&tt-.&V0M WHHSBTW IF YOUR DOLLAR IS HIDDEN AWAY GET IT OUT POR DOLLAR DAY Coos Bay Times Your Paper- (Bum m A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmt's what tlio Coon liny Tluicf In. A South west Oregon paper for Son (Invest Oregon people nd devoted to tlio best Interest of tlila great icctloa . alio Time nlvviys boost ai Merer knock. Tlio Cw Buy Tlinos Ii proua of Its title "The feople'i rpor," and It strlvco at 11 time to Uto np to lta name by Uo voting iti energies to promoting tlio pooplo's intorosU. MEMBER OF Till: ASSOCIATED PRESS uS Vol. No. XXXIX. PERCY PHILIPS WINS THE RAGE Makes Twenty-five Miles in Forty-five Minutes Over North Bend Course T Horace Byler Has Narrow Es cape When Attempting to Turn at High Speed EXCITEMENT WAS HIGH Hlg Crowd Witnesses Eve"t Attend- unco nt Carnival Todny In Largo , Expert Dig Time Tonight mid Toiiioitow FORI) HACK WINNERS First Percy Phillips, prizo r,0. Second Will Ktiowlton, prizo, Bet of tlrca. Third I. It. Tower, prizo, $ir,. 4 Tlmo for 2n miles 1C minutes. Tlio Ford nuto rnco at North Pond "this morning wns highly exciting. Tlio machines covered n course- of twelve blocks nnd ran tweuty-f Ivo miles going over the courso that mimlior of times. Thoy wont through tlio city nt a terrific speed. ' Horace Hylor in his machine hart an accident and had a nnrrow escape from being killed. Ho turned tno corner of Shcrmnn nnd Virginia nt , tlio roto of 3fi miles nu hour and tlio innclilno turned turtle. Uylor was thrown out and struck on piles ' of haled hoy which hud been put there as a piotcctlon and this was all that saved him from being killed. fllarvoy Ournoa who was also In tlio i niachluo was thrown out but not ' hurt. Him Around In Circles Will Kriowlton whon iho turned the corner wns going so fast that his i ninchluo ran around In n circle but I he wob not hurt. There wore five entries and thoy i were started ten seconds apart In tlio following order: Horace Hylor. liny tCuinpbell, I. 31. Tower, Will : Ktiowlton and Percy Philips. Philips outdrove tlio others using excellent judgment In turning tlio corners and in handling his nia ; chine. Machine Broken llylers machine was broken whon !lt turned over but ho got it out of , the way in tlmo to leave the track clear for tho next racer. Hay Camp s loll did not finish, mil URNS OVER The program was carried out tlil.Sw0(,lrh ,,Iltl0nin church, tho ser t morning as announced. Mayor Bl mor Hussoll mado nu address of wol ;Ccmo nnd'L. J. Simpson Bpoko, C. J. Mlllls, representing Prcsldont Sproulo of tho Southern Pacific, gavo an address mid Congressman Hawloy occupied tho platform until noon Ulicn the races startod. Hlg Crowd Is Tlioro This afternoon tlioro is a hlg crowd M the earnlvul. I.nst night tho at- ;tendnnco wns also largo and It is ex pected that thero will bo another big crowd tonight. Tomorrow tlioro will bo water sports and at night n Mardl Gras parade and a mnsked bnll with donc i"K on tho paved streots. Plenty of music has boon provided. On Qiiccii'h Float In mentioning thoso on tho lueen's float yesterday tlioro was by wcltlont not given tho namo of Miss Marjorlo Swcarlugon, who wns n Iroald of honor, and tlio two pages, Mahlo JonnltiKs nnd Doris FaHton- Btelti. i-: :XTS THIS AFTICItXOOX illace and Other Kiitortaliiiiient mi the Street Tho result of tho events this nf- wiioon follow: 50-yard dash; girls under 12 Stella Klocker, first; Evelyn John- 6en, second. 1 00-yard dash: boys under 12 William Canintinll flrRf Will De- eeso, second. 100-yard dash: boys ovor 12 "'alph Wilov. first: Georco WIN 'ck and Graham Hockett tied for econd. Sack race, BO-yards Evar Wick- aa". first: Raymond Haddock, sec ond. The little Anderson brothers gavo hoxlns exhibition this nftornoon. Established 1878 Ah Tlio Const Mull. . X MASKED MEN HOLD X UP B. & 0. TRAIN X X WHEELING, W. Va,, X X Oct, 8, Two masked X men this morning held up X and robbed a Baltimore & X X Ohio express train near X X Central, West Virginia, X X The booty taken from the X X mail car is believed to X X be large, X MRS HIBARGER DIES SIM.VAfj MENINGITIS PROVES FA TA I j LAST EVENING Iliislinnd Absent In Prospecting Par ty on Simko River Can Xot Ito Located Today Mrs. O. Hlbargor died of splnnl meningitis nt tlio family homo last evening after a week's Illness. Tlio piusbaud was away nt tlio time with n prospecting party soniowliero along rtlio Simla' river In Iiluho and ho can i not bo located. He loft only a day 'or so before his wlfo was taken 111. Tlio deceased wns lit years of ago mid wns horn In Missouri, llcshlcs her husbnud alio leaves n sou, C. F. Illbnrgor, of this city, nnd a sister, Mrs. C. F. OleiiKon, of Sunnysldc, Wnshinglon. Two yenrs ago the family movei" ",here from North Yuklmn, Washing ton, where they lived for tunny yenrs. During the tlmo she hns lived on tho hay Mrs. Illbargor has cultivated n 'wide circle of friends who are shock ed to hear of her death. No arrangements for tho funeral can ho mado until tho husband Is lo cated and word can ho gotten to him. MRS. ITSDN DIES VICTIM OF EXPLOSION PASSES AWAV AT EARLY IKH'lt Heath WHN Losing Fight Was Na tive of Sweden nnd Lived In Coos for Past lid Years Mrs. Sophia Matson, who last Wed nesday evening was fearfully burned by a ga8ollno explosion in her home, died this morning at tho Morcy hos pital after a vain nttonipt to rccu porato. Tho flro had so burned tho fflesh from her face and cheat thot recovery was said to ho practically an Impossibility. Tho decensed was 58 years of ngo and has lived In Coos county for tho past 2C years. Mrs. Matson leaves, In addition to her husbnud, three children, till of whom llvo hero. Thoy are Emll and Alfred Matson and Miss Itcglna Mat son. Tho funeral will take ploco at 2 t'o'clock tomorrow nf ternoon from tlio vices being In cliargo of tho Nov. ncngston. HuriicHl liiist Week Tho fatal nccldont occurred last 'Wednesday evening when Mrs. Mat- son, who lived In tho Mntson homo on EIrod, by mlstako picked up tho wrong can and poured gnsollno In stead of keroseno into tho stove In starting a fire. Tlioro was an ex plosion and Mrs. A. .1. I.attln, who lives In nn apartment thero, ran to tho nld of Mrs. Mntson whoso cloth ing wns thou In flames. Hy quick action Mrs. I.attln extinguished tho firo by putting Mrs. Matson under n faucot. SIio was ronioved ut onco to tho hospital, Xatho of Flnhi"d Tho deceaosed was a nnttvo of Finland, coming to America when sho was a young woman. For many yours sho lived In Now York hoforo coming west to sottlo in Cops coun ty, whoro sho has lived for 30 years, mourn her sad going. .MARSHFIELD WINS Tho football gamo at North Bond resulted as follows: Msrshfield, 29. t' North Bond 0. WILL SEE DREDGE Congressman Haw ley Will Bo Taken Down Bay Tomorrow With R. M. Jennings, Henry Seng- 'slacken, Hugh McLaln, Peter Loggie and nosslbly several others, con gressman W. C Hawloy will bo tak- 'en to the lower bay tomorrow to see the government bar dredge Pol. P S. Michlo. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, I S Takes First Game in the World's Series at Home Grounds Today E JRed Sox Outhit Opponents But Failed in Good Judgment at Critical Times FINAL SCORE WAS 3 TO 1 Pimkert's (Jrent Untitling Catch Which Shut Off the 1 tally of tlio Hod Sov, Was Thrilling Feat tiro of Day 0 AMocHtM Vpt If Coot D7 Tlmw.l The Score. 1 2 .'1 I 5 C 7 S 0 Iloston ....0000000 1 01 Philadelphia 00010002 0 II I Tho Philadelphia Nationals won the opening game of tho world's uerlcs, defeating tlio Iloston Ameri cans :i to I. Desplto tho fact that tho Ited Sox outhit Philadelphia, er rors and luck of judgment nt crit ical moments gavo the contest to tho Intter. Neither Alexander nor Shore pitch ed sensational ball, but excellent de fensive work at their backs kept tho score down. Paskert'8 great running catch of Gardiner's long drive to centerfiehl In the eighth shut off the Ked Sox' rally, nnd was tho fielding feature of tho day. Waited in Italn Tho fans had waited all night In tho rnln and wero rewarded with tho appearance of tho nun this tuurii- Jug. Tlio bleacher gales wore thrown open at 1 1 o'clock and 75,000 root ers poured In. Tho rain loft tho Hold In a muddy condition. Sand wns sprinkled free ly, hut the field remained slow. Xo 11, Me netting Although tho belting on thu ser ies has not been brisk, novernl wag ers of fair size woro placed, mostly at 0 to 5, with tho Itostonlnus as favorite. Tho demand for seats far exceed ed tho seating capacity of tho park and dlsnppolutcd fans paid us high as $r,0 for scut three tickets with a fnco vnluo of $0. Uecolpts Ato I.argo Tho official attendnnco was 10, nt!l nnd tho receipts ?5I,0CC. Tho National Commission's shnru is $',. 10C. CO; tho plnyors sharo $27, 575. Cl and each club's shnro ?9, 191.88. FlrM Inning Iloston Hoopor slnglod. Scott ATTEWDANG sacrificed, Speaker walked. Hob-led, lltzol forced Speaker. Hoblltzol 'caught off first. No ruus, ono hit, no errors. Philadelphia -Stork out on a foul, 'Bancroft filed to Harry fouled to Ilohlltzol. No Paskort runs, no 'hits, no errors. 'Second Inning Iloston Harry was left on sec ond when Cady fanned. No runs, ono hit, no errors. Philadelphia No player toadied first. No runs, ono hit, no errors. Thin! Inning Iloston Scott singled with two out. Spoakor filed out, no runs, ono hit, no orrors. Philadelphia Alexaudor mado Philadelphia's first hit aftor ono was but. Stock forced Aloxandor and was loft on first, no error. No runs, ono hit, Fourth Inning Boston With two out Gardner singled, but Harry filed out. No rahs, ono hit. no errors. Philadelphia Paskert singled,, went to second on a sacrlflco, to third on Ludorus out, and scored ou Wlttod's slow Inflold hit. Whltted stolo. Ono run, two hits, no orrors. FHth Inning Boston Shore singled, was forc ed and Scott died on first. No runs, ono hit, no errors. Philadelphia With two out Shore fumbled Stocks grounder but Ban croft grounded out. No runs, no hits, no error. Sixth lulling Boston ARer ono was out Hob lltzol singled. Lewis fanned. Hob- I lltzol stole and Gardner filed out. No runs, one hit, no errors. ' Seventh Iiilng i Boston After Barry singled nnd I wns sacrificed to second, Aloxandor FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1915 DYNAMITE FOUND NEAR PHOENIX HOME Ur AMOclttcd rrrta ts com IUj Tlmrn. X PHOENIX, Ariz,, Oct, X 8, Dynamite was found X X today in a lot adjoining X X the home of E, A, G, Dul- X X mage, the business man- X ager of the Arizona Gaz- X X ette, which is the main X X exponent of the operators' X X side ot the ulifton strike, i $ START ON II TRIP PHKSIDF.NT AND FIAXCEF. LEAVE FOR NEW YORK 'Will llo Enterlalned Tonight nt The ater Party by His Friend, Colonel House ARRIVES AT .NEW YORK lliy AmocUIcI I'm to Coo Hay Tltnra. NEW YORK, Oct. S Prcsldont Wilson and party arrived hero this afternoon, a largo crowd thronged tho sta tion and streets and cheered tlioui as they drove away. 111? Amoi-LIcJ 1'rrM in Cn liar Time.) WASHINGTON. 1). C, Oct. S. President Wilson, accompanied ny his fiancee, Mrs. Gait, and members of his family, loft for Now York to day whoro tho parly will ho enter tained by Colonel Houso tonight nt a theatre party in honor of tho an nouncement of the President en gagement. S AHE- LISTED SOLD OX STOCK E.X'CI FIRST TIM I AXGE FOR Initial TiuiiHactlnu Is For (ho Sum of Ten Thiiiisttnd Dollars u( 1)8 tllr Auorlalnl Prr to Com nay Timer) NEW YORK, Oct. 8. Tlio first transaction In the halt billion dollar Anglo-French five year five percent bonds on tlio New York stock ex change wns for the umuuut of $10 000 nt !18. The bonds woro Hated on the stock exchnngo tho first tlinol today. fanned Shore and Hoopor. No runs,' ono hit, no errors Phlladolphla Whltted almost sent ball over fence hut flow out. j Nlohoff and Hairy grounded out. Noi L'ruus, no hits, no errors. Eighth Inning Iloston With 1 out Sneaker walk went to second on a force out, lnd scored on Lewis slnglo. Paskert I .. a suvou another run by a great catch Ono run, ono hit, no errors. Philadelphia With ono out, Stock wnlked, lianoroft singled, Pas- kort walked. Stock scored on Crn vaths out. Ilancroft scored on Lud orus hit. Ludorus out stealing. 'Two runs, two hits, no orrors. Ninth liming Ifoston Harry funned, Honrlksen, Ilnttlng for Cady, safe on Liidurus 'fumblo ed out. Ruth, for Shore, ground-1 No ruus. No hits. Ono er- ror. Fl"l Score It II. 8 Boston l Phllndelplfla 3 Hattorles: Shore and Cudv. 1 1 Al- roxuiuler und Burns. i Batting Order j Tho following was tho batting or-i i.'dor of tho two teams: Iloston Hooper, It. F.; Scott, S. "8.; Speaker. C. F.; Hoblltzol, 1 II.; I-owls, L. F.; Mardner. 3 II., Hurry, - .; cany, c; snoro r. Philadelphia Stock, a B.; Ban croft, S. S.j Piibckert, C. p.; Cravuth 'It. F.; Ludorus, 1 B.; Whlttor, L. F.; "Nlohofr, 2 If.; Burns C; Aloxandor P. WILL XOT PREVENT Greek Cabinet Has Xo Intention of Pi otest lug (Py Auoclated I'ftM l Cooa DayTiuea. ' ATHENS, Oct 8. The official news agent announced today that there wub no foundation for rumors circulated that tho new Greek cab inet intended to protest against the lauding of tho allied troops In Greeco. " I EVENING EDITION. THE MARJPQSA Big Steamer Bound for Alas ka in Trouble on Shore of British Columbia 79 It is Supposed That She Lost Her Way and Struck During a Fog ' FREIGHT WILL BE REMOVED Captain Calls for a Sle.itner to Come Out iH'd l!cinoo Cargo au,l Fitini This It Is Presumed Sho Is Hind Aground Illy AasoclateJ I'rras to Coot Day Tlmta, SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 8. Tho 'Alaska Steamship Company's steam er Mariposa, bound from Seattle for 'Alaskan ports with 70 pnssengers and a largo freight cargo, Is ashore at Indian Vlllhtgc, Delia Holla, II. C, north of Queen Charlotte Sound. It Is supposed sho struck In a fog. iThu captain has asked that a steamer liu sent to take off the ft eight, and it Is presumed that this means the Mariposa Is hard aground. Itoat Xol In Danger Tho Holla Holla Is on tho Inside, passage (o Alaska and tho water Is calm. No fear Is felt for tho safety of the Mariposa. Arrangements hnvo been mado to send a relief boat. The passengers will ho placed aboard another northbound boat. ' T .MAY DECIDE TO RECOGNIZE Til CARRAXZA GOVERNMENT i Would llo Done On Grounds that I Has Shown Military Suprem acy in Molro lo Illy Awmclalfsl I'rrM to Cihw Hay Tlmra, WASHINGTON, I). C, Oct. 8. Indications today on the ovo of thu couferenco of the Pnii-Amorlcuu dip lomats tomorrow tiro that tho Currnu- za government will rocelvo early roc- ognltlou hy tlio United States. The recognition would he based upon tlio Currauzu statements show ing military supremacy In Mexico, Ills promises of protection to foreigners and their proporty. assurances of am- nmiy t0 political prisoners and rollg- Ions freedom to all. WILL WOT OPPOSE GREEK CHAMBER XOT TO ER NEW .MINISTRY Would Cause Dissolution of (ho Hedy Which Would Bo Dangerous At Tills TJino (Uy An.uuj I'm. to twi Ilay Hum.) PARIS, Oct. 8. Tho supporters of former premier Vouizelos, who con stitute a. mujorlty of tlio Greek chamber, says an Athens dispatch, will not oppose tho now ministry, as the overthrow of the Zulmls cabinet would Involve dissolution of the lehambur, which is considered extrem ely huztiiVous us tho Greek consti tution does not permit fixing the date for elections during tho mobi lization of the army. BRITISH CONSIL APPEALS TO GOVERNOR HINT TODAY .Millllaiueii Aio Sent lo Clirtou, Ail.. ona, Today to Copo With Iho St like Tioiihlo Mil ,ri'IA.MEN CAMPED ARE AT CLIF'ION (lly AaaVirUtuI l'ua la coon IUy Tlmni J CLIFTON, Ariz.. Oct. 8. -One hundred militiamen from Phocmlx and Tucson arrived at noon und uro oncumpod at a strategic point a mile from town. (Dy AMocbit Pr-w lo Coo Day Time, EL PASO. Texas, Oct. 8. Brit ish Consul My Ins wired Governor Hum, of Arizona, nrkln," for pro- IMS G coram PRDTEGTDM ASKED X VILLA COMES TO X X HOLD CONFERENCE X X X Hy AiwoclnlM t'rrm to Too nay Timet ) Q X EL PASO, Oct, 8, : X Gen, Villa ariived in Ju- X X arez today to confer X X with George W, Caroth- X X ers, special representative X I ot the btate Department, 4 Rl'SSIA THINKS RCLGARIA'S AN SWER VERGES ON INSOLENCE Slates That Country Has Right Chooso Its Own Friends nmi Army Officers (o tor Awoclat! rnf In Coo Hay Tlmra.) PETROGRAI), Oct. 8. Ilulgaria'ii reply to the Russian ultimatum Is described here as "Hold to the vcrgo o! Insolence." In substance, Hul garla denies that Gernmu officers aro In the staffs of tho Iliilgarlau ar mies, hut uaya If they tiro presout thnt fact concernu only llulgarln, which rerorvea tho right to Invito whomsoever It likes. Th6 llulgarl- fun government nsserln tjio privilege to choobo Its friends to suit Itseir. SE.IZES HPLGARIAN STAFF TAKES OVER LINE TO SEAPORT Forty Miles i,r Iho Ro.ul Runs Through Tuililsh Territory Etends lo Aego.in Sen CHr Am latM rrraa lo Con nay Tmr, SOFIA, Oct. 8. Tho railroad run- ,'ulng belweon Mustiipha Pnsha, ti town of Thrace, northwest of Adrian ople, and tho llulgarluu tieupoit of Dcdeahtitcli In tho Aegean Sea, was 'taken over today hy tho Ilulgarlan staff. Some 10 miles of this rnll roiid runs tlirough Turkish territory. RUPTURE IS FINAL HI'LGAIHAN .MINISTER TO SERB IA GinS HIS PASSPORT 'Xo Declaration of War Yel Hut Work of At tutor Hogutilrd as Op ening Hostilities Illy AaaorlalM I'rrM to Coon luy Tlmra.) NISII, Oct. 8. Tlio diplomatic 'rupture between Serbia and Hulgnr li Is complotcd. Tho foreign office "handed passports to tho Hulgariuu minister, Although thuro has boon no lormiil declanitlon of war, tho cordial lecoptlou by Ilulgarlan of 'flcers at Sofia of Gorman aviators who dropped bombs ou Belgrade nnd i'NIsIi yesterday. Is regarded horo to INND-U,l0t t() (l co,ioncomont of hostll Tties against Serbia by Bulgaria. HAD "" " ' w"- " " 3 nnnfinHnn HHnKIIH tno 'iml,"B or troopa on Greek torrl. I H ll III nfln llflllH U t(""y ,y l,l ,'t"'o I'"woib. Tho ro-) j U U 111 U II 13 U Hnll!llniily of Greece has not yet boon do- l-H RI'SSIAXS THROW SHELLS AT IM'LGAHIAX SEAPORT King Ferdinand's Forres May Attack Soibla from the Hear Ar chives Aro Removed Illy AxucUlnl I'imm to t'oua luy Time. LONDON, Oct. 8. Whether Bul garia will attack Serbia from the' tear while the central powers uro liammerlug (ho northern end, or maintain ror thu moment u watchful attitude, is a matter or surmlsu, hut the situation Is such thai her entry into tlio war scums a mutter only or hours. Russian wanthlps are already re ported hurling shells at the Bulgar ian port, Varna. French and Hritlsli troops aro being rushed northward from Saloiiikl by express trains. It Is reported from Italian sourcoj Unit Sorlilu Is transferring .her nr- elilvos from Nlsh, to Istlp, f.0 luilos from Iho Greek frontier. tectlou for the British mining Inter ests lu thu CIlftoii'Moreuel stiiko dUtrlct. It was busod ou tho complaint of twelve British subjects. Frank .McLean, superintendent of the De troit Mines ut Duncan, Arizona, ar rived hero today and assorted that women refugees at Duncan had wit od President Wilson asking ror tho protection or Federal troops. Be Mire to see tho Panama's Dot- lar Day Millinery Specials. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall n fiR mill Coos liny Advertiser. '"" VyJ R HAS TAKEHA STAND Issues Manifesto Announcing Decision to Fight on Side of .Germany and Allies ITISWCHIWCE' Does Not Believe Promises Made by Allies, But Has Faith in Germany MUST BE WITH VICTORS Belief Is Expressed that, HiinmIh Will Completely Collapse and that Fiiiee, Duly mill Serbia Will Soon (Jo Sumo Way II; AiuioclatM l'r" In Coo. Hay TtmM, BERLIN, Oct. 8, (Wireless Say vlllo) The Frankfurter Zoltung as serts that tho Bulgarian government has Issued u manifesto to tho na tluus announcing tho decision to en ter on tho side of tho contral pow ers. Tlio manifesto stales that Bul garia would commit sulcldo If sho dfd not align herself with Germany and her allies. Xo Faith In Allle Tho manifesto says: "The contral powers havo promis ed us parts of Serbia, creating an Austro-Bulgorlan bordor lino abso lutely necessary for Bulgaria's In dependence of tho Serbians. Wo do not hollovo In tlio promlsos of tho tuudriiplu entente. Treaty Was Broken "llaly, of the allies, treacherous ly broke her treaty of 33 yoars. Wo fbelleo In Germany, which Is fight- lug tho wholo world to fulfill tho treaty with Austrln. Bulgaria miiBt fight at tho vlctpr'saldfl,. "Gorninny " and AuBtro-Hungary uro victorious at all fronts. Rus sia soon will have collapsed entire ly. Then will roino tho turn ot Franco, llaly mid Serbia. Would Bo Sulcldo "Bulgtuln would commit sulcldo It she did not fight on tho side of tho ceat ml powc-s, which offers tho on ly possibility of realizing her desires for a union or all tlio Bulgarian peo ples." (HMECT TO TROOPS LANDING IN GREECE Government lias Submitted .Matter at Athens But Xo Answer Has Been Received lly AMorUtoJ 1'roM to Cma nay Tluira BERLIN, Oct. 8. (Wlroloss Tuck orton) Tlio Gorman govommont - lodged ti protest In Athens against elded. GERMANS PROTEST Ill SERBIA. GERMANS .MAKING PROGRESS IN NEW MOVEMENT Seeking to Fnreo Way Southward to Selo nnd Cut Off Trunk Lino Bond Illy AawKlalnl 1'rtma lo Coi Ilay Timet, LONDON. Oct. 8. The now Teu tonic invasion or Soibla Is now in ruil swing with Field Marshal Von Maukuusuu booking to lorce his way southward lu an attempt to seize tlio trunk railroad stretching from Bel grade to both Salunlki and Constan tinople. .Moving Favorably L'urllu auuouiiceu that the Invasion ii proceeding favorably, progress be ing recorded In crowing Drlnu, tho PSuvo und thu Dunubu rivers. Tho capture of threo cannon oppo site Rum is announced. I'lench Fighting In tho west Paris reports trench lighting bouthouht of Tali uro, North of Arras both sides uro engaged lu cannonading. The UormutiH conducted a violent bombardment In Chumpaguo. Artil lery oxchungos aro reported ut varU ous other points. There aro Import ant doJopmouts lu tho East. 8I).Y BARGAINS. "O per cent I off on Carnturls, I'luocho, Taffy mid Peanut Cuudy at LEWIS.'