f"fWW ... IJTVJiki. ... -i tilxl. I mmiAwik StrtUlff 4.'lr,rft Jl'J ru uifM. ? i st " r Wi f , V" 1' T- ( i Wl HP -&aU4U-sJAL V-lWSVJtf'flKffaBK .KittME -SMMPPHBBilWWlfeniTiJ ,s . 1- h ' " 'THE COOS BAY TIMES,' MARSHFIELD,-OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1915 EVENING EDITION TWO ft, !-.- I TIT BIG SUIT EDNA M'DOXALD WALL WANTS $35,000 FOR INJURIES SHIPPING NEWS SITU GLIIII1 JOT Caso for Danmuos from Smith-Powers Company lo bo Tried nt Federal Court nt Poitlnml A. ir. Powers, 110 Abbott nncl Metiers. Dale, Snuiiders null Walker eft' d'erla'nd tHIa morning for Port land, where they Will b6 witnesses In the caso of Airs. Edna McDonald Wall against tho Smith-Powers Log ging 'Cbtmmny for $315,000 Tor tlid loss of a log undcrncnth a train nt Con.ulllo nbout two years ago. The raso Is to bo tried In Fodorul court there." ' Mrs. Wall was then Alias titlna McDonald nnd had been nt the crcainory In Coqillllo nnd was tak ing a short cut nfiross tho trades to, tufa. STEAMSHIP ARMVKS LATH YES- THltDAV, tfAILS IS EVENING Comet Through Heavy Vog Off Coot liny Dm', Tlioiijtfi Not Detained J fas n Oooil Cargo Tho fitcnmshin Santa Clarn nrrlv ed Into yesterday afternoon, nt tho Smith Terminal Dork nnd ufter discharging freight smiled In tho evening for I'ortlniul. slio brought n good freight enrgo from tho South nnd n fair passenger list. Thoro wns qulto a Heavy fog outside, Bnid Captain Lofstedt, but the vossol was not ut nil dctnlncd on account of WANT MORE OREGON SHIPS Iter homo. As sho nenred tho tracks, n Bmlth-Powors logging train was passing. In somo wny she fell undor the mlddlo of tho train nnd one leg wns cut off. It was ono of tho most peculiar accidents that hns occurred hero In n long time It never bolng fully explained how sho hnpponcd to got from tho platform undorueath tho mlddlo of tho moving train. Within a few1 wooks after tho ac- cldont, sho was ' married to Hugh I'drtoT Wall, nn advertising solicitor on a Cnllfornla newspaper. Joint D". ' GdRB will try tho cnso for tho 'Smith-Powers Cohlpany, go ing direct to Portland from Snn Francisco. John C Kendall nlso left' this morning to Hid In tho case, havlilg yesterday tnkun tho deposi tion 'b? Englnedr Win. Stoddard, who was pulling tho train nt tho tlmo of tho nccldont. A numbor of Co qulllo pcoplo hnvo boon summoned na witnesses for Airs. Wall. BOOST BLOCKS JOHN DOUflAM, TELLS OK MKTII ODS NEEDED IN NEW PAVING Itond'niitii Writes Frftm Portland Figures Show Cost of Repairing Wooden Streets nt Minimum Tho nrrlvals from the south wero: Win. Hclnchloman, Olan Gartner, Losllo P. Trig, L. II. daddls, II. A. lloutcll, Otis Drown, L 11. Garrett, Muriel Onrrett, Alex border, Tern Crosby, Airs. E. Valller, Dnnlo J. Perottlo, J. Trcthany, F. Ncale, J. A. Douhler, O. A. Chnrlton, Airs. T. It. Shorldnn, AIIbs Grace Shorl dan, E. O. Harnlcr, Air. E Unmlor, R. N. McCarthy, Turo Stora, It. Williamson, Julia Carlson, Airs, AT. Storn, (North Demi), Airs. John Mc- Nnughton, (North Bend), Airs. A. C. Vesta), A. C. Vcstnl, Mrs Don 8. Dyrby, A, O. Wyor, H. 0. (lulov boii, C. II. Walters, II. 1 Davis, Clovu II. Tenny, A. E (Irceno, Al. E. ThurHton, Oscar Erlckson. Tho passongors north wero: Airs. Ed. llusby, Airs. It. Whitman, F. L. Alnrtln, J. It. Stoon, Paul Carl son Foy Cox, Win. Carlson', Ellis Jones, C. Drake, James Maple, L. I.,, ailbert, Airs. Holon Stoltz, AIIbs Car tor, Airs. A. Stonier, Airs. Lupud, C. L. Smith, Airs. Smith, Ollvo Whlt comb, Airs. M. E. Aloody, Airs. J. C. Jones, W. V. Stnnsbeo, Joo Oldlnnd, Airs. W. Ltvlnggood, Airs. L. E. AInck, J. II. AlcComb, Mrs. AlcComb, four Btcornge. Declaration Mario TJmt Tito Aroro Lo cal S'hljis There Are, Tlio Greater Fi eight Thcro Is Upbuilding on an Oregon merchant marine, an Increase In tho ships that nrp owned In tho ports of tho stnlc, h being boomed. Pr6f. II, I). MU- lor, of tiio School of Commcrco In tho University of Oregon, Is ono of tho bnekers qf the move, "It Is. tho history of shipping," ho snyB, "that whero a concern owns vessels in n iiort It becomes most vi tally Interested In tho development of the territory of thnt port, nnd therefore freight for Us lino. "Such firms onco established, will bo untiring workers for markets In all parts of tho world whero Oregon products can penetrate." Air. Allller bcllovcs thnt tho ship ping situation should ho studied by Orcgonlans, for ho holds that tho ownership of merchant vessels is tho key to building up" a great commer cial port. Tho move Is also bolng hacked by tho Portland Chamber of Commerce. Just such a statement has boon evi denced on Coos Day when several weeks ago in North Bond wns broach ed the plan of building a ship locally, to bo owned by local stockholders, the purposo bolng not only to supply Inbor hero but also to take ehnrgo of Coos Day enrgoes. GET II E SKATE 7100 POUND MONSTER HAULED IN BY FISHERMEN Dig Kind is Jliinjr on Sldo of Cannery Not Tho Largest Thnt litis Been Cntight In Bay ADELINE SMITH HERE From Oakland tho steamship Ade line Smith arrived in nt 8: IB this morning nnd went nt onco to tho Smith mill to load again for tho "Tho trouble with tho wood block fmtl- Sho ,nt0,uls to Kot "wy tomorrow. pavement Is that thcro nro no con tractors boosting It or no organiza tion' behind it" Is tho assertion of John T. Dougall, director in tho Port land Chamber of Commorco In n pri vate lottor to John W Motley, of tho local Chambor, jlo decries the laci $ I WATERFRONT NEWS $ VESSEL MOVEMENTS Arrived Adolino Smith, San FranclBCo, 7:30 n. in. today. Sailed Santa Clara, Portland, 10 p. m. yesterday. Charles Tllton, fishing for salmon In tho lower bay last night, caught a 100 pound skate which wns being iexhlblted today on tho dock of the Tnllant cannery. Tho skato Is by no means ns largo as somo that have been caught hero. Tho iiccullar Bhnncil monster of tho 'deep wnB given a post of honor on tho sldo of tho cannery nnd by means of a taut lino about its neck John La mnro soon had the skato looking somewhat llko a human bolng and a civilized look wan further Imparted by the presentation of a cigar, firm ly plncod between tho tcoth. It la Bnid tho skates follow tho sal mon Into tho buy and very often nro (found In tho nets or caught on Hues. They havo little fighting nppnrntiiB, with tho exception of tho long tall, unit mo lisiicrmcn say nro easily landed 'in tho boats. Last night tho fishermen had poor luck with their catches and brought In only enough salmon for about 100 cases, not counting tho Halt that wont Into tho tlorccs. An uvoruco run of tho cannery Is generally over 200 casefl and lias gbno as high as 282. Aboard tho Santa Clara whon sho sailed Inst night wero COO quses of salmon bound for tho Tallant com pany in Astoria. HONOLULU NOW NEARER Pet youc Job printing dono nt Tho Times office. BASEBALL SCORES PORTLAND BEAVERS ACTUALLY TAKE ANOTHER GAME Shut Out Vemonltct With it 5 to -I Score Const Lcngtio Season Draws Near Close. PERCENTAGES OF ' COAST LEAGUE W. L. P.O. San Francisco 114 87 .CC7 Salt Lnko ..104 88 .G41 Los Angolcs 109 01 ,r30 Vernon D7 103 ,48C Oakland Dl 10!) . IGR t Portland 77 111 400 A quality that won the biggest sales! VERNON, Oct. 20, Basking In tho smiles of tho Southern Califor nia sun had an inspiring effect on tho Portland Heavers for yesterday they actually took n game. Thoy nro bracing up lately, having two wins to their credit nfter n slump in which they lost 1 1 games Btralght. Thoro nro only a few more games In tho ConBt Lcaguo left for tli'o 191 Ij season. Tho scores of yesterday, follow: At Oakland It. II. 'll. Oakland 2 3 0 San FranclBCo 1 7 4 At Salt Lake Los Angeles u ... . 4 8 1 Salt Lako ... "ffflf'. 12 10 1 At Vernon Portland fi 10 4 Vernon 4 11 4 Havo your LETTER heads, bill heads, etc, prlntod at THE TIAIES office. packed in eg of for 10c WriA r&MS Also r .wwi?r fc. m . j l v v M!J r "VW Packag o "r v2 Z "2r vCsj The Cigarette of Quality "Honolulu Is being brought so near to tho United States you can almost stand on tho dock at Frisco nnd hoar tho natives singing "Aloha" ncrosoi tho wntorH," waH tho Joking Btato ment of a steamboat official In tits-' cussing tho now turbino sorvlco which on Novombor 20 will open to tho Hawaiian Islands. Tho big stcnmshlp Oreat Northern goes on tho run and will mako tho passngo , In nn estlmntod timq of four nnd ono hnlf days, nnywhoro from n day to a day and n half bettor than tho Pn- clflc Mnll fleet could do. ; In tho good old Balling days, whon speed was no objoct, tho trip con sumed about IB days providing thoro wns a good slant to tho wind. Stonm On her wny to Portland tho ulcam- thoro nro but two mllos of block iiav-hll Santa Clara crbssed out ut 10:1c boats camo on nnd omiiimiiv Mmv . .. . ....... ' i..i. i ... . . " ' -' ing in tho cntlro coiumuia HIgltwny, i " ki ai tim nnr. making tho above stiitomout ns ono of tho reasons. Jtepnlr Cost Much I.O.N Cost pi keeping tho wood block Tho F. A. Kllburu Is duo In hero on Friday from San Francisco and Eureka, according to hor schedule. Tho steam schoouor Spcedwoll is pavomont in repair Is nt a minimum, I duo back into Coos Buy tho latter ho insists. Ho quotes as an liiHtnncof Part of this mouth. Sho Ib expected tho fact that repairs of tho woodU0 arrive' in Ilnndou from San Fran block payjug on Salmon stroot In Chco, tnko part of a cargo thoro ami Portland "havo umomted to ono fifth como horo to finish loading for tho I havo boon working townrd tho tlmo whon tho trip will amount to llttlo moro thnu n forry crossing. Tho Great Northern has boon on tho Port-land-San Francisco run with tho Northern Pacific, tho lattor boat ro mnlulng on tho coast schedule. California Then East You nro offered PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITIONSAN FRANCISCO Acknowledged to bo "Tho Most Ileautlful Tho Most Wonderful - - Tho Most Important In history." nt, almost, no nddltlonnl expenso whllo enrouto to tho enst. i . i t i ti t, rvtM 10 Days Stopover at San Francisco and "" 10 Days Stopover at Los Angeles of ono porcont In 11 years." Thin stroot bears a very heavy truffle, be ing ono of tho thoroughfares lending to tho wntorfront. Hut lucking energetic sponsors, tho woodon blocks, nfter n slight agita tion nro shoved nslde, says Mr. Doug all, and tho projects go ahead with tho concroto nnd bltulthlc. Buys "Piny Politic" Mothods of compauloa In "playing politics" nro criticised by Mr. Doug nl, and hoaddB, "thu tlmbormon havo got to gt business in a different way, jot thoro must bo moro enthusiasm south again. Agont Henry Song stackon, of Mnrshrield, says sho will probably sail south October 29 nnd will carry passengers. ROBERT IVTCANN IS IMPROVING RAPIDLY Voll.Knowi (mh Hay Rosldciit Re cot ei tug From Kitrglcal Oj-ia-tlou Others in California FLORENCE LUMBER CARGO SOLD QUICKLY (Spoclnl to Tho Times) SANITARIUM, Calif., Oct. in .I,.. .i on ,i ...,. ...! .... i Jtoburt McCnnii, who uiulorwont two boltlud tho movameiit." operations two tveoks ngo ut this Woodpu bluekB, ho Bays, require ntInc0 ,B "lrovInB nicely. Ro Is Jonat a three inch concroto bnso niul I10!1! l '" hod, a short tlmo each thlH can bo dono as cheaply as tho!!1"'' 1'1)'Il0,'o ll "'"' Iook 0Vl,r t,lu Having coiicoriH. "And on u three 'cn,ulfl." N""a VuUo'- H Is not yet inch block wo can bid less than tho I !"owu '"w ,0"K " "my remain hero. biggest contractor bid on bltulthlu It tho Multuomnh county prices pre vail. I hnvo no Idea thnt they will over got such prices on any othor pav ing dono lu this stnte. Mis. McCauu is here with him. II. F. Winkler and wlfo aro HMng here. Ho is employed In tho store. Mr. Winkler was a neighbor of ours Thev can not nut .inu-i. n fmif r '" Mnrshflold when wo lived wherai -, - .- a ........ .-.,. ... rt.-t. ii .i . . five Inch slab of concroto any cheap- Ul l'0K0 "U1,(UK "" stands, oter or than tho wooden iiinnWf.nnir,irinr I ,u 'cnra "Ko. Mlu mother lived A campaign for a better patomont "fhro n,ul M tM0 hi others, also his will forco all paving prices down and '" "'"l "fi- ut wean tc savo taxpayers monnv und iHv iimm tu- H,oro ro" ye". Tnoy weto In 'Itrgo Shliuuent from Sluslitu- on (Jnuo Dollar Is Easily His- IMtsetl Of EUGENE, Oct. 19. Pnul Schlllor-I Strom, of tho Point Torrnco Lumbor ! company, has returned from Cnllfor- ula. Ho took passago on tho steam schooner Grnco Dollar, which ro- .rontly took a cargo of nearly n mil-1 Hon feet of lumber from tho Point 'lerruro mill to San Frnnclsco, nftori having somo difficulty in gottlng out of (ho SliiBlaw ilver. .Mr. Schlllorstrom says tho Oraco Dollar mado tho trip from tho Slus law to Sun Francisco In 42 hours. Ho sold tho cargo quickly and the schooner Immediately unloaded and tool: cargo 'for Moxlco. Ho sats 1 Captain Poson, of th0 Craco Dollar, iwiiuiiuiios a return trip to tho Slus nro pormltted on nil ono wny tickets Eust rondlrig through California The Route of Scenery, Safety, Service offers splondld lilgh-class. train sorvlco nnd fascinating scenery Furthor particulars with copy of foldor "Wnysldo Notes" from nenrcst agont or write Southern Pacific John M. Scott, General Passenger Agt., Portland, Oregon WHEN America was discovered this was the tohacco discovered all tohacco is descended from this seed. The hest grows now in the famous Piedmont district of the South. This splendid leaf is the tohacco in Piedmont Cigarettes. You like these cigarettes many thousand others like them, and this liking has resulted in making Piedmonts the higgest selling 5c cigarette in the country a winner in cycry sense Great I We helicvc the winner should have the best there is, and arc now putting a WIIOLE COUPON in each Piedmont pneknec. Save thesc-coupons they are valuablo and can bo redeemed for any of the beautiful and useful premiums shown in our large catalogue. This hook will he sent to Piedmont smokers free! There is no milder and purer form of smoking than these delightful Pipdmont Cigarettes. dtwJstfaWQ&A C&uso Car. "PT T7 f Send for our illustrated catalogue of " A- A--L luindsonio presents which you can obtain for our tags or coupons. Scnilyour numo and addrpts on a postal, address Premium Department, 331 Batter Street, San Francisco. Abstracts Milt KULIAlILk: AUSTKAOTS OV T1XJLB AM) INKUIIMATIOK AUOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAIISIIPIELI) AND COQUILLK CITY', OHHOON CIRNERAL AGENTS, EABTSIDK AND SKNGSOUGKEN'S ADDITI0.1 AGENTS FOIl CANADIAN l'AUIVIO ItAILItOAD LANDi IIKNRV SKNGSTACJCKN, JIANAGEIl WARNING bottor roads at loss maintenance" expense for Aiyi:unsi:i i.kttcks tlmnto frlomls of Henry family. Kernartl List of ailvertlsuil luttora remain InR in thu Marshflohl. Orogon Post off Ico for tlio weok oiullng Octolier 19, 191G. 'Persons tallliiB for the mmo will (ilease say ailvoitUod and pay lino cent Tor oaoh letter called for. IJock, Ooo.; llyme, Jamos, Conlt- 11". Clms. w Cook, IlalolBli: Ka- BtroiiRor. bor, Leo.; Goodpasturo, M.; UnK 8(rom, Olofj HaiiHOn, Mrs. A. J.; Ilolden, Dftvo; Mnrshflold MfR. Co.; Potorson, Urlond; Stllluoll, Miss Cordelia;, Symons. MrB. H. V.; Tnr kovllch, Matt; AVIIson, Ularonco. . . HUGH M'LAl.V, P. M. Mnrshflold, OroRon. Tlio snn shines twolvo hours a day hero nnd no rain has fallon nt ull slnco wo loft homo over flvo weeks Ko. It Is very dusty and wo wish wo hud a tin) of Oiegon mist, Mrs. A. R. Seaman, of Mnrshflold "who has been serloiiHly HI slnco April lias been horo six months and Is now looking much hotter und is growing StroilKOl. ShO llOIIPu tn return anmo ftlmo not month. I was very thank. fill to et Tho Times, it seemed llko a dear frloiul cumins to seo ns. lnu mill nnnnMnca .l.4 41... I . . . I . " -""" linn inu uuui tl"Ull lmil.'n tli. I.. . i . .. . !l "i'u n nun oui or 1110 nnruor n Rood part of tho jour. The Point Terrnco mill olosod down a few days ago to permit tho mnkliiK of repuirs to ono of tlio fur naces. Tho compuny has boon saw lR on orders und making slilmnonts i') rnii, a sldotrack IuivIiik boon built by the Willamette Pacific at the mill. AUSTRIAN ARCHDUKE IMPORTANT NOTIOlJ The I.. L. Thomas Music Store will bo closod all day Thursday, owing to tho funeral of 8. Q. Btuckoy, father of Mrs. L L. Thomas. I am enJojlnK tho treatment. I will soon huo splendid lioalth. With klml lecards, Slnceroly jours MRS. It. McCANN Wo havo a nifty lino of coal, vtort and combination ht,K stocs, hvo this lino bofoi-o jou buy, Hchrowlor una Hlldenbiiiud. Times want ads bring results. SHOWS APPRECIATION Ht-miso iiussiniis TivutiM Officer I Kindly WIH Tk duo of ,' Wounded ltiis.nu Officers tll7 AuarUtfcJ rnM lo Cot IU7 Tlmw J I lll'DAPKST. lluiiRary, Oct. 20. ' uio Austrian Arcluluko Joseph, In tokon of !ilu appreciation of the ex cellent tieatinent nccorded to hls aide do-camp, Count Hatth)any, In a Rus sian hospital has ordeied that a num ber of seriously wounded Russian of ficers shall be transferred to his pal aco In Rudupest, thoio to bo given tho best possible treatment by his own doctors. Count Ilatthyany, who Is ono of tho wealthiest landowners in Hungary, was picKen up seriously wouuded, by Russian patrols, nnd transferred to a hospital In Kief. From Ills hospi tal cot ho wroto a letter to tho Arch duke, warmly praising the humanity nud chivalry of tho Russian doctors, To tho Trado and to Consumers of Children's Outer Garments. You aro hereby notified that J. C. Penney Co., of Mnrshflold, In the Coos Bay Times, Wednesday, August 11th, 1015, advertised Kov eralls, good heavy denim, 7Gc valuo, our prlco 49c. You are advised that "KOVEn ALLS" Is n trade namo adop'ted by us for our well-known one-piece play-suit, and that no other porsou, firm or corporation has a right to use said namo, and that wo have boou protected Jn our ownership thereof by decrees of tho Courts of the Stato of California. Tho public and consumers are further advised that J. C. Ponney Co. has novor purchased from us any of our "KOVDRALLS" and that wo have in our possession art icles made in Imitation of our "KOVERALLS" wutCh were sold by J. 0. Pennoy Co. for and as our "KOVERALLS." Tho public Ingly. aro warned accord- LEVI STRAUSS & CO., Mfrs. Unttery and Pino Sts. Snn FrnncUco, Cal. To the Public '? f III n foimor lssuo of this papor your attention was called to our "COVERALL" advertisement in ls suo of August 11 th. Theso garments wero not adver tised OB KOVERALLS (a copyright ed name), nor was thoro liny at tempt on our part to misrepresent. Tlio name Coverall is a common namo for play suits and sovoral man ufacturers are using that name, which Is no infringement on KOV ERALLS. WE DON'T HAVE TO MISREP RESENT OUR MERCHANDISE TO GET YOUR BUSINESS. OUR VALUES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. OUR VALUES ARE BIGGER. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER. That's why wo aro dolng such a big business. Investigate for yourself. J. C. Penney Co. ' rrfy ' " -ikr , - 't.