. "f. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER fcl, 1915 EVENING EDITION. f,Flte Heating Stoves v ?.. I''Ti. ..III! 1IIU ' " for fall and lines made. Swr'ttr""1"11 Ilwlfrs""" ""i""' " Price! from 81.7,1 ' -')0 Jolinson-Gulovsen Co. Quality Homo Kiuii'sliorH Xorlli Kront Sheet, Marshflold MMM(MMMBWaMIMMMi Second Hand Pianos & Organs We have an over stock of second-hand pianos and some sightly used Instruments that win be sold at exceptionally low prices, and terms to suit. L L THOMAS . MUSIC STORE 73 Central Avenue. s Everybody's worries m cannot bo best. Settle tho nrnblmn by selecting whore thoro 1b no such thing nB disappointment whom claims aro bucked by deeds nnd n broad Biyirantco "boos with tho goods." That is tho unusual con dition enjoyed by wearers nf Hu. famous KUPPKNIIKIMER SUITS $20o to $30o 'JTIicro Is Stylo In Every St Itch." llfiSh BH wsr Y.-L BKEV E o o ca o o THE x FIXUP Whom (lie Multifield Price Is Always Right : North Rend T. J. UOAIFH Uj A. n. IIOUGINB Marshfipld PA,NT AND iwdiMiircm DEC0RATING COi , Estimates Furnished Phono 14011. Marshflold, Oregon HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171 DRY WOOD nt CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD Nort.'i Front Street Wiono H7RJ MERCHANTS CAFE Popular l'laco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor, Commercial ami ll'dvv'y. N oble Theate il TO-NICiHT "The Home of, Paramount Features" :: CHARLES CHAPLIN -:- Tho pvate-t comedian featured In his latest comedy, "THE KOI.NDIIHS." Chuplln, usslstod by Fully Arbucklo In thin comedy li n Kicani fur (ho full Icngt'li of tho picture. "Till: I'OIXTER IXTHHUIE" Special tliixo-ivol drama fcatur Ins ill Cridj. "KOMI! ROMANCE" Ouo of tho funny HAM comedies. "Till! Ri;OI,T OF MIL WM.'US" Ills nlfo Is a husky Miffor Ml W'Ibbs N (ho Mirferer Willi n lmj- full of nils ho putt, (ho "Votei for Woman" to rout, (Jood comedy. Loner Moor 15c Hulcouy 10c ChlldiX'u 5c Tomorrow night: "Tho lllmiluiul From tho Sky." EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like now DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street Abstracts rR KEUA1ILK AUSTKAOTS OF TITUS AND INFORMATION AHOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, Sec HTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIELD AND COQUILLE CJT1T, OREGON CKHALAGCXTS, EASTBIDEANDSENGSTIACKEN'S ADDITION AQEXT8 FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDH HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, MANAGER . .- J High Quality Groceries r Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef Jnt clerks-being out of the high rent district and J ePing ojr prices as low as consistent with good busi "Ws makes Conner & Hoagland rfhe Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries ' South Rpnori...n.. Dimndo 34.H-I nnrl 326 ul UWUVVUji I IIUIIwW w . OCTOBER TIDES Time at and holchtn nf lldnn Mnrshflold. Tho tides nrn nlnen.l tn ordor ot occurrence, with their tlmos on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of oach day. A compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low wator. High tldo on tho bar ono hour and l4 mlnut09 oarllor than at Marshflold. 21 23 0.49 4.G 1.3-1 1.5 2.11. 1.1 Hrs. Ft. . Hrs. Ft. . Hrs. Ft. . Hrs.. 2.51 Ft... -1.3 25Hrs. . 3.33 Ft... -1.2 2Cllrs.. 4.12 Ft..,4.0 27JIrs.. 4.o3 I Ft... 3.9 2SHrs.. fi.-il Ft... 3.7 29llrs.. 0.09 Ft... 0.4 30ilrs.. 1.00 Ft. . . 0.C Sljllrs.. 1.55 Ft... 0.7 G.G5 0.9 7.43 1.1 S.1G 1.1 8.49 1.0 9.20 1.9 9.48 o o 10.17 2.3 10.63 2.5 . C.37 3.G 7.39 3.G 8.39 3.8 12.51 5.3 1.23 C.3 1.52 5.3 O 10 MIMN 5.3 2.50 5.2 3.20 5.0 3.54 4.9 4.34 4.G 11.43 2.5 12.53 2.G 2.19 2.G 7.45 0.1 8.23 -0.1 8.59 -0.2 9.37 -0.2 10.07 0.0 10.44 0.0 11.21 0.2 0.0 0.0 5.21 4.5 G.20 l.: 7.37 4.0 WEATIIEU FORECAST IUr AiiocltleJ Vttu to Cooi I)r Timet. OREGON Unsettled, probably rain west; fair In East; southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPKKATUKE IlECOIU) For the 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m., Octobor 21, by HonJ, Ostllud, special gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum G4 Minimum 41 At 4:43 n. m 4G Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Soph 1, 1915 1.73 Precipitation inmo porlod last yonr 12. 1G Wind Soui: -jst, partly cloudy. SUNRISE AND SUNSET Thursday October 21 Sun rises nt G:3G and sets at 5:15 Tho rain falls alike on tho Just and tho Just shiftless. , Hooks arc Presented. John Hlatt has presented tho CaruoBlo Public Library with 39 volumes of booko Including fiction and non-flctlon. Tho gift Is a wolcomo one, Kindly received by tho librarian and tho rending public. Thoro have been several additions lately to tho li brary of books greatly neodod. PERSONAL MENTION J Dlt. AND MltS. DUNLAP aro In tho city from Gold Bench for a short visit. MHS. S. C. SMALL will leavo In a day or two for a visit at Portland and Spokane. Mns. J. W. CATCHING, of Catching Inlet, was a Marshflold shopper yesterday. Get Few DuckH Lloyd lloso and Gordon Smith went across the bay In il duck scow thin morning and mnnnged to bring down four birds. Thoy Bald tho tldo was too low to sneak In on tho birds feed ing on tho flats. It Is expected that tho rnln of today will bring thd ducks down In their flights. MRS. JENNIE LANDUITH ot Coos Rlvcr, was among tho visitors horo today. W. II. PIPER, a prominent North Coos River farmer, was down this morning. Greok Is Sued. A GreeK named Drcs was sued In tho Justlco Court under two names, that of George Drcs and Chris Drcs, by J. L, now mnn, of tho Woolen Mills Storo In North Ilcnd, for goods amounting to $23.70 which It Is claimed wore bought thoro. CoiiBtnblo Cox went to North Uend this morning to serve tho papers. lluyH Lulu. Jay Doylo ban pur chased, two' lotu In liny Park from I, S. Kaufman & Co. It Is a fluo slto for a homo. Plan Reception. It was announc ed today that tho tcachors at tho 1 llungnlow on South Tenth ntrcot 1 wore planning to gtvo a rccoptlon there Saturday evening for Mr. and JMrn. A. K. l'ook, who arrived homo I yesterday from their honeymoon trip. Want Ad Hi-lnKs HhiK. -Whon Mrs. It. N. Fentou lost u very pretty 'ugnto ring alio enmo nt onco and put a want ad In Tho Times for ouo Issue. Tlnit was enough. R. C. Co idea fouhd It on Hrondwny and brought It Into tho offlco this morning. 7111k Iiullctlii Coining A hullotln that will show tho economic feuturcs of milk and milk by-products throughout tho world wllj bo losued In a fow days by the Stato University nt Eugono. Copies vlll nt once bo dis tributed In Marshflold whom thoy will undoubtedly prove- Intonsoly in teresting to dnlrymon and crcamory mcu. Tho purpoBo will bo to Indlcnto whether an outsldo market exists for these by-products In Oregon. MRS. ED NOAII and family woro down shopping from Allegany this morning. FRED WILSON and mother loft on tho Adollno today for a visit qt tho exposition. MRS. FRED STONE and children wcro shopping visitors horo yester day and today from Daniels Creek. A. A. WOOD, who lives four miles back from Danlols Crook, wns a a visitor down today on a short bus ncBs trip. MRS. J. W. MITCHELL arrived homo ovorlnml Inst evening from Tho Dalles vhcro she visited nt tho homo of her sister. They try to imitate our method They try to imitate our prices, but they can not deliver the goods. Think of the enormous outlet for good merchandise that the J. C. Penney Company has in 83 busy stores and communities, and then you can see why we are able to make you the prices on first quality merchandise that we do. Men's all-wool Unions; worth $4 and $5; our prices fjtU.il), spu.DH Men's wool UnloiiB, worth nt the lenst one-third more . $".il, 9 1.08 Men's Cotton Unions nt n big saving .OHc,. 7lc Collins' Uildorwcnr, for tho men who wear shirts and drawers; All puro wool, tho finest on tho market; worth $2. GO a gar men. Our prlco, each '..... $1.1)8 Men's all-wool Shirts and Drnwcrs; worlh $20Q a garment, Our price, each $1.11) Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers; -worth $1.50 garment; each O8o 11-lb rib Underwear, shirts and drawers,' each 13o Ladles' Silk and Wool Unions, with long sleeves, or without. $3.00 Vnluo. Our price '. 91.1)8 Ladles' Wool Unions. $2.00 vnluo. Our prlco 9M0 Ladles' finest uunlity undorwunr, winter weight; worth nt tho least ouc-thrld moro . .08c, due edicts .y1 Wo Load OthciH Follow. Tho Orlulnntorx of mv Prices Tho Moro Aro ElkH. it wns tho opon season for tho antlorcd horn Inst evening and two now ones woro taken Into tho fold of tho Elks lodgo. Thoy woro O. E. MIL prominent mer ohnut of Urldgo, and Dan J. McKln non, of Marshflold. Doth wore ablo to bo about this morning and said thoro never was anything Hko It bo foro or after. Mr. Hill camo in yes terday from Drldgo to bo presont nt tho festivities and take his mcdlclno. MRS. CARL EVERTS1CN, Mrs. J. C. Kendall and, Httlo son Jack, loft this morning for J. A. Goodwill's to spend eovornl days. FRED HUECHTEL, Deputy Stato Senior, Is expected horo shortly from Salem to visit nt tho homo of his nophow, M. L. Curry. .MRS. E. 8TACK and daughters MIbscs Frnnces and Irono loft on tho Adollno today for San Fran cisco to visit at tho Exposition. E. G. M'MICKKN, gonoral passenger agent of tho North Pacific Steam ship Compnny, arrived hero over land Inst ovoutng on company business. Apples ANPjellies Wo havo JuBt received n shipment of APPLES that aro vory nlco. Wo aro soiling thorn for 75 conts and $1.00 per box. Como In and sco thorn wo havo several dlfforont varieties. Preserves and Jolllos In 15-ounco Jars, each -Oc (Tho vory beat brand on tho market. TItV OUH GOLDEN WEST COFFEE SPECIAL WE SAVE YOU MONEY Gettings Cash Grocery NO. 11KOADWAY, NEAll CENTRAL Dnnco. KagU'H Hall, Sat. ove., Oct. a:i. .Martin's orclicMrn. ContluuoH to I-IBhtl A foW days ago thoro camo to J.' W. Motley, of tho Chamber of Commerce, a lottcr from John T. Dougnll, a director In tho Portland Chambor, In which ho quoted figures regarding tho low coBt of upkeep for wood block pav lng. In a Portland paper of Mon day closo to thrco columns Is takon up by u lottor from Dougnll show ing tho strenuous fight bolng wngod thoro In favor of tho wooden blocks for paved qtrcots. feift w mm Have You Rheumatism? Rexal Rheumatic Tablets Aro hinci to rellovo you of ,oiii- rlieiiumtlo paiiiK, Ntlff Joints and horo iiiubclc. THE BUSY CORNER Storo Wlint'H to ho No(. When City Recorder J. W. llutlor enmo bncl? from tho Fair ho brought with him n uamplo of Chinese adding on an adding machine. Ho says tho com pany thoro now puts out a regular nppnrntus that counts up in tho language of tho Celestlul nnd anoth er ono that docs ditto In Arable and ho said that probably In an- 'other year thoro would bo ono in ' Esquimaux or "JIu Jltus." Tho ouo lln English will do tho city for awhile yet anyway, eayB Judgo Uut ' lor. J. L. SMITH, County Agriculturist, wuh over from tho Vnlloy thla morning. This afternoon ho loft, on tho boat for Frank Roger's raucN 1). W. DM ALL will leavo In a day or two !or LowlBtou,. Idaho, to visit at tho homo of n brother. It will bo Mr. small's first trp from Coos Day In about a dozen years. MR. AND MIJS. TAYLOR, of Marshflold, roturnod homo this luornlns after vIsltliiB for bov ornl days with Mr. and Mrs. 'A. T. ThomiiB nt AlloKany. DON LAWYER was a passenger south on the Adollno todny, loturn Ing homo aftor Hovoral months hero In connection with tho Rey nolds Dovolopmont Compnny. MRS. A. T. 8TEINER who hnH boon visiting on Coos lluy left on tho Santa Clara' for Mior homo In Snlom. Sho was tho guest of Mrs. F. IC. GottliiB whllo horo. NEW TODAY J ?$ WANTED Experienced, Hiiltrtws. Telophono 329-L. FOR RUNT Small furnlNlinl Iioiino on South Fourth. Phono 1IG-X. FOR HALE U mwrtl, JH mlvcN, 1 team mid 1 bull. Apply Gago ranch Allegany or write Harry Thomas, box 007 Marshflold. A MAX who xv II iino hi Itrnlim and font for eight houra u day, can scciiro a splendid position with good Incomo with Tho Pacific Mutual LIfo liiBurnnco Co., Accl dont nnd Health Department. 301 2, Title & Trust bldg., Portland, Orogon. t LOST AND FOUND l FOUND Small black pup, nhlto ring around nock nnd white foot. Call nt Lapdo's, claim proporty and pny for ad. I'lio Itoxall DriiK Phono 208 Wo Deliver I Moro Corn Comes Down "James 1 Landrlth brought a lurgo saok pf ' cxcollont com down to tho Chamber ' of Commorco yesterday from his form 1 on tho rlvor nnd Norrld Morgan cumo i In today with anothor. In tho past I week thoro havo como to tho Chain ! bor sovoral sacks of corn from far l mors on Coos rlvor who aro Inter- eated In making corn grow In this i section. It is expected that by tho lnttor part of November when tho 1 corn Bhow on Coos Ray takes place I thorn will hn rQuulo nf dozen or "r '?,;.... f )'.. moro exhibits. L. ROIHNSON huB returned from a trip to Gardiner nnd Hays thut tho gnsolluo Bchoonor Tlllnmpok wub somewhat damaged by hitting on tho bar whllo croaalnB into Gardiner Monday. Sho had rail road material nbonrd. $ WANTED J $ ,' WANTED Cliw rango nlth civyn on top. Addrosa "M" Tlinea offlcp. SARTER'S For Your ICE CREAM EVERYTHING 8.VNITAUY ALWAYS OPEN FOR INSPECTION Wo mako Ico Cream to order, any kind nnd In any quan tity, for parties, lodged, pic nics, etc. :: :: :: :: :: Wo do not speak of Its Q U A L I T Y That speaks far itself SARTER'S Phono 2i:UT, MnrshflAld Front St., Opposite ISlauro Hotel SOCIAL CALENDAR Where is Sunnvvale?" S. . -. "eld ..xbHut Iu -150 Front Street Just houth of tho city on tho hard Mirfnccd road Eusy of ncce. JH ney hcwlcc 1ah level mul cJcartMl $70 to $115 n lit iIucmfr home $5.00 down No interest 'o Tuxes. Am I Successful? JAWm I YES! W I t I WHY? T , H F Good Right H 3 Service Right H Location Itlglit Fse SANTOX PINE RALS.UlH it IH BH h itraiiK if. iuiiiiii. )fciH Wo dollver immediately H PJiofto 74 B BIB T),l Contral Ave' PrK aorfl B Bib, . .'Af B I BJBBBBBBBBBB THURSDAY North Rend Episcopal Guild with Mrs. Waltor Smith. Mlnno-Wls Club with Mra. W. II, Perkins. A. N; W. Club with Mrs. Charles Stauff. Klostor Club with Mrs. F, L. Grannls. FRIDAY Reception at North Hond Methodist Church parlors for Rov, and Mrs. A. S. Hlsoy, Kensington Club with Mrs. E. M. Uarry. Eastport Dahlia Club with Mrs. C. O'. Gosnoy. Ladies Art Club with Mrs. L. G. Lang. SATURPAY Auction Urldgo Club oven ing party with Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Adelapergor. WANTED To borrow 8UO0O nt 8 per cont for ouo year or more, on 'lOO acres Improved dairy farm. Address "P," euro Tlmos. . XV..MI'il- XVOIK " XVUIIIIIII "J IH or Hour, riiono i.wu. t FOR RENT J FOR RENT Modern bungalow, In cjtilro cor. Tenth nnd Elrod Pioneer Hardware Co. CASH PRICES ON A FEW OF TIIH STAPLE ARTICLES Othor Goods Priced In Proportion (Compnro thpao prices with our compotltorn' or mall ordor Iioubo prices.) Wlro Nails, llaso, 2.B0 por keg; Cut nails, 9:1.00 por Jcog. J Retail, per pound rlt SaBli Wolghts. 11 Por pound I -u Barb Wlro. Heavy galvanized, 93.10 por 100 lbs; 80 rod epool hoavy, 82.00. 80 rod ffl) Ofl light tClimU 'GalvanUod Pipe, price per 100 ft., i-2, if.no, 3-4 85.no. qn nc 1 Inch UiClJ Lime, $1.90 por bid. Comont, $2.00 por hbl. Ex. Suporior Manila Ropo, 5-8 Inch and largor Cp Per nound I Jo Strictly puro boiled lliiBCod oil, 80o por gallon, Turpontmo Chn por gallon ... Uuu Ploneor Whlto Load, CD OK 100-lb. koga (pOicJ Ploneor Puro Mixed Paint, gnl.. 81.75. 1-2 gallon, OOc. Cn Quarts uUli Pap-A-Lao Floor aud Porch Paint, 1-2 gallon, 00c Cft quarts, .... , .UUu Tho vory highest quality Tho vory highest grndo Roofing Papor, 1-2 ply, 81.00 sq. 1 ply, 81.10. 01 rn 2 ply p I null Vnlvollno Gas Englno Cyl Oil. Tho very highest grndo. , KRo Per gallon ... Jul Glvo us your business nnd Justify us In making these prices. These prices will chango with tho marltot. Pioneer j Hardware Co. FOR RENT New nnd modem 12 room house, with basomont and nil niniinrn rnnvonlonces. Includ ing two bath rooms, two tollots, ,.,,,. laundry tubs In basement. West Marshflold, Phono 101. Runkor HIU. Rent rensonnblo. North Bond. Phon 481. Apply Robert Marsdon, 8r., telo-j' phono 3125, AAlAAA4 E 'lrJ":",,';.."a:,ri t RnnnRliM'c rararp t Biruwuurrius, iuo '. 'H'l" ""'i , w.., w ....f,,w,-. "F," Times offlco. .! WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nas,on. 680 12th Gourth, So. Phone 220-R QUATERMAS STUDIQ QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. Phono 106-L. MARSHFIELW, ORiJGON FOR RENT Now and modern 1 room houso, Including laundry stove and tubs In basoment. East Hunker Hill. Apply E. Erlok son C34 Donnelly vo. HOME OF THE DAlllMWO AND DODGE 1 FOR SALE 1 j $$ FOR LEASE Woyd HotoJ, furnlsti pd, Marshflold, Oregon. Also atore room. Apply owner, J H. Bridges, Gates Hotel, Sau Fran clsqo. ' AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS 847 Central av. Phone 373-L WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, i in f IWBliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiBIMBWSsSBHBs'"""'