IT USUALLY Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tlw Cooi Hy Time Is proud peopl' rIr" ftnd Jt Btrlvcg lire np to It nrnae by doroting promoting tlio people'. interest-. Vol. No. XXXIX. As fill ARE HELD Aliened That Band Planned to Commit an Offense Against the United States Defendant Discharged in Jus tice Court and Arrested by Federal Officers ONE IS GERMAN OFFICER Holier! l-'ny, Walter L. Nrlinlt, Paul Jlnecho iiil "'' K'cn.'o Arc De- f(,iliiiitN Lntler Ik Out On Hull Jliu lliellung, t Liberty nnnir i:.imiisici Aiiot'T the Cask Br AwrIMo.1 I'm iu C fay Tlmr..) WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. Officials of tlio J)opnrtmunt of Justice oxprcBsed doubt today whether tlio Federal Government can mnko out n case ngnlnst tlio men lmpll- cited In n plot to blow up munition whips. Dr XMHI4 IV. If Coo. Ita, TlmM. NKW YORK, Oct. 20 Robert Far, lieutenant In tlio Gorninn nrmy, Wilter L. Scholtz nnd Paul Dacclio vcro nrrnlKiictl In n Woohnwkeii, X. J. police court today churned with an alleged plot to blow up steumshlps. They ttcro discharged by tlio court but limned! itcly arrested by federal gents on charges of conspiracy. Kay ind SclioU wore brought to Now York. Dacclio until lio bnd nothing In common with tlio others and did not cure to go to New York without irrntfniiient. Ho then was (timed over to. the secret service represen tatives. Tho complaint charges that tlio three, In conjunction with Dr. Her bert Klonzlo, hold in $25,000 ball, nd Mnx BreltuiiB, still nt liberty, (oniilred to coiuinlt an offcuso tsalmt tlio I'liltcd States. Ahks for Delay. Daeclie, nrralKiicd lator in Jorsey City before tlio United States court, ked for a delay in tlio prelimin ary cxnmlnntlon and tho cauo wns put over until Novenibor . Hull fixed at J2r,,000, in default or Wcli ho went to jail. IS CO.(), BADI.Y DAMAfillD, IS TOUIID INTO POUT Wj Afliy Vosteitbty, but Holleied Thai taigo or Cotton 5lny bo Saved IB, Aunrli p,,,, . Coo. JUj TlmM ) CHAnidJSTO.V, S. C, Oct. 2C. The Mallory lino rrelgbt stcniner Colorado, which caught flro Sun ty night en route from Charleston to New Yoik, with cotton, was tow 1 Into port this morning, Tho el was badly damaged, but it Ib believed tlmt much or tlio cargo can salvaged. Tho blazo started in do Btiperstructuro rrom a causo not ct tlctermlned. E in.. : ih(iiiugi:d nv xohtip m ( ii mbi:h of co.mmfhcw ''roject for it CiastTUoud In to Bo Main Tuple to Ho Discussed" At Tho Gathering "Hie. members or tho North Bond "amber of Commerce will give a JPMr tomorrow night at tho Logglo siii t J)cslde3 tll members thoro "'l'lpj present buslnebs nlen or that J"nil Marshfieui as welf. After in! 8uPPer tUere W,U b0 informal weches and the main topic to be J! 7Wd 'a tfie plan which is ad'vo- m b' Vtei IIotr for a coast 4 from Canada to tho Mexican jne obje-t Is to take up southern ""'son', nart . . ' 4 . , s part In tho project and seo "It Is not possible to start tho move- meat tl.n i? 80mo sub8taclal basis. Tho wt by fedPr!ll ':ir:i .. , --. Mt, inciiij-inu jjo, i cul for RtaQ j j .. . . V FDR C0N1CY JIFTH I5JI0LIE0 STEIER 0 BANQUET from .u u,u a"u me uaianca'grouiiu u p""f - - - "ui the counfv nninv o,i win iin work on their plac- fe i. "rom,Rel that the mealing will es which is necessary beroro the wln r mierestinir .., . na in. COSTS MONfY TO GfT of Ita Utle "The "m to its caerglM to Established 1B78 The Const Mnll. 4' t PROTECTION IS t ASKED FOR DOUGLAS . t $ tnr Auoilaleil I'rws to Cow. najr Tlmn. X WASHINGTON, D, C, X X Oct, 26, On behalf of A Jl.. 'i! r r . .. i i s me citizens ot uougias, t Ariz,, Senator Ashurt to- I day asked the State and X War Departments for pro- t per protection of the city X by American troops in the J event of an engagement t t between the Carranza and i X Villa forces, , X Al'STHO-HUXOARV HCCOGXIZKS CARRAXZA IX MEXICO In First of European Gowiuincnlii to Act, Acroidlng (o Message Ho tel vid Today III, AMftcltt! rrfM to Coot nr TlmM.) TOKREON, Mox, Oct. 20. Aus- trlu-Hungiiry Is tlio first European nation to rocognlzo tlio government of Cnrrituzii. Notification of hiu recog. nltlon wan received today In u mes sage from tliu AiiHtrlaii ehnrgo d'af faires In Mexico City. FIGHTS S ItAIMIOAl) PKIMIDCXT HAS Tiiitiiiiiixo i:xi'j:iti i:ci: Oiieo SIiirIo lluiuletl A'Ml AkiiIii As hlKletl by Mexlcuii Hoy Stands orr iiitntiits lily AwoflitM Prem to Coo. na; Tlmr.J i nltOWXSVILLi:, Toxhh, Oct. 2(1. Sam Robertson, president of tlio Sun llenlto and Illo Ornntlo Itnllroad. tl, i.iiln.k ..tttl. lnvlfinn linmtltu ' eaBt of San Henlto yesterday uftcr noon, tho first time alone, and tho second tlmo with tho nsslstunco of a 1-1 year-old Moxlcan boy. Kohortson reached San Honlto this morning with a bullet holo through f tho shouldor of his coat nnd tlio liool f ot ono shoo off. Suvornl wooks ago, FOLLOWS ME II u hole wns shot through lil ltnt. Ilolpagiio, north of l.omcsnll, which the said ho wounded or killed ono or two Jlcxlnins in yesterday's fight. IHE MILITIA IS SENT STATK TBOOPS (80 TO CIdlTOX .MIMXC DISTHICT Adjutant General Is Already Thcio To Tiilto Cbargo or Affairs During Slrlko l, Awocatei 1'fCM to 0. VJ Tliun.l P1IOUNIX, Ari., Oct. 2C A hun dred militiamen will leave Mcbh anil Tempo tonight for Clifton to reln- 'forco tho 200 stnto troops uliondy In the coppor strike district. Tho Ad jutant General already had left for Clifton. CIIAIIM'S IILAIIt IS FIXKD 1(1 AT XOKTH BKXD Lltiultl ItefieslniieiitH for Big I'Ved Aro Also Confiscated by tho Pollco A big rood plttiinod for last Sun day turnod out to ho a lry itrfnlr. It wns arranged by Churles Blair nnd f was to bo hold In hi" flout house. A lot or chickens had been mod und a mimbor or rrlends woro to bo pros- ont. But there was a hitch in tho pro ceedings. Sunday Bluir wus seen coming out of tho sldo door of Chris 'Gross' saloon. Ho had a suit caso nnd it contained tho drinks which wero to ho served at tho feed. It was explained that tho chickens woro all fried but Chief Anderson said thev would have to bo eaten without I'nny liquids and conHscated tho suit caso or wet goods. It was impossiu.o to ascertain whether tho liquor was bought on Sunday. Blair was fined $10 for having liquor in his posses slonon Sunday in the city. 'Leave "For Homestead. .1. W. Flanagan, Charles Staurr. William Dungan. Fred Rentl and Walter Dun gan loft todny ror tho Eden HMse country where they have homesteads. 'The made tho trip out uy rower They said they expect to get tneir xnvj "" .--- . -- - ., i.. ol.mto tnf o-nrrtnna ill the AD DRINKS SUNDAY fflons law MARSHFIELD, OREGON, GERMANS ON ALL FRONTS Teuton Advances in all Differ ent Actions are Reported ioclay by Berlin Oil Juncture With Bulgarians Said. to be Only Matter of a Few Hours Longer FIGHTING IN THE WEST Claim That Portion Cnptuml by tho Kid'cl, Sunday Hnvo Been Helakcn liy (icruiaiiN Von llludenbui IH SlUT04Nflll ttlj AMoclatcJ Prm to Coo. Day TlmM 1 l.ON'DON, Oct. 20 Gorman ad vances on nil fronts aro reported to day by Merlin. Tho race for tho road to Constantinople has reached nn ex citing stago. The Hulgnrluno nro within a few miles of u Junction with tho 'rontons, while the Trench In small force hnvo already Joined tho Serbians. Tho Kreneh hnvo not yet gathered In sufficient numbers to n Hitmo nn actual offensive. Will Soon Decide An actual Junction betwoon tho Bulgarians nnd the allies, which may ho n mattor of only a few hours, will soon show whether the Serbians urn able to hold tho mountain positions until tlio allies bring up strong forc es. Progress Mtttlo Knst of VIsegrad, Bosnln, further progress wns mado Into Serbia by tho Teutons nnd uovernl positions occu pied. South or Pnlnukn ground wns gained on tho northern slopo of ItaCn ynlley. Further east tho (ioniums enpturod several towns nnd tho Bul garians captured l'rnvovo on tho Dan ubo across from tho Humnnlnn fron tier nnd hero they nro nlmost to a Junction with tho nermans on wost'itauit in tho West. Gorman positions ov- or n fiont of 2G0 motors In Cham- Froncli captured Sunday, hnvo boon retaken, Berlin says. Fight Continues Paris says tlmt fighting continues In Chnmpagno and nt La Courtlno with llmltod fluctuations. In tho cast, Von Hludonburg's nrmy again crossed tho Illouskt district and re conquered positions lost. Von liluslngon stormed the Rub slnn positions cast of Kolki nnd wost or Czartorysk. They enpturod 1151 men and ten mnchliio guns. A NARBI ESCAPE WDULJ MR "ar,rsr,uriLET PATRONS ACT i Target Practlt'o of Xavy Nearly Prov-i e.s Disastrous for One of tho Vessels III, AiuHtatM Proua lo Coo. IU, Tlmr. NUW YOUIC, Oct. 20. Tho repair 'till I p Panther of tho United Stnten "navy had a narrow cscapo from being hit by a 1 1 -Inch shell fired rrom the proving grounds at Sandy Hook, A lurgo projectile flow directly over the Pniithor und struck In tho ocean a mllo hoyond hor. CONSULATE AT XISH HAS BEEX .M()Vi:i tnr Aa9ilatfr4 Vrtu lo Cooa Dr Time) WASHINGTON, I). C, Oct. 20. Tho American consu--lato nt Nlsh has boon moved to Tchatchak, Serbia, accord ing to a dhpatch today rrom American Minister Voplcka at Bucharest, Rumania. vt RAILROAD IS HELD BULGAIHAXS HAVE PART OF-NISH-SALOXIKI LINE Stiwig Forces Commaiiil Fitly Miles of the Road Between Vranya and t'skiib IDr AatotUtol PrM l Coo. DT TlmM.J SALONIKI, Oct. 20. With Uskub 'In their possession, the Bulgarians now hold with strong forces tho Nlsh SnlonlM railroad between Vranya and Uskub, a distance of 50 miles. RID Of THE THINK MEMBER, OP TJ1K ASSOCIATE) PRESS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 191 5 X NEW MEANING OF $ X COMPENSATION ACT 1 t I Dr Associated freM to com Bar Tlmn, 4 X MADISON, Wis,, Oct, X X 26. The Supreme Court X X today held that typhoid X X fever contracted through X t drinking water furnished t X by an employer and re- X X suiting in the death of an X t emolove is an accident 1 i and within the meaning of X ty workmen's compensa- X X tion act, X BELIClSltiOlEO IdXCOIiN'S AIBTII.MKTIC Ii'Olt S?1II0 TODAY HKId.K Tiopbles 'Ki-om l.lbiary of .John C. Bin tun of Milwaukee Arc DlHpt'MMl Of Illf AaapclntM I'n-M to Cmm liar TlniM.J NHW YOUIC, Oct. 2C Abrnlinm lilucoln's book of examples on arith metic, which he used ns u hcIiooI boy of IT. yeurH, brought $210 nt a hiiIo or Idncolulntilu from the library of John C. Burton or Milwaukee. WILL ARBITRATE AHIOXA .MINF.Htf FAVOIt HUT TMJ.MMXT OF WAGIJ SCAM3 Itctiiin from Tno Camps of Clifton District Slum- PioposlMon Will Mludy Cany III, A..octtd I'rm u Cow liar 11m.,) CLI1-TON, Ariz., Oct. 20. Incom-' pleto returns or the vote rnHt todny by mass meetings or strikers and citizens or tho, coppor mine camps or Clifton, MorencI ami Mctrnlf, up on n proposition for arbitration or tho wago scale differences, showed only n scattering voto enst against tho proposition. IS W. J. IlltVA.V STAHTH CAMPAIGN' IX OHIO Is Xot DInciishIiik Pi.Iltlcs Wbltli Do Xot Have Iteming on the lifijuor Question. nr AuoclatM rrt. io Ova. Ilr TIdim.I LANCASTKIt, Ohio, Oct. 20. William J. Bryan began tho second day of his campaign for stato-wlilo prohibition in Ohio today with a speech delivered shortly after ho finished breakfast. Ho refrained from discussing politics not involv ing tho lItiior question. FLAGSTAFF SCHOOL BOARD PUTS ISSUK I'P TO DISTRICT Two Meetings Culled One To Decide On Healing Building Mlier T" Doclaio for School Bonds Two meetings of tho school patrons of District No. 18 ut Flagstafr have been called, ono ror Novomber !i and another ror November 20.' Tho Hrst ono. Is called by the board to vote on whether or not a building duill ho rented and nil additional teacher produced for tho rest of tho ycir nnd tho second, tor tho purpose or deciding If tho district shall voto $4,000 bonds to build a now school and buy additional land. The mootlngs woro tho decisions reachod by tho school directors lust ' i evening. They decided that boforo any dofinito action Is taken in either mattor tho patrons of tho district should first express their opinions. To Rent 'Iciupomiily It isidanned to rent a building on tho Mllllcoma Hat belonging to Geo. Montgomery ror tho remainder or tho year to handlo tho surplus pupils. The partitions would be torn ont. ThoMiew building, say tho board members, sooms essential. Thoy would bond tor $3,500 ror a building nnd $500 to buy additional land ror school grounds. The members or the school board are Alex Sandon, chairman, Mrs. Geo. Montgomery and E. M. Smith and E. L. McClure, secretary. Miss Eva Dresser now has charge of tho 36 pupils. Times Wv.nt Ads for results. pom TO Smwa EVENING EDITION. BE 10 TALK PEACE Report That Germany Will Submit to President Terms That Would be Acceptable IS But Authority Said to Be a Relative of Prince von Beu low, the Chancellor PUBLISHED MADRID Conitf, In Shapo of .McHsugo From ' Homo, At'tiirdlng to a Henler Agency Dispatch to 1ondou Deceived Today lllf AMoclatM rtt. lo Com lla, TlmM. J LONDON, Oct. 20. A report reached hero today that Prince Von Buolow, former German Chancellor, .will shortly submit to Prosltlont Wilson and King Atphoimi an out line of the conditions on which Gor many might ho dlHposed to discuss terms of peace. Xot Confirmed. Tho report In contained In a lieu (or dlspntch from' itrndrld and has not boon corroborated from any other source. Tho dlspntch gives ns authority Prlucu Cnmporcnlo, nn Italian nobleman, who Is n brother-in-law of Prince Von Buelow. Published iu .Madrid Tho report wns find published In Madrid, the correspondent 'says, In tho form of a messago rrom Homo. AldilKS ATTACK AX UXFOUTI FIKD HCM2AUIAX SHTTIjKMKNT Greater Part or Place Destroy,! and Twontj-rivo Women nnd Children Killed IllTAi.ocUto.1 fmi lo Com na, Tlmn.J BHIIMN, Oct. 20. Ileportli from Sofia say tho greater pnrt of tho unfortified city of Dctlenghutch wan tlostroyed by bombardmoiit or tho hilled tleot. Twonty-flvo women and children wore killed, "This Inhu man nnd brutal deed of tho British nnd Fryiich produced deopest Indig nation," tho report says. iTI TD1S TAKEN RUl.t.'ARIAXs'CAITURE NEGOTIX AXD PRAHOVO IX SERBIA Piiiit'o O i lllu ami Commander of At my are Solemnly Hccolwd by tlio Peoplo (II, Awoclatoi I'cm. to Coo. n.7 TlmM,) SOFIA, Oct. 20. A Bulgarian of ficial statement ways: "Our troops captured Nogotln and Prahovo on tho Danube. The booty includes uuu commissariat store house, 20 rail way carriages, war material and 271 prisoners. Prluco Cyrlllo and tho commander of the nrmy were solemnly received nt Uskub." DEMONSTRATION' IS .MADE PEOPLE OF RUMANIA BY Overt blow of Premier Bratlaiin Is Called for at Big Gathering Held Yesterday (II, Aaaoclated rrt to Coo. lla, TlmM. AMSTERDAM, Oct. 20. Calls or tbo overthrow or Premier Brntlano or Rumania wero shouted during a meeting yestorduy at Bucharest, presided over by former Ministers Takojouescti and Flllposco, at which a resolution was adopted ravorlng Rumania's Intervention In tho war, according to a telegram from Buchar est. A procession was formed but tho polco dispersed It. APPEAL PRESENTED (Ilj AuoclatM rrf. t. oou. IU, TIbm.) NEW HAVEN. Oct 20 A plea to President Wilson to do every thing in his power to save tho rem nants of the Armenian and other non-Mohammedan races in Turkoy was contained In a resolution passed by' tho National Council of tho Con gregational Church horo today M I GONFIRMEU BOMBARD A CITY WLL soo YOU ttTyiTOfelll)! A Consolidation of nnd Coos Bay X TO PROSECUTE ON ' X X ACCOUNT OF FIRE : X ; tnr AaaoclatM tTta to Coo. n, TlmM.) X PITTSBURG, Pa Oct, X 26, The prosecution of X the officers of the Union X X Paper Box Co,, through t X the destruction of whoso t X factory by fire yesterday X t 12 girl employes and a X X man lost their lives, was X X announced today by tho t X Coroner, Negligence is X X charged. X LOSSESTERY GREAT KSTIMATK OF GF.HMAX D53AD , AXD WOUXDFD GIVKX Total liss (o Central PoucrN Clalmctl to Ho FIo Million by llotter- ilaiu Paper tn, Amoclatfrt rr. lo Coo. na, Tlmr.,, LONDON, Oct. 20. Tho Nlouwo Holterdnmscho Courant given the Germnn Ioshcm rrom Oct. 11 to 20 nM r7,l2l In dead, wounded nnd miss ing. Tho total Pruusluu losses nro fclvou ns 2,021,073. Tho Courant figures tho total losses to tho Cen tral powers at 5,000,000. WILL INVEST HERE (SAY LOMHAHD, PORTLAND .MAN, TO BI'.COMi: 1XTKHF.STKD II, .u itiu... l'lulil.... r. r (- .....-M ..... .v,. , .n... j,. ... rtiiiii,vii mm Leaves Last Night on Tho Adeline Smith It Is stated that Gay Lombard, of Portland, who has been Hio guest of L. J. Simpson, will Invest in Coos liny. Mr. Lombard visited Mr. Simp- Icon at Shore Acres und by tho latter wns biiowii over tho country and thus saw gootl chances for Investment 'which ho will tnko ndvantuge or. Mr. Lombard Is n wealthy man and ono who commands n largo amount or capital as his business nssoclntcs nro men who hnvo money to invest. That ho will become Interested In Coos Buy property Is highly Import- nut. REV. (8. LE ROY HALL WRITES OF BAPTIST CONVENTION HcpirsoiilnllvoH From All PartH or Statu Meet Iu Eugeni"- Spoilt) In Chapel Car, "Good Will." Tho Rov, G. Lo Roy llal Is ex pected homo tomorrow from Eu gene, whore ho has for tho past week been uttniidlug tho Oregon Buptlst Convention. From totters written to Mrs. Hull ho bun ex plained In part tho work accom plished by tho church In Oregon during tho past year, Tho results, ho writes, uro most gratifying. Tho riscal year for tho Baptist Church closes Octobor 1, Thoroforo accurate reports for tho year wero available Iu one year $180,000 was raised by thp church Iu thin statu ror Its uses and the financial stand ing of tho organization Is shown by tho fact tlmt there Is $1000 stir-' plus remaining In the treasury with ull obligations for tho yenr paid up. Thoro uro In Oregon Homo $10,000 Baptists, 1000 members being added Iu 12 mouths. Has Flvo Objectives Tho church In tho Uultod States has flvo objectives which It Is striv ing to attain Iu tho next flvo years. Oregon Is aiding much to boost tho CHURCH GROWING accomplishment or tlio program. This!"0 wa,B H0,,t to 8a,cm " la now t0 includes tho addition or 1,000,000 mtSmhoru to tho Baptist Church; u missionary force or 5000 at work In Amorlca ami In tho uou-Chrlstlau world; tho securing or $2,000,000 In ondqwmonts ror 'tho missionary nnd ministers' bonollt board; tho secur ing or $0,000,000 educational en dowment and equlpmont at homo nnd abroad and an nnntial lncomo ot $0,000,000 for missionary and ben evolent purposes. Speaks In Chapel Car While In Eugene Mr. Hall spoko In tho chnpol car "Good Will." Another Colportage auto was donated to tho church while ho was thero, this making a total or 10 of theso mis sionary autos In Oregon. Mr. Hall Is stopping In Camas Valley on his way homo A Southwest Oregon Paper u tr That's what the Oooo Dy Timet It. A Sovtfc. west Oregon paper for Sentiment Oregon people nd dovoted to tbo best bitorosU of thl great & lection . The Tlmoe ahviya boosts Mid ienr)i; knocks, Times, Coast Mall Advert Iser. No. 80 s WILL BE FREE American Wife Murderer fn Italy Gets Off Easy After a Long Legal Fight IS GIVENJinEl But is Allowed the Time He Has Already Spent in Jail Pending Results WILL BE OUT IN 9 DAYS Ono Year Is Taken Off Under Amnes ty Allowed On Crimea Committed, v Before- Italy Wot to War lie- , colud Congratulations tnr AmocLI.J Prrw to Coo. IT, TlmM. CO MO. Italy, Oct. 2 C Porter Chnrltou, nn Ainorlcnn, who has boon 'on trial hero charged with murdorlng his wlfo In 1010, today received many mersages or congratulations on thV sentonco yestordny which will result iu his liberation Iu 20 tlnyfl. U Ho wan sentenced to six years nnd eight months Imprlsonmont, but v dor tho verdict ho benefits by the tlmo ho has been in prison nnd in ad- 'dltlon n yonr Is taken off tho Rfftf tenro under amnesty for all offemtes committed boforo Italy entered tho war. EXPORT AXD TRADE HALANB FOR WEEK LARGE X Never Before Hnvo tho Figure Benched Httcli Largo Amount In United Mate (II, AMKlatl rr... I Coo. Il.f TlmM.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Oct, 20. New records for wookly exports nnd the wookly (ratio Imlanco wero made Inst week tho Department of Com- merco nnnouncod today. Tho exports for the week ending Saturday wero $!)R,777,OIO, which Is $25,000,000 more than tho provlous wook, nnd1 a favorable trado balatico was $70,4. 009,102, or nbout $23,000,000 larger than tho previous record. KELLY GETS PARDON COGS COUNTY MAX RELEASED FROM THE PEXITEXTIARY , "Was Ono of Three Convicts Whom l,uto Warden Mluto Asked Pardon For III, AMbclal) rrM u Coo. liar YtmM. SALEM, Oct. 26. In compliance with tho request of tho lato Warden Mluto, mado Just boforo ho wns kill ed by an escapod convict, Governor Wlthycomho today pardoned threo prisoners convicted of larceny. They, wero: John Kelly, of Ooob Coujity; Gus Carlson, or Umatilla couuty, and Ed. Dure, or Union county. John Kelly was first arrestod In Rnndou about a yoar ago and con victed on tho charge of larcony from n building, for taking a second hand suit or clothea rrom a pressing estab- llshmout where ho wus working. It was shown that provlous to this the man hud been working Iu the woods and was a good workor as long ns ho could leave liquor alone. Tho Jury asked that Kelly be par oled and Jtidgo Coko granted tlds. 'Later Kelly camo to Marshfleld whoro ho strayod again und he wn arrested ono Sunday on th Arrow Lino dock for stoallng a box of crack ers. His parolo was rovokod and have his liberty. T IS SEIZED VILLA TAKES PROPERTY LOOAT ED IX CHIHUAHUA " Belongs to American Smelting tid Reriiiiug Company Officials '& Deny tho Confiscation IDj AaxKlatfel Cmi to Coo. Do TlmM-J EL PASO, Toxas, Oct. 26. Con fiscatlon of tho Chihuahua nlant of 'tbo American smelting and refining? 'company by the Villa state govern- fment of Chihuahua was annound today by tho regal representative if tho corporation. Villa officials hv, over ilony tho confiscation. OflN NEW RECORD M PL i -c lUI- vt.uw.. wvu .--- $T '