K'!!i!l'"" iV " 4omjiimm..mmOm&, !& fcRiVRffiinmnM'W' - . i (trWII1i TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1915 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALON13Y, Kdltor mid Pub. DAN E. MAL0NKV, News Edllor Official Otflelnl Pnpcr of Paper Cltv Coos County of Mnndiflclil. t EUROPEAN WAR ONE t t YEAR AGO TODAY I -' oct. it, Jon Tho llrlttsh crtilHcr Umlountod Blink four Ocrninn torpedo boat do Btroyors off tho Dutch coast. Tho Gorman troops reach tho North Sen In tho vicinity of (Mend nnd fighting continues In tho neigh borhood of Dunkuniiio. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWJMS POWKHS POIXTKRS (Special to Tho Times) Mr. CIhib. Zimmerman's cottago Is nlmost completed. They will move from Camp 5 as soon as It Is ready for them. Mrs. G. L. Williams and children returned homo after two months vis it lug In California. Mrs. Joe Snyder nnd Mrs. C. Zim merman wore over night visitors in Mnrshfleld Friday afternoon. Mrs. Damoron entertained a fow friends at a delightful Httlo dinner party at ncr uomo m ium ?. Itoports of tho fighting In East My uMlBtcd by ,1(Jr aHtCr, PrtiBflln, Poland nnd Gnllcla nro wide ly nt variance. Tho Austrian and Gorman forces tnko possession of positions along tho Itlvor Vistula nnd lllvor San. Tho JnpimoHO cruiser Tuknelillio la sunk In Klau-Clmu liny. OCT. IH, IDI I Tho GcrmniiB nro checked In their uttompt to reach Duiikcniuo. Ocrmnn nowspnporB Btuto thnt wnr ngnlnst England will begin this month with Dolglum as tho haso of ojtcrntlous. Tho Austrlans claim to hnvo mado ptogrcss on tho Snn and Dntster riv ers nnd tho Htisslanu claim to lmvo captured 1,000 Austrian prisoners nnd roptilsod nn Attempt to crosB thu San. Tho Sorblnus ropulso attacks of tho AiiBtrlniiB nnd drlvo thu latter back to Drlna. Anti'Gorman mobs In Loudon wreck Gormnn stores nnd bakeries. Tho now Biibnmrliio K-3 Is sunk In tho North Sen by Gormnn warships. NEWS OF HAXDON DOI,I,Alt DAV A HUCCKSS FROM all sections or tho country roino reports of tho buccohh of tho Dollar Day campaign as n stimulant to trade. Ovor at Al bany, Oregon, tho merchants w.oro so well plensod that alruady thero Is tall; of repeating It. Tho Domo crnt prints tho following concerning It: "Homo places nro bo pleased with Dollar Day business that thoy ox pect to hnvo more, If not have Dol lar Dnyti regularly, one of tho best BtlmiilautH that has been Inaugurated." Mrs. C. Stallard. Thoso present to enjoy tho afternoon wore Mrs. J. Sugdeii, Mrs. Chns. Pyburn, Grand ma Johnson und Mrs. SlmmonB, John nlo Damoron, MIUIo, Vertln, nnd Mln. notta Stallard nnd Mnster Charles Stallard. Saturday afternoon n special meet ing was called by tho president of tho Ladles' Aid of tho Logger's Chnp- ol to consult on buying a bell for tho.chnpol. After a business session Miss Tholmn llcthOrlngton Invited tho ladles Into her mother's dining room whero alto served refreshments to tho following: Mrs. J. lleathcrlng ton, Mrs. T. II. Williams, Mrfl. .1. Sug den, Mrs. C. Stnllnrd, Mrs. Shccrwood Mrs. Lawlicad nnd MIsb Gortrudo Wllllnms. Mr. llcnthcrlngton could not resist tho temptation bo Joined with tho ladles In drinking ten. great number left hero TucBday morning to attend tho funeral of John Wngnor. On Wedncsdny evening Kov. Hnll gavo ono of his rend limn :A Even ing with Rlloj tho Hooslor Poet" which wub appreciated by n Inrgo au dience Mr. MntthowB who Is erecting an apartment houso hns U almost com pleted. Glenn Wngnor nnd Hnrvoy arr-.nt who Htnrtcd for tho Fnlr Monday had to glvo up their trip on account of tho death of John Wagner, Work Is being rushed on tho now school house as tho children are anx ious to bo in school. News of the City Told In Western World C. E. Broadbent, a Coos Day cheeso man, was one of tho passengers on tho Elizabeth for San Francisco. Congressman Hawlcy while In tho city viewed tho work which has beon done on tho harbor. Mrs. George Golscndorfcr, Mrs. L. W. Tumbull and W. J. Sweet wero tho now members appointed on the library board by Mayor Geo. P. Top Ping. Henry Hess Is reported to have purchased tho Noah Davison ranch on lower Two Mile. Ho has already taken possession of the property nnd moved out from Dnndon with his family. The ranch consists of 100 acres and Is ono of tho flno holdings of that section. Tho W. 11. Donald family leave on tho Elizabeth fdr San Francisco, from whence thoy will tnko tho train east for Hnraboo, Wisconsin. Thoy wero called cnBt on account of tho illness of Mr. Donald's parents -und liavo decided to remain In that sec tion for n year or bo. WILIj ltUlLI) 1IOAI) Const met Ion AVork nt. Ko.scburj; Jh to Htnrl. nt Oiico Tho RosoburK Rovlow snya: "After Innnniornblo delays, tho ac tual construction work on tho stan dard gaucrrnlIrond lino from Cnrnc3 station, six miles south of Hoseburg EW FIN HIGHWAY THRIFT GIVES VIEW AHHKHSOIl Ol EXPLAINS INCRKASr? ASSHSSMIINT Hiijh That. Properly Oiviuu'h Wore Notified Front Street Property Owners (Jot deduction Assessor T.J. Thrift Iiiib written thu following letter to Tho Times explaining tho controversy over tho Increase of 00 per cent In tho as BOHHinimtn of Central Avenue prop erty between Urondwny und Fourth street und tho reduction of twouty per cent In tho Front street nsseHs ments: Editor Times: Your article "Kick on Increase" as It appears lu tho fssuo of Tho Times of October II, Is erroneous nnd misleading, and I herowlth . submit xonto factH per taining to the matters mentioned In said article, "They, referring to tho property owners on Central iivonue, wore too Into for the regular meeting ot the Hoard of Uiiuullzutloii, not knowing or tho Increoso then, but on endoav nrliiK to not tho matter ro-oponcd " Tho records of my office show that a statement of the assessed valua tion was mailed to thoso parties In thu months of May nnd June und duo diligence hns been exorcised to Inform, these imitleti of tholr iimchm- t'd valuation, und the lack of Infor mation lu duo to tueir own nnniwt "It seoniB that AiwoHsnr Thrift reduced EDOAH JPDAXIKL TKLLS OF ROAD WOltK IXSPHCTKD Was With Coos County Delegation Sent to Look Into Multnomah County Itoad Hulldlng Edgar McDanlel, publisher of tho Coos Dny Harbor of North Bend, has returned from Portland, whero ho went to nttend tho grand lodge meeting, of the Knights of Pythias. Ho canio back overland yesterday. While In Portland Mr. McDanlel Joined tho party of Coos County men who mado tho trip thoro to inspect tho road building, and was with tho Coos delegates for ono day when they made an nuto tour ovor 15 miles of the Columbia Highway which Is bolng built by tho Wnrren Construction Company. Tho party was composed ot County Judg; Watson, Commissioner Armstrong, W. A. Hold and Charles Hnll, of Mnrshfleld; A. G. Ituau of North Bend;' Thomas Nellson, of Baudou; Edgar McDanlel and W. F. Ar nold, of tho Warren Company, who acted as escort for tho party. Tho Coos County men woro guests of the company on tho trip. Wonderful Work. Mr. McDanlel says tho highway Is a wonderful piece of work nnd thnt tho trip Is a beautiful one. They loft Portland nt 8 o'clock lu tho morning and returned at G o'clock nt night nnd had ample tlmo to make a closo Inspection of tho work. Tho contract for tho ,45 miles of tho hlghwny was awnrded to tho Wnrren Company and started 4 ,1m Itlrv nntlnn f ,1. 11H.t1nnf1 Cement Co., on Roberts creek, Wii u July and Is now almost coinpletcd. I.nirln mwlnr Mm norannnl .HrAnUon Tl'oro WBB yet CHOI,-.- of tllO actual begin under tho norsonnl direction ot Chief Engineer S. B. Tnylor, of tho Oswego, Dallas & Itosoburg Itallroad work under construction for tho coinmlttco to make n detailed In Co. Tho grading will bo dono by1?"'"" f ow tho rond was lie- local labor nnd teams, with J. M. Schnoffcr In chargo as foreman. In addition to tho nrrlvnl hero of En gineer Taylor, Mr. Schnoffcr Is niso lu receipt ot n letter from tho co mout company directing him to pro ceed nt onco with tho work of grud-ing. ADMIRF.S 1JAXDOX NEWS OF HUMNF.R Miss Ethel Moody Is visiting with her brothers, Terry and Kelly Moody nt Sumnor and will probably ntny with them this winter. Grover Motley is putting In n bil liard tublo in tho new addition to his store. PLAX OLUIl IIOUSIJ Ladles of (Jold llonrii Stmt, n Prog ressive Movement That the Indies of Gold Beach, tho rounty seat of Curry county aro qulto progressive Is indicated by thu fol lowing from tho Gold Bunch Globo: Messrs. Stafford & Bauer wor tho successfl bidders for tho contract for tho Ladles' Coiumorcla Club hull. Tho hull will bo u building when foiiipleted 30 by 70 feet and tho foun dation will bo or solid concrete. The club will not attempt to erect tho building this winter, but will got tho foundation ready, ami early In tho spring they hope to bo able to finish up tho building lu an up to date style. GLAD hi; was ai.ivf. Itognrdlng tho recent visit of a woll known Curry county huntor to Coos llu tho Port Orford Tribune wiys: M. Frltchlo. tho sago of WUdhorso mountain, near Itoguo HIver, passed down tho coast the hitter part of last week returning to his homo from 11 lun wank'u .lull mi pnnu !.,.. n,. , I... til.ltitt.l.ia fill friiillt 1.... tl. 1 ., .. ......." uiu iiiiiwi - " ... 1 1 n)s mi, uuiiiiuK season .Mr. critcwos Street twenty tier yonr'n nsBessmont.' Equalization, as tho rerords show, upon petition und showltiK inudo by Front street property holders, re duced the vnluatlon twenty per cent. Assessor Thrift rnWed the valua tion on Central avenue to mako tho assessments somewhat rutnhlo with other like properties; and the pres ent assessment U not above tho rat able assessment of other piopertlos throughout the county. Thero nre discrepancies in the lo cality of the "kick" nnd nn ennui l.ntlon of theso would moan that thoy be raised, but owlntt to the un timely showing mndo by tho gentle men from Central avenue, no action could be taken. Bight here I want to atnto, that the Marshfleld ussossmentH nro tho lowest of any locality lu tho coun ty, nnd when you compare tho price of lots, character and wilue of im provements and pnmlblo rental val ue, that properties In other towns aro above Marhfleld as to percen tage of ntweiwod value-. It would lie woll to state that twn-tulrda of the petitions for reduction bufore tho Board of KniialUutlon are from Mnrshfleld and vicinity. Now I would llko for the peoplo who road your paper to flture It out for thomsHlvt's Aro the parties from Cent i a! nvenuo entltred to n reduction In their aasoasiuontc, be cause Bomo particular propertv In that locality is under aasftued? Tliotr assosHineut 1 ratable and bolow othor like properties lu tho county. The lute aiMicarance In the show ing of tho Central avenue people prevented any action on the patt of tho Board of K'liiallsMitlan. Thq ntateinont that "all of the meinbors of the Board wer not present and no final n Hon could bo taken" la misleading, ns JiuIrc Watson. N Osmundson, Dcp-ity iltik, acting for tho County Clerk and myself llstonod to nil that was said ov the gontlomon, nnd vere certalnlv nres ent. T. J, TIIU1P cent from last! home Is the Mocen Tor many hunting The Board of: parlies, and many of those whom ho lias entertained t such tlmoa got hold of him while he was on tho bay that ho vna thankful to escape nllvo and be on his way back to his moun tain home and solitude. LUAVKS ItAXIlOX SlamhiMl Oil Man Goes (o California Tho Baudou Bocordor says: Mr, and Mm. J. B. Bodln nro pack I iik up their household goods prepar atory to movliiK to California. Mr. Bodln who lata bocn the representa tive of the Standard Oil Co. at tholr Baudou station for the past eigh teen months has beon transferred to Walnut sioie and will havo ehargo Portland .Mini Tells of Beauties of I tench There Tho Coitulllo Sontlnol snya: ' "F. L. Buck, doputy clerk ot tho U. S. District Court nt Portland, mado n tnnr nroiind Dreunn Infelv In Mm nn. to and among other places vlsltod ' McDanlol ,nays that tho Coos Conn ing built Contract llljj One. Mr. McDanlel says tho rond is 18 feet wldo. It has a foundation of 0- Inches of crushed rock, which Is rolled down to I Inchos,. nnd en top of this Is two Inches of bltullthlc. Some Idea of tho mag nitude of tho Job may bo gathered from tho fnct that thero nre 18 plants working, nil Inrgor than the ono on Coos Bay, nnd f!2 ton-ton steam rollers busy on tho Job. It, Is said to bo tho Inrgost contract for hnrd surfneo road ovor lot In ' tho United Stntcs nt ono tlmo. Othor portions of tho hlghwny nre being built by other contractors. Mr Dandon, wlilch ho spenks of ns fol lows: "Tho Bconory nt Dnndon Is moro beautiful than that of any Oregon bench I havo scon, tho const being so rugged and thoro bolng so many gi gantic rocks so closo In shore. Wo found Dnndon to bo a hustling Httlo town, situated right on tho mouth of tho Couulllo rlvor.nud several fnlr sized vessels woro thou lying nt tho docks, fJOLl) BF.ACir NOTF.S Told XciiH of County Seat of Curry in tlio (iioiio Jiidgo W. A. Wood Btnrtod up tho rlvor to Inspect tho government nnd county trnll work around tho Dovll's stairs. After a weok's visit with her moth er, Mrs. L. A. BcBrlde, or Port Or ford, Mrs. H. B. MlHor returned homo. The boIiio lias been making somo good catches tho past week, but tho usual run or mil salmon Is not yet up to the standard. A neat Httlo cottage In being built by tho Weddorburn Trading Co. nt tho Mill Aock. for Ellhuo Fry, tho Agucss-Gold Bonch mall cnrrlor. Sam Mnlohorn and E. II. Choovor and Hawkins Bros, who woro on camped on Huntor'a creok Inst wook In quest of fnt bucks, returned homo sovornl days ngo- each having ono buck to hlsV'rodlt. Not bolng sntlsfled with killing tho Inrgost nnd fnttost buck of tho season. Dr. Dnnlnn Is bout nu 1.1 1 1. lug n bonr nnd a pnnthor before lenv- tug tno country. Dr. Dunlup's prnc tlco on his doparturo will bo taken by Dr. Bobbins of p0rt Orford. ty men woro grontly Impressed with tho boauty of tho hlghwny nnd with tho hnrd surfneo rondwny. On ii Committee. Durlntt tho session of tho grand ' lodgo or the K. of P. Mr. McDnnlel was eloctod grand Inner guard. More Important than this office, how over, ho. wnsi nnmed ns ono of n coinmlttco of fifteen, the members who nro to nrranpd for tho onter tnlnmont of tho Supremo Lodgo nt Portlnnd. This Is to bo n big gath ering of men from nil ovor tho United 8tntcs nnd nt tho snmo time tho grand lodpo will hold n meet 'Ing. The grnud lodgo niombora aro not prlvlledgod to nttend tho Su- Iiromo Lodgo bosbIoiib, but there will bo open meotlngs whou nil ein bo present. j Plentv of Money. Tho coinmlttco hns $7500,10, spend In tho ontertnlnmont of the Supromo Lodgo nt Portlnnd and povornl mootlngs to nrrnniro dctnllsi will bo held Of tho $7500 the sum of $5000 Is contributed bv -.ho; grand lodgo of the Btnto nnd $2500 ' wns given by tho Portland btiBlnoaa men. NKWS OF POUT OltFOItl) NOTFS OF HAXDOX News or Clty-Uy-Tlte-Swi from the v Itoconler Mrs. Kdnn Mllls-Strnuhnl hns been nppolutod by tho County Court, ns administratrix or tho ostnto or tho Into A. D. Mills. The big tides or lato had pushed tho piling out or lino noar tho Bro nor dock and tho floating pllo drlv or has beon brought up to drivo n fow moro sticks as braces. Otto Sabro Is taking n vacation and spending It In tho other cltlea of tho county. Last Wednosdny ho wont to Myrtlo Point und from thoro wont to tho cities on Coos Bay. Mrs. Borthn Stlllwell Is roportod to hnvo dlsposod kif her Four Mllo ranch of r.'O acros to Georgo Morg an, ono of lior noar neighbors'. A piece of Bandon property was turn- lliiiiicnlugs at Curry County Sea Pr Told in Trlluino N. F. Woodcook nnd boiib roturned tho first of tho week from n hunt ing trip to Pnnthor moiintnln nnd Sn lal springs. Thoy found mnny small door, but tho big bucks woro aenrco. Mr, and Mrs. O. J. Mathor, nccom pnnled by Mrs. Mather's sister, Miss Eunlco Jnmleson, Btnrtcd to visit tno Panama exposition. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Loucks woro pnssongora on tho stoninor Phoenix, from Port Orford for Snn Frnncla co. After visiting tho FnlrB nt tho bay city and nt Snn Diego, thoy will return to tholr old homo nt Shorldan, Wyoming, spending tho wlntor either thoro or In southorn California nnd returning to Port Orford In tho spring. , W. J. Colebrook wns In Port Or ford Inst Thursday on Ills way to Bandon, from whonco ho sailed by stoninor for Ran Frnnclsco. Mr. brook says thnt his brothor, Georgo, will run the old homo plnco nt Corbln, and that ho is colng nway Indefin itely. Ho has positions In view both In San Frnnclsco nnd at Portland and hns not decided which plnco ho will locate although ho oxpects to spend tho winter In tho bay city. EUGENE Sonator Chamberlain took part lu tho dedication exorcises at tho new nrmory lu Eugene. Itil 111 In. M M. il. .!. S! .r"!'0" 'I!?' T !und Mr. Stniiveu'wIB , ov n to S Z cunnge can bo offectod. utt Wat kins, hU assistant Is to remain In ohartjo as the local ngont nnd tho sollliiK territory of the Mnrshfleld ngont has noon enlarged to Include Baudou no the clmngo will moan tho loss of ono man to tho Coos Bay district. LOCAL OPTION CASK tSpocial to Tho Times) HOSUBXHG, Oct. IS. Goorgo Church. oiu of the proprietors qf tho local soclnllit clsur utoro. has boon on uiai charged with violation or tho don to live. With tho ranch goes qulto a tract of rich bottom on Four Mllo Crook. mrvs HOLSTKIXS George Lnlrd Gets Fine Stock From Star Bench Tho Bandon Becordor says: "GoorRO Laird hns purchased tho thoroughhrod Holstoln hord or 10 hond of cattlo on tho Star Bunch, be longing to Dr. Wothorbee, who hns given up dairying and will return to Terrible Croup Attack Quickly Repulsed By Old Reliable Remedy Well known CcorgU toro keeper hi mat tercel crouR Anil cold for hU famllr of ten with Foley' Honey and Tr Compound. Tho inlnuto that hoarse torrlfylnir croupy onifli Is heard In the homo of IV J. Iinrbcr, of, Jottorsnn, Ga.. out comes Foli-y'a llonoy and Tar Com pound there's always a bottle ready. lloro'a what ho says: "Two of my chlldron, ono boy nnd a Kill. ok(I eight and six yoars respectively, had terrible attacks ot croup last winter and I completely curod them with I'olfv'B llonov nnd Tar Conmound. 1 liavo ton tn family and for years I've ,,,;,, r,' V. "' l. ased Foley's Honey and Tar Cowisjuud I'OrllailO. (.Onrirn Suva (lin nrlrno nt ' I. ...- .llj n S rmii'r; , Q!lW, "loMnx I. going down except Hol- U0Tayarddrrc beck testified that ho bought a quart! steins. It Is understood that Mr. I round' of beer from the defendant for S.lhlnnsen. brothor of Schmidt Hanson, 2ffi cents. iimi niu-nva mi Imiid. In your home. a bottlo lusts n lone time it's reliable and iiAV--nnil the lust dose IS US EOOU Bnudon's shooting gallery man, Iiob " '" "ol U1 v"l""u' rented tho Star ranch, and will con- For salo by Owl Prescription Phar UlM.WI) B J Hnvlni'ilnn fnK.'.limi Mint f,......., ..i.. ,.. .,. ....., imnov KmiiIt 11 f!nhnn. rontrnl Avr. rtcniVr'thrctt " P'w "" "ll ! C- nuo- 0,,l,osttQ Chanaler IIOto1- Tckv- I ,. fi,i.. ., .. ni.,. . '. """"' ""-" Imillln riiimli nhnnt 74. h " Up Children's Horn Protect the children from the draughts. Keep the clamp and chill away with a good oil heater. Inexpensive to operate -cn9ily carried from room to room. Smoke lCes3 and odorless. Dealero every- where. For best results use Pearl Oil Standard Oil Company (California) Jlarsliucld .! l 4si6iiiywii ;jig s aJx Perfeciion Oil Heaier AAAAAAAAAAA Skxmitsiwm THE PERFECTION OIL HEATERS MAX AIAVAYS IIK FOUND AT SUMNER HARDWARE CO. (l MAItKirr AVFXl'U. SIAUSIIFIHLI), OBK. FLiftii i warn bik OLDKST HANK IX COOS COUNTY Ktstnblhilied WHO. Capital, Surplus and Undivided . Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND SAVINGS DF.POSIT3 1 Officer V. Bennett, President. J. 11. Fluiiiigr.ii, Vice-President. 11. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. Crtufiltfr. Scandm $1 American Bank avian- "UIIKIM'i .SAVINGS AUK SAFK" WITH ONE DOLLAR Yonu cgun peim aim -accoomiib in. tWs baink 1XTKUKST PAID HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 $1 MARSHFIELD-ROSEBURG AUTO LINE Leave Miiobllebl (Chandler Hotel l.eaiu lto-scbiir ..........i 5.110 A. M, Dally (i:0 A. M. Dally TICKET OFFICE AT THE SMOKEHOUSE MAltSUFIELD PROFESSIONAL FIIKI) VKIP.OX, Proprietor New Dodge and Cadillac Cars. DRECT0?J Dr. A. L. Houseworlh pi.yie.n 7aon Office, hours: 11 m 1 nml 7 to 8 p. ,. "a,nill, Phones; Offlcp 113.J. Roj J; M. Wright .. nUILDiNo onsrnMUl EatlmntPB fm-ni.i.., oueu onrMot.1 FARE $7.00 Dr. H. M. Shaw Hjo, Far and Throat BpeAiu I aiiAHsns viva I Phono :i:h)..j. loomj 0 JrvhiK Ulock. It. MATT1H II. SHAW. Phywlclaii aild Surgcoj Phono 8:iu.J, Benjamin Ostlind CONSUMING KNaiNiiGn in, AUCIIITEOX Offices, 20C Irving Blotk Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. ManklWi, OmJ H. G. Butler CIVWi UXOINKER noom, .104 Coko Dldg. Phoa nj.jj iiuBiuuiiqo i-none 363L. W. G. Chandler AUOIIITKOT Uoonis 301 and 302, Coka QnUtlJ fliuramioiu, uregon. Wm. S. Turpen AiiuniTi:ar Marehflold, Orewa. f THINK IT OVER Did you ever hto to tlilnlc how much inoney you hpciiiI every yenr for useless lliliiK'sV Maku u mem J (iriinilmn of what you hpcud diii'- Iuk n hlulo month nnd hco htnv much of this uuioiint you nilnlit hnvo nvctl. Multiply this nuiii by tivelvo tind then add !I per cent Interest iihlch this bank pay.s on MivluuM uccoiintK. 'Thu result will probably surprise you. If It does, tart on tho rlj;ht track now by opening nu account nt this haul.. First National Bank OF COOS BAY 8AFF.TV DISPOSI'l1 1IOXF.S FOU 11KNT FAIII3 TVS CKXTS ' City Iilmlts North Itcnd, fc, nn co.mmumtiox nn LS TICKKTS $1.73 (J Marshflcld-North Ucnd Auto Lino Cars every ten mlnntc froa (I n. in. (o l'J p. m. to Sooth SIoiirIi onco a u".iv, Icarlsg it 11 ii. m.; to P.tnplro tlireW dny. GORST & KINO, Propi. TIJIK TAI1LE AVILLAMliTTK PACIFIC MOTOR I OAU r.cavo Lmm Mnrshfleld North Bni 0 : -I C a.m. 7:00 ta 7.-ir n.m. 8:00 ui 8:45 n.m. 9:00 1 9:45 n.m. 10:15 w 10:4G nm. ll:00in 11:30 a.m. 11:15 u 12:50 p.m. 1:15 P 1:4G p.m. 2:0 P" 2:45 p.m. 3:00 P-E 3:45 p.m. :? 5:00 p.m. B:l5 G.40 p.m. 5:55 pi 0:55 p.m. North city limiu oaij. 7'.10 n.m. 7:15 pi NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. ' ' Steamship SANTA CLARA ' , salla for PORTLAND OtTOIlKR 11), P. M. Steamship SANTA CLARA Sails for SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) OCTOHKIl 2, P. M. For further Infotinatiou foo w. K. STUIIIt. Aeknt t 9 '4 j SMITH 'l'FRMIN.VI. DOHC rhono 1U(1 JL Marshf ield-Coquille Auto Stage Oivl rhnnnacy MarMifleld A.M. 7:00 0:110 LmtI CoVl Ml,. 7:00 9:09 11:00 VM. 8:00 0:90 T.M. 1:00 n.so MAItSHFIF.M).COQl)lI.U lAJTO STAOH T1MB 8C1IEDW Schedule nrrnnged to conJ with boats to lUindon, 6tg Myrtlo Point, Waper, RoW No deiajs. Fnro from MnrsliflcW t ' 75 cents. ..... n T,.mii.'tli. rroj ..f. 7B,"..-.r t, em W11, UfU. --.- extra trips at chnrtor cara. AUTO 8TA0B SCIHIDUtB October, iu To Portlnnd via Florence jn Licavo iuum" Monday Tuesday Wednesday is ..ipoo"1, on l'OO O Thursday .-J ,,oo B- FrWay ;; ,.jo a.8. Saturday ""-j"' 4 jo 1 v Sunday K-oo .n. K- Monday ?'" 5:00 Tuesday :, 5 30 1-0-Wednesday ;" 530 -B-Thursday ;" -oO Friday - 7;o(l i& aaiuruui' "., s-00 BU I-t Sunday ....'J LoiTO Gnrdlner OneHo . ...u hMl !-'-s; rii s a. m., juu " sanio day.) SAVE MONEY by ordering the HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton jjjj 1 ..or ton l uump coal, r- - 0, ha . -"aiSji- onw- , i..T or leave & . iieni or mo ronuncMal Hank, died I 1,, ""11"' nftor an lllncs Qt aevtrul years, I'lulllo ranch. I phone 74. BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES Ttos' XI d JUlu6