nXr'-TW 1 ') .A THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. , SEVEN - f " Jr F F'l t.cnjL1,s like rent puts you in possession of a house and y lot in FIRST ADDITION. Level lots 50x120 facing on 7 graded street. City water service installed, close to m school A few dollars cash and the balance like rent. M CD M FIRST DDITJQN TO SHFIELD The Best Ever ar&am ihmmi You want a home of your own. Take advantage of this opportunity. Remember all assessments paid. S350 buys the place ready to move into. Call af our of fice for key and see the place tomorrow. You'll buy it on sight. Reynolds Development Go. (OWNER ITS Central Ave. uget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. is, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" most powerful, best equipped mul most thoroughly modem twenty-Inch hydraulic aredgo In Pacific wntcn bs Bay office, Main office, Marshheld, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. e newspaper at srets results UN High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our nrices as low as consistent with good busi ness makec Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 Mf' v. k7l . , W. 't mmm& . rrcTira Jul. ' ' ... :s j i . n'A$mdff.tJ.m i UU'l'BJilKimiltt. ri-x-iiVTW V. A V . r vx r , i s . ' ri . v', . . N.-" c SEfcrV.v.v T-VrTFSVJC-5- h.. iVfMW I lW. rlQi1TlfmMssl:,, l the OBK WLE jonuYj ONE READ BY A PEOPLE WHO WANT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS. WHEN SUBSCRIBERS ANX IOUSLY AWAIT THE ARRIVAL OF THE HOME NEWSPAPER IT IS A SURE INDICA TION THAT THAT PAPERIS READ. YOU READ THE TIMES FROM THE FIRST TO THE LAST PAGE BE CAUSE IT IS CHOCK FULL OF INTEREST IN G LOCAL NEWS MATTERS IN WHICH YOU ARE DIRECTLY INTERESTED. OTH ERS DO THE SAME. THEY READ YOUR ADVERTISEMENT, IF YOU . HAVE . ONE, WITH AS MUCH IN TEREST . AS . ANY OTHER FEATURE, BECAUSE IT IS ORI GINALLY DISPLAYED BY MEN WHO ARE ADEPTS IN THIS LINE OF WORK THE I HOME PAPER wm to tfwmm WKmi vmm as mcrea osBayTimes With Better Light li"ej:: merchandising methods demand .illia.itiy lighted stores the better the jfi.' 'he biQyer fhe sales. The perfect, sunlllvj jt iHiariCB o.' Mazda lighting displays mwonaiidiss to btst advantage, and being smokele&s awl ft'w. Ji wakes customers inoreoomfciihijle Type C. Mazda Lamps Give More Light Than Ever im rsaif get more effective lighting for no qreatar cosi with Type G. Mazda Lamps. We can dsmristrate this fact to you very quickly wrtnout oblioatma you in any re spect. You are doing yoursel an injustice if you do nol ifn 'Otighly investigate this bet- ter way of lighting fine ow Oregon Power Company WINIFRED WORTH Crochet and Tatting Designs These Designs Are Exclusive and Many of Them Arc 'I Here Published for the First Time. 1 Wt?twtett Tatting appeals to every woman for Ita qualntncsa und practicability make It very attractive. Send 12 cents and tho coupon bolow nud you'll get this and many other clever design? iu tho Winifred Worth Crochet Hook wulcb. wo will send you by return mall. llenutlful Motifs for T.itilnir Worker. News of Nearby Towns TAKES OVER HOTEL 1 III H IW'I i I i1' I n lliymhft "MIsiMI 'AAAAMMVWMWWMMNV ll ClnitloM Itavler In Charm of llnxtcr House In ('oiiillk Tlio C'oqullle Herald 8nyn' C'luis llaxtur liaa taken iosResalon of tho llaMor Hotel. Ho nppolntod Cat SlaKlo iih clerk and to look after tliliigH for lilin wlillo he returned to the Hay to look after Ills IiiibIuohh on that flhle. Mrs. llaxter will remain on this ride and assist at tho hotel till Mr HaNter rcturiiH. As soon as Charlc koch out of business on tho Il ho will reu'do here. thii:s XIJW HOAT I The (lold Heach fllobo says: .) V l.owory now has his now stern wheel boat In the river, which requires boiuo minor adjustments, when It will bo nlvon n thorough try out This project of Mr. Lowery's Is being watched with a great deal 1 of Interest on tho river ns opinions differ ns to whnt degree of success a stern wheel boat will bo on this river. (ioi.n itKACii Noriw r' Tatting AbbroUulIon of Terms. Tatting is ono of tho most beautiful forms of crochet. Tho striking pat terns shown nro very easy to do. d. s. doublo stitch; p. plcot; sh snuuio; r. ring. rig 3 Is mado with 2 shuttles. Details of Fig. 5. lBt row form ring of 30 d s. and 12 p. (2',i d. B. and 1 p. alternating), break off thread and fasten, 2nd row form ring of 14 d. s., 1 p. 2 i d. s. Join to p. of first row, 2'(4 d. s. 1 p. 114 d. b., closo ring, turn, form n ring of 4 d, b, 1 p. 4 d. s. 1 p. 4 d. s. 1 p. 4 d. s., closo ring and turn, and repeat unUl wheel Is perfect. WINIFRED WORTH CROCHET BOOK COOS BAY TIMES Send 12c and coupon to this tinner and wo will mall you n thlrty-four- page Crochet Hook containing tho aboTO design and fifty-eight other In terestlug patterns vtith full Instruc tions, This Is ono of tho most comploto books on Crochet Work published. NAME ADDKESS ,,, , STATE !- w 'VVVVwVAAAXAAfVV n n m All Ower Oregoia a HANTS PASS Tho vineyards of Tokay and Malaga grapes sot out In tho Grants Pass neighborhood nro Just beginning to bear, and for tho tlrst time In Its history grapes will ho shipped fiom ( rants Pass. EIKIKNE Tho city officers linvo moved Into tho old high school build ing which tho city purchased for n now city hall. POHTI.ANI) H. C. Koss, a hard waro merchant of Oregon City, wns seriously Injured when knocked down by nn auto. SALEM Twcnlyono widows fil ed appeals to tho circuit court from tho decision of tho county court do nylng thoni pensions. EUGENE Cleorgo Hell was ur refcted for nllogod vlolntlon of tho htato law In signing u uaiuo othor than his own for shipments of liquor. ASTORIA II. 13. Doorlng was awarded tho contract for making tho foundation for tho grain elovntor which will bo eroded by tho Port' of Astoria, tho contract price holng 122,058. POHTI.AND A. W. I.nfforty, former roprcvontatlvo in congross, Is loportnd by tho doputy city uttornoy to hnvo apologli'od to u woman who clnlmod that ho Insulted hor In his offlco. AM1ANY llov. T. II. Hosolbrneht who roslgned ns pastor of th First Prosbyterlau Church, hag decldod to remain In eliargo and withdraw his resignation. OREGON A ?12,000 slandor suit tins boon fllod iu tho circuit court by Mrs. A. Nelson ngitlnst John Miller. THE DALLES Inmas Day, njol 15 years, was injured whon n horas ho was riding slipped nnd foil on the stroet. CORVALLIS Ono hundred and ono persons, IK! of whom were blood rotations of lehahod llonkle, attend ed tho annual Heuklo reunion at tho John II. Wyntt farm. I PORTLAND John Ellis, former proprietor of a largo ranch at ia I ninth Kails has been mlwslug since last March and relatives hava been trying to find hint, GRANTS PASS Tho first train hns passed over tho now Slato Creek bridge, tho structure haying been pomploted. DIVORCES GRANTED In tho Clicult court tit Cauuillo di vorces woro granted ns follows: Mauotto J. Hudson from Win. V. Hudson, of North Houd. Orn Garten from A. D. Garten, of Hnndon. Jouulo Colyur from Homer I), Col ynr of Coqulllo. Julia Allen from Thomas W. Al lot), or North Hend. Roy E. Cameron from Abblo Cameron. MYltTMt POINT Itlll'I'IIS Tho following tiro rocont births toported tit Myttlo Point: Corn Wednesday, September 28th, in .Air. and Mrs. Arthur Her- jinunn, or tho South Kork, a son. Hot n Monday, Suptombor 20th, I to Mr. and Mrs. N. W. McDonald of Hronilheut, a ilniiBhtor. Horn Thursday, September 1C, to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Aitnlu, a sou. j lloin Monday, Septotnber 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Ell I'Viedeubiirg. of Hrldge, a son. Newt of County Scat Told In the (Holm A painful but not fatal accident befell Ralph Hart of Hrooklugs, whon ho accldeutaly discharged his own rifle, tho ball taking otfect In his loft foot. Alt Gnuntleot and wlfo and two daughter, Misses Lottie and Estello Hurled for Crescent City on n wcok'B visit. W. T. White Jr., loft with n band of 1,100 head of stock sheep for Eu roku, Cnl. Ho will pick up sovoral hundred more head hotween hero and the state lino. Ho was assisted by W. It. Coy, Elmer Miller, Pat Turn er and Jess Sutton ns drivers. Tho travollng salesman of Bush hong & Co., Mr. Gnff, nccompaulod by Judgo Wood nnd Ooo. H. Milter, spent n few nights at tho McKlnloy mine In quest of fat bucks. Tho trip was not vory successful as thoy camo home without killing n thing. NEWS OK COQUIMjK Notes of tho (Nuiuty Sent Told In tho Herald Arthur Woods hns returned from a six months' stay in Alaska. Ho roports times rather good around Dawson nud expects to return again In tho spring. Mrs. John Clinton, of Norway, col ebintcd hor COth birthday Sunday. Only n small per cent of tho relatives were present, nbout 30 being at tho gathering. Sundtiy morning W. C. Roso nu toed to Hrowstor valley and return ed early In tho afternoon with his wlfo and fathor and Mrs. Paul Ster ling, who hava boon camping tho ipnst week tit that placo. Dr. V. L. Hamilton roports tho birth of a 10 pound girl to Mr. nnd Mrs. R. K. Knife on tho 11th, and a U pound boy to Mr. nud Mrs. W. E. Matthews on tho 22nd, both of KUli Trap NEW SUITS STARTED SHERIFF'S SALE Ob' REAL I'ltOP-liMHIi day of July, 11)15; thu sum ..,.. nv ...,.,.,,.,,. ot three hundred ovonty-flo und Him ON KORI.fl.OSl'HK 70-100 dollsrs duo the defundant, " J. W. Hunt, with Interest thoiuou Notice Is hereby given thnt by 'at the rate of 0 por tout pur nn- virtue of an oxecutlon and order num from the 20th day of July, of sulo duly Usuod out of the CIr- l'Jif,, toKether with costs and dls- cult Coutt of tho State of Oregon, bmsements taxed at sixteen and no fot tho County of Coos, and to me oue-hundrods dollars, and costs and directed on the 28th day of August, expenses of said execution. I will 1015 upon a Judgment nud decree on Saturday, tho 30th duy of Octo- dtily rendered, entored of record, ber, 1015, at the hour of ton o'clock and docketed In and by said Court a. in. or suld day, at tho faint door on tho 2(ith day of July, 1015, In a' of the County Court Ilouso at Co- certain suit then In said Court pond- qullle, Coos County, Oregon, sell ' lug wherein R. II. Olsen nud May at public auction to tho highest bid OIjcii, plaintiffs, nud J. W. Hunt, dor for cash Iu hand on thu day of ' dofoudant, rocuvored judgment and sh1 , all the right, title, Interest nud I docrdo against Henry Holm, dofeud-'est ite which said defendants Henry' ant, by which oxecutlon 1 urn co.ii- Holm, Freda Holm, Olga Holm, I mauded to sell the property in said i Wallace Holm, North Hend Hard-' oxecutlon and herolnattor described, wure ft Supiily Co., a corporation, to pay tho sum duo tho plaintiff and J. W. Hunt, nud all persons May Olsen or Ono hundred thirteen claiming under thoni subject to tho I nnd 13-100 dollars with Interest 'plaintiffs mortKiigo lieu In ,of and thereon at the into of 0 por cent to said real property; said mortgag P&" annum from tho 20th day of oil premises hereinbefore mentioned I July, 1915, togother with costs and are described In said execution as disbursements luxeu at iniriy auu lonows, to-wu: i.ois nignt and nine 40-100 dollars; and the sunt of one Pi lilork 51, Townslto of Coos Hay, hundred and nlnoty-flve and no one- Plat "H", Coos C'ounty, Oregon, as hundreds dollars due tho plaintiff , per plat thereof on file nud of roc It. II, Olsen, assignee of the North oid In the office of the County Clork Hond Hardware & Supply Co., with of Coos County, Oregon. Said salo interest thereon at tho into of 0 being made subject to redemption per cent per annum from tho 2Cth in tho manner providud by law, day of July, 10 1 B : tho sum of five Dntod this 7th day of September, hundred fifty-six nud C6-100 dol. 1916. ALFRED JOHNSON, Jr. lars duo the plaintiff It. II. Olsen, I Phorlff of Coos County, Oregon, with Interest tuweon at tho rate First publication Sept. 25, 1915; of 10 per cent per annum from tholast publication October 23, 1915, A Number of ActioiiN ut Law Filed In Circuit Court Tho following nro now law buUb recently filed In the circuit court. Erros Toney Lolnnd vs.. Thomas G, Lolnnd. Suit far divorce First Niitlounl Hank of Hnndon vs. S. M. Avorlll. Paul Wesslngor nnd llonry Wag nor vs. Paulino Schmidt, Schmidt, Rothschild DroH. et ul. Suit to fore close mortguge. A. II. Daly & Co., n corporation, vs. I). J. Hocek. Mary E. Thompson vs. Ernest R. Stevens, Wm. Houehiiiko and C. L. Honebrnko. Plonoor Hardware Co., vs. Clar enco Gould. Aithur MeKoown vh, Star Grocery and General Morchandlso Co. Nonnnn Nelson vs. Henry Gard, Clans Dlers, known nu 11. C, Diors. MYRTLE POINT NEWS Noti'H or tho City Told iu tho Kntcr prlso Mrs. Sylvester Jones went to Co qulllo, to visit for a fow da-3 with frlonds boforo Mr. und Mrs. Jones leave for tho Wlllamotto Valley. Ilort Harrison, who wus lioro sov oral days attoudlug to business mat ters ami purchasing his winter sup plies, Joft last Friday for tho mines, F. A. Dodge received notlco that ho has been rc-nppolutcd United States Commissioner for tho 4-year term beginning October 1st, 1915, L. Strong and son, Jake, nro erect ing u building on tho former's lot at the corner of Fourth and Mnpio strcots which thoy will uso as an of flco nnd automobile show room. The party consisting of C. A. Har rington, Goo. Lanlgor. Will Warner, E. P. Adams, Fin and Dale Mast and Al I'-ulior, who made the trip In tho linker auto to tho Pendleton Round Up, arrived home jesterday, all well satisfied with tho trip.