"7P"T"' ?lnhhH rm1f:Alti' :h mfihTM .YAflVIGWJ Vfltfttlto .4.W r- --. v m ( - -vy-.' ifrilTn rrni.TJMi -rJ- '"" lUiJ'oJii. hii MiarA lainmlpmi t AnnaAii iri A, nrtTAl ' THE POOS BW,T))yiES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON., , THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1915 EVENIMG EDITION. FOUR -W- if fc ! - K COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKY, Kdltor nnd I'uu. DAN B. MALONKY, News Kdjtor JUS PATRIOTIC VsYIj Official Official Paper of Paper City Coos County of Mnraliflcld. Entorod at tho Postoffico at Mnrsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as Becoud-class triail matter. An Independent Republican nows papor, published every evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos Ruy Times Publishing Co. SUDSCRIVTION RATKS DAILY. Ono year 5'r2 Per month WEEKLY. Ono year ......... .fl.GO When paid strictly In ndvnnco the subset Iptlon ptlco of tho Coob Day Times is fp.OO per yoar or $2.50 for Ix months. Address all communications to COQ3 HAY DAILY Tl.MICft. $ t EUROPEAN WAR ONE t t YEAR AGO TODAY t $ oct. ai, JM Tho allied forces claim to bo holil 'ing their ground dcsplto attacks of tho GormaiiH all ulong tho line. 'The- Russians c)alm tho Oormans who occupied tho roads leading to "Warsaw wcro ropulscd and retreated ' leaving their dead and wounded Jn '" tho battlefield; Tho Gorninn war office calls out - tho students of universities nnd IjIkIi ''bcIiocJb wlo uro ordinarily exempt from military service. Tho German crulsor Emdcn sinks four moro Ilrltlsh vessels and n dredgo off tho conBt of India. Italy announces that bIio may find it ncccsBnry to occupy Avlnnn, Alba nia. Tho United States protests agnlnBt 'tho sclzuro'ot tho American tanker John D. llockcfollpr by tho Urltlsli, A HAN'U LINK OF KFFORT THE Marshflold Firo Chief Dan t r Keating Is workng to lovcr tho ' city's record for fires and ' to that end cautions against careless noHH on tho part of tho, people It h work In tho right direc tion. Frdm a cold blooded buslncsn standpoint Marshflold could do notht lag bettor than co-oporafo in nn un-1 ti-flro movomont. Insuranco cos(s aro contingent up on lusuranco risks. A town that tnkes directive procautlouu against tires' roaps a reward in lower iniiur anco rates. Tho Marshflold Council has boon generous In providing efficient equip ment for tho fire flgjitors but wo cnu go farther than that. Rigid untt- flro regulatloiiH may bo urged upon tlie people and right minded men will cheerfully fall in lino with such a program. Thoso who do not should bo forced to take precautious. It Marshflold will follow a cou Blstont policy of fire prevention nnd will closoly scrutinize the origin of nil flren tho nuswor to that lino of offort will bo further loworlng of In suranco promluuiB. IIIWIIKTTAIILK, HUT TIIUIJ EMHTKHN million dollars Is an enormous aiim to spend for a sluglo battleship, and the Unit ed States Is going to build suvoral battleships costing that much. Tho money so oxpondpd would go far toward building tho Lincoln high .yuy across tho continent, it would construct all Federal buildings now Jipqde'd In fho country, lueludlug a now Postnfflro building In Marsh field. It would provldu for tho im provement of rivers ami hnrhoiH in cluding tho now Juttloo on Coos Hay, In short it could bo used to tho greatest advantago In any ono of a dpzen directions for Internal Im provements and yet It Is to bo ox ponded for Implements of destriio tlpn Instead of construction. And yet wo suy wo no an en lightened, civilized Christian nation with a population or reasonable bo-lugs. y-i inch tne war nas ueen unuur j it Is said n man would bo al- most risking his life should ho order Germpu fried potatoes in Paris and presumably tho same thing Is true of "French Fried" In Derlln. However, the European patriotism Is not In excess of tho Hnitlcn variety. A story Is going tho rounds of a Haltlen general who has ordered a glass eye, and being dissatisfied with It, ho returned it to the English manufacturers, Haying that tho color resembled that of the Spanish flag, adding; "I nm far too patriotic to wear any colors but -thoso of my own country." Whereupon tho mak ers sent hi") a scarlet and greon eye, which ho is snld to liavo re ceived with enthusiastic approval. Now see what warfaro will do to mankind. pnimiTV pniiPT PMIRFFMNR!! I m 9 w W mm jr mf III W W (Continued from page 3) t WITH THE TOAST t t AND THE TEA t $ i M. T. Clinton, Super 120.00 O B. F. Shields, Labor 12.37 J. L. Appleton, Labor 23.00 It. 1). No. 10 A. J. Counts, Super 78.00 Orvll Counts, Labor 15.75 N. M. Davison, Labor 13.7S Bandon Hdwc. Co., Ildwe. . . . C.03 W. F. Rogers Foundry, Sup. .. C.50 Geo. E. Wilson, smithing ....2.50 It. D .No. !() R. Danlolson, Super 41.25 Bandon Ildwo. Co., Hdwc. ... 4. Co Geo. E. Wilson, smithing ....2.50 R. D. No. ai W. W. Right, Super 20.40 A. C. Klght, Labor 9.00 McNalr Ildwo. Co., Hdwc , 1.35 it. D .No. aa OUK HKLPLKSSN'KSS OQD HVENINfJ Tho most pleasant Jewels In tho worjd aro pleasant thoughts, and tho greatest art In life is to havb as many of them as possible." Soloctqd. .? A WINTKR NIOIIT FOR DltF.AMS t ' i The- wind's lost somowhoro In tho night, And keen tho cold stars gleam;, A flno oak fire a-blazlng bright; Draw near, and dream your dreamt On a dream voyago you embark, Whoro raco tho red Bparks to tho dark. A winter night for dreams nnd so Tho dreams, they come, us sweet As siuumer-slnglug winds that blbw F.rpm many a loved retreat; That toss tho roso-lonvos to tho . spot Whoro Lovo has traced "for-get-mo not." F. L. Stanton. When a man Is on' ' tho losing side tho 'fact thnt,,lio knows it is tho .right nldo doesn't brng him much comfort. A good tunny Coos liny business men who do a credit business, can toll you there aro no such animals as early settlers In this section. J. L. Roblson, Labor 5 1.00 i Lafo Cornwall, lnbor 32. 02 Samp Edwards, Labor 9.00 .Claud Drown, Labor 2S.12 (Frank Sinks, labor 4.50 iNllo Miller, Labor 4.50 lllarloy Hodge, Labor t 4.50 Goo. Roblson, Lnbor . . 3G.00 I A. II. Fish, Labor 9.00 (Frank Roblson, Labor C.75 V. 11. Urowcr, Rock 30.80 Coqulllo Hdwc. Co., Ildwo 1.20 C. A. Bmltli Lbr. & Mfg. Co. Gravel 45.00 Road Dist. No. a:t D. Draden, labor 115.00 J. L. Harrison, labor 93.81 C. Mace, labor 70.00 Lou Rose, labor 71.25 W. Harklow, lnbor 00.50 Ray Dement, labor 14.25 Ray Fleming, labor 08,87 T. Knight, lnbor 28.50 A. Snyder, lnbor 02.03 Walt Perry, labor 33.25 Goo. Willctt, labor 15.75 L. D. Dollou, labor 92.02 II. Prey, iabor 33.75 Simon Albco, labor 31.87 Henry Miller, labor 54.00 Claud Million, labor 54.00 Rubo Stovous, labor 21.37 Karl Cammoron, labor ......0.75 R. R. Jefferson, labor .'.....2.81 Chan. Northrup, labor 5.00 P. W. Laird, Biipcr 72.00 II. O. Hermann, smithing ....27.25 E. E. Johnson, lbr 8,9. OS Sugarloaf Lbr Co., lbr R. L. Smith, supplies D. F. Stnge, Labor 10 00 C. C. Johnson, Team 35.00 C. W. JohiiBoli, Team 15.00 N. Bend Mill &tLbr. Co., Lbr. 33.21 Pioneer Hdwc. Co., Hdwe. ... 0.90 Itond DM. No. :t P. L. Lnsswell, labor 1 fj.75 ( iMason Wilcdx, labor 23.05 1 Leo Mast, labor.: 21. 3. Cecil Duggor, labor 55.1 0 Sam Stout, super 97.50 IL. F. R. Heller, lbr 300.00, i . "Road Dlst. No. ill W. E. Willctt, labor 11.23 ' W. H. Hnrmon, labor 12.37 j Thomas 'Dyers, labor ...'..'. . 9.01 j .T.'S. Clinton, labor 4.50, Robert .Dyers, labor 3,37 Claud Waters, super 32.60 E. E. Johnson, lbr 17.38 Itond Dlst. No. :ta Louis' Weir, super 20.09 II. A. .Walker, labor1 9.00 Hazer & Son, hdwo 3.50 Itond Dist. No. Ml W. II. Stall, super 114.37 M. Leaton, labor 48.12 A. Leaton, labor 30.75' Dap Stolnnon, lnbor 45,50 Minnie Stommerman, labor ...40.00 Herbert Blake, labor 42.00 Noah Necce, labor 42.87 Hollo Patterson, labor 2.02 W. Hanson, labor 30.75 T. F. Sallng, labor 28.87 Robert Wilkinson, lnbor 1.75 Win. Blake, labor 7.00 Eugeno Terry, labor 21.37 L. E. Sallng, lnbor 8.75 U. M. Anderson, labor 9.50 Harry Stull, labor 1.75 Frank Prey, labor OS. 87 Pioneer Ildwo Co., hdwo ...199.10 Joseph Schapcrs, meat 11.07 Marshflold Hdwo Co., hdwo ...4.25 xt ,. x. 1- n ifc faolng & Harvey Co., fly ... .10.00 Albert Tyborg, supplies 21. CO Wnlter Butters, supplies .'...7.C5' lc iEj&iiffl3 iiimiwmUii ' ' AfJpjffljT W. J. Leaton, supplies ,21.63 SOME men 'change their tobacco brands as regular as a woman changes her mind. An others smoke VELVET. ypew m izzzzlrJiU 3cQ Southern Pacific Co., freight I R. D. No. 5 71.25! Itond Dlst. No. H I W. II. Short, super 5.00 1 Ned Lawrence, labor 1.50 j Coqulllo Hdwo Co., hdwo R. D. No. 23 3.35, It is difficult to dcscrlbo a good time. A Coos Bay man with n flock of corns can got us much plons uro out of taking off his shoes and resting his feet as another man can have by blowing in $100. Evory tlmo you knock your en emy It (Ickles hint to know that you nro compelled to notice him. Cqob.& Curry Tol Co., Tol. Rock Quarry 7.90 C. A. Smith Lbr. & Mfg. Co., lbr. S. S. Brldgo 5.01 ltdud. Hits. No. I). Marshflold Hdwo Co., hdwo.. 52. 50 Murphy Wiuui B. M. Co., pipe 54.00 V. Ed. Steliihoff, Cont. Rd. J. W. Officii!, Damages Rd. P. Ilnurahnn, Cont. Rd. 19 ..343.17 .10.10 lKf c ny,i0l.Cont. Rd. 30 .. 153.00 .14.85 Kdward C. Worth, F.lold Notes 381.05 P. L. Pliolnti, lbr S.!5 jjIIIm Cpntlinied mid Not Allowed Hilling Lttndy & Sons, hdwo 25.00 j j, a, Goliion, Exp. $35.00; M. O. R. J. Mlchaol, wood 34.00 Durch, Dnmogos, $75.00; Coos ft It. L. Hnrrlson, eng 119.90 Curry Tol. qo., Dnmngos $11.00; J. Komi Dlst. No. ai -iMuchado, Damages, $125.00; Cottatco P. Claiison, supor 7.C0 Undertaking Parlors, Services, $30,00; C. yMcGovorn, Rof. Taxes, $15.90; Continued: W. II. Cuva Tho world tries to glvo you thc worst of It when you aro hero, be cause It knows Hint you will get the best of It whon your obituary Is printed. .IKWKLS II. It. McBeo, lnbor 4.50 Bandon Hdwo Co., hdwo 11.40 Road DNt. No. a.T Isaac Harklow, super 9.50 John Stone, labor 5.02 L. Strong, nails 1.00 Sugnrloaf Lbr Co., lbr 5.34 H. G.. Hermann, smithing ....3.75 Hilling Luudy & Sons, hdwo.. 4. 15 Road Dlst. No. an W. F. Noiil. super 51.25 Josophluo Hayes, labor 27,75 Evorett Ilayos, lubor 21.00 Hlton Graham, .labor 18.00 Sho was a Bwcot Port Orford girl. Oh, my I In her homo town uho took prido. "What is your' fnvqrlfo Jewel?" said I "Why, aBatoy),,Hlr," sho replied. YOU KNOW .DIM fnaugh, Rof. Taxes, $23.40; S. Ar- ohor, Rcf. Taxes, $28.35; Goo. T. Mojilton, DamngoB $12.50; Not al-lriwofl. I, Robt. R. Watson, County Clerk of Coos County, Stato of Oregon, ox- officio Clerk of tho Coifnty Court of , said County and Stato, custodian o( tho records, urchlves and files of said ' County do horoby certify that tbei foregoing Is a truo nnd correct stato meat of thu amount of bills nllowod, continued nnd not allowed, on the James Grant, lnbor 27.00 Storlln Wagner, labor 7.50 ( various funds of tho County us au- Cap Mlllor, labor 2i.0ljdltod by tho County Court for said Frank Gilbert, lnbor 13.50 County mid Stato at tho rogular Oi c. Ike Allan, labor S.7ri 'obor, 1915 Term thereof, us tho snnie Owon Rackloff. labor 11.25 appear In Exhibits of Claims of Gen-1 Vorn Hazon, lnbor s. 00 orl n'd Road Funds nnd County' Win. Slluot. Labor 9.00 ' Court Journal of said Court now In Ills talk Is Iooho and out or Joint i You'ro glad when he gets tlnouyh It: U alwaytf seems to mukp a point Of nevur coining to it. AIN'T IT TIIK TRUTH? "Detective work, I ought to try." Said a Mnrshfteld collector, old scout "For every tlmo I seek a guy, I'm sure to find him out." It 19 It is workor for It. possible nid have to bo a tlrolosk nothing to show rNfclSOO this country appropriated Un .win nnrt ...- .... ' i. T, I p.v,uuu,uwu tor (ito nnvj. ill 1900 it Jumped to J-tS.OOO.OOo. Two years later It more thnn doub led, -$120,000,000. Last yoar the ap propriations woro $J40,OOQ,000, vElthor tho Interests who uro'c'ain , orfpg for bettor preparation uro ly ing abput our dofeuso conditions, says an exchange, or the vast sums appropriated for defenso are graftod and stolen. In 1890 whon tho navy appropria tion was but $20,000,000 thoro was no Jingo scare of uupropurcdnoss; now with sevep times this npproprla 'tfoif with tho Eiirqpcnu countries being shot to Hades oyery hour, wo fipd that wo arc helplos,s as a para lytic and that $140,000,000 won'i buy 'a wheelod chair for tho Invalid. If tho government built its own warships and made its own war niaterlal. this cry wouldn't go un it's profits moro than prepared - nees or patriotism, T If you know a man who has a good Jqb nnd is making big money, refrain from mentioning It to your wife. She will want to know why you lunou't a good Job at a big salary. THU Ql'IKT OHSKRVI-ni SAYS "Whon thoro wroug with a hurt hor- foot." Isn't anything elso woman, her shoos A Coos Hay man Is uevor aa fioroo as ho trliw to load his family to believe Tho rule Is that wlicai tho mem bora of a Coos Hay family are not uuarroling with ench other,' they aro making fun of relatives. ' Soino Coos Har men seem to di I light in posing as borriblo examples, Wnlter Nowhurg, Labor 27.75 Win. Whobrey, Labor 24.40 Juntos Grant. Labor 30.00 Jamos Whobroy, Labor Hurry Wise. Labor 7.S0 Lloyd Wise, Labor IS. 00 W. M. Lear, Labor 40.50 1 L'd. Plorson, Labor 33.75 Everett Hayes, Labor 14.10 j I James Neal, Labor 50.25 John Neal, Labor 23.10 i Myrtle- Holm Gro., Gro 25.05 I Volkmar Hdwo. Co., Hdwo 3.15 Jamos Neal, Meat 57.83 C. Carman, Moat . . 11,55 Mary Wise, Supplies 9.21 J. D. Ilayos, Supplies 20.8S Hullng Lttndy & Sons, Hdwo 2" Ed. Plot-son, Supplied 23,11 John Neal, Supplies 49.10 R. I). No. a7 It. O. Green, Labor 9 00 I A J. Radabaugh, Super 1 1 t C , W. S. Rlloy, Lnbor 0 75 O. L. Httglio, Labor Sff J. S. Grttsli, Labor "55 I J. Conger, Labor , N5 '15. E. Johnson, Lbr lR.uO I R. D." No. 28 , Alvln Hillings, Labor . I Walter Billings, Labor Ira Goodllu, Labor Pat Geanoy, Labor . T. Dement, Labor J. 11. Cook, Labor D. Honolulu, Labor 1S00- O. T. Hermann, Super 100 00 , Art Chandlo.r, Labor 92 02 ' Chos. Chandler, Labor 39.35 R. D. No. ao C. C. Johnson, Supor. ' 33 00 John Mnnfolk, Lnbor 18 C A. Potter, Labor . . C. W. Johnson. Labor S. Stago, Labor , . . Robert Forrest, Labor my office and custody. Wltuoss my hand and tho seal of1 tho County Court affixed this 19th 11.25 ilny f October, 1915.' 1 ' ROUT. R. WATSON, I County Clork. O 'HELLING GOODS Tho big problom In selling goods is gettlug the customer i Into tno store. Coos Bay 0 ' Times ads will help you solva i this problom. tt 43. S5 kflf V , CT, j k; Wr Gives n brn!tnt class? Bhtno that ; . ... -(.t.n, jm Oora rt rvli elf ordust otT t ti W 43 S5 m nnnoaHtotlolf Ml-tnM Jts tour V D time i a looir as &ny ttasr. H '. '.'.'.'.'.', c c.50 ' I Black Silk Stovo Polish 15 7 I Ij la a class by ImI It' woro U fti,fi.ymauoand nuue 31 H TrTltos your par! r l 1 J loo, ourcJt ovj r- 5V II cptjuriiarav fcv C lOaiaou'JIlnuU WSHHi A m ... - . .-...I ..x, r i i i iijfjj t i w Ki-"-: 7WrSW'& ) i-n-tiiitJ- M pHLi? 1 AS" lit H fund your J'VMWSjMa ,', ,K "v tL...A7aKcs&wyi si , "SOU B EbryUrss" ljVi sg oo j PsspjpsHpsirsr MiiuaaMrMMwi 0GEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst A King. Cars Icnvo Mnrshflcld 7 n.m., 11 n.m., a p.m., 5 p.m. Cars lenvo for Kmnlro 7 n.m., 11 n.m., a p.m., 5 p.m. Cars Lenvo Sunset Hay .7 n.m., 0 n.m., 1 p.m., S p.m. Fares, Empire, 5c; Tarheel or South Slough, ROc; Sunset liny 75c A Portland Preacher Snyrt: A Kitvlugs back account moans moro than Associated Char ities In Clio uplift of humanity. A provident, mill helpful hum Is n more vnliinblo iiNsct than ono who, liclmr dependent. Uion tho generoNlty or others, ncccpls charity ul tl(o cpenso of his hoIN rcipect. .-LNHOOD AND MONKV ' nro in the guiiio of life. Manhood is necessary. So is money. Vour Hinings account will pay you three per cent nt this bank. $c$c$ (! tp b 0 p (j 0 ip u 5 G $ G ip iP b VP b $ G G $ c $ c $ c $ c G ft ?t CG G First National Bank OF COOS BAY 4 SAI-'HTV DUPOHIT HONKS FOR RKNT. FLU! k BENNETT BANK OLDKST DANK IN COOS COUNTVT KstabUshed 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000, '". it-,' J' Interest paid on Tlmo AND HAVINGS DIU'OSITH 7 OffJcora J. W. Dennett, President. ; ' ' ' J. IT. Planagf.n, Vlco-PrcsWeiit. It. r. Wllllnuu, Cashier. Geo. V. Winchester, Asst. Crtshfer.' l WORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. " Steamship F. A. KILBURN Brill, for PORTLAND OCTORKIt -'-, AT 1. M. Steamship SANTA CLARA Sails for SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) OCTODKlt ;j, AT O P. M. For further information sco SMITH TKRMINAL DOCK W. 15. STU1IR, ARCnt Phono Did Puget SoiEHtd Bridge & Dredging Co0 Dams, Bridges, Buildjnfjs. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped uud most thoroughly modor twenty-inch h)draullo arcdRo In Pacific wntcri Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. TALKS WITH BUSINESS MEN Who pays for nilrcrtMnK? Docs ndvertisinj; increaso or dccivnso tho cost of j;oods to tho consumer? Kffoctlvo udvertisliiu may reduce tlio consumon,' cost nnd JVwjucntly does. Take that nmch.mlrurtlscd :.()() shoe. Wo mo all familiar with tho likeness of tho manufacturer," because advertising lias iimdo tho man known tho country over. Tho enormous out-put, tho largp number of thoes sold, cnnbles him to sell each pair on a very Miiall margin. Advertising built up, nnd keeps up tho demand. Without nouspaper and magiuino advertising, th0 cost of Intro during Hie shoo would havo been larger in proportion to tho num ber of shoes sow. Advertising put tho shoo on tho market and will keep it thero, . Take tho famous cracker, or so-cnllcd biscuit. Thero was n tlmo whon the grocer scooped nil crackers out of a barrel or bov, weigh ed them and placed thorn in a paper sack. To(ay you inirclM$oTii clean, crisp, uholesomo soda cracker at less cost, and it comes hi nn air-tight, sealed packago Tito manufacturers know what ad vertising would do and mad'o the prico accordingly. Thoro was an Immediate and nation-wide demand. Advertising created nnd is sustaining this demand.' Advertlso wisely nnd so, effectively. Increase- your sales with opt materially increasing your ovpensos. Reduce tho price on any nrtlclo you can. Aflvcitlso and mnke your Increased business pay for H' Ncls liavllng in Salem Capital Journal. i Offlr,..!.....' ?0r?eH Qrncoou,,:,V7oirt ' I nnd 7 to ,,. ,, " ' "M 2 1, - ..".,, wiurn i .!. .. -'", J!( J- M. Wright nun.Dixa coxTTMjm -atesfurnlahod Dr. U. M Qim. Mje, Knr and T,roflt . p "Snm Z;'S DR. MATTI1 11. SHAW WiyMcInn and Sn'rgcc, "U UJiOJ, H. R. Rllllnn CI VII. IJVn.. Room 301 coko Bids. Phon, . Rcsldonro m.. -. ' "HI " '"uu 483. W.U Chnilfllnr AitrtiiTt. Rooraa 301 and 302. p.v- .... Mar.nn.1, ;::0DW,l!ti " mcnon. Wm. S. Tlirnnn AlttMIITPrm . ...,vi MarchflolJ. oretoa KAltl! Tl'v m. """ vr.ia uny i.iinus Aorth n;n(i & Of) COMMUTATION- n Li TICKKTS 91.73 Mi.Witifl.,1.1 W....I .. . . ""uuii iicna Atto 1 ri... J..IIU Cnrn every ten minutes tn ft fi it J 41 . ... .... i j ,,. m.j to gogti, Slough onto n dn, lcatl 11 n. m,; to Kinplro litre Wn OORST KINO, rropi. r TI.MI3 TAIILK WIMiAMIVlTK PACIFIC MOTOR CAR Lenvo Mnrslitlold C:-1C a.m. .7.4 C a.m. 8:4C n.m. 0:45 a.m. 10: in a.m. 1130 a.m. 12:C0 1:45 2:45 3:4C w'.!.00 p.m. n.l 0 p.m. C:rr p.m. 7:30 p.m. p.m. P.m. p.m. p.m. LMti North Eti 7:09 Id 8:00 ls 9:00 isl 10:15.tl 11:00 13 11:11 ul 1:15 p 2:00 3:00 i:i 6:irpil nm ipifl '! )p.3J 5:55 North city Haiti oaly, 7:15 P.B1 Marslif ield-Coquille Auto Stage Lenvo Owl I'hariuncy Slnrslifield A.M. 7100 0:.50 r.M. 1:00 5,00 Lm "1 Coqal III ! "TM 7:W 0:00' 11:00 PAI. 3:00 0:90 ' MAnSIIFIKLD-COQUILLB AITO BTAGD TIME SCHDUULfa Schedulo nrrauscd to ..nil iinntii tn lliinilon, fiUJM t Myrtlo Point, Wagner, RostlwP No delays. Faro from Marshfield to, QV& 75 cents. el..l .C Tnmln'tll. Wf- itrm ..r.iich extra can i"i extra trips day or night; itol charter care. AUTO STAflll SQHKDULE ,. . 1. nlK IICIOUIT, '" .- 1 . ..'InMinfA & El To Portion", via .- -. Lca-9 Maihflold and flore TtioBday .J!'--Ho!b' Wednesday h jjptt Thursday ..-2J-1; J, Jft Frday ...;-" Jfl .& fiaturday ....- , & nd"y Ssl." 6 00 Monday " :oMA Tuesday .... J:,0 ,a Wednesday ;" 5 jo j,a Thursday -" 6.00 Friday f"' 7 00 s it Saturday ... s 55 tB. SimilftV . . . ,Ol... Tivo narmneHhenj .(0,i' trips leaving M-jg 8 a'. -. you should man same day.) .wr unWpy &.:!X: HENRYVILLC u-, Nut coal, per ton .. , Lump coal, per ton ft, 0r half ton of - mono IN -o. ! - Hillyer's i.i " -- aV wniiifiHT Slf Residence Z. Market Ae, ud "! V HjtMgK 'M i 4