FT-fHf! IT TT" IS EASIER TO BE GOOD THAN GREAT BECAUSE THERE IS LESS COMPETITION "7WT " Wjwi Wfwv -wr r fnns Bay Times Your Paper iur Times li proud of Its title '"Tho V,, r,pcr," nu - - to It nme by tloroUng ita caerglM to Jg the people'. totcrot. Zi. xxxix. in u i iti. mm m u uwimut F ffiuos to mtntz MEMBKIt OP TirE ASSOCIATED TRKSS A Southwest Oregon Paper Ttmt'a what tlio Ooos Buy Timet is. A Sontk. west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon pooplo and devoted, to tho best Interests of this great icctloa . Tlio Tlrnos always looats suad atoTer knocks. Established 1878 As Tlio Const Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, 44 BANK ROBBERS GET AWAY WITH $5000 jh Schooner Leaving t Bay Saturday Was WrecKea ims mummy ms aboard. 11 His Wife and Compan- Lnd Six Men Drowned arid women oavuu BOUND FOR MEXICO" (HcrtWa Tlmi Craft Wns to i In Tramr for who in mu .n rrllmit Cleared Lust rwn I'ort Angles. Wash. , nmmTi:i m-:.i Jmh Ablla, owner, of Ma- I fttlto, Mexico. l Urs. Jean, Ablln, owners I lift of Jltiatlnn. I yiM Lena Miller, ot Howo ifcjjJ.D. C. i H. R. Jones, mining ongln- i n, of Vancouver. I Mr, Bulllle, en routo to I tilled. iCipt. William Doloucliroy, llimro, hibsiit. v two otner men. Tlio Saietl Eipbul Medina, Ablln's l mat i fee other man. MtMft.t r JltakUlrt rrni lo Cool Iltf Tlmn. FRANCISCO, Oct. IS. Six usl two women wero drowned totar when tho gnsollno str Alliance No. 2 smashed to loaMalnajj Hocks. 12 miles of Point Arena, California. i,nrf boats from Point Arena t nvlaj Station picked up ono m ti-o men aavetl. Tho other i ubore. Qalcklr Dot nil ed. i Khooner wag Hounded into ujt within ten mlnutos nftcr i tie rock at 2 o'clock this il Medina, one of tho two wed. reached1 shore through Kfial obtained old. Wlfn N Iv.m & MODle abnnril tlm Alllmwn lt tie owner, Jenn Ablln, his fl ui Jilu Lnin Miller, who u companion to Mrs. Ablln. J rtMtnj-eni Ahoniil KlKlllfr llvill In llm.. Con... I it Another passenger was U. H.J PU mining engineer, who leaves v " tore children In Vnn- kaies n Family JwMelorla, who wns going to m thence to Knglnnd to Join ". ho a as suvpiI n .i.t- !"urant. ' Mli,(" . ik!II.I.wi ..' "" v"rK". "II" II rJM c,(1 lnRt Wednesday JW " behiK storm tos- . :."' ii is icnovoti n Br Asioclato.l rrcs to coos say Timer. DANVILLE, Cal., Oct, 18, Robbers worked the i I combination of the safe i t in the San Ramon Valley t Bank this morning and t ascaped with $5000 in t gold and currency, t PES AWARDED Mm. okoiujh xoaii and run,. lim-JX AUK PUOVIDK!) FOU PASSENGERS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Midi mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 73 STEAMER LOSI French Vessel Admiral Ham elin Torpedoed Without Warning by Submarine t nnnnrnnninnnHiirn DUIVtfldUHnUMVtU Commission Sets AnIiIo Over $1)001) for Them Next to Highest Award Mndo (Special to Tho Times.) SALKM Ore.. Oct. 18. It Irf an nounced that the Stato Industrial Accident Commission has approved tho claim mndo for compensation on hohalf of tho wlfo and children of (Jeorgo Noah, who wns crushed to death whllo working for Mc Donnld & Comlron In Marohfleld on Suptcmhor 20th last. To provldo a monthly paymont of ?:10 for tho widow required tho sotting nsldo of $7,088. C2. Tho young sons, aged 1!, : and 0 yenrs, rotiulrod sums of J742.30, $01)2. n-l and $rl 8.0-1 , respectively, malting n totnl-of $9,071.00. Next Highest Award This Is tho highest award yet mado under tho Oregon tJompau sntlon Act, with ono exception. Tho rnnitly In tho lattor enso consisted I of tho widow and a bnbo of 1 0 , monius ot ago. icss than thrco months nftcr tho death of tho father twins wero horn, requiring n re serve to provldo compensation of sovernl hundred moro tlmn tho'Sum set usldo lu tho Kouh cnoo. If Thirty-three Rescuqd While Previous Reports Said 71 Lives Were" Lost STRUCK BY FORTY SHELLS Atlnek In Made When tho 1'nssengerH Aro llelug; 'I'lnnsreried to the .Small HontN VeN.sel Is Horn- barded by the Hubiiiarluo irjjr AmckUIM PrcM to Coot llr Tlmci. I'AIIIS, Oct. 18. Tho Mnraolllen correspondent of tho Petit Journal telegraphs that tho mall boat Kugeuo Porolro arrived there with 33 mem bers of tho crow of tho Fronch stenm shlp Admiral liamelln, Hiink by n subinnrlnc. A previous report said 71 persons on tho otenmcr were lost. Without Warning Tho Admiral Ilnmelln was under government requisition. Slio was tor pedoed by an Austrian submnrlne without notice nml whllo tho passon- j turnilned Kors nnu crow wcro noing iranstor red to tho boats, the nubmnrlno hombnrded tho steamer- which was struck by forty shells. t SUBMARINE SINKS f X TWENTY-THREE BOATS X t t Dr Asioclnlcil rrria to Cw-i nx Tlmn. NEW YORK, Oct, IB, t t Ambassador Von Bern- t torff announced today t t that an official communl- t cation from Berlin stat- t X ed tliat German submar- t ines had recently sunk 23 X vessels, includinec four t X transports, of the Allies, t X in the Mediterranean, $ BULGARIA HAS TI5 ET NED AMKUIC'AN BOAT VN'DKU Ht'SPK' IO.V AT IIOCOTA, COIil'MIIlA Claim Made that (iciniiin N'aino of t'iipl4ilu on Paper Was Kracd and t'linnged (tlr Audttod rrru to Coo IUi Tlmn, IIOOOTA, Columbia,! Oct. 18. An Ainorlean yacht from Sun Krnnclsro with iiuino of Academy painted over tho name Kthel, and carrying an un usually 'large erow, Is being detained by "government authorities near llu oua Ventura, n port on tho Pacific. Tho Herman namo of tho master of tho ship, it Its nsserled. was orased Jrom tho ship papers and nu Ainorl ean ntiiuo stiDstlluteil. The uont Is detained until tho legal status lu do- LOSI ONE 101 Allies Forces Capture Strumit- za After Making a Rapid Thrust at the Enemy i ET T Teutonic Forces on the Savc Drina Front Now Crowding 1 Them Farther Back BERLIN CLAIMS SUCCESS Statement .'Mndo That Itulgarlaus Ai-o (.'ah, lug (iI'oiiimI Allies hand TroopM on HIkmi) of tho Aegean Hen righting Xcnr Ulga CARRAWZA TO RULE 11 VETERAN MAX WHO (UPTUUKI) .IKKI'KU SOX DAVIS PASSICS AWAV aiur.K'?: " ls r.?'.' llo vessel was bound rKh I,!".? "JjnnimiHoil by wV,...:"1'' ,,0 ii" ami ed formerly thp So- 152?!!!!!""!?'': T1 Deloucliro StUttlcana! ?j$Kt was form, lf. chooner riinrles Uvl Hhaif w" ral't"rl on tho ft i iJUr tars nw ' tho ntob.!i ,no a,,llralty nnd KSf-ra? .'"" Jr n at soa-shu riiionir'1"" B,lt'('es8 and fchilwabcoii tied up at WlUVMSTCAM, Rbl,WuioieO,,h LaslK,.,. r After si.,..., u ih,... ",",, Tltianfa,,,nlav nraK h IX "' Tho C!!LbeaUs about In a ilUUIl, Wlldi in: iti:cor.'.ii;i) ah HKAI) OK MKXICO TIIK .,''.. i, ;""; uiifj "uii. or a lnrK0 fl8h' ttu ,1,. i ,M "otUenble that St uiheen osea. She "J'ii.., af"'S a tors'l and "! w" "nopmast stay's! Ik's pji " in ,vi y itout Seit'S'1 w" ' 'eot. S1 and J?1 Shp hn(l Stat,lnA.a tho time alio N elWtM on l,ock t0 ,ak0 twS2lfsh, n-tto,u,o ---.j MHfUll uJ'PMred? " small Vat!'me tacked fconton"?', A,,aft the iS copP lhe la!,,n was sTfooma 'u. ana a KtMm- m ttft J? UeCR Cahlli u-na VreZl" l," l Pe We - inrgo lmtchoa William t. Htcdmau Was Piivato In Michigan Uegiiuenl, but (allied Fiiiuo a Soldier ' Wr AiiocUIoJ l'rtii lo Coot Dijr Tlmn. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 18. Funeral services v,ero held hero to day for William P. Stodman. former private of tho Fourth Michigan reg iment, during tho Civil War, nnd captor or Jefferson Davis, aftor tho rail or Ulehmoud. Ho died hero yesterday, aged 7!) ycara. ono forward nnd tho other abaft the cabin. Looked Like Old Craft. A trip to tho engine room, whllo tho vessel was In port horo, showed n still dirtier condition than ex hibited on deck. Tho vessol wos evi dently nn old ono. Thoro was a heavy coating of oil and grenso smeared over tho walls and tho on- glueroom was n piass of oil. At tio tlmo gnsollno wns bolug taken Into tho supply tank amidships nnd It was noticeable that tho nurplus was trickling through horo nnd thoro from tho deck above tho engine room. Thoro woro nt that tlmo two men and n boy working with tho two C0 horsepower gnsollno engines. Tim ilnnk was littered with scrniis .of ropo yarn,,-w'lili bits "6T rofuso.and' showed clearly that-a cioan-up wcok had not boon colobratod Tor sovornl voyages. Owner on Hoard , Mlguol Ablla. a man-of , slonddr build nnd a Mexican. ' appeared ns owner, and William Doloucliroy was captain. Tho owner said tho ves sel had boon purchased. In Victoria. II, C. from wliciico sho registered nndthnt sho had been in tho ofr shoro risking business previous to that. Tho owner's namo is given In tho Associated Press telegram ns Jenn Ablln. but when In Marshfleld ho said his name was Mlguol Ablla. Harry J. Kimball, U.S. Doputy Collector of Customs, wont aboard and examined her papors and pro nounced them O. K. Sho loft Port Angolcs, Washington, Octobor 10. clearing for Mazntlan. Moxlco, and without a cargo. Surrounded by Mystery. At tho time It wns suspected tho vessel was being taken south to carry ammunition for ono of tho rebelling factions In Mexico. Ablla gavo a rather hazv Idea or what tho ves sol would do. Ho claimed to be the entire company by himself and said ho would trade up and down tho coast of Mexico. South America and the United States and with a wavo of his arm, Indicated that later, as tho company grew, thoy would put on n couplo of 6000-ton steamships. Ho also said ho oxpecten to start a newspaper. Ho was conversant with norts all upnnd down tho Pacific Coast. Invited to Go. A young man of this city, a resi dent or Mnzatlan, talked in Spanish with Ablla only a rew minutes bo roro tho vessel sailed. Ho was in vited to take a trip to Mazatlan. Ablln told him that ho expected to nut Into San Francisco only for a few minutes, long enough to get telegrams that wero awaiting mm there. ; 'AinerlcnnH ltoturii tho Flic Uut Ue- jtorts Nulo That .o ono vuin Injured in liattlo Ujr Auoelited I'reM u Coo Uj Tlmw.l imOWNSVILlN, Joxas. Oct. 18. Tho first firing ucross tho Itlo Orando In moro than threo woekH occurreil Sunday morning near tho Morcodcs pumnlng plant, 00 miles abovo.hero, whon tho Mexicans fired about 10 shots. Tlid American soldlors . re turned tho fire, but no ono was hurt. Diiui'o lu Piigre.vs Captain Hassan, In commnml thoro, reported that a Mexlcnn dance was In progress on tho Mexican side whoro tho shooting occurreu ami nu Diplomatic HelatloiiH Will be Ite- Hiimcil by ITtilttHl States and Other Countries Ilf Alolttc1 rrnt to Ciim flt, TlmM.) WASHINGTON, 1). C. Oct. 18. Tho Pnn-Amorlcan conforooH today decided to extend formal iccognltlon tomorrow to Carranzn as chief o.x- ecuttvo of tho do facto government lu Mexico. Dy prcsontlng n note to Kllzo Arredondo, his authorized rep resentative here. Tho nnnouncomont wan mado fol lowing a meeting with Secretary Lansing with tho diplomatic ropro scntntlycs or Ilrnzll, Chllo, Argen tina, Ilollvla, Uruguay and (Junto ninln. Will l-'ollow V. S. All governments participating Jiavo instructed their diplomats horo to ubo virtually tho samo form In rec ognition as adopted by tho United States. Tomorrow, with tho actual extension or recognition, tho om bargo on nrms to other tactions will go Into ofrcct, and diplomatic rela tions or an orriclal character will ho resumed between tho United StntoB and Moxlco. tho Cnrrnnza au thorities being treated us tho Mex ican government. MOLE E I5FEARE XKfiUO 'I'AKK.V FUOM (JAMCS Itl'ltd TO PKOHIA, ILL. RING BORDER MKXICAXH " AOAIX SHOOTING ACUOSS MXK .Man Killed Chief or Polite In Haiti On (ambling Utilise Sunday Xlght ; 11 AMoclatrJ 1'rtM to Coo llnj Tlmn. I'KOItIA, III., Oct. 18.-i"I.ottlo" Hopkins, negro, alleged murdorer of Chief of police Matthews ot Gnles burg, who was killed In n raid on n gnmhllng house at Galcshurg last night, was lodged In tlio county Jail horo today to circumvent posslhlo mob action nt tho sccno or tho shoot ing. Hopkins has two wounds re ceived in tho battlo with tho officers. HOST PAY PENALTY CKI) TO HK SHOT IX UTAH Stay of i:ecutlon Was Granted at Iteuiiest of Swedish Minister Through tho President. ID) AiwcIMM Vnu to Coo D; Tlniw. SALT LAK13, Oct. 18. Joseph Hlllstrom, convicted of tho murder or J. a. Morrison and son, wns ro sontenccd to bo shot today by tho District Court. A stay ot execution wns rocontly granted by tho Gover nor nt tho request or Presldout WUboii, to whom tho Swedish Minis ter to tho United States mado rep resentations. Xo Xcw Kvldenco The rcsplto has terminated and Illllstrom's application Tor commuta tion or senlouco was denied by tho board of pardons Saturday, ns no now evidence wns presented. A LLIDS LAND OX AKGKAX SKA COAST ttljr AmuHlatnl l'r to Cmm IIAr Tlmn.) LONDON, Oct. 18. Tho Kntente Allies effected a lauding at ICuos on tho Aegean Sen In European Turkey, closo to tho Hulgnr lau border, ami seized tho lit II road at that point, ac cording to n dispatch from Athens. - X ITALY CERTAIN TO t FIGHT IN BALKANS X X tnr Associate! I'rm to Coos tljr Tlmrs. A lltiLmltb nftbtn X ROME, Oct, 18 Italy's ; co-operation with tho Al- lies in the Balkans may I now be considered abso- X X lutely certain, says the X X Correspondonzo Italiana, X GERMANS BDMAHD TJIHUIP'K t'AXXOX VIUK ALOX(3 TIIK VSKIt FHONT Attempt, tit Follow With Inrantry Flic, JlKl Allies Uepul.so tho Attack: tllr AmocIIi I'rcM to Coot njr Tlmn. LA PANNK, Iiolgliim. Oct. 18. The 'llolglsche Htniidnrdt, published here, says n lorrllilo lioinbtirdmeut was lu jirogrcsH along, the Ysor front Saturday and Sunday nights. Twlco tho Germans tried to follow with Infantry attacks, but wero repulsed. DEATH LIST ELEVEN MOTOR ('Alt ACCIDK.N'T VICTIMS IXCHKASK IX XL'MIIKIt AS MURDERER Father of Zeppelin Raid Vic tim at Inquest Cries Out Against German Emperor IS NOT-SATISFIED When Verdict Returned Calls Upon Ruler to Answer at ' Judgment Seat & SAYS MURDER ORDERED o tllr AmoiltUJ l'reii to Cou I)? Tlmn. LONDON, Oct. 18. A rapid thrust at Iiulgarla by the allied troops in conjunction with tho Ser bian forces resulted lu tho capture of tho Hulgarhm town or Strumltza, HO miles northwest or Snlonlkl, ac cording to Athens ntlvlccs. Rumors are current lu Salonlkl thnt the Ilulgnrlaus hnvo already cut tho Nlsh Salonlkl rnllrond at Vraujo, 20 mllos west or tho Dulgarlan bor der. Serbians Hetivatlug Serbian forces on tho Hnvo-Drlnn front lu Northwestern Serbia, whoro strong resistance has "been offorod to tho Teutonic Invaders, are now beginning to retreat. Dorlln an nounces. Ilorlln nlso reports addi tional successes for tho Hulgnrlnus. On tho Western front Paris says tho French lust night ropulsod threo German nttneks nt Ilois-on-Ilacho to tho northwest of Souchcz. Fight In tho Knst In tho cast tho Germans nro again nttat-klug southeast or Illga, but so tar hnvo boon unable to cstnhllsh thomsolves on tho Kastorn haulc or tho Strlpa Hlvor Tho romalnder or tho h'astorn trout Is without Impor tant developments. CUIIlTSOCBESS CAUHAXZA SAYS UK IS COXTHOL LIXG .AIKXICO 1 1 TELL OF LA PUKSIDKXT TOSPKAK OX XA TIOX DKFKNSK XOV. I. Will Mtiko Fli-hl Public rtteranco on Subject Itcfore Aliiuhittlau' Club nt Xcw York fll, AuocUtwJ Tim lo ljn Hf 'iIum.1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 18.- Presltlont Wilson will open tho cam paign tor IiIh National dorenso pro grnm lu a speech bororo tho Man- York on tho hattan Club In New York on did not bollovo the occurranco was , evening ot Novombor 4. serious TO STARTTHE FIGHT TOMOHHOW XKW JICUSLY VOTICS OX WOMAN Sl'FFHAGK In Two Weeks, Mnssnchiisetts.'Xow Yrk nml PennHylvnnia Will Hiio (Jiiotion lp tnr Aoiit4 mu to cooi mr Tim.) NKWAUK. X. J.. Oct. 18. Tho first great fight In tho ettst for wo man sufrrago today Is less than -M hours away. Tomorrow morning tho pools In Now Jersoy will open tor a special election to decide whether tho women or tho stato shall have a voto. Two weeks from tomorrow New York, Pennsylvania and Massachu setts will decide whether they will join tho 12 western sister states In giving women tho ballot. President Wilson's declaration ror suffrage, reinforced by a thorough campaign of organized workers. Is expected by sufrrago leaders to carry the day ror woman suffrage. Tliflea Want Ads for results. This will bo tho President's first public utterance on tho subject since he npproved tho plans prepared by Foe-rotary Garrison and Secrotnry Daniels. Tho spooch Is oxpoctod to bo of significance because it is believed the President will dlscloso the rea son ho will urgo upon Congress why tho United States should bo moro adequately prepared for defonse. SAILHI) LAST JL'XK San Moved Ills War Officii From Vera Cm lo Mexico City Defeats Zapatu Forces lllr Amo. Ilel I'n-M to Coo nr Tlm j WASHINGTON, I). C, Oct. IS. Cnrrnnzu reports today that Tolura, near Moxlco City, has boon taken from th6 Zapata forces, that nearly half tho stato of Chihuahua l8;coin- plQtoly controlled by Curraiizavttyiu8 ihEt Jitirbz-J,8' cut ofr, from tho.' In terior and tuat fnany towns In the north aro arming against attacKB by tho Villa forces. Carrrnnza's war ofrit.'o has been moved irom Vera Cruz to Moxlco City. GREEnSTATRIOTIC .xlOHK FUOM COOS COUNTY LKAVK FOU KUHOPK to During that Mouth Itout Left Francisco for South tDr AmocUIM Preu Coo DJ Time. J SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 18. An American schoonor Academy, report ed detained at Huenn Ventura, sail- - . m T nt I.. l.lln. ...11. OH I HUH lltMU Jllliu . I lu uaiuioi. nu a crow of nine men ror Callao, Peru. The master was Captain L. J. Bohn. The vessol has been running to South Sea Islands and Mexican ports. McMINNVILLE Tho coroner's ju ry has decided that William Booth. whose body was round In a road. I was murdered, and William Branson, aged 23 years, Is under arrest bus pected of tho murder of tho farmer. Consuls Provide Transportation Xntho Imutl for Those Who Will Join (ho Army Still moro Coos county Greoks hnvo left ror tho old country to Join tho army. Several weeks ago HN teon or twenty loft horo and now ten or twolvo moro havo gone. They wero mostly men who havo boon working on tho railroad construc tion work on tho other side of tho bay, Tho Greek consuls arrange for tho transportation of tho men and It is said that many throughout tho country aro responding to tho call to colors of their country. Accord ing to tho latest reports from tho war zone Greece ls not going Into the war if It Is possible to keep out but is to maintain an armed neutral ity which means that, a big army will bo maintained.. The Greeks all seem quite loyal to their natlvo country and whllo on- 1.. n T,nt nt tha PnnR pntintv man have responded to tho present call they nil say that should tho country, becomo Involved In war and tney bo needed thoy would go at once. P. T. Shields of lliiullngttiu, Oregon, Among Those Killed nt. Hun- tl Iph, Kansas, Saturday tlr AmocIiIciI r-rru to Coo liar Tlmn. ItANDOLPH, Knn., Oct. IS.j-TIio namo or P. T. Shlolds, of Iliiutlug ton, Oregon, wns today added to the list of identified dead, and tho to tal loss of lire In Saturday's motor train accident wns officially sot nt 11. BIG TRIAL STARTS .UJHOUS IIKAIt STATKMKXT IX XKW IIAVKX CASK Vi-rdlct in Kurd of Several Cunon Wan "Death As a Itt-siilt, of an Air Haiti" Art Ion Taken Regard ing Sl i,r tho Persons Killed tllr AmocUle.l rtM to Oot IUj Tim. LONDON, Oct. 18.- -Tho Inquest or (ho hodlt-H of (hreo victims of tho first bomb dropped Hi tho Zoppelln raid Wednesday night on the Lon don area, and of thrco nthem killed or who died ns tho result of sub sequent explosions, was hold hero lodiiy. Tho verdict lu each caBo wnH "Death as the result of an air raid." Ari'iui.-s The Kaiser The father or ono or the victims protested ngnlnst the laconic verdict: "My son was murdered by order ot tho KtilHor. l summon tho Kais er lo meet mo boforo tho Judgment sent or God to unswer ror tho death or my son." AID COT GTS WIIMam Horkcft'Ilcr, Lewis Cass Lcdynrd ami .Vine Other Present ami Former Directors on Trial (Or Aunclitftl 'rM lo Coo Ilr Tlmn. NUW YOItK, Oct. IS. Tho Jurors choso to try Wllllnm Rockefeller, Lewis Cans Lcdynrd and tiluo other directors, or former directors, or (ho Now Haven Railroad, charged with conspiracy to monopolize Interstate commerce, beard the oncnlntr nddrcss lu tho Federal Court hero today of R, L. Batts, attorney ror tho Govern ment, He Haiti tho Government nnd law did not undertake to punish henofl clal natural growths, but that tho Now Haven was a combination which could havo been brought to gether and havo given good sorvlco without bringing about n situation "whero tho peoplo or Nov Knglnnd nront tho mercy ot n noworful com-blnatlon." ADDITION TO 1 H. NAVY WILL III! BUILT SlMi-en Suhmarliies and Sl Doslroy- crs Aro to He Constructed for (ho (ioveninicnt lj AuoclttM I'll to Cm llr Tlmn.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Oct. 18. Contractu for 10 iiubnmrlncs and six tlcstroyora wero nwnrtlod today by tho Navy Department. One destroy er will bo built nt tho Norfolk Nnvy Yard and ono nt Mnre Island. Six HiihmiirluoH will ho built on tho Pa cific Coast. Ilramerton,- Washington, will build ono. PLAN XKW IIOTKIi IS TU WILLIAM WALLACK SPKXCK OF UALTIMORK HAS IIIRTIIDAY .Mini . Ono 1 In'iuli-cil Years Old Today . .. WtiN l'pr;.MaiiyYi-lir Proml- . . ; neni i-i"ancier i tnr AiwUt. ita l Coo Dtj Tlmn ) UALTIMOUK, Mti., Oct. 18.W1II liuu Wulluco Speiico, lor many years u lending financier of this city, cele brated today the hundredth aniil vorsnry or his birth. Ho was born lu Kdlnhurgh, Scotland. COgi'lLLK XOTKS Xoivn of (ho County Seat Told lu (ho Sentinel Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Burns rccolvod n (elegram announcing the birth or nnothor grnudson, tho parents being Mr. nnd Mrs. S. It. Steele, or Bnlto. Montana. II. L. Hoffman was brought over horo from Myrtle Point and placed In jnll to borvo out a lino ot $fiO Im posed by Justico'Kelloy or that pluco ror killing a Bpottod fawn. ( S. A. Ilurrord, nu old man living a mllo and a half below town, whllo walking over tho old logging road trestlo ncross Cunningham crook, oi)o day last week, fell and broko his log. Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, of this city, and Mrs. II. F. Morrison, of Ilaiiion. attended the Grand Lodge of tho Pythian Sisters at Portland. L. II. Hazard went over to tho Hay to bring in his now slx-cylluder Studobaker touring car, which is ono of tho rinest machines brought Into Coos county this year. " A. T. Boldon got back trom Can by, Oregon, after spending about a month In the Willamette valley. He says times aro much better here than In that section. John E. Quick and his sister, Mrs. Henry Harvey, or Pondloton, startod by the Kllzaboth last week ror a rour weeks' visit to San Francisco and tho big fair. Mrs. Harvey will return to her home from tbero. (old Heath Will Have A Modern Structure Gold Ilonrh is soon to havo nnothor hotel which will he built yet this fall. Tho luiuhor for tho building has boon ordered from Coos Hay and Is expected hero nu the noxt trip or the Itoiimor. Mrs. J. G. Walker and Mrs. C. I). Lnmson aro financing tho deal, and tho building will stand on tho slKhtly point kuouw locally as the Old School llouso grounds. HAS XKW PROCKSS Cnrry Count .Man Will Try II Willi llliirk Sand Rognrtllng a new proceou for snv lug mineral from black Band tho Port Orfonl Trlbuuo Buys: r. li. Wiilsworin, who owiib mo Handy Itanch near Gobi Beach, pass- li, u cuiihi, miivniK a maun nuiiu and his machine from Woddor 0 tho Galller cauoh near Han- ilnn. Tlin iiiiicliliii). which was built. nt Roguo river, embodies now Itloas ror Having bejiob gold, ami It Is claim ed It has proved n success. It .will ho glvon n thorough (rial on tho Ban dou bench. A". II. Ilitutly II edjup Hi inuier nu hu( n to THINK DKCR BIG OXK Ctimnient Mntlti on Milliter Story By 1 Curry liKr Regurding a tleer hunting ntory of this Buutlou tho Port Or ford Trlbuuo says: "A Coos county Jiiintor wan cred ited by the hay papers last week with having killed u tour point buck that dressed with Its bead on 22G lbs, II this doer was killed lu tho woods, anil not In tho linuglnutlou'or n oni ons uiiurod, It Is probably (ho largest ono of Its kind that thoro Is any rec ord of. GKTS TIIHKK BUCKS Stanley Hrlggs Brings Homo Plenty of Deer Moat Stanloy Brlggs arrived homo Friday night from n hunting trip and brought with him thrco flno bucks. He wont to Camas Valloy and In com pany wltji Halo Bourno mado a trip from thoro Into tho Mountains not far from tho Sheep Camp on tho Mid- fdlo Fork Road. Brlggs tided up all fthreo of Ids llconso tags und deter mined to bring all tho deer homo. Ho, had to make soveral transfers from dirrerout vehicles but gat tho nieat safely home-. R03EBURG -George Church was found guilty or violating tho local op tion laws artcr a trial. Buy your shoes .at n shoo store. Only ull Leather Shoes at Gordon' shoo store. Times want ads bring results. 11 . l f ,1 -; v M i 1 j.MJ ?t.if .