ESSSESBSUd -533-SX53 Mil31lj!fiMi 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1915 EVENING EDITION. ' FOUR ' COOS BAY TIMES? M. C. A1ALOXKV, Editor ami 1Mb. DAN E. MALONEY, News Klilr ( Official Paper of Coon County Official Paper City of Mnralifleltl. With The Tea And The Toast (J carnival in North Ilcml. llo was caught in tho surge of tlio crowd on Sherman Aonue. where the eonfot !l was thickest. "This la the Jninmcd ost ciowtl 1 over saw," ho remnrkod. Addreis nil communication! to C009 UAV DAILY TIMES. Entorod nt tho Postofflco nt Mnrsb GOOD EVENING It will generally bo found that those who sneer habitu ally at human nature, nnd af- $ BOOSTER OVERFLOW EXTRA! EXTRA!! . . Special Poetry Edition , ffstlfl fnfiirntt tnm tonnflinlatilfin J ta-uCh tho malls as second-class! feet to despise It, a.o among '9 us worsts nini icnsi pleasant -Dickons. mall matter. !' samples. - An lndopondcnt Republican news paper, published ovory evotilng ex cept Sunday, nnd weekly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. SURSCRIPTION DATES DAILY'. Ono yonr fC.OO Per month CO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 ,JAY DOYLE says he'd like to know ", why It Is you can't find tuiMhlngl i you want until you don't want It? ARTHUR REIIFIELD says when" It rnniita ii rntrnntllltr fill nitflRtflll ' l'mlnt n linfontnaa nlinatnilt rnn run villiagh autohmith v- EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Kooniz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street AL GLAD THINGS OK LIGHT 1 Leave tho shadows of Lonesomo Town 'For tho Springtime sunlight stream lug down When paid strictly in ndvanco the ' where hills mui rills and vnlluv flubsciiptlon pi Ice of tho Coos Day' fftir Timea is JI5.00 por year or $2.50 for i . . . . , , . ,. six months. iAro whispering glad things every where Address all communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIMER. And tho breath of blossoms makes sweet tho air! I'Out of the shadows that lend to J nlght) X EUROPEAN WAR ONE t To tlrca1"8 nml Blcams of the living I t YEAR AGO TODAY t ' ,lgllt" ., i Shadow- Tlio town garage now stnnds A T. HAINES say8 these rains are j0 K,z. w" '118 l" husmoss. j Just what are needed for noM Hath "largo and Blnowy hands; years hay crop. A. T. Is some ex-'And the muscles of his brawny nrmr I pert on agricultural topics. , Arc strong enough my lands! FRANK COHAN had a birthday the i,a lmr ,8 crlHp ni, ,lnrk ami B)l()rli other day. He wouldn't toll uh His face is caked with oil; how old ho was hut ho acted much ' His brow Is wet with grease and yot younger ' ' ,I() not 11,lnl ll0'n fllU)"; GEORGE SBNK who sells overalls110 ,00K? ''1"w ,Vllt,l10n,nco A ... ..,.,. chargcth for his toll, and Kovernlls for Levi Strauss ar rived this weok with n new lot of 'A coughing nutomo machine, stories nml trot nn order for It llnipctb to tho door. stories from Charles Van .Miyi) There's something wrong about the j or the Chandler. Kiso WMy (lint Bnort ,, BIloro A. II. DERHYSHIHE, of North Rend, That Issucth from In between was in our mlilst yesterday, no Its binder, wheels or foro? C & H LIVERY HAS DEEX REMOVED l-'ROM ALDER STREET TO ITS New Location 563 South Broadway WHERE THE PUI1LIO WILL IID IT DETTEIt EOUIPPER THAN EVER TO SUPPLY NEEDS IX ITS LIXE $1 1 Leave tho shadows to OCT. 10, 101 J Tho Allies force tho Germans, who were advancing on Calais and oth er French coast ports, to evacuate tho left bank of tho Lys river. Rcenforcetncnts reach both tlio , Germans and tho allies nnd it is ex pected thnt a blow will bo struck which may ho decisive for one sldo or tho other. Tho Germans claim tho Russian forces liavo been defeated near SchirwInaJ, in East Prussia, with tho loss of 1,500 prisoners, I The Italian ambassador nt Wash ington announces that Italy will not take up arms unless forced by some act threatening her sdfoty. lnud; Stand where tho Sons of the Morning stand! Life's for tho heights where stars shine clear Not for tho shadows lono nnd drear. In the wondrous Joy nnd glory giv en Earth rolls close to tlio gates of heaven; Tho Future's promlso is brave nnd bright With dreams and gleams of tho liv ing light. Frank L. Stanton And John, the kindly nutosmitli, lie tnkcth the thing apart, And tenderly bo monkeys with That autoinobllo's heart. Until Oh! Man of skillsomo pith! Ho makes its pulses start. THE VALUE OF COURTESY 'C OURTESY as an Asset," is tho tltlo of nn article from the pen of Dr. Charles F. Timing, president of tho Western Rcsorvo Unlvorslty, and every em ployer and overy omployo will bo profited by a reading of tho torso sentences, and bettor still, by im pressing tho sentiment on tho mem ory. This papor has on moro than ono occasion pointed out Hint cour tesy is tho cheapest possible attri bute in an indivldunl; nt tho samo time it Is a most vnluablo asset. There are times when a Coos Bay man starts things ho can't finish. Rut tho tlmd ho starts to make n fool of himself isn't ono of them. Mnybo it Is a good thing so many Coos Hay men nro poor writers. Good handwriting would only mnko poor spelling look worse. TODAY'S ADVICE ' says Sengstacken's views on the European war are all wrdng and .1. T. Hnrrlgnn agrees with hint Derbyshire, not Scngstnckcn. IRVING CHANDLER toddled in to Tho Rooster office tho first of the week and tried to sell us some Tho children coming homo from accident Insurance, which he said T school bo thought wo needed, running T,IirHkao,0tl,a"limlth tho kind of paper wo do, fearless Recline upon tho floor of nothing. Ucncnth tho car nnd grunt "Ry MATT L. MAY left Tuesday for ,, , JlnkBi" tho Coqiillle Valley going by mil Tl,,s carburetor's sore. and leaving his Ford nt home. Thnnks, thnnks, to thee my worthy Mntt says Henry Ford's enrs will! friend, " be moro popular In this section v rPr4l,t!l0Tl0"B ?" V,1?" i" tauRlit! , , , , ,. . . Next time I drive this old beehive when he perfects that now oubmnr- ,.,, try not ((J ,)Q cnil,t ino attachment. While in tho town with tires run DAD WELCH cnnio near winning a, . down dollar from Fred Barnard on the, A" tno ax, tccI nnwroiiRht. World's Series this weok. Fred A. L. IIOUSEWORTH offered to bet and after the final scoro camo in Dad offered to takel tho hot but Fred changed his mind. I REMEMRER! I RE.MEMDER! mmmt- , BHPfir' JaMSmm M ww.lfl rrr FHINK IT OVER Did you ever stop In think Imw Much iiioitey you speuil ncrj jcir lor useless tliiugN'.' Muk ji nicni. oiiiikIiiiii of wlmt y sponil (liir. "i u hinglo iiioiith nml seo him luiii'h of t Ills nmiiiinl mmi inllit 1 live mivciI. .Multiply I his niiiii by tuelvo nml then tulil it per cent interest uhleli this liiinlc pays on "livings iicToiinH. Tlio result will pt nimbly NinpiNo you. If it does, Mart on tho right liiiclc mnv hy opening mi lucouiil at (his bank. First National Bank OF COOS BAY SAFETY DEPOSIT DO.VKS FOR RIOXT Dad says somo of these sports Is r roniembor r remombor pretty titewnds. , TIlo ,,.. wlinpn T wn. ,mrn. HEN HIGGINS says "In my opinion TIl0 ttIo wndow whof0 t,0 mm "Son, stay on tho level," Tho pesslmcst said; "Don't go to the devil Before you are dead." , When a bachelor marries nil ho needs Is tho consent of tho girl. But whon n widower marries ho has to Generally, If it represents tho policy I lmv0 tho c01180"1 t t" -ntiro neigh- of n firm or of a corporation, It is rofloctod in overy department of the business. Tho collcgo president de fines courtesy ns consldcrateneiis, graclousncss, and ho says: "Tho senso of courtesy Is in creasing In American life. Tho offlcors of public corporations, Mich as rallrondH, tolophouo nnd tele graph companies, become mora and moro tho embodiments of gonulno helpfulness. I asked n high execu tive in n great railroad system, dis tinguished for tho courtesy of ovory member of tho Inuncnso staff, by what method tho rallioad promoted such courtesy. His answer was: "It gets good men nnd then It treats them well." Tho answer of this official represents the two normal methods. Let every corpor ation, every business houso, seek to secure associates who nro by mi turo cour thorn, let ovon If this rulo bo ndopted, cour tcsy docs llo In the mind and heart and conscience of the Individual. Tho tomptatlon or the individual mingling with many people Is to forget to bo courteous. Hut he should seek so to heir himself that, ns ono officer over uhoho counter hundreds of porsons purchase rail road tlekots, said to mo: 'Courtesy becomes a socond nature ' horhood. a very fine glue can bo mndo by Camo peeping In nt morn. And tho farm is scientific From tho back lot to tho gate. Thoy haven't reached Coos Bay yet, but women In tho east nro wear ing "Peaco bracelets." But wo aro mlxln' equal parts o' toasted corn you. , , flakes an' canned milk. I dlsklv- ,,. . n . ... .,! II. In 1.. 1... !.!.. . l ' ". i"" HI. U WUIV, i-iuii lino ounici uy uciu a buuu ci Icr nil' wnshln illshcs for tnv wife nnn ninriili nflnr nlirt linil cnrvn'1 I a breakfas composed o' theso In- The houso nnd barn nro lighted grodents.' j with bright acetyleno GEORGE COOK wns busy this wool: Tho engine in tho laundry sending out notices to his fellow Is run by gnsollno Mooso membors thnt thoy must! Wo hnvo silos, wo liavo aulos, mnko their regular contribution to) Wo hnvo dynnmocs and things; the prosperity fund. Georgo is nl-'v telcphono for gossip ways busy Mel Duncan says he. And a phonograph thnt sings, wouldn't caro if Goorgo would tako ,, , , , n rest onco In awhllo and forgot to , n ho lll0', ,im" hna Ioft us send out tho notices. Wo m,S8 llls llololy fnco; ,A lot of collego graduntcs Musically Sneiikliiir.Thn rnmnrl:. Aro orKiug in Ills pinco. mm 4 EMETT BANK OLDEST RANK T COOS COUNTY EsUibll.'.hul 1HK1). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Time AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. Bennett, President. J. If. 1', Vice-President. It. 1 Williams, ('ashler. Cleo. 1 Winchester, Asit. Cntier. bating when tb.V do o Tho Booster's musical critic last Tnordj, an 0B,neer and f iremnn, wlR bo ns many-battles as ever when' week remind the .porting rt. friend husband rolls homo stowed. SAD. mnmn nnrlflit ,,in,, o,n ,in,.,rfi,i i.euinciun anu mecnnnic- nulsances. u"' U1 Iarm B run riBnii y" uet M' Rooster. Assessor Tlio llttlo Vlndow whore tho sun Thrift hns tried to Jump Into tho Cnmo pooping in nt morn booster ranks by boosting tho ns- Now brightens up a bathroom sessments on Centrnl Avonuo, but ; Thnt mndo my bank book shorn. ' tho Centrnl Avenue boosters nro Our milk maid is pneumatic jtnlklng of forming a Thrift Rooster And she's snnltary, too, Oh, why should tho spirit of mortnl ho proud? In Just a few days ho'll bo wrapped In! a shroud. Then kind words aplenty of him will Club to boost him Into prlvato life. But mow get 10 cents a quart bo said, Look out .lofr, Mutt may get you.' For milk that onco brought two. But that gets him no bones nfter he'n Hope Its Not So Rati. a Wednes- ANSON ROGERS dead. ' iiny local states that Harry McKcown, iV. G. Ilindniarsh nnd Kenneth Hans-' v A young fellow Is nlwnys wishing! cr liavo gone duck bunting, nml that1 A HYMN OF PEACE ' ho was twenty-ono so ho can stay, they "expect to got tho limit." We out later thnii twelve o'clock at night hopo the game warden won't bo so l 'lo t want to bo n ltlng rteous. nnd, after securing I 'i1"0"1 Kct,," "nw'8 0,,t- And,W8llnt as nil that, or at least that Or potontato or anything it inmt fiioni wnii iiiiV wllc" ,ltJ K0, to 10 21 ho usunlly gets i that Court will bo lonleut. I',l0 tlm' I do not waut to fight; 11 mill liilllll won. inn .,.., . ,,, i i. .,. .... in... . ..... r wnnt in fmt mv nloon nt nlrlit v "im. van l nmj Ulll lllivr lllilllt .Fiir.. itinu t .nif-v. l U L'HJ - - " "- rf -.-i' ...0... U o'clock without getting a bawling I council Is gottlng Just like tho U. S. i would not trade my humble cot out. Senato in putting over clover par- For an' castlo they have got, Ilamcntary dodges. It dofcated tho Wll Ko forth girded for tho fray, Tho fellow who hasn't tho prlco of! Issue of tho baud warrant by u mo- To l""'u "l loti outrngo nnd slay a meal In his pocket novor needs a tlon to adjourn. Considering tluit I m go homo and sit at oaso tonic to kIo him nn appetite. f Jt was the first tlmo parllnmontury Aua no',, '"' ,cl'1 "Pn '' knees rules Imvo eer been oxpoiiinonted A,ul lool t ttt y Knrden plot ELKCTIOX NEWS j with by the council, it was quite sue- An" contented with my lot. cchsful. I -'an tako In Bob Marsdon's show "1 boo that a young woman whol Will They llo Consistent'.' We Aml not ho nervous when 1 go , Abstracts FOIt RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE ANB INFORMATION ABOUT; COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSIIFIKLD AND COQUILLE CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EASTHIPE AND SEXGSIIAOKEN'S ADDITION AOENTS FOR CANADIAN' T VCIFIO RAILROAD LANDM HENRY SENGS r.lCKEN, 5IANAGEK MARSHHELD-RQSEBURGAUTO LINE Loavo Mar.slifleltl (Chandler Hotel r,.lM A. M. Dally Lcitvo Rosebitig (l::i() A. M. Daily TICKET OFFICE AT THE SMOKEHOUSE w.ujiiiii;iii) a to J'RED VEROX, Pniprlctor New Dodge and Cadillac Cars. FARE $7.00 I rikn lYtr Mnvnt Iti I.rtnr. ..... .. ' Lnun LnriMl .-t -.. u..i .. I'np fOnt Rniiiik tlflnrl minmv rmirlnuv mnv ,.r.m.. , 1 .,..,.11. " ' iiioo w u i.i.iw i.v.uu buiunil llllllliu .WOHUe -". -...... ..., J .... w .............. ui L,l,,f..,,(n.l fit tlln ..f.llu 'I n.wiid.V.!. lntll.... ....I , I l I .. .... T-. f Will llmil fl lVflflltn tinllltl All Yt It mnv bo aeciulroil. but eon.irailv . .7 V. . ." . "v ' "' '" -u ..., ",.,! u.0 rrwi- '"--"--"-"- ' - w i .lllitf IvOMlfflll lt.A -. ........!.. .!. . I L' I Iin MlimmnTIn nntn lm wlin Ik .,f ml,.,,, i , """' l"1 '"' ""nvHlB HIS eilKageiUO'U - - " ' ... , ;:',.:;,; : we- 'eiuioa joiin goS8, -i BuP. .....,. u..D. ..,, ".... (H.MIHUl. ..-,, ... .nl,., OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE - Goi'fct .u Jviiitr. Cars leave Mnrsbfleld .....' 7, 1 1, Si p.m., fi p.m. Cars leave for Emplro 7 11.111., it a.m., U p.m., 5 p.m. Care I.ciivo Sunset Ray 7 ., 0 nIUf j ,,,,,, 5 pt?n. Fares, Empire, 5e; Tarheel or South Slough, BOe; Sunset liny 75c t 1 T t lin itnincn moti.t only for self Is moro likely to b0not , fnvor o( MUKjovcrmaont." discourteous In hit. relation with I1I9 I follows NOT ALWAYS Tho same author says that ; "courtesy Is kindness to one who has no special claim to kindness. It Though 011 have won diplomas, Is seeking lo servo. It Is a .soit of I)0 not alt down to boast; meuta'l junseleutlousuesB. , It lb Thoso who are most accomplished putting tho heart into duty, a human ' Do not accomplish most, fooling Into obligation. It represents pieasuro In doing a pleco of work: No ono can feel as hurt when ho for anothor. Tho courtesy that shows consid eration for thoso who can glvo ser vice In return Is not tho courtesy that comes trom tho heart. It Is mako bcllove, and It Is generally appraised for what It Is worth. The omployo or tho head of tho concern who does not oxtend It to all Is not only lacking In a tiuallty that makes for moro brightness In life, but ho Is throwing away nn asset quite tho most valuable that a given Institu tion eun possess. ROY ItKi Doyle's, DR. II. E. KKLTY, Dentist, 201 Coke, mils. Phone 112-J. so early. Nevertheless, wo feo safe That stlis mo up nnd gets my goat, in predicting that they will all bo murder Is upon my soul, presont nt Bob Marsdon's theater tho l!,QV world dominion's not my goal, first tlmo plcturos of tho prospective l'm ,inlW as n common lob. .lady of tho land aro shown, and vt Whoso got a homo, also a Job. advanced prices, If necessary. ' would not trado my stato of mind " Has Benefit of Precedent. L. J. wlla nnyono of royal kind. Blmpbon's worthy persistence in ' hlood of Infants stains my hands; 'growing apples on his trees recalls!1 lmvo Invuded no ono's lands. tho nnclent vow of tho old man to ' I would not trndo my old folt hat keep his friend's gravo green "If ho 1,,or n11 tll cnl3 ad helmets that hitil to nnlnt It lrronn.' . Are worn in nnv erazv realm. Is slighted ns tho fellow who would-1 About Time Wo nro glnd tho'T,lat 8eoks to slay and overwhelm. n't have gono anyhow. I Council has obBorvod that tb imni. Gold braid and clanklmr snbres mmh 1 " ---- ..-. log of logs is damaging the pavo- lo ,ue "ro merely usoless Junk, monts on Central Avonuo nnd other DORSEY KREITZER streets. Tho usunl prompt action of tho council In this matter mny savo Wo ,inve '"' Uo of coal, wtiod such streets ns nro to bo paved nou",",' V!!!"b!!"',,,0n ,,enV"K hLTcs' !,,co year. Wo thought somebody would' 2? !!udeSaml.0U " """ notice this thing before long. .4. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. ' Steamship F. A. KILBURN sails for SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) OCTOBER 1(1, AT U P. M. Steamship SANTA CLARA Sallb for PORTLAND OCTOBER 18. AT 2 P. M. FQMiiKnfnolftJ,.n1rn,I.0,,'i00 w- F" STUnR, Agent SJIITII TERJUNAL DOCK Plmnn 1.-KI Dr. A7LHrr ()fn iH-urir ? nj "n ' hours; nn, ' " 1 "-TTj'Ht. - '" wnohi . ,,UlMl"Xa (tttnl ' 'hJ I Dr.vH. M. Shnw "ie, I nr n.r; I "" llirr... . l'SSp twl? 1,1 0i ''"MAtrnT"! ' '''IS - - W,'N, Rnninmln nn- . aaaifflg om.. ;."' I .ouo lOM.r.S'Ul H. G. Butler t'll'ir ... - Room 301 rv.1, '. f" nto niM W. G. Clmnrila, I Mxn, .. ., "iiiin Rooms 301 anj n, .. "-- . UQ Jlnrshfleld. n.. w"i- S. TurpeTl AltllllTI'n 'I MarEhfleH,or,,Jl I r PA IIP irL-vr c'3- Mmll, Xonj rij VIMUItllXIQI . .11 TltKl'TU .. ' ,r Jtia Marsliflcld-Xoni, fl uiij Cars ocry (Cn a!lttl (I II. Ill In in . . " ''-il nhuiRli onco a d.r, 11 iliir GORST & K1.N0, r ------i. Ji.'ir 1 mux wiLii.ju;ni: wcmci L.lll I Leavo Mnrsliflclil jjj, 0. in ;i, 1 7. 1.1 n.m. 11 S: 15 a.m. I 9:45 a.m. ju. 1 0 4 n a.m. m, 11:30 am. IK 12:50 p.m. U i 1:15 p.m. II , 2:15 p.m. II a- in p.m. 11 I 5.00 p.m. II . 5.10 p.m. II C 55 p.m. North c!t;t-)i 7 30 n.m. Ill Marslifield-Cci Auto Stage Lento Owl l'hnrraac; Mar.slifleld A.M. 7:00 U:!!0 P.JI. 1:00 a. no ! liH N ui .innpipr.nxoon"ili ' 'sTAGUTIMESCBO'T Schedule wwI ' ullh boats to I"(MB' Mjrtlo Point, .""'' So detyi l.-arofromMjWleU,)0 75 filaglo & W5J Will furnls- Zil extia trips W "" charter car. WHO IS IT? A Coos Ray barber who's also a fan, Was fussing around after shaving n man, Whon asked what dolayod him, tho harbor replied, "Oh, I must hldo your cut nfter cut-' ting your hldo." J3mi FALLS EIKTV KEET (Special to Tho Times) ROSERURG, Oro. Oct. 15. H. H. could not bo scon today, Kteslro Reimlrs Tho Houso oft Uho Soven Gables on Central nnd Sec ond is boing repaired, ovidontly Jn anticipation of a now occupant. Wo 1 don't know who It is. Al Mendel VELVET, PLUSH AND CORDU- "Rankin, supervisor of forests, who, Llttlo rolls of papor, AT,BURTi??MCoa,,totnn"e, 'V " lms roUnncA froi tlio trail building. Llttlo Bmoars of paint, IvAIj BTLASI HOARD at Jay Vork In I um ommtv tn t- i-. , a. 1 .u . .' ,"" vla'ii. won; 111 iiuo count j, tolls of L. U. Mnko theso uood old lam I Mnko theso uood nld lanilninrka May, ono of tho employes of tho for-t Look- Hi.-n wlmt iim nt.,' Kestry department, falling fifty foot. Somo Crowd. Don Lawyer Joined irom a treo and escaping sorlous In- overyono olso on Central Avonuo last Jur' j Saturday night In a trip to tho bridge I SOUTH COOS RIVER BOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Marshfleld overy dny 8 a, 111. Leaves head of river at 3:15 p. 111. j STEAMER RAINROW leaves Itoml of river dally nt 7 u. in. leaves Marslifiold nt 2 p. I 111. 1-or charter apply oa board. ROGERS H SMITH Proprietors Paget Sostci Bridge & uredgmg Co. DamsAn.ries Bl"l"inas. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped mid most thoroughly modem twenty-iuch hydraulic Ofredgo Is Pacific waters Coos.flBay, .?,f,?en Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. AUTOACKSCEI ' r-oavo MMiM--"' l 11 5"tl '.Monday ' ," n 1 lll.wl.mclQV ' ,,.il Thurbday .. 7 9 4 Friday j: jhi1 Saturday ...-J j,hi Sunday ' pii Monday ' ' jiJD Tuesday ."' jji) WcdiiPBtlay ;?' ,;JH Thursday .- j v Friday ;;"'1J Saturday ;?'' I ! cmwlnv . . t r (IP Monday ..;! itilJ Tuesday :: jJD ... ,..,loV ..'" . Ill Tuesday :: " jJDj WcdnesJay .'J "5l't Thursday ;.. ,ljj Saturday jW1' Sunday - 1 ron trips IeTn rElt.l 8 a. m, y" snou" samo u.i ..nllCf AIPMUn ' .IHIk ... I" VSS&4 L. ,nnaKPrto'' "'i t" msI. per ' .... Or ha" t0D pV 1 jie r Pbone l0" nu, ft j Hub;' W 1 ul ul I'l fi. 'A,flft-il-.K-,A ,.., . i w4 aii tf.ii