THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FIVE P i m overcoat is so im portant an aid to good looks, you'd lu'tlor buy it horc. You'll get, the Hart HclmlTncr& Marx stylo; and you'll pay jnsl iMiotigli to gel real M" " rt econoiuy. ?-'",; mid hoiiio nl lusw: ninl hoiiio t more !op n lit Ilott Sclulfuit li Mu C77C75 ft' I ISIIII 'hW nn t jyiy STORE i milics pun bused hero kept pressed free of charge, homo of Hurt Scraf fner & .Mnrx Hood Clothes titsiii iim i) noktii f IRVING BLOCK ill mpurmnvrs Foit .satikiiav. iu'veks' kest ais going vast, i.( liking new fall si' its, hi m ii:i:ssi:s. mmMvajsamaKsssmnams: ammaamssssti BEST Meat Market THE BEST Booth's Fresh BEST Meats Oysters BEST Bologna, THE BEST Delivery Ser- Wciners and Pork vice. Sausage THE BEST Care taken BEST Variety. in putting up BEST Service. orders. lime nine rlndio pliUctl I ripe, plcUcd pig, fool, pickled pigs curs mill plrMcil pigs' snouts. e 406 J 180 No. Broadway iron calling and phone orders given special attention M fl Me Theate TO-NIGHT TIE PICKFORD, appearing In her greatest triumph, E DIAMOND FROM THE SKY." Imiuii'i'tl romantic novel niodiiicd liy the American Mini i o. 1fu. aio u,ld ulioiil t. .Now chapter shown every Fililny night E FORD DETROIT WEEKLY." mH sieinl Important happenings- of America. 1AM0UNT TRAVEL SERIES" h iutiillineiit (alio- us into South America. plii" two.rccl pletitro ulll lo Included In tonight's program p'J, i uclh of n'l new pictures. fcr Floor, 15 ots.; Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5cts. fnuiiv injUit: "The Koniunco of r'nlnc." Siinilay anil Mou- Wits- "dietiui (iicen." with Muruiiei Ito ('link. "n leiullim the "Get-Klcli-Cmlcli; Kufiis Wnlllngfoid" stories Ho Sunday Otoainilnn? If not, y u should, ns they will appear K'tlll III Ill's tllt!ltii iniii" slum. .SsQCfti! 1 Vs0slV IfiREVrriES octodkk tides at Sells- lotN. Ii. 12. McKlnley hits' ! nurrlinseil fu-n IntR In llliml 17. iinv ? .. I 4 runouuHL IVICIVIIUIU i $$ P. E. LARSON', of Allegany, trnns acted business in the city today. Park nnd will erect cozy liotnca there noitii. Daniel Smnel has purchased i two lot In block' 8, liny Park, mid nmy Improve them soon, lloth deals were made by I. S. Kaufman & Co. Time and heights of tides Marsh field. Tlio tides arn placed In order of ocrnrrnnrn. will, flmlr lima. on the first lino nnd heights on tlio ' ty service Hue outside of their sys- C. M. ANDEKSONW was down this (let I.lno. Oorst & King have- morning on business from Allegu practlctilly cornered the Jitney biisl-l1 y, ness on the Hay, having yesterday tr.kon over tlio Knox Hue to Kast port. This leaves Hlclmrdson's llun ker Hill line practically the only el OTTO MU15TJCKI,, or Lakeside, wnn , amoiis tlio visitors hero estei-day. second lino of each day. A compar ison of consecutive heights will In dlcito whether It is high or low water. High tldo on tlio bar one hour and I1 minutes earlier than nt Mnrshfield. 8.00 3.S y.13 1.0 J0.K1 l.'i tern. 15 Hrs. ,Kt. Iii lira Vt. l'l lilH U't. 1.2S 0.0 L'.IIS 0. 11.17 o.;; 1.30 7. OS :m i.s :i.r. l s.3i 2.1! J.G 4.21 S1.53 l.S 4.D o I tH WJlATIIKIt l"OKi:CAST .loins lliiMbanil. Mrs. C. It. McLaughlin and four of the children, Howard, Mnybello, .lune and Gerald loft yesterday to join her husband who Is now In California. Ho sent them money to come and promised to provldo n homo for them. Ho had not seen her for years. Ho Is rap- irly recovering from his recent In juries. ' f ,KL I1KXGSTO.V came home on the I, Adeline this noon from n visit at the Kalr. KOHHKUG of Sunset Hay Is the guest of his brother-in-law, Vineo l'ratt today. ' KltAXK 1'AItSOXS has returned ' from a business trip of BCVeral days to Portland. tllr Awoi U1i,1 PrcM to Coot Buy Time 1 OKKGOX Kalr, easterly winds. LOCAL TUMl'lJItATmiK KECOIH) For tho 24 houni ending at 1.43 n. in., October 10, by HcnJ. Ostllnd, speclnl epv ernment meteorologist: Maximum 01! .Minimum 38 At 1: 13 a. in 40 Precipitation 00 Precipitation sluco Sopt. 1, 1015 1.73 Precipitation s&mo porlod last year 12. 1G Wind: Xorthwest, clear. i Will (Jive MiiMpicrado. Tlio first annual iniiHaueradc ball of the Coos Pay Concert Hand will be given ut a inu miKii'a iiun on inu evening oi A Xo ember (5. ". .....! ...-I ..........I I I ovoiil which it la expected to niako ai "'"" l"' u" j'- ui il-k'" big affair. Thoro will bo n twelve business. pleco orchestra to furnish music ana many nrlzes will bo offered f,r thn M". AXD MltS. X. K. DAGGKTT DHPUTY S UK It IFF LA1KD was a ' guest nt the Hotel St. Paul in Port land on his way to Spokane. j Tho band has already ' MSTIUCT ATTOltXBY L1LJKQV1ST i started makliiif nrninc(ni..ntR fnr tlm. wa cancel to uoquuio on tno, WE just received a new shipment of the latest thing in NET WAISTS and Silk Crepe de Chine. They are made of all-over net in cotton and silk. Think of it, ladies, buying a neit waist, worth $4,50 any where at our price $2.98 Silk Net, worth at the very least one-third more, Our price $4.98 Crepe de Chine, cut in the latest styles and with long sleeves, $3,50 value, Our price $1.98 Ladies' wool skirts, worth double the pi ice, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 Ladies' Suits in blue serge, all wool, cut in the latest oat- terns, worth double the price, Our price $9.90 Wool Poplin, light blue, navy blue, tailored by the best of tailors, Our price $12.50 Ladies' Rain Coats, worth at the least one-third more, Our prices $1.98, $2.98, $4.98 Ladies' Silk Rain Coats, $12 value, Our price .-$6.90 yA L'fi'i& i&i Tho Origlniitora of Low Prices '4-&.fo '&TZ7ZCM Inttrporated S Wo lend Others Follow fefia4ldlaj gsmmsWMs0 I till Lower Prices best of different kinds of costumes, offered. L and family come down from Alle gany today, expecting to leave to-i nionow for tho Fair. KaUcs (ilant iinriowor. John K, 'j. k. MOXTGO.MKUV went up to Gar- I'lt9trirn1f1 tf Vnuttwift Imd ti, ...., ' an enormous sunflower In the win dow of tho Chnmbor of Commerce ' Tho stalk is approximately 12 feet In length and has on It 25 blooms, t. Another sunflower Is close to 1 2 1 Inches across. Tho seeds nro val-1 uablo chicken food. Mr. Fitzgcr-I j.nld hns a highly improved small diner this morning to look after telophouo business, expecting to bo gono a couplo of days. Former Tonii.smen Meet. Karl WatMus. formerly nt l!:iinlnn now registered pharamlclsts at Port- "lnco whcro ho farl,,s ou n" ,ntc land, visited Messrs. Mast and Jack- 8,vo BCa,c Hllowl,,B w,1"t con bo , A. KXDICOTT and wlfo of Los Angeles, who havo been visiting at the .1. S. Lyons home, left yes terday for llaudou and Co'iuIUo points. fcon of Dilution whllo thoy wero tho Hotel St. Paul In Portland. at douo on small Coos County tracts. AVIII Join Party. Edgar McDnn lei, editor of the Coos Day Harbor at Xoith Demi, who wont to Portland to attend the grand lodgo meeting of , that at tho timo hIio was sitting In tue w. of P., has wired that ho will , the homo of her slBtor. Tho house Join tho delegates from Coos county , ook violently and flvo .minutes Felt Kartlittmke. Mrs. A. L. Ilouseworth has written from Oak land Hint sho felt tho carthuuako shock there a week ago, Sho said MPS. AXD MPS. AHTHUIt K. PECK arrived yesterday In Seattle where they nro to visit a brother of Mr. Peck, and they are expected to ar- rlvo here early next wcok. who nro to inspect tho road work in Multnoniuh cor-' Visits Tliiouuli County Earl Powell, secictnry of tho Coos Coun I ly Duslnoss .Mens' Association, is I away making his monthly trips through tho county. Last evening ho j mot the merchants In Cotiulllo nnd tomorrow evening will meet tho business men in Dnndou. Hail I leer Head .Mounted Captnln (John Monsen, of the Mossongor, yes terday took homo with him a largo, woll-niounted door's head. This i was of an animal killed sumo time ago and ho intends to put It In the i new homo ho Is building. Every ear Cnptnin Monsen goes on a hunt ing trip, gonornlly with a largo party aud always comes back with venison. later thoro was n second shock, but sho remained where sho was through them both. Mrs. Housoworth is not .fooling very well nnd sho writes sho will probably return homo In a few days MPS. GLEASOX who was called hero by tho death of her mother, Mrs. O. lllbargor, left yesterday for her homo at Sunnyslde, Wash. Mrs. ; Carl Hibargcr accompanied her north. ff .- -. , - COFFEEJI WKetl&ij)ever 7 Commencing OCTOBER 18 ami for OXI! WKKIC ONLY wo mo going to sell (IOLDEX WEST COM FEE for: Per pound 35c Three-pound can $1.00 Five-pound can $1.50 The regular price of this high grade coffee Is: Per pound $ .40 Three-pound can $1.10 Five-pound can $1.75 This coffee Is mi Oregon product roasted right, packed right, blend ed right nnd 80I1I right. Therefore Just light. Try It anil t,eo for yourself, whllo you run buy It nnd niivo front f cents to i!3 rents iter can. Cliaiiiherlulii Will Hoosf. Sena tor Chiimborlnln, In a letter to the Chamber of Commcrco this mom- HAItltY XASDUUG and wlfo and fl children nnd his mother will lenvo' 5 tomorrow for Southern California whore tlio women folks nnd child ren expect to spend the most of the winter, Mr. Xosburg return ing in a few weeks. WE SAVE YOU MONEY Gettings Cash Grocery NO. DltOADWAV, NKAlt CENTHAL KII.IIL'IIX l.S HUE Tho steamship Kllburn Is duo l)pro in tho morning from Portland, salt ing in the afternoon for Eureka and San Francisco. Tho Sautu Clara will . it,. . '" " -- - lug, wild that ho has received data "" vu.Mvi.-r.. 11 ami jiih iiiiio Uo n from tho suutli early next weak, uuugiuor, iMiirgaroi, ami 111s sister- relating to tho need of $5000 more jut the now Coast Guard Station for added Improvements nnd that ho will do everything In his power to havo tho sum appropriated and be 1 loves that It can bo dono This would provldo for n retaining w.ill to protoct tho building slto and tho bout liouso as well as. to mnko n fill for thn dwelling slto and lay ; concrete walks about tho station. IllMi'lhiito ItonKlets. Tho South ern Pii'dflc has Issued eonie clove. little booklets, illustrated, showing In-law,Miss Wall, loft overland - day for Southern California where mni mniv thoy may spend some tlnio In hop- J. UFW TODAY cb of benefitting Margaret's health. aaaa6aa646S IIEWAIID For return of whllo Spit, dog, lost since Wednesday. Tom Maddon, phono 227-L. Thoy will also consult specialists! about her. ! cur. Lenvo for Portland. Kor a short ' lament nnd G. J. Armstrong, loft outlviCTOIl P. MOHIUS Is oxpoctod In FOR RENT X this evening from Eugoiia whore ? 110 was cniicu ny tlio illness or ins father who Is now hotter. He courso In tho construction of good scenes nt tho Panama-Pacific Exposl-! roads, tho County Court members, 'Ion and these havo boon woll eircu- 'Judge James Watson, v, T. Do luted about tho city. Tho S building Is described. Tho main on-1 this morning for Portland, where' trance from the foyor of this build- j thoy will spond several days look ing Is through a gigantic California ing over , tho Columbia Highway und 1 Sequoia tree. .tho roads of Multnoniuh County. I . j Deshles tho Commissioners, In tho 1 Send Itecoiiiiuenihttliiii. Dy n let-, Coos delegation wore G. T. Tread-' tor from E.'H. Dodd, Lloiitonant- iold, of natulan; A. G. Hnab, of Colonol In chiirgo of tho Pacific North Demi; Charles St. Donnls, of Itadlo Dopartment of the United ll.akesldo, nnd W. A. Held, of this Stutes Navy, it Is known that nlclty. Charles Hall, going north on strong rerommoudutlon has beon for-1 business at this timo, will also bo warded to Washington, I). C nsk-' a montbor of tho party. lug thnt the station ho allowed to lo- W. MAST nnd D. H. Jackson, of Dilution have arrived In Portland. ' i)tl u j, Tiiuy nro iioiegiucs ironi ineir city to tho K. of P. grand lodgo, They made u fast and easy trip In Mr. Mast's Ford roadster nnd 1110 guests of J. D. Mills at the Hotol St. Paul. 1 I 11)15 Ford touring Dnrgalu, Goodrum'u- Garage. FOIt KENT .Sleeping mom .In fine modern home. Phono 17.1-.I. woll Improved, closo to City Co qtillle, Ore. Address Dox 4G-I, Co tiulllo, Orogou. I-'Olt HALE Two excellent ilnlry farms. Well Improved, closo to creamery. Small cosh payment down, balnnco on timo to suit pur chaser. 7 porcont Int. qii doforrod pnyiuonts. J. O. 8t.omm.lcr, Myr tlu Point, Oregon Pioneer Hardware Co. will remain hero to preach at the' Christian Church Sunday morning I and evening, boforo returning to' Myrtle Point whore ho tenches. I CASH PIIICES ON A PEW OP THE STAPLE AHTICLES Other Goods Priced In Proportion (Comparo theso prices with our competitors' or mall ordor houso prices.) Wlro Nnlls, Daso, per keg; Cut nails, Vit.00 per kog. Mn Dotull, per pound fu Sash Weights. cute here. Mr. Ootid said that he has little doubt but what satisfac tory urrangonionts can bo made. KinliiiiKci ! PauMiieut. M Mul len was arrested last night foV car rying n large- lend than Is pro scribed undor n city ordlnanco. lie was found also to havo been oxeeod ilng tho speed limit. Mullen, to gether with his load, was taken to WALTEU DAI 111), formorly of this city, who has lately been In Call-1 fomla, lias returned. Ho madoiKOli tho trip from Cresrent City! apartment In the O'Conuell bldg. through Curry county. Ho ox- Will Itetiirn Home. O, lllbargor,! who was on n prospecting trip In' Idaho when his wlfo died In this city, ' is oxpected hero tonight. Thero was difficulty lu reaching Mr. Hibargcr by wlro nnd when ho sent back word that ho hod gotten the messa?o toll ing of his wlfo's death and that no would como home, tho telegram cume an hour after tho funeral of 1 Mrs. Iliuurger. Had tho message ar FOK KENT New and modern I'-'-room house, with bnsemont iiml nil modem conveniences, Includ ing two bath rooms, two toilets, luuudry tubs in bnsemont. Wost Duuker ,11111, lleut reasonable. Apply llohort Marsdou, Hi-,, tele-, or pound phono .UJ.. j IJaru wlro. Honvy galvanized, 93.10 por 100 lbs; 80 rod spool itr.vr iiiiuihiieii .nxuu iu,v., V..1111. on r,,i llBht Galvanized Pipe, prlco por 100 .4( lie .$2.20 nop inn pectH to bo here for n time at least I " ' but probably will go back to Cal- lQSJ t ' $8.25 fr',mo '1,l)0 l)c,r bbl Breakfast Specials LOST Largo Mink fur on Kuiiset xifi jl Dliinuit flit nrtl i r tww (' Times offlco. Kewnrd. 1 !! - mmmi 1 m imp, t J I FOR SALE Comont, 43.00 Ex. Superior Manila llopo, tho Hotel City to spond tho night, 'rived an hour sooner tho hurlnl JLKS WITH BUSINESS MEN I"" ns fir iiiIvcKMiik? ioet nihertlsIiiK Inrreaso or detieaso nM 1 f goods to the consumer? lOflecthe uiheriising may th (iiusiiinei's1 cost and fiequontly tloes. " nut inutli-niUertlsed .9:1.00 llre. Wo are nil niiuiiiur wiiii kilt Kk . t l..v . I..., ...,1 .etlwliiir llllk. llllllln tllll --.. -- , , inu Hllllllllill IIII'VI, .IV-."1 ,...-. ,. "..f. ..--. - -" Luouii the country mor. The eiionnoiis out-put, tho large Per of sl,c, sold, enables him to bell each pair on 11 ,ery "laihi. dertWng-liiiilt up, nnd keeps up tlio iienmuu. fit n wspaper and iimpuiue itdveitMng, the cost of intro 2 til" si, 11. ...l.i I,..,,.' iu, i,.,.i. ! i.i.i'iiirlliiii to the lllllll- t v ...,..,1, ,,,,,.' irv. II ,(l. , . , " "- f Midps .s,i,i. 1he1tlsl1iK put tho shoe on the market nntl e , i there. the r,.iuoiis cracker, or Eo.cnlled biscuit. There was n timo the Lirtl'o.. i.Kiminl ..II In., out nt )l lllll'l el )!' llO. WOlull- rUl ami riii,.ji !.-.,., i ,. ...,,,. wirL" Tmlav you DUl'cliaso U ' lsp, wholesi.nio hodn cracker at lehs cost, null It comos in r r.iit swik-il patkanq Tho inanufiU'tiirvro knew wnut mi F" ' uld do ami inad'e tlio price accoidingly. There was an ;""-'ip aim nation. wide deinand. Advertl-iiis: cieaieu nun ""In., this demand. rtcitiM. i I .i., ...i , rrnn.,.'i. ii,rincii inir salvi with- . .. . i ,j mill mi, I'lii-iiiii-ij. . ..- ' '--- PWiidlj liiMiasiiiK jour ovprnse. Hethiro llio piko on imy Jen r.m, iheitJso nnd iiinKc your Inrreiiseii nusiness (-nj eU Dnrllns In bwlcm (.tiplttU oouraai. por bbl. n-8 Inch and larger Por pound I Strictly pure boiled lliiBeod ,oli;"uc ' por gallon. Turpentine I por gallon MnnnnH Wftilli I Allil These frosty mornings are uMmHHmMH:iwHb, hoc. .....'.... '----- i . ... -. i" . Ploiicor Puro Mixed l'aint, gai., 15c 65c $855 L'f.lllin- h'lcV in hlu no iinn I intn could liiivn lieen iinstiioned. Word hnriinnmn tn uhnt nn untie on. .,, o . f .... ., again. This morning he left ?r, was sent, .Mr, lllbargor that it was almost new 00 Wing player plu- ' !- Kanon, hoc. rn of a $23 chock to pay Xor his mis- useloss for him to como but ho de- petite for Hot CakeS antl " "" mandolin attuihment. Prlto Quarts JUb ! demeanor and a night's lodging. elded to make the trip hack anyway I f:"r'',f"'1"(r,.'Tl'llo olUoi "l VaMM9 F,00r una Porch Pa,nt' ,.-, t-,m. r ail,l will ho hero tonight. Albcrs Pancake Flour 1Mb' '""' ""X " ' c"'1"'"' urcK0"- 1-2 gallon. OOc Pfl , 1.-, -. ' ,.. All.n'u lllli'lwlmnl I.-'Innr ..t,. ! OliartS I Jills jm, .., iJBMailw 1 ' I ' - --.-. .... . r , Vou need a tonic. EVEIIV DAV TONIO A Ionic or OMcptlonal merit ichtilhls the inn down .system, liiciva'.es tho appetite anil pioduces hound icl'ieshlug sleep. THE BUSY CORNER The Rexall Store Phono 208 Wo Deliver Alber's Duckwheat Flour . . , , .Ufc SIIIk, notion Am Clever. In tlio. Ms -gal. Tea Garden Hyrup ntlo ' offices of E. L. McCluro aro two clev- 1-Bal. Karo Syrup Oe itr silhouettes of Mr. and Mrs. IThln Dreakfast Dacon per lb... side vfMcClure, mounted on panels ondj. Medium Dacon, per lb u.le 'done by Daron Spotsford, at tho Ex-j Largo packago Oat 1'lakos Oo 'position while they wero there re-, Largo packago Wheat Flakes. . ,;i(io 'cently. The Daron has achieved a 'Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs tJ.1e Ooldon West Coffee, per lb special it"5') I 0 iinttntiul ffltim fur l.tR milnU nnil ninl. 1 er work with tlio scissors. Patrons 'stand In front of him and In two , Extra Cnracol Coffee, lb lb iOo minutes timo the artist has carved Houoy, in comb, por tholr silhouette out of black paper. This Is then pasted on tho panels, 'The sllhoitottes are exceedingly true to llfo and appoar, oven on close ex j amluation, to have been dono In In- ' dla Ink. Mr, McCluro said that tho ilHaron constantly all day longIs kept Central I "busy at the Talr ' 1'Olt KALE' I linear old mare, wBljht about 'Jf'0; 1 delivery wag on with tdp; 1 set single har ness, price $60 cash ami must he takon at once. Address J, L. John son, Eaststdo. FOK LHASi: Llojd Hotel, fiuiilsti. ed, Marshfleld, Oregon. Also store room. Apply owner, J. II. Diidges, Gates Hotel, San Fran Coos Bay Farmers Exchange - FOK SALE At bargiiln Piirultuio , of 5-i aom house, with house for rent. Address T, ' Tlinos offlco. Avenue ami Phone 370 Waterfront quarts Tho very highest quality Tho very highest grado Roofing Paper, 1-2 ply, $1. 00 so.. 1 ply, $1.10. 01 Kf 8 Ply ijhii'UU Valvollno Gas Englno Cyl Oil, Tho very highest grade. KCn Por gallon 00 C Give us your business nnd Justify us In making these prlcos. Theso prlcos will change with the market. . Pioneer ,0 Hardware Co. lwajinjft; Jje.-BUIB lOCTCTMWP'gq'Bgy I Timed Want adi bring resulta. Oil SALIC CHEAP C.ood range ami othor furniture. J, O. Meyers, ! west Hunker Hill Phono 31CK . .. - - .Marshfleld Phono 101. North Dond. Phono 401. ll'OIt MLE On casj terms, H acres J