THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A LUXURY AND A NECESSITY IS MERELY GETTING USED TO IT Coos Bay Times Your Paper The Ooos By Xlmoi U frond people's rpor," ad " BtrlT lire SF t0 lu nme by dorotl,,t romoting tho pcolo iatcroita. Germany and Italy Both Want to sen uunus in uiu United States ' fPEILTOTIEII.S. Coos Bay Banks Received Letters and Telegrams Of fering Attractive Terms ARE REACMNJTaLL PARTS Evident That Effort to (Jet Money Msdo Over Kntlro Country Not likely Any Bonds Will ho Sold on Coos Hay Tho BtriiBRlo for funds with which to finance tho European war la now being participated In hy all tlio countries. Within tho present week Coos Hay bnnltB have rccolved tele grams and circulars offering nttrac llro terms for lonna to Italy nnd Germany. The proposal for tho Italian loan vis from a woll-known Chicago bond house Tlio total amount which fcps been assigned thla bond houno li $50,000,000 nnd la offered In nultlples of K00 nt flvo per cent. Germans Want Loan Tho clrculnra descriptive .of tho Geiman loan which la being Bought here Is offered to Invustora nt fig ures oven more tomptlng than thoso of tho bond Ibbuo or $500,000,000 recently negotiated by tho Allies. Yields Big Interest. Tho ricrmnn loan la for nn unstat ed mm nnd Is rcdcomnblo In 1021. Interest Is nt I per cent, pnynblo mh April and October, JilHt .aa In the Anglo-French bond Isauq. Tho tondi aro offorcd nt $207 not for etch 1000 marks. "At thla prlco the German bonds yield Investors sbout 8 por cent, with Gorman ox chingo nt normal rates, but because of tho low rato at which Oormau eichiiigo Is soiling tho profit from in cxchanKo basis nlono Ib 10 por cent, tho circular sots out. An ox implcjs cited of a 1000-mnrk bond elllng at existing exchnngo ratoa for $850 wlillo In ordinary times inch a bond, equivalent to $1000 In United 8tatcs nionoy, would coat Ml, showing an additional prortt oacxclmngo to tho Investor of $102. Cites Country's Wealth. In tho circular tho nntlonal wealth of Germany Is estlmnted nt 75,000, '00,000 and tho population nt 70, 000,000. "After tho first year of the war the savings bnnka deposits of the Gorman neonlo woro crontor thn before tho wnr and nro stntcd io amount to 20,000,000,000 marks." tt circular says. " Is not thought probnblo that UJ of the war bonds will bo talcon Cooj Bay. WIPED OUT MEW.I.V, TOWN XKAlt (JltANTS 1'AB.S, HUFFKIIS SKVKHULY fro Hwccps Awny l'ostofflco, Do Pot, Stores and Several Itosl dfiices of l'laeo ' ,B' "KUtH rrm to Coot Uir Tlme.l CnANTS PASS, Oro., Oct. 23. lre ealy today nearly wlpod out ' In, a small town near horo. It "ted In a hotel from a dofectlvo "ue. In addition to tho hotel, uov- tores, tho Postofflco, tho do p and sovoral hotises woro do- i!7?' Tll uaniago wna about "5,000. NmTLANi) SCHOOL LKVY 'Special to Tho Times.) '""WIND, Ore., Oct. 23 -Six mill! &B tllfl tnv 1aV tnt nnhnAl PQfP08e3 In Pnrln,l ifttn mi,H i viiTNoTxxxix. cS"niiinc FOR BIG WAR j MOST - 'vuuu iui lifiu, i iiiq ini bA. - 'r. uut it may bo lowered ' In"eased by the board. HUN Xinv MILL 'Special to The Times.) ROSEburq, ore., Oct. 23.-A "is been nmnMrnii.. oinaoii thereb bv n- i. ... - . li i... "u tapiiausts, ono of on mill more than tho levy furnrlndllla from Now York on Oct. 1G "'and one of Nw Vm tv-ni mihLrrerf r their wheat crops. They (Bat. a. ' -..., ..... ,.-. i, 0ld Jcsephson warehouse i Ut ?Verl U ll,t0 R e Plan 5 m"'. - of lta UUa "The t H ttme to lu " to Established 1878 Ab Tho Const Mall. X JOHN R. SILLIMAN STAYS IN MEXICO tllr Associate rreit to Con Bar Timet. v EL PASO, Oct, 23, A i report that John' R, Silli- X man, special aeent for t the State Deoartment. at- X tached to the Carranza X government, is to be X American Consul General X I at Mexico uity, was re- X X ceived by the Mexican X X Consul hero today in a X t dispatcli from Mexico t t City gattlTarestolem TEXAS RANCHERS SUFFER FROM MEXICAN RAIDS Appeal Is Mndo to Governor for Protection or I'ci'iiiInsIoii to (Jo mid Get Property Illf AifKll. rten to Coo Par Tim. BROWNSVILLE, Tcxsih., Oct. 2.1. Ilnnchnion living near Mclllon, r0 miles went of hero, tortny nppcal ed to Govornor ForgiiBon for pro tcctlon to Hvch nnd property. If this cannot ho lind, tholr appeal snys thuy nak linniunlty from prosecu tion In order that they may cross the Illo Grando and uccuro property Htolon from them nnd taken to Mox Ico. They nllcgo Hint more than 100 head of cattle wore atolcn with in a week. DUTIES TO BE Pi CARRANZA CONSUL MAKES AN NOUNCEMENT ABOUT CUSTOMS Appllvi to Legitimate As Well as Confiscated Goods Shlpiied Out lty Villa Men (Ur AmikIHH I-rcM to Om mr Tlm, KL PASO, Toxas, Oct. 23. Unless duty Is paid to tho Mexican consul representing tho dofneto government, nil shipments out of Mexico through this port nnd customa district will bo attached for such customs dutloa, It was nnnounccd horo today. Tho announcement regarded as an embargo against shipments In tho In torlor and applies equally to legiti mate as well as confiscated gooaw shlppod out by Vllln officials. ITCH IS5T0LEII IIAKTKNIHMl AT CLAYMOItK HA It HOHIIKI) LAST XIOHT Left in Ills Vest nnd Lntcr Is Koiiml Missing Loss Is About Klghty-flvo Dollars Andrew Hockln, bartondor at tho Claymoro Saloon, had Ills watch, chain and charm stolon last night and thoroby suffered a losa of about ?8D. On coming on duty shortly boforo C o'clock laat ovonlng Mr. Hcckln hung up his vest to exchange It for his whlto vest used bohlnd tho bar. Ho forgot nnd loft his waich In tho vest and later In tho ovonlng found that It had been re moved. It waB a amull gold watch. Tho chain wns a flno woven gold ouo with tho watch attached at ono end and n gold matchbox at tho othor. In tho center of tho chain wna at tached an Kaglo charm. On tho back of tho charm wan tho emblem of tho Order of Forostors. There had been a good many poo plo In tho placo and Mr. Heckla had no Idea of who might have takon his property. The matter was ro portod to Night Pollcoman Shoupo. SAILS FOIl AFIUCA Mr. and Mrs. Cal Wright havo ro celvcd word from tholr son, Ileesa Wrlcht. stating that ho sailed aa first hflRsiAnnt on tho Standard Oil boat 'for Algiers, Africa. He will uo gone three months and on his return will receive chief's papers. Hack From Dakota. O. A. KJol land and Tollef Olsen, of Kentuck ln lnt. have returned homo from Val ley City, North Dakotn, where they . aovoriii farms. They spent . ... ii ll.l.. nftnr ilifl 1'ort-fthree montns mejo iib - ...... - -- .i.. .i.e.. tin,) n ennd cron and that prices were satisfactory Thoy both own property on Coos nny. fflims MARSHFIELD, OREGON, 16 APPEALS FOR SOLDIERS Ruler of England Asks Help for Recruiting as Final Ef fort Before Compulsion SITUATIDMJS grave London Newspapers Say Dark est Moment Since the Big War Began Has Arrived PEOPLE MADE TO REALIZE Words of tho King Show tho Present Serious Military Position of (heat Hrltuln Campaign for- Men Launched by Karl of Derby (Dr AMocUtM rrxw to Com n7 Tlmra.1 LONDON, Oct. 23 Tho appeal yesterday of King (Jcorgo to aid tho Karl of Derby's recruiting campaign ny a final effort to obtain the requir ed men for military uorvlco without recourso to compulsion, la framed In a tone bringing homo to tho nation tho oxtromo gravity of the military position. Tho Tolcgraph snya tho King's worda nro charged with "Dignity nnd earnestness qf lofty purpose. Lot there bo no Illusions, tho present la tho darkest moment since tho war bo gon." Jl OIMKCT IS TO HANDLK AMIIHICAN PHODUCTS AHHOAI) Assiirauco In (ilveu that they Not Itenrli Germany or Allies Will IVf AMuclitfrl Prnt to Coo Btl Tin. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 23. Tho formation of an Amorlcnn Trust Company, similar in organization to tho Nothorlands Overseas Trust, to hundlo Amorlcnn products abroad with tho assurances that thoy will not reach Oormany or hor allies, was nnnounccd totlny by Secretary of Commorco Ilcdflold. Tho company will havo unofficial recognition of tho government. ' Must Ho Neutral That goods shlppod under an ag rcomont with tho Amorlcnn company would not reach tho enemies of tho 'entente allies, tho United States gov ernment would exorcise such provis ion ns would Inauro .comploto neu trality of tho commorco carrlod on by tho now company. Must Arrango Socrotnry Ilcdflold said company ltsolf, under unofficial recognition of tho govornmont, would mako such fnrrangomonts with tho bolllgoront European countries as would assuro 'tho safety of American neutral bound commorco from Intorforonco by tho bolllgoronta. Tho United States govornmont will requlro tho company to handlo tho oxport business of all Amorlcnn flrmB which maho application. SOFIA STATEMENT SAYS FHENCH ANDHHITISH IIOMIIAHI)1 Attack Made on Open Towns of Ae gean Son nnd Had No Mili tary Sigiilflcnuro Br AuneWta Vn to tx Oir Tlmn.J SOFIA, Oct. 23. An official stnto mont says: "In tho Valloy of tho mi nor Tlmok, our troops reachod tho right bank of tho river. In Macedo nia, tho enemy being pursued fur ther, Thursday tho Urltlsh and French ships bombarded tho Aegean coast, especially the opon towns of Porto Lages, Maeconls.'MakrI, .and Dedeaghatch, which havo no fortifi cations whatever. Thcso operations woro without military significance." FAKIS HEPOUT tnx AMOtlt4 Ftmi o oi DT Ytrow.l PARIS, Oct. 23. An official state ment says: "Tho Allies squadrons bombarded tho warehouses and wlrarveB at Ded eaghatch, Bulgaria, Thursday after noon but did not flro upon the resi dential quarters of the city. Resides this tho fleet destroyed a number of irllltary posts along tho Bulgarian const." F01 OM CLAIM MVUGE5 mm MEMBER, OP THE ASSOCIATED PltESS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1915 F WILL BULLETIN HESULTS Tho results of tho games up to going to press nro given below. Itosulta received lat er will bo bulletined nt tho Times office. TODAY'S HKSULTS (Special to Tho Times from Assoc! '. nted Press) 1 POllTLAND, Oro. 23. Itcsults of football games today aro aa follows: Army 10, Georgetown 0. ' Plttaburg 11, Pennsylvania 7. Navy 0, Virginia Polytechnic 0. Caso 12, Obcrlln, 2. Cornell 10, Harvard 0. Princeton 30, Dartmouth 7. Washington and Jefferson 1G, A'alo 7. ' Syrncuso G, Ilrown 0. Nobrnalta 20, Notre Dnmo'19. Wlaconsln 21, Ohio Stu,to 0. Ptirduo 0, Chicago 7. Mlchlgnu 0, Mlrhlgnn Aggies 2-1. Illinois 3G, Northwestern G. Columbia IT,, St. Lnwronco 0. Kordham 1, Holy Cross 0. Maine 2!l, Ilntes II. Minnesota CI, Iowa 13. ' Kansas Aggies 7, ICnnnnB 19. Amen M, Missouri G. Sowanco 7, Kontuck 7. ' Virginia 0, Georgia 7. ' Cnrllalo 0, Irticknoll 0. Montana School Mluo G, Moutaun Agglca G. TUHXINd POINT TODAY Hiii'Viiitl-CoriiclI (Janio Most l,iiK)tl nut lu ICast lUt AmoIiIoi1 Vtrn to Com, n7 Tlmn.) NEW YORK, Oct. 23. Today was considered tho turning point of tho footbnll sensou. Tho Hnrvnrd-Cor-noll gamo waa tho first lu Importance wlillo tho Prlucoton-Dartmouth game ranked second. Interest wns nlso at tached to the Virginia-Georgia gamo. THE COAST SCHEDULE California and Washington Expected to Ho Wluucit Today tnr akxuii rrru to com nj tiism.i SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 23. Tho football scheduled today Includod two games In which tho eutlro Pacific coast Is Interested. Thoy woro tho Washlngton-Gouzngo gamo nt Spo knno nnd tho California-Southern California gamo at Dorkoloy. California nnd Washington gonor nlly nro accorded tho honor of bolng tho two Institutions which will bat tle for tho promlor honors of tho coast but should either loso today nolthor will obtain a clear tltlo. An o,thor Important gnmo wna tho Oro-gon-Whltmnn gamo nt Walla Walla. s COQl'ILLE Illd'II DEFEATED FOOTHALL, ill TO O. AT Proteges of Coach Nile Exhibit Fighting Strength In County Seat Out weighed Opponents I Dust flow on tho football grounds ;nt Coqulllo yesterday; a crowd of 200 fans "howled tholr heads off" moloskln clad figures omorged over and anon from tho dirt and tho final sroro was, Marshfiold 31; Co qulllo, 0. Conch Nllcs' husky war riors for tho second tlmo this sea sou exhibited their fighting strength and ripped tho lino of tho county seat oleven Into ribbons. Straight football, with old stylo lino plugging, and tho "light nud airy" with end run nnd successful forward passes mado tho gamo an Interesting ono to .watch, bringing Into play both types of tho 'gamo of American students. At tho ond or tho first half tho scoro was 19 to 0 In favor of Marsh fiold, and they niinoxod another two touchdowns in tho second chapter . Hull Now Surprise. Something entirely now vas sprung on tho Coqulllo team when tho locals exhibited a particularly colleglato play, with a guard out from tho lino running Intorforonco for tho backftold. It was great. Painter, at right guard, know his business. Rig and husky nnd In his first season of football, he lias shown the makings of a good man. In great succession he dropped back from his place in the lino and hur ried out to head the Interference. shoving him self Into tho way of prospective tacklers. Lyons, play ing bin fourth year at center, prov- ID i EVENING EDITION. TWELVE PAGES. GUI SERBIA iCHECKEO DRIVE --ji rt.. fr .t 4nA Reports From Nish Say Teu tons and Bulgarians Arc Not So Successful Now Russia Claims to be Winning Victories and Holding Back Austro-German Forces FRENCH REPULSE ATTACK Pails Reports Say (Jermniis At tempted to Advance, but Were DNpencd Lively Action lu tho Caucasus Italians Advancing (llf AMocUtoJ 1-rtM to UoM liar Unit. LONDON, Oct. 23. Tho Ralknn (Theater continues tho centor of lu- 'terest, with tho Teutons nud Uni tarians continuing tho attacks upon tlio Serbians, but with less success than recently, according to Nlsh, which says tho Serbians havo check ed the ilrlvo. Rurlln, however, announces that the Germans crossed the Drlnn River lu Northwestern Sorbin near Vlso grod, driving southward tho Sorb ins on tho heights, nud tho Bulgar ians havo captured tho Serbian towns of Ncgotln nud Roglyovo. Claim Drlvo Checked. In tho East Potrograd says the situation along tho entire 075 mllos of front Is fnvornbto to tit nim slnns. llotwccn MItiui nnd tho Gulf bf Rlgn the Gormnu drlvo la checked. In Gnllcla tho RusslmiB nro fol lowing up tholr recent successes. Report Lively Action, In ""llio West, Pnrls snya. tho Gor mauB endeavored to ndvnuco from tho trenches near Ilola en Uacho nnd Glvonchy, but woro quickly dlir porsod. In tho Caucasus lively actions, lu which tho cavalry Is taking part, wcro reported. Kalians Advance. Romo says tho Italians aro making a general attack along tho whole lino from Switzerland to the Adriatic but no Important results have been attained. SQUADRON TAKES PART IN THE BLOCKADE OF HULfJAKIA Is With tho Entente Warships Which Aio Bombarding tho Coast in Ai'geuu Sen tnr AwoclateJ Irca to Coot najr Time. J BRINDI8I, Italy, Oct. 23. Tho Italian squadron la taking part lu I'tbo blockade nud bombardment by tho ontonto warships of tho Bulgar ian roast lu tho Aegean Sea. accord lug to a wireless mossago today. LEE DAHCEY HEATS CLAHHY ON POINTS (Ur Anorlatrl Tnt 10 cj tujr Time, SYDNEY, N. 8. W., Oct. 23. Leo Darcey, Australian mhldlo weight today boat on points Clabby of Haininonil, Ind., claimant of tho world's middle weight championship. ed himself an experienced lineman. Fullback Breaks Elbow. Lesllo, playing fullback for Co qulllo, received a broken elbow lu tho second half and went out of tho gamo. Two forward passes, Wattora to Burrows, netted touchdowns. Me Douuld at half, securad another; Me Duffoy, ut tho othor half, garnered a couplo, and Chupmau kicked ono goul. Ben Fisher wont over to rof oroo tho game and gave satisfaction to both sides Marshfield Lineup Tho llnoup of tho Marshfiold elev en was. Back, Honglo, right ond; La 'Chapollo, right tackle; W. Palntor, rlKht uuurd: Lyons, contort Wultors, Trlbboy, Morchunt, loft guurd;' mrossor, loft tackle; Burrows, lett ond; Wattors, quarterbaok; McDon ald, right half; MoDuffy, full; Chapman, Back, left half. Llbhy Coal, .$5.00 ton. Phono 72, Heot Pulp, fpi.tM ct, Hnlnes. REPORTS CONTRARY Ml HELPING A Consolidation of nnd Cooh Hay X STEEL MILLS DO X t ENORMOUS BUSINESS 1 tnr Anortatml l'rr to Cw Bar Tlraot. 1 X NEW YORK, Oct, 23, X Business booked by the X steel mills during tlio t week made public today X show an enormous total t t of nearly 800,000 tons t t contracted for, Orders for X projectiles from France I X and Russia, it is said, ag- i X gregato tho value of- X X $40,000,000, x TURKS REPULSED ALLIES CLAIM A VICTORY ON (JALLIPOLI PENINSULA Report. Says Turks Lost Hcntlly . When They Attempted Attack on Their Enemies Or Amoclat! rrraa to Com liar Tlran.l PARIS; Oct. 23. Tho troops of tho outento nllli's Wodnemlay repuls ed a Turktnhr attack in tho Suvia nu,l Krlthla regions on the Gnlllpoll pen insula, according to a dispatch from Mytllonc. Tho Turks lost heavily. Artillery nctlon continued. Two de stroyers entered tho straits nnd bom barded Tsacatopo. FIGURES DISAGREE (JICRMANS (J1VIJ ACCOUNT ENGLISH IIOA'I'H SUNK OP' Claim Number Shown In British Pa per Is Greater Than Recently Staled by Government (Ur Aa.oclalh! I'rrm to Com liar Tlmm.J BERLIN, (WlrolcsB Hnyvlllo) Oct. 23. Compotont Gorman authorities deny tho official announcement lu Loudon that only 183 British mor chant vessels nud 17G British fishing yessols wore sunk hy submarines up to Oct. M. Theso uuthorltlcri stnto Hint up to tho mlddlo of October 289 English trading vessels woro aiiuk, and up to Bopt. 11 275 fishing vessels woro sunk, its shown hy statements pub lished from time to tlmo In the Eng lish uewspapors. Thoco reports do not disclose all tho facts and the ac tual number of ships Is still larger It is statod. TO SECRiri'ARY DANIELS WILL RE COMMEND NEW CORPS Would Not Ho Necessary For Men to Ho Graduates of tho N'r.vnl Academy fllr Aaaorlalfrl 1'ieaa to Cooa Hi? Tlmra.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Out. 23. A naval uvlntlon corps will ho rocoin montled to congress hy SQorotnry Dun lols. Tho present requirements of tho law that a man entering tho ser vice must bo a graduate of tho na val academy or have nerved lu tlio Hue would ho nbollshod and men would bo enlisted from civil llfo. 4 SERBIA MOVES SEAT OF GOVERNMENT (nr Auotlat! I'mta to i'a nar Time ) BUCHAREST, Oct. 23. -it Is reported hero that the seat or tho Serbian govornmont has boon transferred from Nlsh to Kraljego, C5 miles northwest of Nlsh. NOTE jyjCEIHED COUNTRIES Ri:COGNlING CAR RANZA TOLD OF APPRECIATION Assurance Given That Diplomatic Henroioiilnllvtti W'H Stmn bo Sent hy Government Ur AuocIatM ITM4 l Coon IJaj llmea. WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 23. Carranza, through his roprosontatlvo here, addrossed a noto today to tho United States and other American vo publlcs which rccognlzod his govern ment, expressing appreciation o tholr action and announcing that dip- lomatlc representatives soon will bo accorded to tho various govornmonts. Banco, Fugles Hull, Sat. eve,, Oct, I. . Marlln'f orcluvstrit. HE AVIATORS A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Oooa Bay Time Is. A Boat) treat Oregon papor for South wont Oregon people end dovoted to tho best Interests of thk great lectio . Xlio Time ftlwiya boost and aersr knocks. Times, Const Mall Advert Isor. No. 78 Petitions Circulated for Sign ing to Have Removed the Chief Executive of Arizona E IDE TODAY Grounds Claimed are That He Is Incompetent and Also Disregarded the Courts VISITED CLIFTON MINES, Declared Strikers In Thitt District Wcro Justly Aggrieves! nud Soon After This Action Demand for Recall In Made. (Ilf AMorlalfrl rrrta t Ox liar Tlmoo.1 PHOENIX, Ariz., Oct. 23 PotL, t Ion wcro plncod In circulation to day for tho recall of Governor Hunt on tho ground that ho Is Incompe tent and disregarded tho courts. , Demands for his recall wore pub lished shortly nftor tho Governor went to tho Cllftoii district nnd de clared tho copper mine strikers Justly aggrieved. TO CDITROL FODD (J HUMAN GOVERNMENT TO ILN DLE THE ENTIRE SUPPLY ' Previously Provlnrlal Authorities Were Deemed Competent to Han dle tho Sltuntloi) niijl Price Ur Aaaorlala-I I'ma to Oooa tttj Tlma.l "n BKRLIN. Oct. 23. fWlrolesft U' fSayvlllo.) Tlio Gorman federal Rovi, W HUNT IV ornment today decuum to nHu(; control of tho nrleu and supply or T victuals thraiigliout Gurmnny. tf) vlix to tho proseut time tho stato provin cial authorities havo boon considered compotont to handlo tho food situa tion. Claim to Have Plenty Tho German govornmont now con siders It ueccssury to oqunllzo tho po sition of the various sections of the Umpire an to distribution and price of victuals, which nro nbundant but under different conditions In tho var ious states and provinces of Gornia? uy. KING FERDINAND IS ' DECOHATEH HY KAISER nr Aaaoclalad ITtM to Cooa liar Tlraw.J LONDON, Oct. 23. Emporor William rouferrod tho decor ation of tho Iron Cross of first and second classes on King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, according to tho Amsterdam Tolegraf. KIHING SOUAD NOT ACCURATK IN THE AIM A, EXECUTED Comiiiiindlng Officer Obliged to Pt' f;sJ Madam Frenny to Death WIUi nv HevoUur i 'i nr AtaoclalM plraa ! Cooa liar TlmM J S "il AMSTERDAM, Oct. 23.-Tho Tole graf publishes nn article alleging llinr soino weeks ago i French wo man. Madam Louuj yronay, was ex ecuted ut Llogo. J'iu correspondent sijj that tho aim of Up Gorman fir ing squad wns ii)t nccurato and aa In the cuao of Mlsa Edith Card, ex ecuted under slmlia.- clrcuinstuns I'm commanding offlcor of tho Hr it squad was obi',el hi put Mndnin Frenay to (loath by shooting her through tho head with a revolver. RUSSIAN GENERAL MAKES .AS SERTION OF HIS INTENTION Sny.i Russian Ti-ooiks Wll He LHdW In Btilgnrla AVIthlii FortHlght at Intent tnr Aaioclatei Vttu to Cooa Dr Ttrai.J T.n'nf!sr not. 23. A Rumanian 'newspaper, as quoted lu a dispateh ys the Exchange Telegraph company J from Zurich, says the Russian oral Vlsnollko, assered: "In a fort; night nt tho lates, Russian troops will lnnd on the Bulgarian coast,' TS SUCCESS AK1 i V.