rjm'inumvrxsiiwcn(vT ;.,-.ll W 1W W ' lfl PMU'W" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, lOIS-EVENINC'EDITION. ' TWO WWiii ' T'iii MiHIUUiilliifcQjm i IS WIKH IKUE INUI95 IB lECEEEIPMULSCIRES; (ONTIt.UTOU S. ('. MM M.I. criiiMi noon mm i.ts si:. oitosim.' no.i .Mii.Mi:vrs NOW IIKHmiiStl'llKMIMOlin' sfasPKsssvsiECHD MAY BE SOLD It Nun 10 Mill mill Coiiurll Sujx Mini' I'limN An .wiliil OiiliiK nf SiiIiWii ('iiiio StiiltN IlKI'OItT ItlUUmilMI SIMI'SOV vi:ssi:i. cnn t i.vrun Will IMlili W'hlrli In l.i'itl unit I " lnHl' ronlKtU'iv.v HwMon of lllll'll'-t llt'lf ItUMtlHlVH VV Ill ' ,hl' "UU. HWH f ' Nor"' "'" UX ,lW '......I U- llnlll In V..HI. It,.l.l laiK lmitlit riom Multuoiimli bomb- vy for getM-nil innnlrliwl i.iinm S(( h )mui) U to Iho Huiuemu CmiH of thu tHto'frm 10 to mllln l milhiirlMM In n to tt th Millrtlly of tin' net known n ruvlnlon of tin- hnrter iwtt tip-, n tlt Hunt "l ! T,1,M lro-' on by llio council thoro lam cvonliig. Tlie PoHImiiiI .louinnl toll tlio rit- vlile tltt u-U munlclimllly hnll bu'u will lie Mileil on n tho iiolo in lowing of tho )omUU hI of IiokI a iM-pamte roail rtimrlct Mini llmt 70 ftho Docomltor olerilon. built on iio liny niul wlilcli forinor- iieireiit or the money cullerled tlior-, I.om of llio wiloou llci'imo inoiio.v. y imtv till jtoil: In mnt Ijo l'"it within tlu city llm-iainonntliiK to Hiino $l,SO0 In North "That tho Aiuiulcnii Imrkontlitc n- . f iiond, l thcciuiHO of tho nilco. cUlni i,j,.,0 which rrlvotl here SiiihIh.v riom syiitiuy In nnoiii to in ftiiti .Mllo or Kuril SutfHfltiK X' I-'Imk- Muff I'mikh"m Moii 'limn UOll I'rct AlrciMly In I'm Lnylim of the nillp ir Imrd mir facc riNiilwity nenr l''l8tfr Ii lro lroliiK rnplilly nml . V. Small, lontrnclor In clmrgii, hn Iwtwwn Slut) nml :in feci IhIiI mtil In ttw for irmul. AiitulMtH clnlni thnt there In not n bettor iitri'trh In the roiinly , nml Unit It l R Rotl I'.xnmplo of wlmt ctin be urroiitiillnliwl uiulor a ' gcnoral county bona ue. ,,. ,, .. ,.,.. i..tlv ( k Alnxboo. thu city rcconler.. Kv . . -i ii a iiirnui iii.'iit it. iiin--i-"-i - -- - - -- - - Dulny In Ki'tlliiK tho work miinoii, i...ii,n,.tf ini.i .... iimnuh tho rovlnlon of tho elmrt- rc'iiatrlHK loiintrj iohiIh niiiat he 'or may be pnwo-1 It can not k" !' borne by the count ryulile. The ob-effect until next your, ho snlil Ihln jei-t of the law hcoiiih to have been ' mornliiK. lo breMk np Iho praetlco In some And o throiiKlt l'.ilii North Horn! f-ninittcM of ualnit tho road lovk'sniiiini lirai'iiu- hiu-iwi wuihpihj, nH;. m.wi.its aiii: ai cAruiiT Willi SHOUT KMHCU SftUtK j Triiwtiiiu l'n-1 Toiitinl .tllHI Chi'.'' llcfi'iilM WVnkeii I'iimIiiiiiI'h Cliiiiico for Not Voiii by h rll arrlvo In H Ib nnld. wan occniiloncd uro of the mntorliiln to time from San l'rnuclHco While tho weather lontlnuo kochI Mr. Snmll him bin crew wunwiiK " fnnL aa pohhIIiIo to Ket the utretch comidetcd. Ilecaune of a sharp tuni altoKuthor 'in favored locall-i the City Recorder. The budget was In the teporl about tijwu. Slio In to be lifted on the Port of Portland dry dock tomorrow where Captain Cyrm Ityiler. port eiiiitalu at San I'rnucln co for tho California Shipping com pany, will examine her. It In nab) to ho other parties who have com- I'KKCICNTAOKH t)K coast iiitAmnc 1 . V. Ii. P.O. 8an Krnncliwo IIU SI .r.7a Salt Lake . . . 101 S7 .Rati I. oa Angelea .. 10R !a .tU Vernon HI MU -isa O ' Oiiklanil S!t ion .ir.u 0 Portland 75 IDS .1(111 ,' nrni'lv t(lMi tv loptoU on Tuosday night and calls mltMliinod Captain Ityder to look hor The Intercut In tho suit Ih state-.for a general expenditure of $2i.- over, howover. The Hcho In of (550 wi.iK niul the decision of the court MO. of which some $11,000 Is for tonn net register nml carries about In tlio mud nenr the noiitli end or, .. . . .... ... ... ......... f,. ,,.. .i ,vii.!ii!ltiin nr '2.- . . , ,, . .... ,, i Tlio inieresi in mo sun m oii-,"" -"- - -.-- tho long brldgcnonr liny laik. 1. , 1i1.nii .,r .ho .-otirt 110. of which some $11,000 Is for .... t- .. 1 t "HI- 4l" ..-."-- -- v.- . ... I.. .Mcfiuro wenno me ouiii "'"iwl 1)L, nwuU,,i lU,xlouslv In view oflKimeral municipal purposes aim tlio i.oon.000 feet of lumber. She wasl and showed them It would be nee- j )U(ots for next' remainder for tho sinking fund and ,,, llt xorth llend by A. M. Simp-. CBsnry to cut away the bluff later 1 ulmreili intoroat. Hon and la still owned by tlio Hluip-j on to straighten the kink and lor ,h ,nu. bo a valid ono the I Several changes in the North "etui H0 imcrcstR. I this reason the 1!00 feet of row tnx .or pnn ,,, ,.ty charter relative to the awarding was laid at the south end of the L blh ,, C0lIlltry roads ls In of sidewalk contracts together with J mllo stretch Instead. . . , .,.. 'those for streets wero sanctioned by i Tho surfiico Is ono of liltullthtc ,,,.,, ,a nll n,nlllimt ' the council and will also bo voted on and Is laid on tho hard bueo al ready In place on tho road. Uecause of bridges and fills tho mile of hard surfacing can not bo done In ono continuous stretch. 1 IS IF niuvK.v vhom pi.owku DIONS IIV I'OI.ICK, ItKTKI OCT bond Issues, The Hunt law Is an aniendniont tol tho law establishing road districts, i " IX-ccmbor. A short tlmo after Its passing other law was passed provl , districts shall bo arranged September term of tho conn ' a point directly In conflict with the first ono and It Is now up to tho Supremo Court to dccldo which of tho two Is valid. CHINA A "DAItlf IIOUSI-:" fllr A" lll Vm i "nm Hy TlHiw.l I.OS ANUKI.IfiS. Oct. lo. -Am tmif al und us per achodulo (ho lnmvom brought home the short mid of tlio iteming yoHtordiiy und as u remill will soon, tit tit Im pace, bo In tho .1100 clnaa for tho end of tho momhoii. Tho score of yesterday follow: At Salt l.nko: It Sun Krauclico I! Salt l.nko 7 At I.oa Angoles: Portland 0 Los Angelim At Oakland: Vernon '.' Onklaud !t 111 II j:. ! 1 8 'I 1 '1 II 1 15 0 III I to rtS'OEFECTlYE P1VIIIC S CAIN :ats PATItONAGi: fiOOl) DENIALS ICplMiipal Liullcs Do Good llif-luess at Itiimmagc Sale Tlio nttendnnco und patronage at the rummage salo being held by tho Indies of tho Episcopal church hns been good. Tho Bale Is open even ings, it will contlnuo through to morrow and wwi bo open noiu 10 (lallops Over Hill nml Palo From CI- ty l.luilts Willi Chief In Pur- hiiK Warning to Owners "Soo-oo Uossey" In plaintive tun- es walled Chief Carter this morning 'as ho approached an evil eyed unl- mal thnt had Invaded the front ynrd . it....l rniiKMin .... cniiMi l.'IfMl streot, and had started to eat her night and Saturday night. Iho la breakfast out of tho garden, dies expect to realize qtilto a nice, Roiio In hand tho Chief drew clos-.sum for tho church, having still a .... - .. - n.l . Ii.ii.1 r. or and tho IJosBoy moved inriner mrgo umuiuu m 6uuuo .... ....... . away. War was declared and In the sell. rush tho evil eyed ono executed a' galloping flank movement and took to tho timber. CluiKCil by tlio Chief Undeterred and hound to do or dlo nnd pretty near doing tho lntter In , tho long chaso that lod over hill and dnic to Knstport and Its southern environs, Chief Carter kept hot on tho trail, determined to cut orf Ifos 'soy's lino of communication and ''force her to submission. On tho road toward I.lbby hoi climbed an eminence and saw far. N'AiUIUIN CONSTItt'CTIO.V CO.M- panv in:ci,.m:s tiih com- PliAINIID-OF HAUU Sl'ltFACi: PAVIN(! WAS NOT CONSTItfCT ICI) IIV TIIIIIU COXCF.HX. isiiluLiimc In the Fcrainblo for tho trado the Orient rollnnulRliPd by tho Pa cific Mull fleet when thoy sold n short time ngo the nations border ing on tho Pacific have been prom inently mentioned with tho excep tion of Chlnn. Now sho comes for ward as a "dark horse" and an nblo contender for the trade, i Chinese of the I'nltod States nnd of Southern Chlnn hnvo already pur chased tho steainshlp China, former WOlllil) SKItlKS .MONKV Mn cli PliiyoiN (Jed's I'ali h'oiliini' for Diamond Kfl'oil.H Local fans have been busy lu Iho last weok, figuring with paper and pad what the World's series brought to tho Individual players. Tlio l'lg iiros mo startling. Some 23 players of oach team will BOOSTS 00 ALL OF Til doni: IIV wki.l I'NiiKic. si:vi:i:i: tkst AND (ilVFS NO KVIDKNCi: OF l)..MA(;i: FltOM IIF.AVV LO(.. (iINO Tltl'CKS. Manager W. W. Ashby, of the Warren Construction Company, has ly of the Taclftc Mall fleet, and nro, purliolimto in tho division or 'Ml,-! Intending to operate her between i SDU.r.O. Tho Ited Sox will oach got' San FranclFco. Tlonolulu. Manllln.J $.1.0S(!.0S and tho Phllllea, $2.-! Yokohnma and Shanghai. r.37.r.s. Thoru wiih In nll ?2(5S,:i:il!.-I r.o tnkon In for tho four games nml ' 123,010 people hiiw tho series. Kuch i treasury was enriched to tho oxtont! or $is.2!in.s.-.. I And ovon at this Uiq amounts nroj not as high as wuro the miiium gar-! norod lu thu World's sorlon of mil1 i i and 1!tl2. ALLIANCK NO. 2 OPT. IlnvliiK sectirod her oil nnd niado minor repairs, tho gasoline schoon- ! KXTHXSIVI" WOltlv'01' Alliance No. 2, loft out last eve TIIK.M ItllAllS i'Pnlng about 7:30, continuing, her way to Mazatlan, Mexico, for which port she cleared u short tlmo ago from Port Angeles. As to what trado tko vossel Intends to nngnne In there scotns to he ronsldornhlc doubt, tho owner and niembors of line crew iiirowuiK iimo ngni on mo A. M. SIMPSON I.K.WI'ti to Tho Times subJcrt UDCAIt McDANIFL INTKItVIFWFD Wllll.i: IN POItTLAND made a statement thnt the roports of tho damage to Mnrshflold hnrd surface paving havj i 'not boon sufficiently explicit in stilt ing the exact nature of the work that has shown signs of damage. Hnvo your programs Tho Times office. printed ul The stcamor A. M. Simpson sailed yesterday afternoon at I o'clock for San Francisco with a cargo of luiu bor from tho Porter mill of the Simp son Lumber Company. Times want nils bring rosultn. Ho Tolls the Pim1Iui.i1 .Iihii-iiiiI About l"'" deterioration ,..i.i.. ,. 1....1 nr I T1'o reports In I uu 'i- v it " . SXKKKEEHX3Cri sr.wjiTr.3MLjagw of (.'eiieral Progress Kdgar McDanlel of North Uond who Is in Portland was Interviewed to tho south und wost a streak, (;, thu jolinini 0f that city as follows: hazo of dust and decided then und thero that a policeman's duty ends, with the city limits. Must ho Tied l I llowovor, It wub Hossoy's Inning UiIh morning but Clilof Carter says that animals found straying Into people's yurds must bo tied up und' If they are not, owners must como to tho city pond to hall out tholr pets. Last fall aiilmaU ran loose on south Marshrield sorcots several! nights and lu a Midden and vigorous' round up tho "critters," hoiuo eight or nluo ot Ihoni, were chased by po-l lice lu a taxlcah and broiiKht (o the1 pound for safe keopliiK, ' (WISH OF THANKS To thu many kind friends who lu tho terrlblo boreavment of Iho death of my beloved wife rendered such kindly mid HMiiputhetle hitvIco, 1 de-l slro to tender by heartfelt I hanks and express m di'ipest graiitinle. O. lIlll.MttiKn "Coos Uay had tho greatest col bratlon In Its history last weok In reforenco to the damage to Marshfleld streot paving hnvo unconsciously been detrlmpip.il to bltullthlc paving In not specifying tho paving which has given way. As a mnttor of fact, It Is tho ild bituminous rock pavement that lias given uwny under tho heavy 'og- threo days or carnival coienrnunB :'glB truclH nn,i t ti,0 hlthiillthlc. , the completion of the Willamette Pa-j Wiutcii Co. Pnvlnj Intact. i clflo steel bridge across tho bay, ac- .T10 only imVIU wo liavo put, cording to Kdgar McDanlel, publish-1 ,0WI, linywhoro near tho sceno of' or of tho Coos Hay Harbor at Nortl;ir0I,ol.t0ll ,inmago Is that on North llend, who is In Portland for the Kront Ktrcet from lho Co()a 11;,y Knights ot Pythias grand lodgo meet- ,r01 Works north In tho direction Inif. of North Pond, nnd, although this "This bridge cost $l.r.00,000 ad)i0llR Rtrotch Is being used by the Is tho longost swing bridge on tho trudca nnd has boon for six months coast," oMilalnod Mr. McDanlel thls1)n8t j fl(1 t)mt no ,lamnRP wlru. tiiornlng. "People from all parts of evpr has rosultod thero. tho Coos Hay country camo to North 'Howover, had such a thing as the . lloud for the carnival, thore bolng the ..,..,, ..... ,,..... ,....., ... ,,...., 'QUIBB'S Superior Chem icals and Drugs AUK CAltlMFH IN STOt K IIV US lu this couuoitlou wo ulsh to corrocl mi erroueoiiK utatoiueiit which wit contalui'il lu u prelouK ad vertisement of ours i oncoming SQPIIIICS ZINC ONlDi:. This product we found of highest ipiulii,. Brown Drug Company MAItSIIFIFLD oi;i:(.-t ggvt?gal33aama1KWMJS'avroaKl, blggoit crowd Saturday that ever Ktithored In Coos toiinty. l'aiado vas lllggest "Wo nlto had tho longest and fln ost parade In Coos nniinlK and spout $2000 for prlxos and oiitortalumont. The feature of tho colouration was a series of auto nicoa in tho city satisfaction, I only know that wo would bo cntlroly willing to make good Speaks for Itself. j "As I said before, thoro ls not nny part of the long stretch on North Front street which wo laid last Do You Want, Coo ice me t? n M(ML CASH GitOffRY i v.isir ilninntreil In nnv wnv. I haw . street. Tho .onto iw around n llo(,U(, nt u inysolt and know that fqnnro three blocks to a side, baled ;Um tnH.,g hnvo nQt ,mrin0, 1 hay boliiK placed at the turns to.,,, )0, wan, to amwar , ,0 1ght , Kiinnl iiKiilimt uccldents. The 12 ,mvh fon(1 fmiU wUh , blocks of the course totalled u mile W()i.k 0lpi. lng Pomnnn and tho races wore run for 2u ; lMM, ll0llP but ,,, jMbllP0 to tllP War-, il iiiu iurui uiiiiua raiuu in rum tar. i THAT'S Till: KIM) Wl! St PPLV IN ADDITION TO Ol It ItKCCLAIt LINK OF Pltl.MI! lli:i:F, POItK .MITTO.V, Wl! ALSO MAKK A SPKCIALITV OF AND Choice Pork Sausages, Fresh Salmon AXD IX FACT, i:Vi:itTHl.(i THAT A FlliS'l .MK AT MMSKI.T SIX'PLIIIS CLASS ham; voi Titirn ot it Model Breakfast Blend Coffee li)o value, per pound :i,c It-ji nml can SI. 00 A m.UXII TO SPIT TIII'J MOST PAItTICl'LAIt TASTK Free Delivery 86, COMMERCIAL AVE. , PHONE 433 Saturday nlitht we had streot danc ing and Mardl (Iras. Kvory other aiallablo place for dancing was In iibo but tho crowd wiib so largo that i hero was not room for all to dance. "It was a great celebration but It won't bo a markor to the ono we'll have when the first train pulls Into 1 North llend. Wo do not expect the i all road to bring a boom but wo do count on a constant growth after tho ! trains bogin running and tho coun- ) try Is opened up. I .Many Improvements at North Ui'iiil "Coos Hay people aro looking for ward to tho oxpoiidlturo of fl.000, 000 on port improvements by the federal government, onglnoers hav ing recommended Improvements and tho Orogon delegation being favorab le to the project. Wo liavo 110 foot of wntor now, but a jotty will Insure a depth of 35 foot. "North Head Is making many im piovenionts. Throo miles of sower was rocontly laid at a cost of I'jn.ooo and wo hnvo now the finest streets In the county In 10 blocks paved with flvo Inches of concrete nnd n surface of bltullthlc " ion Construction Company, I want, to make It plain that the paving wo, put down nnd which Is being used every day, hns failed to show any situs of weakness," ' J. E. Ford (Sh Co. 1?4 South B'way Phone 5 8-J lliiiiimago Salo open cwnings Coughs and Colds Not to Be Neglected 1 1 T.'bby Coal, $."5.00 ton. Phono 72. Anyone will rcallzo tho seriousness of iieeluctlnt," a uoUt It be observes rcBUlla of bucli iii't'lect unions UU acquaintance!!. How often have you heard, "IIv caught colJ. illJn't do any thing for It and It turned into" then 8omo dreaded tligeaso ls uuincu. Ordinary cohls yield to prompt treatment nt the beiflnnlnif. That la why every family bliouhl U .implied with n reliable coukIi meilU'lilti ouu that will heal raw and liittumed sur fuces, loiiBon the phleKiu. alluy Iril tatlon, ease the liuarneiiean and stop tho llcklliiK seimutloa in tlio throat that does not penult one to Bleep. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is Invaluable for relief of coughs, rohl. oroup. whooping- cough, tick ling la thro.it, tightness or soreness. Krippo or bronchial roughs. It con tains no hnimtul Ingredient. It la healing, Eoothlntr, tilU'ieni and Pleii inc. For Falo by Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank Cohan. Central Avo niio. Opposite ChanJler Hotel. Tclo phoue 71, vsxaxxazazzzsixa GRAVEL tssmsssxsxsssssissa Wo are now proparod to furnish GRAVEL lu any quantities from pile lu our yard or in carload lots, at following prices: From pile on ground, J2.?5 per yard, '"" caooad lots, taken from cara, $2.00 per yard. Itetall Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposite I'os'OffIco. Phone 100. I ' -'l Stlmaviaii-Americaii Bail A quality that, won tlie biggest sales! 10 yfij4til NfoV v ysa -: X&5. SKfel V K - -V -Shte. " V N. t' X l . VX .for Daclc.io.. .r V.. 9ftr'M.? Wionot The Cigarette of osiiity r n.v w , r s-y x o J s ' .r Sil'sf'lH s . ,;'. - ri,i K- -y-vn . mms -aalct(c& x s ;m 'yyjyAr i ivji i h J n iW It ity W$ WHEN America was discovered this was the loliacco discovered all tobacco is descended from this seed. Tiic best grows now in the famous Piedmont dislrict-of the South. This splendid leaf is the tobacco in Piedmont Cigarettes, You like those cigarcllcs many thousand .others like them, and lliis liking has resulted in making Piedmonts tlie bicst selling 5c cigarette in the country a winner in every sense Great ! "We hclieve the winner should have the hesL there is, and arc now pulling a WflOLE COUPON in cat-h Piedmont packise. Save those coupons they an; valuable and rank mlocmud for any of tlio beautiful and ukM premiums shown in our large catalogue. This bool will he sent to Piedmont smokers free! Thero is no milder and purer form ofsmotbg than these delightful Piedmont Cigarettes, T?T) TTIT Send for our illustrated catalogue of JL1 SX. KLKL i haiidgoiue jircsenU which )ou can obla a postal, address Premium Department, 31 U.J Street, Sail Prauuieco. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Servke COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY JS-trk - ..mK,' -"T". mi'nl). - .!, " ;aav I Ueio Marketi i - tt in-n wii -Bim wiMrwMi wm mtirif-j ii m Vital Importance It is of the utmost importance that your : l clren's eyes should be guarded aiiigt g m. strain caused by reading or suiuymu " ves proper, artificial light, is ruining sco so daily. The best assurance that your ' u will have proper light for their studie is is w that they have Electric Light properly F Install Electric Lights In Your Home Juiilhttlisil' If your home is not now eqo1' ,v Ln (he SI wiikim: vnut s.i(is vuus.ui: WITH ONE DOLLAR Yoo (saira oeim aim --"-accouaoib lira this Ibank-' IXTI'IIPST 11I) HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO d1 9 iimnnnl tUnn io nn llOTTPf I C ". il.m iiiiiiiiiaiii, tnuiu io uu uunw. ipIritV I'"' ' present to wire your home for Elcotncuj. be before fall cleaning time, yo ur ii""': protect auicklv and inexnerisivelv Electrif eu. by O quickly and inexpensively tiecun u-. by your own eyes as well as your cm installing this convenient, clean, samw- inexpensive illummant -t Ltu i mi ower JJ ..jfgJWfeiKrjv