HE MAN WHO TRIES TO FOOL HIMSELF NEVER SEEMS TO HAVE MUCH LUCK AT IT Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's nlint tlto Coo Bay Timet In. A Sontk ivcst Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon proplo Mid devoted to tlio bust Interest of tills great icctloa . Tlio Tlinca alwsys boosts asd MCTer knocks. The Coon Buy Times W proud of Its tJtla "The People's Paper," and It strives at all Umea to lire nj to 'I' name by dorotlng It energle to I' promoting tlio pcoplo' Interest-. MKMHKH OP TIIK ABSOCIATKD PRKSS 01 IM0 B ol. No. XXXIX. PPRDVES THE BIG Air PLAN resident Wilson in Unison With Secretary Garrison in Scheme for Big Increase FULLY BACKED ills for an Expenditure of Inc Hundred and Eighty-two I Million Dollars Annually (CREASE IS $75,000,000 alter U 111 Ho I'roseiiteii to enti res fr Action ly That, Body nml Administration Will Stand Behind I ho Muvo Dr Ainoclitcil Preaa to Coos nay Tlmri. I WASHINGTON, I). C, Oct. 1 I. resilient Wilson toiluy approved bcretnry Garrison a plan for In- reaslng tlio army. It calls for nn nntial expenditure of $1.82,00(1,000 Increase of npproxlinatoly $75,- J0.000. Tho plan, In Its approved prin, will lio prcHcutcd to Congress itth tlio uill backing of tlio ndmlti- tratlon, Wiint Coast Defense. 'Much of tlio Increased upproprla- ons would bo devoted -to coast de fense!) mm a substantial Increase tlio field artillery. Kiini-moiis Total tlf tho Navy, which will ask for Increase of $100,000,000 car es tnrougii tuo plan or making rtotnl naval npproprlntlon of $2-18,- 30. OUO, tho appropriation for uat- Inal defense, Including tho army's 182,000,000 would total $i:i(),- D0.000. Would Have lleservo Tho plans nro understood to pro bsc an Increase of .'10,000 to Ii0,- HO men in tho army and n lurgo serve to ho created through Induc- nicii to join tho ranks by short Irni enlistment. The plans lncludo tho oncouraKO- cnt of tho national guard. Tlio resident Bpent tho cn.tlro mornliiR king over the plana and later laid lem boforo Chairman Hay of tho onae military committee. Kxnect Approval Tho administration la confident (it the Democratic leadors of both buses will approvo tho plan, 4' vi ua oi:xi:haf.s DKSMUTIXO LKADKIt Dr AuorUlM rreia to Coo ntj Tlrnf.. HI PASO. Oct. 14. Ocn cral Ornolas, military com mander at Juarez, crossed to El Paso today. It Is report ed lie has rotlred from tho Villa government. Tho Curranza consulato an nounced receipt of a roport that threo Villa generals de serted with tholr men In Chi li nahiia. . : ATTITUDE INC OF nitKHOM irAirns statu. iMi:.t UP.GMtDixr; position i It Is IDs Duty to Pmseivo Dos- iriiciiou or Couniry by llo coinlng Involved ID, AuoclttM fn to Com Dj Tlmn. ATIIKXS. Oct. 14. In resnonso to wquest for a definition of tho nt- '"uo or (ireeco, King Constantino IlIO thO followlllir stnlmnnnl in tho isoclated Press; " tuny is io presorvo my coun fl'om tho dancer nf dpBtructlon rough becoming involved in tho Erai European conflict. I hopo uo una at nil hazards if it is sslbie. A 'I.IAXCi: XO. 2, STOltM TOSSRD, I'LTS IX IIKIHO FOIt SAFUTY fPmln Miguel Alillu Tells of Jfovf , i.nuugo In South Ameilcaii and Mexican Tiiido ITllO Alllanco Nn. 9 roclRtorod m Victoria, D C, put in hero 6PrUay nflPmnnn nn tim. wnV" Kth to Mazatlan. Mexico, battered K oturiii ineaor 'IMn nii la o nail one of 160 tons, and longth about 100 feet. Captain Miguel D"a. Who is also owner, claims Is interested in a shinnlne enm- ' to be formed at Mazatlan to lerate vessels up and down tho exican and South American coasts. "!e VPSSOl lo onl.l hnva tnr. er'y been In tho flahlni lmalnoaa N Is built of wood and schooner fc fnn her fore nntl n,a,n maBts- P0 GO-llOrKA.nnu'A fvie1lt. rt A.i- 168 sunnlv iimtlvn nn...nn .aptaln Ablla also says that he 9 1 newspaper man and though ho ls" t a nailer vet ntniil in Kf.irt '0 at Mnntln.. rrl.n ,.ol . a 'RCmnt about iWlr nn.l ovroodlnr. FINES DOS BAY N untidy as compared with most Established 1H78 Ah Tlio Coiiht Malt. ITALIANS HAVE X TAKEN 12 ISLANDS X X X l! a In. .. .. . . - i X BERLIN, Oct, 14, X (Wireless to Tuckerton,) X The Tageblatt pub J lishes a report that the X X Italians have occupied 12 t - !l I. ., h i isiunas in ine tastern Mediterranean in connec X tlon with the new devel X opment in tlie Balkans, l0 v M'UMi KNOWN MYItTLF POINT MAX PASSKS AWAV Death Was Caused From Attack of lllood Poisoning leather Own ed Kite of Powers (Special to Tho Times) MYItTLH POINT, Oct. 11. John Wagner Is dead hero today as the result of an attack of blood poison ing. Tho young man waa a son of tlio dwner of tho Wagner ranch, now tho slto of tho new town of Powers. Ho had been 111 but u short time. Not long ago tho young man visit ed Marshfleld and there attracted considerable attention becauso of his slzo. lie waa known ns olio of tho largest men In this vicinity. The deceased loaves n great many frlonil who will mourn, his loss. John Wagner was well known in this city. It waa reported hero to day that ho had had a tooth extract ed and that blood poisoning set In, proving fatnl. l in E u Till! O. M. KKM.OCC I.OSH SOl'TH I'ACII-'IU IX Destroyed on .Moro Itecf mid Ciii tain Lund mid Ciew Laud at Midway Island (Special to Tho Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1-L Ca ble advices today from Midway Is land in tho South "Pacific Ocean, told of tho complete wrock of tho sailing schooner O. M. Kollogg, on Moio Ileof, September 25, and the landing yesterday on Midway Is land, of Captain Luun and tho crow of 25 men Intact. Tho O M. Kollogg has 39.1 gross tonuago and I!.'! I not tonnage. Her longth Is J r0 feet, breadth :ili feet and depth 1 1.8 feet. Sho was built in 1802 at Falrlmvon, California, and hor homo port was San Fran cisco, IS LEASED HArutr ni'rr.MAX coxfihms iik- POUT AltOUT KTAHU UAXCII Dr. Wotlierheo to Olvo Vp Dig Curry Place January I (Jooi-go Laird Itullds Dig Itarn Sale of Dr. Wothorbce'a long lease nn tlin hlir Starr Ranch near Lallg- lots to H. II. Hanson, of Norway, wus confirmed today when Harry man returned from a trip to Curry, during which ho stopped off for a visit win tuo lessee no w "i Dr. Wotherbee Is coming north with-1 uo saiu inai JO WAGNER VESS CED in a few days and intonda to gtvo uHlw'i'i u- ll. -.1 l...t .,. fl-ot l.o ..,.. I A...n. nnn f In ,r ni dm llOn.l nf Ihn ""' urV,'""""7.':' ' no win prouauiy eiiKaiio ''"' ; I world's swmest craft in tho IDs and ; ,,g tho most recent railway disaster rylng business in tho viclnltj rjB0,Bj It wli, uo th0 fr8t time slncol in which nearly 300 persona lost 1 0-rt,nm, Ih A Flno Place' the steel ships replaced tho old frig-1 Sftg! For two years Dr. Wetherbeo haaLtes and shins of tho line that cilii. ", "aVJ. .. .V' . " ""' ?, V ? been on tho 1,080 aero ranch near, t , bc , , tll0 Langlols. He camo soutli for "Is ' . health, took a long leaso on tho place .fleet. and started in making extensive,- . Tlu-eo Anchor pairs nnd additions. New barns ,,- ovcrhanulnL' bow will nro- JSmSIS" done0 to,,lndth0oVe1Xtce modem and thoroughly equipped ranch Well Stockeil Farm Thoro aro now on tho ranch somo COO head of animals. Of theso closo to 300 head nro dairy cows. Somo of his Holstein stock Is full blooded leo. behind thSm "aIso" "he 'haaUay, keeping her fo.edeck free of mills will close down tonight to re about fsOO "head of hogs, most of them water in all but the heaviest weath- '.n.e 'operations Monday morning hoinir well iirmi nnrncs. ' mho i., iiai iino. nf tim .. i" i. rtoiiui. Arno Aioreen anu Mr Hansen of Norway is a well 1 J''' Vnrmor'nn;! it t ovAnctPrt that ' known farmer and It is expected tnat i ho also will mako a success of tiro blg place, 1000 acres of whicii is beautiful bottom land. George Lahil to Farm Georgo Laird, of Bandon, has gone to farming, reports Mr. Bultman. He has a place out from Bandon whero ho Is making preparations to erect a largo dairy barn and silos that will cost approximately $3,000. While tnere Mr. uiiunian soui nun somo $500 worth of Porter bn''n equipment. Sir. Laird exnects to put In sanitary stalls and to have every thing about his placo thoroughly modern craft coming in here. It is said she will remain until the weather clears outside. Harry Kimball, Deputy V. S. Col lector of Customs, examined tho pa pers and found them all right' Sho carries no cargo and last cleared from Port Angeles. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, KEEL LAID FDR BIG WARSHIP Dreadnaught California Will be First Electric Fighting Boat in the World In Size She Will Exceed Those of Any of the Foreign Nations COST TO BE $7,800,000 Displacement is illi.OOO Tons and Length Is IIM Keel Two Sister Ships, tho .Missouri mid Idaho Aro Already Authorized Ur AaaoolatcJ Tri-M to Com Hay Time.) NHW YOUK, Oct. 1 1. An Inno vation In naval construtlon waa In augurated at tho Now York Navy LARGER THAN Yard today with tho laying of tho.ollno explosion In tho hotel. Tho keel of tho superdretidnuught Califor nia, thu first battleship In 'the world to bu equipped with olectVIc machin ery for her own propulsion Is Largest Vessel Tho nuw battleship California will bo tho world's first electric dreadnaught ui'.'l from point of slzo will ho greater than any forolgn bat tleship built or building. Tho Cali fornia and her two sister ships, tho Mississippi and tho Idaho, uircady authorized, will each displace 22,000 tons, almost ouo thousand tons mora than tho new dreadnaught Pennsyl vania now on tho way to eouiiUotlou. Cost In .Millions Tho California will ho a ship of innovations. Sho will cost $7,800, 000 without hor armor or armament which Is expected to cost as much more. Sho will havo a speed of twenty-ono knots an hour, will bo 024 feet long, 9T feet across hor beams and will draw 30 foot of wat er. She will carry twolvo fourteen Inch guns, mounted threo abreast In a turret, twonty-two fivo-Inch rapid firo guns and will havo four sub merged torpedo tubes. Electric Driven Tho principal fcaturo of tho now dreadnaught, however la tlio ma chinery for propolllng hor by elec tricity. Sho will ho driven by mot ors which will deliver electricity mado by steam. Tho navy experts hellovo tho olectrical Installation la chcapor than steam propulsion mid toducea tho weight of machinery. The collier Jupltor has been so success ful with olcctrlo machinery that tho novy teola justified In adapting It to a dreadnaught. Has Clipper Stem Outwardly tho California will bring n drastic chaugo of lino and appearance to tho battlollcet. in . . , ... . Uult-iteaa or the blunt gra noso or tlio piesont day big fighter hor bow8 will bo tapered into a graceful yacht-like l"tni much llho thoso of tho famous , " "k "... . pro-jtt or. than twenty feet beyond her cutwater and will give place for threo anchors instead of two as on tho present ships. Tho third will hang plumb over tho stem. TIo now bow will make for keeping tho California, a dry shin, as the sailors1 inV " B,r" ttlu ",v "' , thers -'tis which made for speed t , . . nave ueen varneu uuu.u n.u n;.- lino on tho California and her bows will bo flared near the deck lino so when sho does not cut through a wave she will lift her head over It, Model was Tented Tho model of the California's hull was thoroughly tested In tho testing tank at the navy yard hero heforo the radical changes woro decided up on. whon tho new ship is ready for her first Uial 'ato In 1017 or 1918 she promises a most Interesting stu-. dy for tlie naval experts of tho world. W. have a nifty line of coal, vAk,,,! nml combination heating hHe, fceo this lino lMsforo you liny, hcln-ocxler and lllldenbrand. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 19 15 - X REPORT OF ACTION i WAS PREMATURE ; i lllr AmocUIM 1'rcrt to C-. Tijr Tlnin 1 . ATHENS, Oc, 14 Bul- J ; gana declared war on X Serbia at 8 o'clock this X morning, I I I !! I If the Athens disoatch 1 t is correct, yesterday's re- J ; port was premature, M4M THREE DIE li FIRE DicsTiturnox oi' clovkkdalk hotkl cavsks dkaths Whole Block of ltushicss lliilldlngs mo Wljied Out llofoio Khiines Aro Checked (Ur AwidilJ Prosi to Coot ur TlmM.l CI.OVBUDALIiJ, Calif., Oct. M. Mrs. Sarah J. Harrison, Charles Scott and an unidentified man were burned to death today In a flro that destroyed tho Clovordalo hotel. It Is believed other bodies may bu found. Till) flro Started from u L'iia. town plaza liroko tho path of tho' l lames alter a liiock of seven stores and other buildings wero consumed. .ll'KIST lMKCTHD FIIOM COl'lt'l dooms at im:xvi:u Offender Was lieu It. Lludsey, Pro. lament u t oiiutr hi Country Ah Judge of liiveullA Couit Dr AisocUtMl I'm. to Cooa l)i. Time DHNVICU. Oct. 1 I. Judge lien II. Lludsey, or tho Jilvunlle court, waa ordered ejected from thu district court hero today by Judge Wright. Tho court's fiction waa taken when Lludsey contradicted statements mado by Attorney Sullivan, using a short and oniphatlo term, and grab bed Sullivan by tho coat. Thu clash occurred during tho trial of Frank L. Huso for alleged conspiracy to ruin Judge Undsoy.' YOUXCKU PL'PILS OF SCHOOLS IIAVi: .SLKJHT F.PIDKMIO Causes Them to Do Out of Sdioid Several Dajs Usually Occurs- livery Fall With tho past week sovernl chll ill en havo been roportod absent from school, especially In tho lower grndes, on account of some nauseous sickness, which Dr. Mlngus charac terizes as Intestinal trouble and says that ho has' noticed a alight epidemic or this almost every rail. He says tho children uro guiumilly out or school for a day or two. No reason can bo given uxcont that he believes it must bo thu water at this tlmo of year, though some havo blamed In .onto tho fruit, but It Is aguin pointed out that tio same sort of fruit is being cuten now as bus been on the muikut for several weeks. RAILROAD ACCIDENTS ARE MORE FREQUENT 111 AMOilalel I'rtu l Coo. ILjr Tlm.J 0vnnv nct , . T1... ,,-,, ... I.U.MIUft, UCl. H. J 110 IlOliril Of Trade llgiirea for a year', not Includ loport 125 passengers wore killed wlllli. "Jill worn llllnrnil Ct rnll. wnv nniiiinvnii jr. ti.rn iMiin.i iii thia1 pejd and 0000 Injurod. This Is .., U...,..wtf .WW ...w ...,... vustly worse showing than ovor bo JUDGE THROWN OUT CHILDREN SUFFER , 1IU44 UIIHIIK UIU JU444 UUVL'IUU W iMU fore a fact duo perhaps to the cluing. JJr a e t"o " n'1 wiultB "'h((0 tl v6 , nn.M ncnci nw 2 Oww"ta .--" .oo lliuo Holiday. Tho two Smith Ward M. Ulako of the C. A. Smith Company plan to leave Saturday on (llft '.,,',.' omin, f n,n i ' m tlie Adeline Smith for Oakland. Mr Ulako expects to meet Mis. Ulako and sou, Mullen, who nro returning from Minneapolis. (Olws Fine Conceit. Mrs. F. K. Conway, usslsted by Mrs. Powell, as accompanist, gave a short pro giam ut tho Marshflold High School, this morning. In addition to cluss- v-u. bu.wi.-uu,,-, ,, miK u uiimuur 01 I'wj.u.ui utio, n uikii null l.liti:.. uj.- plauso from the studouts. Benefit Ball. Tho Marshflold High School students aro planning to give u big benefit ball at the Skating rink Novombor 12 to assist tho High School Athletic Associa tion. Picture on Inhibition. There are 20 pictures which aro to be hung tn .ft t0 (.entri Se100i and u who wj,, uro invited to call and see them 1 while they aro gathered In one place, l..l ....I..... I ..I I .ll HWI l"l " EVENING EDITION. lOil RAIDED K HW IS iWiiniioli Dnrrt4- Cttli fnm Dn a uiiuiioii nuuui i riiiy-nvu rl - 1 s?n?.fflodS"d..0Yer...9!Je J nu,,aren Ls m,urea FIRES ARE STARTED Berlin Claims That Hampton Water Works and Woolwich Arsenal Are Attacked BOMBARDMENT IS HEAVY Cerniaii Admiralty In Official State ment Declares that. (Jroat. l'livs I'ollowcd tho Kxph'sloiis of tho Itoiiihs Dropped (Dr AMocUted Trfia to Coo. II. r TlmM. LONDON, Oct. 1 1. Klfty-flvo por sona weru killed and lit injured In a Zeppelin raid over London last night "KlflPMll nf r.r. tinrnnim IMItn.l nml 1 13 of tho 11 1 wounded wero military casuallleB" said thu official stato- iiiunt. "Ant-alrcraft guns wore in action mid an airship was Been to keel over nnd drop to a lower alti tude Aeroplanes (io Up "FIvo aeroplanes went up but only ono located an airship, which dis appeared In tho fog before It could bo overhauled. Sonio houses wero i iiiiniuueu nnu Huvurai II res smrieu. uiu inero was no serious dnmago to military material. All flrea woro soon' under control." IIOMIIS CAPKi: FIKHS Derllu ClalniH Ai-seual and Hampton N Water Works Attacked lllr AmocUIM rrnu io Coo Hay Time.) HUKLIN, Oct. II. (Wireless Huy vllle) An ofrieinl report or tho Uur muu admiralty regarding tlio air raid on London last night says that In addition to dropping hnmha on tho Mngllsh capital, tho water works at Hampton and tho town of Woolwich where there la a groat arsoual, wero heavily bombardod. (Ireat fires fol lowed tho explosion of tho Zeppelin bombs. Text of Statement Tho text, or tho admiralty's atato iiinnt rollows: "norninn airships last night attacked London and nearby importnnt establishments as well as tho battorlos of Ipswich. "Sovoral attacks wero mndo specif ically on tho city of London, tho docks of London, tho waterworks at Hampton nenr London, nnd Wool wich was also heavily bombarded with Iiicondlary bombs. ltetill'iN Homo Safely "At nil places attacked, ininnrf. ant oxploslons and great flrea woro observed. All airships returned safely although they woro vlgoious ly attacked on passing over tho Kug llsh const. IS CUT OFF COMMI'NICATIOX FOK FIVII MILKS IS SKVKKKD Unitarians Thouglit to Havo Struck at PohP .Var tho IVoutler Which Was Kxpeeted (Ur Auuiixui It... iv rjuui n. r inu.. ATIIKNS, Oct. 14. Comniunlctt tlpns have been cut between Nlsh and Trahmvu ror a distance of five miles. Fifty miles south or Nlsh, on tlio trunk Unas between IlelKrado and Saloiiikl, posHonalon or which is the Immediate objective or Serbia's torn, la tho town of' Vorunyann, which Is probably tho ono referred to In thu forcgoins dispatch. Veranyuiia Is , . .......... I "" ' i'" i- '" '' wuiuu Kiiiitia iietiiuni io l no uiiikiii lull iroil- ut u huh the Invading Bul- s havo heon expected to str.lku tho conimiiiilcatlon. of the berbiuus. R0SE8URG FRANK I). COIIAX. MAHSIIFIKLD AOKXT, SAYS RKCKXT 1IAIXH IIAVK IMPROYKD ROADS (MICK TIMK TO PORTLAND Fruiik D. Cohan, or tho "Owl" drug store, agont for tlio Coos Day- Rosoburg auto lino, says thut tho recont ruins have Improved tho loads and thut the service Is now thu buBt )t ,m8 )0en ill a long time. This morning thu outgoing car loft at 0 o'clock, teaching Rosohurg at 1 o'clock, In ample tlmo to catch (ho northhoiid train which will laud tho passengers la Portland at 10: ID this mnrtllllir NIS AUTO Mr. Cohan's lino lias been enjoying nillltary activity In this soctlon since splondld business this soason which tM0 lrka mudo an unsuccessful ad Is uttrlbutablo to the largo, comfort- vnnco on (ho Suez canal. able cars and tho careful and accom-, VKLVKT, PLUSH AND COKUC odatlng drivers rov Suits or Coats hteaineil on a Tho faro from Marshfleld to Rose-, hkal STKAM HOARD nt Jay burg Is only $7 and all Information, Doyle's. iickcis uiiu ri'Korwiuons can uo ou- tulned at tho "Owl ' phone 71. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Malt nml Coos Hay Advertiser. SEVENTEEN GERMAN t VESSELS MISSING X Z IttT AmocI.IM l'riwi to eo r.r TlmM.J LONDON, Oct, 14, Seventeen German ore steamers which ply in tlie Baltic, are missing, ac cording to a Stockholm X dispatch to the Exchange X X Telegraph and are believ- X X ed to have been sunk bv 1 X British submarines, 5 IS much coxci:uxi:d as to ai luis' action ix i1alkaxs Opinion is Divided us to Whether Crcat Itrltalu Should Toko Purl In Now Courilrt WILL AID ItCSSIA IX TIIK UALKAXS III A.oi'llcJ I'itm to Cuor. ray Time, LONDON, Oct. 14.--Hecro-tary of Foreign Affairs Orey announced In the House of Commons toiluy that co-operation with thu Itiisslau troops in thu Ilulkana bud been promised an soon as troops aro 'available. SAY ITALY WILL PKODADLY TAKK PAIIT Illy AmoiIHiM I'rfM 1. Cooa Hay Tlmca PARIS, Oct. 14. Premier Vlvlanl nuuoiiiicud to thu Senate today that Itirly prob ably would tako part In tho Ha Haul operations. ny AinorUtfsl VrtM Io Cooa Hay Tlmm.l LONDON, Oct. 1 I. Increasing uneasiness la felt In Loudon at thu absence of definite news concerning the u! Hod action In thu Uulkuuu. The feeling Is littousltlud by tho news of tho dispute In the French Cham ber of Deputies In regard to tho Balkan danger by Italy's porslstont silence regarding participation In tho expedition ami by uncertainty icgurdlug tho Dritlsh program. Opinion hero Is divided to iiomo extent n's to tho advisability of (Ireat Urltalii taking part In tho Dallam conflict, TRADE:JSlFECTED MARTIAL FORM LAW IN PARTIAL AT TIIK IIAtlUK Applies to Which thu Lines of Industry Furnish Suoplics to Tlio Army ny Alio. Ulea rrrM'io ou nay Tlmea. TIIK IIAMJK, Oct. I I. Martial luw in a siicciried and partial form was proclaimed here today. It af fects various trades which furnish supplies for tho army. Must llao Penults Tho meusuro affects the move iiiontB of workmen o l'"y' ,) n. "I trnilOB providing mllltry hi nulla.. These .workmen horea er will be couipolled to obtain military permitB, II inuy ut:uiiu in (4U i" uiiiui uio- trlcts. ItPLt.'ARIA AND TUKKKY COMK TO AX OXDKRSTAXDINd " , , Kxcliiiugo iVo of .Munition Factories auti iimi ami kiiuiiiiiii supplies Detweeii ICach Other lly AMorlatol 1'ir.a to Cooa Hay Time. AMSTKKDAM. Oct. 1 1. A semi official announcement that a Turco Dulgurlau military agreement had been signed, is made in thu Loknl Anzelgor. Under tho ugroomeiit, rriirlfiiv nlneou two iii'inv eiirns nml her munitions factories at thu dis posal of Bulgaria while the luttor country agrees to supply Turkey with toal ami railroad matorhils. Turk ey shall have tho free use of tho llulgurhui harbors. HIT AN AEROPLANES 'THUS IlltlXfl DOWN A AIR SHIP IIOSTILK Xo KiH-eiil Itepoits f .Military Actlv. Itles in That Locality Siuco Canal Atthek ttly Aamatc4 rrtaa to Coo nay Timea, BKRLIN. (Wireless to Sayvlllo) Oct. 14. An official communication from Constantinople says tho Turks shot down a hostllo ueroplano east of Klarish. Klurlsh Is on tho Mod - Iterranean a hundred miles oast of Port said. .Thoro aro no reports of Llhby Coal, $.1.00 tun. Phono 72. EUO UN AGREEMENT No. 70 uiu ui Huncc WITH CABINET That Was Reason French For eign Minister Delcasse Of fered Resignation of Office LETTER! READ Contained Matters Which the Premier Refused to be Brought to Discussion FRICTION HAS EXISTED Hut Action Created Profound Kr- fect la Franco Pross Makes Hut Little Comment and Is liicllnrsl to Illume Retiring Minister Illy Anool.l.,1 rrfM to Ctia tlay TlmM. PARIS, Oct. I I -Theophllo Dol casso, Foreign Minister, who rotlred yesterday, In his letter of resigna tion, did not luvoko poor health as his roarou for leaving the Cablnot, hut rather dissensions botween him xoir and other Ministers In regard to thu French policy, says tho Rad ical. Kept Letter Secret This letter, which Premier Vlvlanl refused yeslurday to read to tlto Cliainlior of Deputies, rocnlls certain facts, tho discussion of which tho censor forbids. Makes an Kffort Tho resignation of Dulcasso pro duced a profound effect upon tho French public, although It has boon known for soiuo tlmo thoro was friction between him and tho rest or the Cabinet, The press generally abstains from comment, but what little i said is hostile to the Foreign Minister. Wujtois Illume him for falluro of the llulkun policy nnd charge ho Is trying to find a remedy for his mistakes. E ATTACKS OX SKKHIA ARK DKIXO VKiOKOl'SLV PUSIIKD A istro-Oeiiuan Armliv Tako Forti fied Points and Midgut hum 1)1 ho Duck Serbians (lly Awoi'LloJ I'rraa to Cooa Uay Tlmra. LONDON, Oct. II. The Nish-Sa-lonikl railway has been cut for a distance of five miles tit a point about HO miles south of Nlsh, accord ing to uii Athens dispatch. Tho Aim-tro-Ourmau army Invading Horbla captured tho fortified works west, northeast and southeast of Pozarc vacg, Austrian attacks uro reported everywhere progressing, A Sofia dispatch says tho Serbians crossed the llulgarlan lino Tuesday but wero defeated after an all day huttlo In nn attempt to occupy the heights west of Ilelogrndchlk. Wiv.t Front Fight artillery engagements In tho Artols ,,,Btr,ct , tr , flgllUIB nollr w. , , A (,oimii nttnok west of Ta- In tho west, Paris reports heavy luro'wnB ropUUOd. (.'eiieml Attack llorlln roporta n guuoral attack by J the Dritlsh along almost the whole i front from Ypres to Loos, nrcoin- tiiiuled by thu bombardment of tho Belgian conBt. All British attacks failed. Fight In tlio Kust On tho eastern front. Berlins says the Russian army which mado ad vances In eastern (lullclu haH boon chocked and drlvon back across the strlpa rlvor. London snys tho Oor- man attack on Dvlnsk Is ut a stand- still. E ,,( I' VARY COVKItXOIt IX CIIAHOK AT HAI.OXIKI, OltKKCK Soldlei'H nro Ordered to Salute tho DrltMi and French Officers Who Am There. . v44 OKXKRAL KARUAIL TO TAKIJ COMMAND lly AuoclalKl 1'rw.a in Ccot na TlmM.J 4 ATHENS, Oct. 14. Gen- oral Sarrall, comniundor In chief or tho Frenoh forces In tho Orient, who arrived in Saloniki yesterday, will tako conunund of tho expedition- nry army -04 Uy AwoiJite4 l'rw to D&j Bay Tlmea. PAKIS, Oct. II. Declaration of ,nrtlul law at Saloniki on 1.,. , ,.,.,,, ., .,, i, L ' ,', ' ' H "S"1 ,At,,,0n8 i"""" '? Oof '',0 taro.?k l". Tues The forces thero ordored his troops to salute tha French and British officers there. By royal order, Prince Nicholas, brother of King Constantlne, has beon nominated military governor of the interior zone. Havo your programs printed nt 'Tho Times office. ATU AV MARTAL LI r JS2H5 5