II THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SEVEN la TIMES MAGAZINE PAGE ' $35052' J Corner lot in FIRST ADDITION. Lot 50x120, cleared, graded street and improved with small house. Citvwat- m. FIRST ADDITION TO teSHFIELD fL!0.r-vi.e,l'eacy t0 taP- J01 of sale like rent. House and lot for price of lot alone. The best buorTthTmar ket. Take advantage of this opportunity. All the ad vantages of the city without the high taxes. City water, graded streets, electric lights, telephone, jitney service! etc., etc. . i .k. r Hnll r rmi nffinn fm lnw I aW L Reynolds Development Go. ,,-y tW 178 CeutoU Avo. T A BaAailHH TiilHHMIBraKMjirr- 1.HHHM IUHBHVlHHHHPIIBHWiaMW 1 I WU N MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Pluco fur Good Meals Prices Reasonable :r, Commercial null Il'dw'y. tmtWaQ r WESTERN LOAN AND 1 BUILDING r.n. 1A55B15 ),U,UUU.UU 21 ht8percent on savings U KAUFMAN & CO. Local treasurer kuiiin... -..... Fnm,,rnttM - ot Live in Comfort? It costs no more if you consult A nice, comfortable ROCKING CHAIR is one of the most useful articles in the home. COOH ItlVI'JH BOAT BEItVICK uuxcii i:.i'iti:ss I'M Marsliflclil every day n. Leaves head of river I 3: lis p. in. STEAMKU UAIXIlOW l' head of river dally nt 7 r"- res Marslific Id lit a p. fw tlnrtcr apply on lumrii. KOCKHS & SMITH I'roprlctors HtMXSFEUAXn RTOIt. u HOUSUIIOMi Rrinnii QCIT AXI) 1IAGC1AGI3 Call - pllSON TRANSFER UI1U ll),i "ilJenee Mmnn "l AlO. mill W'tilnrfrunt 7 . ... .. J I "" -- J"""5if - ' : I p- ' ' IJH fllsfffV? 'i--- n mmZTM -is3fe mr ,i ' jau -fe I CAIFK C A. n. imim.v. i Mield PAINT AND i ! ktlSUtci Klirn !...... ''""I MurMiflelC, On,,,. yF"mcr7",T-l "":. nyur NALU i NUW SeeCORTHELL rnone 3171 Why do without one? Trade your old one in and get a new one. If you have not be come acquainted with our easy-payment method of furnishing a home you should do so now. And we save you money on each articles purchased. SEE OUR FINE LINE OF HEATERS AND RANGES BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR STOVE ! REMEMBER THE PLACE ..TTTTr? WM'S GARAGE tJH0MEoFTm, ! U AM) iiowik OP OAIta I FUt.TMoi wa -v - Uh Staking PARLORS ii , i. jv - "o Kept Jj Tin: wuLXa x s'to licensed - "u ue in rone iim -ij-ii GOING CO uiu ,-- Complete House Furiishers ' North Front: Street fWBBBTOWSPffl 4F9BI. HU4UKUkttJbtir AK 1 1 f WlmdSlnafl TXSi AdiuMt 9HP ISJ JILMXESO. ma&ssJatsvtdtfS: Whero marsh Innd makes It. nei-.iry. tho track la cletcd 3wiS ynigffiiwfiBia 5i1.fllHI5l"'3K,.liiijM yrmizi T1IH followhiK Interoatlns iloscrlptlvo article nnil nccoiniianyliiR lllustnitluns of tho Florence. ntgo route nppcarcd In a roeunt Ibbuo of tho Stnmlnrtl Oil Hullotlii, of San KrattoUeo, and tliroiiRh tho courtesy of Tho Bulletin, republished In Tho Times. All the scene and many ot tho picture are familiar to Coos Hay people. On this particular trip among those readily rccognlred avo Mr. and Mrs. C. Cumber. Hot. Kiithur McDavltt, and Al M.c.a. The followliiK 1b tho article ns It appeared In The bulletin: "It Is doubtful If ovon tho proprietors of tho unl(uo stnKo lino plying between Mnrsltflold, Oronon, and Florence, nlno In Ihe We'i foot Sttite,, would romonstrale If someone should call their bindings n freak service. On this trip you Kot aC(iualuted with mimes ltl;o 'I'mpqua nnd 'Sluslaw.' Wlion you run Into 111111103 like, that you linvo a right to oxpoet that you aro golnjr to pet something beside tho commonplace. Vud you do, on the Coon Hay Florence Ptf.e J.Ino. In the Hist place, It operator on a regular schedulo, is al ways 011 time, and tuo time Is noun' tho .-tame as tho duy before Tho Jaunt bestiifl with n hiuneli 1UI0 Water, waterl nil n round" - HKfe'-gKJvlfe- ', . ffifefli '. Neither 11 mine nor a torpedo Mh " SLCVlflB' 'Auto slnfion aro waiting wlioro vou leavo the motor boat BPSPPFW iiffif:: 1 '-&m 1'TiiliiMWIMM it' .: IKES from Mnrshfleld. The loavlau time of tho launch Is determined 'iv the tide; If It leaves at 2 a. in, one morulnic, it lo.net) an hour Inter the next, nnd nu hour .uter the next, and so on until tho 2 M, schedule is roachod. 'then they ko back to tho 2 a. :r. schedulo. Tho launch takes vou down Coos Hay almost to th. bar. There you leave tho boat and ombark In n Ford ntitoniohllo for a spin up tho beach and across tho sand dunos. Two miles of 1 1 tills part of tho Journey you don't exactly "spin," It Ih over 2x12 Inch pinnies: laid lonKthwIuo. Whoro tho mmKBmtFfr """WtxTTJi- ' ' --viMmi Ten inlles of btach travel brJima you to .Ten-Mllo Crcok. mnr3h land mnkes It ncccsaary. thts track is elevated sa35ri, t . JUJ "V i." J ' ' . IfcJW-fcf. Ma . TTVaUM . . . . .J1 (ir Twenty ni'les of l.orae Htnitliw, ! part of tli trip Ten inllon of beach travel brings you to tho ford at Tuu-Mllu Crcok. Hero n wagon nnil two horses aro kept to assist tho nittott across tho stream. Unless tho water Is very low, tho front wheolti of tho ma chine aro run up on a platform attachud to llin wagon, nnd In this way water lu kept out or tho carbiinUor. "From tho ford at Ton Mile Creek Is another drlvo of ton miles to tho Hhu- law ltlver. A slx-horso stage Is waiting for you on the opponlte shore, and this vehicle takos you down thu ihoach another twenty inllos, tho laud Journey ouiIIuk when you embark In n niotorboat and cross tho Umpiiin to Florence, Oronii. I.loyd J 11. Cornwall, 0110 of tho proprietors of thin iiu!(iio iiorvlee, wrltos: "It may Intorust you to 1 know that wo linvo been using Itod Crown Knsollno and Keroluno cyllnilo.- oM In our Ford cars on the j ocean beach and wo 11 ru KottluK oxcullent results 1 from Zorolono under the tiost tryliiK conditions. The I bunch nt times Is soft, and PS- k- rr -rrt0VHfAvt BR" Wl wwwf$Pfw-'Ticmirmfm i . -4vl tBHa' "Vj ' aHlftBwkr mlmk.- lit O iin ' u Jd 1 TlT jJ jTT iDJTTBTLJJllJTIiliHwtf WBKBKBKtKKfflfllfflBnmlBKftrtljKtitnnfrWwnnm villi ,i"rJragg-MB The engine n ralR'-d wlun fording Tin Mile Creek. driving In low goar Is often neeosse'y, yrt wo have nrver lnd a i.ie of beating." m innnHMimilimr nrrr-WMHTilMi iii im itauntaina:mvrunMMitiiimKmiiwmmmumiimaimtmmiimmamammm ....XLtm'MW' I -- - - -- tm w"vvimmmf ' 1 The Foiramni The advertising columns of a good newspaper llko the COOS DAY TIMES aro a truo "People's Forum." Tholr ' messago is to all tho jjcoplo. Thoy aro opon to ovory one with an honest propo sition to present In a clean way. They nro interesting be cauBo they aro bubbling with tho enthusiasm of a "real messago." Thoy nro Infonuatlvo and constructive. Thoy aro helpful becauso dealing 'directly vMthrinat', needs. GRAVEL mtmsmiBSSiwiimM Wo aro now prepared to lurulsh dttAVHL, In nny quantities from pllo in our yard or in carload lots, at following prices: From pllo on ground, J2.VB per yard. Carioad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 por yard. Ketai! Departinoat. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposite i'osMMflco. I'lione 1VO, HOMELESS DELQIAN WOMEN ON THE WAY TO THE DREAD LINE. Safety First Service? run: axd maiiixk. ArTOMoniw-j, iiK.rrir, awiiikxt, J.IFK, WOHK.MKX'K COMIMCXSATIOX AXI) LIAUIL1TV 1XSL11AXOH Utlt Untitling E.I. CHANDLER, Agency. .. MuiHlifluld, Oregon. A Joke on the Lynx. I Frequently during the winter nature , plays n Joke on the lynx. Mr. Lynx ! doou his hunting at night and lies out 1 stretched on some liorlr.outnl limb dur ing tho day. ftynio day. vvhllo tho lynx is dreaming, the sun conies out bright and warm and softens the uur face of the niW to such extent that when the nnlmnl climbs down and stnrt in search of his supper the soft snow collects In gnat clumsy balls on tho long foot hairs. Tho lynx Hits down mid with Ills sharp teeth gnaws away the accumulated snow, gets up and. starts on. only t llud that tho balls linvo colltviL-U again. Again he sits down, a little Ks patiently tllH time, and gnaws the snow a,way. In a short time It has accumulated once more. The infuriated animal tears at tho persistent snow with Ids sharp teeth and wounds his feet until thoy bleed. Vou can often track tho unl- j mal y tho bloodstains on tho huovw- Voutna Lompaniou. A Coetly Client. Miss Ituyluy tokl ine thnt Mr. Phlpps, the oculist, told n geiitlemnn. who told bur. the following anecdote of thy late nt)eb;a of Dovpiishho: Mr. Iutnns was sent for to Chutsworth to opcrato uipu tho duchose' oye lie stayed tliero somo tliuo uud at iiartlug re Mdvod from tho duke u fee of 1,000. Just Ixiforo ho stopped Into his yar rlae u message from tho duchees brought him to her chamber. She hoped the dtiLo bud dune what was handsome by Mr. lMilpiw. The gontlo ninn proteatol; "Vos, and moro than liandgomo." 'lit In mi awful tliluif." uuutliiuod hor grace, "to ask, but really I am nt this luoincnt In immediate want of such a sum, and It you could, Mr. I'hipn' Wlt could (ho oculist' dp? -iHu jiro ducod his 1,coo. took bin leave mid never heard of his money from that day to ths-lroni "Heiolloctlnaa of a Long Life," by Urd Iton;,-'. t u. Hollnnd'e Colonlot. Ilolhtud. with a population number ing only 11 little moro than (1,000,000 nnd with mi men only about 0110- fourth tliu slxc of the state of Now Vorli. ranks third among the countries , of the earth lu the number of Its colo. , utals and llflli among (hem lu the area of Its colonies. Only Great Ilrltuln j m-d I'niueo huvo greater colonial pop ulnlloiiH. and only (ileal Ilrltuln. I'nitue. (terniatiy and Portugal have greater toloulal areas. Tho Dutch rule nix times as many people IW,O0O,O0O- nntNlde of Holland us there are with' lu Its boundiirloH. Argonaut. Tho Spinal Column, The spinal column, or backbone, is the most Ingenious engineering fit rue luie oM'i" iiniHtrueted. It contains within Its (cnler the spinal canal, In Jury to v hkh would produce lu us Im- tuediiiie paialysbi or deatji. Tie sepu , rate Initios of the spinal column aro , Dited mid adjusted so nicely thut there Is little danger of this, and, bo sides being providoU lth cushions, it Is elnitle mid atrung. I Making Progress. j "Is Ilia girl you JoVo beginning to buiIIo pi your "Well, no." repllod Cholly I.ltebrauo veimcloiisly. "She luibn't gone ipitto that far, but ovory time 1 say miythlug she Mullen nt urn." Hlyiiuiond Times UHpatch. . Unanswered. "Sny. pop. may I ngk you n quea- tlour "Yes. Tejldy. Whnt Is IV "When n mart's Ilfilshcd mllUIn' a eow. how does he turn off tho milk?" Sucqois n Fjctlon Crawford-Haw can iiqniakc mon ey out of short stories If he never sold onoV CralHmw Why. man. lie's teaching others how to write them. Life. t 1 t 1