THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1915-EVENING EDITION.' THREE The Central Avenue Booster ?i. OKXTIlAIj AVKXU1 I'miiw. (KToniMt i.-. mm No 03 li TTV7 m n Rpl Wilson j ewelrv Store 78 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 151-L Onlv NINE more weeks til! Christmas. Do Your hnstmas Shopping NOW with small deposit and pay a ttlc each week, our Christmas goods have arrived. PRICES REASONABLE gate Jewelry Made to Order Stones Cut and Polished H"V7'1 rpormcrly with A 1 Qon l the Red Crss VV llOUU Jewelry Store. ere's Your Chance to Get our Winter Pra&ie llj vjioi'ial purchases wo aio able, for (ho (lino belli?, (o tflvo yr 'its(iiiK'i's (ho mlvmiljise of (ho following low prices on prunes: imous Santa Clara Prunes, regularly sell for L cents. Our price now only, per pound Died Oregon Italian Prunes, regularly sell for 12 L- ents per lb. Our price now per pound only ' Wo have u complete Hue ol' fresh Fruits anil Vegetables for week-end trade. ROMPT OPULAR REGRESSIVE GROCERY Phono 180. BARGAINS IN DOORMATS fcWo Imvo Jnsl icceivcd a consignment of DOOH.MATS (hat able to sell I'm below piic'es lilttiorto asked: wo tlier IIhm- iwl eel Mats, 17MIH Indies $1.00 .Mats, IDxill) Inches $l.'J.- i-'ii'iiiie Siat.s, nvjzr, $i.rit Flexible Mais, i!(ttl $1.85 MARSHFIELD HARDWARE CO CVntrnl Avenue ami Hrondway. lave Those Clothes Fixed jNow A STITCH IX TI.M13 SAVKS XIXH TAlLOIMXfJ CLKAXlXtt, PHF..S.SIXO JAY DOYLE'S PLACE Will call anywhere any time. ftt (Vuii hI Avciiuo Phono ur.o Get Insurance that Insures' That's the kind I write. You take no chances ' E. L CHANDLER COKE BUILDING "o Insurance, Life anil Accident Insurance, Surely Honds, Kto. easy Lies ine He M :t :: t: :: j: :: :: : :: j: n . Till: CKXTItAL AVKXUK r-ltle united In porpftual ' understanding Thov wild i love and too many wheols rim up nnd down so. Front Street to not nov how (o iitiv Iwito one, but lie said biryrllng Is loo doilRaated low for a Chief of nntored at the l'ostofflco as strictly First-Class matter; thoro la nothing Second-Class nhout Central Avenue. Subscription Price. Your Rood will, nnd membership In the Uoostcr Club I iiiillshi'i l-.ory Friday in (he Inter- The prominent speakers at those t'hlrt of Coos Hay in General nuil obsequies wore unnulnious In their leinrai avcuiio In particular. emphasis of one u'oll established prln- Police, It might do for a day man or iipie. 'litis is Hint what holps a night watch, but he wnnted a rcg Marshtleld helps North Haul and ulnr tloo Goo wheel or none. So ico versa. They said this wag un deniable. As each speaker modest ly admitted that he was taken by surprise when called on, such tinan- OlMt PLATFOHM. miy of thought was obviously not One Street, Ono Flag, Ono Country, arrived at by pro-arrangement. So ami uno WHO ai a lime rvnrvlmilv l.nllnvn.l 11 n,l nv,.vl..l.. went away Inspired by a firm detor- inlnatlon to help the other fellow's town all he could by helping his own. So, when North Hend announced tho UrldBO Carnival, wo .all boosted1 'F..THAL AVKXUK SAY1XGS for It, and told our peoplo all to go over and help North Hend, and there by held North Hend to help Marsh field. And bo It said to the credit of our sister city that no ono there took exception to our logic. Wo did OUU UHLIGIOX. To Ho flood. Ol'K POLITICS. II ore Business. t, DOLLAK HAY TUItI)AY and Monday were "dollar days In Jlarshflcld." They wcro very successful. I The peoplo were satisfied with their . bargains, and tho merchants havo t registered no complaint with tho Hooster about any of the dollars they , rung up. I Somo auspicious souls conceived the Idea that Marahflold's dollar days were designed to dim tho glory of North Huml's Hrhlgo Carnival. The Hooster pollovcs this idea sprung from nowhero In particular, ami Is too absurd to be seriously considered. i Hut lest any misunderstanding should arlso from It, wo accept tho thing." The Hooster Is an exponent ( of tho principal of equal opportuni ties for all. ami special privileges for , nobody olso. It hates to aco any thing "put across'' either way. It believes tho white light of truth puts nil things right. Not very lung ago solemn ceremo-i ny was hold In North Hend. A fn nornl was held ovor a corpse, I that is, tho thing wns pronounced dead by men from both towns fa- n.lllar with species and Its habits So, "With ono auspicious and mopping u.o, IdlUll'R wiiu iiniiii in iiuiuiui ami nun dirge 111 mnrrlago, . In equal scale weighing delight and dole," j tho hammer was burled, and tho two tho Hon. Dads were under tho pain ful necessity of making their Chief this proposal, that they would pur chase him u wheal chair and would donate Fatty Smith to propel it for him. Is Is said Jack went up before tho Hoard of Charities and Gordon contemplates handing In his resigna tion, .all on account of a "Ooo Goo Wheel." i .. j Micross in hignt. Jack Kendall may yet mnko a retriever out his Alr dnle. From frogs to chickens Is a step In advance. What Trouble. Man advertises not "crab" and try to get In on the purt tnkl"B rul,1C0i't 1"1 ,,uUur -headline, because its all the same. t5IIM 8a,no nIia HnVo "'rouble." It was North Head's Idea, and .a good one, and wo wero strictly "for It." Hecauso It helped North Hend? Woll, yea. We're human, but do not dis claim all generous motives. We were glad it helped North Hend, but must, after all; confess that our Joy was greater because It holped Marsh flohl. Our loading orators from ' both cities said so. Wo all went. Olio afternoon al the stores closed, 'ho the firo department could attend. I Jl would havo been an awful day for a firo in Marshflcld. Most anybody I could havo proved an alibi, too. ' All this helpfulness on the part of ' North Hend called for some return. We couldn t do much, wo wcro too Intent on helping North Hend celo- I brnto over thoro an event that nil tailed with delight. Wo didn't wont I to tie ourselves too close at homo. Hut I wo thought it might bo a nice thing Pneumonia, wo presume. (inn Club lEi'siiiiies. Tho (Has-, row dun Club is getting ready for tho winter duck slaughter, and wo nmy now expect rumors of another nunl engagement off Coos Hay. j Dvlilciit'o of Winter. Now that tho rainy Benson Iiob set in, wo miss I theMuscIous llttlo slices of wntermel-! i on which havo been displayed all! summer In tho window of tho Ore-( Igon Power Co. i (Jiiivo Oversight. Jim Hrnnd ox-i lilbtts a box of grapes "grown In Hoseburg." This was a big mis-, take. They should havo been put .in tho window nt tho Chamber of Commerce and labeled "grown by' lllll Sullivan." j Central Aieimo Wins. Will ttood rum, of Contral Avonuo, won tho whirligig auto raco at tho raco track last Sunday. If tho raco had been 0!,oto do to havo our dollar days come ,lt n,,R,l1t' wlth llsl,ts tho car8' ,l I llnlll,l llntttr..Afi. !... ..ll. if J would havo looked llko a fourth-of 'July plnwheel. Central Avonuo nl-' i ways comes In first. , Should Ho direful. J. T. llarrl gnu had n closo call when ho camo but Marshflcld doos not wish to baso ,u .. . K " 0I of uroatnoss . that luu"'' "v 8"0,,," 00 ,noro reiiil. a if ia n i,, ."c a "K nB"t rosuu tho festivities in the sister city. Merely to help her. Ir lr nnsslhln mil ninrlintilo wnr. nilsiiriderstood? Kmerson Fays "tol bo 'great Is to bo misunderstood" j her claims ground alone, enough of that sort of fatally, greatness,'"1"1 Ju8t th,nk of n"'tl,lnB llko tlint I "thrust upon us." Even the Hoost- happonlng to him before ho knows && ftfc'er cannot entirely oicapo it, , " lcoralnB out. 3 l 'though wo employ a proof reader. . (,?",, ",Pa a"0 Crosthwnlto 1 inuruioro oxuoris tue . . , . ... 1m, and not to listen I ,accdm,0r8 t0 ,,"t '" n 1,,,01 Df ,n who tries to stir up' ? 'I" ? . ?" WJ " IT &k3I FATHER s fav- Tho Iloostor thoroforn nxhnrt tl.o ",a u,u K"""l propose.! ny 10- publlc to bo cal in ihn ncltnlnr lrlfn l.nlu.non ..- .,, .. V OlOSlllB hlW. WllllO TIlO HOOSt munltlos. If any sane, well balanr-!r doo"not "8,!nU; ,avo,r1I1I,l!J; "T edclthen of either town can stand up im;ont,0n,0 th ,a'; Bt " ' "' ". n,i ni-i, i. I.. ii, ii- , .i cn o worked out on tho frco lunch t , claim that North Hond's Carnival fJ""' WC 8l,a,, bo tQmvm to 8"p"ort ft s It. enjoys i. & Cut Flowers 'tcr""tlonai conci"at Uk DON'T FOIKiKT III-: IIAKA & ' JACK W.XTS A (JOO !g BIRTHDAYS . ! AM MOTIIIHt ALSO J .& & .M , Marshfield ftinB"" U.B? iV llrkficf Pn J Jnnfter atatod, "to wit I J JL IUJaIOL VW chasing Innocent cats, i sj r:i CKN'TIIAI. A vn. X? ! Mi T i I o li li ono ii ."5 J he ,?S5 W BE A TSTP ADVERTISE IN THE BOOSTER havo boon showing him their heels, ry and dlvors skulldug- ory and by malice aforthough, hero- otc" namely: skating on tho boulevard backwards, and exceeding the speed of niitos, nnd holding up tho logging trains on Front utreot, nd dlvors and sundry othor misde meanors too numerous to montion. ho ssMnld all this important matter before iOt' tlio Hon, Hoard of City IAds for helped Marshflcld, and that our dollar days holped North Hend, wo "DOMait DAY" DOIXfJS will tear up our toxtbooks on logic.' Ini.t Monday, "Dollar Day," Will and mergo tho Hboster with Tho ln.!Chandlor wnndorod Into "Tho Owl,'" Society. !f "Did yoft know, Frank,'' Will re marked, "that In 177C Oeorgo Wash- OO WIIKKli l"Hlou iru n uoiiar across mo jjoi- rnwaro rivor." ACK having concluded that It' "0h' K ,ong' wlUl t,mt oia 8luff'" absolutely necessary for him to JPrn,,k replied, "a dollar wouldn't havo a wheel so ho could run In B ,mlf "8 far t,lon "8 u win t0lIny somo of tho goldamod boys, who nl ",0 uw,i Aim in nau (o noai nomo wiui several bars of Ivory Soap." i 1 MHSfliHiBEnBvlHb is COl'fJIIIXf.".' Wet C77T. PIXI Hit. W. A. TOYIJ, DENTIST Hours 0 to 12; 1 to 5. Itonni UOI, Irving Hldg. Central Avenue. MariJifleJil lien In W ant' 'ire, Life and Ma- insurance ires, see which NSTACKEN the furance M Good Smokes Good Pool Good Billiards and Good Fellows "1' J ijMOiTwiia in lwiBmiif J5?G O O D ' K$HVVH E AT PJGpj55FLOUfl ' ilinli lAlldldnpHnri onl dlintnonl K 9- ivii vii'vihiwii uiii4 utnj'waiUi tor duly consldorlng tlio mattor thoy , concluded that owing tho lack of filthy lucre nnd a scarcity of tho money of tho Iloalin, caused by the loss of tho liquor license and furth , ermoro, having to llquldato tho baud bills contracted by tho Hon. Hand J Hoys, amounting to 9!).99, per weok, (when thoy dont adjourn on the fly) thoy thought it advisable to ' compromiso by fixing up an old ! wheel which was boing held for non- 'payment of duos, and lot Jack prac- tlco up a llttlo, so ho could hit tho back poddlos briskly without los-, his equilibrium (so to speak) but Jack poo-hooed tho Idea of his need ing practice, ho said ho had seon ! HAkSAM Midi MKXTIIOIj mid KUOAIA'PTCS Kffectlvo nnd harmless. May bo used with per fect safety In treatment of children :: :: :: :: An Ideal piepariitloii for general family uio Phono us. Wo will dollver a bottlo Immediately, Priced 25c and DOc tho bottlo The Owl Tho Central Ave, Drug Store Phono 71. Choice Things for the Table iikiik aim: a im:w Fito.M ot'it ijAitni: STOCK (IF FANCY I'lUITS AXD YKOFIUHMIM: Kxtra fancy Cantaloupes ,"j mitx npleco (iinpen -Tokay and Malnga. per basket it." cen( MesabaS n mill U3 cents Fancy Ashland Peaches, per dozen lid cciKh Fancy Hammns, per dozen :i,i cents Special price on other bananas, per dozen Ifi cent Hating Pears, por ilu.un in cen( (Uoiiud Cherries, por pound t." rents ICatlng Apples, per box H.- eonts Cooking Apples do rent Hrussolls Spronts, three pounds for IMS cents Fancy Cauliflower 10 and !." cents Fancy Head Lettuce n cents (.'iii;i:x piippiiits citAXHi:itmi;s squash pi .mpkin hum: tomatoks ohi:i;x tomatoks cahhaoi: hi:i:ts swkkt potatofs ('Alt HOTS PAH SNIPS AND OTIIF.ll SFASOXAHLK YKdMTAHMOS l-'AXCY STFWKU cimcickxs Sanitary Food Store SER.VICE FIRST (Formerly Xiislmrg's (Jrocery.) piioNi: iii si;coxi) axd cknthat HHnMMMHBHM TTOMiaillds of Records t tmmmmmi lect From .In.! Hecolvcd The largest shipment of Victor Hccords over received In .Miiihfleld. In these records joii wilt find imiiiy of (ho best I'oiuposllloiih, liicliiillug niiiIi wi'H-Unown ni'dsts ns McCi.i muck, Cniiiso, TeKraiiitil, Krelsler, Powell, lOIiinin, Mnili, luiilei'. mid all (ho new ilauco and Hawaiian i-cconU. Ciiinplclo stock of October records; many new plimo.s and Vic Indus on Ihn nay. If joii aio In the innikct for a :ilauo or Vlclntlii, It will pay joii (o see us. Our imitto "Your iiioucy's woilh or your money back." Lo Lo Thomas Msie Cmpaim Koiithwesleru Oregon roprc.sciitadvo of '2..i'j'Zm r. M TV - Tf S9JJ v A VAX Sf -A SB r lJWJSM &7neyrjet2v&&.c7iuen& S ' m Travelers to the Exposition end anywhere else In the United State will find that the safest way to carry their fundi is in the form of" A.H.A." Cheques. They are accepted where a personal check might naturally be refused. 8clMdentlfylnK, Issued in $10, $20, $50 and $100. First National IBank "OF COOS BAY V are always fondab The Smokehouse Good Flour Makes Good Bread and Our Flour an MAKES HAINES Central Avenuo's popular place. Phone 52 meot'n,? Central Avenue. i REHFELD'S fob!stthe Myrtle Wood Novelties KOH sorvHxins ji;wi:l iioxhs, xut howls, cahd tiiays, xapkix iiings, c'axf-s, fji.ovk axd haxdkkhchif.f hoxks, tahlfs, chfsts, chaihs, vkxkkh axd lu.mhiilt ix thk jiouoh. Special Order Work n Specialty Phone 27.VJ. "-0 Central Avenuo , ANSGO FILMS -An m it -1 I . Erjwa8 c2miu $f lllfRMitH " "" .."" "fl - r3Bl Star faun jurrouni- iVTSaAdrA Jm'" V- -Ji JZiMt?J Unlcttte, Panama. 1j1AJn to take SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chamidller Hotel The Euh of a Good Menu Central Avenue .. 1 i