" -wlsifjfSft.,.sM,Mws. BWs '- " N IF YOU DON'T OWN AN AUTOMOBILE YOU SHOULD KEEP YOUR MUFFLER CLOSED 'oos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos liny Timet In. A South west Oregon paper for South v. oat Oregon peoplo and devoted to tlio bent Interest of tills groat .cellos. . Tlio Times slwtyi boo.ta nd nerer knock, i Coot Dy Times li proud of lt Utlo "The Li' I'aDcri" nu " !: stu won 10 lap to It nnnio by dovoUng its energlca to BolliiK J PeoP'0 tatorciw. MKM1IK11 OP Till: ASSOCIATED PRESS Jo. XXXIX. Established 1878 An Tlio Count Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times Const Mall mill Coon liny Advertiser. No. 62 does Emms mini vf l1r CEDES ALL AT IS ASKED Lw nicnunws Sinkinn of c and Will Pay lndem: for Americans Lost ICED TODAY arv Lansing Makes Mat- foblic and Controversy Is Now at An End LND COMES NEXT Sine Mutter Now Out f Way, I'lll Saw Send Xote to Great lln Regarding Interference rltli Xetitrnl Coinineico uocUtiM rrr to Coot njr Tlmra. HINGTON. I). C, Oct. r.. ry l.ausuig uiiiiuiiiiuu iuuuj brninny had disavowed tlio I of tho Arabic nnd was pro- i pay Indemnity for tlio Amcr- tcs lost. VIII Take Up England tho subninrlno Irsiio with y considered virtually settlod, Is now cleared for pressing ncrlcan complaint ngnlnst Srltnlti. 011 account of inter- with noutral comnicree. rending of tlio note long In Itlon Iiuh been withheld be lie President wished to avoid the controversies between Itcd Slates ami the opposing cuts, u:suiiT forecasted M11 the Day Settlement Was In SIht nixUIrt) 1'rcM to Com Hay Time.) IIIXCTOX. 1). C. Oct. C. Itory settlement of tho Issues Germany and tho United I row I hi; nut of tho sinking of bc were forecasted today In , quarters after a conforenco President Wilson and Sec Lansing. AnibasBador liern- earller In the day, assured Iry 1.111181111: IiIh communlcn- btnltted Saturday would bo to conform to tho wishes of Ited States. IS DEL TO GREAT IIIIITAIX IS .NOT HEADY YET fftit for the Return of Council kieial Skinner fro,n l.o- dou Who Was Culled lewutcj rnt to Coot nt; TlniM 1 IIINGTON, U. C, Oct. n. ncrlcan nolo to England on fcnco with neutrnl coiuinorco further delayed until tlio ro- Coiisui General Sklnnor from Skinner was summoned pr a discussion of tlio ontlro lltlltttlUll. 1UM SAYS JOLLAR DAY SUCCESS fOoodrum of Mnrshfleld was pud when thoy hold tlielr big pai salo there recently and Ut was a great success, in nd- ft the Inimedalto sales effect, ed a better feeling and did fo stltmilate business condi- 1 ever saw so many peoplo on jee's with packages and busy In tie stores on Dollar Day," parcel. ! am enthusiastic Ft and every business man pei Hack of It and boost for aY even the barbers and res- sv into the game." I'Ut mo down for nn nili" In conr 1 islon. ARHO MEREEN HEBE SAYS MILL WILL SOOX RUN F1VI 1)AV WEEK LI LI MSA SAILS FOR HIS HOME ! EDO BOATS X SHELL HOSPITAL X V t ' T cj to Cvj T)y Timet. 1 BERLIN, (w. fi mw Ness to Sayville,) I Piled OHalin. Acin POr, Thfi Mnninlnnl Pjtal, which flew the f ws flae, was de- 1 pyed, t h Comes Hack With Added IteNpoiislhil- 'Itles Has Cliui'KO of ('nil. foil! la liiiiiibet' ViuiU Arno Mcrcen, general superinten dent of tho C. A. Smith Company who lias been In California on busi ness arrived hero today on the titcaiucr Adeline Smith. Ho was ac companied by Kingman Taylor wno is connected with tho Hell Telephone Company in San Francisco. Mr. Tay lor Is a personal friend of Mr. Mc rcen nnd will spend his vacation on Coos Hay. Kinds no ClimiRe In speaking of the lumber situa tion Mr. Mcrcen said that ho could not sco much chaugo in conditions as compared to his Inst trip south. He says that the conditions arc not any worse however. There Is an in creased doniand for lumber but thero is no Incrcnso in price 'that he can learn. He says that the Increojo Is duo to the time of year ns much as anything else. In California tho crops aro all In and this is the timo when improvements are made, ttnllronds Haw Helped The railroads too nro creating tho rcgulnr domnnd. They are having a good passenger business on the coast and must purchaso lumber to keep up their repairs. Mr. Moreen says that in n direct way tho wnr has had somo effect as It has stimulated tho market some what lu part of tho country where manufacturing for the warring na tions Is going on and that lu turn has helped tho coast some. 'Kf forts or tlio Wnr As to general betterment of condi tions Mr. Moreen sayB that niOBt peo ple seem to think that tho war must eloso heforo everything will bo very good in a business way. Mo says that when the war does closo the lumber business will boom mid that It will not ho possible to take care of tho demand, in this connection ho says Hint It is tho opinion lu busi ness circles that It will not bo long heforo soma pcuco settlement Is reached by tho fighting countries. "Everybody Is waiting to sco what will happen," said Mr Mcrcen. "That Is about tho condition of affairs now. Klvo Hays n Week "As to our business wo nro now running four days a week but I am very much in hopes to bo nblo to run five days u week. It is not unllko'.y that wo will go on to tho flvo day schcdulo bofore the end of this month. Personally I am doing ev erything in my power to give tlio mon the extra day. "I reallzo tho need of the work lu tho community and another day lidd ed in tho wcok, and continuing that way through the winter, will mean just twcnty-flvo por cent moro for tho mon thnn they nro now getting and I am anxious to see that thoy got this boncfltaud feel safe lu prom ising it soon." Assume, Moro Work As lias boon announced In this pa per, Mr. Moreen since ho loft has had added duties placed upon him. K. U. Wheolock, tho sales manager ro signed nnd went east and there was a chango in the arrangements. Tho sales department and tho manage ment of the Oakland and Hay Point yards liavo been separated. Mr. Wlor will bo sales manager and look after that part and Mr. Mereon will havo general charge of the Califor nia yards. This Is in addition to the duties as superintendent of the Marshflohl plant so ho has now much moro work on his hands and the change will necessitate his being In California quite a good deal of his time. Tribute to Ability Lumbermen say that the fact that the added responsibilities havo been placet upon Mr. Moreen while the creditors' commlttco is In chargo of the finances of the company, Is a high tribute to his ability and a rec ognition of his efficient work for tlio company. Mr. Mereon says that C. A. Smith Is in tlio east now on business and that he does not anticipate that ho will return to the coast much before the holidays, although ho has heard .nothing definite. Austro-Hungarian Ambassa dor Who Was Recalled To day Leaves for Europe SAYS HEl SORRY Hoped to Remain Here Longer and See More of the Coun try and People IS GIVEN A SAFE CONDUCT Matter Arranged by tlio State Department- (Joe n n Vessel Which Will Touch at Kugllxli I'ort on Way to Amsterdam IHr AtaocUteJ I'rci to Coon l)r Tlmn. NKW YORK, Oct. 5. Austro Hungarlan Ambassador Constautln T. Diimba, who wns recalled at tho request of President Wilson, sailed for homo today on tho Nleuw Am terday. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Dumbn. Mr. Dumba, lu bis last words to the newspaper men, said: "I bear no III will toward this country. I am deeply sorry to leavo nt tho present time, for I havo many friends here and I hoped to stay longer to sco moro of tho country 'and its people That is all." Has Safe Conduct Dumba sailed under tho safe con duct arrangement made by the stato 'department. Tho Nlouw Amsterdam will touch fi,t Falmouth, iKuglnud, and then proceed to Itottordnm. Fiom the latter port Dumba will go to Vienna to report to his foreign office. Ho was accompanied by Prlnco Hohenloho-Sclillllngfuer, the Aus trian embassy attache. EnPOLIS T I'ltoHiitrriox i)i:fi:ati:d nv v liAHOK X I'M HUH OF VOTKS Majority lu Hennepin County In cliidlui' City According to lte- tiuns is on)o tnr Auocltle.1 rrru lu coo. nr Time. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Oct. !. Practically complete returns from yesterday's count on tho locnl option election In Hennepin county, which Includes Minneapolis, shows that prohibition was defeated by a ma jority of about 9100 votes. ALLIES' DRIVE NOT A SUCCESS Field Marshal French Said to Be Keenly Disappointed at Recent Losses BRTISH REPULSED Troops Driven Back by Ger mans When They Attacked Fortifications Near Loos NOTHING NEWJN .THE EAST lleillit Official Hepott Says Allies Wanted to Drive (ici-uinus Out. of Franco so Xcutrnls Would .loin, br.t Fulled Mr Aniwltt rrfit lo Ceu Hr Tlmr..l LONDON, Oct. 5. Artillery firing along a wldo front succeeded Infan try operations of the past week or more, according to today's Paris atntcinont. No exchanges of terri tory nro reported. Tho Iirltlsh at tack yesterday on tho German forti fications north of Loos wero repul sed with cousldorablo losses. Was nisMippoliittneiit Tho loss of the Hohonzollern re doubt near LaDassec, ns announced 'yestcrdny by Field .Marshal French, was a keen disappointment to Eng land according to London dlsputchcs. No important developments in the cast nro reported. Attempt u Failure Tho German official statement on tlifl recent offensive of the allies de clares It Is shown to have been a do 'or die effort to end tho war, which .failed. Tho Horlln war office assorts that both tho Drltlsh and French army orders prove tho movement started wlth.tho Intention or driving tho Ger mans from Franco, thus influencing hlther-to neutral natloim to join tho entente powers. MADE ATTACKS ON ARMENIANS Turks and Kurds arc Waging A Holy War of Extermina tion Against Armenians AMERICANS RETURN CREEKS ARE GLAD wfi.com i :n Tin: laxiunc of AIiI.IFI) TltOOPS AT SAI.ONIKI Minister at Loudon However Said Somo Formalities Weio Ncces wiry When Asked About Protest. Sajs i:eryboily Wants Peace Willi Honor nnd Kprcss Hope Wll- mu Will Accomplish III Atiwlttixl I'ltn lo Com njr Tlmft.J PHOKNIX, Ariz. Oct. 5. Vice "President and Mrs. Marshall arrived hero today to spend sovornl weokB with tho latter's parents, "Lvory hody Is Interested in hooping peaco with honor, and that is what wo hopo President Wilson will do" Enid Marshall. VISITS 1 ARIZONA VICIMMHCSIIIFXT AXD WIFH AIH3 AT PHOKNLV CHICAGO MAM HELD XHWSPAPKIt PHOTOGHAI'linit UXDHK AKHKST AT I.OXDOX tnr AwocUIel Vim to Coot IU)r TlmM.J CHICAGO, Oct. 5. Irving 0. lleese, a newspaper photographer of Chicago, who went to Kurope to got war pictures, Is a prisoner In Lon don charged with being n German spy, according to word received hero today. L DAIISSUBSCRIRED MOIIi: TIIAX KXOUGH TO COVF.It HALF MILLION IS OFFFItFI) Underwriters' Hooks Aro Closed To day No Formalities Muik tlio Completion of the Deal tnr AwoclitM rrtu to Coo. o.r Timet. NIJW Y011K, Oct. C -With the half-billion dollar Anglo-French bond issue over Hiibscrlhcd to an extent not yet computed, tho under writers' books closed today at 10 a. ni. No formality of any sort marked tho closing. Aro Checking; Up Determination of the extent or the over subscriptions remained only a 'mattor of tabulating tho plodges. Tho syndicate managers, already In po cession of approximate figures, ex pected to know to tho dollar the full amount of subscription before tho close of tlio day. F.Btlmntoa of tho total over sub K.crlptlon rangod from $25,000,000 to 1100,000,000. Members of Board of Foreign Missions Arriving Today Tell of Conditions RUSSIANS RESCUED VAN At That Place Fifteen Hundred Ar menians Held Out Against 'I'm Ic Soldiers Until Hellef Came Duplicate Turkish Atrocities tDr AiroiUtotl PrcM lo Coot t)7 Timet. NKW YOHK, Oct. C Turks nnd Kurds are waging a holy wnr of extermination on tho Armenians, according to 10 members of tho American board of foreign missions, who arrived from Van, Turkey, to day. They declared the Armenian pop ulation of Van, numbering 1000, held out against 0000 Kurds and n Turkish company commanded by German officers from April -0 to .May 17, when tho UussIiuib arrived nnd relieved the town. When the Tin lis wero driven away the Armenians began looting the Turkish homes and duplicating the Turkish atrocities CIIAMIir.lt GIVF.S A VOTi: OF COXFIDHXCF Ur AmocIMM Trrw lo C rtr Tlnim.) ATI I HNS, Oct. Ii. After Premier Veni.olos explained to tho Chamber of Deputies the circumstances connected with the lauding of the allied troops at Salonlkl, the Cham ber todny passed n veto of confidence lu tho govern ment. Tho vote was 1 H! to 102, with lit not voting. (Hr AttocUWxl l'rnt to Com nt, TlmM. LONDON, Oct. D The Greek min ister nt Loudon, in regard to the published reports that tho Greek gov ernment protested against tho laud ing of tho troops or tho allies at Sa lonlkl, said: "Natuarally somo for mality must bo gone through. The Groeks aro glad tho'troopB landed." (iltFIX'i: WILL PAY faiu: to HiTitopi: John Allen says that tho locnl OreokB havo received word that tho Greek Consul lu Portland Is author ized to pay tho faro back to Greece of any or tho countrymen who will go to enlist. It Is probable that LIMIT EXPIRES ON ULTIMATUM Russian Foreign Office States That No Answer Has Been Received from Bulgaria IRE U DLLDW General Feeling That the Sit uation Must, be Cleared up in a Short Time MAY BLOCKADE THE PORTS Fxpeited that. Aiiglo-l'i-cnth Army Will Ho Lauded at Salonlkl as u Declaration on (ho Part of tho Allies O UFPOHT THAT ALL1KS ACT COLLKCTIVKLY somo of tho Greeks on Coos Uay will take iitltiiutitKo of tho offer to . uVurcd to Premier llndoslavoff un Iljr AmocUIisI I'rrM to coot llif TlmM. i'aihs, Oct. r. Toio- grnphlng from Nlsh under yesterday's dato. tho corres pondent of Havits Nowb Ag ency says: "Tho Quadruple entente will send a collective ultimatum to tho llulgnrlau government todny (Monday). tDr AuocltIM rrtu U Coot IUj Timet.) PirrUOGUAD, Oct. C Kussla'o ultimatum to llulgarla was not do- return and fight for their fatherland. NAMES fEM OUT OltKGOX LAXD (.'ItAXT CASKS OFF SF.CHFT DOCK!:'!' MIeeu Have lleen Arrested and Sev en Moro Are Charged In the indictments 117 Auocltttd I'rna lo Coot tit TlmM. , SAN FltANCISCO, Oct. fi. Indlct uioutH lu the alleged Oregon laud I fraud cajy) wero taken off tho secret (Ho today and the names or seven not yet arrested made puhllc. Flev- len others, Including one minister, liavo boon arrested. Ono pleaded Kullty. ' The seven men named wero S. 1). 'Aubrey Genjamln F. Falrehlld, A. T. Menamlua, Charles Heaton and threo njen now serving terum lu the federal prison, Fred llranlner, John V. Logan and John Cogbiirn. ISLAM KH IH'SSIA llulgaiiau Legation In Loudon Dis cusses Situation Dr Associated Pr to Cnoi nr Timet 1 LONDON, Oct. 5. "it Is Itussla which has precipitated tho troitblo In tho Dalkans by Insisting that a hand rul of German officers In cUlliau dross bo expelled from llulgarla,' was the Unitarian legation's com ment on the situation to the Asso ciated Pi ess today. NAVAL BDAJ AFIRE KXPLOSION OX U. S. DHSTHOVLU OCCLHS TODAY Two Men Aro lliully Iturntsl liy the Oil Flames Width Aro i:tingiiisheil (llr AwhUIM I'rtiM to Cuot lltr Tlinra. NKW PORT, 11. L, Oct. r.. An ex plosion followed by flto occurred on tho torpedo boat dustroyor Ciim mliiKS while engaged In maneuvers ofi the coast. Two men were badly fhurnoil by the oil flamoB. The flro wiib soon extinguished hut the com mander decided to head for port ami is duo hero late today. IS AMAZED XI4WH OK ULTIMATUM TO ISUL GAIIIA ASTONISHING TIIHIti: Surpriso that Itussla Would Havo tho Courago After Her Decent lie- feats in itattle Ur AinoclttcJ l'rcw to Com liar Timet. UKULIN, (Wireless Sayvlllo) Oct. li. Tho Russian ultimatum to llul garla wasrocolcd with astonishment says an Overseas Now Agency dis patch. The political world is amazed that Russia, after her recent defeats on the battle field, should find cour age to make an aggressive movement '.of this natuie. It means mmply vio lation of tho soverlgn rluhts of an Independent state. ! XOTK'i: HILL Tho first monthly dance of tho Elks will bo held Wednesday even ing. Every Elk with his wlfo or 'sweetheart is requested to bo pres ent. Frank Cattcrlln, chairman japaxksi: kiih: AT WRONG TAIKiin.' Br AtioclitnJ Prut to Coot Mr TlniM SASEHO, Japan, Oct. 5. Fourteen seamen wero woun- led. one fatally, early In Sep- tember on board the Japan- ese battleship Suwo when during target practice a shell from a sister ship struck tho Suwo on tho deck amidships. It appears tho battshlp Kas- Jlma mistook tho Suwo for n tnreet. i IS LEADER DESERTS AND THEN FIGHTS VILLA Dr Aw Uto.1 rr lo toot Ptr Tlmw J EL PASO, Oct, 5, The Carranza Consulate today notified Carranza that it had confirmed the recent iz renori I ai uentrai nui- nannez had revolted from Villa and defeated the lat ter Sunday at Santa Ro salia, and that Villa is re treating to Chihuahua, Villa officials hero did not credit the report, FIGHTS FDH ROAD .MILITARY HIGHWAY FROM PU UK'V SOUXD TO .MEXICO K. l 44tt W, Harris, Originator of Idea, Writes California Stands Well !' Ilehliiil Moo I j Untitling of a military highway bo i tweon Pugot Sound and tho Mexican hi.w. i.iuiw iinimlmr mi norlsistently ,.....! ul.iifio. ..i.orc ivnnl' lnttnra til rfl. gard to It aro received at tho Chani- lier of Conimorco. Govorumont aid will bo luvnkod for the building. F. V. Harris, the civil ongfneor of Ronton, WashliiBton, who launched tho Idea that Is rapidly gaining favor on the const, ban sent more maps showing the route. Ho says that commercial bdloa in California aro backing the move very strongk. Ho points out that tho Pacific Highway over the StRkpyous U clon ed with snow from four to six months of the year. RAILROAD GREAT HELP TO GLEWADA Founder i.f Town on tho Sliislntv Tells of lleuerits Intra Illy Is Xeiv Knjoylng George II. Colter, founder of the town of Gluiiada, is quoted lu a Eu gene paper as declaring that tho now railroad Is a great help to thu people of the Sluslay river country: He says: "I tell you, the now railroad Is a groat couveuloiico to the people of that country. "I havo been there for '-'.' years and for about i!:t yearn I had to make a two day' Joiiruoy from Gleiiiitla every tliim I wanted to come to Eugene, and If I wanted to go to Portland It would take about three days. Now you ouu Hlart from f (llenada a little after noon and roach Eugeno at 5 o'clock tho sanio day." Mr. Colter foundod the llttlo city 'ih years ago. About that time there wore strong hopo of the building; of a railroad from Eiikoiio to the coast and Mr, Colter laid his town off with tho idea of making It u seaport and terminal for the railway. A lino was factually surveyed ami considerable right of way purchased, but the fi nancial crash came about that time and tho prospect was abandoned. Mr. Colter has held onto a largo part of his property all of thoso yearn and has boon lowarded lately, since the start of construction on tho Willam- 'otto Pacific railway, by locolvlug ,gond prices for his lots and acreage tracts. X BRITISH SHELL BOAT X X WITHOUT WARNING X O Ur Ai.orl.tol frttt lu Ouvt ;.r Tlnit. BERLIN, Oct, 5,-By X til I o'clock yesterday afternoon, ac cording to an official statement to day. The foreign offlco at noon to day stated that no answer had boon received from llulgarla. Previous advices from PCtrograd wero that the ultimatum was deliver ed Sunday and the 2 I hour limit ox plied yesterday. According tt tho latest statement, the ultimatum ex pired I p. m. today ( 0:30 wobtorn tlmo). Others .May Follow It is expected by tho foreign of Hcu Hint the ultimatum will he pre sented by Russla'H allies. RiiBSla did not Insist upon demobilization by lluls-irla. but It Is expected that If this Is not done at once llulgarla will gradually reduce her army to a peace Moling, lu caso the reply la fav orable to Russia. May Remain Thero Tlio Russian minister at Sofia may remain there Indefinitely as n privuto citizen owing to Hlntus, even should diplomatic relations bo sevorod. ACTION WELCOME Franco Will Probably Follow the Ex ample of Russia III; At-ucUteJ rrctt to Coot H7 TlniM.) PARIS, Oct. fi. Russla'u ultima turn to llulgarla was welcomed bore us a means of clearing the Ilalkan situation. Llttlo doubt Is felt horn that Franco will tube similar action and If the Russian minister departs from Soria ho will he accompanied by tho representatives of Great Drlt alu, France and Italy, .MA KICK DECLARATION 'leml'V of Jlulgaila Says .Must ho Satisfied Insults Ur AoUtt4 I'rMt to L'nt lltr Tlmrt.J I1KRLIN, Oct. fi. A dispatch from Sofia says Premier Radoslavoff yesterday uinde tho following declar ation to tlio representatives of tho Hovorninont parties: "We confront a war ami must defend our natlbunl InteroHls. Wo must wrest from tho enemies everything they took from us two years ago and get satisfaction for ovory Insult." ISERLIX IMPRESSED Action Caii'ivs n General Feeling of Relief There t AtMicUt I'rtit to Coot nt; Tints HEREIN, Out. 5. ItiiBsltt'a ultima turn to Ilulgarlu mado a deop Imprcs bIoii bore, but resulted In a feeling of rollot because of tho conviction thnt the moment has arrived when the diplomatic situation In tho Ilal kan. must he clarified within a fow X wil'OleSS tO SayvillO,)-- I TMe i Germans consldor tho entonto liowers selected an unpromising Mo ment to make their voice hoard at Sofia. i.U.nUA n.MU.t .no.-.-. Look for Action j auuiiicunia wiuiviui wani- ( Now8paorB oxpoct ttU ,niwul,late I Dig, 1 110 SUDmarine !de, Juration by entente allies with X first fleW a German and Jlblockado of lmigarlan ports as well X lion a blltlSl I ncr, 2lns hmdlngot an Anglo-French army Z - . . . i i if ho iflrmaii stnnmnr Sv - 7 X onia was shelled in thet V Dillln Onn Im, r. Dl-Ulfl. t uaiin; ooa vy a uimoii ' ut Salonlkl. .. ( A .ic,