'fvI-J.fc''iAi.jM-,-:, .THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD,' OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15,-1915 -EVENING-EDITION. ' SIX tf - t... ) M hi U'l If :!'. " .4 Announcement (ttlTIIIN n few weeks, (ho Hub Clothing &. 11 1 Shoo Company will open a scroiid Btoro -1 In" Mnrshflohl, making the 'xth In the chnln of Hub Stores in Coos County. It Ib with no llttlo pride Hint wo make this nnnouncemont, and wo nro stiro Hint our friends mill pntrons will rejolco with us In our growth anil ilevelopniont. It hns been our constant aim to give the best possible noivlri anil nioiehnn lllso to thu cominuiiltlcH our stores Bcrvo, iinil tho over Increasing business which tho Hub stores me enjoying Is ample ovlilenco that tho public appreciates this fact. Tim new Hub Store will bo located In tho Irving Block on Central Avenue. Workmen are now remodelling It and Installing flno fixtures, converting It Into 0110 of tho finest stores in Oregon. A llttlo later wo will annotinco tho opening date and tho new lines of Men's and Hoys' GhOTHINU.HATS, SHOKS AND FURNISHINGS which It will supply you and wo am suro It will bo a most gratifying messngo to tho pcoplo of Coos County ".MONHV TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. LOG THROUGH CITY .MUST 1IOWKVKR PUT UP ljsr,)) ROM), PUOTHCT I.II-'K Compromise Affected by McDonald and Omdron With City Conn ed Hand Left Out Again company, should nccldq Its division 'to cover nccldcntn or loss of life and for limiting street rcpnlrs. It was suggested that $3,000 be adored for ono and ?2,000 tor tho other. .Must Flv tho Street Undor this agreement the company may hnul its trucks tho maximum of 15 miles nn hour, but with tho un derstanding that they nuist pay tho resulting street damages. Tito or dinance, prepared and ready to pass, would have cut thorn down to flvo miles an hour and limited tho slzo ot HOI Uy nffcctlng a compromise with the council last evening .McDonald and Condron will ho allowed to con llnuo their logging Hirmii'li Mm strnotn of the city Ullllor ,. r..nnft bmul to bo rcsiionslblo for'ty's signing nn agreement thnt fur any accidents nnd to repair damngcB ' thcr legislation regarding tho com- niuscd to tho Btreets by their Heavy pnny'u opornuons womu noi uu .. trucks. Thoy wcro nllowod to con-acted providing tho $G,000 bond was operations tho load. 1 iirll. tf-.. ,!.. l.nfl fnK f nn Pi wuiiur uinuiuii """ ' - KEPT FROM HOMKKTKADKIt CLAIMS KKJIIT-OJ'-WAV TAKKN FROM HIM Murshflcld Ilaiidou Myrllu Point Powers s GOES FREE1 GARRIED REVOLVER SPOKANH OFFICFRS LIRKRATK MAX WAXTF.R IIICRK lleputy Slierlff W. C. Idilnl Arrives 'There Four Hours Tim late .Man Has Vanished tlnuo the use of two trailers and tho ordinance, all prepared to practically prohibit the logging, was Indefinit ely Inld on tho table. The band failed on a motion to bo pod. allowed another $90. 90 gift. Clearly tho council outlined Rh po sition to tho logging company. Thoy claimed no wish to shut them down qr to hamper their business, having only in mind a fair adjustment for tho abutting property owners who unless soino arrangement was made, would bo hold responsible for tho re pairs needed through no fault of their own. Present Argument Appearing for McDonald and Con dron, Tom Rcniictt brought forward tho contracts of tho loggers with tho Coos Ray Water Company to log tho tract west of tho city, and another with tho Simpson Lumber company to deliver tho big sticks at tho mill.' "To unit operations now, puts theso gentlement between tho Dovll and the deop blue sen," declared Mr. Dennett. "In the first placo, boforo starting In, thoy enmo to you gentlemen of tho council and asked permission. You gnvo It. Acting on this agree ment they Invested somo $10,000 ln equipment. Now you come forward f put up. Assistant City Attorney Murphy, however, pointed out the ci ty has no right to sign away Its po- lico power and tho matter was drop- Rand In Unfortunate And with tho city fathers ready to adjourn Fred Wilson Jumped up to say "tho band wants another $99.99, please." Carl Albrccht had a motion to adjourn In ahead of him. It car ried and for tho second tlmo tho band was left without an appropriation. MR. AND MRS. GAGN0N WELCOMED BY CHARIVARI Whistles Toot Salute Drlvo Homo Amid Din of Tin Pans Rack From Honeymoon The deep siren of tho Adelino boomed, tho big whistle of tho main C. A. Smith tooted, the whlBtlcs of tho logging train added Its nolso to tho din nnd cowbells Jingled, all doing their best to welcome homo this afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. A. 13. Oagnou from their honeymoon to San .Must, Pack Cow Feed Up Moiialn Trail On Rack Sues For Injunction and Damages Claiming ho Is practically barred from acccBS to his farm except over n 'nroclnltous unss up which ho must 'pack cow feed on his back, and ask ing for damages and an injunction allowing hlni use of u right-of-way, suit was filed this afternoon by Coo. Rankin against Mrs. Virginia Ward Krlckson and her son Frank Ward. Tho farms In question arc near Dan iels Creek. ' In his complaint, which Is filed by fPcck and Peck nnd J. T. Rrand, at torneys, Rankin clalniH a rlght-of- 'way across tho 10 aero farm of Mrs. Krlckson to his homestead Just be yond. Only Path Through Rriish Tho land in tho vicinity is rough nnd hilly. Ho contends thoro Is on ly ono practical means of getting to 1iIb homo and that Is over tho rlght- of- way which Ih now locked up and barred to him. Off to ono sldo, along tho fonco, where fiiero Is n 'deiiso underbrush and the hills ex ceedingly stoop Rnnkln says ho has 'been given permission to cross over, but this Is almost ImpaBsablo and In fact actB as a bar to getting In and out. His children nro iiuablo to get to nnd from school except by plodding through tho brush, ho chilins. Slnco tho proceedings luivo been started only once ban Mrs. Rnnkln been able to got down from her homo and this was over the stcon trail in tho brush. f Further, ho hns four coWb and 50 Francisco. Thoy were accompanied (chlckona on tho placo that must bo by tho Rov. Father McDovjtt who fc,l " tlloro ,8 ; ot,I0P wa of f wont south with them. """j ,,, B,l,"1,c ' "ow oxco'1 t0 It was a holiday at tho mill andt"ck the' " " ; 1,'lcIc' it im Viii'iiru ill. wuiu Corclu ra Uir UAr liter Drnr-. ...... . CORDUROY m$2V$B& nPQIBADI P r.n.J"yl wuwmnuti: OflAUES TUCCC ADC DDlnrr r-r,.. ' ...' u"u " Y: rnuM 75 CENTS in Wt AUbU HAVb A BIG NEWLINEOFRRR u ARE PRICED LOWER THAN We ft BEEN ABLE TO SELlHi MARSHFIELD 7 The Golden! BIGGEST STORE BESTfi j. h. i.owi:, i.o(.'(! i:r, is fixkd 910 IX Jl'STICU COURT Chilnied Was About To Use It O" Sam Askellns In Roliciiilnn llur Which Is Security tl.n . ..- .. 1.. ,no o l,n " " """I'll " "l wltli nn orillnnnco tnnt practically " ' ..v . u .... rcnHon Is stated for closlnir tho .,.. .... .. ,....i... rri nJa flttlUK sa lltn wan (1 Slllaied. Tliol NO rcnH0" ,s BlOItH lor CI081UK mo mug ilium Din ui uunn;3o. inu tun- - - - r t-ILflit of wnv in lillii nflpr lii linil ' ract or agreement of a municipal!-, newly weds rode homo through a oI J n '' tcr u ty should bo given with the same ro-IoK "no of dlshpnns and tin cans, (I t J tt U l ember -8 ho snonslbllllv as it would be by an In- tlmt all Jingled their welcome and, k' J 8" 't'- !. .. 1 - ...ll..l I IWIIIIU IJ hlUU 1WV.I1UU MUfUIUl llll L'O When .1. K. Lowe, an old man anil a logger at Powers,, became obnox- Four hours nftor John R. Fish, A llll' IIUIU lUl Uliv:hui4 imoaiut, u. , frnudulcnt checks, was rolcnaod from Ions to Snm Askalas .In tho Holiein custody In Spokano Doputy Sheriff I ian bar last night, the latter slipped W. O. Laird arrived to take his prls- I.owe, who stepped back and procceil onor. Tho po'llco, believing no ono fed to draw a gun. He was stopped was coming, had turned the man i by N'lght Watch Charles Hoane, who looso and he at ouco fled to parts unknown. dividual." $:iH Damage Done Figures were produced by Mr. Dennett showing the actual dapingo douo to tho streets, ho claimed. With Walter Condron and City Engineer Gldley, ho had gone over nil tho streots used by the big trucks, had both Mr. and Mrs. Gngnou smiled I their npprovintlon of tho chnrlvarl SPF.CTAI, SCHOOIi MFKTIXO Notico Is hereby given to the le- gal voters of School District No. 9, of Marshflcld, Coos County, Stnto counted tho holes, measured them,ot Oregon, thnt n special school Delayed at Olyuipla A trip to Olympln was necessary In older to seo Governor Lister anil r,et happened to bo going through tho saloon and took tho gun away from him. This afternoon Lowo appeared before Justice Ponnock, pleaded guil ty and was fined $10. He left his and figured tho cost of repairs. meeting of said district will bo hold 'Thorn ivnro nmo .1 1 ImlM ill nil Onirni SCllOOl DlllUllllg in snici ho was threatened by Frank Ward, so ho states, with personal vlolunco :nnd onco, choked and driven from the plnco, followed by further 'threats. Spent $1,800 to Improve Rnnkln asks daningcs of $100 and, on Injunction allowing him to uso the! IformcArond from tho county high way to his farm. Ho snys that al- oxtradltlon papers. This .delayed jwatcii as security. tlm donutv sheriff. Tho Snokniio .f- Iowe claimed that somo tlm0 ngo fleers wired Sheriff Johnson thnt f ho was forced to pay a bill for C. C. they wero going to turn Fish looso OHuort, of Camp 1, and then, through and boforo a telograni could got to' H. II. Joehnk. tied up Gilbert's wag- them from Conuille saying a man 'es. Tho latter then, said Lowo to, wuh on tho way, Fish was llborated. .Judge Pennock. mndo a special trip Ho vanished nt onco. I to Powers to "haul" him all through ftlin wnrwlu Tli la fa tho rntiunn lin n m,i n. , i ..i,.i, i, nl Condron stand willing to re f.KI. for fear of meeting with Gil-! 1 ior trucks. bert. frendy ho has put $1,800 in ensh Into ho declared. "Mr. Gldley has flgur- nci on u.o luin uny or .ovom-r,mprovoinoltB for tho 1)lncC( m((, od that 79.5 sauuro yards are cut ' "er, 101... nt 7;:)0 o clock In thobllu ft ,,, nn1 ,m8 H0Vcra, ncrc8 througi, the base. At 2 a yard tliolnrtornoon, to vote on the proposl-fnow Imd0r cultlvftt,0Ili ,,ut UIlleBs ho ropnlrs would bo $238.B0. There are tloi of levying a special district tax. 'lH nlOW0(, to tnIso hH )lorsc8 amj) 37 squnro yards of tho top broken The purposes for which tho money j'800(, , vory 800Il( ,,0 w, ,)0 lllnblo tlirougn wnicn ui ii.oo a yard woum " " r " 'r " u"fto do any sowing or plowing this VKSSF.L MOVKMKXTS .AitIvwI San Francisco, Adeline Smith, 12: -Hi p. in. today. Sailed A. M. Simpson, Sail Francisco, p. in yesterday cxponded, nro shown by tho follow ing Itemized budget, which is hore-j' by mndo a part of this notico: r Tonchors' salaries $21, 289. 55 Apparatus, such as maps, chalk, erasers, stoves or curtains, and general supplies 2,500.00 If you pass this ordlnnnco hero, , Insurance 1100.00 nmoiint to $55. In other words to ropnlr all tho daiuago done thus far would cost $291. "Ill short there has been a $10,- 000 holler over n $300 dainugo." Mr. Ronnott said. Ho added that Mellon- Charles Doaue said that tho man day afternoon. Alliance- No. 2, Mnzatlan, 7:30 p. m. yesterday. Due Hero F. A. Kllburii, Portland, tomorrow morning. Duo to Sail RiiBller, Roguo river, tomorrow. 'was loo drunk to draw a gun. thnt,,tow" ! t" n'0,nf or'1 l.o meant no harm and, In his Jhdg- 8,"rtci1' on of tho two' It means a $10,000 ciiulpmont closes. Ropalta of schoolhouses, lawsuit Is niont. should be allowed to go froo. Chlof Carter said that tho offense was kept quiet until this afternoon. Westerner, Sun Francisco, youtor- Tno K WIIH icft Il( tb0 police Bta Hon Inst night. GOOIVnUM (.'ARAd'i: 1MPROVKD (ico, Goodriim today had tho now entrance to his garage completed I Tho concrete approacb lo a big liu ' provoinont and will add greatly to tho convenience of autolstB, Six Big Specials FOR SATURDAY, M0WDAY AND TUESDAY. COME AND GET YOUR SHARE 25c and 30c Heavy Turkish Toweling, lull width, J On wulo at U 85c all-wool Middy Flannels In Navy Illue. Kxcellont guide. per yard Duo Ladlcs'i beautiful embroidered Flannelotto Petticoats, various colors yQ Ono Kale at TUu Roys' 50c wool Huts latest Ht,lcs, Vaiiojy of colors. On halo at each .29c 15c Ladies' Rlack Hose: colors. No seaniB. On Bale at per pair .... Another largo lot, of Clarke's Lustro Cotton; always soils at 5c. Our price, per 0'n spool tm-lt Wo havo ii largo nnd almost complete assortment of genuine D. M. (' Crochet and Kiuhrolilerj Cottons. (Jet our prices on Rlniikcts Comforters, Red ' Spread; and Tabic Linens before buying elsewhere. Wo can save you from no cents to SI .0(1 on each article, T jfiIIl jr .AjIv. Xtu ,ioor Ut c,,""(ii(,r "toK Satisfaction always- or your money back Provide for Future "What nbout tho futuro, though?" nsker Mayor F. K. Alton. Mr. nennott said thoy woro willing to mako an agrcoment as to that. That tho trucks havo already found the weak spots and thnt few more will devolap was the statement of A. R. Gldloy. "And Its almost Impossible to repair Front street without tamping in tho earth ag'aln I about tho railroad tracks and tho 1 soft spots. Front street hns no sen , wall mid Ib gradually sliding into the , bay." flaudo Nasburg, objecting boforo to tho logging, said ho, ns a property owner, hns no kick coming providing tho company will pay for Its damage to tho Btreets. i Carl Albrccht voiced tho Bontl ment of tho council when ho declared they "nro not trying to Icglslnto you out of business." I' Mm. I'm 'I'm. ''iiII.mui And through nil tho discussion thoro popped up over and anon tho question of using two trnllors, with ' tho council ciiunlly divided on tho r question. This was decided by Ho 1 1 vote ami the mayor casting his ayo for tho trnllors. Councilman For guson, Kvortseu nnd Copplo voted no, and Albrccht, Kimball and Cook, ' aye. "Providing tho loggers repair tho dninngo already ilono nnd put up a IioihI for the futuro, I am willing to , let tho ordlnauco go over," said R. A. Copple. Somo thought $000 or $1200 were enough sums for bonds. "Its not too much to make It $5,000," broke in 'Mr. Copple. Jack McDonald objected. "We're moii of our word," ho said. "I grant you that," was Mr. Cop 'plo'a reply, "but it Isn't good busl- luess to tnko nothing more." He I'll'ni'fwl ilin 1n(Vlit tlttfnntrt .11. I, II 11 I HI. 111V lUtlb'IIK lUUHUtlO. ll l Was, then why did you sign theso n wiiu uio wnior compnny and tiio Simpson people?' io iv Necessity It was flunllv acrePil thnt the linml I should ho $'.,000 nnd tho city tutor outbuildings or fences. Incidentals Telopbono and Tolegrnph , Janitor llymuaslum equipment and supplies Fiicl Light Clerk's Salary, supplies and exporting books . . Water Domestic Science supplies Manual training mipplles Interest on outstanding bonds 3,910.00 Principal on bonds .... GOO. 00 ..Total $40,999.55 Dated this 15th day of Octobor, 1915. A. T. HAINKS, Chairman Hoard of Directors. 'Attest: JOHN F. HALL, Clork. 1,500.00 1,000.00 . 100.00 2,500.00 500.00 1,500.00 500.00 300.00 500.00 150.00 150.00 TORPEDO RHODES PAPERS fall. Ho says suit must bo brought to decldo tho right-of-way quostlon i right now Tor oven should ho build I a rond along the fence, nn ho hos' boon asked to do, ho has no know-j ledgo that ho will bo allowed to uso r. y t AMONG THE SICK , $$ W. II. Storoy whllo doing plumb-1 Ing work In tho now Hub headquar ters on Central Aveniio yostorday lilt1 his head ngalnst a beam,' cutting a gash that had to bo sewed together. Ho Immediately wont back to his. work again. , Mrs. Jack McDonald who was oper ated on a short time ago at tho Morcy , Hospital Is reported much hotter to day. Mrs. William Wilson, of North Rend, will bo ablo to return to hor homo from tho Morcy Hospital after an oporatlon of n f0w days ngo. "Tea Try Our Garden Specs We have just put In a complete line of Is I preserves and jellies just the thing forfdmij The various kinds come in convenient sized 5 surmg absolute cleanliness, include some olftfl your next order for a sample: FIGS and SPICED FIGS PRESERVED APRICOTS STRAWBERRY PRE- SERVES STRAINED HONEY RASPBERRY PRESERVES APRICOT WITH PINE- APPLE LOGANBERRY PRE- ' SERVES WILD BLACKBERBj PRESERVES APPLE BUTTER JELLIES-CimtJ apple, (Ml Loganberry, i Raspberry,M Strawberry iM Cafe. We have some fine Idaho White Honey in ftw Ollivant & Masburg The Good Housekeeping Store Home of Pure Fogd I III! Second street, Cor. Coniinculiil 1.-OK TKAN8KKH AND BTOK AOK OK HOUHHIIOM) ClOOIKS Fitiuairr and iajah Cull FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono lOil JlcHidcnco '"bono 13-J Mnrkot Ave. nnd Wntorfront I X I t I WESTERN m BUILDM Assets P AxrxnTia ( liny jour hliocs at u hIioo store. 1'Only nil Leather Klmes nt (JoiiIoii'h hhoo Htoro. Ono Set Lost With Arabic, Another With Hesperian, it is Hellovod 1 1 y Oregon University . UNIVBHSITY OV ORIJGON, Ku- gono, Oct. 11. On tho bottom of tho Irish sea nro perhaps two sots of, uiioucs scuoinrsuip examination pu- pors intended for tlio Univorslty Oregon. In a letter from W. C. ur nott, assistant secrotary of tho locul oxttintnatlon office at Oxford, Kng land, it is stnted thatv "Tho first documents wero dispatched at tho proper time, but according to Infor Men's Suits :$! 9 n;n&. ti q en at prices that will ot yxiM.uvm, yj.j,jvr; SMp you M0 We Carry t Pays 8 per 1 c KAUFIM ! Local im I All Kinds of FRESH MEATS it ?' t uauc THE nn'" .mm NUn c. riutne Phone 31JJ drT l PAMPBELL'S! ""'"..'hlWll poi' f I' Hot- Wo luivo Jud rocelved n flno lino of Into Full and Winter Suits which mntlon obtnlned from tho postofflco MO mo u,,, ''l t the.so low tney went down in tho Amble. Du- prices Into styles mid colors plicatcs, which woro posted In Ox-i0r look timm .,!.. ford Soptenibor 1. npnear to havo! been lost in tho Hosporlan. ',0 ''est quality .Mucklnnws at ' tno nurd set However sent f rom I isn.no, .ji7.no and 8.50. Oxford hns reached the Univorslty , i,,...., m , , safoly, and tho examination was hold' no,s :,,m,k'"" at $s and $0. Octobor B. and G with only one can-i Jlon's Halnproof Hats S: oo dldate. Ills answers to tho examln- Seo us hefom iiri..ii.. .!...'.. .1. ntlnn uni.ora .o onnf I ...!.. " '" "- O OKIellllg J Mil' llroSN "w, ''VU (IVt'D HVV M KUIlUUll, unit 11 MM There thoy will bo graded and sent I " " K"",,teo stylo, fit nnd - SAVE YOU MONEY Drop in and order your Sunday Roast ' Tender, juicy and at a pries that will please you ntlMfiAN HPt""; mby TO J1 da- A T ,,11 JarflLH ' X. BUt...- on TfgW l (kWf fbos1 Enterprise Market , WOODI ,nMnZ ' back to tho local commltteo of selec-hatlsf,u,tl')n in our niade-to-iuoasiiro WEAVING All kinrfS a SDCC A1(,er wood. 1M , .& VV"i 'it I i.iM,.M Idents of tho universities that havo candidates, ADKI.INK SMITH IN 1 a From Oakland tho steamslilp Ado lino Smith arrived in at 12:43 this1 afternoon and went at onco to tho, Smith Mill to load again for the south. W.H.DINDINGER&CO Bunker Hill Pepartment Store ialtv. Mrs. W. W. NaSOn. 680, inches ' ,..j. ...... ... - nnn n r" .m 1 12th Courth, So. Phone -u-n Frt1 W.H1 (piey nud Tom llehnQU, frtr tlio logl6, Itiuuupigiv Salo'ojnjn pvenugi- i M. . ,1'hono 2 MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Placo for Good Meals Prions Reasonable Cor. Commercial and B'dw'y. phone :J- t. J. - L MarshfieW. 1 . " . ul ."- 1 ,Tlmes wnnt ada bring reiulte- noB J18.H. rtr Xtrmjfff;.ml: ,