EWIF" y&iES&mr. " - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1915 EVENING EDITION, TWO W4" '- " Hit IKE RESORT TWI3NTV ('(JTTACJKS W'lhU lU UUIIr l.V MOUNTAINS New T'aco to 15o Opc"cil In tins Wild Land Far l'l Almvo Allegany A now summer resort which will Blvojisodo who pntronlzo It the real close to nature life is to be establish ed fnrnp nbovo Allegany. Alfred llnyiio'wlio has land in the vicinity is tq establish a colon1) of cottages for pujnmcx rcsortcrs In the motin talnn. Thoy will be located on land nbovo Mllthorn, tho Gould ranch. Elktidfn in fortclicd by a trail eight miles long extending from tlio end of tho west fork road but tho resort QUESTIONS ASKED MIHKIOXAItV AXSWKIIS TI10SH WHICH AKK VitlCSnXTliU Lecturei CSIvcn Iy Father Ciutwilnht Arc Ileitis Well Attended by tho J'uMlij This Week A largo and interested audience greeted Farther Cartwrlght at the Orplieitm last ovenlhg. After a few words of greeting tho missionary gave a half hour to answering uuerf tlons that had been placed in tho Question L'ox nt the entrance to the hull Kimio Question Among tho questions were tho fol lowing: When was your church fli'st cnlled plnco Is nbovo tho Klkhorn ranch audi Catholic? can bo reached from tho cast fork Was it not some centuries after road from Allegany, following a trail Christ? a little over thrco miles in length. ! This being so, how do you Bay. l Is tho Intention of Mr. Dnyno, It it comes from the Apostles; Is stated, to build twonty cottages unliable for summer resort placos: Tho boot ride from Mnrshflold t" Al legany Is an exceedingly pleasant olio. Thou from Allegany In tho summer tlmo one can tako an auto and make tho trip on tho beautiful Ooldcn FnllB route. Why do Catholics bollovo In Pur gatory when thoro Is no such placo mentioned in the Hlblc? To tho latter' question tho priest replied by asking: "Why does my quostlonor bollovo In tho Trinity? it Is not mentioned In tho lilble; or In tho Incarnation .which Is not Mr. llayno nnd several others liavoi mentioned? You bollovo In these 'liomcstcaded on land and tho cot lagcs will bo built on his homestead. Then to mako It seem really llko going Into tho woods tho resortcr will travel over tho thrco miles of moun tain trail nnd pack in his outfit and will as a rownrd find an Idonl spot In tho mountains nnd a colony of cot tages. Tho resort will bo such a unique ono and a really out of door proposition that It Is suro to bo a becauso tho doctrlno of the Trinity and Incarnation Is taught thcro. So wo also find, not tho words, but tho doctrlno of Purgatory taught In tho Hlblo as In II Maccabees XII, CI and following: Math. XII, 02; I Cor. Ill, 12 and following. About tho Popo. Somo othor questions asked woro: Why Is It no priest can 'bo a Popo unless ho ts nu Italian? In answer popular placo among thoso who want 'to which tho names of Popcb of seven to get Into the mountains for a vncn-l,ifforcnt nationalities woro given. tlou. Tho ndvnntngo will bo that It will not bo necessary to carry touts ns tho cottages will bo there all ready for occupancy, Mil .P. KUnXSrilNITT SAYH THAFFU1 iiah h.vchhdiih iixpiktatioxs lucrousn ()" Until I'iinnc-iirit mid Freight lliisliicsH and Thoro In Also .Moro Doing In liiimhcr NKW YOIUC, Oct. 20. Tho Wall Stseet Journal says: , "For several years past Julius Kruttschnltt, chairman of tlio South ern Pacific executive committee, has r.'udo. no offort to paint tho western railroad Hides iih bright, nnd for that reason his optimistic view of South ern Pacific's present traffic and pros pcctB Is tho more ImprcHslvo, "Wo had expected," says Mr. Kruttsrhuitt, "that pimKoiiKor traffic to tlio Exposition would show a big decroaso after September. On tho contrary, tho big gains which had been recorded woro continued Into Cetohor. Hut the real uucourago incut, however, Is that at lust there 1b a decided Improvement In freight tinffic. "Perhaps tho most prominent Item Jr. Increasing freight tonnngo Is cop per. Wo havo a largo number of copper initios and smelters along our linos. Itovivnl in tlio copper Indus- In your church aro many Imnges to which you pray. How In tho name of conscience can you rccon- U'llo this with tho first commnnd- mont of Ood, which expressly for bids It? In answer to this tho mis sionary gave a most Instructive re ply reading from Exodus XXV 17-20 nnd Numbers Xll G-! whorolu ho said: "(lod commanded Moses to make two guidon choruhlms for tho ark of tho covenant and n golden serpent In tho desort, graven Images of tho things of heaven and earth, and this by tho direct command of Ood. Thorofore, tho flrut command ment cannot mean that graven tnmges ale forbidden, but does for bid Unit they bo adored, which no Catholic would dnro do, for this would bo Idolatry. Wo may pray before a statue oven ns tho chosen people did, but nover. to It." I.crtiiro Follows. Tlio lcoturo of tho evening fol lowed. It was a masterly exposition of the teachings of tho Catholic Church relative to tho Hlblo as tho means left by (lod to bring nil men to the knowledge of revealed truth. Tho missionary maintained that tho Hlblo could not havo been this means bocniiHo It never has been nvallablo to nil peoples; bocauso It does not t'outulu all of revealed truth; be cause its meaning Is not so clear as to admit of but one meaning; nor does tho Hlblo Itself gunrnntco Its own Inspiration. Ho said: (lit Oh tho I'llHlf, "The pioof of this Is found In sects lu the Christian WIILLG0T0THE1R C. li. HOOPHH HKTUHXIXC3 TO XIJW ZEAIjAXD TO ENLIST trj has lidded not only a largo cop per tonnngo, hut also transportation! tho many oi qualities of coko and oil used nt I world today which hold doctrines lu tl.o smelters. Moreover, passeiiKorl direct contradiction to ono another, tmfflo lu these regions, which had tind whero contradiction Is found expired entirely, has been rovlvod by .both "iiuiiot bo true. As Ood Is In itio rooponliijf of the mines and tho finite wisdom nnd truth Ho could haul of opcrutlvos tiV and fro. -not havo Instituted a means that "Lumber Is another of our prl-would loud to error, Hence tho III nmry freight contributor In pros-i hie alone U not the means left by parous periods. For the past twoChrlst to bring all men to tlio know years or more It has boon almost to- lodge of revealed truth." tally absent from tho tonnune shoots. Subject Tonight. Or one little line, for Instance, from Tho lecturo tonight will bo: "How Portland to tho ocean thfru Hro a shall we coino to tho knowledge nun tinxon uimnor nuns which imotl.of tlio truth In which wo ure to Prominent Eli Lilly DriiK Hepre- scntiitlvo Answers Country's Cull Mny (Jo to Dardanelles With many members of Ills old militia company In New Zealand al ready at tho front, and others go ing every week, C. L. Hooper, prom inent representative In this section of tho Ell Lilly Drug Company, is going back to enlist. IIo leaves Coos County November IS for San Francisco and on December 8 will null across tho Pacific. Hooper has been seven years away from home, but this has not in any wny dampened his patriotic ardor. Ho expects to take his "kid broth er," n lad of about 22 years, nlong with him, An oldor brother nlso wants to go. Ho's mnrricd nnd his wife, though, won't give her con sent. When Mr. Hooper left Now Zeal and, ho was n First Llcutonnnt in tho volunteer corps. In till prob ability ho will bo given unotiicr com mission. Dardanelles Probably Asked whero tho Now Zealand troops nro being sont at present, Mr. Hooper said: "Probably to the Dardanelles. They go first to Cairo, Egypt that's tlo base. Hut "you can novor tell. I might be in n corps sent into Serbia, into Franco anywhoro." Interested in tho drug business, Hoopor on his nrrivnl lu San Fran cisco soven years ago entered n big laboratory thoro whero ho worked until later ho wont to tho Lilly Cainpnny, with a big Balary, to travel as their roprosenttuivo, meet ing with tho doctors mid physicians of Southern Oregon, describing to them tho now things of tho labora tories nnd how ,thoy nro used. It Is four years jiow Blnco Hooper first hognn coming In hero. Havo Military Tinlulng Now Zcnhiud hns u system of what Is practically compulsory military training. Hoys from 11 to 1-1 yenrs of ago aro given their first drills' with ennes or poles and then from ll to 17 thoy havo rifles. This training Is enrried on In con junction with their schooling. At tho ago of 17 years thoy outer tho volunteer corps for thrco moro years of training after which thoy nro exempted unless thoy enroto continue. Even o oldor men nro enlisted In gun clubs and meet reg ularly In nrmorles for tnrgot prac tice Mr. Hoopor hns boon on tho vorgo of roturnlng to his homo to enlist, for sovornl mouths, hut business hns i boen pressing. It Is under stood (lint when ho Hout lu his res ignation to Mr. Lilly, bond of tlio MIFFING KIBDII ARRI IfESliT STEAMSHIP FACES IIAHD IILOVV LAST XKHIT OFF VAQl'lXA I CI1TTEE liar In Fair Shape This Morning1 Has Heavy Freight Shipments f Out of Poitland It blow hard last night when tho Kllburn faced into a sou'east storm off Ynqulna nnd .all nlgnt long thcro was quite n sea running, said Cup tain McClelland when ho arrived In this morning from Portland. The wind blow sometimes moro than 50 miles an hour. Tho Kllburn brought 170 tons of 'freight for Coos Hoy and hnd aboard somo 350 tons for Snii Francisco. She crossed in at S:45n. m. and went but again for the south after three o'clock. Tho arrivals wore: Mrs. M. Smith, A. Mntson, Mrs. Mntson, Y. Mynttl, M. .Kolto, Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Wbhlcnberg, C. Mar tin, O. Larson, N. Kohn, II. Kolstl, Mrs. Kolstl, J. Withers, 'Mrs. A. M. Urlckoy, MIs8 E. Hrlckoy, O. Allcry. Outgoing; Passengers , Ivan Hobo, D. H. Miller, Mrs. It, Yurkcs, Elma Yurkes, J. Henderson, wife and son, W. E. Stuhr, Jesso j'Dlnghum, Mrs. I. S. Smith, Mrs. J. S. J'LyoiiB, E. Brndfleld, A. McLay, A. T Hraddos and wife, 13. F. Anderson, II. K. Adams, Mrs. Heppner, 13. I. Knox, II. Hyorly, Malt L. May, Allco Carlson, Emily Stovons, J. L. Kntl, f It. Storr, Fred Hcllonl, Mrs. Uellonl, "M K. Sill, F. O. Simmons, 13. C. Eb erlc, P. M. Heachum. LOCAL MEX TO DO ''"J ' HflLDlXO MEHCHAXT MAHINE Chambers of Commerce- in Cnlted states Seek to Influence Con gt'csMouul Action Appointment of a qonimlUco fioin tho Marshfield Chamber of Com merce to cooporato with a similar body from tho National Chamber of i; ..' .,i,i in iiu iirslni: of Congressional action to nid in tmtau-j llshlng an American merchant mn rino is asked in ti letter Just received from Washington, D. C in June tho local organization vot ed on soveral measures that woro being advocated by the National Chamber, nil In regard to aiding ship ping In this country. Those measures aro to bo presen ted to Congress nt its next session,, on the assumption thnt now tho tltno Is ripe to strike rrom mo nnuii to give American shipping the boost that It has needed for.years. Steps Advocated Among the things advocated was a Federal Shipping Hoard of five, members, subsidies to American Mall and freight Hues to countries- whoso trade Is Important to us, tho mwor Ing of the required speed on mall boats, speed to bo regulated accord ing to tho service. Tlio measures aro merely ndvlsory and tho hopo Is that tho expression of opinion of moro than COO Cham bers of Commerce In tho United States will In part Influence Con gressional action. Tho matter of appointing n com mittee hero will bo tnkon up nt tho next meeting of mo locui unauiuur. 11EKI HEHI OX SHIP VESSEL MOVEMENTS Arrivals , ' Westerner, Sim Francisco, mid night. F. A. Kllburn, Portland, S: IB a. m. today. Sailed Adeline Smith, Snn Francisco, 11:30 last night. Yellowstone, San Francisco, noon today. Due Hero Hardy, San Francisco, Thursday. Duo To Sail F. A. Kllburn, San Francisco, '.a afternoon. Speedwell, San Francisco, noon to morrow. TELL OF COOS HAY HAH From Washington, D.C., n fow days ago thoro camo a story to n Port hind paper tolling of tho changes being in a do In tho coast guard station of Coos Uny nnd giving tlio reasons for tlio changing, to Charleston nay. It said "tho channel Into Coos Day in- morn or less obstructed bv n sand- compnny, tho Inttor refused It nnd j bar," all of which sounds as though gavo him Instead, a two-years leavoltIloro "night bo very little water out of absonco. Cupid A!m Has Leave. Though ho did not sny so hlm solf, friends of Mr. Hoopor declare that ho has "lilbornited" the llttlo wiiiKi'ii mm uupiu nun sont mm there Tho Inst survey showed boiiio 30 feet of wntor nt mean low tide. It contliiuob, "Tho Coos Hay Sta tion Is manned by n keeper and seven men, ami Is one of tho best equipped stations on tho northwest const. One of tho arguments lu favor of tho ' .lifilif.i lu tlu. fnnl flitif tlin n-iivna too, on n lenvo of nbsenco of nbout i ,nvo built up tho bench In front of two yenrs hoforo roturnlng to Port-1 tho old location to such nn oxiont Intnl. And ro hn enna in nnnu-nn Hint oporntious nro hindered. his country's cnll for "Ood nnd tho tl1"Kj1 ottMn hero, nro inclined i, ,, , ., " , '"Ho doubt tho wisdom of tho chniiKO, ,Klng. IIo has ninny friends hero t j8 expected that tho now station who wish him well and hopo ho will will onnblo tho Ilfo snvors to reach return ngnln safoly. wrecks moro speedily." WOULD BE I btdlovo? Is It from tho Hlblo?" to contribute flvo or six curs w day, muring up u good dally lumber train of B0 cars or more. On my last trip over tills Hue, with the exception of one small mill, tho only man on the. Engineers Doing Well With the WOKK PKOt.'HKSSKS payrolls was tho watchman. Thl has nt lust changed. Our reports for the first week of October show a healthy roeumptlou or lumber truf fle "These aro few of tho consider ut,loiiH which make the Southern Pa cific outlook moro promUlnir than II has boon for a long tlmo past." .AAfcl OPFHH OF ISLAND OF CYPHfS LAPSES ' I'nipqun Simo.v HoNurdlug the work of surveying tho Hinpquu lllvor the Onrdliior Courier says: The I'nlted Stato engineers are niuklnic good progress In thplr work of snrveyhiK tho bur nt the mouth of the I'nipqun. Thoy hnvo beou nt work durhiK tho past weok In mirvpyliiK and placing their raugos, .t-l.lll.. ...Ill Inlrn i9i.. ll..n ..i 1. t. ("Htm n in Hinu puiiiit iiiiiit j v UUIUIU ithc soundiiiKs are madn. This Is tho boBlnnliiK of ono of the gioat- WESTEHXEH HEHE Tlio stonm schooner Westerned nr i rlvod lu from Snn Francisco after i'mldnlght bringing somo 3 10 tons of .,..., ..... ,,.. ifrolght for Coos Hay..,Sho unloudod mV ;, I. :S " ': "NO,,ill't of this at Old Town, coming to CHA.KJED WITH HEIX(J DHCXK ;0 Sml, ,,.,.,,, ook BUib Now tliat tho city Is bolng combod nfternooii. for niuyomlty candidates and fow of) . them nro appoarlng, all at once Aepordlng to a recent roport of the thcro bobs up a ninn who actually Department of Agrlcultnro tho cost wants tho place, craves it and In fact, 8lIU0 niguways. iiasoii on geiiorat con Dread Affliction Comes From Loiik Ah-enro of I're.sli Vegetables Tho Poruvlnn bark Stollu hua ar rived In Soattlo fom a long voyago with ono of the crow dend nnd most of tho others so weak that they hnvo been tnkon to the hospital. Tho rup tnlu and the mate woro able to como iiBhoro In Seattle Tho disease of hcrl-borl Is said to come from a lnck of fref li vegetables, occasioned by a long voyago at wen. Il Is u sickness most dreaded by the Lallormcii and ono that often ovor tahos them. To combat Its rnvigcs English bhlps have long been known In deep water as "lliiiojJulcorB," tlio officers doling out n certain quantity of lime Juice dally to withstand tho dlsoaso. Times onco onch wcok for tho por lod of six weeks beginning oil tho Mth day or September, 1U15. OHAVES & M'INTUHFF,. Attorneys for plaintiff. First publication September 11. 1915; last publication Outobor 20, 1015 Heading Stoves (Uf AfMy.UIM l'ffw lo Cimi ntj Ttwni . LONDON. Out. !C --dnmt Hrjlnli'a, offer of the Isluud of Cyprus to Oi'iiecu bus lap-f-ed eciiiHo tho conditions under which tho offer was made have not boon fulfilled, Sir Edward Oroy Informed tlio House of Commons this afternoon. I I i I :i est Improvements oer iiiidertnkou lu Douglas County nnd one, that should huvo tho co-operntlou ,r,.d oncournHomoiu of every cltlson in tho county who really bus the good of tho county nt honit. When this harbor Is Improved ns conteinplnted. It will give tho peoplo of Douglas County ono of tho host harbors lu the state, If not the voiy best. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS J Opposite Blanco Hotel, i Phono 106-L. ' MAHSHFIELD. OHiCGON I y ,-j t,r.,a.'i i, . i i . . , , if MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Place for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Coinmciclul nnil H'dw'y. howls for It. Ills name was Hill Cal lahan and Into tho weo sma' hours ho yollod. Ills main reason for wanting to bo tho bond of tho city, Judging from Mr. loud mutterlugs, wns that ho might settlo with chief Carter, whom lo blamed for putting him in as a guest, Xo Money Sou'M Judge Hutlor, who was upstairs at tending a council mooting when Cal lahan first bogan to roar listoned for a mlnuto, cocked his hoad to ono Eldo and looked up with a serious ox prosslon. "No motioy," ho declarod. "You can always tell. Whou thoy mako u great big nolso, that nlwaya moans the.v'ro broko. itu too bad tor tho general fund. ?lo was correct. If stoaniboats woro selling for a nickel, Callnhan couldn't havo bought tho whistle. Without nilnrlng tonus ho was told to bent It when brought before J ml go Hutlor for trial In tho pollcu court this morning. Itolxkiilis Coining. Hoprosentn tlvos of tho Hoboknhs uro duo In hero tomorrow from all parts of the county and from Florence nnd Otirdlner, to attend tho sessions of tho district convention hero tomor row nftornoon and evening Thoro will be a banquet at G p. m. tomorrow, dltlous, varies In different sections of tho country from $1,R00 to $13,000 por mile. SCMMOXS In tho Circuit Court of tlio State of Orogou in and for Coos County. Etta (1. Hrown, plaintiff, versus Clinrlos (1. Hrown, dofoiidaut. To Charles G. Hrown, tho nbovo named dofoiidaut: In tho name of tho Stnto of Orogou, you nro ro qulrod to appear and answer tho complaint of tho plaintiff horelu. on of before tho 26th day of Octo ber. 1915. If you rail to appoar nnd nnswor said complaint as so required, tho plaintiff will apply to tlio Court horelu for tho relief demanded in liar conipjalut, u succinct stutomont of which Is: That tho bonds of matrimony existing botwoou plaintiff and do foiidaut bo dissolved; That plaintiff bo allowod to as Biiino her inuldeii nnnio of "Etta G. Faith;" That plaintiff bo glvon such fur ther rollof ns to tho Court mny seem Just nnd oqultablo. Servlco of tho summons Is mado by publication pursuant to an order mado by Hon. O. F. Sklpworth, Cir cuit Judge of snid Court, directing imbllcntloti hereof m tho Coos nay Wo nro prepared for full nnd winter with the best 'lines uinile. Wooil heaters uml (ho coal or wood heater with duplev grates. ' Priced from SI. 7." to f-iii'J.OO ' Johnson-Gulovsen Co. Quality Home Fiunl-diors Xrth Fnmt Street, Miuhhficlil rrnn nDincc ADC AC I nlfl AC nrnrn... UUn rniuw n.iu nu i-w no ucrcwuAbLt MER CHANDISE CAN BE BOUGHT ANYWHERE-THE FAIR . I It.... I!..m1u f.i.u. ttu ..1ili. . I. ...I I.. ... . woou ", m"".- -n iih .ii..v.i i. ! I Miiiiniaru . tit You're Mtfo when jou buy lioic. Wo don't offt..,. Jm, K f?"'11 for nothingsbut a ilollar's vnluo for overy dollar expciHreT"'11"5 what we are offering you for Wednesday, Tliutsday , '!', ,,Sw Whlto D. M. C. Mercerized Em broidery Cottons, small skeins, all sizes. On salo at i skeixs ..: ...uu Men's best Gray Hlbbeil Shlrta and Drawers; values to fir.cj all sizes. Onsnlont 07n' per garment 0 1 U Cont's Crochet Cotton, vnrlous sizes (slmtlnr to D. M. C.)AOn salo at jer ball 9c T -:: ft aifc and -lor i.B,uc,. Emb: "i- -22c Ono lot of nrcs nm am .moLIng. erenn,, white and Color.. 8!e ,J J On ftnla . f w. 1 j"1 Jm i . in IC par yai'd Just arrived, a largo lot or latot All shndes. Prices ronso'nablo. Tains for Lndlc m MbM 15c Ink Writing TiihlctB, nlado of best linen paper On Salc nt Qi) ftW Hnnv -n . ir Chandler Hotel Satisfaction always or your money back Ihe BWMiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiwiiiiw'MiiwiiBwiiriiwFiiniiiwiiniiiWi wiiiiiiiiinii iiimmwiitmwaniM California Then East You nro offered i PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITIONSAN FRANCISCO Acknowledged to bo "The Most Dtmutlful 4 Tho .Most Wondorriil Vrho Most linportunt lu history." at tilmiml no addltlomil oxponse while nnroutc to tlio cast. 10 Days Stopover at San Francisco and 10 Days Stopover at Los Angeles nro pormlttod on nil ouo way tickets East raiding through California The Route or ' Scenery, Safety, Service offers splendid high-class train servlco ami fiiicliiiitlnt; vci-mry Further piirtlcularH with copy of folder "Wnysldo Notes" from noarost iiKcnt or wrlto Southern Pacific John M. Scott, Genet al Passenger Agt., Portland, Oregon -- ---------- - -j.' rt - Second Hand Pianos & Organs We have an over stock of second-hand pianos and some slightly used instruments that 1 will be sold at exceptionally low prices, and terms to suit. L L THOMAS MUSIC STORE 73 Central Avenue. Consider First Your Home Aeroplanes, joy-riding, amusements, luxury and Jjnjs that last but foi a day-rlet them wait. Your homes a feet your very natures. Thqy .influence your lives n m ways than you can realize. It is false economy to sKg on things which make for a bptter, more comtortaoie d. happy home. " " ' n rlnniru. Voiir Why not get the most out of home life? Elect rnyjd home and know what living really is; what a Sm what a saving in time and strength an EJScl"Vpieaner and Washing Machine will be; how an Electric uc f will improve the appearance of your hon ie--' . y a brighter, cleaner, better, to live In; how you win J ?"i breakfast that is prepared with the Electric W Electric Percolator or Grill. , . ,inn nee- Take the first towards all this comfort by instamno, trie service. See us today and let us explain now "how much." Co. Oregon Power 'Vf A ' 5 4 9 If 4 i ' 4Aftfdas ..,.4jHt.ttXlin& -X.