RVHnCEvnCMRHI THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEL&, ORL'GON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1915 EVENING EDITION. """ THREE MUJmwmWMMWtMTOKMeWCT Now Timme Boy Raim coats feALMACCANS, from ilSoOO Up special Coat, with shawl Baimaccaii siyii; miu extra long 116.00 Up ins, all styles, colors and lengths, trom LSO to $20 IXUP ere the Price is always Right. Two Storo: North Bend DEL CASH ,R0CERY If PEE SPECIAL ii order to introduce our l Breakfast Blend Coffee are making a special price this week jound can 35c i-pound can 95c fcyback guarantee if not . satisfied 'hone us your order Phone 433 je Delivery ; COMMERCIAL AVE. PHONE 433 ID! WOOD! Ing wood, por load 91.75 to $2 .wood, 1C to 24 ties $2 to 2.50 Free Delivery W. H. LINGO 227-J. North First St. SAVE MONEY by ordering tlio famous HENRYVILLE COAL oal, por ton 91.00 coal, por ton $5.B0 lit ton of both ,91.70 I). MUSSON, Prop. iono 18-J or lonvo orders nt HUljcr'f) Cigar Store. High Quality Groceries fllir (WJn nrm-nni nnr nari inlilar raiori conlroFf !M, villi piUIUl, UIIU JUUIUUIUI UUIIYUIJT UUIVIUU 1.1 dent clerks being out of the high rent district and eeping our prices, as low as consistent with good busi ess makes Conner & Hoagland -The Leadinn Grocers Dealers In Good Groceries J7 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 TO-NIGHT Tho Pleasant Plnco to Spend an Evenlnc, ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM TUC nPTODIIC f spiHial three-reel production fniti-liiK Thomas Santschl, tho f" f "Tlio Spoilers." A photoplay that Is hiiio to please. I'n noi'ld'h it'iitott motion picture comedian CHARLES CHAPLIN in "HIS RECREATION" A scream from start to finish. "IM UlfiU QfiniPTY" J 110 Ct tllrt llnm ,,.,,1 I1...1 .. . I..I- .intiinillno -- ..v a4iiii nun it mi iuvn. vuiiivuiv.il 60. Arlft'e CnM : OI A CPDATPU C(Q PI IMATF" -. ..vw o , ouico iii oictuy ouim i uu i wu wi-nnr. -imu)s good comedy that Is different. Regular Price of Admission ower Floor. 15 nts Ralnnnv. 10 cts .: Children. 5cts. iToinoi i.... ii,,. mi, . i.,i. i. ,..!... ,. .nil,, litiitniiiiil From tho r f . - - - ' . - nuuuiiay nlglit: "Tlio Homauco or .wine. fggaf KEvTTIB orminnt tides Tlmo and heights of tides at Marshflold. Tho tides are placed In order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day. A compar ison of consccutlvo hoights will ln dlcato whether It 1 high or low water. High tldo on the bar one hour nnd (it minutes earlier than at MnrBhtlcld. 7IIrs. . Ft... SIIrs.. ,Kt... 0.2S 1.7 1.11 4.8 2.01 4.8 2.18 4.7 11.37 l.r. 1.31 4.3 O.i'l O.U 7.3H 0.7 S.07 0.!) S.I3 1.2 11.23 1.4 10.00 l.S i2.r.7 r,.i 1.25 r..r, l.r.o n.7 2.35 5.8 3.11 5.8 3.58 5.7 7.31 0.5 8.11 0.0 8.53 0.3 0.3S -0.0 10.20 --0.0 11.21 -0.5 lira. . Ft... Hrs.. Ft... Hrs.. Ft... Hrs.. Ft... 10 11 WEATHER FORECAST Ilijr AmoclileJ Frcn to Csoi Ilty Timet. OREGON Fair tonight, frost East; Friday fair, warmer Fast: Easterly winds. LOCAIi TEMPERATURE RECORD For the 24 houn ending at 4:43 a. m. October 7, by BcnJ. Ostllnd, special gov- crnment meteorologist: Maximum 79 Minimum 37 At 4:43 a. m 45 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1915 1.33 Precipitation s&ao period last year 10.48 Wind: South, clear. Choir Holicnrwil. Thoro will bo a rehearsal of tho Baptist Choir this, ovinlng at 8:15 In tho church par lor. A good attendanco Is desired. HillcUs Delivered. Goorgo Good rum today dollvcrcd two now 1910 model Six DulckB, ono to Harry No bio nnd another to Jack Dashnoy. Tho cars camo down on tho KUburn and nttrnctcd much attention as thoy wero unloaded. Has Operation, Robert McCann, long with tho Simpson Lumber Com pany's mill at North Bend, is report ed" doing nlcoly nt St. Helena San itarium in Napa County, Calif., where ho recently underwent an oporntion for rupture No School Holiday. Supt, F. A. Tlcdgon, of tho Marshflold schools, mild this morning that thcro will bo no holiday for the Brldgo Carnival and Hint report of a resplto from studies Is an erroneous ono. Ho says that with tho school out tomorrow afternoon tUo pupils will havo plenty of tlmo In which to nttend tho Car nival festivities. Como on Motorcycles. J. W. Lnw yor nnd U. C. Hush, two young men from Portlnnd, nro visiting horo. Thoy mado tho trip down on their motorcycles and said that thoy had iiulto an enjoynblo tour. Lawyer's oble TheateD -R X)OS COUNTY ROAD MAP, $1.00 n i nirr.K INGHAM PHONE 264-J father, 11. M. Lawyer, of Portland, camo down on n boat and Ik looking for a dairy ranch In this locality nnd will probably locntc In tills part of tho county If ho can Jlnd a suitable pliue. Senile TIM. Through nu error in some of the first copes of The Times containing tho announcement of the ehango of name of tho Nns burg Grocery to tlio "Sanitary Food Shop" tho slogan of tho firm was giv en as "Safety First" when It should hnvo been "Service First." All who know Mnnnker J. A. Hlllstrom know that "Service" Is always fore most with him, bclnp every obliging and accurate, and this trait of his probably suggested the slogan. (ioes to O. A. C William Ulnck, for more than a year tester In the Coos Hay Cow Testing Association nnd prominent In tho now work in this country, is Intending to leave In n few days for Oregon Agrlcultral Collego whoro ho will take up advan ced work. It may bo that ho is go ing for good. Mr. Black has won an cnvlablo record hero among tho farmers. His brother, also of o. A. C. will tako his place, at least tem porarily. Ho has just como up from tho Lower Coqulllo where he relieved Tester Johnson for a short vacation. t PERSONAL MENTION X $$ J. P. MASTERSON la In from Capo Blanco on a visit of sovoral days. MllS. W. H. SHORT and dnughtor Blanche, of Lakeside, nro Marsh flold visitors. ED.McARRON, engineer on the Smith-Powers lino camo In yes terday for u short stay. MISS GRACE FULTON was In town today from her homestead "Ingle nook Lodge" on North Inlet. MRS. HARRY SIMPSON and Mrs. L. J, Simpson, wero visitors up last evening from Shore Acres. MR. AND MRS. JOHN DICKEY, or Bandou, camo over last evening to nttend tho Good Roads con vention. A. T. MORRISON, or Coqulllo, came over last evening as ono or tho Good Roads enthusiasts or tho Co qulllo Valley. II. H. BURRELL, U. S. Senior High way Engineer or tho Bureau or Public Roads in Washington, D. C, arrived hero last evening. MISS ANNA STBENBERO, of Spo kane, has P'Ved on tho bay to visit for n IV days with her sis ter, Mrs. J. 11. Lupton, or Don nelly avenue. MRS. W. J. CONRAD and her sls tor, Miss Kruse, of North Bend plan to loavo soon for San Fran cisco to tako in tho Exposition and later visit tholr sister, Mrs. Cathey, nt Klamath Falls. REV. J. S. STUBBLEFIELD and wife will lcavo tomorrow morn ing for Bandon to nttend tho County Sunday School convontlon or tho Presbyterian Churches, which will bo hold thoro Friday and Saturday. They will roturn Saturday oveniug. Imperial Flour $l.:t5 per sack nt Unities. DR. IL 13. KELTV, Dentist, 201 Coko Bldtf. Phono 112-J. STOP THAT COUGH KEXXIJDY LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP A pleasant, safo and erfeo tlvo cough syrup. THE BUSY CORNER The Rexall Store Phono 208 Wo Deliver SARTER'S For Your ICE CREAM EVERYTHING SANITARY ALWAYS OPEN FOR INSPECTION Wo iiinko Ico Cream to order, any kind and in any quan tity, for parties, lodges, pic nics, etc. :; :: :: :: :: Wo do not speak of its Q V A L I T Y 'I hat speaks for it&elf SARTER'S Phone 2M.W, Marshfield ' Front St., Opposite Blanco Hotel W FRONT STREET 1 BRIDGE i CARNIVAL ON Continued from Pago One. wero dressed ns Indians and others as farmers, tho little girls carrying baskets of fruits and vegetables. They wero Intended to represent the early settlers who followed the In dians. Showed Tolupiiono The fifth grado pupils represented what is being done by tho telephone. They cnrrlcd miniature telephone poles, which were strung with coa nectlng wires and signs bearing "Hol lo North Bend" and similar mottoes wero shown. There was nlso a reproduction of the new railroad brldgo across Coos Bay and this was carried by fifth grado pupils. Tho sixth grade pupils were dress ed as negroes. The Boventh and eighth grado pu pils represented "Good Roads Build ers " and carried snovcis anu otuer tools. Tho girls camo behind dress ed as housewives and had a sign, "Wo furniBh tho eats." Thcro was nlso a regular pralrio Bchooner In which somo of tho pu pils rodo which was to represent ono stngo of tho dovolopmcnt or tho const. Queen of ProRrcss. Tlio Queen of Progress was also shown on a pretty float all In whlto Tho queen was llttlo Jano Burmcls- ter and her attendants wero Lucy Kern, Doris Schlllcrstrom, Kenneth Reynolds and Jack Rcovcs, all llttlo tots. Tho rioat waB ono arranged for tho pnrndo by tho Jennings Storo. Another fealuro of tho parado was tho King or tho Carnival. This part was taken by Charles Cron klte, who rodo on n float which rep resented tho railroad brldgo. Tlio parado closed with a float of tho W. C. T. U. which was a water wagon all covered with whlto. Spocclics und MiihIo Attor tho parado was over Dan McDonald addressed tho crowd and thoro was muBlc by tho band. To night tho danco hnll will bo openod, thoro will bo danco music nnd tho wrestling match between Smiling Dutch and Marshall; Raco Put Off Tho motorcyclo raco from North Bond to Port Orford and back was called off, becauso not enough turn' cd up In tlmo. Thcro will prob ably bo a motorcyclo raco tomorrow on tho auto course. CRITICALLY ILL Mrs. O. Hlbargor Is critically ill and It Is feared bIio cannot rccovor. Her husband, tho contractor, Is out of town, and friends havo not yet boon ablo to reach htm. A. C. Ebboka, tho grocer, has n nnrlnus attack or aDIiendlcltls. Guy Torroy Is sorlously ill nt tho homo or his parents. MEL DUNCAN nnd wKo roturncd to day rrom a trip to Salt Lako. Catches Bin Trout. Mrs. Dr. Wal 'tors, fishing rrom Walls Landing on .' . . . . ... i ,..., - 'jBtlimus inict iqbi ovoniiit. u " 20 pound salmon trout that was a flno specimen. When tho high flsn took tho ratal blto alio yelled and 'Dr. Walters camo hurrying to sup erintend tho .fight. Tho fish was successfully brought nshoro. GREEKS WILL GO HOME TO FIGHT Fifteen of tho local Greeks will leave tomorrow for tho old country to answer to tho colors Issued by their conn- try. Tho Greek councils on tho coast will provldo trans- portatlon for thoso who want to ko back to join tho army. A (Ur AuocltleJ Trcfi to Com E7 Tlmn. THOMAS A. ED1SOX , f IS THE CHAIRMAN t WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. The Naval board or advhjera 4 today elected Thomas A. Edl- 4 son as nonnanent chairman. Tho board Is In secret ties- Blon. ' ' BULGARIAN IS GIVEN PASSPORT - t t Ur AuotWteJ I'tiM to Covt cr Timet. , LONDON, Oct. 7. Tho J Bulgarian Minister to Italy was today handed his pass- 4 ! ports by tho Italian Foreign Minister. Hare your L13TTEU -hoadsP bill heads, etc., printed at TUB TIMES offico. E OFFERS ori'LET IIV WAV OF GARDIM'.R TO HIGHWAY I. II. Austin, ICdltor of tlio Com lor, (iines s Rt'picscutntlvo of Wostorn Douclim County J. II. Austin, of Gardiner, who Is here ns n representative of the people of tho roast section of Doug las County nt the good roads meet ing, Is proprietor of tho Umpqua Courier, the Gardiner newspaper. Mr. Austin Is an enthusiastic, good toads man mid through his paper has done much to advance the cause. Mr. Austin publishes a flno weekly nowspaper which has been the means or bringing Gardiner and the lower Umpqua River Into prom inence. Mnkei An Offer In attending tho goods roads meet ing here, Mr. Austin said that ho did not want to appear In tho light of dictating to tho Coos County pcoplu but that ho had been chosen to make an offer to tho peoplo of this locality. Ho has credentials to show that Douglas County is going to build a road rrom Winchester Bay, at tho mouth or tho Umpqun River, to somo point on tho I'nciric Highway and Mr. Austin was horo to tell tho Coos County peoplo that R they wanted to build n road north tlio Douglas peoplo wero ready to meet thorn nt any point that they desired. Road Suro Tiling "Wo nro going to hnvo a hard- aurraco road from Winchester Bay to thp Pacific Highway," Bald Mr. Austin. "Thoro Is no question nbout that. Tho matter is determined and wo will havo a road which will allow travelers to reach tho seacoast of Douglas County. Tho peoplo or Western Douglas County nro so determined on that point that thoy will stick to It to tho extent or' cutting nway rrom Douglas and making n now county If necessary. But that wo do not anticipate. "If Coos County wants an outlet In thnt direction wo nro ready to meet thorn at any point. Should Stand Together "My feeling Is that tho different points on tho coast country should bo brought closer togothor and I am greatly In hopes that tho rail road will bo n means of bringing this nbout. "Tho coast localities havo com mon Intorcsts nnd I am strongly In favor or tholr helping each othor and I hollovo that in this way wo will all bo ablo to accomplish moro ror everybody. I do not llko to boo tlio sectional differences that somo times nrlso and aud think that wo must all learn to really pull together nnd help each other and when this is dono tho const country will bo ablo to accomplish what It desires." I POST DR. CULlN INCENSED AT CONDI TION NEAR BUNKER HI LL Report that Kclloy Family Violated Quarantine Report Another I'osnIIiIo Ciiso Dr. Wnltor Culln or Coqulllo, coun ty health otflcer, Is expected hero this afternoon from Coqulllo to In- 'iriallfrntn tllO vlnlllMntia fit tllO IIMHr- ontlncs for diphtheria In Bunkor Hill. Ono flagrant caso Is reporter, that or Jho mombors or tho Kclloy family vho nro alleged to havo moved from Bunker Hill to Tray Park after thoy had beon quarantined, Ignoring thb orders of Dr. Horsfall, ' Dr. Culln In a lotter states that If necessary ho will post guards and quarentluo tho wholo section. Tho houso which tho Kolloy fam ily 'vacated has not boon fumigated aud is regarded as a menace. Today another report was brought ' that a family named Loslngor, living near where tho Kolley ramlly moved to, Ih roared to bo suffering 'from diphtheria. Soma havo throat troublo and tlio supposition is tnai they havo contracted tho dlsoato. District Attorney Llljcqvlst hna been annealed to and asked to cu ff orco tho quarantine law und unless Dr. Culln takes oHoctivo steps soon, ho will probably tako action. T. J. HOAIFH jj A. n. nODGINS MnrchfipM PA,NT AND iviarsniieiQ decorating co, t Estimates Furnished Phoae I-IO-R. Marshfield. OreKO SOUTH COOS RIVEU BOAT 8EUVICE IiAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Marshfield every day 8 a, in. Loaves head of river at 11:15 p. p. STEAMER, RAINBOW leaves head of river dally at 7 8, in. Leaves Marjjhflold nt S p. ijj. For clinrtor apply on board. ROGERS & SMITH Proprietors UMPOUA IN G US Every Day Prices GODMAN'S school shoes, 98c, $1.25, $1.39, $1.49, $1.69, $1.89, $1.98 Men's dress shoes, all lea tlior, $2,75 value $1.98 Better ones, worth 50c to $1 more; $3.50, $2.98, $2.49 Ti'o i-jr r , uriginniors of Low Prices ... WsJ- W Uf - WE are going to close our store at 10 A. M. for the rest of the day on account of Bridge Carnival Watch Our Add in To-morrow's 1 imes, MHMMMMM-MM Mii HMH iM M HHMM M Gettings Cash Grocery Following Is u list of nnswcm waiting at Tlio Times offlco for v.inL ad advertisers: "Farmer" ! "F," euro Times 2 A N., caro Times . .' " "K," caro Times 0 J : NEW TODAY $ $? FOR HALE T and (Lucre tractri! beautiful homes, close In, Imiirov ed. Address Box r10, Murn'i field, Oregon. $ t WANTED t $$ WANTED Painter, several days' pnlntlug In exchange lor gold watch or anything In jewelry lino. Address "J" Times OHlco. WANTED Roomer and hoardeiH, H72 Commercial avo., phono lillMt W.VN'i;i:i Cloau cotton rags nt Tho Times offico. WANTEI To buy good faini tvuuit harness and wagon, A. N, enro Tlmos. WANTED To it'iit Niuall liiipinvcd ranch. Farmer, caro Times. WANTED To buy few doen lienw, good layers, A. F caro Times. t FOUND : $ FOUND NEAR GUNNERY Small package of dry goods. Ownor call at Times offico and got article, by paying for this ad. .,,., .1 -'' ' "" FOUND I'hllnthoa pi". Oimici- may havo same by paying for this ad at Times offico. t FOR SALE t FOR HALE (I dozen holla, i(J per doz, J, E, Fitzgerald, Eastport, Phono 45I-X. FOR HALE Thirteen Jeioy cons, fresh soon. Also team work hors es. Apply Gago ranch, Allegany, or wrlto box CG7 Marshflold. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND IIAGGAQE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone Jo;s Residence Phone la-J Market Ave. and Waterfront Not Specials Think of tho piofit you are paying when thoy mark their goods so high that they have to cut the prices to mako them move, Children's Gun Metal, sole leather counter, button, all solid leath er, 5 to 8 79c Ladies' vici, high heel, button, all leather, $2,25 values: our price $1.69 Ladles Gun Metal but ton, $2,50 value, Our price . $1.98 We lead Others Follow Ineerteratid " J Y. - !. 7J--9 w in "" ' 5 Pidnetof Hardware Co. CASH PRICES ON A FEW OF TIIE STAPLE ARTICLES Other Goods Priced in Proportion (Compare theso pricos with our' competitors' or mall ordor houso prlqoe.) Wlro Nails, Baoo, $2,150 por kog; Cu nails, 8JI.O0 por kog. M Retail, por pound fu ash Weights. Hjl Por pound uQ Barb Wlro. Heavy galvanized, 93.40 per 100 lbs;; SO trod "pop) heavy, $2.1)0. 30 rod fjf) fin "cut p2iU Galvanized Pipe, prlco por 100 ft., 1-2, 91.GO, 3-4 95.BO. (hhv AP 1 Inch . .., , ftpDiZu Lime, f 1.90 por bbl. Cement, $2.90 por bbl. Ex, Suporlor Manila Ropo, C-8 Inch and larger IKn Por pound IvC Strictly puro boiled linseed oil, Hue por gallon. Turponttno CK por gallon , ttOuu Ploneor Wlilto Lead, 100-lb. kogs ilOit Ploneor Puro Mixed Paint, gal., $1.75. 1-2 gallon, OOc. PA Quarts ... .,., uUo Pap-A-Lac Floor and Porch Paint, 1-2 gallon, OOc Fft quarts UUu Tho very highest quality Tho very highest grado Roofing Paper, 1-2 ply, $1.00 di. 1 ply, $1.10. Q4 Pft 2 piy iLOU Valvollno Gas Englno Cyl Oil. Tho very highest grado. ltt Tor gallon .,., u J C WEDGEWOOD STEEL RANGES, Classic, regular. JG2.00. (MM Qfl Special iPliUU Rival, regular $32. CO. rhnr An Spoulal vpZjiUU Give us your business nnd Justify u h .In making theso pricos, Theso prices will cliango with tho market.. Pioneer Ha rdware Go. Marshflold. Phono 101. North Bond, Phono 401. i: WESTERN LOAN AND I 1 BU LD NG RO. ?H Assets $2,340,000.00 ;: Pays 8" per cent' on savings : : I. S, KAUFMAN CO. X Local Treasurer