. 'HI''- - iSwftaWiii wiuiiiiwjiliiiiilintfllfifeiiitelMiiajua iiMtiil iiliWlVJTIi'Uiti.iutiii.'iwWAliii ER NOTICE WHEN SOME COOS BAY MEN HAVE NOTHING TO SAY THEY SAY IT Coos Bay Times Your Paper dO0S !mj tttttfS A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmt'i vthat Uio Ooo Buy Time Is. A BcratW. west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people ftiii devoted to Uio boat tatcrwU of Ihla great tectloa . The Time lwM boost ud nevar knocks, . --. rrlmM ta tirnml nt Hm tllm UTfta reopU'a l'lor," mil it strive t U time to iu. ... to It. bjudo br do voting Ha cnertf to "promoting Uio pcoylo' Utereft. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 An Tho Coast Moll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Time, Coiwt Mall nnd Coon Bny Advertiser. No. 64 DGE CARNIVAL OPENS AT fiUSSIAllCITY NORTH BEND WITH PARADE MAY BE TAKEN janizations, Autos and lands Take Part In Street Event This Afternoon I GRID IS OUT ficerts This Afterngon and anight and Dance Han )pened With Good Music LL LAST THREES-DAYS By Pleasing Features In tho Pur- School Children Carry out city Idea and Make n Great lilt vtlth tho Peoplo fho North Bond Brldgo Carnival Incd today with a Mg parnue, wos ono of tho best carnival wings ever seen on tno nay. go crowds of pcoplo wero out to tho parado and and tlioy wero itly pleased. Movies of tho par wero taken. Dan McDonald nctod ns marshal tho day nnd was mounted on a so and rodo at tho head with Coos Day bnnd. Next camo tho tnlvat Queen's float. This was nuto float all covered with whlto. the renter was tho elected qucon, i Ooldlo IUggs. Sho was attired In hlto gown and purplo robo nnd seated In tho contor of tho it nnd nround hor wero tho mnlds I honor, who woro us follows: m Anna Hoed, Ellzuboth Hool- Btcln, Maliel Jennings and Olive ffext camo tho mombors of tho cs' auxiliary of tho Owls in an followed by mombcru of tho on foot. fho Eagles marched with n lnruo rcsentntlon, tho mombors wearing ir unuorma. fho Mooso had a float on which n big mooso bead decorntad tho colors, rod nnd whlto. Bo tho float woro members of tho er on foot. Elks In Auto Fho Klks did not march, but an- ;d In autos, each mombors who part with his auto having la- aud other friends with him. autos wero dcuorntod with pur- "nnd whlto nnd several of tho inors of tho order wero carried. dso of tho Klks who had machines lio parado woro tho following: James, Konnoth Hnusor, A, T. fncs, H. S. Tower, E. L. McCluro, hk Hngue, Dr. Geo. E. Dlx, W. Conrnd, F. D, Flotcher, Henry rn, Frank Horton, Gcorgo Good- Dr. HoiiBoworth, Mllo Suninor, pon Rogers, C. W. Cumbers, J. fellarrlgan, Jorry Klnnoy, Charles II, Dr. I. S. Dartlo, Harry Kim- Tom T. Uonnott, C. F. Me- frge und Frank Cattorlln. School Children March fho next part of tho parado was bo up by tho school children and very attractive. Tho Idea car out was to begin with tho In is and with the different grades " tho progress that was made road building and development of country. fho North Bend High School bnnd omponled tho school children? To- r(l tho first nnrt wnn shown a which read "Twenty miles from allroad, buy our farm for ?30 un e." fhen tho dlfferont stages of In- ases duo to development of tho wero shown and tho prices farm land wero shown to ba her until at tho close with an to In which school children wero l'b was a sign wlilch read: "Wo on me county road and ;on t buy our farm for any price." Utile Tots March t tho head ot tho school chlldron 8 the first grade girls. They wero ssed In whlto and nimhed little baby buggies and carried a ' W irant good roads." tJohlnd were the first grade boys on ycles. n "Uncle Sam" headed tho sec Krado children, which wero all 'sed In white. ns third Erade children wore fCK ma&kfl nnd WArn rirnaaAri flH foes and were called the "Coon- n Brigade." They carried a sign re read: "All colors want good Is." ""no of the fourth E ADDRESSES WILL HE GIVEN THE FORENOON IN Aut Hares, Athletic Events, Baud Concerts and Oilier Events Arranged for tlio Day Tomorrow will bo Brldgo nay nt tlio carnival and exercises will bo held on Sherman nvonuo between California beginning nt 10 o'clock, Tho following will bo tho program ot speeches by tlioso who nro ox pected to bo present: 10:00, Sherman avemio between Vir ginia and California. 1. Selection ... Coos liny Concert Hand. 2. Address of Wolcomo. .. .Mayor 13. F. Russell. .1. Address L. ,T. Simpson 4. Address C. J. MIIIIh "i. Address . . Hon. V. C. Hawley C. Selection . . . Coos Day Concert Hand. 7. 8. 9. 10. Address Ralph Moody Address J. n. Yeon Address Col. 12. Ilofcr Selection . . . Coos liny Concert Bund. 10:30 Ford Automobile Unco, for ty miles. Afternoon Program Tho program In tho ufturnoon will bo ns follows: ;: 30 Track and Field Sports. fiO-ynrd dash (litis tinder 12 years 100-yard dnsh Free for all. (iO-ynrd dnsh Hoys under 12 years. Bnrrel raco . Hoys undor 12 years Sack raco . Hoys under 12 years 2:00 Iloxlng contest Anderson Brothers 2:30 Russian liorao contest Freo for all 3:00 Wrestling match .. Selected 3:4G 7:00 Auto raco Anderson Special Concert . Coos Bay Concort Band 30 Concert ..North Bond High School Band Dancing nftornoon nnd oventng. IS DHVBI.OPMKXT OF COOS HAY sinci: HIS iaST VISIT skic.v Southern Pacific Official KiiJojh Tour of Bay Will T.eavo Mon. day for Homo Gratification and surprise over tho marked Improvements on Coos Day slnco his last visit horo about two years ago was expressed today by C. J. Mlllis, who arrived hero yester day with Mrs. Mlllis to attond tho Bridge Carnival at North Bend. Ho said that thoy hnd Intended to mnko a rather oxtonded stay but found that thoy must loavo hero Monday for homo. This morning with friends, thoy rodo over Marshfleld and North Bond nnd tho now buildings, many additional homes and street improve ments, ho said, wero a marvel to him. Mr. Millls snid that ho moro than appreciated tho honor that was ex tended him in bolng Invited to tho Brldgo Celebration on tho Bay. Ho said that other high officials had "hoped to come but at tho last mo ment found It impossible to come. Breakwater Too Costly Mr. Millls stated positively that 'tho Breakwater would not be over hauled and returned to tho Coos Bay (Portland run. Ho said that sho had henn Inslnc (on mnrli ninnov and that It was slmnlv out of tho oues tlon to continue to operate her. Ho said that the original intention was -to keep her on tho run until tho railroad was completed. Itond Will Do Much Mr. Mlllis said that tho full mean ing of tho completion of tho rail road and what it would do for Coos Bay was not generally appreciated. He said that it would bring a reali sation of a much greater develop ment of Coos Bay than was gen erally anticipated. HAVE DEMONSTRATION Dr Au.dit.4 Trtu to Com Dt Timet. CLIFTON, Ariz., Oct. 7. The strikers of three copper companies combined today in a demonstration of" several thousand men at Morcent. Tho demonstration was orderly. FRIDAY MILLS PLEASED Teutons Making a Great Effort to Capture Dvinsk and Are Gaining Ground WEAKEN Massed Attacks Failure But Germans Are Also Repulsed in the Champagn Fight ARTILLERY FIRE ' HEAVY Both sides KngaKlnK In an IuteiiNO 1'lro at Many I'olntH on tlio West ern Front ItejKUt Heavy Losses In Both Annies MAKING A.V KFFORT TO (Wl'TUKK DVINSK D)r AocUlei 1'rriw to Coot 1U? Tlmm. UBItMN, Oct. 7. An nouncement was made that German troops which havo ,beon attempting to capturo tho important Russian city of Dvinsk, havo penetrated tho Uusslnn positions lioToro tho city over n width of about three tulles. tor AuocutM itcm ta nwi nT Tlm.1 LONDON, Oct. 7. Honowed fight ing of great sovorlty In Chumiiagno Is reported today by Berlin. Six mn8scd Infantry attacks by tho French northwest or Sounln hroko down with heavy louses to tho at tackors. Geriiiiins llepulhisl Paris sayB In Chumpngno last night tho Germans dollvorod a sor es of Btubborn attacks against posi tions lost by them north of Tahuro. Tho attacks fallod nnd tho Germans sufforod henvy losses. Tho Gormnns delivered four conn tor nttneks against positions recent ly conquorcd by tho French near Souchez. Thoy woro repulsod. Thoro aro Intense nrtlllory exchanges at uany points. On tho Kast Front In tho East tho Germans aro en gaged in concentrating ngnlnst Dvinsk, evidently bent on n supromo effort to tako that city. BPRIIUS AGTIVE MAY MOllOMXB TltOOPS WITHIN TWELVE llOUItS Report to That Effect x Received From Sources Which Aro Re garded as Reliable ruj AocUtl Prt U Cw H7 TlmM GENEVA, Oct. 7. Information from a sourco rogardod as rollablo a that Rumania will Issue n decreo for a gonornl mobilization within tho next 12 hours. :t i MAN APPOINTED FOR PURPOSE BY KING OF GREECE Alexander Zuluils Is At tho Head and Assures Opiosltloii of Representation Dr AwocUua rrm lo Com Dr Tlrow.l LONDON, Oct. 7. Alexander Zal 'mis has accepted King Constantino's invitation to form a now cabinet, ac 'vnrdlnc to an Athens dispatch. Ho has assured to leaders of the opposi te that they will be allowed repres entation. Tho list of new ministers probably will bo presonted to tho king for ap proval within a few hours. Zalmls will combine tho duties of foreign minister with those or premlor. It Is expected his associates will Include Former Premiers Gounarls, Rhallls, Dragoumls and Theotokls. OBSERVE RILEY DAY (Or AttocUte Treu lo Coot Dir Tlroei.J INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Oct. 7. Indiana today led the nation In cel ebratlnit James Whltcomb Riley's birthday. The climax or the celebra tion comes tonight In a banquet ten dered Rlley by his rrlends. Every school In tho state devoted tho nay to tho man whoso rhymes won so many children's hearts. LLruniv UMJMIL t BRITISH HOLDING UP J t NEWS DISPATCHES t Ur MOclitM rrru la Coof tlir Ttmn. X MEW YORK, Oct, 7,- X X The London office of the X X Associated Press advises 1 X today by cable that thou- t X sands of words of dis -t X patches from its corres- t X pondent at Sofia and X X irom the German lines on X X the Western battlefront t are beinc withheld by the X British censors, X n GERMANS FIND ANOTHER WAY OF DESTROYING ENEMY Ih Deep Green In Color anil Unpleasant In Odor, but Very Deadly Not (U, AofUt.l rrM Ir Com Vr TtoM.J PARIS, Oet. 7. A now kind of gas Is being used by tho Germans In tho fighting In Champagne. Tho soldiers stato that they woro sur rounded for n few seconds by clouds of deep green gas or-n rath er pleasant odor. Tho soldiers without masks woro soon suffocat ed, whllo thoso with masks loBt eonscloiiHucsB for varying t periods. Upon regaining consciousness they suffered convulsive seizures. It Is bellovcd priiBsIc acid Is used un a basis of tho now gas. SEES TURK LEADER KING FERDINAND GREETS GER MAN FIELD MARSHAL Ijittcr Huh IUh'ii At Head of tho Fori'. vs of Ottoman Euiplro In ElU-0K) (tlr Ai.ocUted I'rna lo Com Ilaf TlmM AMSTERDAM. Oct. 7. Flold Mar shal Llinon Von Sanders, who has been Gormnn commander of tho Turk" isli forces in Europe, arrived at PUUIpopolls, Jlulgarin, midway bo- 'tween Adrlanoplo and Sofia, where lie was mot by King Ferdinand. VESSEL ATTACKED BRITISH STEAMER DAMAGED , BUT ESCAPES SAFELY Airlvcs at Rio Do Joneiro mid Cap tain Tells of Eight Project lies Hitting Ship ID AmocUIM TrtM to Cooi B7 TlmM.J RIO DE JENEIRO, Oct. 7. Tho British Btoamcr San Mellto arrived horo today from Tuxpam, Moxlco. and roported that sho had been at tackod at sea by an unknown voasol. Tho captain said that soon after leav ing Tuxpam tho vessel was attacked In tho night and eight projectiles oxploded ngnlnst hor sides. Tho ves sel was damaged but managed to es- capo slum dm internment of tho Ger man auxiliary cruisers at Newport .vews thoro has been no roports In-! s N E IV dlcatlng tho presence of Gorman warjKnmo of tho world's basoball series craft In tho Atlantic. IN PASSENGERS ON TRAIN KILL ED IN ACCIDENT JteMirt Comcs'to State Department of Disaster last Tuesday Out of Vera Cruz (D Atioclatod rrtsi to Coot Dr Tlmn.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 7. AH .passengers wero klllod in a train wreck on tho Mexican railway he tweon Vra Cruz and Mexico City, uccordlng to a messago to tho Statu Department today. Another dis patch stated that 50 poisons woro killed and 30 Injured. No foreign cr8 wero injured bb far as la known. Tho accident occurred on tho steep grado near Mnltrata last Tuesday. NEW JUSTICE DISTRICT Arrangements nro being mudo to form a new Justice of theacpo trlct to take In Powers. THE SANITARY FOOlTSTORE Will close tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Kindly phono your or ders early to catch forenoon delivery. SANITARY FOOD STORE Phono Ulil WRECK MEXICO PRESIDENT IS TO BE MARRIED Wed Mrs. Gait, a Wash ington Widow, the First Week in December E Announcement Main Topic of interest in Circles of the National Capital Today TWO MET ONLY LAST FALL Tho Brldc-tO-bo Is- Regarded ns Wom an of Great Beauty and Charm Was Introduced by Wilson's Dau ghter and Nloce Visited Consul (Or Amx-UfJ IT.m lo Cmm l!T Timet.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 7. PreBldont Wilson nnd Mrs. Normnn Gnlt, whoso "engagement was an nounced last night at tho Whllo Houbo, will bo married probably tho first weok in Docomuor. Tho cero mony will bo jirlvato, only a few closo friends being Invited, and will tako placo at tho homo of thu bride on New Hampshire Avonuo, near Du pont Clrclu. Plans Not Complete Plans for tho honeymoon are not completed, hut It was indicated today that thu trip might Include a visit to tho San Diego Exposition. Congratulations camo from of ficials, diplomats, friends nnd relat ives to President WIIbou todny. Much interest. Shown Tho fact that the president of tlio United States on whom tho eyes of tho world havo frequently been foc URtul during the Inst few months ot tho European war, decided to marry again gave tho national capital u coplc which for tho moment over shadowed all questions ot Internat ional or domestic politics. Has Beauty ami Own m Mrs. Gait Is regarded as a woman of rare beauty und charm. Sho Is about 38 years of ago, youthful In appearance and simple In tastes. Sho Is tho widow of n well known busluesB man of Wnshlngtou, who died eight years ago. Shu wan married In 180G. Before that she was Ml ah Edith Boiling, or Wytlio vllle, Virginia. Met I-aM Full Miss Margaret Wilson, tho Presi dent's eldest daughter and hor cous in, Ml SB Helen Woodrow Bones, first brought Mrs. Gnlt Into thu Whlto Houso circles. They mot hor in tho onrly fnll of Inst year. Not until this summer, howevor, when Miss Bones Invltod Mrs. Gait to Cornish, as a house guest, did tho president and Mrs. Gait become intimate friends. Going to New York President Wilson and Mrs. Gait will make tholr first nppoarnucu together In public slnco tho an nouncement of tho engagement to morrow In Now York, whoro thoy go to n houso party given by Col, E. II. Houso. Tomonow ovonlng thoy will at tond a theator party in Now York "" tho next day on their roturn to Washington, will bco tho aocond at Philadelphia. Send a Bouquet Early today a messougor carried a great bouquot from tho Whlto Houso conservatory to Mrs. Gait's home. Denied Interview crs Mrs. Gait, besieged by frlonds nnd Intorvlowers, denied horaolt to nil but her closest rrlends and declined to add anything to tho Whllo Houso announcement. President Wilson went to his desk early today and was grettod with congratulations by tho White Houso starr nnd callers, who began arriv ing Immediately. Will ho Gay Again In addition to Colonol Houso, other friends aro planning pro-nuptial afralrs and tho Whlto House will begin to tako on tho old aspect or social activities and again becomo tho center lor many or tho best known peoplo in American Hoclal circles. Tho tlmo or tho wedding, coming probably almost at tho opening or Congress and tho return or tho dlp lomatlc corps to tho capital, will signalize the full swing or tho Washington social season, which now will Includo the usual state dinners and receptions In tho executive mansion, 111 SURPRISE GOOD ROADS MEETING IS IN 0 AT IS ACTIVE HER B. II. Itl'HHELL WAS IN PHILA DELPHIA ELEVEN YEARS Now Senior Engineer In Bureau of Roads In tho lepartiuent of AKrlciilturu B. II. Burrell, tho United States Senior Highway Engineer, who Is hero to nttend tho good roads moot ing, is a man who has served tho government for some years paBt, and who has dono much practical and valuable, work. His official title Is that of United States Senior Engineer In thu Bureau ot Public RoadB, Department of Agriculture. On October 1-1 Mr. Burrell will Btnrt from San Diego In an automo bile to make tho trip across tho continent. Was in Philippines Mr. Burroll wbb n graduato of tho University of California In tho class of 1 8 !) r . Ho becamo a member of tho Fourteenth U. S. Infantry and went to tho Philippines, whoro ho romalned for cloven yours. For two yeais ho fought tho PhlllppluoH and for nine years was engaged In var ious engineering positions for tho government. Ho served iib City En gineer at Manila Tor n tlinu and when cholera broko out thoro ho wob In ehargo of tho Baultnry work. Hid Harbor Work Later ho had charge of tho build ing of threo big docks at Manila, n work which cohI tho government throe quarters ot a million dollars and alno had charge of tho building of tho breakwater, a project on which 2,r00,000 was spent. In fact, practically all or tho govern ment harbor work thoro was dono under Mr. DurroH'fl direction. For tho past bIx years Mr. Bur roll hns boon serving tho government as n road englnoor nnd Ih ono ot tho authorities on thu subject. TO AID IN STRIKE SECRETARY WILSON SENDS A MAN TO ARIZONA Will Confer with Governor Hunt u"l Tako Any Steps that Aro Necessary INDIAN TROOPS SENT TO CLIFTON tnr AmocIiIoJ I'rwt la Coot nf Tlmn, PHOENIX, Ariz. Oct. 7. Company F or tho Btnto mllltla, composed ot 70 In diana, wiib ordered to leavo tonight ror Clifton to Join tho 40 militiamen now on du- ' ty In thu strike district. tnr AiiocltlftJ ITmi to Coot n Tlmn.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 7. Josonh F. Myers, formorly Texas stato labor commissioner, bns boon di rected by Socrotnry of Labor Wilson to proceed to Phoonlx Immediately to confer with Govornor Hunt nnd take any stops in rotation to tho min ers strlko In tho Clifton district iib may bo agrcod upon. INVADING SERBIA GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN FORCES START CAMPAIGN rCross the Dilnu, Nuo and Daiiuho ltlers nt Many Places ami Get Footholds TEUTONIC ARMY ' NUMBERS 100,000 (Ily Aitocltl! Troit to coon nty Timet, 4 LONDON. Oct. 7 An oHl- clal dispatch reached London today that tho Austro-Qor- man armies concuntratud against Serbia comprise a to- tal or 400,000 mon. ' (Or Auocltttl Prew to Coot nt 7 TlmM. J BERLIN, Oct. 7. Largo Gormun and Austrian forces havo invaded Sor i)la, Tho Teutonic troops havo cros sed tho Drinu, Savo and Danube rivers at many places, tho war oN rico announced today. Tho invading troops havo established firm foot holds on tho otbor banks of tho riv ler. 0 Delegates from Different Parts of Coos County Gather at Eckhoff Hall Today CI BURRELL HERE Government Engineer Gives Advice to People From an 1 Economic Standpoint SEVERAL SPEECHES MADE County Judge Wiuaoii Tells Number of .'Miles of Roads anil Monoy Avallablo for Improvements Charles Hall Presides Tho session of tho Coos County Good Itoada Association opened this morning in tho Eckhoff Hall in North Bund, with Charles Hall, the president of tho organiza tion presiding. Tho hall was com fortably filled but thoro was not ns many present ns was oxpoctod. How ever the lack ot numbers was mado up by tho enthusiasm of thoso at tending. Mr. Hall first Introduced County Judge James Watson who made a statement ot factB and figures regard ing the Coos county roads. Ho said that there wero over COO ml lea of road in tho county nnd that tlio sum this year which thu county would have ror road work wuh $190,000. Ho told or tho expense or mainte nance being much greater now than boforo on account of tho lncroaso In traffic. ujjjjaj Judge Watson Speaks Judgo Watson said that tho bridges .woro originally built for horso teams hauling loada ot two totiH hut now tho autos and trucks being used, loads of ton tons nro tnkou over tho bridges. Tho Judgo Bald that moro monoy was needed for kooplng up tho roads. Ho says that ho wns for good roads but that to have them It required monoy. Engineer Hponks B. II. Burrell, U. K. senior engi neer in tho buronu of public roads, department of agriculture, was In troduced, Mr. Burrell spoko on rondwork from an economic and technical ntuudpolnt. Ho said that. It wau possible to have tho govern incut Bond an engineer to this county and go over nil tho roadu and then, make a recommendation for a goh- ernl plan ot improvomont from er technical standpoint. This seemed ' to bo accepted aa a good Idoa and .will likely he taken up. ' Mr. Burrell laid groat stress on one point and that wan that tho coun ty should not spend any money ruls o.l by bonding for roads which would .not last as long ns tho llfo of tho bonds. Ho told of having recently visited a county In Mississippi wlilch was not ns rich ns Coos county, Tho county hnd 125 miles or roads to Improve und expected to spend I7GQ, 000 hut Mr. Burroll says that ho rec ommoudod the Improvement of 14C miles at n cost or $1,000,000 nnd that thu county wns going to do the work recommended, A. G. ltaab lor North Bend define tho position or that city. Ho Bald tho North Bond peoplo woro In favot of n definite plan of action and !it tho bonda woro to bo issued that ft should bo mado clear as to how nnd whoro tho money derived was to bo spent. M, C. Mnlouoy representing Marsh flold spoko or tho necessity of get ting together and working In unison In order to. obtain tho best results, A. T. Morrison of Coqulllo spoke on tho commercial bonoflts ot good roads und said that ovoryono, the ranchors Included, would reap groat benefits by tho building ot highways. Dr. L. G. Johnson of Myrtle Point spoko on tho necessity of educating the pooplo to tho need ot good roads. It was a practical talk and tho Doc tor proved hlmsolf a good orator aa well as a good physician. By this time It was 12 o'clock and an adjournment was suggested un til afternoon but those from Bandon stated that they must roturn this afternoon so George P. Topping spoke as a roprcsontatlve ot that city. Tho meeting was then adjourned until this afternoon at 3 o'clock.. Stato Highway Euglnoor E. I, Cau tlno who was expected was detained In Florence and did not got hero but will arrlvo In tltno to get nt other meetings In tho county. Engineer Burrell will also ho In tho county aoy ei al days, V (Continued on Pago Three.)