ifBoSlteva-Taicit jmoiab Pffl PWwT ,. Sfr The coos bay times, marshfield, Oregon, friday, October 29, 1915 -evening .edition. six ; : v0' 5, : . . t r) tyt- Just Arrived Flannel Sport Shirts Suits and Overcoats Our stock is complete with swaggerly tailored garments. Prica $15, $18, $22.50, $25. Ill - Mackinaw Coats Big' stock to choose from. Prices $5.00, $6.50, $7.00, $8.50, $9.50 COPPLE. MAY RUN WIRESARE GQ1NGUPSUIT IS DISSIU1SSED LVKOKMS EIUENDH UK WILL AC CEPT NOM I NATION tubopjloc MARSHFIFLD BANDON FOUR STORES MYRTLE POINT POWERS .'Expert That Jtnco Wl'l I Jo Uolwco" J I tin nd Oiil Evcilscn Llttlo Talk Today EVEKTSEN IS NOT CANDIDATE KOIt MAYOR Comicllninii Carl W. Evert- son Bald that ho appreciated tlia honor of being mentioned for the position but that his personal nffulrs and busl- 0 nosfl would not permit him to dovoto bo much tlmo to public affairs, lie said that i ho had Blvon tho city much O of his time during his term ' as councllipnn and thought ' that others should do llko- )' wise. However somo of Mr. Kv- (' orison's friends wore Insist- cut that ho nt least remain on ' tho council nnd ho finally j consented to tnlso this undor ' consideration. WESTEHN UXIOX IHMLDS OVKIt Jl'IKlK CALKINS PASSES OX MO ItiailT OE WAV I TION IX KOGPE ltlVKIl CASK itiaiiT Slv AVcolcs AVHI Sco Telegraphic Com- iniinlrutloii Via Willamette Pn- clflc to Eugene, Says Foreman Dismisses Action Drought liy Mnclcny I Against Alfred Miller, Who Claims Cannery Laud Erection of the Western Union Tol-j Motion of the defendants In tho egraph poles and the stringing of niso of Roderick Macleay versus Al- Ilond and frcd Miller to dismiss mo sun i canity regarding boundary Hues on the Iloguo whore tho Scnborjr enn- tho wires between North tho Umpqua will start on Monday. fl.i tlin rnitnn ilntn n nrCW of 111011 Will begin working south from Cushman nory Jsjocatcd has been nllowcd by .. .!. al.,.,1 ...1 In olv ivnnltH CoOS .Tllllirn CttlklllS. Ills decision reached Hay In all probability will bo con- boro today In a letter from Collier nccled by wlro over tho Willamette n. nufflngton, of Gold llcnch, to tho Pacific right of way with Eiiboiio1 offlco of John 1). doss, whoso inoiu and tho outside. This Is tho word hers wore associated with Harrington announced this morning by 11. D. Lin- for tho defense. coin, of Seattle, construction fore- Alfred Minor ciaims owiiuib.iu. 01 the Iniul on wiucn tno cannery is mi noted. Ho leased tho land to P. A. ii I" SW::::::::: 153.50 (-$&&&&fc - S3,n to 27 to M.U0 niun, who arrived lost evening. Muloiliil and Crew Twenty miles of wire and poles for Scaborg who put up a building and tho samo distance arrived via tho started work. Roderick Macleay had Urcakwator yesterday and woro un-'a survoyor run tho lines and claimed scowed SHOES TO GIVE ClCEfiTl "ROUGH STUFF' j It. A. Copplo was quoted today by . sovcrai of hs friends ns stilting to I them that he would bo ft candidate I for mayor If ho was nomlnnced In loaded at Old Town, to bo ucross to tho north sldo of tho bay. A crow of 10 to 15 mon will work from this end, said Mr. Lincoln. They are now at Cushman and nro com ing down tomorrow or on Sunday. Every effort will bo made to glvo that tho cannery lapped over onto his land, claiming a certain boundary lino. Miller claimed another lino. Tho suit was brought for tho pur poso of establishing a boundary lino. Turn on Technical Point Tho claim put forward by tho do TO APPEAIt AT OltPIIEl'M TIIK.I. ' Tlth Sl'NDAV AFTEIINOO.V Musicians llrlulu Their Orgnulntlnti mill Continue Practice Public Invited On Sunday aftoruoon nt 2: ,'10 In "XO MONKEY lir.Sl.MCSS" OX IIAI,- I LOVVE'EN IS POUCH EDICT "No monkey business on Hallow e'en or Into tho cooler you go" Is the edict of Police Chief Carter. Ho says that the three cells at the Hotel du Carter hold two bunks and thai, when necessary, they liuvo a doublo Coos Bay excellent telegraphic scr-jfciiBO was that thoro Was no dispute vice over the1 now lino to the outsldo as to boundary lines, but Macleay this winter. i claimed olio line and Miller another, Tho wlro comes as a fororunner nnd thereforo thoro exists two dls- tho city primaries to bo hold Novoin-!0r iho mllrnmi nnd elves a tasto of tlnct lines. The dofenso contended, i bcr 8. Copplo loft early today forjWhat comes Inter. Engineers of tho rnthor, that the coso was ono of ad- llandon and could not bo seen person- Western Union hero sovorul weeks verso possession nnd thcro should bo Hlyles elmngo rapidly, but Keep n 0 nlieail or all other.s. AihI m0 hao nm0l. f ono niiiiiito forgotten "Comfort." Wo licjlolo that, eniiirmt outlive mj0 j ncaily every uoiiian'.s memory. Xi in((l,r how Htyllsli it .shoo may be, If (t funis tho fo,,t It niwa tho wearer no pleasuie. It Is n ruro art to coinlilnc Mj0 ali (,( fort, unit wo liavo accoinpli,hcd It l0 Queen Quality SIkich. l'or Halo only at THE GOLDEN RULE First National lluiik llhlg., Mai-difldd, Ore. ally. However his friends declared that his statement was certain nnd that ho would accept tho nomination if It was tendered to him. I'Vlonds of W. 0. Douglas were still tho Orphouni Theater, tho Coos Day ) enpnrlty. t'onrort Hand will glvo another ono of their free concerts nnd liavo ex tended nn Invitation to the publlo to attend. t Tho program follows: March. "Thundering Cannons." Wncok Overture. "The Coniody". . .Suppo Caprice. "Tho Interrupted Hun- dovoiiB." Cloubllor Suite. "Atlantic." (The Lost Con tinent.) Safranck ; n. Morning Hymn of Praise, b. A Court Function. Tho warning g u simple but prob ably an effective one. It will till Tom, Dick and Harry that the putting of Neighbor Jones' washing machine on tho church steeple Is taboo. So Is the old time method of putting a homo and wagon on tho schoolhoimo roof. Ktrn Policemen J Probably thoro will bo extra police urging that ho ho brought out In tho primaries but ho has not uiudo any statement. Chiis. I. Uelgard Informed somo of his friends today that ho was un decided but that ho might announce his candidacy for mayor. ago Intimated that there would bo no servlco this wny until after Jan uary 1. Tho rush now shows thoro has evidently been u change In tho , original plans. decided which men owned tho strip , between tho two lines. I lTp to Judge Coho J ' There was another suit, that of , Macleay versus Scaborg, In which a that somo friends of Chiis. Powors said that ho would bo a candidate. Tnllc of Hold hate today thoro was strong talk of W. A. Helil linrollllllL' n rnndldntn on Sunday night to wntch over tho'fop ,m,yor. Troubles Past I demurer or tno dciondani is susiniu- During previous winters Coos Hay1 oil, by Judge Calkins, and ho 6ays, hns suffered considerably becoUBO that now Judgo Coko Is back, It will j wires havo been down and thero have bo up to Judge Coko to strike out f been long stretches before tho work- amendments to tho complaint. i mon could mnko repairs and thero Judgo Calkins was at Oold Ilcach ' would bo no communication with tho , tills summer to prcsldo at tho tomi iNoining new hns developed ns to outside, n fact that has been a hand!- of court during tho absence of Judgo tho candidates for coiincllinon cxcoptCnp to tho nowspapers as well ub to CoKo. j e. I Love Thee. (Tho Prlnco . nnd Aann.) ! c. Tho Destruotlon or Atlan tis. Selection from tho comic oporn, "The Army Chaplain" Millochor March. "Aiuorlcn First." .... Losoy Star Spangled Ilanner. Daiiro at I'liinMi Hall Hiitiirday livening, October (Jlveit liy LlniK'ii Loilcn Martlti'M Oriliestra iKMIi peace and dignity of tho elty. Hut this duos not moan that Wllllo and Little Sister Mory can not shoo tho ghosts away and parade forth with their Jack-o-liinterns. "Cop pers" say that all this goes, hut "nix on the rough stuff," One Crowd Khicil The memory or about six years ago still remains when tho police round ed up about a dozen and a hair prominent youths or tho city, on nils (ililef bout, and put thorn in Jail over night and tho Judge next morning fin ed them all $10 a piece Just for luck. That put tho "crlntp" In llollowo'on turtles In Mnrshfleld, Thoro was also somo tall: by sumo who had urged Carl Evertson to run, when apprised that he would not bo a candidate, or trying to bring lorni or Mayor Straw out for tho placo. other business, "Now Hint tho right of way is com pleto and tho rails laid part of tho way, thcro seems no reason why tho company should delay further In put ting In its wires nnd poles," said Mr. Lincoln this niprnlug. NOTICE TO CONTHACTOHS VKSSKh MOVEMENTS Arrived Santa Clara, San Francisco, p. in. today. Duo Hero Hardy, Sou Francisco, Monday. Hallowe'en ball, Eagles hall, Sat urilay night. Piatt's Orchestra. ,- - ""CJI" IIIIIH W WKIllHBHr B W B M T J T SAVS COl'XTV COl'KT PUOCEED IX(JS AHE XOT CliKAIt Cannot Notice Is hereby given that Heal-i ed bfds will bo received by tho ' Common Council cf tho City of j Mnrshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, ' until half past seven o'clock P. M( I on Tuesday, the Dth day of Noveni-' bcr, 11)15, for tho Improvement of' the following portion of streets nnd avenues, In tho City or Mnrshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, to-wlt: Thnt portion of tho north sldo of Com mercial avoniio enst from tho west , lino of Front tdrcot North to u point 1)0 root west or tho west Una or Front street North; that portion or I tho north side of Central nvcuuo East from tho east lino or Uroad-1 WAL Understand Printed Deports 1:15 I of Selicdiilfc of Claims as Pub lished lu The Times. Tho following lottor recolvcd by Tho Times Is self explanatory: "Editor Coos Hoy Times: I nm not a chronic coniphilnor about pub-' wy n to tho west lino of Front Ho matters and tho way In which .Htrect; that portion or tho enBt sldo they aro run, but I havo, slnco tho!of "roadway street North Trom a nowspaper criticism nroso. boon try-! I,oll,t foot south of tho north lino 3 lug to got nt tho sourco of various of Central nvonim to n point !) root complaints about tho County Court. 'orui ot l,, B01ll:i llno or Lom To do this I havo been trying to ! "rcinl avoniio; that portion of tho WAL1C- CV f''"'"N j AWARDID THE 5 4) K VERfi& GRAND; f UVER AT SANFRANCISCO I X .'"Ohest possible award, by the Panama-Pacific Expo wai vSnw2D,,,dfl0T J's is a very striking evidence of JKJfnrf"n(lVER.nf,ln hon WALK-OVER designs are ac Sl?018'" Paris, tho "Homo of Fashion," "their style s up cmacy cannot be questioned. Treat your feet to a shoe E 'IS,0 ! hl!c.st ds0ree of stVIe' material, workman ship and durability it is the WALK-OVER. Your shoe, is the oi im.uj yuu put on, out tno first thing that others notice, iiiiuiuiure iuuk to vourr - - r ifeet first clothe them -properly, comfortably and; istylish. Let your next! (pair be WALK-OVERS,, ,a shoa with international reputation. ' (See Our Window) i iipi illtiiimn.i ,i lini'l I'r1 west sldo of Frou: street North front a point 0.5 feet south of tho , north lino of Commercial avenue j East to a point 10.8 feet north or1 tho south lino or Mnrkot avoniio Eust; thnt portlpu of tho south sldo' of Commercial nvonuo East from tho ' ho cast lino ot Hrondway street North to n point 9IJ.2 feet oast ofi tho enst lino or Hrondway street j North; that portion or tho wost sldo or Front street North rrom a point 8 foot south of tho north lino of ' Central avoniio East to n point 51 foot north of tho north lino or Cen tral nvonuo East; that portion or tho enst sldo or Front street North rrom tho south lino or Cotnniorclal nvonuo Enst to n point 128 foot north of tho north lino of Commer cial nvonuo Enst: nil or tho said Im provomentB to bo mado nccordlng to tho plans and specifications pro pared by tho City Engineer and on tllo In tho orrieo or tho City Ito- - r fn rercronro. to Taxpayer's com- con,or nml tnHro l,on to tho In plalnt, the oditor or Tho Times do-;8l)0(,,lo of uU 1'ersons interested sires to stnto that tho "proceedings therein. of the County Court" aro exactly as AU ,ll,ls mU8t bo ,n ncoordnnco prepared bv the County Clerk, nb-lw,th tl,e roqiilroments nccompany- breilatlons and all. Tho abbrovia-"nK Btuu BI'ociiicauoiiB, and upon follow up tho various expenses ns i they nro supposed to bo enumerated In tho proceedings or tho County I Court each month, nnd I now bollovo I havo a Just complaint to inako j against The Times, becauso when I ' tried to road tho proceedings tho i Inst time, I could not inako out what i many or tho items sot forth woro j for. The printer had abbreviated j Homo words that, I will wngor nftor I tho typo got cold, ha could not toll j himself what tho abbreviation stood for. In fact, It looked to mo ns though tho printer wns not vory j particular about tho way ho sot tho typo up and tho proor-rondor was !eeu moro careless. I should think the County Court would object to paying ror such reports as thoy can survo no good purpose. Next tlmo you print tho County" Court proceed ings, please try and do hotter. Taxpayer. tlons nro mado by tho Clork, and soinotimos it is too much ot a puz- j sdo for printers, editors mid proof readers, but thoy merely follow i "copy" rurntshed. Wo ngreo with "Taxpayor" that tho printed list is nt time confusing and iion-uiidorstaiidnblo, but ho will blanks for that purpose which will , bo supplied upon request nt tho of-j rico or" tho City Engineer. A cortiried check or five per i cont of tho nmount bid must no-' company tho bid to bo forfeited to j tho said City of Marshrio'ld, in case tho contract is nwarded tho con- 1 -1 .1 t. -! . , liavo to make hU complaint to thoi ,,,ll,ur """ " Ilu,s lo e,uor " a 1 County Court instead of to The contract with said city, and furnish Times. 'n suitable bond therefor, within ten , dn'8 nftcr ,)0lnK notified so to do. MPWQ nc MnBTU DCMn ! Tho Common co"ncll reserves the J S IMbWS OF NORTH BEND J ! right to reject any and all bids. i I A. E. minis has left ror San Fran-, Dted this 29th day of October,' Cisco to visit the exposition. ,01Bt Jonx w nDTLBR ! , C. L "rainard wi I build a house, Rccorder 0f tho City of Marsh-! , on a lot in Plat A which ho recently j feWi Cooa Count 0rc on ! j purchased. i C. A. Smith, Fred Olazier and E.L... ,M. Bhrlvor are at Lakeside ;' font. t AMONG THE SICK t .Tho Knights of Pythias wilt glvo Ua4X tho first or a series or dances and' Charles Gramby is surferlng from! entertainments at tho Logglo Hall, a painful injury to his foot, having! sov' 10 istoppeiTon a rusty nail. j City Recorder C. E. Maybee has . .sent out over -100 scale, letters con-l UaowpVn ,mlI) KllJJ,ps ,, s J Italnlng asscssmenjB f0? Ww0. unl.r ulght, Jjl-.s .0rrt.pJra. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY 'GRAVEL' Wo nro now prepared to ftirnlBh GltAVUL In mj taiatlt'u from ptlo in our yard or In carload lots, at following price: From pllo on ground, 2.'f por yard. " canoad lots, tnkou from cars, J2.00 per ;1 Itctull DepnrtiiiQit. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposite PoH-Offlco. 1'hoM 190. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. ' Steamship SANTA CLARA enlla for SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) NOVUM IIEIt 2, P. M. Sails ror PORTLAND OCl'OIIElt 211 P. M. For furl her Information co HMITII TElOllNAIi JIOUK A. P. XOTT, Ast rliotio VM EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street VERZ0N AUTO LINE to EMPIRE AND SOUTH SLOUGH Lcavo llusy Corner, Mnrshfleld, 10:00 a. m. 2:00 p. m. C: 15 p. m. Lcavo Empire. 8 ID a. ra. 12' 00 nooa i IS p. Dl- Alwuyu on Time. Mnrslifjold Phono 298. Umpire pbooe M" T. VEItZON, Proprietor. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredeine Co. " - i' " . ...l,jkft General Con$nw" t . r i r i uams, drmges, tiuiiaings. .""i'Sno vunRK COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORR Our Coos Bay office has available lor uic. Coast work the Dredge "Seattle' V . ....n,.fflJr the most powerful, host equipped ,ml 'uoi" " twonty-iuch hydruullo dredge to Pacific w linn ni iiiti Seattle, Washington. Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. Abstracts iro oan trmt nrtiiniu incmn.irrra 111? TITLE AAU AUOCTj COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TIT1F r,IIAAWTFF Z ARsTRAfl Uvllu MAKSIIFIELD AND COQUILLE ClTf, '01X01 I GKNKRAL AGBNXS, EASTSIDE AND SE.VGSA tjI AGENTS FOIt CANADIAN l'Afliiu """"' IIENUV flENGSTAOKEN, nmi"- J'L.