g'W" - MiKra iliwBrer wsATao jAavioil "i!M .Sl riir-nuirt -rnirjnil a - w-. . - THE CODS! BAV VlMES. lyiARFlEl OREGON, UedNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1915 EVENING EDITION FOUR GOOS BAY TIMES M O,- AlAJjUNKVt Kdltor nnd Tub. DAN E. MALOXK1', News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Official Pnpcr City of Mnrslifiold. Entered nt tho Postofflco at Marsh flold, Oregon, for transmission through t.ho malls ns BCcond-clnss mall matter. ! An Independent Republican nowu papor, published ovory ovonlnfe ox copt Sunday, and weekly, by TIio Ooos Mny Time Publishing Co. '$ J EUROPEAN WAR ONE t X YEAR AGO TODAY ; $' OCTOIIKH HO, JOM. Tho Helgian army holds Us ) bUIou on the lino of tho Yser Illvor nnnlnst Qcnnan attacks. Tho Germans report that hostile forces woro met along tho Ytor Hlvor near Ncluport and flghtlim lias been in progress for two days. Tho Austrlans drko back tho nilhslatiB and talto positions on tho heights of Ccntrot Galacla. The German torpedo boat 8-'J0 was destroyed by tho Japaneso near Klao Chnu May. 4l MATKHIATi succkss AS A JAVK AIM HAVB you over mot many men ' whoso solo ambition was tho accumulation of wealth who iiuccccdod? Havo you ohsorved their fncon7 Faces of men who havo been highly successful In their ambition to obtain largo wealth. If you havo you must havo noted that having obtained tliolr goal they wcro still dissatisfied, and their faces plainly Indicated their discontent. It is a commonplace that tho moro pursuit of monoy falls to bring linn pincBS. An Kastorn writer noting this phnho of tho present mud raco for material guln expresses wonder whothor thoro was not somo con nection botweou tho rather hard and dehumanized faces of wealthy men nnd tho great tragedy of this mod ern ago, tho Kuropoan war. Wcro they not both tho outcome of a civilization that had gouo off on tho wrong road 7 That lintl made material success the measure of tho world? Tho war Ih tho outgrowth of tho conflict of commercial ambitions. Tho desire for trade expnunlon or tpc territorial growth in ordor to promote trade was behind tho call to arms, Fundamentally tho Nat 'fonal ambitions that calmed tho war tiro akin to tho private, individual ambitions of mou in this industrial civilization. These ambitions too often havo fulled to take into account tho finer 'sldo of, llfo. Thoy nro all part of the muchlno aspect of affairs. Thoy i do not Include tho love, tho play, tho worship of men. Useful thoy nro, and necesuury to human progress. Dul from tho beginning man has not lived by bread alone. "A community which makes wealth Its object," writeu a wise KugllHhmnn, 1'rof. U P. Jacks, "is living under conditions that satisfy nobody and against which all men nro, by tho higher human nature, born rebols. Tho greater tho accu mulation of wealth tho moro docs tho fundamental servitude on which Its production Ih based tend to Irri tate and cxaspornto tho souls of men." It does not profit a man to gain tho wholo world and loso his own soul, Tho comforts and conveniences of llfo do not make It worth while, nor tho spirit that makes material success the chief end of oxlstenco. That spirit hns Its logical outcome in tho clashos of Industrial revolu tion and tho world wars, The Hammer Said Ben Wright to J. M. Wright, one quiet afternoon! "Kind words are very useful in their way You can sometimes tamo a colt if you will sing a gen tle tune ' ' ' - And feed him while he listens to your lay; But when it comes to fashioning or nailing on a shoe It's waste of time to warble like a wren. If you want a tidy job that does you credit when you're through, You've got to use a hammer now'and'then." J. M, Wright took thought and to Ben Wright replied: "I figure on my plans with pensive joy, But when Its timo to nail the work In which I've taken pride A sturdy stroke is what I must employ, Your dreamer and your schemar may be grateful to the mind, But to do the work that must be done by men, Though you must overlook it all resentfully inclined, You've got to use a hammer now and then," , Anon, With The Tea And The Toast , i 1 1 1 , ii I, 1 1 . . GOOD KVKXIXtt If our plans aro not for tlmo, but for otornlty, our knowledge nnd thoroforo our lovo to God to each oth er will progress forover. Charles Klngnloy. "AFTUIl ALT TIIU HKS'L" If llfo could last forover And' on life's laden trco The loaves would alter never Dear friend for you or mo If friendship would not sever And to Sargos8a' sen Ourirgoslcs drifted novor How fluo this world would bol If all men thought us clover, And stinted not their praise. Pit coiiBtnnt fcravo endeavor Insured us lasting bays; If vlrtuo till mou Avnnted, And none woro glad to see Tho signal red vlco flaunted, Now fluo this world would' bol 'If youth could Inst forover, With all Its noug nnd1 bloom ; It fnto, the mischief weaver, Should slumbor at her Worn If no romorso assailed us Nor baffling mystery Xor frlond nor fortune fnllod us How fluo this world would bo! Uut since somo call us evil And othors dcom us dull, And slnco life's cup of sorrow Urlms and is over full And human prldo ami passion Lie heavy on tho breast, Perhaps death's ancient fashion Is after all tho best. , Selected Thorn's no charity equal to that or showing people how to help themselves. A Coos liny man can usually got along without something ho wants until ho decides ho can't afford It. Sumo Coos Hay wives who never select husband's elothos, all tho huiiio pick his pockets. Tho Coos Hay woman who can mako up her mind successfully Is seldom able to mako un her mind ."that way. Tin: (iiiiiditi.i: pi'iiuc OjN'H of tho fraudulent land lo . cators who was recently Indict ed by the government, convict ed and sentenced to 13 mouths i prison, Is said to havo remarked that au tho American pcoplo like to bo Coos Hny would bo a buslor nlaoc 'If the average man had as good an appotlto for his work as ho has for his breakfast. Tho fellow who tolls you that tho latch string Is always out often for gets to add that thoro Is a bull dog loose In tho front yard. To world loves a lover until It nu omory pup nnd thnt a woman Is n defeusolcss creature. Hut it - Is a fact, nevertheless, that when a man and a married woman atrlko up n flirtation li(j man HOldom starts tho flirtation. There aro a lot of men on Cooft Hay who Imaglno that n tooth brush Is something thnt Is manufactured exclusively for woman's use. v Tho tunti who hns to dig for n living seldom thinks of tho dignity of labor. ! QUKKTIOX I 'OH TIIU HAY What has hecomo of tho' old fashioned man who whon ho sol down to tho tnblo, tucked his nap-1 Kin in his collar as If ha woro pre paring for. a shnvo? or courso being poor lias Its draw backs, but you do not huvo to sit up at night and watch for burglars and you do not havo (o. employ an export to figure out tho tnxes au your Income. A Coos Hay man will get mail and toll you to go the devil, but a wo man will smile, at you nnd lead you tlioro. KTOHY FOHTIIK HAY .lohuuy had only just started to school, and on the third morning ho was lata In getting up. When ho camo homo nt the middle of tho day his mother said: "Weren't you Into tor school this morning?" "Oh, no mother!" exclaimed little Johnny. "Xot Into! Why you didn't loavo 'homo till after nine! What were tho othor children doing when you got thoro?" , Johnny's fnco beamed with prldo as ho ropllcd: "Thoy wero Just all sitting still waiting until I got there!'' "bunked" anyway, ho didn't soo any j,w.OV0l.H lllt ,t , oxpoo(0ll to ,)llv wedding prosents for him, Ilnforo 110 trotn Imp lin Ru-nnrn Mitil if she doesn't marry l.l.n he will nev-pVSn;V!!JlcBclr(.),uft oncU unu iiuuiiiur wuinnn. nut mo promlso doesn't go in catso she does marry him, Many n man with n rod nose has something wrong with his health. lnrm In accommodating them. It was a cynical loninrk, but It sooms to havo been Justified under tho cir cumstances, Tho Oregon & California land lo cating frauds havo been widely anil generally exposed. Nearly all tho newspapers In Oregon havo uncover ed tho schemes that havo been prac ticed and havo warned their roaders against tho specious arguments ad vanced by tho locators, Haslorn community organizations, such na commercial clubs and chambers of commerce, have been advised of the olmraetoy 0r theso schemes nnd havo Tll0 Coos ,my mnu w,0 vm, l)0r been ursod to warn tliolr uitimhors. I row B contain onsh novor has any Yet. in splto pf numerous warn- trouble In borrowing $5,000,000,000 Ings, tho fraudulent locators nourish- worth of trouble, cd, It Is said thnt somo IB. 000 on 20,000 perbous hnvo been Induced to A HOMAX FOOTHALL OAMK 'Twns In the Roman stadium; Tho football team of Homo Would uphold the palladium Of tuo liruvo sport ut homo. Tho rival team of Spartans, Tliolr own proud honors boro Attired In skins or tartans, Or woll, whato or thoy word "Lot nothing now dismay us," Tho llonuin captain cried Ills uniito was QuIutiiiB Cains Willie speaking to his bldo, Ho held n mug of wluo up, lo victory ho drank. And then tho Raman llno-up Upon their haunches sank. Tho Spartans had tho kick-off A scrlnuuago thou ensued; They took tho maimed and sick off; Tho gamo wis then ronowod. The Uoninit captain shouted A signal to his tonm ' "XL. XI, C" routod. Tho Spnrtous soomod ndrenm. ".MDCC VI'. It Came rolling from IiIh tongue; The Spartans would defy It. Hut to one sldo woro flung, Thoy tiled them for a tackle, lint aio oue could thoy vex, lo t NEWS OF OREGON t $ INDEPENDENCE Several farm-, ers roport yields of eight and nine bushels of clover seed per ncro and others havo corn which has yield ed GO to 75 bushels per aero. OREGON CITY Thoro aro 2,100 moro head of cattle In Clnckamns county tills year than last year ac cording to the figures given by the assessor. SALEM Articles ot Incorporation havo been issued to tho Hank of Commcrco of Oregon City with a paid up capital of $50,000. NEIIALEM Lester Pitts, aged 28 years, was accidentally killed whllo working In his fnthcr'B logging camp. ROSEHURG W. E. Drown, who was arrested at Ashland will bo brought to Roscburg nnd prosecuted for Impersonating on officer, having protcnd6d to bo a whllo slave of ficial whllo In Rosoburg. SPRINGFIELD Carload ship ments received at Sprlngflold during the month of September wero nearly four times ns great as those during jtho snmo month last year and theso shipments woro made up largoly of logo. TILLAMOOK A Pnrcnt-Tcnchcr Association has been formed with Mrs. J. T. Strnnnhau ns president of tho organization. WOODDURN Voters at n special election decided to buy a now slto for tho high school which Is to bo erect ed. SPRINGFIELD 'Tho Good Citi zenship League nominated a full el- rty ticket with Charles L. Scott for mayor. ' IONE Over ono hundred persons took pnrt In a rabbit drlvo which re sulted In thrco hundred of tho ani mals being killed. McMINNVILLE A teachers In stitute which ovory tonchor In tho county will bo required to attend will bo hold Oct. 27, 28 nnd 29. EUGENE Frank Spores, n wonl thy farmor, hns been nrrested on n chargo of being an nccompllco of Hon D. King in tho theft or 1T.0 grain sacks. ASHLAND Tho pupils of tho schools hnvo tnkon up domestic sclcnco and gnrdonlng coursos nnd 'hnvo now Inaugurated tho holding of nrurkot dnyfl. RAKER Tho city light plant Is broken down and tho city Is buying Ur power and light from tho Kastorn Oregon Light nnd Power Company. HILLSHORO Mrs. Honjnmln Hlrdscll, for n long tlmo n resident of Oregon, died nt her- homo. HOOD RIVER Floyd Wilson, tho son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Wilson, was accidentally Bhot whllo playing! with another boy nnd ho Is tho third member of, tho family who has boon hurt with flrcnrniH during tho past thrco years. PORTLAND Mary Glvlnos, ngod 30 years, suffered sovoro lujurlos whon she fell from tho third story window of u building whllo lutoxlcnt od. McMINNVILLE Tho murder of William Ilooth, of Willumlun, has stirred tho pooplo of this city and Mrs. Hooth and William Hranson, aged 23 years, nro held for tho mur der. FOREST GROVE Adjutnnt Gen eral White or tho Oregon mlllttn told tho pcoplo of Forest Grovo tjmt If thoy wnntod to orgnnlsso a rosorvo company they would, bo rurnlshod with n drill master and It Is tho In tention to form such a body. i vzmmsBXx&SBMEi&ssssawz DON'T PUT IT OFF ANY LONGER Come in NOW and take advantage of these offers Fourteen nairs lCc Cotton lloso ..... .$1.00 Six pnlrs 2Cc Cashmere lloso ?2.G0 Hats ' $100 Hats, all styles and shades ?l.r0 Caps f . j t ,, KOHKST XOTKS Tho railroads of this country pur (clulso approximately 1115,000 cross tics annually. Last year approxima tely 13,850,000 of theso tlo woro troated or creosotod. This quanti ty or troated mntorlal would con struct a double track about 8,700 miles In length. If all or the 7,730,000 Douglas fir cross tlos, treated in 1911, woro laid by ono railroad, a doublo pasvngor service and it sluglo track freight lino could bo run between Spattlo nnd Son Francisco. It has boen determined thnt In tho Rocky Mountains nnd Pacific Const region ninety nor cent or tho damnsnj to Douglas fir, commonly known nsj gum chock or pitch seam, is caused by tho work or the- Douglas fir pitch ' moth. Tho Coos Hay man who wag scared Into bolng good boasts as much about his virtue as the rest ot us. Mnrrfnuo is tha' siinm aa nnftnri- pay rocs ror location on tho Oregon - not lottery Ipqg' at the ramlly & California grant lauds, and tho I"1'8, " Ruck fell tho Spartans humbled; Thoy slipped, they foil, thoy sprawled, They trlppod, they slid, they stum blod, They yelled, they roared, thoy bawled, "XX. DC. V" loudly. Proud Cains lot It roll, .nd Half back Tulllus proudly KtcKOd from the field a goal! Californian Had Kidney Trouble ,saj lrt.lr Ifnltnu f'.-...ir,.....rtll. Pnllf h: "1 luut huuIi tv Hevorc rasa of WO.MKX WORKIXG trouble 1 thought J woulil hae -lo sell out my uu!iias. i tool; tluee ! liottlus or Koloy Kidney Pills which imtlroly relieved me and 1 have had I no lecuriciKu of Kidney trouble aliu-e i thou." I &ino days tt seems at If you can I no loUKor lianr hu imln uinl mlry I you suitor lrum kidney -aiwl bladil. r peiootoili KruwB worst With ovoiy inuve you i i mnko and ovory step you t.ike. it j jiidi equina iu run uu m ii vii'tiisiu find miei'Ky. Your head aehe. a nro nurvuiiH nnd worn out. Bleep pooiiy ! nun nave no nmeiue, siouiutii is up- . locators aro said to have reaped moro thnu a million dollars In profits Thoro Is certainly occasion fur tho be-' lief that tho Amorlcau pooplo like to. be "bunked." Eubcuo Register. I Somo t'oos Hay people who never borrow trouble" go out and buy pain, i lit KOglnml Somo Worn1 Men's Attlio Whllo KmploytM Hr AmwIiIM lnu lo (Mot liar Timet. l.OXDOX. Oct. 20. Shortage of mule labor In Nottingham has lod to tho emploMnout of a number or .oung women ns window cleaners In the business district Skirls bolng mncy. Frank D. Cohan, Central Avi dangerous ror ladder-climbing, tho nue. QnnjnBUj Chandjor Hotel. Tele It Is well uiulirstood man hjWorKwomenniro clad In men's nttlro Iphouo 71 ' set nnd IiowoIk Irreaular. Foley Kidney l'llls leaaen tlie until It Is Dually Bono entirely, f hey I Klvo struKtli and tone to the kidney ! malto them strouK. active, their ac. tlon Incomes reBUIur and nmmul oku I n, and your health irruwa btt, ; ' each day you tuko this greut l.tjlii.jr i medicine. For enlo by Owl Prescription Plnr-' A Portland Preacher Hays: A savings back account moans moro limn Associated C'liiii' itlcs lit the uplift of liunmnlty. A inovident nnd Iielprul iiinn Ih u inot-o viilititlilu asset than ono lio, bolng dependent upon tho generosity or others, neeepls chnilty nt tho expense of Ills seir respect. MAXHOOI) AX1) MOXI2V nro in the gamo of life. Mnnliood Is nece.ss.nry. S ' money. Your Mivlngs ncroimt will pay you three per cent nt this bank. yi.xr, I ,w" m t E N $c$c$c$c$ 0 IP c p c c p I) C C $ c $ $ c S c 5 c $ c $ G $ C i) C First National Bank OF COOS BAY SAFKTV DIII'O.S'iT HOAIJS FOR HUNT. F LifiC 4 MET! II OLOKST IIAXK IX COOS COUXTY ICstabllshcd 1 880. MCif" Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND SAVlXflS DKPOSIT8 . . Officer J. W. Hcnnott, President. J. II. Flanngftii, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cashier. fleo. 1 Winchester, A.ist. OAshlr. MARSHflELD-ROSEBURG AUTO LINE Leave Mnrslifiold (Chandler Hotel Leave Hosebui-g . fl.ilO A. M. Dally .Oiill) A. M. Dally TICKET OFFlOb AT THE SMOKEHOUSE :ahsi!Fikm) KHKH VKH.OX, Proprietor New Dodge and Cadillac Cars. FARE $7.00 NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. ' Steamship SANTA CLARA nails far PORTLAND OCTOHKU 1, P. M. Steamship SANTA CLARA Sails for, SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) ' OCTOHKH 2l, P. M. ' For further Information eo W. K. STU1IH, Agent SMITH TKHMIXAIi HOCK rhono JiJO Puget. SonM Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped nnd most thoroughly mode; twenty-Inch Iiydruullo dredgo in Pacific waters Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. jf!5!!2S ui.M.L. House vorh Wiysldnn mid su"' Office ImursruTo'r "1 7 to H p.,, ""'"MJn ' t'ltrttinci fet- . . TLrn, " wrigiu nuiLDiNo rovT.i'fe.nn E't"natcEfurnl.hd0at Dr. Hi M. Sham !.'.. !... ",,.v' "i '-ar oi Thront OLASSPS riTTFU I'hdnb ojioj. ,tooms DH. MATTII3 H. silAw' I'liyslch,,, nnil g iliono !i:io.j, H. G. Butler ClVIfj KVAIVrrn Room 301 Cokollldg. Ph'one ,. ---.-, huuo tn-i. W. G. Chandler AHCHITKOT HoomH 301 and 302. cw. F -VHV j MOMhfbjld, Oregon. Wnv S. Turnsn AHCHITrrrr MarchfloU, orefon. Will! TEX rvxra City Limits Xonh iicni & Of) COMMUTATION ' LM TICKHTS $1.73 M Mnrshfleld.Xorth Ucua Auto jCnrn every ten mlnlitcj feu n. in. io ju p. m.j to Soil Sloiiull OlICO II dnr. lprlul.. I 1 1 n. in.; to nmplro tlirco trin U Illl). GOItST ft KINO, Prot. TI.MK TAIll.t! -WILLAM1CTTH PACIFIC MOTOR CAH Loavo Le, Mnrahfiold North Bnl 0:10 a.m. 7:00 in, 7.15 n.m. ' 8:00 tv. ' 8:15 a.m. 0:00 ts. 9: -15 n.m. 10:15 ii JO: !;.' n.m. 11:00 in. 11:30 a.m. 11 15 ii, 12:50 p.m. PIS pi 1:15 p.m. 2:00 p 2 : -1 H p.m. 3:00 ;.& 3 tin p.m. 4:00 p.i 5:00 p.m. 5:15 pa, 5TlO-p.ni. 5:55 pa,' 0:55 p.m. North city limits onlr-J 7:30 p.m. 7M5 p.aj TALKS WITH BUSINESS MEN Who pays for advertising;? Duos nil vert IMnj Increaso or decrenso tho cot of goods to tho consumer? KUVrtlvo ndvcrllsln may redmv tho consumers' cost and fieqiicntly does. Take that murh-ndver'tiscd $:J.O0 shoo. Wo nro nil fniulllnr-with the likeness of tho innnufiictiiror, Ikhiiuso ndvertbln 1ms niado tho man known tho country over. Q'he enormous out-put, tho hirgo'" number of .shoes hold, enuhles him to hell each pair on a very ,sihh1I lnai'Rln. Advert lli luiilt up, nnd keeps up tho demand. Without neuspapor nnd inaa.lne udvertl.slnir, the cost of' intro ilnrliiB the slloo would Imve bean laij;or In proportion to tho num. her of shoes wild. Advertising put tho shoe on the niaikct nnd will keep It there. . Take tho famous ctiickor, or io.cnlled biscuit. Thero was n tlmo when tho Krocor scooped U ernckerb out of u harrel or hov, weigh ed them and placed them In n imper sack. Today you purphaso n clean, rrlsp, wholesome .soda rrarkor nt less cost, lipd it comes in nn nir-tlKht, senkil pncknjso Tho innnufnctiirois knew what ad vert iMnjj would do and mndo tho price nccordlnsly. Thoro was .in iinuu'diiito and iiatlon-wldo demnnd. AderllsinK crealed nnd l su.stuiuiiii; this demand. Advertise wisoly unil so, effectively, increaso jour sales with out materially lucieasln our expenses. Heduco tho price on imy nrtlclo you can. Vdiertlso nnd make your increnseil luislncss pay for Jt'. els HailinK in Snleni Cnpltnl .Tqumnl. Marshfield-Coquille' Auto Stage . Lenvo Owl Pharmacy Mnrshrield ' A.M. 7:00 0:150 WI. ' l:oo a. no Lmh CrM Mi 7:00 0:09 11:00 I'JL 3:00 0:30 LIlSIIFIBM).COQl'ILUS ACI0 BVAOi: T1MK SCHLHUIJ. Schednlo nrranged to com with boats to Itandon, Stage w Myrtle Point, Wngucr, llosenwf Jv'o demjs. Faro from MarshficU to C' 75 rents. oi, .,.!.. A T.mnlwtll. TrOpi. I11 ...,icii extra tin w oxtra trips day or nljbt; & charter cRrs. AUTO STAflB BCHEDUIB ririnhcr. 1013 t,v.4, i .-in rinrcnco & fot 1 -Leave Ma.shficld nnd Florence irii....L.1n.. "1 . .ISSWr- Friday ;"' Saturday ....-'' Sunday -j'1 Tuesday "' WnilnnRilaV . ,rt Thursday . Friday . . ColiirilfiV .............. Giiiiilnv ... ' LivofinrdincrOnenlS 4 00 8.B- i 30 J-"3- 4 ?0 5 00 . r, oo a. 5 30 5 jo a-8- $ 00 8-B- 7 oo an S 00 a.0. ' vfiAid tef mn trlna leaInS -Mar v .k,j S n. m.; you same day,) nlng Mars-.,,.-- j should make Port9 1 SAVE MONEY by ordering the "f ; HENRYVILLE COAL ... i n ion ' ,t 4NUI tunip " ,,.fJ L,ump coal, per ton $,.;3 Or half ton of- "LlW l), j". --j Phono J8-J or leave o-' Hllljer's lr -- r.rrTsioR- FOH TRAXsril 'V oops ?iiuioN'"TRANSFE" Phone l"-1 j T7nai,lonro I'hone l , M.L Ave. and TZ