-Ttr tiri V 7T nBEnSHPcpp THWfc HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT Of IT THAT NONE IS SO KIND AS HE WHO WILL NOT SEE? Coos Bay Times Your Paper CSoita la A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coo liny Times Is. A Boh Hi. west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people ind devoted to tlio best Interest of tills great icctloB . Tho Time alwsys boosts nmd merer knock. Tlio Coos Ujr Tlmoa U proud of ltn UtJo "Tlio People'- Paper," nnd It strives M Ml Unit to Uto up to K nnnio by dorotlng its cuergles to promoting tlio pooplo's Interests. MKMHKU OP TDK ASSOCIATED PHKSS "Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 Ah Tlio Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 19 15 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const MhII nnrt Coos liny Advertiser. No. 63 " "Mr" " - " ' T" " "' "" " " yiw Tr-i j iwj jf ny " (Eim M r- BULGARIA HAS GIVEN ANSWER Rejects the Demands Made by KllSSia, Huuurumy iu un official Statement Today PREPARE FOR Ultimatum is Sent to Servia Regarding Macedonia De manding Reply in a Day CONSUL LEAVES RUSSIA ltiltlsli mid French .Ministers nt So fia hid Instructed (o l-euvo If Re Intlons Willi Russia, nro Sever ed It)' Huluuilnii (overiinient flu Amarlitnl Trm to Cool Pay Time.. PKTROGRAD, Oct. C Hulgarla lins rejected tlio HuhhIiiii dutniutilH nml lins flout nn iiltlmnlum to Ser bia concerning iMncedonln, accord ing to unofficial Information, Hul garla demands that Serbia reply to tlio ultimatum within 24 hoiirH. Ilendy to Depart. It Is understood hero that the Ilrltluh and French ministers nt Sofia received Instructions to leave IIulKarla If Russia sovors diplomatic relations with that country. Consul Leaves Tlio Hulgarlan Consul nt I'clro grntl, M. Kamnzyrcf, departed lust night by way of Finland. II LEADS TROOPS VICTOIt K.MMANCKL OK ITAIjY XAHEOWLV ESCAPES Shell Explode by llim Rut. lie Rides Among Troops and Victory 1 Is Won (It? AMOrUIci Tmi to Coos Hay Tlmwi.l I'DINK, Italy, Oct. C KIiir Vic tor Kmmauuel recently had a nar row cscapo from death by shell flro wlillo closo to tho firing lino nt tlio front. A shell exploded so near to him Hint the splinters of tho shrap nel struck and injured his horso. Tho King's composure was not dls turlicd and when his suite urged him to retire, he called for another horse, exclaiming: "Hero wo must win or all dlo". Then ho rodo in among tlio troops who with shouts of "Savoy" took the Austrian position by storm. Tho spot Is now eallod "Kings Spur." Tho king previously had an other nanow cscapo when a shell ex ploded on tho spot from whoro his auto had Just loft. ' MEN WILL RECOVER SAILORS HI'IIT OX V. S. DH STIIOVKIt NOT SKHIOl'S Tho Cuminliigs, on Which A 11 K- 'iloslon Occurred, Arrives at Xonpoit Stiffly Today I Mr AHorUta r,i)i to Coo Illy TlmM.J NHWI'ORT, R. I., Oct. C The torpedo boat destroyer Cuminliigs, on hoard of which two men woro hiirneil as tho result of nn explosion ti-rday, artlved this morning. Tho "'en will recover. RHA7.IL AIM'ROVKI) Till: HRVAX TRFATV V lily Asorlt.l I'rtH to cooi Bay Tlmw.l RIO JANIKRO, Oct. 0. Tho Chambor approved tho Rrynn arbitration treaty no- tween tho Cnltod States audi Rrazll. X FRENCH CRUISER X I IS TORPEDOED t X : X tD7 As-o- tel PrtM t coot 3y Times.) NFW YORk. OM. fi. X X X X X t X t X Private advices from Ath ens say a French auxili ary cruiser was torpe doed and sunk September 9 while- anchored off the Turkish island of Rhodes DV n snhmnrino nf iliA central powers, 1 - t FRANCIS JOSEPH t DANGEROUSLY ILL x : Illy AnwIitfJ l'ri-M to eo my Tlmca X ROME, Oct, 6, It is X said on good authority X X that Emperor Francis Jos- X X opli is dangerously ill and X X that the Crown Prince has X been called to Vienna, X RUMANIA IS ACTIVE XOW DISPATCHING TROOPS Hl'I.GAHIAX FRONTIER TO Reports TnUlii; Say That the Country Is ! Extraordinary .Military Measures Clly AMmlatixl rrm to Coon nay Tjmca.l LONDON, Oct. G Renter's Athens correspondent states that Rumania Is hurriedly dispatching troops to thu Unitarian frontier and other wIbo taking extraordinary military measures. IDRTR BEND READ? CITV PREPARER FOR CARNIVAL hhihgej Will He Parade la tlio Afternoon and Two Hands Will Give Con- ceils nt Night Everything Is In readiness for tho opening of tho Hrldgo Carnival nt North Hend tomorrow. Tho city has been decorated and tho pcoplo aro working lmnl to got all in shape forlnlon(,od for Gorninny nnd tlmt tll0 tho entertainment of visitors. Tho carnival opens will) tho Good Roads meeting at 10 o'clock nt tho Kckhoff hnll and tho aim Is to make that tho chief attraction of tho forenoon, no other attractions holng staged for tlmt tlmo of the' day. 1'nrndo In Afternoon t .. Hia nfln.nnftti nt O I'ftlfinlf I . Ill UIU (UIVIMUUII i - w .. thero will ho a parndo in wiucit tlio Coos Ray band will take part. School chlldron will march uiid will I ho headed by tho North Rend high school band. After tho parade nnd up until 5 p. in. thero will ho concerts on tho streets by both bands, , At 7 p. in. thero will bo a concert by tho Coos Hoy band nnd nt 8:30 a concert by tho high school band. Tho danco hall will ho opened nnd there will bo other attractions for thoso who nttond. Tho program for Friday has not qulto been completed but there will be some Interesting events. Wrestling .Matches Smiling Dutch of Hnndon will wrestlo with C. Marshall of Van ciuivor II. C. tomorrow night at Kck hoff hall. Friday night ticorgo Lambert, tho Coos-Curry champion will moot M. G. Lutsoy of Langlols and Saturday night Jim Wilson will wrestlo with tho winner of tho contest tho night boforo. R (jiir.maxs sivi: CI IX F.CK AX OF CIIAMFAdXU MX- Heavy Artllleiy i:cliiiiiges in I'lanco Xotlilng Xoh" Rfiiorteil I'roin tho Itiilliiu Front Today tUy Aaoclita rrc to Coon Hay Tlinw.l LONDON, Oct. C An attempt by tho French to resumo tho offonslvo on tho Champagno front by heavy tutlllory flro against tho German positions was frustrated with heavy losses by tho German urtlllory, Rer un nnnounced today. Paris roports that artillery ox Mianges In tho Artols district con tinue with particular violence near tlio GIvonchy forest. In tho Fast tho Germans report having repulsed determined Russlun attacks In tho Dvonsk region. Initial successes for tho Russians aro admitted, but tho situation af terward turned In favor of tho Ger man troops. Without CI11111R0 Tho situation on tho Italian front and on tho Galllpoll peninsula con tinues unohanged with but Httlo activity. i:lks xotick Every member of Marshflold Lodge 12C0 D. P. O. K. is reauested In meet at tho lodge room promptly at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to participate in parndo. Hring your ,..- n,i mirnlfl ribbons. It is im portant that every Bill he presont Turn out. Ry ordor of EREICH EPULSED Commltteo GREAT BRITAIN WILL JET NOTE Settlement of the Arabic Sink ing With Germany Leaves Way Clear for Action BURDEll PLACED England Will be Asked to Ac count Regarding Stopping of. Goods to Neutral Ports DOCUMENT IS A LONG ONE Held That England .Must Not Assume That All Food Stuffs. Directed to ('eriiinuy Are fth- Military I'sc Puckers' Cuso not Ment lotted (ny Aotlatl J'rfia to root Iiax Tlmn.l WASIIINOTON, I). C, Oct. C O Sccrotary Lansing Indicated today 4 that tlio settlement of the Arabic ease Had cleared tlio way for tho (lis- patch of the nolo to Great Britain, covering tho general subject of trade negotiations and Interference with) American goods in neutral trade. ! Tho noto has been completed and Is ready to bo forwarded to Ambas sador 1'aKO. It 13 a lengthy docu ment covering tho general sltuntlonr Places tlio Iturdeu Tho note, it is understood, contends that tho burden of proof. Is upon tnu Hrltlsh government to show that goods for neutral destination, des troyed or seized by tho Hrltlsh, are assumption that all food products going to Germany aro intended for Gorman military ubo is not justifi ed. Tho Puckers' Ciim Tho nolo does not specifically cov er the problems of tho Chicago pack- ors which probably will bo dealt with jjj j scpnrato communication. rritish hi:pri:si:xtativi:s i.v PKRSiA icilij:d Dispatch front Constantinople Snys tlio Consular (iini'il Was Also Put to Death lly Auoclil4 Vrtm It Coo. Day YlmM.J RHRLIN, Oct. 0. (Wireless to Hnyvlllo.) -Tlio Loknl Anzelgor pub lishes a dispatch from Constantin ople, baying the Hrltlsh Consul and tho Consular Guards nt Ispahan woro killed by Persians. CARRAX.A (JOVFRXOR OF COAIL I'lLA ISSL'ICS di;cih:i: Will Give Unci; IIf.ri thing That Was Confiscated by Villa In Tho Statu Illy AMlito4 I'rew to Cuof Ilay Tlintn. KL PASO. Texan, Oct. C -Ml I property confiscated by tho Villa j government or Villa adherents In the1 statu or Coahulla, except that of pur-1 sons "Guilty of the crime of rebel-, inn" ih r.ttnriHHi in i o ariuiiiui V ownors untlor a tlecreo promulgated I - " .--..-. - - -, by the state, ti bere. Carranza governor of that copy of which was rosolved WILL ADOPT PLAINS RiriT'RXS ARK COMIXG IX FROM rocki:fklli:r camps Indications Aid That .Miners Ap prove of tho Industrial Scheme Which Was Presented (Sy AtaoclalM rrM to Com Ilay TIuim.J DKNVKR, Colo., Oct. JG. Com ploto returns from la camps today indicated tho adoption of tho Rocke feller industrial plan by omployofl of tho Colorado Fuel & Iron Com pany, by a ratio of at loast eight to ono. XOTICK RILL Tho first monthly danco of tho Klks will bo held Wednesday oven lng. Every Elk with his wlfo or sweetheart is requested to be pres ent. Frank CatterJJn, chairman u MURDERED RETURN PROPERTY GREEK CABINET m npsicHPn f Premier Insisted on Striking Immediately for Allies and the King Disagreed is Chamber of Deputies Suspends Session After Wild Discus sion When Announced NEXT MOVE NOT KNOWN If Greece Tries to Remain Neutral and French Troops Stay on Ter ritory, Sim Mny bo Forced to Htilgui la's Side KING HAS ACCEPTED OAHIXET RESIGNATION ny AMOclathl I'rrM to Cuoi nay Time. 1 LONDON, Oct. C King Constantino of Grecca has accepted tho resignation of tho Vonlzolos cabinet, accord ing to nn official dispatch tu- day. LANDING OF TROOPS is to pr()ci:i:d (lly AMorlatisl I'rrM t Coo Hay Tlmri. PARIS, Oct. C Tho land ing of French troops nt Sal onlkt and their prompt dis patch northward across Groek territory to tho Ser bian frontier will proceed without regard to thu cabinet crisis at Alliens. lly AmocUUJ I'rraa to twi nay Tlmm. LONDON, Oct. 0. Word was re ceived from Athens that King Con stantino lins accepted the resigna tion of tho Vonlzolos Cabinet, which was unable to ngreo with King Con stantino concerning Greece's next titep In tho fast approaching Hal kan crisis. Tho King caino to Athens from Tntol yesterday nnd summoned tliu Premier to tho pnlaco. After n tonso Interview, In which there was the plainest speaking, tho Premier ititfta-wifiiliwl r tlir. Plm tiilini rf linn. IflUUdJUUli IU lltU VIIUIIH'-I -! I utles nt OHIO lust night and nnnoune-, cd that ho had disagreed with tho King nnd presented tho resignation of himself nnd tho cabinet. Wild Discussion Tho announcement led to wild I discussion on tho formation of a coalition cabinet. The resignation Is1 believed to bo duo to Venl.olo s In sistoiiio that Greece strike quickly in bohalf of Sorbin and tho entente powors. It now M'oiiis certain that Hulgarla will align liersoir with tho central powers. Tho matter doubtless will j bo brought to a head by tho lauding of allied troops ut S.ilonlkl. , Question Critical It Is assumed that hostlltles In this now fluid cannot ho uvortod. Whut Greece will do now Is u crlt-, ir-ni fiiuistlon. If she determines to njinuii olltra (1(1 Fr0lch ,., withdraw from Suloulkl. ! ,sho may ho forced to Join tho cen tral pSwors and Hulgarla In oppos ing them. CHAMRKH Sl'SPKXDS Sc-son (.lulls When Announcement Is Mnilo by Prenih'r (lly Awiilate-l rwH to Cooi Pay Tltoi- ATHENS, Oct. C. ARer his ioii fnruneo yostorday with King Con stantino, Promlor VqiiUuIos returned to tlio Chambor of Deputies and inailn tho statomont of "tho cnuse "!l of the dlbagreeiiieiit. lie thou nounced tho resignation of tho tiro cabinet. Tho sitting of Chambor woro suspended. en tile MORE TROOPS LAND French Putting Forres at Salonlkl lit Greece (Uy AMOtlathl Trm to Cooa Ilay TlmM.) LONDON, Oct. 0. Tho landing of additional French troops at Salon lkl Is reported from Athens. A number of transports carrying French troops entered Salonlkl this morning. Times Want Ada for results. SERIOU LET US TALK IT OVER UK TI.MKS has preached peace, hollered for harmony and cried for co-operation on Coos Hay until at times It would seem tho very per sistence of its pleas might pr.ovolto opposition. It has talked get-to- nether and boombed and boosted, not for ono city or ouu section of Coos Ray or Coos County, but for all cities and all sections at all times. Tho Times lins at nil times denounced unci deprecated tho narrow boU Ibhness of cither Individual or community that can see good only In that which Is of Immediate nnd direct benefit or udvantage. Fighting has never won anything for anyone nnywhero nt any time. Tho A'c'tor la tilwuys a loser. War Is destructhe. Tho individual, city, cotn niunlt or country that engages In It suffers mid imya ti heavy nrico for the foolishness of fighting. All this by way of prelude to the statement that thero Is apparent effort to levlvlfy tho corpse of bitter factionalism between Marshflehl and North Rend. This should not he done. It can only result In disaster to all the participants, Noith Rend cannot prosper without Mnrshflcld participating in tho progress It makes and It .Mnrshfiold marches forward North Rend cannot remain far in tho rear. North Hend Is having n Hrldgo Carnival celebration this week and Marshflold should Join In tho festivities. Wo should help our neighbor In celebrating what is of great mutual benefit. Let us get together In hav 1'ig a good time. .Marshflehl merchants nro going to have two blg Dollar Days, Saturday nnd .Monday. These aro trade celebrations being hold till over tho eoim tiy. Albany, Kugeno, Salem and Portland havo already hold these culo bratloit'i nnd Oakland, California,' Is preparing for one. In another col i mu ol today's paper Tho Times prints ,u letter.- from ono of the leading business houses of Portland telling what n tremendous success the event was there and advising Marshflold merchants to got busy with tho sanio thing, but Marslifleld niercliaiitH were already busy, being ulto as alert and witle-awnko as elsowhoro. It would bo a good plan for Marshflehl nierehnnlB to closo Friday uf- lernoon and attend tho Hrldgo Carnival and next Monday North Hund Plight reciprocal!) by Joining In ono of Let us all bu good fellows together. Don's try to crab the other fellow's bad business, besides. BIG H IN BIG . ENOORSES DOLLAR DAY (The following lctlcr is self-explanatory) FleisdhoOT, Mayeir & Co. Wholesale Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Notions Portland, Oregon, October 4, 1!)15. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co., Marshfield, Ore. Gentlemen: The Portland retail merchants have just had si most successful "DOLLAR DAY." The sales in all the stores were very the stores all day, and it . -. irilUC III gCIiUlcU. y. . it nas occurreu 10 this line might be tried successfully m other places, either by you individually, liner Jill flif mfvriijiiiic incriflioi iirirl rlorirlnifr nnnn a., ia b.iv .iLVAV.ill.ikkf .rf2 tllC lime When yOU Will "DOLLAR DAY" or a sibly, in order to get the surrounding country suf ficiently interested, il might be'advisable in your town to have a "DOLLAR WEEK." It is necessary, in order to gel the customers interested, .o offer legitimate bargains so that Ihey can see on the very face of il that they are buying goods at less than Ihe usual price. "DOLLAR DAY" or "DOLLAR WEEK" does not necessarily mean thai only certain articles can j be sold for $1.00, but it means the general use of ' itn twin "nfir.T.A I? ff Tnr incluiHTi vnn lvnfrM coll some articles two for &1.00 or six for .1.()(), or so many yards of some piece goods for $1.00, or give , a dollar off on some article costing considerably! I more; in other words, il is to use the term "DOL-! LAR" in connection with especially pric sially priced for either "DOLLAR DAY" or! "DOLLAR WEEK." We are offering the suggestion of a "DOL LAR DAY" or "DOLLAR WEEK" as one thai we think will help stimulate We would further suggest, it you look with favor upon this plan, that all goods you sell under price, YOU SELL FOR CASH ONLY. If you are interested, let us hear from you, and if there are ;iny other points on you, we will be glad to do so. Assuring you of our desire to co-operate with you at all times, we remain, Very truly yours, FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO. P. S. If you have a Commercial Club or a merchants organization, it might be well to have it conducted under their auspices. Marshflold'H Dollar D.iy Carnivals. game. It does no good and It's CITY large: crowds ilongcdl!X!:!:Z,T was quite a stimulant to .1 . ll 1 us inai someimng- aiong; or in your town by get-, v.wa. ai& K .&a . iiruil Wish to have either 111 "DOLLAR WEEK." Pos-I articles put on sale ami business. which we can enlighten ISAYS COUNTRY 1ST PREPARE Not for War, President De clares for Peace and in Adequate Way First Meeting of Navy Advisors Board is Held Today at the National Capital THOMAS EDISON PRESIDES Mouilifi-s Titl.fii to Xuvy Yards for Inspect l( 'ti Aro Told Tlmt llust Drains of Country nro N'codeU to .Make The Xuvy Perfect til J Aiwi.latl rrrw to Caoa Day Tlmt. . WASHINGTON, D, C, Oct. C. Picsldcnt Wilson outlined his nttl- I udo toward the national dofonso ouestlon today to tho now ndvlBory hoard of tho nnvy. Ho believed, ho said, that tho wholo nation was "con vinced we ought to bo prepared, not for wnr, but for dofonso, and vory Bd oquatoly prepared." Tho mooting pvas thu first held by tho board nnd I was presided over by Thomas A. Ed ison as chnlrmnu. .Must, Ho Perfect The hoard met In tho of flco of Sec retary Daniels and later was recolv- etl by tho president. r "Wo may not," tho Secrotnry told tho members, "expect to build tho biggest navy In tho world, but with tho help of tills board wo must havo a navy, overy unit of which shall bo iih nearly porfert us American In genuity makes It possible." Thu board wont Inter with Dan- flels to tho navy proving ground nt Indian Head on an Inspection tour, Xot. .Merely Technical "Preparation for defense Is not merely a technical matter" said tho President. "It is a matter tho army ami nnvy alone can tako caro of, hut a matter In which wo must havo the co-operation of tho best brains and knowledge of tho country, out side of tho official sorvlco of coun try as well as Inside, Democratic Spirit lk "I feiil It In nnlv In tlm nnli-lt nf sort of ai.i that come8 from interest; i and from kuowlodgu of tho vnrlod I .tit lllllllullllllllli) I II If ftl t(l.l la. 1l il I Ik MMMIIIIDlUt.i; tUIUIItR JU llllliUHUF, tho nation." I Ml 1 1 nnti tain nn-ri- G VEWS W S n Iftf 1 1 I u r ': LBILUUIl U.IL.L. IU IL PRFSIDKXT TO CAST for srFFitAGirm: RALIOT LAW Thinks Question Should Ho Decided Ry Stales mill Xot by National (iovfriiiueiit p (lly AawitUInt rrw to Con. Ilay TlmM. WASHINGTON, I), C, O-t. 0,- Prusldoiit Wilson will veto for U, woman Niiffrago iilnto couHtltutlonn' -aiuuiidmuiit lu Now Jersew at th spuclal election Oct. 10th. llo salt today ho would vote not as a loado 01 iu oei locraiie nariy inn as u nn vato citizen. He said ho believed f tho question should not bo made a party issue and should bo decided by goveruino.it s. w..-tt7". SAm ,DKR VASSKB OKAXE Was First Woman Dub-gat" to X DojiiDi-rntir foment Ion uud An Otlgluiil Woiker. (Uy AwouUtM rrea. la Cooa Day Tluir.,1 SPOKANE, Wash. Oct. C ,Mrs. May Arkwrlght Hutton, ono of tbo original leaders of woman suffrage l'i tho statu, uud tho first woman. d(H ogato to a democratic national con vention, died horo today of Hrlcl (1Uou'i0- FIHKMKX "NOTICE All flroiuoii aro requosted to meet 'nt tho Flro Hull. Thursday, at I p. m. for thu purposo of attending thu funeral of our brothor flroman, Frank Matson. Kindly wear un- flforms. . ' Oeorgo Soollg, President. Ltbby Coal, ijsrUM ton, Fhone 73. UTTO DIE