urxmium PERHAPS IT'S BECAUSE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS THAT MOVIES ARE POPULAR Coos Bay Times Your Paper (&w $mj A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmf whnt the Ooon liny Tlmee In. A BosUm, went Oregon paper for Bouthwwt Oregon poopln mil devoted to tho bout InlcrcsiU of llile grt tJ( . Tlio Time lwyi buot Mil aefer knocki. The Coo Hr Time It proud of It title "Tim IVopU'i ror," ana It trlve M l tlnir lo tire P o Ha name by derating Iti earrgtei lo promoting the peoplo'e In lore t. mi:mhi:u of tiik associated imiksh xtn$8 Vol. No. XXXIX. KEIIK ENDS 1 A SHOOTING Newspaper Reporter Killed and Four others wounded at Charleston, S. C. : RESULT CONTESTED Result of City Primaries Yes terday Were to be Decided by Central Committee iNO ARRESTS ARE YET MADE .Three Men Struggle Pistol Wlilcli Hlhclmrges nnd Kills lie- poller ns Ho In Making IW do Window Hitler Feeling ID; AwncliliH rrrsa tu Coon Ir Tiuh. CHARLKSTON, S. C, Oct. 15. Blilncy J. Colion, 11 newspaper re porter, was killed nntl four woro wounded In u shooting mcleo to day In tlio room whero tlio Demo- crntle city executive conimltteo was to meet to canvass tho roturns of Tuesday's municipal primary. Gov ernor Manning has called tho entlro Second Regiment of tho National Guard under arms. Ono of the' wounded men may die. Fight Ih Started Tlio conimltteo was Just about to I lie called to order to canvass tho returns of tho primary nt wUlch trouble was threatened. Tho fight Btnrtcd In tho adjoining room. The icaiiBe has not been determined. Sirugglo fi" Pistol Tlio shooting occurred In tho conimltteo room. Cohen was killed 'when a pistol, for tho possession of which tlireo men woro struggling discharged as Cohou was making for the window. While tho fighting was going on two or tlueo ballot boxes woro I thrown Into tho streot. Tho. spec tators mitdo a frantic niBli to get out. No Arrests Mnilc. Police wero stationed In tho com- Imlttce room, hut no arrests ns yet hnvo hecn made, and no ono scorns to know who fired tho shots. Tho shooting Is bollovod to ho tho re mit of n hitter factional fight at Itho primary between Mayor Oraco unci Trlstam T. Ilvdo. running at tho head of tho ticket. Votes Contented Tlio unofficial count showed Hydo won ,y m votes, but 100 votes woro contested nnd tho committed wns Ho settle tho contest torinv. HEAR TWO REPORTS FROM ONLY ONE SHOT Irerulliir Phenomena v(,,l In Con- ncctlon With tho Sound ot Fly. HulletH In Hattlo tUf AuodtIM rrt.. tn Coo Il.j Tlmn.J "MILLS', Oct. K'i.,-0110 of tho cur- long plienonioiia connected with tho sounds of flying bullets is tho appar ently doiihio roport from tho shot of single gun. This Is obsorved with especial frequency by tho Austrlnns '"Biding in tho Alps against tho It alians. Thoy woro dlsnosoil to bo- Hovo tho second sound was the echo ;f the first, hut tho curious fact ro-t "allied that tho second ronort wns 1"der than tho first. Moreover. tlio (iornian soldiers fighting In Ilol- Btuni, wiioro tho land lies n8 lovol as able, often hear two reports. TIlO explanation naur nut fnrumril ,s that tho flying bullet compacts tho ",r hi front Of it. nm! thnf ht nro. tducps soud waves which, whon thoy (first strike tho ear. civo the offnet ff an explosion. An Mm nmnllnl. oro bullet of tho modern rlflo flies conslderahlo fastor than sound trnv- t'lo main ronort arrives later. n'l la naturally louder than tho "TBI. ENGLISH PEOPLE NOW CURTAIN THE WINDOWS fle Heavy Mntei-lni in rtwi.. . ci.,,t off tho LIKbt since tlio ZeppelliiH Ciimo 107 Atso'Utu Pren lo Coo By Tlmn.l lhav?XD0.N' 0ct' ! Tho Zeppelins F"ae made im.v,. .,.,.,.i... ;.,i... "snionable, Most tiouses lmil lmnn ,1!",' wlt" la'f curtains beforo the cMUy of darken ," arose" but! havBe. , reeent n,f raid housewives "B rilHllPlI tn tl.n 1.1 I ..ll L'o ..i. . . .. ' .. ...v .. ..fc , retains nf i,... " ,a""l 1UV FveahnaSd?'eL"'ae!:"V Thoso, v lUBIieil tn Mm k ..!... .. ..!! rn .. " ,w "" "in "II run uriirin. rai.V "?ay" u rocolveil sovornl.den Infantrj regiment now nt "its for i.inck curtains. I front. KxtnbtlMicd 1H7H Aw Tho Count Mull. I VALUABLE RELICS i! LOST IN FIRE TODAY X tllr Aim llcl ITom Id mm r.r Time. 1 NEW YORK, Oct, 15- t A number of revolution- 1 X .ary relics, including sig- X I natures ot Washington, X X Alexander Hamilton, Gen- X X eral Lafayette and others X X were burned today in a X X fire which destroyed the X X historical mansion owned X X by Gustav Frey, Wash- t X ington once made his X X hendqum tors in the house X willberetDrned MARTHA WASHINGTON IIOCU MIINT TO FAIRFAX COUNTY Was Stolen During the Civil Wnr ami Given Hack to Stiit by J. I'. .Morgan Hr AckIIc1 I'rnu to Com llr Time ItlCIIMONI). Vii., Oct. 15. Gov omor Stuart has ordered tho will ot Martha Washington, recently re turned to tho state by .1. I'lcrpout Morgan, bo given Into the custody of Fairfax County, from where It was stolen during tho Civil War. i IE FHFSIDF.NT WILSON DFCIDKS UP O.V NHW .IKItSKY I'OH XICXT YIIAH Will Occupy I'lno Mansion at. K I her on, Near Long nra"ch During Hot Mouths Or AidIM rrr.t In Coo. tt TtmM.I WASHINOTON, 1). C Oct. 15. President Wilson decided today to spend next summer In Now .Jersey in tho former homo of John A. McCall, at Klheron, near Long Hea'ch. Tho estate, on which stands a mag nificent house, Is known as Shadow Lawn. IVo Offered Kreo Tho President was offered free uso of Shadow Lawn by a committee which brought a lotter from Oover 'nor Fielder. Ho Insisted Ihowover 'that ho should pay rent. Tho govcr - nor In tho lotter urged tlio presi dent to spend noxt summer In Now .lersoy to recolvo tho "(Had tidings" of his reuomlnntlon. Tho president only smiled when Hint was mention ed. DEPARTMENT AGTS HKVOKKS LIIAYKS ()!' MIINON TKIt.NKI) (JKH.MAN VKSSKLS Step Was Taken IU'cmiimi Sl Officers (ot Autiy In Sail lloat and I'ull to Heturii III AuocltIM rrow lo Co Ur Tiro"., WASIIINCTON, I). C, Oct. 15. All leaves of nbsonco for men In terned In tho Gorman auxiliary eriilsors Kronprlnz Wllholm and Prlnz Hitol Krledorlch, at Norfolk, wero revoked by tho navy depart ment until tho disappearance of six warrant pfflcors of tho Kronprlnz 'Wllholm Is satisfactorily explained. Tho officers bought a yacht and wero granted leavo to snll but failed to return ut tho oxplrutlon of tho leavo. VETERAN OF 1870 SERVING HIS COUNTRY Oldest Mm. Unlisted Willi (Jeniiuny Forces is Nearly Ninety Years or Ago IDr Anoclat.4 Trwi to Coo. ny Time.. HI3RLIN. Oct. H. Tho man who probably is tlio oldest to sorvo active ly in the Herman army Is 87-year old Chief Hospital Inspector Kngol of Thnle, who wont through tho cam paign of 1870-71 as hospital Inspect or, then becamo barracks Inspector, retired five years ago on a pension nnd then enlisted for the present ... tl u-nu flraf rnlleil 111)011 tO I organize a hospital in Oschersleben, nnd then put In cliargo ot me mmi tutlon in Thale, with Its 4 OS beds. Mnx Metzger of Landau of tho Pal atinate, aged 70. another veteran or 1870. is one of the comparumeu , , (,.,. IV, ..!.. few whoso son and grandson are ;, EMBER I tlvely serving along with him In the lnni Willi Him III lll n'odv CuardT. 1 Is son. Slegmund , corporal In a ishuho1 The Metzger, aged 44, Is a cc ...H.nnJ nt I.'drlfl ...v.Mav., o- .--. -- ,.:.i. lnn .1.1 nimil n KnrlSIlllUU. IM . . r.Ln,on imrs old Is n ter s so "? u iiwii-i.uii"n.... - -- .. .. tim lively serving along wiui " ' " o,itwardly u staunch nrltlsh subject, war. Ho volun eered from KarUr - O Uu ' f t , oMalned from he last fall, and now' Is " "J er servant girl Information concern missioned officer In the Grenadier. W "ri"nrilI.'i'" fBCtory. and more- MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DEFEASE PLAN IS Calls for Expenditure of Four Hundred Million Dollars in Next Fiscal Year I APPROVAL IS GIVENlDlESTFlNTHRAX'SBiALOSESTDWN Secretary of Navy Has Five Year Prociram Calling for Half Billion Outlay OTHER ESTIMATES MADE Secretary of Interior Can (Jet Along With One .Million l,cvi Tills' Year Hut Statu Department Wants An Increase lit That. Stun tllr AmocIjIcI 1'rrM In Coo ll.jr Tlmr.. WASHINGTON, 11. C Oct. 15. The uiitioual defeiiBo plans of tlio ad ministration, calling for an cxpeitrtl- rturo In tho next flscnl year of more than $100,000,000 for tho tinny, na-l vy and fortifications, wero compiled' today. f Secretary of Wnr Oarrlson lias for-, 4 'warded his estimates, already np-!. 1 proved by President Wilson to thof ''Secretary of tho Treasury and Soc-i. notary of Navy Daniels BUinblttod msj 'estimates today after going over the final details with tho president, who '4 gave his approval, 4 Wants Half Hllllon ! Secretary Daniels recommonded u five year program Involving tho ox-i poudltiiro ot $500,000,000 for tho navy. The exact amount to ho np-' 'proprlated for each of tho five yearu Is not decided, but tho first yeor's program calls for two drondnnughtH 'nnd two battle cruisers. Ask .Million Less ' Secretary Lano'saw tho president regarding the interior tdcpnrtmcnt estimates, which will total approxi mately $210,000,00 or a million loss than last year. Secretary Lansing later discussed tho estimates of tlio stnio department with tho president. Ho said ne Would ask for about a million dollars inoro than last year. Call for Many Ships. Tho five-year Navy program would raU for 1C capital ships, ton dread- iinughts and six battle crulsors. Tho first year's construction will lucludo two drcadnauglits, two Imttlo cruis ers, about -5 submarines, 1C de stroyers and probably flvo scout cruisers. In Its final form tho program may ho oxpanded to lucludo tlireo bnttlo cruisers. Secrotary I.aiio's estimates lucludo $0,000,000 for tho Alaskan ) Railroad, about $!),000.000 for lr-f I.V-irlKiui Projects, JIl.OOO.OOO less than last year for pensions nnd Increases Ifor piliirntlon. Indian work and Nat-1' -. .... tonal parks. FAMILY WIPED OUT H'lllllV IMI'CI.'C lll.'A'IMI H.' Ul.'l.l.'. " """" "", '" " I... AND DACCIITMHS lloily of Man of I'aiiiily Had Hecn Found Yesterday in It Ivor at llrookljn rnr amocuioi itc. (. Co. nr Tin.r..) j neighbors In the evening, uud on re NKW YORK. Oct. 15. Tho bod-' turning saw u bright light near tho les of .Mrs Anna Iluntslnger. aged 'house-that looked uh largo as n llght 10. ami thrco young daughters, worof.0'1 lantern In tho distance. On ln found In their homo In llrooklyn (.vestlgntlng wo found our dog froth today. All nine km Jets woro turn-V,,,K at Ul l,,olUh' UUil tho "B,,t WUB cd on and only one lighted. TlioLcom,nB from th0 ,!o' mo"t,, Tl, .... ,.,...,. ., ,ln.w! wiminn f'OR WBS HIKipplUg 1111(1 (llgglllg ItH n...l, tn nnuu,. nn rtYiilnHfmi lis tlu, I crevices of tho doors an dwlndows woro stuffed with clothing. Mrs. ( Iluntslnger yesterday Idontlflod tho body of a man found In tho rlvor ns hor husband. WOMAN ACCUSED OF SPYING IS JAILED Herman Wife of a Hrltlsh PnMor Put Itehlntl Hals for Slv .Mouths (Dr AMwltl r to Coo. IUr Time.. Is t -vrrtv- r 1 A fra. f.nnlan S C. Herbert. Herman wlfo of a Hrltlsh i - - - ;-,., .,. ,... 80nttuv. . ? ,)g ; " . ..i-i. ..i.," t Ing a mun.t on. actor, over sketches of streets where troops -ere. quartered. These ; acUvUiej. .. -. w ., - .,.. .. .i I together with me jaci mui iv number of Oermdns , were loiinu nuiuuK ""."". rsinn.i nmniiL' iinr nttiuiir.iiiKH. i brought about her conviction, OCTOBER 15, 1915 -EVENING EDITION. I $ ' X t LIBEL CASE JURY HAS DISAGREED f Wr l"1"" I'"' ''" o '" IMjr Tlmr. J X DENVER, Colo,, Oct, t X 15, Disagreement is re- X ported by tlio jury in the X X case of Fiank L, Rose, $1 t cliarged with libel by t) X Judge Ben B, Llndscy. $$$ ! DISKASF. VKCl'I.IAIt TO CATTLK CAUSKS LAWYKH'S DKATII Heart. Milium duo to Poison Cnio .Several Days After .Man Is Stricken (Pr Anf l.tJ rr la Coo. Il.y Tlmr. ) NI3W YOIIK, Oct. IT,. Georgo I-'. Stackpole, a lawyer, who was strick en with anthrax several days ago, a dlseaso heretofore confined only t" cattle, died nt a hospital hero today from Hionrt failure resulting from tho poison of tlio disease. W. C. T. l TO .MKUT AT INDIANA POMS tlljr A.icUIO(l 1'rr.n to Cov Pay Tlmr.. SBATTIiK, Wnsh., Oct. K,. Tho executlvo conimltteo of tho national Women's Christian Temperance Union decided today to hold tho next untlonol Women's con vention at Indianapolis. 4 DESERTING VILLA MOHIJ OI-'I'ICKHS AKK HKXOUNO . iNo causi: op m:adi:h Chief of SnultJtry Stuff And Head of Secret Service nt .Jiiure. T Leave Today t'D; Anoclttoi) n. to Com Vt TlmM. 131. PASO, Texas, Oct. 15. Dr. VII icrcal, chief of tho Villa sanitary corps, renounced nlleglnnco to Villa today as did also tho head of tho so- 'crot service in Jaurcz. Thoy follow. 'cd tho enmplo of General Ornclas, military ronimaudcr, and Mayor Montfnrt, both of Jaurcz, who adso yesterday abandoned tho Villa cause and crossed to HI Paso. The Cnrranza consulato hero re ports further desertions of tho Villa generals. STRANGE LIGHT VISIBLE IN MOUTH OF AIREDALE DOG Four Jackson County Hesldents Said To II1110 Wltnesseil Plienoiiicnou "as Largo as 11 i-iuiteru" UNIVERSITY OK ORKCON, Kit- ! L'kiwi Di'l. 111. -Tlio Htrnnifii slorv of n iln tlin, iiinnlffiutn.l llifi unnn tilin. i ... ""H !. i..w - ,,.. Jiiomeiiou ns Coifan Doyle's "Hound 'of ttaskorvlllcH." In tlio .Sherlock Hoi- iue mystery series, has just coino to' tho University from a woman resl- fttttll nt lnltf fiif'1Ufi.i .rilKllv. ffi. ' "' . i uww .......;, w.v, fion. With tho story camo tho head or a dog, which tho University was usk ed to oxninlno for rabies. Tho letter follows in part: ' "Wo went out to visit ono of our moillll and fuco In tho earth. Wo we,,t "" to It and It started toward liu rtr iiffk linnl n llaoti. iAtiinnl l.ilfi ! ! tho house, and tho dog turned and wont off, still showing tho light at Its mouth and snapping. ' "From tho safety of tho houso wo called to the dog, and after quite a timu It camo In u glad manner hut still frothing and snapping. It want ed to Jump up to the window wliero I we wore and for safety wo took a gun and killed It. t "The dog wns a thoroiighbrod Airedale, one year old. Four wit nesses tho sight, two men and two women. Kindly lot us know tho cause of tho dog's noting In this - ( The Hound of tho Ilaskervll- " les" tho light that showed from tho animal's mouth was due to phosphor escent paint. PORTLAND Robert Glbboney ... and Mary C lea e oped and got mar- . JBncol,vor. mnMtUo trIn - In a street car. - kK E Berlin Claims Further Victories for Germans in the Cham pagne and Artois Regions Bulgarian Army Attacking Ov er the Eastern Frontier Has Taken Several Positions FIERCE FIGHT AT DVINSK Although Contest Violent Them 1 Seems to He No Chaiigo In Itel- utlve. Positions of Tvto Armies Itu hlans are Forced Hack lT AmnrlalM 1'rnii In Cihi Ilf Tlmm. LONDON, Oct. 15. -On the West ern front Herman Victorian In Ar tois and Champagne regions 1110 announced by Merlin. Nenr Ver melle, thu Hrltlsh wero again driv en out of the fieinian positions. Pariii reports violent homhardmcuts In which both sides nro taking part, jboforo Loos and nenr Souchcz and linlrllnil trnnrli flehlliiL' lit thn l'nnclln forest. Serbian Town Taken Tho enpturo of the Serbian town of Poznrovac, 12 miles southeast fof Somcndrn wns nnnouncod by Her- llno. Klsowhoro on this front tho Ser bians wero driven further hack with the loss of thrco guns. Tho Hul gnrlon first army, attacking over the eastern frontier of Serbia, hns taken sovoral positions. Kiglit In tlio KuM In tho Kast, violent nctlons con tinue on tho Dvlnnk front with lit tlo relntlvo chaugo In the positions of tho contending armies. Pctro 'grad admits tho Russians huvo again beer, hurled hack across tho Strpla rlvor In Onllcla. Ill'LOAKIANS CIIKCIC SUHPIIISK A'lTACKS Official Heiioit. Given Out at Sofia States that tlio Klghtlug Ih SHU Continuing 117 AmucI.I.J Pre, to Coo llf Mroo.. . SOKIA, Oct. 15. A Hiilgnrlun of ficial statement sayn: "Tuesday night tho Serbians attompted a surpriso at iitRcl: near Trem, liiisllovgriid and 'KuHtendll with the object of taking 'possession of strategical points. The ntlcinptii wero frustrated. Later our troops succoeded In driving hack the Sorhhuis. Tho fighting con- t lUIICS. SAY THHY IIAVK DKSTIIOYHIl PO SITIONS OF F.NFMV .Mine lllous Uft Tieiithes and llaiitl Creundes Ciiiimi Heavy Losses to tho Allies llir AwikUim itmh to tjuot llir Tlinu CONSTANTINOPLH, Oct. 15, Of ficial Htatemont says; "Near Anii- frata wo Infllclod heavy losses on tho enemy by tho uso of bomhti. Our artillery destroyed tho machine gun position near Ari Ilurnu. Our ob bervatioti detachmonts near Seddiil Ruhr Inflicted heavy losses on tho 'enemy right wing after a surpriso attack with hand grenades Tuesday night. A mine explosion before thu left wing destroyed considerable, portion of tho enomy'H trenches." TELEGRAPH CHARGES WILLBE INCREASED Hates Will He KuImmI In United King. iloni Along With Other High Cost II AuoiLt4 I'reu to Coo. Ilijr Times. LONDON, Oct. 1 I. Along with tho riso In tho price of nearly every thing elso, tho tolograph rate In tho United Kingdom will probably soon bo raised. It Is reported that tho postal authorities the tolegraph Hues are government-controlled In Great Rrltaln aro considering in creasing from twelve to eighteen cents tho rato for sending a twelve word message, addrcftg and signature. j to ho counted as wordtt iu heretofore t Tho twolvc cent rate has been In foreo thirty years r v i REPULSE SERBIAN T CLAIM A Connolldntlon of Times, Const Mall nnd Coos liny AiUitIImt. It REAR ADMIRAL TO X X BE COURT MARTIALED t - t lllf AMnrUIlM CITM lo To-.. nr Tlmr I t WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct, .5. Secictaiy Dan iels has ordered a trial by court martial of Roar Ad miral Willian N, Littlo, retired on charges Involv- t ing neglect in conduct of X Z his duties while inspecto t at the Fore River Ship t building Company in Con t miction with tho. con t slructlon of the submar t inc K-2, , 7 t t $ IS Si:mtl. HAS TAKKN ACTION AOAINST HPLCAIHA Heport. In Loudon Says It Is Duo to Attack MimIo l,y (he niilgarlaiiH tllr Auncl.lM rrrwi lo Coo. Il7 Tlinn,, IXJNDON, Oct. ID. Official nn nouueemeut was made hero today Hint Serbia had declared war on Iliil garla. Tho annouueement says war was declared because of tho Hulgar lan attacks on the Serbian armies on tho Kaltchon nnd Hndovltch fronts. IT DICSTROVKIt IS VICTIM OF HHIT LSI! Sl'HMAHINi; TODAY Attack Occurs Itctwccii Denmark and Sweden According to An An nouncement Made ut Iioudou tllr AMoclto rrrM to Coot llr Time COPKNHAOKN, Oct. 15. A Hrlt lsh submarine torpedoed nnd sunk a Cermnn dcBtroyor this morning ut thu entrance to tho Kound, n nar row strait between Denmark Sweden. ' Croat Kxplcslou A great explosion followed and the striking of tho torpedo uud the do stroyer foundered Immediately. A cruiser ami nnothur 'destroyer ac companied tho dustroyer that mink, I'speeded toward tho southward. , BERLIN GOMMENTS NF.WSPAPF.R THF.HF, TCLLS OF DHLCASSF'S HKSK.'NATION Says Ho Saw Feeling Against lllni ami 1'mmI Saloulld Incident. An Ait Hxeuso ll) AmocI.iM rrrM lo Coo. II.; TlmM, I IIKKLIN, Oct. 15. - (Wireless to Sayvllle)- AiiKortlon iimdo by the Tagolhlat that Delcastie, who recent ly resigned an foreign minister or Franco, opposed the lauding of troopn at Saloiilkl, "Perceived popular op inion was ngaliiKt hliu," says thu Tag leblatto, "Delcassen selxed upon tho pretext of thu Siiloulkl expedition as u reason to resign. Ho Ih thus nhlo to disappear from tho political the atre lu tho attitude of u man who foresaw calamities, while lu reality ho, together with President Polneitro and War .Minister Mllloniiid, brought about tho present situation," GIVES THE REASON FHF.NCH MINISTKKTO HULOAHIA HLAMF.S RUSSIAN HLTHKAT Says That Caused Sent Intent to Tin" Against Allies Peopln In tensely Practical Mr AMOtUlwt l'riw I. Coo 17 limn. PARIS, Oct. 15. That tho Rus slaii retreat, skillfully exploited by thu Gurmuu aguiits, was thu liuiuo dlato cause of turning ugulnst tho allies tho sentiment of tho Unitar ian puoplo, who are Intensely prac tical, wns tho statement mado by French .Mlnlstor Panuflou on his ur- frlvul from Sofia. MR. AND MRS. IIIJRIIURT WOL COTT, who huvo been upending tho past few mouths at tho homo of tho formor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wolcott, of thjjs city, will leavo for thoir horno In Syracuse, New York, tomorrow on tho Kll hurn. They will visit the San Francleco and Ran Diego exposi tions and Mrs. A D. "Wolcott will accompany them that fur 1R II No. 71 GREECE NOT TO ENTER THE WAR Announces Definitely Country Not Intervene in War On Behalf of Serbia ENDS WORD TODRY i Lengthy Communication Gods to British Government Set-: tiny Forth the Situation INTERPRETS THE TREATY Creek Premier Claims Agreement With Sorbin Does Not Cull For On Intervention by Oreoco Un der tho ProsoiM Cli'Ciiinstnnces' ' (llr AMorlatl 1'r.M In Coo. rlr TIium.L , LONDON, Oct. -5. In a noto to Dm Hrltlsh government rccolvod to day, Oreeco nnnouncoa a doflnlto do clslou not to intervene In tho war on behnir of Serbia. In tho communi cation, which Is of n great longth, Premier Knlmls presents his Inter pretation ot tho Qrcoce-Sorblnn trea ty. It concludes with tho statement that tho Crook government Is of tho opinion Hint tho treaty with Sorbla does not call for Intervention by Crecco lit the present circumstance's. T LOUD ."MILN'Olt SAYS THIS DAItOK NKLLFH FICIIT HOPKLKHS Stat Ming Figure Clven Showing tlio Lt.sNs of Hrltlhli In tho Fx- pcilltlon There iiiiitisii announch thi: casuaii'iics tllr AmorUtnt rrrM to Ci D.r Tlmr.. LONDON, Oct. 15. Tho total Hrltlsh casualties at tho Dardanelles up to October 1), uecorillug to official figures today, was 'JG,8U!. (llr A.MH'l.lr.l Prr.. to Coo. lr TlmM, LONDON, Oct. 15. Of total Brit ish canualtles or 00,800 at tho Dar diiuulleH the iiumhor of klllod was 18,057, of whom 1185 woro officers. Tho casualties of tho Australian fighters on tho continent wero 29, 121. Tho iinnoiinceiuent of tho groal loss of thu Hrltlsh nt tho Dardan elles follows thn sensational speech lu Die House of Lords Inst night of Lord Mllmir who characterized tho expedition ns hopoloss. lie iitir.geuted tho withdrawal ot the troops, renpondlng for tho gov ernment. PROMINENT WOMAN 'A OF SWEDEN IS DEAD AilvoruM of Women's Kuffrngo In Her Country Passes Awny lit , louduu Holtin I Mr AwkLIkI Vims to Co. II. j TIium. ' ' LONDON, Oct. 13. Mrs. Martina Osterberg. who Introduced tho sys tem of Swedish physical training' tor women in Knglnud nnd was onq it tho leading advocates of woman'fluf frago lu Swodeu, lu dead nt hor homo hero, aged 05. Mrs. Osterberg camo to Hngtd'nu from Sweden and was chosen super intendent of tho physical training de partment of thu Loudon schools In 1880. Sho left this post flvo years later to becomo head of n physical training collego for women school teachers. A few days boforo hor dentil she prosoutod this collego to tho Hoard of Kducntlon, and it will ho continued ns a part of tho gov ernment's educational work. .Mrs. Ostorhorg also malntalneu it rosldout in Swedon, whore she founded n collogo similar to tho Kng lUh Institution, but addod agrlcultu ro nnd hortlculturo to tho curricu lum. BxiioctliiK that women would I bhortly bo enfranchised In Swod.oq, I biio uevisou an olauorato Bchomo de islgnod to proparo hor box for their now privileges. Tho main foature I of tho scliomo was a sorlcs of loctiira on government, hyglono nnd tji'o placo of women In tho professions. Uare your XiETTKlt heads, bill Hearts, etc,, printed at TIE T1.MK8 offlco. ., TimoH Want Ads for TeanlH, WDULD HDHAW