fHiii IiaaiB "ik wfMlUJi MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1915 EVENING EDITION. f ' TWO IK THE COOS BAY TIMES, S?P-:-MEI!AREHEREGO US ONE lift -- aifi. -- II a HIPPING NEWS BETTER KM MORE BOATS . i UJ I (It ' A' ' 4 ! ' am t i i i "i " t 1 1 L ARRIVFD . YKSTKRDAV OVKR OltKtfO.V St IAV ('I.OSINO DAW XKW WII.I.IMKTTi: I'UIFIC S XOTIIl(iOV I'FW liWV (illlUT HKMAXD FOR VKSSIil.S IN ' tiii: i:st : 31. A. IIInshii (oiicriil Manager lii.sii)ivtn Couit Sny Sunday Husoh:ill I" Created Or-CROM, (!. V. I,iim, I 'i eight (.'nines Illegal Managers Ar- , ',,', rti rl- .... f.. tl...i.. . .. ... . ... . I Traffic .Manager In I'mly rt.ol fit Test Case liy Rnp;l Inticnso iiulo Willi SiMitli America In IMPROVE SHIPPING! - QUELLS FOGS , 4 WIDIi I'l.V COAIi RATH FROM IIKHK i:fki:t ok i:rnoii: war ox i.ocad com.mhrci: askkd .Secretary Hcilflclrt, of Hcpm (incut lf CollllllOICO Willi's Is Con- ducting liivcsllitnlliiu Strict Oregon Sunday closing laws I fu' AMOt""J r"" u r"' n" T,n" ' have nothing on the sky bluonosa of SICATTI.K. nnli.. bept. bn. icnu- , the laws of Pennsylvania, according M ileVPlopini'tH of trade with tlio to a iioclalon of the siiprome coiirl West Dulles and Houiii America mis .Onn,nf tho subjects of tho Inf iimt .Into Inst received here, that resulted In enormous demand at Now SUU.of Mr. I.une. freight irar- 8nvs a law prohibiting bnMmll games York for shlin of from six to eight I How the Htiropoan war Is affect flc manager of the Southern .'0f any sort on Sunday Is ronstltrt- thousand gross tons. Hug local trade conditions is asked Pacific, to. Cops llav now is i tlonal. And this is oulv half the' The sentuo loiiBirueiion aim ury-, in a leuer received at ine rnnmiier '". ' V " .... '.. '. ....... .1..... .-..... I. ..11.11.... f.,.. Ilw.,r f....... !. I C .. C3.. Stor.V, the law Is actually eiuorcoil. hock i uihipuiij- in umi'.nih n..im vuiiiiuuirt.- nun iiiiiiiiiiik uuiii on- When, three weks ago. the Ore- New York and Cuba Mall Steamship ('rotary William Ileilfleld, or the Do- gon supreme court handed down a Co. generally known ns the Ward partment of tho Inteilor. An In- 'decision "living the law Is constltu-' Line, two ships of 000 tons each . vostlgatlon of all slilppluK ports in tionnt that will close all cigar stores, for the West Indies trade. (the Hulled States Is being mane, be ,ioul renins and confectionery shops; The Ward Dine Is said to be ono,says: on Sunday, the wholo Btnto groaned, of the bidders for tho Pacific Coast i Distances nte wanted of where at lenst the greater part of It did. I Steamship Conipaii'a liner Congress J shipments have been refused ocean The l'onnsyDnnla decision arose now plying between Puget Sound 'space, or whore the sale of freight In a test ease. Two professional ' and California ports. It Is admit- ms i,0G1, prevented by the Imposition oaseball teams, the Scranton and Syr- ted that ho high a price was offered 0f increased freight charges or oner acuse of the New York state league for the Congress that thu company 0us shipping requirements, together II. A. Hlnshaw, general manag-iiiiet "t Scranton. gathering an nil- may bo unable to resist tho tumptn-i Wltli the nnmes of buyers and sell of tho Southern Pacific In Ore-Silence of about fi.000 persons, none Hon to soil. 'era and copies of ocean contracts. to, look Into londltlona that wjll govorn the frelgnt ratos to and from the Hay. He Is especially Interested In the coal traffic and said that his company would make a rate on coal sufficiently low to on nble the Coos County mines to supply the central and Southern Oregon points. cr gon, accompanied by d. V. I.use Freight Traffic Manager and J. II. Iiilkcy, assistant Agent, ' arrived of whom were charged admission. and stnrtod the gamo when the police general Freight Interforred and nrroBteu me ninn- Monday from agers of the clubs. HOSPITAL SHELLED n trip Over the Willamette l'a- The law under wliich tney were , clflc and expect to remain hero un-j arrested was passed in 17!M and ( ITALIANS ALLKfiKI) TO IIAVK til Wednesday morning. Opening of, rends that "if any person shall use) i-THICI) ON ItKl) CltOSS tho new road to traffic probably can .or practice any unlawful gamo, limit- Continued complaints that com- jmprco to foreign pails Is being par jalyzed by adverse conditions has led to this Investigation, writes Sec retary Itcdflold. KXI'LAINS AIA'ITKItS lug. shooting, sport or diversion ne,.u cin;nis Tlieie Were No Sold- whatever on tho Lord's Day shall bo itM.s in vicinity lloml Kvplod convicted thereof." ei In Opeintlng ltooiii N. If. INGRAM and C. C. Wooding wero In yesterday from McKlnley. not bo 1111111 next May or .June, ac cording to Mr. Hlnshaw, because or delays on the Umpiiuu bridge. Deny tho Itepoit. i Denial was mnilo of tho rumor; $ that tho steamship llreakwater has PERSONAL MENTION Xi neon soiu aim mi ou wumu jioi. re- a turn again to Coos Hay. Mr. uln- shaw Bald ihat when ho left 1'ort- MRS. L. (1. JOHNSON of Myrtlo land on Friday the decision was to; Point is a Marshfleld visitor. have her fully repaired and sent back on the run ngnln. It had been strongly rumored , hero that tho U. S. Steamship In spectors had required about $50, 000 repairs to bo made, that tho S. P. had decided to lay tho boat up and that tho crow had been discharg ed with the exception of Captain Macgenn, ono of tho engineers and tho chief steward. Like Coos liny This is tho second trip in hero for Mr. Hlnshaw and tho first for Mr. Luso. Hoth say thoy nro delighted with Coos Day. Mr. Hlnshaw said he knows little about tho proposed chango In tho local s. I'. motor car franchise but bollovcs It should bo niado. MK. AND MKS. DEN M'MULLUN, of Myrtlo Point, nro visitors hero for a couple of days. . D. LAYTON is back again from Kureka calling on his trade for a fow days. HIT AmocIiI1 Pmi to coo liar Tlrnw.l VI1CNNA, (Wireless Tuckerton) Sopt. Ii8. Official statement says: SOCIAL CALKNDAlt WEDNESDAY North Ilond Pastime Club with Mrs. .13. J. Arms. Presbyterian Auxiliary In church. Auction llrldgo Club with Mrs. J. S. Lyons. Daptlst Ladles' Aid with Mrs. C. II. Mcars, South Uroadway. THURSDAY itainbow Club nt Club house, on South Cons River. Alort Club with Mrs. Eu gene Terry on North Coos Itlver. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Ktigeue O'ConuolI. Kill DAY Ladies' Art Club with Mrs. Henry llocck In North Wend. Norwegian-Lutheran Y. 1 S. in church hall. 4 vt HERHKKT ARMSTRONG was n vis itor hero last evening from North Ileud. MRS. HERMAN SM1THOALL was a visitor down today from her home at Catching Inlet. MRS. I. D. IJLA1CE, of Catching In-Sept let, was hero this morning shop ping. A. A. Slocum wn down this morn ing on business from Catching Inlet. FELIX KESTER, Bliortago clerk at the C. A. Smith mill Is back af ter n fow weeks' visit In California. MILO M. IMERSON, proniluont mer chant of Lakeside, was In tho city last evening and today on business. D. L. FOOTE was down from Allo giuiy this morning after several Captain of Hope Intended to Ob servo tlio Law Captain DJonivtst has pointed out that at tho time of the high school picnic on Saturday tho plana were not tltnt his boat, the Hope, should "Activity of Italians yestorday was tn0 t10 qntro crowd of 110 por conflned to heavy shelling of the boiib, but that tho Allco II hart been Red Cross hospital at Clorlza, wlilcli cliartorctl ahead of time. Ho said wero marked consplclously by n Rod j10 jln,i 70 jfo i,roS(,rVfr8 nboard. Cross, f lug. Tho hospital was hit! iInrry j. Kimball, boat Inspector five times. Ono shell exploded ln lMa 0CalIty, went down to the tho operating room. No troops were(,0(.lc t)lnt mornjg ami t0,i tll0 In the linmedlnto vicinity." i skinner that thoro would hn'vo to i be a transfer and ho now says that. on though the vessel was tied at dock, It was against tho law to allow that number aboard. However, Captain HJorqvlst says HKIMIKSKNTATIVKS WILL lK-thnt thoro never was any intention FART FROM IIULGARIA jon his part to lenvo up tho river i with such a Ibad. Ho runs the Statement That Ultimatum Hail school boat at tho forks of tho river llcen Sent lly that Country land Is known to bo u very enroful PREPARE TO LEAVE! to .SnrbU Cs O'iven CnN inr AiaorUtea Prc to Cvot r TlniM.l BERLIN. (Wireless Sayvlllo) US. A dispatch from Sofia captain nt all times. ItUlt.VH COAL IN FO(J v .. i i i ntl.l. it. ...... St.. says It is rumored llulgarla has sent " '' "K '" " nn ultimatum to Serbia, mid dlpio- of Fuel In Long Fog mntlc representatives of tho entente Xot onJy (,d thtf fy(ill0tn ftt tho powers nt Uulgarla aro preparing to, Cflpo Arng0 LlB,ltll0US0 nlow fo,. 100 depart. Tho dispatch adds that this hoMra Btrn,8ht blt nt 0rnyB Hnrl)or rumor Is not confirmed. j tho iBilt,0UB0 Wns left completely - out of fllol j)ecaUB0 80 niuch conl had 1WIA.MIST .JAILED ,)Con us0(, , a0pnK ti,0 f0g whistles voiictiui in i.. I......-, , . Birona c0 ,, a omerconcv KUGENE, Ore., Sopt. 37. John ... W11H aont ...tn ParttanA ,.,, ,. Locke, convicted In Lano county for rpoctor Wlirrlck immediately dibpat blgainy and who has been out of tlio-chc1 thQ tondor Ilcather wltll ft nQW penitentiary on bond, will hnvo to, slocIc ot conli servo his term, the supremo court j Tho foR brokfl Qut WeilneBilny linvlnu' affirmed tho decision of tho ... ,. ... .... , ., , , , iii. .... ( . . mormon. i was Bum ill iiiiiiiuuin wcoks' absence on his stage rimcrct colirt. Locko who was a mo-1 , ,,nvn lionii ,. . ,rno. .nnvv. fn to Scottsburg. lie says the road torninn WBB nrrCsted nearly a yeai I on Q Ujo pncf,o con8t n tho is good. . (ago on n charge of having two wives, ,nst . B RoportB from ,)olnls 444tmm I n '" ,:"Ke"0 "" " '" Portlnml- north and south of hero aro to tho ef $( . t, aH d other places as It was off Cons Hay. VKTKIIAV SKII'IMCR TELLS Ol-' Ni:W .AlARIXi: MEASURE Spit'iirt Oil mi Wuvo and Homy At- niOvpiiero Will Llfl 'lolls of Piticllcal Experience Skippers of coasting ships, often , unable to got their healings In heavy fogs t lint sweep down here, should be Interested In an account wiltten by Captain E. K. linden, as to the milliner In which oil obliterates u , fog. Probably the Santa Clara ami later the Westerner would not have been fog bound off Coos nay for 20 ( to 2 1 hours hart they been able to ' j use oil In marking markings an open ' ehannel across tho bar last week. j Oil has long been uscil by niarln I ers to ipiell the turbulence of tlit 1 breakers anil choppy seas on tho great storm rollers or swells. An oil i bag, moaning a canvas bag contain ing waste, well saturated with oil. when put to the windward, will spread and calm tlio swells, keeping thorn to a great extent from breaking over the vessel, though In no wise reducing the rolling motion. Tile account written by Captiiln Kortcu, who Is an experienced unvl gator of the Atlantic coast is as fol lows: "A few years ago whlln engaged as chief officer of the S. S. Tyrn, bound from Hueiios Aires to Rosarlo do Santa Fe, Argentine Republic, wo ran Into a heavy fog when In the neighborhood of San Pedro, a Binnll town Eltuntcd halfway between Ro sarlo and the mouth of tho River Parana. The fog became so dense as to compel us to drop anchor and await clear weather. "While at anchor a part of tho crow was engaged in .stowing away glass demijohns of olive oil cnrrlcd on tho main deck. Through careless ness in handling, two of tho demi johns wero broken nnd their contents spilled on deck, tho oil running out slowly through tho scuppers on tho port side. "Tho rnto of tho river's current at this point Is about three knots, and ns tho oil was carried aft with tho current It spread, producing a glossy avenue a hundred or nioro feet wldo down tho river In the wnke of our ship. At tho sumo time the oil had a remnrkablo effect on the fog. "A distinct clearing In tho fog became noticeable at once along that part ot tho river covered with oil, nnd this continued until tho hist drop of tho spilled oil hnd passed through the scuppers. So pronounced was the clearing produced by tho oil that 'grass Islands' drifting down with tho current could bo scon at a dis tance of n tulle, while bunches of grass oiittlilo of tho oil zouo was hid den from view when mil n few yards away from the ship." AM0MG THE SICK t o O .Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cox ciuuo , .. , n. , ! down inis morning irum viunii i VESSEL .MOVEMENTS Thlmblo Club with Mrs. II. i"1 " ,,,.. r. i...i .!. IS. Murmelster In North Uoml. with their llttlo son Gaylord, who Reception for tho North ts suffering from pneumonia. I ho Rend toacheis In Taylors Hall In North Uoml. SATURDAY ; Family Circle with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Duncan. lad was so bad off that ho was taken at once to Mercy Hospital. I ! Danco at Fugles Hull Saturday night by Cnns llay Conceit Hand. Sulled Dredgo Mlehlo. Portland, 5:10 p. m. yesterdny. Due Hero Thos. L. Wand, San Fran cisco, tomorrow morning. I WAITED THIRTY-THREE HOURS OFF THE BAR 4 Gasoline Ileal Standard Could Not Find Cliauce to Come In UutR a ( Thlt Morning FREE Aluminum Ware Absolutely Free Willi everj new or old account opened on tlio liit day of Octo ber with an order of two dollar or more, or with every cash older of two dollars or nioie, wo will gDo you u One qt. heavy aluminum sauce pan AIo wltll oi fry ten dollar nedi older o" S' P'lld In advance on i monthly uicoiint, wo will gio you jour choice of tlio .follow lug; ' aluminum ware, which wo Imw on display in lAir window: Tuo'tpuiit heavy aluminum double both".', it 'fcK.lfll dud Coiiiiuiitloii Aluminum Double Holler. ''''" El'glit-lpiAr't litany Aluminum lleilln Sauco Pan Ktrii largo round tic oval (luerusey Casserole. 'Wo can only gio ono nitlelo to each person, lie .sure to sco tlio display in our window. NASBURG GROCERY Corner Central Avenue and Second Street. Phono 213, DRUNKENNESS AAA AAAAAAAA ljOllK kllOCkOd tlbollt Oil tllC I waves off the bar of Cooa Hay for ' tlilrl v.l lirnn anllil llnnra tint irncrilllin boat Standard, Capt. Ross, finally crossed In this morning and reached Is a curable dlsense. which requires ,,ovt gnfeiy. Tho, Standard eaino up treatment. The ORR1NE treatment fl0m Roguo' 1 Ivor and. when alio nr can bo used with absolute confl-, vjVOlj off ti,0 ,ar t,0 wnter was too douce. It destroyo all deslro for r0,,Kll t0 attompt crossing In. whiskey, beer or other Intoxicants. I fliero was nothing to do but wait Can bo given in tho homo. No sau-1 mi jt wns thlrty-threo hours before Itaiiuin expense. No loss of tlniojt10 i,ar wu8 cni enough to attempt from work. Can bo given secretly, coming Into tho hnrbor. If after a trial you fall to get any I 'ss-,svsssw... benefit from Its uso your money tho date thereof, payable sonil-an- ' will bo refunded. . OR It INE Is prepared In two forms No. 1, secrot treatment, a powdor; JORRINE No. 2, In pill form, for uunlly, bald bonds to bo dated the day of Issuauco and to mature in ten years thereafter, with prepay ment option thoreon at face value thosp who deslro to take voluntary land accrued Interest to dato of any treatment. Costs only $1.00 a box. soml-nnnual coupon period at, or Come In and talk over the matter 'after, ono year from tho dato of with us. Ask for booklet. WINKLER PHARMACY 3H (Vutnil Avenue. XOTK'I OF SALE OF IMlMtOVl MEXT DOXDS said bonds upon giving notice by publication in a nowspapor of gen leral circulation printed and publish- oil In Coos County, Oregon, such inotlco to be published not less than I once each week for threo successive weeks during the month preceedlng 1 Notlco is horoby given that sealed such soml-nnnual period at which proposals will bo lecclved by the such prepayment thereof will be Finance Committee-' of the Common made. The right Is expressly re Council of tho City of Marshfleld, served to reject any nnd nil hlds Coos County, Oregon, at tho offlco and upon all or any of such bids or ot tho City Recorder of said City of , proposals lielng rejected, lit thero Marshfleld, in the City Hall of said 'should remain any bonds unsold the city until f o'clock p. in., Monday tho 27th day of September, 1015, for tho purchnbo of street Improve- said bonds may bo thereafter sold at private sale by said Common Coun cil of said city of Marshfleld, Ore- inent bonds of tho said City of j gon, but In no event to bo sold nt Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, ( less than par nnd accrued Interest. to the amount of J5.920.44. t Said bonds aro authorized by the All of said improvement bonds , laws of tho State of Oregon, and to be In denominations not exceeding Ordinances of tho City of Marshflold, $500.00 u ml bearing Interest at tho (Oregon. 1 rate of six per cent por annum from i Assessed valuation of said City 1 i COOS BAY AND EUREKA BARS ABOUT THE SAME Soundings From Santu Cliirn P.how IWJi Feet nt Low Tide Colum bia liar About :!." Feci On tho Inst trip or tho Santa Clara, which yesterday sailed north, sound ings mndo on tho Humboldt and Coos liny bars showed 25',. foot of water In both places at low tldo. The Inst of the' United States engineers, just completed after n eurvey of several days by Engineer C. R. Right of Han don, showed approximately 30 feel ot water over most every point on fho locnl bar at mean low tldo. United States Engineer James Pol henuis is desirous of securing a full 30 feet over tho entire channel beforo tho dredge Mlehlo is forced to lay up this winter on account of tho heavy weather. From Portland comes tho nn nounconiont that they aro expecting full 35 feet this fall on tho Colum bia bar before tho close ot the dredg ing season. of Marshflold, Oregon, Is $2,G19, lUfi. 00. ilondod Indebtedness Is $51,000. Population estimated at 5000. A cortlfled check for flvo por cent of amount of bid or proposal must accompany each bid, to bo forfeited to said City of Marshfleld In case bid Is accepted and blddor falls to accept and make payment .for said bond or bonds, covered thereby with in ten days from tho dato of accept ance of said bid or bids, Each bid or proposal submlttod to doslgnato tho denominations of said bond or bonds desired. Hid or proposals received for any amount ot said bonds; small bidders given preforenco of purchase. Proposals, or bids, with certified checks to bo enclosed In sealed plain envolopes without distinguish ing marks, or writing thoreon ox cept tho words "I3ld for Improve ment Bonds of tho City of Marsh fleld, Oregon." Dated this 16th day of September, 1915. R. A. COPPLE, Chairman of tho Finauco Com mltteo of tho Common Couucil. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES Big Brid to the ge Carnival to ho hold at North Band, October 7-8-9 Tickets will be sold from all points Powers to Marshriohl Included, October 7. s al), iJt good for return until October I" Three Great Days Good Roads and Fraternal Conwutlnii DIc Sue k Auto and motor-iycle Dices, horse lines, i,i ami tratk atiuaUc sports. ,p" Grand water pageant, parades, grand ninsnuuraile, MirJl n Further partltcularn from nearest aitcnt of uje SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, (.'encrnl Passenger Agent, Poi (iiU,l, Orogoii 5SJ2HSZ522F5SE 1 f ' J. . v . IfJiiL fJxjVL "' I bAASs raza &.M A V .'A , ;skM-,-vV ffivter m mni SNitum i .TTra. ill ' Sales Increase With Better Light Mnrlorn mnrnh'inrlioinfi moHinrlc flpmflnd ttwvfwi II IIIVI Wl li.il (UIUII I y IMUIIIWVtVI mviiiwx- brilliantly lighted stores the better the light the bigger the sales. The perfect, sunlike brillialice of Mazda lighting displays merchandise to best advantage, and being ' smokeless and clean, it makes customers i more comfortable. Type C. Mazda Lamps Give More Light Than Ever You really get more effective lighting for no greater cost with Type C. Mazda Lamps. We can demonstrate this fact to you very quickly without obligating you in any re spect. You are doing yourself an injustice if you do not thoroughly investigate this bet ter way of lighting right now. i I Oregon Power Company SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous v t HENRYVILLE COAL rsut coal, por ton $1.00 Lump coal, per ton $5.no Or halt ton of both $1.70 D. MUSSOX, Pi-op. Phono ltf-J or leave orders nt HIHer'(i Ciuur Storo. WOOD! wood! Kindling wood, per load $1.75 to $2 Alder wood, 16 to 24 Inches $ to f2.n0 Free Delivery W. II. LINCJO Vhono 227-J. North First 8t. T. J. SOAIFE tg A. n. nOIKJINS Marshfiplrl PA,NT AND !wai!llrc'q DECORATING CO, ICstlmatcs Furnished Phono 1-10-U, MarshtleliJ, Oregon . ..1 . . ' GOODRUM'S GARAGE I HOME Of THE OA11ILLAO AND I AUTO SUPPLIED K0BAU t 11AKE3 OP C& 347 Central ar. - ,1 .r. .mine v:iiiuiv nnnnsite Blanco i I Thono 106-L. j ,1 WMUL;'n'- Ot UIFRS About it L ..& '. Aewu.4Amt-w -'