v,v, W"'".. . MrtHf- .,... .-... a. " clV" -" rl. x .... ,1 y ' - "v !V urn Nteillittiii illlffiii )'' '-''ijgyr , .. ,. WWWBTOWH rfWf,iwMffwAjiiiii,'nii'i'iiuiiHlHWywl WANT ALL OUR TRADE TO BE OUR FRIENDS, BUT NOT OUR ERIENDS ALL OUR TRADE fajos Bay Times Your Paper til DUB A Southwest Oregon Paper That' whnt tlio Coos liny Tlmei Is. A South. ivcst Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon pooplo.p ind devoted to tlio best lutcrcsta of tlilt groat section . The Times nlwiya booiU ad Merer knocks, riie Cwi Uy Times li proud of Its tltla "Tim . . .i...,.,. II anil It strive! at nil tlnir In LBP to it nmno by dorotln Kb oncntft to noting the peopio laiuraM. MF.MHl.K OH TIIK ASSOCIATFD PHFS9 SNo. XXXIX. Established 1878 As Tlio Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1915 EVENING EDITION. TWELVE PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mull nnd Coos Hny Advertiser. No. 66 Stmra rJ IES HERE FROM DCO Knotts, Brother of Local lister Tells Experiences 1 Villa and Keneis MINER THERE y Forced to Leave When .Confiscated and Contin ually Bled for Money STAY AT EL PASO i That City Ho Can Watch Prog- of Affnlis Thinks Cnrnuin 'ill he Itecnglnlcil and That '' V. S. Must Intervene lcrhan Intervention with troops, novltalile Holutlon of the Mcx qucstlon. Is the belief of K. F. fcs, a brother of the Itov. Knottn pis city, who Is hero after 20 ,rcsltlcnco In Mexico. Ills stnto- wau without hombuHt ami ho lit Is his candid opinion, after yens of constant revolution, U , Inaf tinKiimn iin lint Hint en forced to fleo nnd fcnrH to until tlio trouble is ended. Ills Story Dramatic i story told by Mr. Knotts roads fa lusty Diamond Dick serial. ells of men thumping bin doors Idnlght off In a lonely Moxlcun imcnt nntl, using guiiH to cu- I their argumcut, asking hliu iioiiey mid food; of tlio niunlor rblnn, tho noted Mcxicnu nssaslu rebel chief by Villa's hired niur- f, and of a thousand and one lions and troubles that havo t still are harrasslug turbulent co. Is a initio owner, Is Mr. Kuotlti, he state of Durnngo, COO in Ilea of the United States bonier. hint In partnership were n lard and two Mexicans. Spnn- nro tnboocd among tho "re- ng" Mexicans und thoroforo It iwetl that Mr. Knotts also v.is cil upon with tho cyo ,ef sus- bn nnd his ore was confiscated. General I'rhlna Appears car tho little town of Guunncnvl, purnngo, Is situated tho in I no. It 'been paying well and tho four Iners were, happy. Then tur- Int times becumo worse nnd the was closed down, or at least artcd to close, when General Ur npponred on tho accno." Men buono, piokoto Umbrc," or ils. to that offect, ho spake forth treat mightiness and spat on tho In. "You keep this nilno going jl II confiscate tho wholo uiihl- Hiero was nothing to do but to a crew at work again. For a vvir labored. The oro was stackod heaps on tho ground, waltlnc to natilcil to smelters over tho United pes border. No Itctiirn for Year. Fame a day when Mr. Knotts nd ho was bohlnd somo 1 00.000 os for operating expenses. "About to cot sninn rnvnmin." Iin luKlit," and n fo'w cars woro load- wlth oro nt Itosarlo for north- I shipment. Mas. ho reckoned not with the Irlclous whims of tho canorinK ll. Agnln Gonoral Urblua, be- fed in stolon flnory, rodo forth "is mnchlno and bloeked tho lino. ! confiscated tlio oro. M'en began a legal fight, If such "igllt be called, to iraln nosscsslon Phis own ore. Scores of domands ln scores of Governors, thoy pnged every few minutes or so, gotten to llbcrato tho oro. rhero was ono little Important lcun genoral In nnrllnnlnr who Fo forth tho slogan of tho rob- opvo got to talk to us," dnwhlo holdlnir nut Urn rlcht "d face unward. Mr. Knotts f1 that ho dug deop Into his pocket. ne tlmo ho nald 8000 nesos to y back 200 tons of his own ore. Hm. (iff nfflpnru "icr Colonels, Majors and "Jldignr '"lies" appeared, all repeating tho 'Kan and with their nalms out. ey were all oiled, and a little "re ore was tnrnr.il lnnap The capricious general then de- Bmea $3000 In cold, snurnlnir any lrt of fexlcan money that now Is Idrug on the market. Mr. Knotts pu to El Paso and brought tho J eold coin back to Rosarlo In t BIG LINER ASHORE t X OFF POINT WILSON t t : lljr Amo-IhIcI I'rfii to coo nay Tlmn t SEATTLE, Oct, 9 The X large Blue Funnel liner X Calchas, from Liverpool for Seattle, went ashore I off Point Wilson, .near X Port Townsencl in a dense X fog this morning, Her I position is not danger- X ous and it is expected she X X will be floated at the next X Lhigh tide, J PAID AT XOO.V Tomorrow being Sunday tho C. A. Smith mill paid at noon today. The banks and Ftorcs will be open tonight. CAPTL'ItKS Till: ASTOH CL'P lllti Al'TO HACK IX Iiooney Was Second llolli llioko Tho Woiltl's Itctm-il Which Was .Made nt Chicago III Auorlitfi! riM to Coo !! Tlmtt.l NKW YORK, Oct. 9. (Ill Ander hon won tho Astor cup In tho 350 nillo auto i ace. Iiooney was second, i'O'Doiinoll third. Anderson's tlmo was :t hours, 2 1 minutes, 12 seconds, an average of 102.00 miles an hour. llooncy'H tlmo was :i;2r,;2!t. lloth broke tho world's record of, 3 hours ::5 minutes 25.38 seconds inndo at Chicago. Thero were $50, 000 In prizes. Thero woro twenty ono utnrtors Including Hcst.i, Old- tlold, Ilurmnn, Cooper, Ulckonbachcr, and Dcpnlmn. T CMFTOX STHIKKItS ItKKCSK TO I.KAVK WKSTICUX I'MDKKATIOX Illy A.sorl.lM rrtu to Coo Ilr TlmM.J CMKTON, Ariz.. Oct. 9,Unlon lenders today assorted that tho strik ers In tho Clifton, Moroncl nnd Mot calf district would rofuso to abandon Lnfflllatlon with tho Western Feder ation of Minors. Thoy reiterated that thoy are willing to wnlvo formal recognition of tho union In tho dis cussion of settlcmont of tho strike SEES DREDGE IRK COXflllKSSMAX W. C. IIAWI.KV IX SPICCTS (JOVKHX.MUXT VKSSKh 1IAK TOO IIUAVV Tho party returned boforo noon baying that becauso of tho heavy bar tho dredgo Is not working today. Thoy went aboard and were shown over tho cruft by Cuptuln V James Polhcmus. "I want to seo what tho bar dredge i lj doing and how It docs it," declar ed Congressman W. C. Hawloy. This morning ho wns takon In u machlno to Kmpiro, accompanied by several Port Clmmlssloners, nnd thoro wont aboard tho government vessel to got first hand Information. Tho pronunciation of Mlchlo tioublod tho statesman. "Now, how is this? do you say "Mltuulo" or 'Mlckio'? It ought to bo tho last "way. that's Irish und from what I hear tho diedgo Is working Just like un Irishman. la Interested Coos Uay's need of a dredgo lias Interested Mr. Hawloy. At tho Fel lowship bamiuet Friday night ho an nounced his intention of finding out what Is and has been dono on tho bar, tho depth of wuter after 'tho first bad storm and thus deciding hat tho Jetty Is absolutely necessary. to throw all his efforts towaid be curlng tho necessary $1,000,000 to rebuilt and to extend tho present breakwater. Goes to the Valley Mr. Haw ley expects to remain on rnn iinv until Monday morning wiin i, will leave'for Mvrtlo Point, Conulile and Uandon, coming hack over the Seven Devils road to Marsh- Held where Wednesday evening lio, lias an eneagement to speak before j .! AfBii.oiliBi Ilrotier noon ni uieir NO SB i IVLL ABANDON S WINS' M AUTO RAGI Makes Twenty-five Miles Over Twelve-Block Course in Forty-five Minutes Big Crowd Witnesses Excit ing Event Today at North Bend Bridge Carnival BREAKS LOCAL RECORDS liny Campbell Comes In Third Cel ebration Knds Tonight With Par ade and ."Masked Danco on tlio Streets Water Sports Today First Will Knowles, prize $100. Second Percy Philips, prUo : $50. Third liny Cainilhull, prize ' $25. Tlmo for 25 miles, II mill. C minutes better than yes- torday's race. i Another flno auto nice was held today at North Ilend as ono of tho carnival feature, four men start ed In Ford nutos. Will Knowles won tho race. Percy Philips was Bceond, thirteen seconds behind. Hay Camp hell camo in third. All machines were stripped excepting tho uutn of the fourth man, C. A. Thompson, who drovo I. H. Tower's machine. In the first lap he lost his switch key and In tho seventeenth Inp ho bioko u rod and was out of tho race. Percy Philips camo In first In yes terday's raceB, so ho nnd Knowles will each make $100, tho first prlzo of yesterday being $50. Kills a lllg Dog. Thero were no accidents today excepting when Philips ran into a big dog. The nnlmnl nut out In front of the machine nnd wns struck nnd Instantly killed. Philips lost a little time, Just a few seconds, other wise he might have won tho raco again today. .Much Ku'ltenicnt It was a flno raco throughout and highly exciting. Tho same ns yes terday tho racors went twcnty-flvo miles over a course of twelve city blocks. This mado to many turns that It required much Bit 111 to get around tho couiso with speed and without accident. Time Fast Today Yesterday's tlmo was broken. In f fact tho tlmo today was tho fastest over mado on a city courso on Coos Hay. Tho twontyflvo miles today was mado In 41 mlnutos, while thof tlmo on tho snnio courso yestorday wns 17 minutes. Crowd is lllg A big crowd witnessed tho ruco odny and was greatly pleased. This afternoon thero weie water sports and music by the band nnd the attendant o Is good and a big crowd Is expected tonight, when tho 'carnival closes. .Many Fnjoy Dancing Thero were tlueo dnnces at North Di nd last night, und they were hcj main attractions. There was ono danco at Simpson Pavilion In the park, another at Kckliooff Hall and tho third on tho platform which is enclosed In a big tout. Many or the dancers went from ono place to an other and tried nil tho dances. Tha music and dancing continued as lato as nnyono wanted to stny. Tiiinsportatioii Good Tho city was brilliantly lighted and many "out lu machines from Murshflold. Gorst & King had on extra autos and thero "was good servlco In trans porting tho people Along tho routo from Murshflold to North Hend thoro was a continuous string of machine. going In both directions. The trans portation feuturo was especially well managed und no ono had to wait whon they wanted to travel In olthor direction. TWO ItltlTISH STHAMHIW Sl'XK (Dr Anlit4 Prf" to co Jlr Tlmn J LONOON, Oct. 0. Tho British steamers Sllverash, 3753 tons gross, and the Scaeby, 3C58 tons gross, have been sunk OWLE 5 TODAY'S GAME Tie at Beginning of Ninth Inn ing When National Player Makes Another Run ili'l PRESIDENT THEREiVILU PROTESTING With His Fiancee .s Given Ovation by Crowd of Twen ty Thousand Spectators FOSTER DOES GREAT WORK Itrhes Nationals i.Yoiti the Plato One After Another niiil Then Slakes (.rent lilt Which Saves the Day I Und Plays OFFICIAL FIGl'llKS The following are the of flclal figures: Total attend ance, 20,3015; llecelpts, $52, 021); players share, $2S, 00C.CC ; national comnils nlons share, $5,202. HO. ''-f9e44 llj AimilttrJ rro.i to Conn llf Tlmf.. Scoio liy Innings 1 2 3 1 5 15 7 S 9 It. II. Iloslon . . 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 10 Phil 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 01 3 j AhocUIM r-r4 Id Own But Timn. PlIlIiADKI.PIIIA, Oct. U. Hoaton Won lrom Phlhidclphln in the second of tho world's scries guinea today In the ninth Inning. Tho score wns 2 to 1. President Wilson und 20,000 pco plo saw (leorgo Foster turn back tho 'Natlonul pennant winners from tlio plate, Inning alter Inning, mid then put a fitting climax on the game by driving a winning run lu tho ninth 'Inning with a hot single to center. Huston garnered ten lilts, hut Mny er managed to keen thorn fairly well scattered. At tho beginning of tlio frccoud half of tho .ninth, tho bund played "Stnr Spangled liunnor" and itho President and crowd stood with bared heads while tho players In tho field doffed their caps. The President was given an ova tion as he loft the field. ' President Thero President Wllrou and his flnncco,' Mrs. Cult, looked on while tho Phll- fadelphla .Nationals and Iloston Amer icans came to grips. Thousands came early to tho field nnd by noon the bleachers woro crowded. Tho President's box near' tho Ilos ton players bench off third haso Ki0wod with red. white and liluo '1)Mntlng and small Amorlcnn flags. . Crowd Cheers rKi,,mit umikoh. .Iih. Gait and party arrived at 2:05, tho game hav ing awaited their arrival five mluii- I'tes. Tho crowd urosu and cheered. President Wilson bowed to the hall playorr. and shook hands with May or Illankenhuig. Tin ows First Hull Prosldont linker of the Philadel phia club officially welcomed i'llvo w" Proposed by Villa today us .l'l-gildciit Wilson, who was then glv- nltorimtlvo to the recognition of n a now ball which lie threw out toicrnM- Uocognltlon of Carranza, tho nlllVOrs The details of tho play by innliiKs follow : First luiilii 1 Hostftn-llooper walked, went to third on Speakers single and scored ') HumiK-nr ivnnl out h1..i1Iiil' Hums diopped bull. Hoblltzel slug- led, out stealing. Ono run, two hits, ono error. Phlladolphlu Foster letirod sldo In order Huncroft fanned. No runs 'no hits, no errors, Second Inning Iloston Mayer fiinnod two and al lowed Gurduor to hit. No runs, ono hit. Philadelphia Foster struok out Cravath and Liidiirus. Whlttod grounded. No runs. Third l""liig Boston Mayor fannod Foster,). Hooper am Scott Vo runs no hits IhllHilliililn N'lfihnff nn.l Muvnr fanned, Burns grou rounded. No runs,!'1" no hits. Fourth Inning Bobton Lewis singled nnd died on first. No runs, no hits. Phlladeplhla Foster retired tllOl 'sldo In ordor. No runs, no hits. Fifth Inning Boston Foster doubled but no other got on No runs, ono hit. Philadelphia-- Cravuth 'l,,uj'e.' Continued on Pago Four 15 Conference Regards His Fac tion as Only Suitable One for De Facto Government Says Action Will Not Insure Peace in Mexico But Will Mean Anarchy PRESENTS ANOTHER PLAN Wauls lloth Sides to Meet, ami Select A President Claims This Is On . ly Chaiico As lie Will Fight to the Iat fllr AmocUtf.l rrru lo cri tuj Tlmn. O' O lti:CO(2XIKD AS di: facto iovi:itx.Mi:xT . (Special to The Times) WASHINGTON, I). C. Oct. !). Recognition of tho Carranza gnvuruini'iit as n do facto government of .Mexico 4 was unanimously decided up- 4 on today by tho Pan-Aiuorl- can conference. Secretary I.nii- 4 sing Issued this statement. 4 ' The conference, after a careful consideration of tho 4 facts found that tho Carrau- za parly Is the otrly parly In ' Mexico which possess tho ea- Kcuthils for recognition as 4 do facto government, and 4 4 they have so reported to their 4 respective governments. tD; AiiocUIM Trni Id Cima llr Tlmna. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Oct. !l. The Intentions or the United Slates to recognize tho Carranza govern ment it wns consliuTfed almost cer tain hero today, would ho announced at the end ol the fourth Pan-American conference. Tlio I.atlu-Ainerl-cau diplomats met with Secretary Lansing today lu what niuny believed woud bo a final gathering. I.nto Ku'iits Today This afternoon the Thimble club of North llond gave a reception for Miss Goldlo Illggs, the carnival queen. In tho "hang and back" gasoline raco the lone was first and the Kid second. ! lu the bargo contest thero were twenty men put aboard tho bargo ami $50 In gold wits offered the muu who stayed on the longest. Striking was I barred. After u struggle of 12 iiiln-t 0 Z utos lirnefct Anderson was tho lastlsians admit tlio loss of part ot their man on tho scow nnd won tho nion - oy. piti:si:.vis A PLAN Villa Says Cniiiin.ii Cannot Defeat Ills Following 11 A-wcxMK.l I'm. loOout n7 riuiea.l KL PASO, Oct. 0. A coalntlou ctlilnut. of the factional ropresentu- I i, wumu nui iiiuiihku ii;iu;u hi I Moat!HB-l"co ll0 "' '" oUlioronts jWpuui ugiit. to mo iubi. ,,L,(", lijisi.lil I "Carrnua cannot defeat my army" .'' V111"' '" a8 ho mi' "'"' r,)I'- ' i""l liiniil linn "is mruiiBUi ho will, recognition of Curruuzu will rot affect tho constitutionalist cult so." (Jives Ills Views "Tlio nearest you can como to pence In Mexico Is my plan" sulil VII !u It follows: Huvo htilf tho gov- eminent officers sent to the capital i (cities ofjlio ftatos and to Moxlco Ci ty by coiivoutlon roprosontatlvcs, tho othor hulf by tho Curruuzu ele ment. "Thon select a provident who will not bo biased or against either shlo und iinro8ponsivo to pr oi.hu io from " "o iuui"iii " iiu'i t.l.. .1.. ... ....!.,..... ,.. I... .., ,.,.., ." l J"11 ""'"''' "' v-iiii 1 .. .1... 1,... ,...,....... ,. ft.. HH.. aw... ind Villa loaders." V uhl AIiniii Annuity '.Surprise coiiioh to mo that tho Pan American couferoos should think I of recognizing Carranza. Ho con- f. 1.. I I. ..-A Ll. ,Mn.... ... (.! Olll) WIIDIU IIIB IIUUJIB UU ' Tloned. "If ho is rorogul&d tlio, way l op- 'en to nnurehy lu Moxlco for Carranza means favoritism for the uionled lu terests und iiollilug for common peo- jplo He represonts the same faction 1 Iliaz and Huer'a did " tit X TEUTONS CAPTURING t CITY OF BELGRADE X q ly AflciarlAtM Prcw lo Coor. ray Time 1 X BERLIN, Oct, 9, Tho i Teutonic troops invading X Serbia have captured tho X X gi eater part of the city t T ot Belgrade it was offi- X cially announced today, X f PUIS IT AD.MIItAh fi,i:i:t fm:tciii:ii's "iiia'K" mi:i:ts a dkp'kat Other Side I'orrcs Kiitrniiro of Dele want Itay and Game Is De clared Conclutletl tllj Atl'irltlra Prow to tn tlT Tlmn.l , WASHINGTON, 11. C. Oct. II. Ad 'inlral Flcatcher's "Illue" fleet ,whcb for a wcok has bcon defending tho nastorn coast of tho United States from attacking the "lied" fleet un der Hear Admiral Knight, tins been Mefenteil, according to tho announce- niont today by Secretary Daniels. Tho attacking fleet forced mi en trance Into Dclownro May Inst night and tho war game wns declared con cluded. ARE STILTFIGflTING (IKIt.MANS KF.KPING CP Til Fill COUXTFIt A'lTACKS P'lerco P'ighlliig Is Iteporteil in tlio Xelghhoihooil if Dilusk At tacking from tho North tllr AuorlilM PrrM lo ' 1UJ Tlmr. ) LONDON, Oct. !. lteports ntuto the Germans continue counter nt- Tho Germami continue counter ut tuckn on the western front against "ground recently loft. Paris stntox that tho only German gain was tho occupation of a portion of tho trench 'between the Loos and llethuuo Lens road. Paris claims tho German Iohhoh wore heavy lu attacks around Loos. Violent Attacks Violent Gormiiu nttaokH south eart of Neuvlllo-SL. Vassl were ro pulsod, according to French roportH. Heavy bombardmeiils continue lu un met ous sections. lu tho east, tho Germans gained 'a decisive advniilugo by hurling ttioops north of Dvlnsk. Thoy uio now attacking tho city from tho north and tho onrlaught oxceols In I'vlolemu previous attacks from tho west and south. Desperate Fighting Dcspornto action was fought tun miles north of Dvlnsk and tlio Itu tienches. Ilerlln reports furlhor 1 piogreH In tho Invasion of Serbia. t0IH to lirruy i,orHO)r against thorn. l!LSOFGHEEREDlEflSED"lBAIL' WITH HIS FIAXCi: IH (JIVIIX A WAIt.M WKLCOMI lyn Fugageiiient Itlng mid U'aics New Vol I; for Philadelphia In Prlv't" .'ar Ily Aiindit! I'reH In Com nt; Than NUW YOHK, Oct. . ProHldont Wilson, Mrs. Gait ami party left this morning In u private car for Phil adelphia. Previous to tliolr depart ure, tho President and fhiucee, ac companied by tho hitter's mother, onjoyod an auto ride. Thoy woro recognized everywhere und greeted with cheors. The Prosldont pur chased a solitaire diamond ring which Mn. Gait woro today. An Incident which excited the amusement of tho podostrlaus on Hlvorsldo Drive and canned the Pros Idoiit und Mrs. Gult five smiling ! Itlllllll.lU U1IU lllfl IflUU flf lilu 1l!ll A ....... ..u.t, ....r. ...u ...w., ... ..... ...... .. gust of wind off tho Hudson blew It Into tho struct. Tho miorat norvlco muu from tlio car that followed Jumped to tho rescue, but the hut took a Journey of Novornl hundred feet buforo being overtaken. IIOVS TI'ltXHD LOOSH Soma small hoys got Into Wasson'u 'alrguu shooting, gallery ntund tit the North Ilend earnlvu) and utnlu somo little trinkets which wor thoro us pilzoti. The poliro looked tho mat ter up anil tho boys, returned wiiat they hud taken, woro given a good leturo and allowed to go. Havo your programs printed nt 'Tlio Times office. j FL1K ATATCKS : BEING PLANNED i Bulgaria Preparing Movement Against Serbia in Connect ion With German Forces . protestTlodgeI urjjcci to brccce Allowing me French and British Troops to Land There WAR NOT JTET DECLARED London Iteganls the Leaving of Dip lomats of the Futcuto Powers Fiiiiii llulgarla as Deriding tho Position of That Country ) 44444444 IIP .GAItlA M.YKLS photfst to ;iti:i:ci: lllr AMoflatr.1 rrrM in rnoi nr Tlmrf. 4 LONDON, Oct. P. Strong loprcsuutntlotis are said to have boon mado by llulgarla to Greece against tho land- lug of the French and Ilrlt- Ish troops at Salonika. Pr Awioritil I'rcw In Cooi nr Tlmn LONDON, Oct. 0. Although tho Inst 21 bonis brought no climax to tho swiftly changing political situ ation in tho llalkaus, Loudon bq glus lo view It lu u clenror perspec tive. Tho departure of the quadruple entente diplomats him given finally lo Hulgnrla's comiulttmuut to tho side of tho central powers, but tin Oet thero has been no formal dec laration of war between llulgarla and Soi Ida and her entente nllloB. Plan Flunk .Movement With tho exception of tho uncon firmed inpurl of tho Russian bom bardment of the Hulgurluu coast, no oviit art of hostilities lias boon committed. Novel theless llulgarla la icpiirteil preparing a flank attack on Serbia, carried out lu conjunction with tho Austro-Oi'i'iunii invasion. Sho Is concentrating her cavalry, supported by heavy artillery under Germnii commuud, near tho Serbian border. I'ncci lulu About (I'loeco Still lomaliiH a slight element of 'doubt as to tlio altltudo of Grcoco, which probably will not ho dis pelled until the now cabinet makes a definite pronouncement of policy. lu the meantime the entente pow ers appear satisfied with tho assur- 'tinces of continued neutrality, anu nee no nuibon to boiiovo iircoco tn- MoilV It. L.WVSOX HKACHLS iio.mi; ix Di:xvi:it i Convicted for l-'liM Degreo M unlet' Hut Action Taken liy tho Siipreiiio Court III AMotUto.1 l'rM to Tooi lit TlaiM. DKNVKIt, Colo. Oct. 0. John It. Lawson, moinbor of tlio Internation al executive board of tho United 'Allno Workers of America, arrived. fhonio hero today nftor his rolcasa on hall lust night from tlio Trinidad i Jail, lit) was convicted of first de- Kreu murder us a result of tno coai Nil Ike riots hut was udmlttod to ball "by the supremo court on a writ of error and rupursodens. HLIi: ItllKii; TKi'FHS WILL JOIN IN Till: CAHXIVAIi Poitj-flio men Conui Down From Mi Donald At Vaughii'ii Outfit This Moiiiiug Forty-flvo moil from tho McDonald & Vaughau lunging camp at Daniels Creek camo down on tho boat this morning and unite a number arrived ycstoiday. Tho camp will bo closed down until Monday in ordor that tho employes tan attend tho bridge car nival at North Bend bo us usual on the occasion of festivities tho , Blue Hldgo Tlgors will havo a part I In tho celebration GI D DOWN (Continued on Pago Pour,) banquet.