Tf- A JM7' ' aMIRROBHAS ONE MIGHTY 600D CHARAC-iT M ALWAYS SMIEtttfK AWW Coos Bay Times Your Paper Qiaos A Southwest Oregon Paper ' Tkat'a what Uie Coos Bay Tlmca la. A Sonti (vest Oregon paper (or Southwest Orogoa people and devoted to tbo best Utorcsta of Uik great icctioa . Tbo Tlmca aJwaya boosts wad erar biocka. The Coos By Tlmca la proud of Ita titla "Tho plc'j rwpor," nnd It atrlvea at nil tlinea to B lo iu namo by devoting ita eaerglaa to omotlns Uio pooplo lHUsroata. MEMBER OP TIIE ASSOCIATED PRESS Stmi mm Vol. No. XXXIX up lis KILL SOLDIERS Detachment is Ambushed and Onlv Two of Forty-Six Es cape the Slaughter Pilo Them on Railroad Bridge and Then Set Fire to The Structure FIRE DESTROYS IT ALL jDdlnns Are Now MovliiR Tow mil the 1'nlted Stales Company piUiitlonM nt Agulla Xous Comes , Oor Wireless ' IBf Auoclitrt Pi to Coo Dr TlmM.J TOl'OLIHAMI'O, Mexico., Oct. 22. (Radio to San Dlcg) A dctach ment of troops wiib ambuBhod by Yiaul Indians botwoonftLoB,Mochlii ami Sin Ulns, Slnalon, and !! or -IG soldiers were killed. Tlio Indians then piled tho bodies on ft railroad bridge, sotting tiro to tho latter, and destroyed nil. Tho Indians now tiro moving to ward tho L'nltod States Company plantations nt Agulln. Against Heavy Odd. In tho attack on tho soldleru this morning the dense brush nffordud tho Mexicans perfect cover, ns they scattored nnd mndo toward .tho boundary. Fifteen United Stntes toldlors, fighting flvo nihilist one, held tholr ground nlthouKh luilf ot thorn wore put out of coiiiiuIb ilon until relief enmu from tho mis sion, seven nillcfl nwny. A picket reported thu presence of the bandits In tlmo to glvo tbo troopers n chance to tako positions for tholV dospor t resistance nKnlnHt odds. Dl RDMISES TO ILP CAllUAN.A GENERAL WILL TUV TO STOP ItAlDS Als 1'or More Tioops to Handle tho (Situation on Molntii Sido of Itlo (irnmlo IBf AiKKlttM net lo Coo Hr 'llm. BROWNSVILLE, Texas, Oct. 22. An active campaign against tho ban dits oa tho Moxlcan side of tho Rio Grando by Gcnornl Lopoz, Cnrrnnzn towtnander In Matamoras, wao pro mised today by the Carranza consul here. Tho consul Bald Lopoz has re quested more troops In order to han dle the Mexican sldo of tho raid. SOTIIIXfl MORE HEARD ABOUT tXKUUTIOX OF WOMAN NURSE u'9 of Miss VuecU Wns Taken on Wiargo of Smuggling Holdlora of thu Allies IB? AnorUtot rtrn to Coo IUr Tlrow.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 22. Secretary of Stato Lansing bad no "Port today either from Ambassa dor Pago or Minister Whltlock on the execution of Miss Edith Vacoll, Drltlsh nurso, convlctgd at Brussels for smuggling English nnd "e'glan soldlors out of Rolglum. As far as tho Washington gov ernment Is concerned, tho case ap Wari closed, every diplomatic ef 'ort apparently hav(m, been ex "ustcd previous to tho execution. A,,VAKCK OF THK ARMY iS RE PORTED CONTINUING t ''fasho Movement Wns IiiauKumr " len AuMm-Gorninu Attak as .Made Against Serbia '' Aultoa Pre., to Coo Bar Time..) lJtEnN'A' Ita,y 0ct' 22. Tho 'ians aro continuing ' their ad- e Trentlno ns a result of Brat ,ffeil8lvo movement Inaug- c a at about tho tlmo tho Austro- u campaign against Sorbla lull lched' Reports stato tbo ,t ani nave penetrated moro than Tien? m1"" north ot tho latitudo ot seloli Pa"lne t0 the north of Mount BODIES CREMATED BENT CLOSED HIS MOVE ON Established 1878 , Ab Tho Const Mall, tHM t BRITISH LOSSES X HAVE BEEN BIG X X 4 Or AuocUUd frrM to Cuw rar Time. t LONDON, Oct, 22, X British casualties since t October 1 total 2285 offi- X X cers and 50,072 men, X DENVER AUSTRIAN ALLEGED TO HAVE KILLED ENGLISHMAN Clnlin Ho Avongwl Death of Brother la Win by Pushing Mini Into Machinery Or AtiocUted rrm lo to Dr Timet DENVER, Oct. 22. George Fla rngrady, an Austrian, was nrrcated hero today charged with murder In connection with tho death of Goorgo Urny, nu Englishman, who was ciuttlicd In tho machinery at tho Col orado ,11ml Southern Rallroiul shops horo Aunuut 20, According to tho police, Flaragra dy heard that hut brother In the Aus trian army hud been killed and Iu re- vengo pushed Gray Into the mnchlii ory. dray Is said to belong to a wealthy EngllBh family. E JUSTICE OK WASHINGTON HIT PHEME COURT PASSICS AWAV Was Native or Ohio and Mas Been 'Prominent On tho Pacific Oltlht tnr AnwUted rrM to Coo llr Vttnw.I OLYMPIA, Wash., Oct. 22. Jus tlco Ilorman D. Crow of the Btnto su promo court died early today ot con cop nftor a long Illness. MrB. Crow nnd bou, Donton M. Crow, woro at tho bodshlo. Judgo Crow whoso homo was at Spokano, was born In Dolowaro, Ohio', April 1G, 18C1, and graduated from tho Ohio Wosloynn College. Ho was a mombor of the Washington Btnto leg islature for two terms and had boon presidential olector (and regent of tho Washington Stato college. AMATEUR HASEUALL CHAMPION. SHIP WILL hi: DECIDED ' Tiicoum mid Ohio Nines ,Repi went- Noi-tbwest nnd East, Play nt San Friinclbco ID, AMOtlil rr to Coo Dj TIidm.J SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 22. Tho South Tacomn (Washington) Tlgors 'and tho Clovolond (Ohio) Pvnito Autos llnod ujl today for tho first of thrco games horo to decide tho amateur baseball championship of tho world, other than lntor-collog-lato. Tho tigers wont In tho gamo ns champions of tho Northwest and tbo Vl,lto. Autos ns champions of tho East, OFFICERS ELECTED JEFF 11. I1HSH OF EUGENE IS PRESIDENT Rev. E. II. Clovenger, of Poudlo- tou, Chosen Vice President at Oregon State Convention IUr AuoiltleJ I'rwi 1" Coot Pr Tlrot. EUGENE, Oro., Oct. 22. Jefr H. Irish, of Eugene, was re-electod President of tho Oregon Baptist convention horo today. Rov. Ed ward R. Clovingor, of Pendleton, was olected vlco president. THREATS ARE FRIENDS OF JOSEPH HILI-STROM AT SALT LAKE ARE ACTIVE Wilter Pionilsos Death and Do striictlou Unless Sentence of Jos. Hillstroni is Commuted rur Aoctt4 rrM w coo ur Tim.j SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 21. Threatening letters bimllar to those recolved before Joseph Hillstrom was re-sentenced to death aro be ing received by Governor Spry, fine mailed at Salt Lake and re ceded today threatens death to the Governor and destruction to tho city if Hillstrom's sentence Is not commuted. MU CI D TEW MEET TODAY IDE MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, 0CT0BER.22, 1915 EVENING EDITION.' I 10 'TREJORDER -t Reinforcements for General Funston Are Ordered From Galveston by Department MET READY Twenty-third Infantry in Flor ida is Ordered to Go to Galveston Post ARE DOING ALL THEY CAN Officers Evplalu that Until tho Gov ernor of Texas Formally Asks fur lutei'teiillou War Zoiio Cannot bo IXubllshed tor Af.ocUitJ rm, to enot o.r Tiraw.) WASHINOTON, 1). C, Oct. 22 Tho twenty-eighth regiment of In fantry has been ordered from Gal veston to Ilarllngen, Texas, by the war dopurtmout an a result of tho renewal of bandit rnhls on tho Tox- ait border. To Protect Kuiall Pos(h Tho troops will be used by General Kitustou to glvo ndtlllloual protection to Binall poHts Bitch ns that at OJo Do August. Tho twenty-third Infan try, now M Jacksonville, Florida, will be returned to Galveston to be lield In reserve. IXiliiR All They Can OfflclalH explained today that tho army wan doing all It legally could to check tho border raldn. Unless tho governor of Texas should ask for formal Intervention, there Is no au thority for tho establishment ot a military y.ono and the declaration or martial law, E F NO ARMS TO PASS IN OR OUT OF NORTHERN MEXICO Order Ik Effect It o Toddy ntl Can Be ' Enforced nt Discretion of Customs Officers tnr AmocUhj rr to coo jut tiium.i EL PASO. Oct. 22. An embargo on shipments In and out ot northern Moxlco has bobon declared by tho Unltod States effective today, to bo enforced nt tho discretion or tbo cus totns authorities for tho customs dls trlct of EI Paso, oxtondlng from Mar ra, Texas, to Columbus, N. M. SENDS IS REPLY ACKNOWLEDGED RECEIPT OF HHCOONIT10N Foicigu Seciotury of Cariauii Cab- inot Dlstnitches .Comuiuiilcatiou To tbo Stato Dopaitiucnt ,Ur AmocIiIxI I'rn. I eu IUr Tin I WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 22. Ackuowlodgemont of tho receipt of Socrotury Lansing's noto recogniz ing a do fncto government iu Mexico was received at tho Stato Depart ment today riom tho acting Secretary or Foreign Affairs In Carranza'tf cabinet. Tho acknowledgment was sent from Torrcon. BRAVE WIFE OF RANCHER MAKES GREAT FIGHT Kills Mexican When Attack Is Afado on tho Family at Martlndale, Touts Or AuoUt4 rr to Coo Way Time.) v SAN MARCO, Tex.. Oct, 22.- H AUred Wllko, Martlndale ranch er, recovers from qn attack last night by three Moxleans, ho will owo his life to tho bravory and prowess of his wife. Mrs. Wllko wrested a knlfo from ono of tho Moxleans and throw It to hor husband who killed ono or Mm nttackers. Then, though Buf fering from a knlfo wound, she got a shot gun and killed ono of the others. Tho third fled. Tho Mexicans asked for work tnd when rerused shot Wllko three times in tho back. Wilke'a conditions is serious. Mrs. Wilko'B recovery is certain. t, REIN InRGD 0 1ES HER HUSBAND X CLAIM TEUTONIC X LOSSES ARE GREAT X tDr AiwIlUJ Vtni U Coot Br Tlmn J X LONDON, Oct, 22, A X t dispatch from Nish says J an official announcement t was made there that X losses of the Austro-Ger- X X man army of invasion X reached 60,000 dead, X X wounded and prisoners, X X The Serbians are said to 1 X have repulsecr the In- X X vaders, X ) RELEASElTASKED STATE DEPAltTMENT ASKED TO HELP ST. I.Ol'IS MAN William LInIi Ij Held at Eimllsh D lent Ion ( antji ItecaiiNO or (erniaii Namo (Or A.MwUtaul I'rwi lo Coo liar Tltnr.) ST. LOUIS, Oct. 22 Tho Btnto de partment at Washington has boon requested to endeavor to obtain tho relcuBO of William Llsh of St. LouIb, au American who In held prisoner iu nu English detention rump because of 1Mb German name. MINISTER IS SHOT IH VICTIM OF ACCIDENTAL CHARGE OF RIFLE DIH. Bos, ilnuins West, Rnpllst Pastor t Tiicoiiui, In, Iu 'Cilllciil OUi- ditlou n-s RCNiilt (Or Atiocl.toJ 'rM to Coot Utr Tlnir, TACOMA, WrtBh., Oct. 22. Rev. James oWst, pastor or tho Klrpt Bap tist church, was accldontoly shot through thu ubdoinpn In n camp 30 miles nbovo Enuiuc'law dlst night and .vnBr brought lioro' today In a crltU cal condition. A. Adnlr was clean ing n rlfio whon It accidentally dis charged. , DR;.1NS0MKILLED Mill citv man is "shot nv' ac cident News Confirming Report FlntUiif of 1 Body Coinos to Snlt ' Lnko City tOr AMOttitfel TrM lo Coo Mr Tla.l .' SALT LAKE, CITY, Oct. 22. Word was recoivod horo today con firming reports that tho body of Dr. Clayton Ransom, of Mill City, Oro gon, missing sovoral weoks In tho Jackson Hole country, of Wyoming, had boon 'found and that ho had boen killod by tho accidental dlsohargo or his gun while climbing over a log. " CASES DROPPED Xo Charges Will Bo Made Against Supposed Federal Officer (Special to The Tlmos) ROSEBURG, Oct. 22. No charges havo been mado agaltiBt W. E. Brown, tho supposed federal officer who ...ln .-ss.n.1 ,lnnl ,. inAiililn fit tCk liiuuo u K"U "i v,u.,.u .". ""....,.., Mr.i nnnnrnl flnnrco Douglas county officials lllOrO will be no federal churges against tho man for Impersonating an officer ns It cannot bo bIiowii that ho mado any profit by doing o. Brown au.ol B Ul0,r roaU ,HlrIcl8 tho arrest of a man named Goodman"0' ,,", '. ,.,, pnPllfirntft and Mablo Thompson of Seattle. It was afterward found that Brown wasL not an officer. Tho charges against all tho parties concerned woro drop pod nnd tho girl will bo aont to Iter home, ., X NEWS OF NORTH BEND X X X Announcement has beon mado of tho marrlago ot' Thomas A Storey, f oldest son or Mr. and Mrs. Matt Stor ey or North Bond, at Los Angoles, His brldo wbb Miss Loulso C. Van dre or Los Augoles, Tbo couple will como to Coos Bay soon for a visit and bo accompanied by Mrs, Matt Storey. Miss Florence Hanson ot Los An geles is hero visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanson of North Inlet. She was In North Bend this week, the guest of Mrs. L. O. Anderson. Tjroes want ada bring-refill ts. STEM COMING FROM MT.-'HOOD Is Seen Ascending from Crater Late Wednesday by Citi zens of The Dalles IS T Mountain Guide Reports He is Sure it Was Steam Which . Was Observed ' ERUPTED LAST IN' 1874 Xo Kuioko or Steam Was Ever Seen Coming ftom tbo tVater of tho Mountain Since That Time Activity .May Start (Or Auocliloil I'itm I Coo lit 7 Tim. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 22. Clottdn continue to enfold Mt! Hood abpvo tho crater ot which smoko or Btonm wnn Boon to tiBc'end Into Wednenday by cltizcnn or Tho Dal les, Elijah Column, n 'mountain gttldo, repotted to tho BitporvlRor or thu Oregon National Forest today that ho believed It wiib steam which was scon. Since tho eruption ol 1871 neither steam nor smoko has Isaued from tho mountain In BUfflclont (inutility to be seen at a dlBtanco. 3IG BATTLE IS ON BULGARIAN AND SERBIAN EORC 1W ARE NOW CLASHING Flghtlnjr Taking place at Koprulii, on tbo Railroad from MhIi to Hulonim i PARIS, Oct. 22. An Important bnttlo botweon tho Sorblana and Bul garians in In progress at Koprttlu, Sorbla, on tho Nlsh-Salonlkl railroad, about 30 mllos south of Uskup. It Is roported tho Bulgarians aro being asslBtod In thla btttlo by Turk ish cavalry. Tho Bulgarlann aro for tifying tho passea ot Mount Rhodopo. A groat number ot rofugoes frbm Nish aro arriving at MonaBtir, in Boutliom Sorbla. UK KNOCKED OUT MUNICIPAL ROAD LAW IS DE CLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL Under Supremo Court Ruling Bond Districts Remain Santo As Were Under Old System Tho municipal road district lnw ban .'boon declared null and void by tho Oregon Supromo Court and road mat ero of Coos are In a quandry. Tho decision has Just reaehod horo and U n result of a test cuso brought whon Multnomah county roritsod to make Portland a special road district as provided In tho law passed Fobruary 23. Two laws woro paBeod by tho Btato legislature, ono a row hours nhoad or tho other and both ot them con- .. ...... ,1.- ,,,.. ,.l.l.l M.n i nrown ueciuuu mo imr '"" ' I first and his decision Is now rovorsod. Two Now Laws M'l.,. lira) urnllilnil rillllltV fn,ir(S "... r. I ... , ,.. ,. 0n,i, ,il. IUW11 ur til hhwuiu u .. dvw.-. - trlct and 70 porcont of th orood tax rulsed thoro should bo also spout thorp. This would not allow tho cit ies and towns then to aid moro than 30 porcont of their road , tax toward bunding up tho rural hlghwaya. 'Tho second law Bald tho dlstrlcta should bo mado up In Octobor and 'mado no mention or eltlos being sop- erato and tho law Is voided. Dis trict Attorney LUJonvlst says in all probability tho districts will havo to stand for tho year, but is awaiting moro dofluito information. .MASONS ATTENTION Tho olghth annual bull of Pacific Commandory No. 10, Knights Tom- plar hold In Eagles hall Oct. 22nd. All resident and affiliated Masons and tholr ladlcB aro cordially invit ed attend. C. II. MARSH ' Chairman Executive Committee Times Wp.ut Ads for results, A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall ln 77 nnd Coos Bay Advertiser. '" ' ' RUSSIANS CLAIM X VICTORIES IN EAST X (Or AuoctntM l'rou to Coi Hr Tlraon.l o t PETROGRAD, Oct, 22, X X Further Russian sue- X X cesses In Eastern Gali- X X cia were announced to- t t day, Several Austro- X X German positions and X X more than 7500 men t X woro captured, X OFFER IS REJECTED GREECE WILL NOT ACCEPT IS LAND OF OYPItUS England Wanted Her to Take It For Paitlclpatlou In War With Al'les tllr A.tocl.lf J I'rrn to Coo Ilr TlroM. LONDON, Oct. 22. Tho M'lmen says today that Greece linn rejected the offor or Great Britain to code tho Island of Cyprus In return (or participation In tho war by Grooco, on the sldo of tho allies. , WILL NOT ACCEPT Greece Does Not Ho Way Clear to Enter War (Or AMocltthl I'm (o Coo IUr Tlrar. LONDON, Oct. 22. Tho Greolc government has Informed the tiuad rttplo etilcuto powern that it doen not boo Its way clear at present to accopt tho propoBiiltt, Including tho coBsatlon of Cyprus nnd other con cessions, offered In return for Greek military co-operation with Serbia. THREE BOUTS LOST THREE ARE SUNK BV ENGLISH IN THE HA1TIO Brltlsh Siibuiarluu Cnmimlgu Against Gorman Shipping Is Doing Car ried on Actively Or Aolit4 Tr tn Coo IUTIl4 8TOSKHOLM, Oct. 22 Tho Brit ish Bttbmnrlno cnmpnlgu ngniudt Ger man shipping Iu tho Baltic Is being carried on actively. Tho sinking or four moro Oorman Btoamora la re ported. Thoy woro tho Horuocsand, 1182 tons gross; tho Plauon, 4210 tons; tho Roudsburg, 4C39 tons; and tho Eloctra, 1201 touti, THREE BOUTS SONK BRITISH VESSELS ABE REPORT ED TO BE DESTROYED Were Taken at Outset of War and Detained at Hamburg An nounced by Llojds Jtlr Anolalt rrn to Coo nr Tim 1 LONDON, Oct. 22. "Tho British steamers City llorlln, Auk' nnd Iris, which woro dotalnod at Hamburg at tho outbreak of tho war have boon Bunk by tho enemy". This state ment from Lloyds Is all tho cotiHor will permit to bo published at pres ent. MAN HELD IN PARIS JAIL OUT OF Cliargo of Esplinii;o Dropped But In Held Ponding Settlement of Nationality (Or AwocUt IT", to Coo nr TIum i PARIS, Oct. 22. Raymond Swo boda has boon discharged from pris on, tho chargo of espionage on which ho was hold having been drojipcd ro- coutly. Ho has bC(rf'dotnIned pend ing settlement or tho question or his nationality. Ho denies ho Is a Ger man and cjulins American citizenship. STATE TROOP TEAM LEADS RIFLE SHOOT IN United States Marines Aro Second and the Team From Regular Army Third tDr AMocittoJ Vpm tf Con Oar Tin. JACKSONVILLE, FIa Oct. 22. Tho National Guard team, with a scorp of 2228 out ot a poasiblo 2-100 points today won tho United Statos service match In tho' National Rlflo Tournament hero. Tho Marino Corps team was second with 2205 points and the Army third with 2174 S10D RELEASED IN BY GUARDSMEN SERBIA LIKELY 10 KjfflfiflED Is Being Hammered From Two Sides by Opposing Forces of Superior Strength POSITIONlRITICIlL' Threatened With More Com plete Annihilation Than Any Country so Far in War GERMANS NEARING RIGA PetroRiiitl Atltnlts Enemy Is WlUiln Eight Miles or tho City Parla 1 Claims Repulse of GorumtiM On Western Front Ur AmocUIimI rrtu to Coo 1r Tln. LONDON, Oct. 22. Sorbla's mil itary situation It' roportod horo as critical. Hammered by superior forces on two sides, her nrtnlca ap threatened with being crushed as ru army luui boon crushed during iho wnr. llorlln today announced that Uiji Bulgarian troops occupied KImnu ovo and Vclezo, Bouth ot Strumlto,. and tho Bulgarians advancod nnd drove tho forcen opposing thorn across tho Vnrdnr River. In Northern Serbtn, Von MncJCcn noti'fl AtiBtra-Gorman fo.rcoa advapc ed furtltor, Von Kovess' troops hav ing rtmched a lino running rrpm Ar unyevo to tho Slatlna Mountains, whllo tho army undor Von aBllq mllz advancod to tho front run nliig throtiRh Snluvuo, Savlnorao nnd Trnovca and to the north of Uunpvac. right in tho East ... In tho East Dorlln nays RiiMlan attacks oast and flottthoAst of Bar nnovlchl woro ropulsod by l'rlnco Leopold nnd 1H.S prisoners captur od. Von Llualngou mndi n general counter ntlack west of Czartorysk, and wns thrown bnok by tho Rus sians. Clowo tt Riga. Both Potrograd and Berlin em phasized tho Increasing danger qf Riga's position, ' tho Germans being only eight mllcit from thu city. In tho West, Paris reports that tho OorinniiB made nn unsucccHfut attack on tho French positions neap Glvonchy. CITY NOTCAPTURED HULGABIANH DENY HE REPORT ALLIES TOOK KTRUMITHA Mohsugo Staler I'reuch and British ' Weto Defoatcdiutd Unab'o to MalvO Progrohs Or AuotUtM Vttm to Coo Iltr TIbm.J AMSTERDAM, Oct. 22. Telegram from Sofia makes a catogorlcal de- iilal of tho report that tho Bulgar ian city of Strumltsa was captured .. by tho Anglo-Fronch troops. A mj- sago states that tho French and Brit ish woro dorcutod and unublo to ma'ta any progross toward thu Bulgarian rrontler. .MILLIONS OF GERMAN OWNRD ACRliS IN RUSSIA SEIZED Industrial, Morcantilu and Flnaualkl Holding Belonging to Germans Jn Country Taken, Ovr (Br Anolt4 rr U Coo tj Ttf )' PETROGRAD, Oct. 21.-MIIlIons of acres of Russian land colonized by Gonuuna und hundreds ot Oorman In dustrial, mercantile and financial jfc dcrtaklngs, valuod at hundreds fit uilllioiiB ot dollars, aro being sequr tered and placed under the control of Russian officials. FISHERMEN ATTENTION Tho Cold Storugo Company Ja proparod to handlo SUventlde flaJ nion. Prlco Sovouteon and oue-liaU cents (17 l-2c.) NOTICE TO REGISTER ',. All eloctora who wish to vote la tho Primary Nominating Qlty mic tion and the General Olty KlacUon should register with tha Raoordarpji or beloio October 23vd, 1915. t - JOHN W. BUTLER, Recorder PROPERTY IS TAKEN M