ASHION learsal Of the hvest Ideas, "mrs kingsley. nlng gown of thlu black times, whither intended nnrlh for winter or fot ttr it is always icatly to r soiled looks cool cnougn anil warm enough iu win- . ..... tlrnit rif It U had Unnuigc that of looking jgli tor an infotmal oecn- rcss) ciioiibU for a" o'al- ! mniiv niitIi cunnR roiu Paris tills jcar, ns wc irulh expert i..vcn inosn ..!.. )iin nril llft.l!lll burning arc drcsslug sym- r l.. .miitirn rntnl'B. l'or w in C"i"'- , but Jet wus revived to give bright nest), ami frocks of .. 1 1 ilu li.imlnil with Jrl Id widths ilvulcd tho ruf- bode The crowns ji iruua- fi,., In kii lnrriiHtiil with Br brlnm edged with Jel banning new scan jhis .ii- . I. nll. nf lllllf'lt HI(T)M L...r..w htnliln .if lit. With :B at each end. giving 'It caufiiiR It to tnko most l"1- is when eirupeu nroiinu inc loutci and toreugcu are lottlilcu of the fashion Hca bee the morning tnllorcu worn Then jou wilt don nri Mouse with Plain luwn tuffs tn iho corner of the Fcuffs will be fpcu u llttli flower or geometrical ng- i the color of the stripe in 1 Thh stripe. It la well un i of iiio color of the tallor- jc, buff or black nni ii Lktilcton one that Ro long strips only in fiont pi nni n I a (lint below tho taught around toward tlio Din row two-iucli extension bl'Wcn under the blouse's : A striped belt shows be nnrnril test front and ml to the buck and ties In ip? Six-Inch cuffs of the trial bind the wrists and a fall mer ihi hnnd. A collar of the sill; Is faced ;t and descends iu a v. lie Mi tho cot flap, nn oblong t nhmti rlrlit Inches, fast- found black slasn buttons Ftoucli. iinrnltiir frock Ik of n very atnbrlc dotted with black. clusters of rclleieusc black rith G A HOME ft" MRS McCUNE t I been thinking; of getting a oe our ideal homo, for kre," began Mrs. Little, "but re were always so raany thought we just couldn't i and I woro always talking i always putting It off Ironi o'vc lived Ju every kind lud flat In tho clt)- includ- tcpltig rooms when wo llrst Ma) bo I didn't cot sick of seemed we never hud a and we used to say our bid never look back to their happy memories of iho because thoro wasn't any fit just one succession of oldest daughter Is mar- and tho other two children ons so that they arc no expense to us, So father a rounle of montliB aro: fald, 'don't sou think wo in aim buy that homo Getting along In joars . And I'd like.' Tic said. Id out of my own doorway long journey.' oe mo cry, because I don t or my John leavlnn ine. that it was lilch tlmo wo HE If wc ccr Intended to 1 began to look around. do sou suppoao all the agentb set wind of It i-.heu ling of bujlng? I never saw ne it it seems we'd no nade up our minds v.-hen It! nywny. John und I lutomoblle rides to look at fW getting more and more iOU see. we lenrnrd n dl those real cetate agents arounu. And then, of ere looking for a place faults of all the flata and rented oa decided wc cou'.du't wanted and would have en a woman agent called eunlncr unrl nnlrl ohr, ! had what wc wished. Wo'd cforc, but still wc didn't I UP u liosslhllllv. Ami l ; she did hac what 'c almost perfect, It's l m Of a little nlaco nnrl has er it And thtro nre It, OH flip rmnL- nikfAli iaid In rhorus:Ve'll take Q i ' " i ' "'"" ' """ " II. I ..I , . mm I, I . , , .,. , , I !! ' KtlllFfmllKmKSBiSimtM ' l i '" ' ()0 6UUTY AND UTIUTV AQt THt QUITICS -CVRiV RHIPB v -r lysSSKSBKM if- mi m i tjm1 liHiii' ii i ANOTHER VIEW OF THE ilMBHiiHll 1 Z "i l''' ." A'f ' '-SBlEB 51 ISSl invalid.? sitting noon sj0SmS5Sf3SmH ,m AM v4 : . w.f U l ' Wrm VWHIflliOojaffnUpS )"n M-nr-H,-u i4ii"Bgmjl L-llMi'TiiLjiaw1l3 MPI OMtU TOUCHES TO THVl.WINR ROOHt 5s,C TME UTTLr MOTn'S CtltefJY WINOOW tV.fCE. 'WEST ' r" ' " ' "irg ."v- mw iW-vtirRwi i? Z2Z1 '.- ... W '""-Piihii If "'"ffiL t hm.- " ' ' A SftlOd at . , : i. 4t . 'R --"i j ' 1 4 Bbjf ffMWi 9f9wTWVlr ' ! Jf T I lT lflJvlVioll.rtAv'rtlIJ?lf)AK7ocrYvvcM? nvwi t Mim-iiiimr iriiru tt -. iBtBkFv;j.i x i 11 "'" "- ' n.Hi.trj-r.i-iifn.-..ujm n.- . .-rf,i...f yjjrtjw n irij firT , fl I Jl.apwaMaiBHWWT,.Mnwlll IBBKi -.B 11. . , , , , , uti IN GOOD MANNERS fxi OSPITALITY demands the (.our II II tcsy of a gracious noto of itl thanks. To call up your Hos tess on tho 'phone and irll her what u delightful lslt jou had it her house lu not sufficient Send tho noto at onnc, lun't put off writing It until several dajs Imic elapsed sluco vour lsll. Tho girl who makes a point of ac knowledging a fnor done her liv .1 gracious little note, sent it once, wins more friends than she who upends much time iu telephoning or In being effushe In her thanks when h happens to meet her hostess perhaps scleral weeks after the fa; or has been granted or the hospitality offered tin. Oood manners always pay In the long ruu. They may seem to be un necessary and Irksome at the lime, but" the girl who Is nlwaH courttous aniT' who is careful to curry out nil the lit tle forms nnil obligations of the loolai life will llnd that after all it Joes im PW!W'T""'""'', 1- 1 HE proper care of the hair does not require a woman to 3cour her scalu with soap iml drench her hair with wutrr until a shampoo, including drying iho hair, takes the better part of the da. In fact, authorities say that the less soap und water used on the hair tho better, as tho alkali and moisture tend to make the hair coarse, dull nnd brittle. If you want to keep the scalp clean and tho hair light and Huffy, try dry shampooing. HOSTESS who is cter on ihc lookout fo'r novelties for her afternoon tea table should be sure to serve her crackers in little baskets made of thonischoa. Use salted wafers for tho basket, allowing one to a side, and tying them together with a narrow satin ribbon about quarter of an Inch in width. Put ibis ou a uandsoruo plate covered with a lace dolly and pllo the other crackeni In and around it. The effect Is charm ing and will be much admired. Que hostess used thesu cracker baskett. as corner pieces on her luncheon table. In the center were purple, asters, while the crackers were tied with pur plo ribbon Iho same shade and wero filled with purple and white grapes. M all ht nntAf M Aa Qd we got the key to the r jou tninu it's silly, but scj unaer my pillow when ke all Dlcht lust IhlnUlnr Presm of a home and i.lan fctureg and the furniture " siept and snored eamo 'bed Sleen Ihrminh a lira tat man sleep,' I thought! 9 hannv?1 pk--a real home for our- ' our own children lwe 0 memories nf n hnrao. kgrand'hlldreu will lae, PPly fin K.,mo m. t B"ma t0 rae l'd 8t 7 vuc P'ace all the lime to my husband, it e ncces- - rjr once so ofteu Just lotof truck that gath- I KITCHEN sink should lie kept spotlessly clean. The best way I to clean a galvanized iron sink is to rub strong soap powder into every corner and over every Inch of surface. Let it rest for ten or fif teen minutes, then with a icrubblng brush and boiling water go over ihe whole, rubbing vigorously, When thoroughly scrubbed polish with a soft flannel cloth wet with kerosene. This prevents the sink fioin rusting after the. strong powder has been used. Tor a porcelaln-llncd sink uso kerosuic first, last and ovcrj time. fz DDS and ends of a bright giug- Li JI 'Iail c'ln D0 ra'1 ' ' lnt0 a prctt 1 chair -ushlon. Cut iho pieces In octagon shapes and Join with white dress beading. One fush ion made in this manner was tufted The pattern was cut double, the two pieces filled with cotton, lightly past ed together, then Joined with the bfad Ing, which was stitched on the ma chine. Colored material can be used In the same mauner and joined with some bright dress braid. Striped ma terial In red and white can be made into tiny star shapes, with an irregu lar stripe and finished in the came mauner. Pincushions are made of sllkt Joined with lace insertion through which narrow ribbon Is run I TIEAD that is not very stale can be used to advantage In bread I tarts. Cut the bread a quar ter of an inch thick, and stamp it Into circles with a biscuit cutter Moisten these circles with milk, but do not use enough milk to make them lose their shape. Then spread over them some sort of jam or preserve, and place two circles together like a both sides to a delicate color. Sprin kle with powdered sugar, and serve very hot. A fruit charlotte Is another excellent dessert In which to utilize stulc bread. Cut tho bread Into slices about a quarter of in inch thick, ihen Into strips two Inchcn wide. Butter 'i mold, clip the slices of bread with melted butter and anange them aiound tho bottom nnd sides of the mold slightly oerlapping. Pill the center with apple sauce, seasoned with butter and sugar, and put a teaspoon of apricot Jam In the center of this Cover the top of tho mold with strips of the bread and bake In a hot oven for thlity minutes, The biead should be amber lu color when done. Pcnr with a hard eaucc. Any Jtowed fruit may be used In making this dessert ( w HE new wuj to make puff paste MM Is to take half a cup 01 my fell f hoi tenlng. butter. Innl. drip pings or in of those solii In cans, and put into a mixing bowl with a cup aud one-half of Hour and fche Just a few chopi or until the lumps jf fat nie about an Inch square In mak ing an applo plo add to the dry Hour one-quarter teaspoonful each of nut meg and ground cinnamon, the same 11 nbunt of salt and half teaspoonful o: baking powder I his Is an Im provement o cr putting the llaoilng In with the npplcF. as In the old way. The whole Is iul.ed to a stiff pastu with cold water, then turned on to a floured boajd still lumpy and rolled out. This mashes the lumps Into Ir ugular ln era of flukes After roll log onco the aides of the pastry me folded oer toward tho middle, making three folds nnd rolled out again. Tho top and bottom ure brought together und thero is a third rolling The pastrv is now itady for use, but It will be iniproicd by being put In the Ice box for nn hour or sc OMAN who sleeps in a house full of rattling windows was delighted to jecehe the other .lot. u Hnrni hent ElirlllCS of steel for Insertion between the sashes and casings of rattling windows. They are flat at one end and swell toward tho other, thus fitting themselves to any casing Another novelty la the radiator brush. These are long or short and as flat and thin as can be. the bristles being wired In They are the onlv things that will clean a radi ator, going between the arlous pipes and getting out every bit of dust In lamb's wool there arc long-handled brushes of th wool for wiping off wall paper, and these take off every bit of dust Tho arc also useful for dusting hlghb polished or oiled floors Ihey may be washed with lukewarm water and white soap when sufficiently soil ed. Short-handled sticks, with round swabs of the wool, come In many sizes for dusting picture frames and furni ture, and single gloves, with the palms and fingers lined with lamb's wool, are also rooa tor ousting ah OD" Dining doom HUNTGRS -CRECN WITH FlEMIVH OfK. FINISH. HOW TO r ; ; v - rirv Suitable Exercise and Eradicating All Worry Are Most Potent Factors UY EDNA EGAN 0 dctelup her figure, iho ihiu woman should cat wisely, bicatho dceplj, oxenise iiane ij. sleep longand stop wor rying A niero Increase In the qunutit of her diet la not enough. Shu Is already using up too much nenous force, and her digestive inaclilnory will call for more if she ghes It too much work to do. Lnlcss tho machinery Is badl) out ot older nho should al direr, good menls eery da, but ,in tioiiilshment mken between meals bhould bo malted milk, plain milk with llmo water 111 it. or somo other nutriment that will not set up a rebellion In the stomach. The thin woman especially needs fats, sweets and starches In her diet. She can obtain thesu substances In such food 1 an eggs, milk, chocolate, honey, potatoes, rice, ollc oil, beans nnd meat with th fat left on It. Egg-and-nillk combinations ire psitlculnr ly bencfirlal, itln r rooked or un cooked. The thlu woman will do well 10 eat as much cream is aho can digest -and affoid- either dlrectl), or In t In form of sauces for meat and puddings, The thlu woman should aold tea, coffee nnd alcohol, all of which aro stimulants and Increase her natural nervousness that Is burning up her flesh faster than it can be replaced She should also eschew vinegar. Icm on juice, pickles, sharp fruit Juices, sour sauces, hot peppery dishes She may eat and drink practically every thing else, so far as her digestion per mits. Unlike her stout sister, she need not even fear tho candy box Eight or nine hours a night Is none too long a sleop for ihe thin woman. Also, she will do well to adopt this summer the hot weather custom of the siesta that obtains In many coun tries. If she is In circumstances that permit It, a nap after lunch will do her a world of good The hours she spends lu bed will not be particular!) helpful, however, unless she resolves to banish all her useless worrieswhich means all of them for no worry was over useful ever did a particle of good. The thin woman must cheer up The deep breathing exercise is so rectlons tor It. Stand relaxed and let the arms hang. Hold the head and chest erect. In hale deeply through tho nose Con tinue breathing until jou feel tho breath has been forced up Into tho lungs. If jou hno followed thesu In structions the. abdomen will now lie flat, while jour chest will bo thrown up and out. Tho bicath should bo held for ten counts, then slow ly allowed to CKcapu through the nose Drcathc in tlio way for ten minutes, morning and night. In the open air, and lu u few weeks jou will bo surprised .it jour appearance and flcflopmcnt The exercise taken by ille woman who would gain weight should be gen tle and persistent Ten or fifteen min utes every day should be devoted to tho various movements for developing chest, shoulders, arms and neck which I have shown. The exercises should bo pcrfoimed in a calm, steady fashion, so that when jou nre through with them you aro refreshed rathor than exhausted. They should be followed by a eold shower, or, at the least, n told sponge Walking and swimming am the best outdoor exercises for the thin oman, Ilotlt will give nor a splendid appe tite. Swimming, especially, Is posi tive!) the best nnd quickest way tu de. u-lcm 1 be bust and shoulders i r 1 NATURAL sccompanlmint of the negligee, be it of the pa- I jama order or of more fem inine style, is the boudoir cap Women adore ihtse dainty contriv ances ot lace and ilbbon, and rlehtly so, for the boudoir cap ewers a mul titude ot sins In the way of a muused eolffuro and makes the wearer look neat and pretty, when without It she would largely resemble a fright Men, on the other hand, are said to dislike these airy bits of nothingness, but It is tafe to say that when appro priately worn tho boudoir rap appeals to a man's sense of beauty and be has nothing but admiration to bestow up on it What man does not like to see his wife sitting opposite him In the morning contentedly sipping her rof- .mm iiijiiw.jii, 1 1 n Vut Chomler. Take pound of mixed nut meats which havo been broken into nmall plccco. Put them In a saucepan and ullow them to simmer for nn hour aud .10 mlnutCH Peel and dlco ncvoral potatoes, a turnip, and a good sized onion llmo a pint of canned or stewed tomatoes. Line tho bottom of a kettle with a layer of potatoes, add a hi) or of tho turnip and onion with a sprinkling of thyme, sweet marjo 1 am. chopped parsley und salt, then a layer ot tomntoos, and lastly tho nut iiieatn. Let simmer 30 minutes, then add 1 pint of milk and a llttlo thick ening Cnraineled CnrroU. The humble carrot, so little thought thought of by Americans, becomes on the Hungaiiau tablo a delicious a.cet to serve with meat Cut one or two largo carrota into thlu pieces about an Inch long, put them In a sauco pan, sprinkle them well with sugar and add 1 tablespnoii ful of butter. Pour on enough wator to just cuver them and let sim mer until all but ubout 1 tnblcspoou f nl has boiled uway, by which tlmo they will be soft Then sift a llttlo flour over them and stir until it U all absorbed Thus commuted, they do not taste like tho ordinary ctirrot at all, aud they may bo used with meat or ns a luncheon dish- Canned I'cas When canned peas nie to be used, open and drain them curly iu tho morning; put In a bowl of cold wa ter, changing the water several times. Twenty minutes before they are need ed, put them In agate pan ovei 1 nlou flro with salt, peppor. a llttlo and a largo ipoonful of butteir- Don't cook, but toss about occasionally that they may be thoroughly heated hour f reum f iilibngc. Shred ', small firm head of cab bage; put In kettlo with cold water to cover; add salt to season; boll until tender; drain off water, add ',4 avup of sour cream and 1 tableBpoota of vinegar. Let it boll up once before serving It will take 1 delicate pink and Is extremely palatable linked Macaroni With Tomatoes. Put 1 cup of macaroni broken Into Vt inch lengths Into boiling salted wa ter, and cook until perfectly tender, turn into a colander to drain, then by an attractive cap? But what man, on the other hand, cares to see tbose same ruffles bending ovor the frying pan assimilating the odors ot tho kitchen, losing their freshness and daintiness by this coarse contact? When once frills have been io dese crated they lose their charm To many men light pink is tho most odious col or In the rainbow because it calls up recollections ot shattered Illusions -that wonderful creation ot crepe dt chine and laco that began Its career In the dear delightful honeymoon daya and ended it several seasons later, giaj and bedraggled, as iho easiest thing to put pa lu the earlj; morning " "V gT , fiNSMW WW 11 w tt , pour cold water over it and let rlr.aln again Mix logother 't of a cup of floui, 'g teaspoon of salt, , teaspoon of euro powdoi and 1 teaspoon of paprika ami stir It into 1 rounding tn blcgpoon of butter heated to the bub bllng point Add gradually 1 cups strained tomato liquor tttf otlr uutll smooth and tbl el;, thei, tdd 1 table spoon ot nugar. 1 teaspoon of minced imrslcy, '( of a tcahpoon of onion Juice, und took gontly for about 6 mlnutos Duttei a baking dish, tin 11 In half of tho macaroni rover with half of the sauco and spilnklo with U of a cup jf Mift Aincrlcnn hceso cut lu small bits, add the rest ot tho mac aroni, then the rent of the sauce, sprlnklo with another layer of cheese, then with tine crumbs nnd bake lu a hot oven uutll brown. Price! .StiiiTcd Tggs. l'rled stuffed oggs make a delicious luncheon dish Poll the eggs for 12 mlnutOB und then drop them Into cold wator und icmovo the shells without breaking tho whites Cut tho eggs in two tlnuuRh tho middle, tnko out the j oiks, and mix them with rulncod hum nnd chicken, or any savory meat on hnnd Season to tunic, add with nalt and pepper the uncookeu yolk ot an egg. a few bread crumbs, and a little butter Mlnceil parsley and a soup spoon of onion Juice add to their Ha vor Then put tho oggfl togelhei again pleasing the sides tight; thev should not bo filled so full us to pie vent this, nnd roll tho eggs first In the while of ogg and thou iu btcael crumbs lepeatlug the piocess If tho surfaco is not woll fovcied Kiy In a basket in deep fat and servo with tomato sauco .iml eolory or patsloj uu a garnish. Tock Terrapin. Out) eup veal rut in dice shape. 1 cup cream or ileh milk, one hard boiled ogg cut In small pieces. 1 ta blespoon buttei Put all togethet lu a Htew pan, season with salt aud pep per to tasto. heat to boiling point aud thicken with 1 teaspoon of cornstnieh dissolved in milk Servo on hot but tered toast (ire-en Pepper Stinted Mlth Corn. Cut around stem end of peppei about thieo-fourth around, leaving other fourth a hinge, forming a lid Put peppers In cold water sufficient to cover and bring to 1 boll Drain, cov er with freshly boiling wator, and cook slowly until tender. Drain aguln, salt lightly, and allow to cool Allow S tablespoons of butter to beconio hot In frying pau. add 3 cups corn, 3 (a blcspoons boiling water lu which is dissolved 1 teaspoon beef extinct Cook 5 minutes, add cup cream l teaspoon salt ? teaspoon peppor Cook slowly until quite thick Cool and fill peppers Fasten down lids of peppers and place in buttered baking tllch Melt one tablespoon ot butter iu cup boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of beef extract Pour over peppers