rj&Ftyr""""i lmm fMiiwaier b jngfrroi) fmmm mtrm 4$M Wrwj'M.-STJ -W" yj V . U' i . h . i lrirriUln rruvjwii TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCtOBER 22, 1915--EVENING EDITION. ' .' r .i- it, 'iir ,? ,, . ,,t ir ii' 'if r -i ' i'.i "" , . MH'y ,.: - ' r--L .i' ! . .'.ir '.!.: ,.'. , ,:: i .: i .:i;i ;'!;;;. :.u. i .p. - - - , - If PRODUCTS' RISE BOOK IS FOUND I shipping news ; - UzSf lU YZ" IRI "I BB - . MANUFACTUKEKS OP COTTON SHOW I'PWAKI) TKNDKN'CinS .Local Wholosnlcrs Attribute Jt To Fact That Cotlon Crop Is "Short" This Season It may cost n wee bit moro Damo llousdvlfo to cook lmatcrlca for Johnny or make Hubby flapjacks morninEs nftcr tills It alio uses cot ton seed products to (like tlio plnco of laid . J,n other words, tnpro prom ises to .bo tbJs year n shorlnKo In tbo cotton crops. 'and lionco oIho i abort-j. ago In tile by products. Wholesale dealerai In tho local market quote utoady advances. ForMnstaneo CrlKco, mndo of tbo cotton seed and' n byproduct taking tho place of lard, has steadily gone up somo 30 cents a case. Lard com pounds havo inado about a flvo por scnt Increase nnd cottolono is now quoted at two nnd tbrco cents more a pound in the tierces. Laid Is Tlio Sinno Uut oven at this Wllllo need not gel torrlbly scurod for It is pointed out that the products can not ko nbovo tho prlco of lard, though of courso Wllllo, providing ho was well versed in such matlors, might say, "how high can the prlco of lard go7" Tho lbcal meat dcalors Say that lard is remaining tho same. Tbo niivances aro not 'Jjy Jorkn nnd Jumps, but n steady Increase, what tho dcalors call "n'strcngthen ing of tbo market." Different TMsf Year Last year cotton byproducts woro clowijyOJjf,...91l,J( wnH..'JccniB.o tll0ro wash largo crop and war In Europe prohibited the salo of cotton. And Just for this reason tbo planters of tbo loutb woro careful this year,, de torn Incd not to bo caught "long" ngnln, planted loss cotton. Itcsult, tbo prlco goes up. Sugar Is Higher Refined sugar In showing a slight ndvanco duo to tho fart, It Is ex plninod hero, that refineries In Ger many aro unablo to get tho raw pro duct. Prices all tho way round show u tendency to trnvol upward, hut not at any particularly alarming rato 8ny tho wholesalers. '' t I BORN' ,. ' :' 4T FliOHAXT MA1IIEU DISCOVKKE )i:.Vl) IX COAIiUAXK SLOL'CJir 1IL61I ARRIVES Search JtesiilC) in Locating Mlssliijr Man IjiiIo This Afternoon Feared Ho Was Dead STEAMSHIP COMKS IX FHOM EU HEKA AXI SAX KHAXCISCO 1IODV FOUND IX COAL HANK HLOUGII A report from Hunker Hill Leaves For Portland halting Fair Passenger List nnd Fielght Cnr- 5) llur Ik Smooth From San Francisco uiid Eurokn tit 4 o'clock this afternoon jTho steamship Kllburn crossed in nt BLURS 5GNA L KILnntN I'ASSEI) ALLIANCE XO. 2. WHILE WHKCKIXtt IX FOO stated that tho body of Mr. Mahicu had Leon found on Coal Hank slough. Thcro officials woro notified. Jt Is supposed tbo drowning wns ncclduntly though that will not bo certain until nn inves tigation Is made. 7; 15 this morning. Slid brought tii fair passenger list nnd n good cargo of freight. Tbrco carloads of hay woro 'entered on tho mnnlfest. The steamship 16ft out shortly after ond ,0'clodk this nftcrnooh for Portland. Thd arrivals from tho south woro: F. Dohorty, Mrs. C. M. Hylor, I Jnmes Powers, L, Fullcrton, Fred J. CAKLSO-tTo Mr. mil Mrs. John uarison, or uaiciiing mioi, n,; Florant Mnhloii, an aged Belgian Hordon, Mrs. Hordon, O. .Iminer, C. who lived nlono in a houso In Hun- M Urlk, B. Urlll, It. K. Llnvillo, O. ker Hill, Is mlssliiff nnd neighbors, Anderson, V. W. Whlttlngton, Mrs, four thnt bo has mot with somo mis Imp. Today a search was being mado for tho old man. Mnblcit has relatives in Okalhomn. Ho formerly lived hero and about soven yonrs ago went back east to sea his relatives. Ho returned tq Coos nny.nbout a year ago and has I. Wnxsmlth, Qcorgo Marshall, Mrs been living in a houso alolig tho old , H. S. Kocdor, J. Williams, A. Mark Whlttlngton, A. M. Holllday, 0. P Scott, C. M. Carleaon, Mrs. I). M. Charlcsou, 1). M. Chnrlcson, II. U. 'Ferguson, S. Couch, D. A. Miller. Outgoing I'li.sseiigcrK Tho pnsflongcrs lenvlng woro: KtiBsell Kohlcr, Qcorgo Houck, S. Libby tracks in Hunker Hill. I)ft Light Htii'iiing Two mornings ago neighbors no tlccd that tbero was n light in his ham, John Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, Hom- ;er Dick, N. (I. Wllllamn and wife, K. F. ISdgar, D. W. Small, Mrs. W. F. Miller, Mrs. S. C. Small, Avn Lewis, houso at 9 o'clock In the morning. Fred Miller, J. A. Kdlund, II. C. Believing that something was wrong 'Church, William Smith, .1. M. Wlt they investigated and lound Hint tlio HP". M". C. K. Uagloy, Ellon K. For old man wus not there. Tho fact Nb, L. (lardonburg, Mrs. anrdonburg, that a light was burning liidlcntod Allen dnrdenburg', Hr. Dunlnp nnd that ho was probably In his bouse family, Olo Verio, Mrs. Verio, K. W. tho night before sometlino after dark; Wright, Nottlo Itoundtrco, Miss Lowo anil i that w'Iil'u bo left intended to return soon. Kcarch Hclng Mudo Officer Wnltor nichardson Is to day directing n search In which neighbors aro taking part. Thoy havo no ldoa what mny hnvo bappon- vhI to tho old man. Mr. Mahcn was 83 or 84 years of ngo and ho may hnvo walked down to tbo wnlor nnd fallen In or may havo wandered In to tho woods nnd gotten lost, or may havo boon suddenly stricken some where in tho neighborhood. It is bullovod' that ho could not hnvo gono far and that rioiho trnco of him will r bo found. Neighbors Aid llliii Mr. MnJloii bnd somo llttlo mon fMrs. A. 12. King, Mrs. X. L.Klng ami six steerage. VKHHKIi MOVIJ.M KXTS Arrived F. A. Kllburn, San Francisco, 7:15 r m. today. Hulled F. A. Kllburn, Portland, this af ternoon. Hardy, San Francisco, yesterday afternoon. Acme, San Francisco, yostordny afternoon. Duo II oio Santa Clara, Portland, tomorrow. Yellowstone, tomorrow morning. oy when bo camo back tho Inst tlmo daughter. (Mother nnd child nra Hut It Is iald that lately ho has to n doing nicely. "They tiro at tbo great extent been looked nftor by hmo of Mr. Cirlson's brother In kindly nolglibors. J"Htport. I As bo bus been missing for noma )aii('i I'ugli'H Hall, Hat. ove., Oct. Martlu'N oiflit'.strn. Saw No UoeketM Hut Plnlnly Heard "WliNtle nt Point Arena Flrxt Nous of Wreck At tho very tlmo the gasollno seboonor Alllanco No. 5 piled up on tho shore at 2 iu m. last Monday six miles north of Point Arena tho steamship F. A. Kllburn was passing that point bfJund south to San Fran cisco. Had thcro bean no fog it would hnvo beon possible for tho of ficers to sco tbo distress rockets of tbo wrecking vessel, said tho officers of tho Kllburn today when ho dock ed this morning from the south. They rnsscd hor four miles off shore. On tho bridge of the steamship thoy were nblo to hear distinctly tho whlstlo from Point Arena. Thoy said that tho sea was quite smooth though thoro was a heavy fog that1 had settled down nil along tbo coast.! In daylight or having seen dis tress rockets It would havo been pos olblo, in tho light sen, for boats from tbo Kllburn to havo approached tho wreck and tho rocks on which tho survivors hung boforo thoy woro washed into tho breakers and drown ed practically on tho shore. All signs of tho Alllanco No. 2 aro said to havo boon washed qff by tho seas or tho timbers thrown far In shore, nceordlilg to mariners, who hnvo slnco passed tho spot, said tho officers of tho Kllburn this morning. Tho Kllburn, soolng no distress sig nals, continued serenely Into San Francisco nnj thoro In tbo papers woro first ndvlscd.of tho wrecking. WANTS POUT WOHK Itobcrt Dollar Says Haudoii Harbor Should Ho Fled Capt. Robert Dollar has written tlio Port of Baudou urging that prompt action bo, taken on tho iin-l provomont of Ihq bar and cntrnnco! to tbo rlvor. Capt. Dollar in a lottor states that If Improvements aro mado nnd the snmo freight rnto can bo bo-' cured for Ilaudon as for Coos Bay nnd Colirtnbln rlvor thoro is no rea son why tbo ir.indon mills should now ' bo shut down. i TITION X44444 PERSONAL MENTIQN f fifty hours .or nioru It .Is feared that ho has met doath In sumo way, Moves to Xew Home -Today ,.!.,.,-, ,, , ii.. r.. n .. v McOeorgo and family aro moving ni'?. PH "U?,C'. f. ' C008.I,,l. from HOD Central Avenuo to tho .ujiiuik uuiuimii). wun u iiiaauiiKui uhrth on tho Kllburn this nftor uion, 'LAV CHURCH loft tndny on tho ICJlbiirn for Portland whero ho will bo for somo tlmo. MltE. W. F. MILLHIt loft on tbo Kllburn for n visit iu Portland to day. MHS. S. C. SMALL was a paHseugor north on tho Kllburn this after noon. MHS, KISAItXS, mother of Mrs. James Nowlln, of Coos ltlvor, cniiin back to North Bend this morning after u visit with hor daughter. THOMAS WYMANN, stricken with paralysis a fow days' ago at South Inlet, Is reported n 'little better to day thougU still qui to low. MRS. OUST ROSH. of Hunker Hill, was on tho sick list today. resldoiico formerly occupied by II. Nerd rum nt OIG South Firth Streot. SOCIAL OALKN'DAIl FRIDAY 0 Reception at North Bond Methodist Church parlors for 4 Rev. and Mrs. A. S. Hlsoy. Kensington Club with Mrs. K. M. Harry. Kastport Dahlia Club with Mis. C. O. Qositey. Ladles Art Club with Mrs. L. 0. Lang. SATURDAY Auction Ilrldgo Club oven- Ins pnrty with Mr. nnd Mrs. A. K. Adolsporger. Reception at the Bungalow for Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Peck. Economy Sale at: I he rair FOR SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY We invite yoti cordially lo profit by these offerings knowing that, quality considered, these values will be found unmatchable elsewhere. 1 lot of small Pearl Buttons, excellent grades, e white and colors, 10c and 15c value. Now doz.., 30c and 35c Fancy Dress Ruf flings, 2 and 3 in. 1 lr wide; variety Qf' patterns. On sale at per yard .. "; ' "i , Crystola Scouring $oap, similar to Sapolio, It lr cleans everything; large cakes on salo at ! Men's- latest 4-in-hand neck ties, beautiful pat- O C tergs, values to 5Qo. On sale at each JC Children's Umbrellas, fast color, extra strong. Kf. 65(Tflf1tf 75c Valtie. Now ..,. JJC 1 lot Umbrellas for men and ladies, fast black, 1 8 ribs, former prices $1.25 and $1.50. Now P iMA EESs PUTATION t&trt.r U,ii Wn havn in our advertisements and in what we tell our custom. ers recommended XTRAGOOD Clothes for boys. We are faithful to you and to ourselves in doinft so. The clothes are stylishthey arc honestly madethey are well tailored they are. put together in so careful a manner that they out last ordinary clothes. We repeat this. We want every buyer of boys' clothing to know it we desire that they realize they can buy better clothing here for fit for make for style for service than they can elsewhere. XTRAGOOD is really and truly the best bf all boys' clothing. When you can buy the best without paying an unusual price when you can get clothing that gives service and makes a good looking boy a better looking fellow and it's economical because the clothing is well made, will outlast the cheaper, inferior kind why buy any until you have in vestigated the merits of the kind we sell XTRAGOOD is the best of all and we can prove it. You ought to be critical you must be careful when yoij spend your money for boys' clothing. Invest in XTRAGOOD. It will pay you ten fold. The old saying "The best is the cheapest" holds good.' The reputation of the manufacturer of XTRAGOOD is involved in every sale. Our reputation is back of it. We give an unqualified guar antee with every XTRAGOOD garment and when anything is wrbng call upon us to make it right. If you are not satisfied, we are not satisfied. All sizes and at moderate prices for the quality pWHHpHHMMl c 1 1771 K FTfB a tiTj HI X uiu ko iu 6? lllMJk m I Steel Cut. Full Weight V V vcJ : Golden West Coffee H tl Specially Priced to Feature National Coffee Week M : One 7C- : Pound 3L 1 I Five tt 1 c 1 Pounds 4 3U I : Order This Deiidhtful Bg I Fresh Roast Coffee of 1 . ffil k. Devers I nifeMM' . Tho oldest Midi IJm lSrSSnlR-i H Ijftrttoat Coffee W WW ILtll l(C i . ltonatora lutbol w7f loafwir IpSa Korinwest. -. W HtakHMk. 1 f -- f ' liffltt COFFEE LW M Y I i i MiAji. Jfl, .,,.,.,-, . , j . "CLOTHE YOUR BOY IN THE CLOTHES THAT LAST" noumaittuunvuuiHi. (Jet Your Golden West Coffee Hegtilnrly sells for 10 cents per puunds, but ulilch Is hell- liiK t ivduci'il prices this week from Farmer's Exchange One-poiinil cun .! ,:i.l TJii-ee-pouml can 9 1.00 Flvc-iioiiiul can $1.50 l'hono U70 Central and Wuterfi-ont SOUTH COOS MVEIl UOAT 8KRVICE LAUNCH KXIMtESS loaves Slaralifleld every day 8 a, in. Leaves lioad of river nt 8: in p, iu. BTI3AMKR HAIXHOW leaves head of river daily nt 7 n. m. Learca Marslifleld nt 2 p. in. For charter npply on board. ItOGKHS & SMITH Proprietors WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Do You Want, Choice Meat? THAT'S Till: JvlNI) Wi: SUl'I'LY IX ADDITIOX TO OL'K HlXJUiaH L1XK Or P1UMH IIKI.!-', l'OUK AND .MU'inox, wi: ahso maici: a spkoiawty ov Choice Pork Sausages, Fresh Salmon AXI IX I'ACT, KVimVTHIXfi THAT A FIHSTJ.CIjASS .n:.T mahki:t supplius MSF Union Market Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings I OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorbt A Klne. Cnrs leuvo Marslifleld 7 n.tn., 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 8 P , Cars Iwivo for Kniplro 7 a.m., 11 n.m., 2 p.m., 8 P Care Iionvo Sunset liny 7 n.iu., 0 n.m., 1 P-n B P1 Inros, Kinplro, 5c; Tnriieol or South Slouch, HOo; Sunset wi '"L NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. ' Steamship F. A. KILBURN sails for PORTLAND OCTOUKIt 22, AT 1 P. M. Steamship SANTA CLARA Sails for SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) OCTOliKIt 2, AT 0 P. M. For farther Information see W. E. STUIIBi Ag n.Mirn TKH.M1NAL DOCK riione .- L Tli Coiv Next Door to - Hie rair Chandler Hotel Satisfaction ahny or your money back i I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. i " - 'I't'n'-'itivi-rrfu""''-1" ' -' -'-. ?r.j...jKu Luoal i macular I t DON'T FORGET TO BUY A CAN OF GOLDEN WEST COFFEE THIS WEEK, AS OUR SALE CLOSES PROMPT LY SATURDAY NIGHT AND THEN WE WILL SELL AGAIN AT THE REGULAR PRICES. Wo Sno You Money. Getting's Cash Grocery I FAllK TCX CENTS City Llmlta North llend, Be. Qfl COMMUTATION rtft U TICKETS 91.75 j I Murshfield-North llend Auto ' Lino f Cars every ten ininuteH from i i 0 a. m. to 12 p. in.; to South I I Slough once n dnv, leaving at 11 h. iu.; to Empire three trips j n day. I GORST & KINO, Props. I Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Constructlwi n COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK . Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon wail work the Dredge "Seattle" the moot powerful, best equipped nnd most thorooghly twenty-inch hydruullo aredRe Is Pacific water Coos Bay office. Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. nso Seattle, Washington. I W K i i t