kiBBSISSiisBIBSSSSSSS t yTT Mv " iM tl iL'WBfclMMWfHlWMljMMjWI.jill)1 L .WX1HMJLT !i " T nRxBBnHSl MiR!i?irSraWn5MaW' -mm rMstssbaasj .i ,-" :ir "'.sKrasss ML iytW THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1915 EVENING EDITION.1 SIX , , v! tw,..'. I ,NEW ARRIVALS IN Rich Mir AT MEETLW DISTRICT CONVENTION KFIIKIC A1IH CLOSED IAST KVHNINO Smart -Looking Suits and Coats For Women The woman who likes to dress u puce ahead will tako keen delight in reviewing '''' bright now army of HiiitM and Coats. Not only are thoy captivating in elegance of lino and design, lint they mo tho new and proiicr modes of the inoincnt. They are cut on smartest lines, giv ing a chic appearance which you will appreciate when trying them on. Volt are extended the privilege of our store. Won't you tako advan tage of our Invitation? Hub Dry Goods Co. "SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN" Corner llroadway and Central Ave. Phono not B FIGHT TOO SHORT emus nelson declares had NO TIME TRESTLE DELAYS 2 RAILS TO t'MPQl'A IIV .lANTAHV 1, 11)1(1, IS PHOHAHLE llaudou Selected For Next Gathering Oft iters for HMO Elected n"d Installed Tho fifth annual convention of Dis trict No. M of the Dobokah lodgo. closed last evening. Tho sessions of tho afternoon mid ovonlng in tho Odd FelloWB Unit were very well attended nnd representatives woro present from Bandon, Myrtlo Point nnd North Rond. Tho convention of 191C will he held n Dandon. Officers Distillled Officers for tho following year were elected last ovonlng and later Installed hy Mrs. D. L. Hood, District Deputy. Tlid officers arc. Chairman, Minerva Lowin, Ocean Lodgo No. 12C. Vied chairman, Lorn Harrington, Unn Lodgo No. 120. s Secretary, Floronco Hnrton, Mn nilo Lodgo No. 20. Marshall, Ada Still, Ocean Lodgo No. 120. Conductor, Hattlo Cousins, North llend, No. 1-13. . Chaplain, LUln Itoss, Western Stnr Lodgo No. 27. Inside Guardian, A lire Stewart, III- Ide Lodge No. 100. tslde Guardian, Anls Morey, of rencp. Afternoon Session The convention was called to or der at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon hy Chairman Mrs. May Coke, of West T. CHUTES NO ONE HAS yet announced INTENTION TO HUN V. U. Douglas and Councilman Fer guson Now Discussed as Mayor alty Possibilities TELLS OF DOCTRINE T4:ero continues to bo consider able tnlk around town as to possible candidates for Mayor and tho two vacancies on tho City Council, hut so far no avowed candidates have announced themselves.. Tho latest talked of in connection with tho Mayoralty is W. U. Doug las, but ho has not given any In dication whether ho would consider it. He served on tho City Council ti few years ago nnd so is fnmlllnr with municipal procedure. Some Mentioned W. A. Hold, ChaB. 1. Heignrd, D. L. Hood, H. A. Copple, Dr. E 13. Straw, Carl Evertson nnd n num ber of others woro nlso tnlked of. Judgo John 1 Hull, who was talked of for tho placo Bays positively thnt ho is not n candidate. Councilman Ferguson has been urged hy n number to ho a candi date, but ho eays that ho prefers to remain a member of tho City Council, as ho figures that he can bo of more boneflt to the city in that satisfying answer PAl'LIST MISSIONARY EXPLAINS PRACTICE OF CONFESSION Largo Audience Hears Father Cart- wrlglit at Orplicuni Theater Last Night Lecture This Evening Tho audience that gathered, at tho Orphouin last night was well pleased by -tho exposition which Father Cart wright made of tho Catholic doctrlno and nractico of Confession. Ills lec ture was clear and forcoful with abundant reference to tho Scriptures nnd with logical sequence throughout tho teaching of tho Catholic faith wnB explained In such a way that gave tho hearers an understanding of tho 'church's doctrlno. Instances were given by tho sl'eak or from his personal experiences to Illustrate tho method and spirit of tho Confessional. Tho lecture was ono with n view of dispelling preju dice Ho said he wanted to bring about n much moro favorable- under standing of this much maligned prne tlco of tho church. Questions Aro Asked Tho questions asked show n keen nnd Intelligent Interest lu the mis sionary's lectures. Often u point merely montlonod In n provlous lec ture Is questioned nnd a complete and tin's Acclimated (DIbco 38) or tho Bnltle, which may ho secured of, tho Dakota Improved Seed Company Mitchell, South Dakota, Is recom mended. Tho common vnrloly of nl fnlfn, northern grown Bccd, such as tho strains named, Is superior to any other variety for Oregon conditions. Tho seed Bhould bo Inoculated bc foro sowing, with ' nlfnlfa culture, which may bo obtained of tho O. A. C, department of Bacteriology. Tho seeding Bhould bo at tho rale of 15. to 18 pounds por ncro of good seed, brondenBted with a chest seed er or wheolbarrow seeder or tho llko and then lightly but thoroughly har rowed In, pains bolng taken not to cover It moro than an Inch nnd n half. Using Nurso Crops No nurso crop of any kind need bo used nnd no live stock fdtould bo al lowed to pasture on tho alfalfa tho first year. Following seeding tho ground Is rolled nnd then lightly burrowed ngaln tho rolling particularly ' nec essary If tho soil is looso unit over lry. , Tho nlfnlfa tho first year Bhould bo clipped us freciuontly us necessary to keep down tho weeds, tho cutter bar bolng set t to C inches from tho ground, and tho clippings, if not too heavy being left on tho ground. Secod Year Woik In tho spring of tho second, year a illui, i l..i.-l.i - -! I9. mniiBiii and run crosswiJ 7" t ''yti.opegtootiMuirrol8e; lacks fertility, a top r ' , 1,h'otl rotted manure ought to i, '!f0,ltl Ins February or Marc h vH"' ro not do, on a C01nU. ger of woods. l ' U- U should be remembered ... . second y.ear is generally J 'hn,ll flenltouoforalfaif.jtfe Bon, as tho tap roots rl.f n0r( " their way JhSVtr ... I1UUCO, 111(1 ,M. , -''"IHH 1)0 irlvn,, Ml- . ' "" ImiM , ..-.. ..ul c.ur all(J j. uk plowed up even if it ,i. . CrP not and a failure. " AMnwr, tuc ,,. i ..iu oiuk hhwwmh t: Aaaaaaaa.. . . ; ,":,r".w"t- ' oi uandon f,. over yesterday to rccelv,, 1 , ' treatment. m P. of tho CniiiillU . . . . ' 1 JU," overrMi,j.. Is given. Among i lll Bro"ni1 Bll0"la bo thoroughly cul- ' W. Hayes, ,,f ,hc N h the Coqiilllc, ov .. T .....i i. . " '"man """, "'" " "ore several di J colvlng medical treatment (, voiw trouble. f "" Mrs. .1.11 Mills wns taken to M(, cy hospital last evening 0 mZ a minor operation. " I'lBIIKHMiaj ATOTIOV Tho Cold Storage Compm ,, prepared to handle SIWnU V tnon. Price Seventeen and one-h!! ccntB (17 l-2c.) m T.'fliity .Miles Telegraph Wire Conies on Hleainslilji Itreukwater fur Western Union Teday TrcBtllug between Tunnelo No. 8 and 9 lins been completed and a erew of men s now tit work beyond tho In Two Minutes lluttlo Attempts to lllacken llyo f HIM (Jireu, Negro Callahan to Jail Dill Qrcon, bolng black, nnd Chris Nolson, a Rwodo, appeared In tho Po lice Court ttita morning for fighting last night. "It wasn't a fight," pro- tested Nolson, n Htllo follow with a ! intter nolnt and will be finished nrob thatch of yellow hlr," cause wo hnrd- nbly within throe weeks, Is tho word ly got iitarted 'fore wo wuz stopped." fronl Nort, Lako. Wlth this done Tlion up spuko Oreon, though ho Is tho laying of track will ho started blnck, "Jedgo, ho tried to blacken nt once. There remains a link of my oyo, ho did." B,mi0 i0 lnuL,B yut t0 1)0 mtI )0tWL.0I, On tho side of his optic Oreon car- 'Tunnel No. 8 nnd the Unipqua river, rled n well nnd u scratch. "Madobyl Practically tho hiHt of the steel n beer bnrrol when I rolled ovor in j f0r the Wlllamotto Pacific betwoen til alloy," ho affirmed, sriulutlng, here and the PnipUii was received along nt Chris Nelson. ."Do didn't today when 750 toiiB of railroad ma- i - terlal arrived on tho HteauiHliip llroukwutcr and was unloaded nt Old rnpnrlty. For the vacancies on tho Couirll few names have been mentioned. ChaH. Powers, MrH. K. K. Kelly, of South Marshflold, I). A. Jones f Ferndale, C. A Johnson of West em Star Lodge No. 27 who appoint-, Marshfleld, and n number of others 'ed-Mrs. Wnde, of Ocenn Lodge No. 'nro bolni: snokon of. 120, to net ns vice chulrman. Past President Mrs. Kuto Lnndo acted In place of itoso K. Pulmor, who wiib unable to ho present. A kindly welcome wns extended In behnlf of tho Western Stnr Lodgo by Cnrrlo Hobs, Noble Grand. Ocean Lodge No. 120 made a very favorable report Must Write in Names. Tho city eluctlon, a week from next Monday, will bo novel In that the names of no candidates will he printed on tho ballots. Everybody will have to write lu their cnolces for tho nominations. John W. Duller for Hecordor. I BE CANDIDATE do It; Joudgo ho couldn't hit hard enough, ho couldn't." Whereupon Nelson spoko forth, do- Town In North llend. during In no shurt temiB that Greene Twenty Mile of Wlro i.uu,omckuubii urn oyo two wooks ago, Aboard her too wore 20 mlleii of nut lie explained It wns only a fluke. on tho growth and standing of tho i will probably )0 without opposition. lodge. Lodges Hepi-c.sciitcd I Couulllo was not represented hut' Una Lodgo No. 120, of Myrtlo Point, made n plenslng report of tholr work for tho year. North llend wiib not represented in the buslucsR session of (lie afternoon hut In tho evening sev eral members were nreseut. I lliiuiiiet In Hujojed Tho business meeting of tho after noon adjourned at I : :t 0 p. m. and A. SKHLIIItKDK MAV THV FOH CIIHTIT IIHNCII IN 11)1(1 A. H. Hauiiiioud of Norlh llend Sulil 1 Not To Spurn Honor Judge Coko Already Ai iiuceil I about six o'clock the lodgo members i C, A. Sehlbredo, for eleven years a Things began to wax warm ngaln whon Assistant City Attorney Mur- lllltlll III .... i . . . - .. ... .III. It'll. I n. ..... .... ... . . ...... ...!... ..... . . ... .. telegraph wlro for tho Western Un-i ,," "'"' ,." "y '"" ,u'" """'"'""K "nioy in mis city, is . i.viwinn niuvu IIIUIIUI1L IIIMJIIL Illlinil , KUllI IIV ITU I1IIH In Mil I'll iillllMiinmiil Ion company. This line will be laid north from Coos Hay to tho Umpiiia, favorable comment. his Intoutloii to them of running in . -' ,l""ll MUIII V.UUU IIIIJ- IU II1U l'lllMIIIU, fnlin lllli . .... . . ,. . . . " phy put n stickler of a question to I though Otto Solicitor local agent Initiatory work of tho ovenlng' I!) 10 for the position or circuit Judge, I those asked last night were the fol-1 lowing. I Wan'ed to Know Will you please tell me why you ,do not ay the whole of tho Lord's ! Prayor Just as It Is lu the lllble? i I Why does not the Catholic Church baptize by Immersion ns John the! DnptlBt did? Another took Issuo with the lec turer on a statement made the pre vious evening that St. Paul was un married, nud thnt St. Peter did not hnvo his wife with him on Ills nils bIoiib. t This was clearly explained by Fa ther Cartwrlght quoting St. Paul himself. The questioners reference to Scripture being a mistranslation of the Greek typo. Asuers Denial Another, quoting several passages, from tho Gospels, denied the divinity of Christ. Father Cartwrlght re plied by several other textH which taught It: and then showed the per fect harmony between theso appar ently contradictory textH, as taught by bis church. Tho two nutures, tlio divine and the human In tho one per son of Christ, supplied a perfect ex planation. Lcrliu-u Tonight Tho lecture tonight on tho Cuth Good! Hoosekeep Tho (.'rent Nationally mg Fall KxpoMliou of Advertised Goods (SO, (Ireono, who is black. "Greono, how 'thin morning said that liu has not J!" "Ut " ,,y WeB,or" s,nr Ioi1ro, He has not however publicly deelnred olle doctrine of the Heal I'resenco of tho dlckona was this man Nelson go- been advised how soon a crow of men ,"'' Mnll' of tho ol(,'' niombora himself. A. S. Hnmmond, of North ! Christ In the Kuchnrlst will b0 an lug to glvo you a blnck oyo?" Greono will ho lu hero to sot up tho poles nnd I , . "ot ,1COn ,,r0H" I,om1, Ih nlB0 8utl to llHyo fonsldered Interesting ono. admitted tho font n possible ono des-1 atrlng tho wires north . " y"rB WOro 0llt ,n"1 ovonlng. tho mutlor favorably. j . tho fact thnt hlH Is tho exact hue , Officials of the company were In1. , "T " ma f ,r uo,)0,tn" I , " )rln,nry olcctln of 1 9 1 0 will I T P I I n n T R I T 1 1 T R am Langford, tho pugilistic "tur.,oro not many weeks ago and nt that ' 'iK N' " "IT011 t,ml ,tl,oy "ow bo ,,0,d oarly ncxt 8"rlK '"'t o furl -S l flrDrfl lllmo Intimated thnt probably short ! 'J?! B '0""("-"'l ' sisters and , "t a great deal of Interest has yet, I LLLJ UT HLrnLln oih ftgreod ningng thoinselvosltlino after tho first of tho year would l,,,'. , , "eon raisou. I. N. Miller has nn- they now have nothing "agin" Heo Coos liny with telegraphic com-! ., i,hl,ll, Mmora ' nouiiccd his cnndldncy for tho district nnothor nnd hereafter will bo munlcntlon along the Wlllamet'to In- i vl8l""K niombora from Han- attorneyship against L. O. Llljeqvlst plto tho fnct that his Is tho exact lino, OfflclnlH of the eomimnv wm i i A roport or " eMor" s,,r Kuuk"i Tho Palmary olcctlon of 1910 will I 'of Sam Langford, tho pugilistic "tarhoro not many weoks aeo and at thnt ' . K ' "' H,,l,wo(l tl,nt they now bo held oarly next spring but so furl im oy Doth that ono friends. Hoth were fined 6. rifle to Kugeno and tho San FrnnolH- !.?.'! woroMr8- A atl". Morlnn ' who has also announced his cnndl Callahan's Kkhm, 'co offices and make n close examln-. U.' b"' A""U n,l.tto.n' M",0,vu ''owl . ,lney' And Rill Callahan was next on thc.utlon of the condltlona over tin. line I .. .y ,ri,ln,,M- ",0 represon-. It was lu 1903 that C. A. Sohlbrodo list. Ho burned up the mattresses nor the Hue. Iluuser and Hauser have tho con- and quilts In the city Jail esterday tract for the treslllnir un to the vloln. aftomoou. "Jos thought Id better Ity Tunnel No. 7, but the slioit bits clean out a bit," ho Informed Judge; of trostllng boond that nearer tho Duller. "You jjoo, Judge. Us like, I'inpqiiu come under the Porter Hro this." and Callahan crossed his legs (hers contract and will bo ilono by and leaned over confidential u, them. "You see, them slats had sort of rust- TipmIHik Delas Halls ml In two and them mattress and That the rails will not reach the quilts, kopt squashing through- Uinpquu before tho first of the year. Judgo thoy wiisc u sight, all to pieces is the belief of V G. Illudmarsh en nnd notn mlto too cleun. I Jos hnd glneer In ehargo of tho rail laying. t0 (,) ,t,n j who was hero today. The fact that "Maybo Its a good Job," was tholthoro remain sovorul stretchos of (Aaiinnoii t9 Him ill... a il.l . .. ... "",uu "' '"" '". "i "i is .nestling will probably hold up bis ii.ii.ub uuiii .ujruu roiiii wore nose catno to Coos Hay, Ho practiced law I M. Phehin, Ituth M. Wade, Mary K. for soiuo years In Salem and later I DanlelHou. Mablo Hillings nud Lorn wont to Alaska whom ninn.. i icnc, I-. Hurrlngton and from North llend ho was probate Judgo In District No. ' which greatly Interests tho were. .Mrs, c F. Chase. Mrs. Anna 1, with headquarters In Skagwny. couty farmers. Jarbrough. Mrs. Dlrdlo Hautzo and Coke Already Am iced ! In vlow of the growing Intel Mrs llattle Cousins. j,iB0 j. s, Coke BOmotlmo ago an- alfalfa production In different VALUAriLK INSTHFCTIONS AltK (JIVKN HY PHOF. SCfDDKU Subjwt Is ()iit. Which Greatly In. ' terestn the Farmers or Cos and Curry Counties Tho growing of alfulfa is a ninttor Coos oveinralbeir l-(Bo 1915 To the people of Coos Hay: "jTOD nre cordially Invited to nltend a wilo of unusual interest to you at our store next week. We have asked many of thu manufacturers of prod ucts made known to you throiiKh the pages of (.'owl Housekeeping Magii.ine and other coiiulr.v-wlilu publica tions to iiHslst us lu a full festival nud exposition of nationally advertised merchandise. Some of thcMo products you are already familiar with - others you have seen advertised, and you will Im glad to examine them In our ntore. You will be surprised to find how many of the guaranteed reliable articles tint you have rend about you euu buy right here at home, , This Ijj why wo are observing CliAill HOffiKKKBI'lNO W KICK to bring to your attention product)) that e know will mean economy and service to your household, Wo can't tell you till tho delnlls of the week here, There will bo demonstrations of spe cial value to ovory housowlfo, with samples and many othor special feat ures of unusual Interest. Ho Hiiro to plan to make us n visit on nt least one day next week. It will bo well worth your while. WATCH Till'. TIMI3 Ft) It I't'KTHKR AXXOI'WIOT Olivant&Nasburg The Good-Housekeeping Store Second nnd Commercial. Marshfleld s AUTO N E rest ti out iiartn uounced thnt ho would bo n candidate i of Oregon, the following information TO ROSEBUHG FIHE tho Bocond time you'u boon drunk In n weok. Ton dollars." "A'lnt got It," sighed big mil. and Ohlof Carter hauled him off for u five days stay In the Hotel do Car-tor. erew so that they can not lay stool Hev. (J. without Interruptions. ifor renomlnntlon nnd reelection on (tho republican ticket. The Coos j County bar and people aro protty 8ol ildly behind him and ho will probably j havo ono of tho biggest majorities I that Coob County has over glvon an i nspirnnt. Tho tonus of Judgo Hamilton of advi:utisi:i lf.ttiihs List of ndvertised letters remain ing iu tho Marshfleld, Oregon Post Office for tho week ending October 21, IDlfi. Persons culling for tho snmo will ploaso say advertised and pay ono com for each lottor called for. Had Allen. Mrs. Leah Hams, John Iolllnger, Miss Carrie Vera Hums, ; C. H. in Winter- Agent. -F. D. Cohan .Marshfleld Gurtz Glnimobb, Harvey Hnzoltun, F. II. Ilolden, P. J.ieobson, Mrs, Le na Johnson, Miss L. Lancaster, It. I Mans, S. Mnrjnnovleh, Mss Paulino! Moskopp, Now. Moon, Chns. Norrls, Jt roturnod from a trip to Wlllam C. W. Hogers, U. K. Huffnor, 3; I tto Valley points, mado tho trlu both Miss Until Smith, Frank Strowthors,, -ways botweon hero and Hosoburg Hov. G. Lo Hoy Hall, who has Sclunltss & Rlllott, Cubs. Shlpmnn, lTuo Sodorstrom, Louisa Summors, George Trask, Karl AValls, C. V. Woodruff. XOTH'K Thore will be a very Impoitnnt Hurbridgo, jiueotlng of Cho Mllllcomn Club Thurs Campbell,, day evening, Octobor 2S, Several Im- Charles Calof, Mrs. Anna Colmor,portaut Ubiies will bo votod on. Foy Cox, Mrs. Ollvo ailbertson Mrs. II. A. HUST13UUD, Secretary. ovor tho auto lino. Ho says tho roads aro In good shapo and tho cars make excellent time. Ho praised tho drivers for tholr courtesy and said that tho service was much bettor than it formerly wus to Coos nay. F. D. Cohan, of tho Owl, who Is ngont hero for tho nuto lino has been Informed by manager Joo Laird that thoy will maintain oxvollont passenger service nil winter. Tho T,UiS?-S'ir..- " who wiuuii couri ui8- trlct also oxpho, nnd thoy havo in formed frionds that thoy will seek re election on tho domocrntio ticket. HI PllfWTBALL MVHTLF. POINT AND MAHSH- fii:ld will .mkht to.mohhow Local Playei-s Havo Deeu Practicing ami i;iieet to Put Good (.nino up a ONE PAIR OF EYES IN A LIFETIME. DON'T NEG lect or abuse them. -;-:-: Your eyes may need attention. If mi havo them thoroughly o. niuliied and get glasses. A good null of glasses, properly fitted, will relievo headaches and nero strain, and when properly tilted Mill bring the desired relief mid a smiling countenance. Tho prlco of glasses uilos from ."S'J.nil to ijiUO.OO, Heiiiember, a pall- of glasses not fitted lo tlio eyes will harm them, no matter what the price- may be. Consultation froo Optical Department Red Cross Drug Store Tho Myrtlo Point High School foot ball team will play Marshfleld to- schedule will provide for leaving horo1 ,onow nt tno pot srounds. A in the morning and making connec-1 ?.ooa ""ondanco is expected. Tho tions with tho ovonlng train at Hose-I moun ror Mnrshffold follows: burg for Portland. Autos will go obJ Lyon8' Ct'lor; Seamnn, full; nack, fur as Hock Crook, and when hn'''M,: Mi'Nnfeo, r.h.: Painter, t n '" -- 1 .i.l. . - -o'l pveainer gots bad, now covored stages , will bo used through tho canyon and nutos run from Camas to Itoso- burg. ( With Manager Laird. Messrs. Kol i hagon am Dunks aro cooperating in ovory way to glvo passengers tho host and most comfortublo service. Mr. Cohan, nt tho Owl pharmacy, will bo pleased to glvo any furthor Information, maku reservations and Issuo tlckota to thoso desiring thorn. Hallow o'en ball, Kaglos hall, Sat urday night. Piatt's Orchestra. Libby CoiU, ?5.00 to", Phono 7a. iuii-nani. re: rsi it. i chnpello r. t.'iWalters, quarter; Holi- Ullll. r f " lliirn. I . I The local boys -hnvo boon prac thing hard and expect to put up a good game. The Schedule. i-iio scnodiUo of county follows: October 29 Myrtlo Point Marshfleld. Novembor 12 Coqulllo Marshfleld. November 19 Mnrahflold at Myr tlo Point. gumes for tho at at Noveiijber 25-Coqullle. Jyrtlo Point nt concerning tho culture and euro of 'tho crop, prepared by Professor II. IV Scuddor, of tho Orogon Uxporlmont Stutlon, mny bo very helpful to fnrm ora not fully informed n8 to tho most approved methods. A deop naturally well drained soil. clean of woods, Is to bo proforrod. Tlio should bo Bwoot. if sour, it ould bo dressed In March with an application of two tons of ground limestones por ncro, or ono ton of quck lime wntor slneked, tho samo to bo thoroughly disked In after apply ing. Need For Lhiiliig Tho need for liming can bo deter mined by testing tho moist bo with neutral litmus paper, which may bo obtained of any druggist. A strip of litmus paper pressed botweon two pieces of moist soil indicates acidity nnd need for lime If tho paper turns pink. Agricultural llmo ut nresont prices is too costly to bo used oxton slvoly, but for smnll trial acreagos of alfalfa tho liming is advised, al though successful alfalfa crops fre quently havo boon obtained without, liming, in 'southern Oregon, of eourso, tho sotls aro soldoni If ovor acid, nnd liming l8 not required. Making Seed Hcd Tho seed bed should bo double-' disked, then plowed either in tlio i fall or early spring, thoroughly re dlskod again after plowing In tho spring, and then kept thoroughly cul tivated until seeding time in May a seed bed well pulverized on top but unn iionoath being tho object. A dressing of well rotted manuro at tho rate of six to eight tons por aero may bo thoroughly disked in during Feb ruary or March nftor tho ground hns been ployed. Fresh manure should bo avoided unloss free of weed seed. About Tho Seed . rTQstcq., dqdder-froo seed, nrefor- tnbly Dakota-grown, si,ca as tho Mar- AVE MONEY on your Furniture Wo aro showing a flno line of Bed Room Furniture ,- tlma U That comes to us direct from the manufacturer, I tho jobber'H profit. Wo glvo our customers tho ;"'?"'; ,, saviiig. Wo havo a nico display of Dressers whicji priced as follows: S7.50, $8.50, $10, $12.50, $13.50, $14.60, M Don' seo $16.50, $17.50, $20, $23.50, $25 and up 't buy anjUiIng in House 1',",'I,,s,,,J!h's1,nTi,lrVsS'' our line, for you know WK BKhXi IT 1'OK W Going & Harvey Co. compltstk nousi: rUHXISHDHS Abstracts KOIt REUAIILB AHSTKAOTS OF 1'lTIiB AND Uiv ADOUX COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See ' TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT 0W ftlAKSnFJELD AND COQlfrLMl CTTV, "ntl0 GENERAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE AND SENGS114CTKBJ o autiXM FOR CANADIAN 1'AUii'iu '""" HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, MANAUw. ,