ftJONEV nUM If SOME PEOPL 'I, YnTVD STARVE TO DBVTH1HC HAD IESS BRAINS Coos Bay Times Your Paper Cci Bay Times li proud k'f Pnpor," wl i BtrivM hToP t0 ,U nm by da'otin omotta U.o poo.Io'i tatoreet. Vol. No. XXXIX Bandits Froi,n Across the Bor der Commit the Crime and Make Their Escape II iff KILLED Victims Arc Corporal McBee, Engineer, Who Was Pinned Under Locomotive SEVERAL CARS WRECKED- Truck Iwcncd niitl Pu'lcd Away jusfns Tlio Train Approaches Twenty Mexicans Keep up Steady Gun Flro O; Aawelatra rrriu to Co- mj TIiopd.I DROWNS VI LLE, Toxns, Oct. 19 Inspired by rnco hutrod as woll ns a desire for loot, 20 Mexicans who claimed to bo followers of Luis Do Lirosa, leader of n so called ToxaB revolution, hold up and robbed n train near Olmlto, sovon, miles north of here last night. Ai a result thrco aro dpad, an other probably fatally Injured, and (our others sorlously hurt. Tlio bandits nro believed to lmvo escaped Into Mexico. Three Aro Dond The dead aro Corporal Mcllco, Third United States Cavalry, who was ihot; Knglneor Kondall, who tai pinned beneath tlio locomotlvo, and Dr. B. S. McCain, doputy otato hilth offlcor. Tlio robhory was the boldest work by bandits slnco tlio raids legan three months ago, ' Caused a Wreck They romoved the spikes from n rail and lying concealed in nearby brush, Jerked the rail from unilor the noso of the oiirIiiu with a Ioiir heaTjr wire. Tlio ongluo, baRRago, mill and cxproeg cars Jumped the track. After tho robbery tho Moxl cani burned tho trestlo north of tho rk. Few Pussoiigers The scono of tho robhory is throo miles from tho Rio Grando. Tho Mex icans, as thoy flrod at tho train, shouted, "Viva Plzano, Viva Cnr rMa." Plzano Is a co-lcador with De Larosa. Few paBson'gora woro aboard. The robhory was conduced by jive or six Moxlenns In Khnkl uni forms whllo 10 or 20 moro kept up constant fire. Troops Detained The burned trcstlo provont,od tho Wnpt arrival of tho Unltod States Wers from San Uonlto to tnko "P 'he pursuit John V. Sword, 'ormer United States soldier, snld nd thrco soldiers, MoDoo, llrls lr and I.aymon, occuplod n ,oat the front end of tho smoking tar, three sohllors In uniform, hut inarmed. Four Men Arwiiut four Mexicans nro under arrest In """iMtloa wit tho robbery and r brought horo today. It Is Z I a ,)0SS0 8,10t allu iIUocl two ' Health Officer Dead ittul E.S' McCn". deputy stato n officer, died this afternoon from revolver wounds ho received. A. it, . l""u VMu Weed ! ' Cam t0 a 8top ,,( r rTn. Xlea"8 crw"ns Into tho r end eoaeb. Tll0 Mexicans cam K'i flrlnir. ti. ,., Tl (1lro... . .. " ijbi iiiiiik om r ' at lno ariny uniforms sbmT. ' vonl 8 companions, "oldlen lit i. Two Were oiinf n .i. i i.,- and in J u'uv l" 1,r" '-0 tke tZ Wna ll,t na ho lved f ,8e front door. fio After Soldiers' "fae-i Willis, Dr. McCain, Dis. ml nAlorney Klelber of llrowns- Wrtlh, l? ,rave"ns salesmen, It. "Sht and P. m. Sauer. sen 'li! f'.r8t r,,sU at th0 "nlformod the bandits paid little attou m torn th0r 1)aS8eaBors. McCain TCleibl ;V0k rofugo ,n th0 to,lot ad s v8 lf 8hot' wlxtle Wright In ,er h,a ' ""or tho seats. "e meautimo Sword brushed "e tra.n ait'8 arm- J"!'! -4tt 'Whole. a"d fleU three n,,le8 to a TieSbandn'7Ugh t,,e I)oor K aS knocked on the toilet Villlii Comraanded McCain and WereuD CmJ out' Thoy refused, U do,, . , 6 badlts fired throtiRn wr. WtUng McCain In the ab- TRAIN ROBBED Si MEXICANS of Its Utlo 'The t U tlme to iU CBCr,e o Established 1878 As The Const Mali. HOLD UP EXPRESS t TRAIN IN NEW YORK i s Mr Alloc Intel 1'imm to Coo Ear Tlmra.J NEW YORK, Oct, 19- Six armed men held up X and robbed two freight trains and attempted toj rob an American Express Company train at the en- X trance of the tunnel near Congers, N.Y,, this morn- X lug. Tho robbers escaped X in an auto, X CASE IS DISMISSED THOMAS TAGOAKT WILL NOT PROSECUTED in; Election li'miid Charges Against Fam ous Indianapolis Man Aro Not Pressed In Court. Iljf AsjoclattJ l'rrwi to Com liar Tlmm.J INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. It). Tho enso of Thomas Tnggnrt, democratic untlonnl coinmlttco man charRcd with election conspiracy, was dismiss ed In tho criminal court today on mo tion of tho prosecutors. mo J:- IRE GOLD ADR! AIIOUT TWHNTV-I-'IVH MILLION' t'OMKS I'ltO.M ICN(ILANI) Shlpn.ciK In LarRer Tlinii Any Prev ious Cni'Mpiuieiit Kiom There To United Htnte.s IIr AnorlalM Vint to Cooi liar Tlmn.l NI3W YOltIC, Oct. 19. The latest shipment of Rold from KuRalnd to the United States, said to be larRor than any previous consignment, arrived to day. It was approximately $25, 000,000. OO'J' FHK-SIDKXT VOTKS WOMKX SUKFHAGH ,nr Aworlald I'rc.f to Moi Tir Tlm. PltlNCICTON, Oct. 10. President Wilson enmo to his IorbI resldonco horo today and votod for tho woman suffraRo conBtltutlonal amondmont su limit tod to tho pcoplo by tho LoRlslaturo. Ilo arrived shortly nftor noon and loft Immediately aftor votlnR. ' .lOSKIMl (i. MeCOV DKAD inr Aaoltl4 Pr o Coo flar TlmM.J KANSAS CITY, MO., .Oct. l'J. Joseph G. McCoy, dlod horo today af ter a two mouths Illness. BAR SURVEY ON THE UMPQUA IS PROGRESSING Cnptaln Jiunos 1o1Iiciiiiih ItotuiH to flardlner Today Croiv May lie at Work JO Days Yet C.,tnlii Tninno PnlllOlUUS retlimCd vla tho beach stage this morning to re-fGardinor to look over tho bar Biir- Voy bolni: made at tho mouth of tho 'Umpqun. Ho said last ovonlnR thnt tho men aro progressliiR very won with tholr work thoiiRh it Is expected tho comploto survey can not bo ac- 'compllshod in less than 10 days) or two weeks yet. Tho examination of tho bar is to bo most comploto for thoso records go to tho U. S. Engineering Corps In Portland and on thorn may rest rmucli of tho responsibility for any action takon later by Congress for or against a Jotty. The bar was rough this morning and the dredgo Michlo, shortly boforo noon was forced to coino backlnsldo for tho day, domen and wounding Wallls twlcof Stole Shoo.s. Sauor was rolloved of $30 In car.li. Tho bandits relieved tho dead tol- dlor,, McBeo, of his shoes. Doc Washington, a negro, hid bonoalh a seat, but tho bandits saw his feet, stole h!a shoes and $05 in cash. Sword left his hat and coat, con taining $280, which the bandits took. Other passengers lost smauor amounts. WOODBURN Jerome D. Sim mons, former member of tho Oregon legislature and a successful farmer, died at tho aeo of 58 years, THE DALLES Dr. E. Rea Norels of Bond, haa been found guilty or attack upon flftoen-year-old Adole Boll, of Redmond, Oregon, whom ho Is alleged to have brought to this city, (Suns MARSHFIELD, OREGON, GARRANZA IS MEXICO'S BEAD Formal Recognition Made by United States and Pan American Conference WOTE IS PRESENTED Given to Elisio Arredendo at Mexican Embassy at Wash ington by Sec. Lansing OTHERS LIKELY TO FOLLOW Countries Xot. Included In tlio Fan American Conference- Aro Ex pected to A1m Iteci)Riilo De facto (iovcmiiicut Soon (Hr Aamctatoa Vrtu to t Bar Tlmfa.l WASHINGTON, 1). C, Oct. l'J. Formal recognition by tho United Slates of a defacto Rovomment In Mexico with Carranza as tho chief executive, was accomplished at noon today by tho delivery to Carranzas representative, Ellsto Arredoudo, nt tho Mexican embassy of a lettor from Secretary Lansing. Recognition letters from tho Fnn,- Amerlcan conferees, similar In tone, woro also recolved by Arrendo AVi'l (Jo to Mexico Tomorrow Arredoudo will start for Saltlllo to moot Carranza and pre sent tho notcB of recognition In nc cordauco with tho .decision of the Pau-nmerlcau couforonco yesterday. Otliern May Follow ltocognltlon by other nations than tliOHo represented in tho Pan-Aiuor-leun coufcrcnco Is oxpected to follow soon. LiiusIiir'h Letter Lansing's lettor says in substance that tho secretary talces plcasuro In informing Arredoudo that tho United States recognizes n defacto govern ment In Mexico, of which Carranza Is tho chief oxocutlvo, that tho Unltod Statoa Is prepared to recolvo diplo matic representatives of tho defacto government as soon ns It Is possible to send ono to Washington, nnd asks Arredoudo to commuulcnto this lfornmtlou to Carranza. POLITICAL TALK JIHYOH AliLE.V HAYS HE WILL NOT KIIKIC IHMJLECTION .Imlgo John V. Hall SiiRRosted for Mil) or. Councllnien Evertwn mid Kimball Aspirants City politics aro now beginning to bo discussed us tho Marshflold pri maries will ho held early In No vember. Councilman Evortsen said today that Mayor F. E. Allen had told him that ho would not soek re-election ns Mayor J lid go John F. Ilnll has been dis cussed as a candidate for Mayor -for sonio tlnio and while ho Is not Book ing tho position, friends say that ho would not bo averso to serving Ciiiiuclliueii Hao lleo. Councilman Evortsen, whoso term expires on the Council this year, Is said to have aspirations for tho Mayoralty, although ho has not an nounced his candidacy. Friends have talked It ovor with him. Councilman Copplo's friends have also been urging that ho bo a can didate this fall, pointing out that ho is entitled to It through long Borvlco on tho Council. Awhile back some of the friends of Councilman II. J. Kimball were urging his candldncy, but ho has not personally made any announce ment. Elect Two Coiiiicllmen. Two Councllmon aro to bo elected this fall. Tho terms of Carl Al breeht and Carl Evortsen expire. Not Ioiir ago Councilman AJbrecht was understood during tho discus sion of tho band appropriation, to stato that ho would not seek re election. So far, W. N. Ekblad Is the only new candidate whoso name has been brought forth for ono of tho va cancies on the Council. Clt Recorder Butler announces that all who deslr? to participate In tho city primaries must register with him before the night of Oc tober 23. Wo Iiavo nifty Ho of coal, wmi1 and combination lieutliig Mmes, see this lino beforo you buy, Sebroeder and lllldeubrnnd. MEMBER OP TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS TUESDAY, OCTOBER t GERMAN STEAMERS . t t HAVE BEEN SUNK lllr AmorlilcJ l'rwii lo ro rar Tlmra.l 4 STOCKHOLM, Oct, 19 t The German steamers t Pernambuco, 4788 tons, t and the Soederham, 1499 t tons, were torpedoed last t night by a British sub- X marine off Uxeieosund, I on v Baltic coast -of t Sweden, , The Pernam- t buco, loaded with ore, t t unk, Tho Soederham t t was kept afloat by a car- go or wood, j KILLED li WRECK SIX MKF.T DEATH AS REVIV AL IN.IUICED IN COLLISION .. CIiIcjiro, Hock Island ami I'aclflc Trains Coitio ToRCtlier In Okln ' liomii This MorulHR (11, A.'o.iUlfd rrtaa lo Coot Ha, Timet. 1 OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 10. Six are dead, two fatally Injured and about eight others Injured as tho re sult of a head on collision hetweou a Rock Island southbound passenger train and a northbound freight train this morning, twelve miles south of Chleknsha. Car Piled Up Tho trains were travolIiiR 30 miles an hour. Ab tho result of the impact of tho passeiiRer train tho locomotlvo was loft on top of tho freight on gluo una four cars of cattlo piled ov er and under them, A heavy stool mall car Jumpod clear ovor the engines and rolled 30 feet to ono side. Mall Clerks Hurt Four clorkB woro In tho mall car. Two woro Injured whllo two escapod unhnrniod. Aftor tho wreck, throo llvo cattlo woro aejjn slnndliiR on top of tho wrocknRo whloh was piled about 30 feet In tho air. S RIFLE SHOOT EAKTEUX MAN GETS FIRST IN NA TIONAL EVENT H. V. IVnrson of Oregon National Guard Gets Third Place U. fi. Murliio Second inr Auoc!atol I'rraa to Coin Dar Tlrom.l JACKSONVILLE Fin., Oct. 19. SorReant .Tamos 8. Stowart, of Mass acluTsotls ghnrd, won tho national In dividual championship In tho nation al rlflo tournament. Private T. B. Crawloy, of the U. S. Marino corps, wna second, and Private S. W. Pcai BOii, of the Oregon National Guard, third. TODAY IS APPLE DAY OitKGON DARKENS TO HICCKON ING OF THE APPLE If Von Haven't ICaton Ono Yet Today, 1 1 uiry l' Coos Produces .Most All Apples Eaton Hero By tho way, havo you oaten that npplo yet today? Jf not, got busy, This Jb Octobor 19 and thoroforo, by government decroo, Oregon Apple Day. Romomber tho date. Rosy cheokod Graveustolns and palofacod Bollflowors, early this morning, long boforo Old Sol waa up, had begun talking about the oc casion. It is tholr big day. And thoy ore liberally backed up by tho Coos Rlvor Beauties, tho Kings, tho Baldwins, tho .Jonathans and tho w4iolri Apple Family. Into Marshflold this year havo been shipped loss than 200 boxes of outside apples, from Hood River and Wonatcheo mostly, say tho produce man. In other words tho local pro duco has been practically taking earo of tho demand. From up both forks of Cooa River, from orchards north, west, and south of the city tho orchards have boon pouring their crops Into tho city. There have como very good varlotlos of apples and tjioy have boon cheap, a great deal cheaper than thoso that are brought hero from outside points. It has shown overyono what can bo done. That wo do not havo to de pend on tho so called npplo regions of the Northwest for our apples. And with Hie prices more reason able than ever anothor result has been an Increasing use of tho pro duct, There havo boon a greater number of apple pies, apple dump- w 19, 191 5 -EVENING EDITION. SEVEN KILLED Wagon Load of Dynamite Blows up at Mine Near Butte, Montana, Today FIVE flRUNJUOED Buildings in the Vicinity of the Accident Are Destroyed by the Concussion VICTIMS WERE AT WORK Most of Men KUIed op Hurl. Woro In UulldliiRM Owned by North llutto Company and Knows as (irniilto Mountain Ml no lllr Airoclatxl l'ra 1 Coot liar Tlmw.J 11UTTE, Mont., Oct. It). A wagon load of dyuamlto blew up ns it was being hauled Into tho yard of the a rnnl to Mountain Mlno of tho North Butto Company today and at least seven men woro killed and flvo ser iously Injured, ono of whom will dlo. A numlior of buildings In tho vicin ity of the explosion were destroyed. Most of tho mon killed were at work In the buildings of tho mlno, WILSON LINK IIOAT IS RKPORTED HUNK Ilr AuocUtoJ I'rraa U Cooa liar Tim. LONDON, Oct. 10. Tho steamship Alphu, 3870 tons gross, of the Wilson Hue, was Hiiuk. Tho crow Is roported saved. OREGON IN NEW THRIFT MOVEMENT Prof. .7. A. Ilexull of Corviillls, Ono of Nluo .Men lo Cauvii-ss Situa tion In United States CHICAGO, Oct. 19. Oregon, Is to tuko a prominent part In tlio nation wide campalRn now In proRress to bring Americana back to thoso study habits of thrift nnd frugality which characterized, our Now England, nu costors. Announcement wnn mado today of tho appointment of Prof. J. A. Ilex all of Corvallls, Oro., as a member of tho Thrift Hoard or nlno of tho Na tional ICducatlou Association. Picked Nino Men Tho appointment was mado by Piesldont It. J. Aloy of tho Universi ty of Mnlno, who was delegated at the recent national mcotlug or the edu cators held In Oakland, Cal., to se lect the uln'o persons In America host suited to canvuBS tho whole thrift problem with a view of making rec ommendations within n period or two years, respecting uiothodB to bo om ployed in teaching thrift in tho pub lic schools of America. Plan Essay Contest This committee, also will supervise tho essay contest to bo conducted by tho National Education Association. A sorlon of prizes ranging from $10 to $75 each aro to bo nwardoij through the coinmlttco for the best essays on tho subject of "Thrift." Prox. Uoxall was placed on tho Na tional Thrift Hoard because of his lit tlmato kunwledgo of agricultural ed ucational work in tho United States. S WATERFRONT NEWS t Tho steam schooner Acme ar rived In yesterday at 1 o'clock from San Francisco and Is loading ties for Botsford o at tho Arrow Lin dock today. With a full lumber cargo tho steam schooner Hardy is expected to got awoy Friday morning for tho Roamer Is expected to got fcway this evening From San Francisco tho steamship Santa ('lara crossed In about 1:15 P, m. and is expected to get away thin evening for Portland. The gasollno schooner Rustlor Bailed for the Koguo last night and San Franctsco. lings, applo sauces for tho Tired Busi ness Man and-little WilUo and Mary all of whom aro mighty glad that ap ples can and do grow In Coos coun ty. So tonight In hooping with tho spirit of tho day there should be somo variety of applo sauco or pio on tho table, or elder and, If thta Is lacking, bo patriotic mid uso upplo vinegar anyhow. IN EXPLOSION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull nnd Coos liny Advertiser. 096 4 POSSE FOLLOWING t I SLAYER OF POLICE X 1 k (Hr AuorUtM rrru In Coop Put Tim mi t, LOS ANGELES, Oct, X X 19, In the wake of two X I hounds that followed a t trail loading into the $ foothills, moro than a X hundred police and den udes are in pursuit today of Harry Duncan, an al leged auto thief, He es- escaped from his house aftor shooting and killing X Polico Sergeant Toolen X this morning, X ITALY TAKKS STAND AGAINST BULGARIA IN NEW CRISIS Reason Given Is That Country 11ns Allied llcivclf With Enemies of J Inly RICPOHTKI) ITALY HAS DECLARKI) WAR (Ilr AmoelatM 1'rriu lo Cooa liar TlinM. ROME, Oct. 19. Italy de clared wnr on Bulgaria, ac cording' to na auuouiicomont by tho Htofanl Nowb ARcncy. Ilr AuoclaUJ I'rraa to Cooa Dar Tlrara, PARIS, Oct. 19. Tho HavnB Cor respondent at Romo telegraphs: "Tho Italian government, by order of tho king, declared that a statu of wnr oxlstod butweon Italy and Bulgaria by reason of Bulgaria's having op ened hostilities ngalnut Sorbin, thus allying Itself with the enemies of It aly." cc Li '1HOUHLK AHISKH IN MANAGF. MKNT OF AFFAIRS IN ENGLAND Minister Cannot A giro on Some Points Attorney General Re signed and Preiulei' Sick (Hr Aaaorlaloj I'rru lo Coo liar Tlmra, ENGLAND'S PREMIER IS REPORTED ILL Ur AMoclatoit I'r.M to Coo na, Tlmra.J LONDON, Oct. 19. Pro mlor Asipilth has ouddonly become III, 111b stato of health will roqulro his with drawn I from public activities, ut loust for n few days. Pr Aaaoclato4 I'rraa t Cooa Da, TlniM.I LONDON, Oct. 19. Great Britain Is waiting anxiously to learn wheth er tlio cabluot ministers will bo ablo to composo the differences existing nudcontlnuo tho' guvernmont with out swapping horses midstream. Tho military difficulties which confront tlio allies havo taken a -position sec ondary In importance for tho time holug. DUTd-cnres Arising s Tho cabinet has boon holding long nnd frequent meotlngs since tho Bal kan crisis doveloped. Vital differ ences havo arisen over conscription. Tho resignation of Attornoy Gon ornl Carson was tho first proof of dirroroncos In tho cahluot. Will Not Withdraw Romoval or General Sir Ivan Ham- ,'Ilton from command of tho Dardan elles forco was received horo with mixed footings, coming on tho hcoU of rumors of po'sslblo withdrawal from tho Galllpoll peninsula. In tho best Informed clrclos, how evar, tho appointment as commander In elder or Major General Sir Charlos 'Munro is Interpreted as an Indica tion that tho campaign will bo con tinued, OLD WHALER STILL HAILS Belvedere He-turns ji'iom North Af ter 1Ollg; Ci'iiInq Four mon shy from tho original crow and tolling a talo of exception al hardships In tho north tho old fwhalor Bolvedoro has arrived back to , ...... civilization, a row duya ago nutting Into Seattle. Tho vossel brought a Ivaluablo cargo of walrus hides ana luia. The Belvedere belongs to tho old time fleet that used every year to put out from San Francisco In search or tho spermwhnlos. Sho la built of wood and bcarfl on hor BldOs slgnlfl- w i CAB MET DS A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Coos liny Time is. A 8oh0 wont Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon pooplo and devoted to tlio best uUcrcsU of this great loctioa . The Times always boosts tutd eTW knocks. No. 74 SERB! TOWN Located on Railroad and Stop Rapid Advance of Allies' Troops Claim Made TJiat Their At tack on Western Front is a' Failure DEADLOCK IN THE EAST Neither Sldo Is Making Any Prog ress in Vicinity of Dvlnslc nnd ltliru English Officials Non committal About Dardanelles Ur AaaoclalM Prraf to Cooa liar Ttma. LONDON, Oct. 19. The Bulgarian troops captured tho Serbian town of Vranyn, on tho Nlsh-Salonlkl rail road, Berlin announced today, Tho cutting of this lino moans tho stop page of tho rapid advanco of tho ri lled rolnforccmentB for tho SorhlaiiB from Saloulkl. Austrian Take Town Berlin announces tho capturo by the AustrlniiB of tho town of Obro uovntz on tho Savo front and tho further advanco of tho Teutonic forc es to ovor 15 miles south of Belgrade. Germans KopulM'd In tho west, Paris announces that Gorman attacks northeast ot Soucher, woro coyiplotoly repulsed. In tlio east, u deadlock contlnuofl around Dvlnslc and Riga. Elsowhoro little activity Is reported. Noting Given Out. A non-clmmlttal reply is Rlvon by niomborn In tho houso ot commons today an to a question designed t,o bring out whothor the suggestion thi.t Galllpoll bo ovneuntod by allies hnl found any official support. T ALLIICS WILL SEND REINFORCE. MKNTH TO THE BALKANS Interpretation of Greece's Treaty Willi Serbia Does Not Conform , With Tliat of Grocco 11 AMtclatnl Trraa to Coo nr Twi,1 LONDON, Oct. 19. Tho decision of tho ontouto powers to iiond largtt reinforcements to tho Balkan front was Indicated In a despatch front AthoiiB today to tho Exchango Tele graph. It said that this decision 'had boon communicated to tho Greefc government. ii,f Tho Information was convoyed in tho form ot a frlondly noto from British nnd Russian ministers at Athous to tho Greek government, in which tho plans ot tho outopto at lies woro outlined, Tho note also pointed out that tho butonto allies, interpretation o( Greccq'a troaty obligations to Sorbin apparently wore not In couformlty to thai of tho Greek government. ASKS KING TO LEAD ENGLISHMAN SUGGESTS THAT PARLIAMENT 1IK DISSOLVED Seton Robert llcresford Offers Res olution Which Is Aduntod nt a Public Mooting Hr Aaaolat4 I'rraa to Ckm liar Time. LONDON, Oct. 19. Soton Robert Berosford, fol'iuor army offlcor and brother ot Lord Decles, In addressing a street meeting In London today, suggested that King George dissolve parliament forthwith and assume command of tho armies in tho flold. Tho suggestion wub put In tho form of n resolution and udoptod by tho meeting. PORTLAND Carl List, who was on board tho hark Cunibaskennatn whon It was attacked by a German submarlno and was taken aboard the lattor, has returned to his homo in Portland nnd becuuso ot his exporl oneo on tho submarlno has boou of forod a place on tho vaudevlllo stage, BAKER Worth Perkins was sav ed from death by a thick bow on the side of. his hut when bo was struck on tho head with a rock In a street iy.iarrChvw-uw jnnmf cant marks of tirelosg and lonesome fights with tho northern lew. In nn opon boat of Kamchatka on j tho Siberian coa,st four mou in a bot ' woro swept to sea and lost, , BULGARS TAKE GERMANS IE TROOPS OD