarali Bard Field, of Portland, special en voy from tho womon voters of tho West to congress. A public rocop- t!on was held at tho stato houso this afternoon. Mrs. Flold boars a peti tion demanding tho woman suffrago nmondmoiit to tho federal constitu tion. ONU THOUS vKMeA-nxn xkI kd FOR Dr. Adtlls and Ralph K. Blulr aro Punished No Prison Sentence Is Given (lljr AuoclateJ I'rett to Com lUjr Timet. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 30. Dr. Thomas Addis und Ralph K. Blair, convicted of violating the neutrality of tho Unltod States by conspiracy to hi to mid retain men for tho Brit- 01 COM IT fflO E IE jlsh army, woro fined l,00u,each !n.,nB cnrranzii rolnforcomouta from tho United States court. No prison sentonce was Imposed. SIR CIIARLKS TUPPKR HAS PASSKD AWAY (Hr AuotUted Treu lo coot Cr Timet OTTAWA, Canada, Oct. 30. SlY Charles Tuppor, tho Canadian statesman, died In Kugland today, aged 05 years I , " COMMISSION ASKKD TO HKLP IX POLAND (nr AtweltteJ l'reu t coi rtr Timet. WASHINGTON, I). C, Oct. 30. Germany has asked tho American Commission for lie nor In Belgium to under take in Poland rollof meas ures similar to thoso taken In Belgium. s ' ' 4 WILL WKD TONIGHT Gcorgo Anderson this afternoon (jccured a llceuso to wed Miss Mao Durant. Tho marriage will occur this evening. Hallowe'en ball, Kaglos ball, Sat urday night. Plntt'a Orchestra. mtntB EVENING EDITION. ' TWELVE PAGES. EXPECT BATTLE . TO START Villa Forces Gathering to Meet Carranza Army at Agua Prieta Over Border DIE ATTACK TODAY Carranza Patrol Fights With Three Hundred Villa Men and Drives Them Back ARMY IS BAD SHAPE Reported That Villa Men Aro Hard ly Able to Fight and That Women and Children Catilp Followers' Aro In PJtinhlo Condition tDr AttncUHxJ t'rttt to Oott tit, TlmM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 30. Skirmishing between the Villa nnd Carranza forces near Agua Prlota aro reported today by General Fun ston. Thrco hundred Villa troops were attacked at Cahrllloiia by the Carranza patrol and forced to re treat to Anuvaeill, west of Agua Prlota. The main Villa army camped last night on tho bunks of tho Sau Ber nardino River. General Fmistou re ported tho Villa attack prohnblly will como from tho Hast. OrriclalN .Satisfied Tho position of tho main Villa forco Is satisfactory to the officials of tho War Department, for tho ron oou that, barring accident, tho entire Carranza forco now being trans ported through American territory will huvo crossed tho border to Agua Prieta boforo night. 4 IN PITIABLI3 SHAPK ' Women nml Cltlldieu With Villa Forces aru Suffering tnr Attocltlta rrett to Coct ntr Timet. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Oct. 30. Vllln'o nrmy resumed nt daylight tho march on Agua Prieta, across the border from hero, preceded by n cavalry advance guard which reachod a point 18 miles cast of hero. Carranza scouts reported that Vil la's troops nro hnrdly ahlo to fight and that tho women and children composed tho customary camp fol lowers, aro in a pltlablo state. FIvo hundred Villa cavalrymon ronchod Slaughter's ranch on tho bo id or 18 miles cast of horo today. On that part of tho ranch on tho American sldo, Butted States cavalry and n mnchluo gun platoon woro placed on guard. I nUUru lguU il I tu CARRANZA FIGHTKHH PASS OV Kit A.MKRICAX SOIL TODAY I. S. Infantry Go Al"g With Train of Sixteen Carloads of Men for Front (Hr Awwltlej rreu to Coot IUr Timet. KL PASO, Texas., Oct. 30. The Hist troop train of 111 cars, carry Kuglo Pass to Agua Perleta, passed through hero this morning. It car rlod an escort of tho Sovontconth Unltod States Infantry. GOVKRNOR OF SONORA TKLLS OF XOTK FROM SKCHKTARY (Ur AuoeUtol I'rett to Uwt Pr Tlmt. NOGALKS, Oct. 30. Carlos Ran dall, tho Vlllu governor of Sonorn, inudo public today, Secrotary Lnn- SOON ELI IDE PUBLIC 4, i sing's roply to his protest ngatust the transportation or Carranza troops ovor American soil. Randull was In 4 formed, ho stated, that he or other leaders rcsponsimo ror crimes against Americans or tholr property would be trontod ns outlaws. - L H. MIXISTKR TO BULGARIA RKCKIVKD (Ilr AuU't4 l'rt.t to root Hl Timet.) SOFIA, Oct. 30. Lewis Klnstoiu, tho American mln- ister credited solely to Bul garia, has presented his cre OWN A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. X HUNDREDS OF MEN 1 t KILLED IN COLLISION X X X tnr AwocUle.1 rrctt to coot 3tr Tlmft.l X LONDON, Oct, 30, X X Hundreds of men are re- X X ported missing after a 1 X collision between the X British auxiliary sweeper X X Hythe and another British t X warship off the Gallipoli X X peninsula, in which the X X Hythe was sunk, X - LARGK RODIKS OF TROOPS ARK LICAVING FOR BULGARIA Trniiwpoiis Vrom Odc-su. and So bn.Htopol aro Heavily Convojcd, Berlin Paper Says tllf Attotlttetl frrii to Coot llty Timet, COPKNHAGKN, Oct. 30. Largo contingents of Russian troops hnvo set snll from Black Sea ports of Odessa and Sohastopol for tho Bul garian coast, tho Berlin Tngoblatt says: Tho dispatch, telegraphed to tho Tngoblatt from Bucharest, says tho transports were convoyed by a strong squadron. Recent nttneks on tho Bulgarian port of Varna by tho Russlnu warships, according to this account, was nindd In prepara tion for an attempt to land troops. IS NIJW FRKNCH MINISTRY RKPHK HI3XT8 ALL THU FACTIONS It Is the First Coalition Cabinet That Was Kver Formed In Franco in AmoUU4 rrttt to Ctm 1U, Timet.) ''PARIS, Oct. 30. Premier Brlnnd presonted to Prosldent Polncnro to day, tho members or tho new Cab inet. Tho Cabinet represents till factions and Is tho first coalition Ministry ovor formed in Franco. Brlnnd paid a ttibuto to tho Btand of formor Promlor Vlvlnnl. KING GKORGK IS RKPORTKD IMPROVING (Ur AttocltteJ I'reu to Coot mr Timet. LONDON, Oct. 30. Khiej Goorgo, who wob Injured by being thrown from his horso, shows further Improvement, according to an official an nouncement. T JOHN I). GOSS, W. U. DOUGLAS OR W. A. RKII) .MAY HUN Interest Will Likely Center In Mayor, ally Contest Cause Much Discussion Today DR. K. K. STRAW IS NOT A CANDIDATE , Dr. K. K. Straw, formor 4 Mayor, stated Into this after- noon that ho positively would 4 not ho a candidate for Mayor this year, 4 W.. U. Douglas iilso has do- clared that he Ib not a can- dldate. Marshflold municipal politics con tinue to bo the chief matter lindor discussion today, Considerable talk of a harmony caudldato for Mayor was heard, among thoso being moil- tioucti uoing jonu u, uoss, now City Attorney, W, U. Douglas and W. A. Rold. Thoso woro suggested by thoso who desired to avoid a re vival of tho old Straw-Copplo con troversy, Soma took tho withdrawal or Carl KvortBpn from tho Mayoralty con test to mean that Dr. Struw, former Mayor, would run again. W. A. Hold, who has boon talked of, is said to bo most nccoptablo to Straw'B supporters. Dr. Straw per sonally went to Mr. Rold somo days ago and told him that ho would support olthor Carl Kvortson or Mr. Rold. Copplo Xot Hero, Mr. Copplo Is at Bandon looking after tho moving or his store thero and will bo out of town for ten days so that no further expression haa been heard from him. Harry G. Hoy wanted to run for Mayor some time ago, but he bus us1 It. If I m V- not announced his candidacy, Clins. Relgard 1b still In doubt about RUSSIA SENDS MEN CI NET NAID REPDB HARMONY CONVICTIONS A Southwest Oregon Paper .,.' That's what tbo Coos Bay Times la. A Boatk.. , west Oregon pnpor for Southwest Oregon people" nd dovotod to tho best istorcits of this crest "' tectloa . Tbo Times always boosts sad MTtr ' knocks, No. 84 Fall of Pirot Severe Blow As It Leaves the Road Open ,r to Nish Seige of Stronghold Last Two Days Before the Position is Finally Captured SITUATION "JS CRITICAL Serbians nro Returning North With itlea of .loluluj: (ho Main Army In tho Interior Whcro Stato of SloKo is Rapidly Approaching tnr AetoeUlel rrett te Coot Dr Timet. SOFrA, Oct. 30. Tho fall of Pirot Wednesday morning was a severs blow to the Serbian army, since ths reduction of this strong fort leaves, open tho rond to Nlsh. Tho capture followed throe days of desporato fighting. Tho Herhlnu position Is now ex tremoly critical. Serbians near Mltrovltza and Prlshtlna nro returning north with tho ovldout purposo of Joining the main army in tho Interior, where it is Bald a stato of ologo Is rapidly approaching. PLIGHT DESPERATE 1 r AJIMITS THAT 8KRUIA UXGIUXR Capital r.its Bceu'.Movcd From NMt to Somo Unknown Polnt Ai . SERBIAN TOWN -IS OCCUPIED J' FIGHT SEVERE ONE iml In Danger . Jj&TVI (Hr AtiocUteJ I'rett to Coot Bt Tl,) v t'; l LONDON, Oct. 30. CanHirjfl ' ' progress of the Teutonic aud Blilsriti jL an forces Invading Sorbla was ttj-li ed today by Borlln. The Ansd-! (icnnnns captured thousands of pris oners nnd thrco cannon. Londsn suya the position of Sorbla Is becom ing nioro dcapornto dnlly. j ' ": Nlsh la threatened by the ljsW Inns whilo the ToutonB grsdyaJI-), . nilflllltl.r n ltnu tntunfjt tt.u i..! U 18 t "- R " w..i.t n.v nini ""Tl; V i nun iiibuiiui ui iruguyovuis. ,.1, - AJ Capital U Moved &r i Romo rcportB that the SsrterAi'f I capital was romovod to a "certam' point." Sofia roports Serbians in retreat in a wostorly dlroctlon sit along tho Bulgarian front. j Unofficial dispatches say the Bul garian officer commanding" the ad. vnnco patrol dlnod with tho Ausl'rV German staff. Purls says tho British troops at Snlonlkl havo been ordorod to de part for tho Serbian front, whsja Junction with tho Sorblans Is already offectod. 1 1 Fight In Wost In tho west, Paris roports prog ress nt Dots Kn Hacho and a repulse of the Gorman attack on Riga and Dvluslc, GETS FINE PLACE J. S. HANSON ACCKITH POSITIOST WITH BOISK.PAYKTTK CO i Resigns Position Wth O. A. Bn&lC ( H Company Will Bo Associate? ' " x i With R. K. Iitvln in Now PhuV J. S. Hanson, for several yMmf ccuncctod with tho offices or the C, A. Smith Lumber Company and hav ing charge of tho offices of the Smitli-PoworB-Honncssoy mine, has resigned, effective Novombor 1C, Ha gavo up his local position to accept a hotter position with the Bo('a- Payotto Lumbor Co. at Bolso, IdfiHo, a big Weyerhausor company. TJia departuro or Mr. Hanson and family from Marshflold will bo greatly re gretted by the many frlondg they hnvo made horo. , ' It. K. Irwin, formerly with the C. A. Smith Company In Marshfleld, hs. charge or tho sulos dopartmont or tUs Bolso-Puyctto Co. MarshfieliMtoseburg uuto 11h, Thi'ougli uuto to Hoseburg, $7.W. Reservations at 'Tluj Owl" l'hose 74 Banco at Finnish Hall . Saturday Kveulng, October SOU, "' ni'OT llV T.lllllptl TjOiIva 1 ' ........ .., . -.- , Mavt la's Orchantn . ';, fi 'JL