Z4XjlXJ-'l.TEWKnt.l SSSdSSdBHBtaB&ifiSiSdBMUSBMtiyMi .. MUM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELty, ORL'GON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1915 EVENING EDITION. JI11R1 ptT 1 r Mil IS j v l ,1 raj i j i'pci r RtWIB OCTOBER TIDKS Tlmo and helRhts of titles at : born : 4$ CARLSON--To Mr. una Mrs. John Carlson nt their home on Cen tral Avenue, nenr Eleventh street, n twelve-pound boy. their first child. of Coon liny, Inland. The Pomona, of the Oregon City Trnimportatlon Company, will make two trips weok- Mnrshflold. The tides are placed In '' handling freight. This will ho order of occurrence, with their times the first steamhont service Into En- ." ..,Bl wiiu i nil neiguis on tlio KOiio In tho imst in second una of each day. A cotnpnr son ui consecutive Heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. High tldo on tho bar ono hour nnd 1)4 minutes earlier than nt ainrsniieiu 11.10 1.1 11.47 4.1 12.21 4.S a few months of water sufficiently such traffic. years. Only tho year Is the high to warrant 4llrs.. 4.r.r Ft... 0.7 r,IIrs. Ft.. (Sl!rs. I Ft. . mo o.c 0.21 o.c n.ic l.o o.oc i.r (5.19 1.0 10.4?. 4.4 11.30 4.C 0.(1 0.0 ftir((UIlMl8cUIfocr &Mrx YOU'RE going to seo so many good overcoat styles here that you'll hardly know which one you like best. Hart Schaffner & Marx have done wonders in overcoats this season; best lot of stylish models we ever saw. Ask us to show you Varsity Six Hundred You can get a very snappy overcoat here as low as $16.50; at $25 extreme value. Suits purchased at this storo Kept pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Store 1ARSHFIELD NORTH BEND flic home of ITart Schaffner & Marx Clothes WEATHER FORECAST lllr AiioeltltJ Prrw to Coo. liar Tlmci OREGON Fair with light frost in tho Interior nnd west and heavy frost In tho oust tonight, Tuesday fair, warmer except near conBt. LOCAL TEMPEHATUIIB ItECOUD For tho 24 hour ending nt 4:43 n. in., Oct. 4, by Hen, Ostlind, special gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum Gl Minimum 41 At I: lit a. in 45 Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1015 1.33 Precipitation enmo porlod lust year 10.48 Wind Northwest, clear. Hiwitl Concert Sunday. Sunday afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock In the Orpheiim Theater, tho Coos Ray Concert Hand will give n free concert. .Mission Chclo to .Meet. Tho la dies .Mission Clrclo of tho First Dap list Church will meet Wednesday uf tcrnoou nt 2:30 o'clock at tho home of Mrs. P. E. Wheeler. ... PERSONAL MENTION J. S. HANSON and wife and children arc Intending to leave soon for tho fair. P. J. KELI.EY went over into tho Valley this morning calling on the trade. JUDGE JOHN HAM. was called to Coqulllo this morning on legal business. GORDON RASMUSSEN left today for the Sand Hills for u few days duck hunting. AL MYERS sailed on the Santa Clnrn Inst evening for a visit at tho Exposition. DR. AND MRS. IRA II. BARTLE catuo homo last evening from a visit to the fair. Mill Closed. Down. Ueeauso of an accident to tlio condenser In the elec trical departmont of tho C. A. Smith mill this morning tho mill was clos ed down at 8 n. m. for the dny but will reopen in tho morning. Council To Meet. Friends of the band today woro undetermined as to whether they would ask another $99.90 o tho city for tho band, tonight or wait for anoth er week. Tho city council will award tho contract tonight for tho extending of tho Front Btrcct paving toward Anderson Avenuo. oble Theate TQNIQHT R "Tho Pleasant Place To Spend tho Evening SPECIAL ATTRACTION William Fov presents "BETTY IXSRX" (Tho Roynl Actress), in her flr.st Ainerlcnii-mndo pho- piny "THE CEIiEHUATEl) SOAXDAL." Tho great stage success esi'iitod In five nct.s of motion pictures. I'OU SHOULD HE A REGULAR PATRON OF THIS THETER 7VMY MOXDAV NIGHT FOX l-'EATUHES ARE THE GREAT- IT PICTURES MADE IX AMERICA SHOWING .MOXDAV GUTS OXLV. liejMono comedy "WISHED OX MAIHjE." A laugli from start ', flnWi. Centti upstairs or down. Children, 5 fonts tomorrow night: "All For Old Ireland." Wo Mill show "Tho Kiiioml from (Ho Sky" Friday night mid every Friday herenftor Klmiit fall. Get Blooded Rams. Tho Santa Clnrn yesterday brought In two flno looking blooded Angora rams for Milton Mooro of C M Reach. They wcro left hero an.. .' -11 ho shipped on either tho Ronmcr or to Rustler. Tho animals como from tho farm of 'J. I.cvlch, near Monmouth. 1 Few at Reach. Thero woro otly six or seven auto parties at Sunset 1 Uny and tho beach Sunday, although lit was ono of tho most beautiful days In that locally that lias been 'enjoyed for a long tlmo. Tho fact , that thero had been rain for severnl days previous probably prevented pcoplo from planning beach trips. re You Gambling? In Tire Satisfaction Ilici-e's ono tlio that carries with It not only the guarantee, hut prmed test of having inailo good on Coos County roads iiii Iho hardest usage. iThls tho Is 'ONE you mil bunk rn lo do moio than is claimed T it. TIiih'ii U in. ..I. ........ i.. I.'icir 'iiim.' 'I'I.im- ,l.i tin. w.ulr i . ... , , .... ...,,,i ,,, .... ......... . ..uj .... . (....., sll cr tho goods and inako goid ovoiy tlmo. Tho prices well, o they are coniparo them and then compare tlio tire value. SIZE TIRES TUBES 30x3 $ 9.00 $2.35 30x3 11.60 2.70 32x3 , 13.35 2.80 34x3 14.90 2.95 34x4 19.40 4.00 36x4 20.50 4.15 36x4 27.35 5.20 37x5 32.30 6.25 ' Settled In Xcw Home. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Williams who returned ypstordny fom San Francisco sny that their daughter Frances is now sottled In her homo nt Bay Point. Sho was married In San Francisco about two weeks ago to Fred Lamon nnd tho young couplo havo Just como homo from tholr honeymoon to San ta Cruz. Rally Day Success. Rally Day at tho Methodist Church yesterday was a comploto success and ended with tho largest attendnnco tho Sunday School has over had. Tho number was 159 and tho best previous mark was an nttendnnco of 134. August Isnacfcon is tho superintendent 'and ho Is aided with several willing helpers. Ducks Are Scoico. Tom James, Will Ekhlad and George Larrson, took a run out to Dcnl Lako for n try at tho ducks. They camo back with a few, among them being several mud lions nnd roportcd that Its n tri fle early in tho season for tho birds. Makes Dollars Slick. Rnttlesnnko Jim has a now way of making mon oy. Today ho was on tho strootB with a llttlo go cart carrying adver tising signs. Ho says that such n rig Is exactly what lio needs to car ry his excesslvo wnrdrobo and camp ing paraphenalla. llegln Cu'inlnp; Today. Tho Tnl lant cannery openod up this morn ing with tho crow of 14 Japanese in full operation, to say nothing of tho "iron Chinamen." Tho cannery has been rccolvlng from a ton nnd a half to two tons of fish dally for sonio time. Is At Parent's Hedsldo. C. M. ny ler, of North Uond, on Friday was called to tho bedsldo of his mother who Is very ill In Oakland, Cnl. Mrs. Dylor followed on tho Santa Clara yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tur pen havo moved Into their residence for two or three wcoIcb until they return. To Quit Stngo Lino. D. L. Footo camo down from Allegany nnd stat ed that ho had about mado up his mind to dlscontlnuo tho Coos Ray-Allegaiiy-Draln nuto lino for tho sea son. It is pretty wet in tho shady parts of tho road and ho fears that heavy rains nro likely to como most any tlnlo. Kill Rear. Mnnngor Nick Oswald Is today serving out flno boar steaks at tho Palace Market. The bear wob killed by Messrs. Kolly and Bowron n: Ton Mllo nnd dressed 100 pounds. It Is ono of tho finest boar carcuses seen hero In many a day and thoso having a penachant for heur meat nro laying In a supply. Aid In Campaign. Coos Ray stu dents at tho University of Oregon, this week nro nldlng tho nowly- unched campaign for a $100,000 Woman's Hall nt tho University. 'All of tho fiatornltles nnd sororities this week nro giving progressive dinners and tho proceeds will go toward tho fund. Undorgrnduates ' hnvo already subscribed $500 to ward tho neuded nmount and tho I aid Is asked or tho alumni and tho Regents. Gols Totem Polo. C. I. Rolgard today received a genuine totom polo from .1. H. Hogan. formerly In the marblo business In Coqulllo and Marshflold, who Is now trading with tho Alaska Indians. It Is about twolvo Inches long and It said to bo n real ono, having belonged to n chief's family who carried it around on tholr expeditions. DWIOHT SANDRURQ, of tho Smith Timber company .went up to Pow ers this morning. MR. AND MRS. R. F. WILLIAMS returned yesterday on the Kllburn from San Francisco. Hi m 7 x 111 L Yr Reforo buying your new all Suit look at t!u"e wonileifiil VALUES tit Men's Suits Think of ll, buying for the H'.X busy Mores as one IiIk store, I hen you cnu readily nee why all the tiianufnclur crs are after our orders paying spot 1'iisli and welling for spot caMi eliminating the Jobbers, traveling mail, Ids hotel hills and ear fares nnd all that goes to run the price of (he goods up. Who pays for tills, Mr. Ilii) cr? Vim do. Look at these all-wool, blue serge, uou-liieakahte fronts, hand-iiiade col bus, untth at Hie least one-third more. Our price IjllMIO (ray serge, brown check, salt and pepper, made by tho best and most skill fid tailors; suits Hint will hold llielrshapo every suit n jHTfect fit. Think of It, htijIiiK a suit that Is worth one - third i.uuo cwvy day In tho year ssfj.no STERLING The stilt of :uality, comes In heavy blue serge and novelty suit. Worth double the price 91 1.75 ROY MOORE loft yesterday for Cal ifornia where ho will tnko treat ment at a sanitarium. PAT HENNESSEY returned to tho Reaver Hill mines this morning after a week end visit nt home. Tho Orlglnntors of Low Prices ' '9.-&.3$eit?2eu'(DOr IT I IIP I I'll! Ml W lend Others Follow I. E. OALL1ER, of tho Galliot- Ho tel' In Dandou, nnd his wife, woro oei hero yesterday for n visit. JOE WILLIAMS has gone down to Sail Francisco to sco if nil tho tales of tho Fair ho haa heard are true. MRS. D. H. SAVAGE and Josophlno Savago aro homo from Portland arriving yesterday on the Santa Clara. FRANK IIORTON nnd brldo nro ex pected homo this ovonlng from tholr houoymoou trip to Curry county. DONALD CHARLESON, port engin eer, with Mrs. Charloson and son loft yestordny for a visit nt tho Explsltlon. M. HALL-LEWIS, County Rond maBtor, returned to Coqulllo after u visit hero yestordny to Inspect Homo bridges. ADA CL1NKENHEARD, of Coob Riv er, IB homo from a flhort Visit at tho Exposition, arriving yestordny on tho Kllburn. MR. AND MRS. E. R. BUNNELL re turned last evening from a 10 days visit to Portland and the Round Up In Pendleton. C H. DINDINGER, tlmo kcopor at Camp 1, sailed north on tho Kll burn yostorduy on u busincus visit In Portland. CLAY CHURCH, Robert Swnnton untl Frank Howo loft this after noon for Browstor Valley for a short vacation trip. Sues Steamship Company. Suit has beon brought by the Union Ment Market against tho North Pacific Steamship Company for $G0.04, I claimed to bo duo for meat sold be tween May 28 and September 30 of this year. Money covorlng tho amount of tho bill and costs was at tached by Constablo Cox in tho First National Rank. NON-SKIDS FIVE PER CENT HIGHER HE GUNNERY U'ISK DISTRIBUTORS SOUTHWESTERN OREGON R.VT & KING GARAGE North Bend Agents MR $ VOV liHUKIlT rv.millln AirentH s- G. AVRITSETT Bandou Agent Ilo'itH Go Far Inland. With tho coming of tho fall rains, possibly In Novembor, boats will bo running i up tho Willamette River to Eugeno, ! oi in other words, within 124 miles ONE-CENT SALE REXALL TOOTH PASTE A dentrifico of tho highest quality, antiseptic and fra grant. It whitens tho teethi provents decay and nweot ons tho breath. Regular 25c a tube. 26c Special today anil toiiMiTotv, H for . THE BUSY CORNER The Rexall Store Phono 208 W 1 I V o Guild Meeting. At tho mooting tomorrow In Guild Hall, Fourth and Market Avo. at which MrB. Wm. Horsfall, Jr., and Mrs. Herbert Lock hart will be hostesses, the final ar rangements will bo mado for tho rummago sale to bo held noxt week on Front Street, and It is hoped that every member of tho Oulld will bo preseut. Much activity and Intorcst aro being shown in this annual en terprise of tho Guild, and It is hoped this year to make it even more suc cessful than heretofore Mrs. A. R. C'Rrlen was chosen at tho last meet ing to bo chairman of the Committeo in charge of tho rummago sale. MRS. MAT.SO.VS CONDITION Mrs. Sophia Matson, who was ser iously burned, Was resting easy nt tho hospital today, but tho outcome of her Injury Is yet uncertain. MRS. THOMAS DEAD Mrs. John Thomas, residing on Kentuck Inlet, died today, Sho leaves quite a largo family and was a middle aged woman, MRS. II. E. KELTY returned homo on tho Snnta Clara from Portlnud yesterday whoro sho has been for a, -two month's visit. w E HAVE Just Issued n new price list nnd would bo pleaAed tn have you call hi and got one, us vO have n number of good things listed that aro real bargains. If you can't call; drop us u card or cull us on the phone and wo will mall you ono. "ThIs Is tho tlmo of tho year when pcoplo lay In their Wlntor'n supply of Grorcl'.'es and before you send out of town come In mid get our prices mid see the (jiuillty of our goods and then you will know what you are buying. We stand back of our goods nnd will make good anything that does not prove mitlKfuctory, WE SAVE YOU MONEY. Gettings Cash Grocery North Broadway Near Central Ave. SHOW FIE APPLES MVRTLH POINT FRUIT GROWERS ATTRACT .MUCH ATTENTION A P. LAIRD, Doupty Sheriff, wont back to Coqulllo this morning vftor visiting 'with friends ovor the week-end In North Rend. MRS. RORERT KELLOOG and baby arrivod homo yestordzy after an absonco of sovoral weeks nt the homo of hor parentH in Salem. LL'NTNER OALLIER and his brldo arrived homo from San Francisco whoro thoy woro married and aro on tholr way to tholr homo In Han-don. RALPH KRUSE and Goo. Rotnor got eight ducks on a hunting trip yesterday and report that tho hunters woro more numerous than the ducks. Gruvoiisterns From Coos County nt tho Him Franclsco-Exposltlou Re ceive Much Praise SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. I. Oro gou fresh fruit Is causing tho thou Bauds of visitors, und CallforulaiiB In particular, to sit up and take no tice. Southern Oregon peaches, eight to tho yard, nro absolutely be yond tho comprehension of Cnllfor nlnns, and thoso who imagined that tho Sobnstopol country rulsod tho only magnificent (1 ravens tuin ap ples got a terrific Jar when they looked upon tho big display sent In by tho Coiiulllo Valley Fruit Growers' Association at Myrtle Point. Hood River Apples And when It comes to other. var ieties of apples, Hood River Winter Riinanas, a five-box display by Gnu Miller, Is as beautiful fruit as any human ever looked nt. Mlllor is tho Hood River man who won the grand sweepstakes at tho Pacific Land Products Show last year. Even Eastern Oregon has been getting In an excellent showing of poaches, n great quantity of beauti fully colorod specimens coming from L. G. Willis at Rrogan, Mainour Co. Pears From JnckNni Rut It has taken Southern Ore- iioti, Juckson County, to clean up ovorythtng on pours. Thero has been i steady flow of pears from that unction, all of superb fruit, and It Ih confidently expected that this fruit lo going to laud tho coveted award for Southern Oregon. Tho only other pears In this class havo 50IMO from Moslor, u single shipment it excellent d'AnJous from tho East Hood Rlvor Company. Southern Oregon also boasts of tho first bhlp nicnt of Newtown tipples. It Is gonornlly couroded hero that Oregon fruit cannot bo excellent for keeping quality. DEPARTMENT IS TO AID APPLE INDUSTRY Government Will Study Crop of tho Northwest und Have Head quarters nt SKkano WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 4. Complying with tho numerous ro qucBtB from tho growers' councils, chambers of Commcrco, growers' and shippers' organizations In tho States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Mcntunn, the oflfco of Mnrkots mid. Rural Organization of tho United Stntcs Department of Agriculture has mado pinna of establishing tempor ary headquarters In the Northwest for tho study of the distribution of tlio 1915 boxed apples crop. , Tho ii bin as outlined Is based up on assurance that tho Office of Mar- I'kots and Rural Organization will re eolva tho cooperation of nil those In forested In the apples industry, for without this co-oporatlon the offorta of Jjio Offlco would not produco vaW unlilo results. Spokane Headquarters k , It Is probnblo that tho field head qurtcrs for this work will ho In Spo kane, bccaiiso of tho accessibility of that point to tho apple territory In tho northwestern states. , Tho work which tho offlco will do Is not that of n (olographic market hows Horvlco, hut rathor contemplat es tho collection by mall and tho com pilation of data mid lssuanco of 'weoltly bulletins concerning tho ship ments and destination of tho north western boxed apples. 3 JAY TOWER, R. C. CordeH and J. C. Merchant returnod yesterday fronij tho Sand Hills with sixteen ducks.! They roport tho best shooting wnsjt In the vicinity of Jordan's Lnko. MRS. L. L. THOMAS loft Saturday for Salem In response to a mes sage announcing tho serious Ill ness of her father, S. C. Stuckoy, a pioneer business man of Htayton, near Salem. (JENE ORANT came In Saturday night from Powers, where ho is foreman of ono of tho Smith-Powers camps, tor a short stay. Ho fully recovered from tho Injury to his leg sustained last summer. WARD BLAKE Is planning to leave In about 10 days for tho fair and thero may meet Mrs. Blako who has been in the east, called thero by tho Illness of her parents. They are Intending to come west for tho winter. t lw TODAY J 'J WANTED Ten wlilo-nwake hojs, from 10 to 15 years old, to work Lorn 7 p. in. to 10 p. m. on Fri day and Suturday. Good pny and easy work. Apply GoUIiir'h Cash Grocory. FOR RENT Two furnished npts. Heated. $15.00 and $18.00. Sec ond und Commercial. Apply Mat son's Quality Storo. PREMIUM LIST OUT FOR BIG STOCK SHOW Will Inj Held at Portland In Decern- her mid Flue Stock Will 1h Exhibited Tho premium llstB have boon re ceived for the fifth nunual Pacific International Exposition which will bo held at tho Union Block Yards ut Portland, Docombor 0 to 11. Tha association will glvo $15,000 In cobU premiums and makes no chargo for admission In tho different classes. 'It Is expected this year that thero will bo Borne vory flno stock Bhown. Tho exhibits will consists of cattle,, hogs, and sheop oxcluslvo with nof othor form of ontortalnmont to dl vort attention. 'iiio promliims will ho divided nmong tho different class as Tol Inti'a I""B j Puro bred cattle of the hoof f Wo $310a Dairy Cattle $3500, Fat Cattlo $350o Breeding- Hogs $1500 Fat Hogs f goV Brooding Sheoplng $1500, Fat Sheop $800 OREGON MADE RA1X COATS T Lowest prices, latest styles, will cull and take your measure. Tele phono 140-J. FOR SALE Thirteen Jersey cows, fresh soon. AIbo toam work hors es. Apply Ongo ranch, Allogany, or write box GC7 Marshflold. FOR TRANRFEK AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FltEIGUT AND UAGaAGH Call FERGUSON TRANSFER 1 Phono 103 L Market Avo. and Waterfront ' V 1 - i 1 ., -z&y