ftfHniMin - fTfW"i . t i i nii ii ii...t-'T f ANYON SPEAKS EVIL OE YOU LET YOUR LIEE BE SO THAT NONE WILL BELIEVE HIM Coos Bay Times Your Paper (Unas A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coo liny Times Is. A South, west Oregon paper (or Southwest Oregon people ind devoted to tlio best Interests of tills treat tcctloa , Tito Times alwiys boost and never knocks. Tlio Coos Bay Times Ii proud of Its title "The people's Paper," and It strives at all times to llvo up o lta ,,Rmo bjr lofot,I,S H energies to promotliiK tlio peoplo's interest. mi:mhi:r or Tin: associated iri:ss Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 Am Tim Count Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Time, Const Mall mid Coon Hay AdverlNer. No. 56 mm ARDMORE NOW 1BE1ECK Frightful Gasoline Explosion of Yesterclay oauseu pium Disaster in Oklahoma City IFIFTY-FIVE KILLED Most of Those Who Lost Their Lives Were urusneci unaer t ihn FalliiKi walls PROPERTY DAMAGE LARGE hviliiinled that Iss Htwhos no .Mlllli.ii llollaih People llusy 'lo- dux HfsciiliiK In lined and Bodies or 'llioso Killed Illy A wlitiM I'nim In Tom Uajr Tlmi- J AHDMOIti:, Okla., Sept. 28. The 'death llHt lcsult of uMturduy'n gas- tollne nml ensuing iiytiamilo cxjiioh- 1on heio was brought up to 5fi this afternoon when Iho bodies or ti innn nml two small children woro found on tlio former bUo or tho railroad sta tion ThUty-Blx woro white people nml 1! negroes. , Tlio damage Ii over $1,000,000. Fit xns learned today mat tno uy iiatiilto In tho fiolght Htoro Iiouho ux niIuiIcmI a k( ond after tho gasoline. Will Investigate Investigation of tho iniiBo or tho 'disaster Iiiib heou stinted hy tho cl ty offh InlH. It Ib supposed a spark 'from a hummer of ono of tho work men repnlilng n tar Ignited tlio gns- otitic An oo v. Itness mild the flames shot iiji 200 feel Into tho air I preceding tho eploHlon, v.'hlcli srut loied tho flumliiK H'l'ilil for blocks, tliiis stinting (.cores of flies In tho buildings vvieckcd hy tho concussion. flushed Under Walls Most persons killed woro eriiBhod miller fulling vvnllH, some or thorn mure than a block away fiom tho : ccenu or tho explosion. Aidmoro toda Is virtually under uiiutlul lnw i'vxhllo hiiflluosB Ib Hiispcuded to per il! t tho work of ichcuo to proceed with greater speed. Plituio of Disaster The down-town InisinesB soctlon .presented a plcturo of dlsnstor, ono Moik or tho main street, riom the it pot to tho Whlttlngton Hotel, buy ing been rn.cil by, tho explosion. Many buildings on tho opposllo sldo of tlio street wero destroyed and tho pinto glass fronts In ovory store In town woro destroyed. FIND IfflBE WHEELS Ii'Aitrs or nicvchr.s r.i:AitTi.r.i xi:.u i'onv si.octju ll"js Aio IvnoxMi, Snylollt't Cidlec lion (iioxxN at l'olbo Station Hold us i:ldeuco Still more been found. parts of blcjcles hao Tho nolko station Is cluttered with tMra tires, with iiaiiu's mid pniaphoralla of all types ami ilestrlptlons that bolong to such nmi blues, orricor Itlcliatdson went iIoxmi to Dangor Inst ovoulng and picked up another frame and wheels to add to tho collection. Suxeral of tho young bos, young sters about 10 to 14 ienrs or ago nro kitoxxu and it Is said thoy may uo turned oxer to tho JtixonHo Court o dial with. Somo or tho boxs have feliow ii intense- Interest and Knoxv letlKu of tho whereabouts or tho wheels when1 pointing thorn out to the police. Maishai Carter xxont oor to tho t'cntMl School cstordny and called out bexeral or tho boys for short In torxlows Thero aro now In tho station six heeU of blceles, all of thorn with "t'xv tiies and ono frame. It Is no- tlceablo thnt tho wheels nro all new ly palate 1 black, showing an attompt to disguise tho parts of bicycles. Tho wheels found near Pony Slough last n!Sht had the spokes all woll groas- to keep from rusting whllo hid in 1,10 tall grass and bushos. The parts or bicycles will ho hold at tho station as ovldenco and will not be removed until something has been dono with tho guilty youngsters, " the police. WATERFRONT pTeWS t uie bar dredgo Mlchlo has gone t Portland to luvo somo noxv tall "earlnw Installed. It Is expected '"at she will return In about a week's fme 4 The T'lOman T. Tl'an.l lo nvnMa,l! In toninrrn... I r.... t-. i ' . tomorrow lth fielght. IIUII1 O.IU JTUUI'IHIU I - LET US TALK IT OVER T Hi: i:i)ITO!t or Tho Times Is not a belle or In personal Journalism Ho legal (Is a newspaper as a quasi-public Institution for tho promo tion of tho public good and not for forwuidlng private profit and poi- sonal piejudlces. Tho prlne plus and polities of Tlio Times nro too well known In Its daily .nactlcu of many oars to ieiiilio much reiteration. Now and then, how ever, some peiHou, flim or cotpoiallon, seeks to serine aniiulnieiit of these principles for their Individual iidvuntuge. Ono ol these (oncoins leeenl l attempted to piiicluise tho silence or The Times hy tho money paid for advei Using. Stung hy Jnsl piihlie ei lilt Ism of their ropiosonslblo nicthoils In grub- ,1(111; tho pennies or poor kiddles, In Ogien, Iho Stimit Alec Manager or Norton U Hansen, Is aliened to have et'Iil that Tlio Times notbes welo a leault of not receiving udvoitislng riom that tflim. The Times heiehy publ'ily biands tho state ment or Winner Ogion as a despicable, tonteinptlblo He. The Times had been receiving the uilvci Using r the Norton &. Hansen Company and le emtly lefiiBcd such advertising becnuso Obi en attempted to dictate tho policy or The Times, both In a business and odUorial way. This Is not the first tlnio that Ogren, ns manager of Norton & Hansen's, las soiiKht to punlBb The Times for Its independence In printing the news without lereienco to his tow dirty dollars spent In advertising. Ogien with a Butter Bleed for Bold measines Its aliiu by his own stiindaid. Two years iibo, when he wan kliked out of tho niuiiiiKonient or tho .MarBhriuld Baseball Club .because or 1 1 It. peculiar rinanclal nietlmds, and who mixer puhllshed n icport or the ye.u'ti games, tetelpts and dlsbuisomoiits, slop peil Iho Noitou k. Hansen udvei Using beiuuso The Times published a full repoil or the nieetluKB wheio Okicmi'h niethoilK leielved a severe biIWB fiom tlio baseball funs. A little later, when the firm miiibIU to dory the outers or Iho clt health )!ielclaii hy pedillliiB (oufettl with Its possibility of sprcndliiB disease and death and In doflinuo of the nlshes of tho majority or the people, The 'limes bo publicity to the matter with the icsult that u Rroup or booiI follows made up tho sum of money necessary to puichnse the confetti and dcstioy It. Obiou iiKuin InslstliiB on his pound of flesh, lOB'trdluss of pub lic weiraic. . A ear iibo Tho Times printed the news that copy books woro holm; held In other hcil'ous of Oiobou at a much less pi loo than churned. In .tfaishflold unit Notion &. Hansen wero compelled to letiiiu some or the pennies Brabbed fiom tho children. From fiist to Inst The TIiiicb has aimed to publish all tho uows Intell igently and completely and Interpret Its slBuirttnut phases w!th absolute Mncorlty and Intellectual honesty. No man was cer powurful enough to lutlucnco Thu Times against Its (onl( tlons or prevent It riom pioclaimliiB tho tiuth as It saw It. No financial icwaul Is largo enouBh to tempt Tho Times riom tho path or Independence and Integrity. It will continue this (ouiso legal d less or Noitou &. Hansen's adveitls l.u; or whether Warner Ogien upproxes It or not. START PULP .HILL iltlll'OUT THAT OIMMIATIONS MAV in: iti:siMi:i tiiimh: soo.v Xi-Kot (at Ions I'mlei' Way for Kexlv iiiB ImliiNtiy Oiitsldo I'liin XeKotlates l'or It AccoidhiB to an apparently nu thoutlc tupo.-t, tho C. A. Smith pulp mill will sboilly resume operations. The exact (Into, ntcoidliiB l the leport, has not been set, but will bo before .Innuuiy 1. Duforo the pulp mill can lcstiine, a noxv bulldliiB will haxo to he elect ed to teplacu tho chip Iiouho burned Inst summer. This will bo or con note, It Is said. Somo tlmo ago tho pulp company operating llu pulp nnd paper mills nt Oicboii City sent their mnnager luvo to Inspect tho Smith plant and It Is understood that they liavo been nogotiatlng for a leaso front them. Howoxer, C. A. Smith is poison "Hy doslroiiB or t.nrjlng tho ptop osltlon to a Biiecess. In tho ubsenco or Supoilntendont Mereen, nono of tho local orflelals could vouchsafe ' information regarding tho re- l,0,, uisrr MONEY IS PRID i.imtAitv ours riN'Ah ci I'ltOM cAitxnon: ri'i Institution Is .Vow All Paid for, Out of Debt nnd Is Well Hiiulppetl , Tho Mnrshflcihl Carneglo public library boaid has received fiom the Caineglo fund a chock for $I0S which Is tho last to bo paid of tho ?l2,r,00 given for tho llbiaiy and equipment. This will ho paid by tho llbtary for equipment nnd will leavo tho institution all clear of debt and woll fitted out. Mrs. Ileniy Sengstacken has plue ed her collection of Pacific Coast shells In tlio public library. Tho shells aro labelled and inako an Intel estlug exhibit for vlhltors. piti:sii)i:.NT noi:s . TO CAST ins voti: V (nr Aoiiia rrM io co nr ti l WASHINOTON, I). C, Sopt. 28. Presidont Wilson left horo this morning for I'rliiceton, where ho will ote. He will return to Washington in tlmo to de liver his -address to the vet erans attending tho Grand Army encampment their school book buiilncss. Winner ALLIES GUI General Said Offensive of Allies to Have Resulted Favorably for Them SERSirFIGHTl Repulse Teuton Forces Which Attempt to Cross the Dvina River in Advance BATTERIES ARE BOMBARDED : (criiMii roitlllciitlou on (uir of ltlgu Aio Hnld to Huv Deeli S. lemed Seiblan MlnUter Is l.mvlnu llulginiii ny AwoUtM l'rM to (.'una Hay Tlmw LONDON, Sept. 28. Tho new genoial offeusivo of tho entonto al lies on tho western trout rosulted In u gain of additional giouud both In tho Altos region, near Souchaz, ami In Champagne, avoiding to Paris. All the heavy (lot man eotin toia attacks mo doclured to haxo D been beaten off. HtMCl Yostorday's (ioiman assault on tho JArgonno positions is duscilbcd as ibieakliiB ut tho rirst lino or lio Fiench defuiibes. The sanio Is H.ild to liuvo occui led on tin co lepo.itod ultempts. Aio lleuleii Itmlc Tho Serbian war omio loportu ,uo aitoniptB by tho Teutonic fonvH to cioss tho Dvina into surman ter ritory, both or which woio ropuUod. Tlio Itusslans claim to bavo hI iVncod tho (lerman land battorles on tho Ouir of Ulga by tho flro of tholr fleet lu tho locont bom bardment. Iteavlii Dulgaila Tho Sorblau minister at hyjrln Is leportod to liavo given notlco or !m Inter tiou to loavo Hulsailu, glvl.ii; Ul health hh- tho reason. Tho Hulgailtin OonsulK in Mace donia aio reported to liavo with drawn on a loavo or absonco. Tho Gorman attacks on Dvlnsk cnutlnuo to ho dotorm'nodly pressed but tho Itusslans claim they r.to ho'dlng thorn In chock. SALE.M "When attornoys for A T. Coleman deceased asked that deed for state land purchased bo mado out to him instead of his holrs te simplify administration, Attorney General nrovvn for the land board decided that a deed could not bo mado out to a dead man. ,K mmm iui fJin IinilULII III 18 I U 1 IS MDEiB - - Otto Hooker, an Escaped Con vict, Kills Head of the Ore yon State Penitentiary IS STILLlT large Two Hundred Engage in Man Hunt for Slayer Who Made His Escape t FLEES T0""hIGH TIMBER Slieiltf ami Dcpiillcx null 3lniiy Citi zens Muko Up the Posses Wbldi Ale Seindilng h'tglil ( tlio 1 De.illi i:pcsted by Offlcois Illy AmhcIiIM l'rrm In Com liar Tliiin 1 SAhUM. Ore., Kept. S. With four bullets left In his roxoher with which ho killed Warden Mint" of the Oregon state penitential y and coiiously wounded .Murslial .1. .1. Benson, otto Hooker, an escaped convict, Ib still at large this after noon. Ho has filed only two shots. Sheriffs and deputies or several counties, assisted hy posses or elll vciih, hcmchud tho (oiinliy between here and Albany since thu shooting last night but so fur railed to pick lip any ti all. Many In Man Hu'W Over 200 engaged In tho man limit. - A man believed to ho Hook er wiir seen at Oeevors early today but by tho tlmo tho offlceis reach ed tho scene he had vanished. It Is believed that ho madu good his tscapo Into tho tall timber nml may not bo cornered ror weeks. Of 'flcers engaged In tho pursuit Ex pect a fight to tho death If ho Is ov ei taken. lionsou's condition Is improved today. Serous Clothing Hooker appeal ed nt the house of a farmer named Ascho, seven miles north of Albany, nt t o'clock this morning and forced tho family t'o ronialn up stnits whllo ho ransacked tho lower floor ror clothing to ox chaugo ror his prison garb, ami for food. 3 V 1 I.ator on tho Ascho hoys cut tho rural telephone who and telephoned to Albany. Wlion a posse reached tho bceuo Hooker had disappeared. STAUT MAX JAVS'V Orriiers mid Cltlens Ihigugo In Seat (I, fui-Murdcici' y AixKltte.1 I'ri'.J to Coot Hay Tllii'l.) j Al.HANV, Oic, Sopt. 28. Ilun- id reds of deputies, lead by state, 'county and tlty officials aio slowly ! tightening a lingo circle today about jDuuveis In an offoit to capture or kill Hooker, j Tho peace offlcein of half a doon I counties Joined lu tho man hunt, tho most extensive slmo ho notor- 1 Ioiih outlaw Harry Tracy was at ! large. . I May He liijiiit'd j Tho officers bollovo I looker could 'not have travelled far alter killing I'Wuidou Mlnto. Ho was fooUoro I and i an a distance or sis miles after 'tho shooting, I Somo bollovo Hooker Is Injined. 'At tho liiKtuiit ho filed, Mltilo in- lilled with a shot gun. Guard Wal ter Johnson, who accompanied Mln to also emptied a gun nt tho convict. Kiietl ut Wanlei, Tho officers were lu brushy pas ture about ten feet riom the rail Voad when llookor enmo down tho track shortly before mtdiilght. Mlnto stupped out with n levelled gun and oidered Hooker to halt, llookor Valscd a gun and both rlrod. Hook er previously had taken a lovolver from Marshal llousou at .lofforsou, xx lion tho bitter tried to arrest him utter bis ostapti from the woik gang. X FIVE WORKMEN ARE J t KILLED BY TRAIN ; Illy Aio Lie I IVu lu ruoa nay TIiiim J 4 '1 PHILADELPHIA, Sent, t X 28, Five men wero in- X X stantly killed and eleven X X others were injured, six X probably fatally, in a tun- X nel on the Philadelphia & t X Reading R, R, at Phoenix- : X ville, when a passenger X i train rushed through a 1 X gam of workmen, X A t MURDERER IS'NOW X HIDING N MINE Illy Akkin Ulrl l'r to Co. lhyfmM.l WALSENBURQ, Colo,, t1 Sept, 28, Tho slayer of t Robeit Mitchell, editor i! and politician, attempted to bieak thiough the guaids at tlio entinnco t of tho Robinson mine to- t day wheio ho has taken t lefiifte, nccoidlng to offl- t cials, but fled back into X tho woikinss at tho sight t of tho walchois, X - KILLED By ROBBER HOIIKUT MITCIIi:i,l;, COI.OItADO IMll'IOIt AND PtH.ITICIA.V, DIDS Shot When Ho ami Wife Itetuiued t Homo (o Kind Their House MeliiK ItaiNacI.ed (tly An.u Intel Prciw lu Cnim II ty Tlmi WAl.SL'NIIdUd, Coloindo, Sopt. 1!8. Itoheit Mitchell. Democratic county chairman and publisher of tho Independent, died after being shot hy a burglar Sunday. Thu shooting occurred when Mitchell and his wife retained home and vveiu tu r prised by men lansacklug tho house. DEIS THE REPORT (.'HUMAN' AMIIAKSADOIt MAICKS PlWIIilO A STATHMHNT In l.et(er Sujs Stoiles of Atrotjlles in Oltoin.iii Ihnplio iiio Pino Invention (Hy Ai.ocl.lM 1'tMi to Cooa Dy Tlmn.1 HOSTON. Sept. 2S. (lerman Am bassador Von Hot nsitorff. Id a let ter mado public hero today, declar ed tho reports concMulug the at logod atrocities In tho Ottoman Um pire to ho "puro Inventions." Tho letter was written to tho chairman of tho executive commltteo of thu National Dofenso Union or Amer ica, who 'asked for a definite state ment. GIVEN FULL ROiRS Sl'llMAItlXi: VICTIMS Alii: HIM- ii:d at XATio.VAii ci:mi:ti:hv High Navy Officials mid Ollieis Attend the Seniles Willi Ii Aio Held Today Illy Auotliu l'rru to Ckm nty IIiiim I WASHINGTON, I). C Sept. 28.- Piill nillitaiy honoiH woro today ar- (Oidod tho foiiitoeii uuliloiitiriod victims who lost tholr lives lu tho isuhniarluo I'M lu Honolulu novoial mouths ago. Tho dlsmoinboied bodies, In four easkutu, wero hulled I fn the Arlington National Cemetery, j tho serxhes being attended by high officials of tho Navy and others. ;HELP" ISlFFERED i:'(JI(AND Wllih OIVIJ AID 'IO I HAI.KA.V P'HIHNDS I " " 'l.. ..... Ilnlir... I.. 'I'nLi.a tlit Airi'lfW. hive (ileal HiHaln Is Heady to I'igbt Her lly Awonlil rr- 1. Tooi Ily Tlmn ) LONDON, Sept. 28. "If tho Hul gailan mobllliitlon should ;esult In llulgtirl.t assumiug an aggressive nt- i tltudo' on tho side of our oiiemles, xx o aro pruparod to glvo our fi lends 'lu tho Halkans all tho support lu our power in a manner that would hi, most wolcomo to thorn, lu contort Ivxlth our allloH wlthuut josorvo," was the announcement of Foreign Soiroturj Gro lu the houso or com- iioiib this afturnoou, o WILLIAM DOLA.V SI1.VDS CHUCK TO I'llllCMC.V William Dolan, who owns the building at North llond In vxhidi tho Woolen Mill storo Is locatod and which was saved from destruction by fire Saturday night, to day sont to tho Marshflold flio (lopaitmont a chock fur $25 Inclosed lu a lettor lu which he oxprossod his ap preciation of the work dono by tho Marshfleld bos when they wero called to assist z X THE VILLA FORCES X X HAVE WITHDRAWN X X Illr mui Ulo.1 L'rm In rm njr Tlmm J CL PASO, Texas, Sopt, 28, It was said at the X Carranza Consulate to- X day that tho last of tho X Villa foicos had with- X X dmwn from Ton eon lato X X yestciday, Tho Cananza X foices have i cached San X X Pedro Las Colonas, a X X shoit distance oast of i X Ton con, X ' HILL W ARi MUNITIONS Ml'ST NOT GO 'IO .MH.VICAX ItAIDIUlS No Hmbaigo lloxxevei', When Des tined lor Auny (r the Itegulixv Waning; Pint Ions Illy AMoclitiM rrrtu lo nw fliy Tlnirn WASHINGTON, 1). C., Sept. 28. Oi tiers wero Issued to all American officials on the Mexican holder to solo all shipments of amuiuultlon when thu destination was not def initely known. No embargo Is be ing laid on munitions to the pilu clp.il factions, but It Is thu pin pose or tho government to pi even war supplies leaching thu bandit bands and lableiu operating Independently. SERBIA TD RESIST Wlhli STOP I'OHKIGX THOOPS GOIXGTIIltOPGII GltUHCi: I ,a (((! Country Has Atai cully Iteatbed An Agieenieiil With Hulgaila About Houmlaiy Illy Aocltol l'rrm to Co. Illy Tliun. HUHIilN, Sopt. 28. (Wlioloss Suj vlllo) According to tho Over seas Novvb Agency, Greece has ub Btiicd Serbia that sho will resist the passage of foreign troopa through Gieck territory. liavo Now Agtced An Overseas Novvb Agoney ills patch accoidlng to rollablo Infonna tlon llulguria nml Groeco bavo ag reed upon tho establishment ot a nou tral zone between those two coun tries. GREECE PREPARES GVIIK.VMU.VT TAKKS OVIIH TWUXTV VKSSUhS Will Ho l'M',1 to Tiniihiioii Tioops Moblllalloii Will Halxo 11)11,0111) .Men Wlhli IIAVi: HIJADV l()l),()l)() SOLDI CHS ny Ai.o'Ulo4 I'm, lo Cvna ny TlmM 1 PAItIB, Sept. 28. Tho inohlllatloii or 20 chissos r Greek troops will call to tho lolors 100,000 men. This Is the offltlul riguio given by the (Hook war mlnlHlery. ly AuotUlfrl I'lr! lo Coo. IUy Tlmra PlltAHI'H, Grew o, Sopt. 28. Tho Greek government icqubiltlouod twout) moriiiunt vobkoIh for tians poitlng tioops. Among them aio the transatlantic liners Thuinlstoclus King Constantino and I'ntris. TELL DTRER SIDE OCItMWS CIAIM TO HACK MADH SOMC GAINS I Say Ofleiis'vo of Allies is Stopped and 'Hint Counter Altai Us Welo Suici'Ksfiil Ily AtwHltlotl I'iwm lo Coov l4y Tlnxw I HIOULIN, Sept. 28. Tho Gormans not only have stopped tho guuural offensive of tho Allies on the West ern front, but hy counter attacks bavo gained cousldoiuhlu territory for themsolves, according to an of ficial statomeut. In tho Kast, tho udvauco on Ovfusk continues and sucvussus aro roportod lu tho south eastern theater. A $12,000,000 steamship company has been oigauUod to operate bo tweon Boston and Pacific Coast points GERMAN LI is STILL HOLDING Berlin Admits Heavy Losses But States That Allies Fail ed in Recent Drive IMY ARE KILLED Reports Say That Trenches Are Filled With Dead Before Germans Give Up FIGHT IS STILL RAGING Claim .Made That Army Command ed by German Cioun Prince Was Sliutleicd and 'IliaO Ho 1.01 1(1(1,01)0 Men 'Ibis Summer Illy AMorlalM rrtM to Com IUy Tlmw ) HKItlilN, (Wli'oless to Sayvllle.) Sopt. JS. Tlio genoial attack of the I'euch and British along tho xx ostein fiont Is lonslilered hero to haxo lulled already, says an Over seas News .Agency icport. Thero Is no possibility that tho onoinv will break through tho German lines In view of tho length or tho front, which Is :tlO miles long. It Ib expected that tho Germans' liavo Hiiffuiud losses, but tlio fluuroS of 20,000 (let man prisoners glvon hy tho French and British Is bo llevud to bo exaggerated. CliAlM PHINCi: ,()Si: 1'ii'inli A Hero Thai Geunaiis Woro .Dehviled Vesleiibiy Illy AmoiUicJ l'rrai to Coo. Da; TlmM PARIS, Sept. 28. Intolllgonco fiom tho Champagno Tront beyond Chalons shows that It was tho right or tho German Crown Prlnco'u army which w.iB shattered lu the attacks Kililay and Saturday. Thu Crown PiIiico'b renter inado furious efforts to counter in Argonno yostordny, with tho result that all railway linos to thu Hast and North woro ongagod Innt night lu carrying away tho Gorman wounded. Tho Kiourli orflcors reckon that tho Crown Prlnco'u auny lost 100, ooo In this attack ami in previous assaults dm lug tho summer. SAV GHHMA.VS HKPHhSHD Pails Statement Claims Gains for Tho Alllus Illy AnortiteJ I'rc.i to Cbo tlty TlmM PAItlS, Sept. 28. Tho now offon Rivo iiiovemcut of tho Allies resulted In u further gala lu tho Artoos re gion near Suuchez, says an official statement. Additional progress is luported lu Chainpaguo. The Gor man (ountur attack lu Argonno was lopulsed, Tho Gorninns lost ground hut not before the trenches were (oveied with dead. TDRKS ARE ACTIVE CLAIM 'IO IIAVi: OAITPUKD OCXS AND AMMUNITION Shell Ciuii'i of Allies at tlio Dar danelles and Destroy (bo k Hiieinles' .Minus ' i (lly AuotUloJ rrmm i n IUy Time 1 ' CONSTANTINOPLI'J, Sept. 28 An official Htatomout says: "At th, DariKiiiulloB flout, near Anafarta wo eaptinoil rlfk'H and ammunition Satuiday our artillery ahellod thf oiiomy'H tamp. Near Arl Hurnu wo oxploded a mine, destroying tho enemy's mines " ALL SETTLED AMBASSADOR IH'MHA ASKS TOR SAb'H COXIH'CT IIOMI! With Advises Kroni Vlemiiv Htto Deiiaitmeiit Xow IteganK tlio Incident as Being Closed Illy AtuHlite. I'lfM to Coo. ny Time. WASHINGTON, I). C, Sopt. 28.t Amluissador Diimbu tolographcd tho Stato Department today from Lenox that ho had been ordered homo aud asked that a snfo conduct ho arrang ed. In tho light of advlcos from VI- onna thnt tho Austrian foreign of fice had glvon assurances that Uum ba would bo recalled, tho Stato De partment will arrange a safo con duct. This action Is considered by tho American govoi anient as clos ing the lucldont. i w ;tl -f I M