- - JIL " ' ' , 'rifftfTTinr-tffi Kav',!s 1 WmmBWVWWmF?1'' . , w -v -1M I'W; TW- " vwv- r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1915 EVENING EDITION. TWO I 312 Front st jn Our New Location 312' F""jgjt HKV. MOXTGOMKItV O.VK ()!' 1JKST MOUM'MXKKltS IX STATIC Win Visitor Here, I.onvliif; Vcstcriliiy Tolls of Xiutou' lt'iiic cm Ml. .leriViMm ' How ho stood crouching on n nar row shelf of rock, thousands of foot in tlio air whllo nit avalaiicho of rock hurtled down from the top .of Mt. Jefferson above him and Ills son, and then rattled down to tlio valley bolow, was told this week end by Dr. Androw J. Montgomery, of Portland, ivso visited tlio Presbyterian church es of Coos county lust week. Ho Is an experienced mountain climber, having scaled practically every lofty peak In Oregon. Itcv, Montgomery was on his an nual vacation. With u party of eight ho started out to ascend Mt Jofforson, approaching tlio lofty peal; from nn cjttlrcly new roulo that ho and his son, William .Montgomery, a junior lu tho state university, had figured out together. i Caught on Xiiitow Shelf Within hut a short distance of tho topmost plnnuelo tho party came to tho shelf, '10 to CO feet in length, around which they would have to odgo thomsolvcs to inako tho nsceut. IJov. Montgomery and his son went out as scouts and it was hero that tho avalanche happened. Hlght in tho mlddlo of the dlstanco they both heard tho nolso and look ed up. Caught thcro lu tho middle, with sure death behind them If they foil, tho men clung for dear life to tlio precipice- and ducked low. Tho rocks rnttlod over thorn and plung ed on. 13oth men woro hit severe blows on tlio shoulders by smaller rocks but wcro saved from broken bones bocatiso ouch carried a heavy coll of ropo thrown over tho should-, crs that woro hit. Undotorrcd by tho rocks Itcv. Mont gomery and his son went on and lat er brought tho ontlro party to tho mountain peak. Sovernl times Itov. Montgomory has acted as guldo fori tho Portland Muznmas, tho mountain ' climbing club. Ho left yesterday for. Eugono aftor his first trip to Coos Bay. I Ladies' $2.00 Union Suits $1.00 $2.50 Leather Hand Bags : $1.00 4 Pairs of regular 35c Hose $1.00 Waists, regular from $2.50 to $3.75 $1.00 Snrprm Pottinnnis. Vficnlfiv $2.50 vnlno SI .00 W '-,"v' - --- - o t ... -, ,y One lot f $1.00 Shirts, two for - $M 50c and ?5c Neckwear, three for $lloo $1.75 Jersey Sweaters 'qq 35c fine, genuine Cashmere Hose 5 for t 25c Silk Hose, 7 pair for , J'og as)jgiaiiBjjaifljwmEf;aaiaa j-tjXJ.rj"iJ"uiiMii"ii"B"ii"i'" Women's Department Suits $.'18.50 mid $32.50 now $10.00 $52.50 Broudeloth, now sJJo.dU jKlMMAMVMMfWMWWWMMWM1 ASHLAND PEOPLE CIRCULATE PETITION' i TiikoHtcjts Itegaiilliig tho Disposition or Tho (). a V. ,alul In Tlint Part of Stuto ASIIIjAN'I), Ore., Oct. S Tho po tltion bolng circulated In Ashland re lating to tlio further disposition of tho unsold lauds of tho grant made to tho Oregon & California Itnllroad company Is being signed throughout Ashland. I There nro 1,8115,010 acres of land in Jackson county, of which 441,000 ' acres aro under tho grant of tho Oregon & California and 007,112 I , acres aro contained in tho forest re- servo. Only about U0.000 acres ofi tillable land nro now bolng made to I produco tho county, stuto and na tional revenuo In this vast domain. ' Tho railroad lands liavo been with drawn from salo slnoo January 1, 1003, which has retarded its growth and development. There Is nbout I'JO.OOO or delin quent tuxes standing against tlio grant land of tho Oregon & California, $37.50 plush, now ..520.00 $24.50 plaid wool, now $11.75 $34.50 Broadcloth, now $17.50 Raincoats $22.50 Ornvonetle, now $9.75 $14.50 Rubberized, now $0.95 $7.50 Rubberized, now f $3.98 &tgr '"w -0"j. mm . esses OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS lOvorvonen bargain; to tue tlieni is to buy them. Prices from $5.95 to $35.00 Waists $S.50 Waists, now ..$2.98 Silk and Crepe $5.50 Lingerie wai.sts, now 98c ( Alton' itAxnox ii:oim,i: Nomh or tho City Told In tho West ern World ym Hubert Swan and family of l.ook- . ig OlnsB, Oregon, woro visitors to f ho local beach for several das jo- cently. Mr. and Mrs. 31. K. Troadgold Children's Dresses Children's wiNi dress es .25c Aliilily Mlouses 25c who spent tho summer on tlivlr fiiiMrpn'c Rlinmfc homestead In tho u. ..,- i.',,r mil. IHUueil J) iXdlllCOUlS ----- ... ii,.wi i- ii ii i .mi if section, moved to llaudou lor the' miner. Harry Wright, grandson, of Kniuk "WlllOtt. loft, on tlio I.' II ,.,!..,. i, ,.... .-, .... ... IJH.HWVI l l- Ran Kranclsco, from where ho will go' i i,un AiigoioB. jio win operato an uiiioiiioiiiio tiicro. .Mr. and .Mrs. Win. AtterluiiK and 3Irs. Alfred 3Iorrls lint for Portland u.i. noin jauicK will uudorgo med ical treatment at one of tho luigi iiutiiuiais, K. K. WoIIh. who roKliioM mi w.. gon avonuo. lull rm- ninii.. t a business and pleasure' trlpMr. uous win visit his hlstor. SaJlo oiis, at Hosoburg, boloro return lug to lluudon. AHon Neldi of liandon was found insane In the probate i-oiiit ,,t Co- lUlllO last eok anil liiunn.ll....i. ...i. en to salom by guards trom tho statu In tit it til In.. . i ...,. ,uu, Wiio inatio a special till to tho I'finniv . ' i flirs. j. a. Faulds has been on tho ohk ui uio past few das but Is im proving ow. Mm. Kaiil.U was re cently elected ilnlmrnli. ,. i, .... J ".;V'.r: .T. i:. convention at ....u.iu uuii no,- Hinogg win movent nor from attending. Mrs. CllUS. Pnllnclr nn.l .. ,.... ILIJMur .Mtllnntir rrrntil,. i.'.,i .. Of LADIES' and MISSES WEARING APPAREL, Men's and l?oy's Clothing, Hats, Caps and Haberdashery must be closed out. Every article and garment in our house is marked down re gardless of cost. EVERYTHING MUST GO. No matter what you need in Ladies' or Men's wear we havt it at a price so low you'll wonder. Remember this store has been here only two years and we have not an accumulation of old stock to foist upon you. Our stock is ALL GOOD, CLEAN, STANDARD MERCHANDISE. We are not going to be able to tell you how many bargains await you, as our space will not per mit it. But we will quote a few selected at random from each department. You will have to come and see for yourself. Remember this, stock is to be closed out and in order to do so we have sacrificed our profits and on many items part c f the first cost. s Department Underwear One lot of beautiful silk and wool, L piece im derwear, regularly sold for $2.73 per j;ar nient, now $1,50 $1.25 underwear, now 85c $1.75 underwear nov$120 $2.00 underwear now $L35 $2.50 underwear now $1.6) $.'!..")() underwear now $2.10 $.").()() underwear now $3.15 One lot of cotton under wear al . . .25c garment men ;j0o work shirts 33c $1.00 heavy black and tan shirts 85c f)0i working suspend ers 23c Lowers' work sox ...33c $0.00 Loners' shirts $450 $:j.S0 Flannel shirts $2.40 $2.r0 Flannel shirts $1.55 $1.00 Overalls-, now -.75c $:.00 Corduroy pants $2.10 Working iiirts Si 9 o Clock Every Morning Children's $(!.."(), now $2.98 Children's Wniuenpes I now 1,98 Cloth eonK now .. .$3.98 Petticoats Ladies Silk Petticoats, were $(!.()(, now . .$2.98 $2.2."j Sateen petticoats, now 98c $7.7.") Crepe l)e Chine petticoats, now . .$3.98 THMtf .pg Hosiery Ladies hose, in silk, cot ton and Lisle at bitf reduc tions; come and look them We have no contract goods. Everything in our house is reduced, and everything is marked in plain figures with the former price and the sale price. Come expecting much and you will not be disappointed. i We have hundreds of bargains besides those mentioned above. Don't neglect com ing: to see them. Everything is included in this sale. Our line of Stetson and Knox Hats will be sold for cost. Chalmers underwear for less than cost. Handkerchiefs, neckwear and gloves, men's jewelry are all going way below cost. Don't delay, come now. NOTICE:-This Stock Will fee Sold Either or R Wholesale Sale Starts al i) Every Morning. Stock and fixtures for sale. ------ - - "J""-rT'U'.''--W-'"' Dress Shirts $ 1. 00 Arrow shirts.. $$ $2.00 Arrow shirts.. 1 $1,00 Odd lot of shirt 55c All Arrow collars.- Men's Suits $15.00 Mixtures .. $20.00 Blue horso ?w- $30.00 Blno uitMjjffl strip L'M $37.50 Silkjtuw5 $30.00 tflipoiis,... $45.00 Overcoats...?21 $12.00 KaiiioonUjM For Boys Boys' Suits, Hats, Over- y coats, etc. ,avolicenoutmvy cost. .$10.00 Bon s'M.it-9 $5.50 Corduroy wnt. Stock Now on Sale at h ront S treet li. .""' """ "rf- P iy" rri'y-M-VrM-w'''W-.-M'-ir-ri-KjTrjXfLx r. uiu 1'ouock family has a M '"" , i l.t-t-.m--M-M-U-trXrtj-lj-ljyJ-lJ1 W1-fcM 1 . - - - . - - . J-,-fc-r-,-J-u-,J-nj-tJ-t iiiiiiiuiAnii -m . .. ",vn"""' iir- coilocK ro- OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS ra row hYsto fjnlRll ,UR, iiuurs porta n nir t n,n ,i. . " 'Ml f -'. ami win join thrm lat j