HIFTLfSS MAN USUALLY PREFERS TO FOLLOW M LINE OF LEAST PEAS THS IS1: -i4 , Coos Bay Times Your Paper ' The Coo Bay Times li prond I'oople' Paper," and It strives lire W i0 ,tJ nwno ,)y loVOtIjn .romotlng the people's Interests. Vol. No. XXXIX. MOONSHINER PLEAD GUELTY Seven Men in Famous Case Throw Themselves on the Mercy of Federal Court Case Against Fred Bowles, the Eighth Defendant, is' Dis missed by Prosecution BIG SWINDLE IS ALLEGED Claim Mndo Tlmt tho (iovcrntiiouti Wiw Defrauded Out of Ten to Mr tei'ii Mllll u Dollars Dui'liiK the Ijiiftt. Ten Venrs JD AmUIbi1 r?ra t Toon Ha TlmM.) FORT SMITH, Ark., Oct. 20. Seven of tho men on trial ehnrgud with conspiracy to defraud tho gov ernment In iniiniifactiiro of moon thtno whlskoy, plcuded guilty in tho United StntcB' dlHtrlct court toihiy. Benlcnco will bo passed tomorrow. Tho enso against Frod UowIoh, the eighth defendant, wis dismissed. Allego 1 1 If,' Swlndlo Tho ilcrciulnntB In connection with tho so-called "Mooimhlno" conspira cy originally numbered over a Bcorc, tlx ot tliem officials or former offi cials of tho United States internal IloTcnuo Service. Thoy wore Indict ed hy thu Federal Grand Jury lust June. Tho government authorities predict that out of tho eases may grow a gi gantic prosecution of many (other men, who, It Is nllegod, lmvo swind led tho Kovornmuut of tho United States out of hotweon $10,000,000 and 115,000,000 during tho last ten Tho alleged head of tho conspiracy Is John h. C'aBpor, an officer of tho Huih Distilling Uo., of Kansna City, lio with any L. Hnrtman, of ICnn J City, James O. Browbnkor, of 1'ort Smith nnd othora charged with maintaining nu Illicit dlstlfiory at fort Smith and with shipping thous ands of gallons of spurious whlskoy, manufactured nt'tho plant, to tho distilling company. Blanket Indictment Tho six ravomia officers nro natnod "Mi other dofondants in n blanket Indictment for conspiracy and one of Ihem, Knox llooth is accusod of nc "Ptlng bribes from Caspor and Ilart n. Uooth wns formerly superin tendent of tho Tennesson Itnvnimn ni. 'Won nnd and wns romovod froih of- co aner tho Issuo of tho warrant for ' arrest. Government offlcors sny no confessed nnd gavo valuable infor on as to tho working of tho al IeKd conspiracy. Caught Hovcni'io Men Tho other rovonuo men indicted ere; J Jmes Snrbor, Atlnnta, On., former Perlntendont of tho Georgia Revo oe Division; resigned shortly after M Indictment. Tl'omng c McCoy, Ashv 'er rovenuo ant.A'hV"0,w " .e,v., .?.Ven" nBOnti resigned fromL """ "vo years ago. 8-L. Williams. Winston, 'Salem, N. wnier rovonuo agent; rcslgnod tlai.f Ji6ars nB0 nn(1 "ocamo asso kuilness CaaVr' ,U Ul dlat,ll,nB tJJ!0Wy nroWn- Harrison, Ark., WVernmg0l'er,Un0nt BUaBOr. at,I '" 8overnment BOrv,Co arreBtml Cr0" n;S,U'ai,UnB' Aurora-Mo'' ttsteT ' rc8,sncd wIl0 nr- Othora indicted J'hers Indicted were: nd Oh F.arrabeo. Georgo aiartman Cllv t , 8 owbaker of Kansas I li 5 '" Coffo' Fred Bowles and U B,n!t. nm8' f Port SinIt": Jn,es Cummin ' Jack8onvl. Fla.j- Henry BrotJ x. a",I)a Vla'' aa Leo F' rett T.P,,0Se8 " ". K'l. P, Jar m !' s'nnr,J J. W. llrjder known! ,,avvk,3, addresses un- r Was Uasliy Found to rlJr!?"1 off,cers (lltl not havo by nJl W00uel li's inhabited tne 2 mon of tho "Moonshine" They J? t,ho IUIc't Iuor was made. f For to" U stand,lB bodly on one er obi i ' 8troet8' ,n a Uolap," lag ., uulIulng, as innocent look- house 10 d08erteil Arkansas farm Seals We,.0 llrok Tho p"7" v." "Keu ! T I- Ma'rS" 0 1 " nowe" Owner -1..1--,'.. ' ' .. UkL Nmill. !..! .a ta., - uutibuu riifi rnvemin iln. raent at Washington n't tbolr In. MIKE TO COME of Its Utlo "XJio t all times to Iu energies to Established 1878 An Tho Const Mali. LUMBER DISCUSSED SUBJECT TAKEN UP AT OATIIEHINO TODAV 111(2 Itelaltoii or Industry to United Stales Government H Topic at Con- vent Ion Todny tnr AiworUtM Vnn to Coon Hi TlmM.J SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 20. Tho lumber Industry in rolatlon to tho f United States government wns tho subject of discussion at today's ses sion of tho convention of tho Western Forestry and Conservation Associa tion. Delegates from Washington- 'Oregon, California, Idaho nnd Moiw tnna wcro present. Si E SHERIFF .10IINKO.V TAKES HASH.' STAND AS MIM-:gVIST Will Itcuuho Parties to Swear Out Complaints Hcl'oro .Making Any Arrests Under II. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILL1-J, Ore, Oct. 20 Sher iff Alfred .lohuson has recolvcd sev eral complaints, from different parts of the county urging him to en force tho Otcgnu Sunday-closing law. Many of the complaints are anony mous. ' . Shorlff Johnson has Inkon tho Iff LI RO samo stand as District Attorney L. I ItHolf to build more nnvnl craft, rn'iiko A. LllJeqvlHt In the matter. That It own armor plate and groatly ex Is, that parties having a complaint j cl "" manufacture of munitions. muse rormniiy swear out mo inior matlon nnd glvo evidence ngnlnst tho party licensed of violating tho Iaw Sheriff Johnson takes tho ntuud that where thero Is no wilful of fouse, It is not up to htm to assume tho role of prosecutor and officer. However, any propor complaint,' duly I Bworn to, will rocolvo his attention. TALK DF POLITICS MOltll GOSSIP AllOL'T VOSSIIlIiE CANDIDATES IN .MAItSIIFIKM) Dr. If. M. Shaw ,Suggcstel for Coun . clluiau If. J. Klutbiill Hays : ' lio Ih Not Aspirant Gossip concerning candidates for city offices In Mnrshflold continued rlfo today but so far no offlclnl an nouncements have beon made- by any of tho candidates suggested for tho various places. Dr. II. M. Shaw was talked of to day as a candidate- for ono of tho two vacancies on tho city council. Dur ing his several years rosldonco In MaVshfiold, ho has not boon octlvo in public affairs but formorly took much intorcst In municipal work nt his olfl homo. Ho Is heavily interest ed in Coos county property nnd his friends say ho would ma'ko a fino 'councilman. Kl-nhull Not Aspirant Councilman II. J. Kimball doclaren 'today that bo was not an aspjrant for tli mayoralty. Ho said uiat no f would not conslnor It ar1 th-ii whon Bervcd h, torm " tho C0UI,C,, mon . d ot03t wJlon nosltlon ho took uudor protest urged by his frlonds, ho said thnt ho f would bo done with public offlco. Many Approvo Hall A numbor of business men today heartily Indorsod tho suggestion of John F. Hall for mayor and it isdlko ly thnt strong pressuro will bo brought on him to bo a candidate. tentlon to ceaso business. Tho gov ernment immediately withdrew Us of ficial guager and sealed tho doors ot tho plant. The seals, It 3 aUoged, woro soon brokon, tho old machinery removed and now mnchlnory sot up. Someone Informed Ono day tho government officials got nn anonymous lottor that started nu Investigation, David A. Gates, Deputy Internal ltovonuo Commiss ioner, took charge of tho inquiry. Ills men quickly covered Missouri, t Ar kansas. Georgia, North Carolina and Tonnesseo, and picked up clows Jora nn.i there, which finally resulted hi the solzuro of tho distillery. Among tho discoveries thoy made was that tho plant was connected with a iar-,e HOwer. with outlets so arranged that the contonts of Its eight ten-thous and-gallon tubs could bo dlscnargeu Into tho Arkansas river within a fow minutes. Six dlfforont indictments -wero ro . a n .ooi. n nf tlm examination - :".;.."". f,iPii,.. Some o7 the indictments were blank- I.. a n.,.i ll rnvnred t 10 tWOIlty- M n .1 A Itlf T II fl I'lU HI II111L-11L i . - f i "" " f six dofondants-. CEaus MARSHFIEIA OREGON, WILL PREVENT PRIVATE GIFT Government to Provide Against Excessive Profits Being Made on Munitions Will Recommend to Congress That the Country Make its Own Armor Plate WILL EXTEND THE WORK Will Ho Suggosted to Equip tho Gov eminent In'Siii-li a Way That .It Can llulld Hh Own Hat- tlcshtps tligr AmocIiIM Vrmt to Corn t Time) RALEIGH, N. C. Oct. -20. What ftho navy oxpects to do townrd pre venting private manufacturers reap ing nn excusslvo profit on the govern ment expenditure:! for national do fouAo was outlined hero today by Secretary Daniels In a speech at the North Carolina state fair. He uitld his annual report to con- I'gross would recommend legislation to enable tho government to equip SEARCH HIDOID I'OUIt HODIKS OF tJASOI.I.N'i: ItOAT VICTI.MS MISSING ItcmaliiN or Owner of Alliance No, 1! And Several Others are inn-mi (11 AmwUImI ITru lo Coot IW i TlmM. POINT AltL'NA, Calif., Oct. 20. Tho search for tho four missing bod ies ot tho eight drowned In tho wreck of tho gnsollno schooner Alliance No, '" Mnmlnv nn MnlmiHa rnnl(H Wllfl abandoned today. Tho funoral of Chlof Englucor Har rington wns hold today. Tho fuu- roral of Miss I.ena Mlllor of Vancou ver nwalts tho arrival of her moth er. Tho bodies of Miguel Ablla, tho owner, nnd Purser HatUto woro bur ied yesterday. H. It. Jones, nnd Itafaol Modlua, tho ownor's servant, wero tho only ones saved. IIAHVAHD MAN FUOM HOSTON CAUGHT 11V GF.UMANS "Whs With the Fivnch Air Siiundroiil In tho Wai Father GotH tho Nowh (11 AuoeUtx) ritM 10 u Par tibh.) HOSTON. Oct. 20. Norman t Prlnco, a Harvard graduato and mombor of a prominent Hoston fam ily, who was aviator with tho French army, has been capturod by tho Ger mans, according to a cnblogram to his father today. F AfdiKGKD riliAVHH OK WH AN- GKI.HS POMCK CAUGHT Harry Duncan AttemptH Kscupo to thu Fast When Police Arrent lllni at Train ' (D AuocliloJ Treu lo Cooo nt Time 1 LOS ANOHLES, Oct. 20. Harry Duncan, tho alleged slayor of Po lice Sergeant Toolon, was captured today at Sborb, a station near Pas adena. Just us ho was about to board a Southern Pacific train bound east. Ho was brought to tho county Jail Immediately, In an auto YOUNG CROWN PRINCE TO TAKE COMMAND I liiilKuriun Taking Charge of tho Ar my lie 111 is lAtw aiiiui of Note ini AnoclttoJ ! f Coo IU Time. oniMA nt. 20. Tho announce- .!.' i-i.,m unrts. tho Crovn M'rtnco of Hulgarla, w... bo command-! DUELS LIT AVIATOR CAPTURED GAPTUBE wit or-ln-chlef of the Bulgarian Army, p "'- ""- " -- -- recalls the lovo affair botwceiv hlmltlngulshlng between tbo two, klaslng nnd tbo Russian Emperor's oldost.jUio hands of tho churchmen and pre daughter, the Princess Olga. Tho UwUnir his own hand to the Jnymen ensagemont has been announced by 'to be klsBC-d. iiictlt MKMHER, OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1915 ROVE R Rl CALIFORNIA CHILDREN MAKE GIFT TO PRESIDENT Gold from PiuKle Cont .Mine Is Presented Dim by Delegation Received Todny (Dy Atioclttod I'tm to Com Day Tlram WASHINGTON, 1). C, Oct. 20. President WUbou todny received a delegation ot women nnd girls from California, who gavo him a piece of gold from a California mine, nnd also a bar of gold to be mndo Into a weddlttg ring for his fiancee, Mrs. Gnlt. AbUed to Attend Tho delegation also brought potl- ftloiiB signed by 300,000 Cnllfornlnns urging tho President to visit Snn Francisco before tho exposition clos ed In December. Tho President said bo did not think ho could go but would chnnge his plnns If possible. Later tho wo men gavo Mrs. (Jalt a cluster of Cal ifornia Orange blossoms. I i XO MOHK (UlNS CAN (.'() TO .MKXI-r' CAN FACTIONS Caira".a However Is Kprctcd nutl Can Got Guns Hut Others Are Hnrrcd (llf AuueUlnl I'itm lo Cooo lUy Tlniro.t WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 20. President Wilson todiy declared nn embargo on the shipment of arms nnd ammunition to Mexico. ' Holcphoiiod her husband and they spent 'signed a supplemental order howev er, which excepts tho Carranza gov ernment from the embargo. The prohibition applies to the factious opposed to thu-govcrumont which Ihe United States has recognized, Tho Prorildetu's proclamation Is Ibiipod upon tid authority conferred liy CQitgress in 1012 iuu follows alosely tho torms-of Taft'a proclama tion Issued during tho revolution against 'Madero. Thb Villa agency hero closed Its doors today. It was announced that In view of tho recog nition of Carranza thero Is no fur ther need of maintaining it. INVESTIGATE CAUSE rnr AmocUI4 rr. lo Con ll MfflM.l BUTTB, Mont., Oct. 20. State and county officials today aro prob ing into tho cttuao of yostorday'u dynamite explosion nt tho surface of tho Granite- Mountain Mlno, of tho North Hutto Mining Company, In which it Is known 17 mon lost their lives. Of tho flvo mon terribly In jured nnd tnkon to tbo hospital, two, Kdward Hray nnd Pholas ninn- cbett, dlod during tho night, and tho condition of ono other is so pro- carious that death is expectod at . any momont. ' Disaster Had One It was tho worst mining dlsastornvnoroaiiouis, . In tho history of tho stato. Ono of i Mquor Jl tho dead Is yot unldontlflod. Tlio i u is uonoveii uuu young -nw. cnuso of tho explosion of tho COOjtolt chagrined whon ho was called pounds of dynamlta that was to bo j upon to toll whore in North Uond ho lowered Into tho inluo Is a mystory. proourou liquor uuriiig mo urmgo Will Pay Fninlllos Carnival thoro. Tho district nttor- It is estimated that tbo relatives ,noy afterwords went to North llond 'of tho men killed or Injured will re-f with, him but could not locato tho ,cotvo approximately 100,00O from ' im said to havo Bold tho liquor to ftho North Hutto Company undor tho 'tho boy. I provisions of tho workmen's compen-f Ansoltn Johnson was In no way im lnin.. mi reeontlv enacted In this' plicated. Ho Is a good frlond of ",fV" - - - '-- stato. tho papora on two occasions, and, whllo not officially confirmed, -Ills visits to tho Czar havo given color to the romance He knows Potrograd bettor than uiiy city outsldo his own f country, nnd proferB it to uny other foreign city. Prlnco Horls is only 21 years old iinti Is tho eldest of four children by I King Ferdinand's fUBt wlfo, tho Prln- cess' Mario Loulso of Purina. Whllo fKIng Ferdinand romnliis u Roman J'OathoHo, Prlnco HoHh Is u Greek- Cu thollc. Tho prince's conversion, which 'took place nt the early ago of two years, was u couuiiion uomnna- ed by Russia In return for Russian recognition of Ferdinand us king. When only four years old, tha lit - tlo prince astonished the Russian court on his first visit to Potrograd Jjy his percoclous knowlodgo of tho U.UOII.1UU U Utl-JUV.VU. HU U.U Ul V.V 1 ..,.,!,... r ...l.....tn Tlw. i-hIa nt 4lm Russian court gives precedonco to .ecclesiastical ovor lay dignitaries. When .ttondlng cotjrt .. child (irttttra EVENING EDITION Kills Crippled Peddler at San Francisco and Hides Body in a Box Couch Arms and Legs Severed and Trunk Cut up and Wrap- ed in Newspaper SURRENDERS TO POLICE Murderess Is Mix. Mary Pntnliw, AVIfo of Stiwt Car CoiMliictor-x-Wnut- ed to l-'leo I.'i-om City Hut in- nnlly (Jives Ilernelf Ui Ill AmocUIoJ 1'rtM to Cnoi lit? Tlmfti. SAN FltANClSCO. Oct. 20. Mrs. Mary Panjlnn, wlfo of n Htroot car con ductor, surrendered lo tho pollco to- !day and In held In connoctlon with thu murder ot Mlchnol Wolnstelu, n l.anH....t...l . I.II..M ...1 I.l.lltl..ln I l. ' ' ,v" ,u,,,"u'' w"" '"' " dy was found today In a box couch In 'Mrs. Pamlas' bedroom. She told the police alio killed Woln stelu with nu nxo last night whon ho attacked her after her refusal to elopo with him. (Jives Herself Up When nhu stuffed tho hacked body Into tho couch, Mrs. Pamlits fled nnd rented another apartment. Sho tol- Ilia night In the now apartment 'Vhoro she argued in favor of flight. .ind ho for surrender to the pollco. Thu husband won tho argument. Chopjied Up Hotly Tho nrms, legs and head of tho body wero severed and tho trunk cut Into sovoral pieces. Hitch ploco was wrapped In a newspaper, Tho wood en log nnd crutch Woro placed on top; Mrs, Pa m Inn said sho lived with tbo Wolustolu family four years ago in Atlantic City. Sho snld Welnstoln 'arrived Sunday and gavo her a packot of lottors, portions of which wero found torn on tho floor. BOKLHIElME TWO YOUTIIhTjNDKU til CAN NOT hi: locatkd hv pauhnts Charles Craig ad Auselui Johnson iMht. Seen In Hoscburg Folkx Aro Anvloiis Chnrles Crulg and Aniolm John son, two youths uudor 21 years of ago, who disappeared from their 'homes in Marsliflohl without stating I'whoro thoy woro going havo not yot f jjoon located, according to thotr par- onts. Mrs. Craig said today thnt sho had notified tho offlcors In Hosoburg and found'out lntor thnt tho boys had uco thorn somo tlmo this wook, but nothing mora bus boon heard of tbolr Matter Up .... young uraig and to two of tiiom made up their minds to leavo togeth er. Hoyn Left No Wmtl It is said that nothing mora will bo heard of tho North llond matter 'nnd now Mrs. Cralg.ls extremely anx- ''lous to got any word of her son. Sho rsaid today mat mo noys prouamy t havo gono out Into tho Valloy somo- whoro to go to work, but left wlth- 'out tuklng uny of tbolr baggage and loaviiig uo worn noniiui na to wnore ioy wuro going, RUSSIA PREPARES ENORMOUS LOAN (D Ami. Ulel l'rM tu Coor. ni Tlioi-f. PHTROGRAD, Oct. 20. The Russian government Is preparing for nu early Issuo of au Internal loan of JGOO,- 000,000, tho interest to bo 5 1-2 porcont. It will run for a short tlmo. . ELK NOTICE Initiation tonight. Come out. Somu feed J. W. HILDENIWAND. Exulted Ruler ' I 1 . I I ii 1 W ID CHOPPED 1 A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall and Coos liny Advertiser. DELAY DIPLOMATS KKPHKSHNTATIVKS AT SHItHIA Altl! IIICM) AT NISH Their Departure for Southwestern Part of tho Country Stopped by Ciitllnir of Hallroad til Auov'UlM rrrai o Coot n Time. ATIII3N8, Ot. 20. Tho diplo matic corps nt the Serbian court hits beon compollcd to remain at Nlsh, far tho present nt least. It Ih ex pected that their doparluro for Southwestern Serbia will bo pre vented by tho Hulgnrlans cutting tho Nlsh-Salonlkl railway. E ltl'SSIAN MINISTHIt CLAIMS THHV AHIJ HXHAUSTHD Thinks They Will do all in Their Power to Interfere With Tho Allies til AuoctttM I'mi to Coo. 1)4 Tliiira. LONDON, Oct. 20. A dispatch from Potrograd quotes Minister of Intorlor Khvostoff as saying in ro ply lo a question concerning tho proclamation of martial law In Mos cow: "Tho Germans lutvo got Into a condition ot litter exhaustion. Thoy have roally lost tho wnr and now will strive to put a drag on our activity and our production of mu nitions by stirring up strikes and causing confusion and disorganiza tion In our menus of transport." HUM2AIHAN HOHDF.U NOT YHT OUOSHHD D AMOtUtM I'trw lo Ouoo Hi Tlnm'l PAItIS, Oct. 20 Tho Salonlkl correspondent ot thu Ilaviis Newit Agency souda tliq rllowluir, under- Ti'os-idaj's'- cluto!j !"Tlnij I-Jronch troops havo r'ocolvq'd orders not to pass tho Hulgarlnii frontier. Strumitza bus not boon occupied by tho Allies." T CKNTHAD POWKHS DHCIDII UP ON A NHW CAMPAIGN Twenty Thousand Troops With Ar tillery Arrive l-'ront Gallcia Pre pared for a 'Fight. D AwaUI4 rrtta Vou U7 TlnM.) LONDON, Oct. 20. It Is reported from Frankfort that tho Central Powors decided to undortuko an other campaign, this tlmo against Montenegro. Twenty thousand Aim-tro-Germnn infantrymen, with ar tillery, arrived from Gallcia at u point north ot Moutonogro. ALLEGE TREACHERY UUHSIA ACCUSES KINO FHIIDI NAND IN PROCLAMATION Declaring War Czar's Government Says Country Was Friendly to Hulgmla (11 AuoeltlM I'mi lo Cooa IU Tlmfi. PHTROGRAD, Oct. 20. An im- perlal manifesto declaring wur against Hulgarlu appeared today un der tho dato of Octobor 18. It was accompanied by n communication ro- 'viowlng tho friendly services of Rus sia for Hulgarlu in tlio past, and pointed out tho "treachery" of King Ferdinand. v UNITED STATES IS NEUTRAL IN WAR t X t t n AuocUt! l're to Cum lujr Time. WASHINGTON, D, C Oct, 20. President Wil son today signed a proc lamation giving notice of the neutrality of the Unit ed States in the war be tween Sorbia and Bul garia. It was along the same lines as those al X t t t t t ready issued, Llbby Coal, $5.00 ton. Phono 72, - t Times want ads bring results. Sfl M IS LOSE IT GO E A Southwest Oregon Paper , That's whnt tlio Ooofl liny Times Is, A BoHti west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people ud dovoted to tho best Interests 'of this great octloN . Tbo Times always boosts wad Mere knocks. No. 75 SERBS AHE III Believed that Country May be Overwhelmed by the Invas ion of Enemy's Forces PRISOB TAKEN Berlin Claims the Bulgarians Captured Two Thousand Men and 12 Cannon GERMANS ARE PRESSING ON Statement That Thoy frro Active Against HiiHslauH Around Hlga l'jmt. of ItlielniM Kaiser's Troop Mnlio Fleivo Attack IP AmocUIM rim to Co n TIbm.! LONDON, Oct. 20 Tho latest re ports Indlcato that Sorbin Is In dead ly danger of being ovorwholinod, No loss than eight Hulgarlnii forces havo crossed Into Serbian territory while the Austro-Gormnu forces nro ad- fvanclng steadily. Horllu todny announced tho cap ture by Hulgarlanu of 2000 prisoners nnd 12 eunnom Austrian Advance Tho Austrinns made further ad vnuco townrd Shubntz, west ot Del grade. Tho Sorblans woro thrown0 back south of Luclca nnd Hoxovnc. The Austrian nnd Gorman forces ef fected a Junction west of Somondrlit. Fast em Fight In the cast the Germans are pres sing nn offensive around Riga. Th6 Russians claim aticcof.nes In Gnllcln. Geininiis Itelnforccd In tho west, heavily rolntormod Gorman armies aro assuming the nf- fciiBlvo. Paris reports that tho Qcr iiuins, east nt Rholms, made a fierce pttnek nnd occupied sovoral French 1 1 ouches. London says Gorman at tacks north of Loos woro complet bly repulsed. ItKTIHING HltlTISir OFFICIAL MAKFS AN ANNOUNCK.MKNT rllr Kdwurd Carson Says Uo Quit, IS! cau.so of DlffereiKos of Opin ion In Government ' (11 AuotlittJ rr. lo Coo. !) TIoim.1 , LONDON, Oct; 20. Sir lEdward Carlson announcod In tho house of commons today thnt his resignation from tho attorney generalship wns duo to tho dlvorgouco ot vlowi In. rfi gurd to castorn affairs, WILL CONCENTRATE HIGG$$ FIGHTING FORCE Thus Far tho Fi-e"ch Havo Succeed ed In Protecting Lower End or Railroad IU AJNOclttfcl IT'" to Cooo IU TldiM.) SALONIKI, Oct. 20. The entente allies aro marking tlmo, ponding, tiff concentration hero of a sufficient iiumiior ot troops tor operations in tho Balkans. A' largo French force Ih roported on- tho way to Salonlkh Tho French forces lmvo succeeded thus fur in protecting tho lower end of tho Nlsh-Salonlkl railroad. ROBBERS GET AIY GET 1?! IOO FROM THE CITIZENS' HANK OF RENTON, WASH. Esmpo In An Automobile and are Believed (o be In Seattle . A-'ow. fD AMOtUtal rru to Com Dt Tim,) SHA'TTLK, Oct. 20.- Two msn who robbed the Citizen's Bank ot 'Ronton of JH00 yostcrday appear to buvo eluded the posses seeking them at the Southorn boundary of Seattle, whoro thoy dismissed the auto in which thoy forced tho driver to bring thorn from Rcnton. At tho place whoro the robbers wero last soeu thoy wore In the vicinity of a trolloy lino to Seattle and It Is believed thoy are now In this city. Tl,tnes Want, Ada rr rulU, GREAT DANGER V N (ALLIES ARE IITlif at