bibpssSSEjSSiS 7"l-1f -trIHUiw , tt.wLHMfttHh4 iii"75 i-tfr krnrT rtwTT7!? ' jfTi ft&'&fofS Hfft v ' rr -i Jiwwjrittw SKasw4u .nuj-uya .r.uwRXicrzyjAi v.iu':vi,i,a,,,yi.,w w-i .v. FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1915 EVENING EDITION. I ! Just Arrived Flannel Sport Shirts Suits and Overcoats Our stock isj completeJwith s waggerly -tailored garments. Price $15, $18, $22.50, $25. Mackinaw Coats Big stock to choose from. Prices $5.00, $6.50, $7.00, $8.50, $9.50 IjubOopj( mmhs E li PAUMST FATIItill CI.OHKS CATH OLIC MISSION AT CHUItCIl oe MARSHFIFLD BANDOM FOUR STORES MYRTLE POINT POWERS 1 FIGHT 11 STREETS I'OUKIGNKHH STAGK YOUNG KU HOI'IJAN WAR Mnko Nljtlit Hldcmw With NoIaoh Disappear When Chief Carter J'utN In Appeuraiico Ilnlf of tlio Dardanelles combat fioomed to bo happening on North Urondwny and Park avenuo Stindny morning, nccordlng to rcaldontH in that Hcctlon, who report Bitting In their windows to watch hair a dozen foreigners fight out their drunken brawls In trio street. Homo umo after 'i a- m 1'ollco Chief Carter called out of bed to nrrest a man named llattlcs, caiuo by with his prisoner and ordorcd the men to iIIh purso. On his return from the stn tion a fow minutes later the m on wore gone. A E ran E 910,0(10 APPARATUS II KINO IN HTALIiKI) ON .Ml XI NO CLAIM .SIulNiiian Property Ilclou' Whiskey Kim llolng Worked J. It. Pet . ci-H Hum Invention Tonight Will Html Scries of Loc- I tuics Thin Week for Non-Cntli-ollcs ami Public Last evening St. Monica's church was crowded to tho doors. The ' parlshoncrs who havo been falth- I fully attending tho services of the I past week, heard an eloquent tin- , peal from Father Cartwrlght for ! porsoveranco In tho grnco and char- I ity of Cod. The practical means for attaining this woro simply, yet strikingly, brought homo to each I one. ' "Tho moral and spiritual worth ! of the mission Is now to bo seen, .by its fruits In the old test," said' J tho missionary. Father Cartwrlght, who has Ifccn conducting this mission and who is 1 to lecturo horo this week, Is ono of a community that devotes Itself I ainiuat uAuiunivui iu jiuBHiuuury work. It Is a community that Is distinctly Amorlcau in its origin, I and has devoted itself especially to a consideration of tho spirit and ideal of tho American people. Count- 1 cd among this number are sonio i of tho foremost pulpit orators in , tho country. Their discourses are of n vigorous, practical type, which makes them not only popular, as is evident by tho largo crowds they attract to their missions, but also offcctlvo In their lasting Impressive- ness. The American spirit that animates tho society makes It ono that ap peals to tho American mind. Tho Question Ilov Tho "Question Hox" Is tho uuhiuo J : SHIPPING NEWS X $$ SITU CUM OUT STKAMSHIP DISCIIAItOKS SATUR DAY NIGHT RESULT 1 SURPRISE CALIFORNIA DID XOT WIN OAMK AH KXPKCTKI) Left Yesterday MoiiilK With (Mod Piisseiigci- List for South Airl- ed Saturday Tlio stoamshlp Santa Clara loft out at 10 o'clock yesterday morning bound south to Eureka and San Fran cis carrying n ixood nasscnger list. She arrived nt the Smith Terminal Dock at G p. m. Saturday from Port land and discharged several Hundred tons of freight, among them being about 1,000 empty salmon cases ror tho Tallant cannery. The departures on tho Santa Clara are: L. 13. Grlswold, II. Klammnn, W. Haydon, F. McLang, C. H. Seam, Mrs. Devault, MIbs Dcvaitlt, J. Joiin son, II. Dutram, Miss Cowan, Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. George Trlbbey, Al Ty horg, Mrs. Tyborg, Susan Tyborg, F. Coleman, W. II. Wilson, S. M. Al bee, George Mayer, Mrs. .Mayor, Hen ry Hill; Mrs. Hill, J. Savage, Mrs. N. Uarnmnn. Mrs. J. L. Cox, II. A. Uou tell, W. Stowltz, .1, N. Sommers, Mrs. Goodwin nnd tlirco children, A. Gold berg, A. HarriB, Mrs. 11. K. Ucssoy, George Ucssoy, Lawrence Uesscy, C. B. Martin, c. J. llatnway, fli. Hntii way, A. Salaus, Mrs. II. Foth, M. C. Foth, Miss A. Foth and threo child ren, A. K. Goodwin, W. Ilaxton. Six steerage. Washington Defeats Oonjiga Other Results of Football Contests on Coast Saturday (Special to The Times) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 25. Tho Pacific coast foot ball games Satur day resulted In one surprise. It was thought that Washington and Cali fornia would bo winners to play for tho final chumplonshlp. Washing ton defeated Conzaga but California was defeated by Southern California which waB not generally expected. Tho following wero tho scores of tho coast games: Colorado Collego 41, University of Colorado 0. Utah 10, Colorado Mines 0. Washington 21, Gonzago 7. California 10, Southern Calif 28. Oregon 21, Whitman 0. BASEMLTSCO H E S DKAYKItS, TUCK TO CHARACTER, DltOP LAST TIIKKK fenturo of this method of explaining Catholic doctrine. Questions bear ing on any phnsc of Catholic teach ing, history, philosophy, liturgy, practlco or worship, may bo writ ten out nnd deposited In tho Ques tion Hox nt tho ontrnnco to tho opnrn house Tlioso will ho nnsworod tho fol lowing evening or on such ovenlngs ns mny bo requested. Tells of TcnrlilnlTH "Tho spirit of controversy Is a Mining machinery which they claim will total 10,000 In value, sot up, 1b being Installed on tho Stuts man mining property on Cut Creek, a short dlstanco bolow Whiskey Run, according to Guy Stutsmnn, who wns spirit of tho past ages." said tho in mo city. n'luslonary, as Popo Leo X has Has Now .Machine 'said: "You cannot build up religion Tho machlno Is said to bolong to on tho ruins of charity; our method J. It. Peters, of add Reach, who bo- thoroforo Is to glvo a simply, kindly. lleves ho 1ms something now and or- KtfnXpofllt,on f lho Cath" iKiuai. uuo or ino main icaiurcs 1H "Horn In nur tnnchlnir. Do vnii E. K. Jones, who lives on First airtight concentrator Into which tho accept It? Then Thnnk God. Do sand Is forced by a centrifugal pump, 'ou ot' T'10" S y"r way and Through holes In tho concentrator ' Ood bless you." tho black sand Is supposed to ho car- . 73vor. n",,1 "lwny , ono of tho rtmi inn i,i .. i,,i. fruits of their preaching has been h liniJ m LrkTimV ifZ to brlK lbout n tcr "ndoratanil force 1 tlio Zn ,,r.nlinn i B ! 'B "t the Catholic Church, and to forco on tho same principal as n crcato B BlronR0P bond of christian. cream scparntor. No mercury Ib ty charity botweon tho Catholics ,.,, nd Protestants In tho community. i',iivi. iu mini niniii ; "Tho lecturo Potors is now on tho claim sotting' 7:-tr will bo up tho machinery and It Is expected ' What to IIollov ' RKFUHKI) HKi OFFKIt It Is nndcrntnnd Hint tho Ilnhnrt I Dollar company was offered S.100 ti uay ror tno stcamor arnco Dollar iy n firm that wanted to charter tho boat. It Is snld that tho Dollar com pany refused the offer, believing that it would In tho end bo inoro profit able to hold tho vessel for their own uso for If tho lumber business should happen to boom tho vessel would bo greatly neoded for their own work. 11)1." Season Drought to a Closo With Double 1 louder of Yesterday Dco'n Itui'u n Oooil Ono O PERCENTAGES OF COAST LEAGUE W. L. P.O. San Francisco 118 80 .G70 Salt Lnko ...108 89 .f. H Los Augolcs 110 98 .H2S Vernon 102 101 .195 Oakland OH 11.1 .IT.; 4 Portland 78 1 10 4)2 ARRIVKD SUXDAY The ttenmor Speedwell arrived Sunday from Randon. Tho steamer A. M. Simnson arrived Sunday afternoon and will load lum-lfor tho finish, nnd tho scrap v.oitlrl her nt tho Simpson mill In North probnbly havo boon a warm one had ueiiu. (Dj Auoclitft! r-rM to Omk Btj Tlmn. VERNON. Oct. 25. It's all over. tho 1915 Coast season nnd dis playing hor characteristics to tho end, tho Portlnndcrs droppc.l the Inst threo of tho sorlos to tho Vcr nonltes. As per schedule tho Senls romped homo with ti good shnro of tho weok endors nnd nlso tho 'joii nnnt for 19 15, though the Dees, of Snlt Lake, woro pressing thorn olojo street, said that ho was aroused about 1:15 a. m. by tho noise in tho street and that It did not qulot down until almost two hours lator. Ho was unablo to get an offlco at the police station, ho snld. Tlio mou, he stated, came from n foreign hoarding houso at tho corner of Uroadway and Pnrk utreots said to bo conducted by John Karl. From tho noises mndo, nil of tho six men hnd boon drinking nnd Hcumcd to bo flvo of them pitted tl ore been another dozen gamos on the list for tho year. Tho scores of Saturday folJo'v llf ATrnrnntiT Mr-iiir ' ' ' uu u. n, jg. WMlcnrnuiVI lUCVVO i Portland l 5 I VflS05nk..d- 10 ir' From Onklnnd tho stoamshlp Ado- Sn Francisco lino Hiniin arrived In about savon o'clock this morning and went nt onco to tho C. A. Smith mill whero slio Is londlug today and mny get away for tonight boKliinlnR nt tl,c ?0,,th thl8 ove,,,' 'How ShaU Know , Tho 'tOftniBhlp V. A. Kllhurn Is d rot Is t From tl o UVST?.r 'm "lanil. uniiiiinii wi nn licit rr v it iiiumi i -.... . .. ... .. . ... . ami riiiiiti i in rn iippii'im n w M.minuV L n .LI,,,,.,80 0' Htiitsnmn sayo, thnt tho ap- "11)107" It will ho a most Impor ngnlnst one. Onco tho crowd loft t ... . worI.lllK : nu, ....,. tnnt lecturo and tho first of a sor nnd wont down tho nlloy onto Front ,m"m,H WUI uo on'f. noxt mcok. . . . . non-CathollcH nn' street whero they could still bo I Ho says Peters expects to savo SO ! fn V, 1,11c at tu, o?nlo5m ThoX" ii in 2 Oakland - to At Salt Lnko Los Angeles 10 17 Salt I.ako i 12 heard and then back them came to tholr old stamping grounds, there to "on with tho dance". Whou Chief Carter appeared ho nlrcady had his hands mil and on his way to tho Jail with n man. On Ills return a fow minutes Inter tho men woro gone. Residents of that suction say that this Is but ono case of many and thnt Homo times tho early hours aro mado hldoous nnd Bleeping tmposstblo because of tho brawls carried on, LIS n MESS porcont of tho frco gold nnd platinum and about 200 yards of sand 11 day. can bo handled by tho machine work ing with u hydraulic system. Guy nnd Hal Stutsmnn havo bcon on the bench sluco Inst March nnd 1 a. 11. stutsmnn I tlicro early In tho SUNDAY LEAVES FOH SWEDEN ntoiui; to I Ic, Ivo for JOKI, OSTLIXD WILL RKTURX TO ft. c" "' U, WcdJorlj"' weok I EUROPE TO RKSIDK S'f, .?'", J"i , nC0K Tho Speedwell In duo to leavo OFFICIALS IX QUAXDRY AITKIt st'Pitic.Mi: court dkcisiox Hcoiiw That TomIIh Ah Separnto Dis tricts .Must Stand I'or At I -oast A Ycni' Rosebui'K in 'nuiglo "Ono big bally mess" In good elnngy tonus Is apropos to tho pros out sltuntlou of Oregon road district InwB and tho manner In which coun y road money shall bo spoilt In 191(1. And It sconiB thut ovory county In tlio H:nto, wltn 1110 exception of Multno DEPUTY STILL HOT .MR. LAIRD i:IIIIUTS TELE 0lt..MH FROM SPOK'AXE POLICE FrloinlH Hero DiH-lnreN They Deliberately Turned l''lsh Imiso After Revolving Word lio Was on tho Way I Joel Ostllnd. who for threo yonrs has resided in this city, mid I brother of Architect U. I). Ostllnd,, will lenvo this evening on tho steam-, or Adolluo Smith starting on n jour-' noy to Sweden whoro ho will reside. I Mr. Ostllnd will spend n fow days nt tlio exposition nnd will then go on 10 now York ami will snll from thnt rt.l. r....... nt... ... ... mu ouiuu uiurn nrrivou ai 110 u en r i. RmlHl lp,..mln.l .nl. . !.. I "' OIHl I.HUU' s; r in v nV;,i .;. r; . 1 :r ;, ..v.v i l.8 akcic c i r. Rustier nut In hero for csRolInn this n,.l.F,nilcl,lt0 1 ! morning from tho Roguo, Balling t p'"",, "A ' V " ,,c,,!) !' . :t .noon for Portland. Slio will brliiK n Coucli, Cayet nnd Sopulvodii, a cargo of groceries for tho now storo I uri,8Ju!1! Ku"": .. in uuniuuu Aiiernoou San Francisco 1 1 1 1 1 Oakland 4 g 1 Uauin nnd Schmidt, Pr.isiltt. Prough and Elliott. At Vernon Morning Portland tic, Vci non n 17 1 I Vnrtl. lln.i.l o.. . . I Mi.Nl 0 iinck to Tako Clmrgo of ' Wednesday. " " " " His I-atlier'H RiihIiioss Many 1 Tim t,.n, .M,nnn. r. ..I .. . oiiiuuHui .1 umuiiiur is saiu 10 itnvo loft Snn Francisco Sat urday night for Coos Rny. Still given hi SHIPPING IMPROVES: smouldering over tho deal cltyn JSY1on1,er 0 . , In, . l,y tho. Spoknno police, I J 'f:..0""" "?: t lie ; resre its RAXDOX LIKELY TO HAVE XEW PORTLAND ROATS who turned loo 0 his ". Boner oi ';. Rreatly leaving Coos Ray but bu.l- Arnw Line r Swlijiio nnd lloyi Put hours boforo ho arrived Donutv nosa n,fn,ra "mko u nocosBary to goi Xw Mont on Their Sheriff 'To. Laird' bright over lii' ''? """ .?? !8 M ltun to District Aitoriioy LI JonvUt this I ther rccontl' dlotl nnd It will bo nec noriinJ eoiios ,0.n 1' , .1,, essary for Mr. Ostllnd to take caro iik uie unriueru no ico 111 error Mr. Llljeqvlst has snld ho will wrlto tlio district, attorney nt Siioknnn 4 innli, hns mndo of Kb cltlea nnd towns usklng In effect, whero they learn-. of tho business. His Into father con ducted n plniio factory at Amnl, Swo Additional bonta for tlio Ilandon trade and a new boat put on by tho Dwiiyuu ana noyt company for tho Lvniib nnd Davis. Check nmi Mitre. At Vernon Afternoon PorKnnd 1 5 1 Vernon 5 12 0 Lush, Knhlor, Taylor and Davis, Spoils, Rlsberg, White and Speueor. Klnberg. BIG TRIAL STARTED: njparato road districts mid now, with tho lUclalou of tho Sunroiuo Court knocking out theso districts, can not eliaio back for at least a year. Heats From Itosebui'K George NUoner, district attorney nt DtoBOburg, wlrod last to Mr. LIIJo MVlat saying that Rosoburg U bo liard put to It to expend tho money on comity roads within tho city lim its. Thora aro no county roads b,i tho limits, tho city having taken thorn nil over long ugo and now, too, they nro nil paved. It has hcou suggest ed 'lint tho county commissioners should put In beautiful white tiled gutters or put nil another coating of liavlng with tho money. Walts For Word Mr. Llljecivlst, district attorney, Is holding his final decision, until moro word la received from Attorney Gon vrai weorga iirown ed their methods of procedure, Wero Notified Tho first Vlro wns sent rrom Spo knno 011 Octobor 111 nt 11:14 a. in. It was signed by Doroy It. Waller, Sheriff nnd rend "Cannot hold Fish longer. Will bo liberated nt 2 p. in." Sheriff Johnson sont tho follow ing In loturn nt 12:15 p. 111. "Hold I'isii, i.nlrd on way with requisi tion papers. Should nrrlvo today." Fish Is said to have caught a trnln lor nrltlsh Columbia nnd Is still over tho bordor. Solving Papers. With him this morning Mr. Lnlrd brought two or threo legal papors for serving. Ono of thoni Is tho enso of tho Uiiipnun Lumber nnd Hox Company nnd llonrv nnd Llzzlo J Wmle versus tho Menashn Woodon don, which Is tho largest concern . .V w. '"'"V, wlllc" .V10' opornto aro of tho kind in tho country. Mr. Os- ", " T .. . ,u" nrV,c " '""oase" tllnd expects ulso to continue study i.,,,.Ul,B ltt tho ''ortlaud Journal. It as n sculptor, having studied boforo . BnoB.!.nvn r ti.. coming to this country. His moth-' ., y,, & ,Ho1' Ol'?rntora of tho or, a brothor nnd threo slstors resldo ;mow ' " Bteamora botweon Port nt Stockholm. ' ?"" .n,,a San Frnnclaeo, closed for Whllo residing in Jlnrshfiold Mr. , ?,toa,"Cv w,n1, "; Mur"liy for n nalll.,,1 mn.ln ......... .!.,. ,.l . I lOIIKtltV tOrill Of SOrViCO mill aim will qunlntttiices who regret oNceoclliiKly I rttni'lHon11 tKM,,r,Y Il t,l,,:nn- Her thnt ho is to leavo tho locality. V ICSS E I , MO V KM EXTS Rut on tho fnco of tho question It 'ar" Co,imy nnd others, a suit nceiiiB that cities and towns as sop- nruio roan insiriciB will ronmln for nt least n year and tho monoy raised In tholr corporate limits, 70 porcont of It. will bo spent 011 county ronds within their boundaries. LIGHT REGISTRATION' Less Thau Half Voters (Jet Xnnies oi Rooks When tho books in tho city record er s offlco closed nt 9 p. in. Saturday only 528 voters out of a posslblo j,-uu iiuu icBisiereu. tiiov wero. filed In DoiiKlns Countv 41111I Involv ing ownership of some hind In that county. PARTICULARS RECEIVED Vices Rrothei-!. Hear Mora About Their Fathor's Death C. W, VIora and his brothers havo received further word of tho death of tholr father. J. S. Vlers near Tranquility, Ohio. Mr, Vlors was in u buggy with his wlfo and dnugh tor and tho latter's baby, Thoy wero going irom tlio railroad Bta according to precincts. North, 81; 1 Hon to tholr homo. Tho daughter Central No. 2. 177: Contral No 1. 418; South, 152. Tho prjniarles aro on November S. Hold Your Dates Open For Xot out lier (I, Rand Miibquerado. FISHERMEX ATTENTIOX Tho Cold Storage Company is mreparcd to handlo Sllvorsldo Sal- was driving whon tho horso beenmo unmanageable and started to kick. .Mrs. viora ami nor Unughtor Jumped out nnd woro not seriously hurt. Mr. Vlers had tho Infant In his nrniB and was thrown out and killed though tho child wrb not hurt. Tho accldont happened In front or a farm whoro Mr, Vlors had for merly resided for many yenra. Hate your liETTKU hoods, bill Arrhed. Speedwell, Ilandon, 1 p. m. Sun dny. A. M. Simpson, Snn Francisco, 2:15 p. 111. Sunday, Adolluo Smith, Snn Francisco, 7 a. in. today. RiiBtlor, Roguo Rher, this morn lug. Sailed. Santn Clarn, San Francisco, Sun day noon. Rustler, Portlnud, noon today. Duo to Sail Adolluo Smith, Snn Francisco, to night. Yellowstone, Snn Francisco, noon tomorrow, Speodwell, San Francisco, noon Wednesday. Duo Hero F. A. Kllhurn, San Francisco, to morrow morning. RRIXGS HOME 1IOXO S (Special to Tho Times.) IIOSEHURO. Ore., Oct. 25 gonnt stoveu a mumbur Ounrd, won third placo In tho in- addition to the Moot or Mm Ar-,,,,. Lino will onnblo tho company to glvo a flvo doy sorvIco on tho run. Tho Murphy will altornnto with tno steamors Daisy Gladsby and Daisy Putnam, both of which havo been 011 tho run for sonio tlmo. Shows Prosperity doing onto a flvo day schedule will coBt tho company some monoy in ovor time, but U Is bolleved by them to bo jHouiiuii uy mu neavy tonnago mov ing north nml south. All Hues of steamors from tho south aro carry ing heavy freights these days. Tho increasing of tho schedulo of this comnnuv 1 hut 01m i0. . tho prosperity which 1ms hit nil i. 7'' t ""o. tiio withdrawal of tho steamer Rreakwater from tho Coos Ray has enabled tho North Pa cific ino to enjoy Its first real suc- llM umi. lerritory. Tho Bame company Is handling heavy tonnage on tho Bouthorn extremity of its Sail Diego run now as well as botweon this, city and San Francisco, limits for Hntidon Rumors of heavy freight moving to Oregon coast ports ns far south aa namlon have also been afloat for so"! ?i. (,,ayf' n,Vl U ls MnU that addl- " k" oijiooners or small steam- ors may ahortly go out. Captain SUIT FOR $:I5,000 DAMAGES RE GINS IX TORTLAXD Id Ore., Oct. 25,-Sn-- Casaday l8 getting tho VchoonerE 11 Pearson, of Rosobuig. torprlso ready for ono while othor of the Oregon National changes are also li, prospee ' 1 third nlaco In the in- Olnmln n,i-, '. '....v. dividual match at tho National shoot. Jeldness jno here returiipi ?. Ho had 750 entries ag.Upst him and , day from Banff and ?Nowpor ,!' Bcoroa 3H out of a posslblo 325 tug which time 10 llno.i , n'L?" points, mon. Price Seventeen and one-halt I heads, etc, priutod at TUB TIMES ceiim m i-io.) loliUtt. U '1 V-afc.B 1 enough to keen tlm .iiinnn. iii-f "i r . l,LA"eda .' on runs Into Mrs. Hugh Porter Walls Is SuIiik Siiiilh-Powors Company for Iioss of Leg. Tho trial of tho suit nt m ti.h.i. Porter Walls against tho Smith-. Powers Logging Company for dam ages In tho sum of $35,000 for tho' loss of hor, leg. has beon started In . I-edernl Court In Portland. A nuin- uor 01 loos county witnesses were called. Sirs. Walls was formerly Miss Edna McDonald, but bIiico tho' accident was married to Hugh Por-, tor Walls, a California newspaper' nun. .Mrs. wans nns neon In Co-1 qulllo on a visit nnd went from there to Portlnud to bo present at tho! nun, ami was accompanied by Mrs. Anna Martell. Tho accldont wllleli runultnil It. tho injury to Mrs. Walls occurred nt Coqulllo. Sho was struck by n Smith-Powers Logging train at tho dopot and run ovor nnd lost her log ns a result. Witnesses falln.1 Charles M. Skeels. of Comiiiio , ono of tho witnesses who has son to Portland. He did not seo tho accident, but arrived there a few momenta lator. J. s. Rnrton ond Jesse Hite havo also gone to appear ns witnesses. Mr. Hlto saw the ac cident. Mrs. Wnlls was formorly om Ployed as stenographer in the of flco of Mr. Rarton. Others to Testify ti A,Y!Uier witness la M. O. Hooton. Ho did not seo tlm, 1.... heard ono account of It as told 'by n lirnbamnti ... it.. . . . inT " l" irain a"d t I s will be used as evidence.' ntSA "'"'eraon. City Enslneor of Coqulllo, has been called to icstl- i . . 1 K U1 "oundarles of tho w,'i l" wnoinor uio accident OUR PRICES MMg,iMgaM11mM,Wfc Standard Calico Challies, for Comfort linings 5o Barber Towels, per dozen .. 5c Huck Towels, from - 45c Bath Towels -5c to 25c Corduroy y5y or;1"0 and up Wash Ribbons, five-yard bolts 'oc'bbcand$i,oo Fine line of Fancy Ribbons, yard wc and 10c Middy blouses, $1.25 value c --30C $1.00 UmbreJIas, $1.25 value .. The Golden Rul BIGGEST STORE e BEST PRICES PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY we ray nciurn unarges. prompt and Efficient COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY - j EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made iiKe new DEMONSTRATIONS DAjpfl Koontz Gara&i Phone 180-J. Abstract , FOK RKLIAUIiie AIISTKACTS OK TITL13 AIIOUX i i JBgkt ftSSA'' Xti V ?; UJWAT10S COOS BAY REAL BTAfoSt TITLE GUARANTEE &. ABSTRACT COJnc MAitsiirinrii) and coquillk ciiy, oiikgon GEriERAL AGENTS, KARTBIDK AN'I SKNGSUIOKIiN'S ADDITI0.1 AGKNTH VOll CANADIAN PACIFIC ItAILHOAU LJUlOg HKNltV SKNGSTAOKUN, MANAGER GRAVEL' Wo nro now propn.rod to furnish GRAVEL In anr ointlt!M from pllo In our yard or In crlond lots, at following prices: From pllo on grouud, $2.?G per yard. oartoad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 per jtrl. jftctnll Dcpnrtinoit. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposlto Post-Offlco. I'dm WO. MERCHANTS CAFE Populnr Plnco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial and Il'dw'y. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED . NOW - See CORTHELL . Phone 3171 M M I I M I Making Business Better Str. Speetlwell sails south from AVe liuvo u nifty lino or coal, od thoso ports, nn,l hopes soon to 1 lave r" ""V Wcdnoxlnr , n,f T ?,!!. ?::!:!b"'iti0-,,.lK -. - ?. !fr ? t W an old oe re" Ticket. it sSh cl 3"' f,T: -i i ii- iiwu, mm 1'oliitcr'n, North Ileiul.... this lino lufor. von lmv e,.i..J.x,i... built nn thin n.., .....i mi.. i - - -t v...-..v. . -- -....., ..u 'iiuviiiuaiiu. Times wnt ads bnuK remits. j?;,-t Times want ads bring results. j D ESPITH tlio handicap of war, business is o tho up grade, if each mm of us contributes n Httlo oxtra push it will soon bo bettor. It moans trying harder and keeping nt it longer. It means continual optimism and faith in tho future And it means careful, sustain ed, well planned newspaper ad vertising In 'many lustances. The Coos Bay Times will bo glad to assist those who want ouggestlons as to neij push business. Il