BlIIPTHREE THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER' 24, 1915 EVENING EDITION.' " SSBS 3 The Central Avenue Booster voi i. CKNTItATi AVKXUK, itinAV, si:i'ii:.Mm:u m, nn.- No. na nra , airfcet Basket: Specials' (jrnuiiilHu'i'rics, per pound 20c ( i-.iiilicrrics, two quarts lor 'Joe I'ciclics, do.cii 10c and '20c peaches, per box 75c Apples pi1'' hox f")'' 1 1-00 lipc Tomatoes, per box 75c to $1.00 Wc arc also prepared fop the pickliilg season with GREEN TOMATOES, BELL PEPPERS, CHILI PEPPERS, ETC., ETC. SOME CHOICE WATERMELONS, CANTALOUPES CHOICE LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES COOK'S GROCERY Phono Good Things to Eat II is seldom thai' wo have bad a mope select line than we have ibis week. BANANAS ONLY 20 cts. per DOZEN EXTRA FANCY CORN ARTICHOKES BEETS CAR ROTS SQUASH PUMPKIN ' EXTRA FANCY RIPE TOMATOES TURNIPS, CABBAGE PICKLING ONIONS AND GREEN TOMATOES FOR PICKLING COOS RIVER GROUNDCHERRIES AND STRAWBERRIES Make Your Home Comfortable By installing one of our heating sioves. Wood Burners Oil Stoves Coal Stoves. The best made and at most reasonable prices v See our window. MARSHFIELD HARDWIRE CO. . Central Avenue ami Hromlivny. YOUR STITS ape cleaned with the same prep aration as "While (Moves. RE 13 Til 10 GLOVES IN "WINDOW JAY DOYLE'S PLACE TAII.OKING CKKAX1XO, l'UKSSl.NO ill call anywhere any time. w : Central Aveuuo PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT. THE Chaedler Hotel The Bui of a Good Menu Central Avenue DON'T BE A TITEWAD: ADVERTISE IN THE BOOSTER When In Want of Fire, Life and Ma rine insurance which insures, sec SENS'TACKEN the Insurance Man ROMPT OPULAR ROGRESSIVE J 81). NASBURG GROCERY Corner Central Avenue and Second Street. l'liono 213. 1 JIUI1U .,W.V I ZL b ' ('Gono on Fishing Trip.) Ol'lt HAIT KOIt IJl'SIXKSS Thoroughly good cigars properly kopt to preserve tho rich aroma- that evory smoker likes. All tho bost brands of elgarettos and tobaccos. Drop In any ovening for a gar-ie of baseball, billiards, pocket bil liards. All the big league ball seoras dally. Tin: smoki:housi:" Central Avenue's popular meetng v. ww ' ; Wili- x fM - place. Till'. IXCIXCItATOlt M I'CII mysterious conjecture re sulted when, ho in u time ago, two cuiuiciliiitm left Mnrsli- In peril liy koIiik to l'urtlund, field and It leaked out tliat they wore to K,lg (0 )L. n 0xK wet winter and a liivoMlwitu nil 'Incinerator." Noliody I Unon duster Is n mlBlity poor sub knew what that was. anyway, and gtitnto for a rain coat. BUcmos ranged from new Jail flxtur-, t npectful Itenilnder Cnrl Al es (with piohlliltlon rlt?ht In slulit) I trccht says the city hasn't pot any to a niiu'hlne for washing gold out of, thliiR to bIiow for its bonded Indobt Band. One experienced objector had c,i,,ess. My iioodness. Carl, did you to he' Btralf;ht-Jacketed while a dic tionary was brought to convince blm that the fathers didn't ko to buy another steam roller, disguising theli ' purpose with teclmiral terms. I Another fearsome patriot thought 'tho city was Bolng Into tho chicken I'lntRliiess. f However, the mystery was cleared i up, it Is now understood what an In cinerator is, and bow much It cobIs, and this project stands out boldly I rttX it rl1 fill ft nVni fltl f frtfH.111(1 ' by our high salaried councilman which bnsn't stirred up slathers of abuse nnd talk of a recall, yet. An Incinerator makes gas out 01 garbage, and the gas Is sold at a profit. Xow comes tho City Engineer, I and throws cold water on the thing by saying thro Is not enough gar l lingo to make tho thing pay. 1 Xow wo can apprcclato vhat wealth wo have carelessly thrown 1 away In closing Mill Slough. Hut still ! tho Iiooster asserts that Marahflold I can meet this test. Considerable ovi I denco is visiblo to tho naked nose; I but let us fully examine our resour- I CCS. I There a enough left In tho "lake" l at tho Xorth arm of Mill Slough to run tho incinerator for a long tlmo. Tlion wo liavo only to get In under ! tho wharves along water front to I open up n veritable gold mine, If this i machine works. Then lot tho tiru , limits start In at tho Chinese build ings on Second and Highland, and work- South nnd Hast, yanking out tho tin cans and other trcaBiires which liavo escaped tho low, lovol ( glances of tho police, and tho result 'will astonish our best statlstlcans. Wo have pointed out tho sources of u big supply, lint thero is stlh to bo nppreciaed by tho cadeful foro slght of tho general public in providing for such a contingen cy as now faces us. All over tho city many people- have, with a sort of prescience, oluding tho activities of our "annual clean-up," and hidden their treasures in care fully guarded places. Just shovthom that taxes will bo reduced, and tho aroma of tho offerings brought forth will even kill tho stench raised by outsiders coming In hero to look at their puchascs In Crawford Point. Last of all, wo must not overlook tho prudenco of tho street cleaning department, which for sovoral yours, Iin3 been busily collecting rcf uso from ono street, nnd care fully depositing It in another, or In Konfo alley or conveni ent near spot. Tho llttlo end of tho grading on Anderson Avenuo, just Hast of Tenth Btreot, offors it 'good cxamplo of this commendablo practlco. Wo might bo moro Toutonlc In our thoroughness, In a pinch, and point out many other possibilities, such as tho removal of what Is looso I In many of tho houses offered for lent, but wo rest our caso for tho present and hope that wo havo clear ly shown tho feasibility of tho pro ject. It should not bo turned down too readily. SSIILK-A-iyillLK tin: XATIOXAIi wi:ATm (Tho national wealth Is now $10G5 per capita news Item) I sco our wealth per capita, Is nlnotcon sixty-flvo. 'TIs n neat sum. I murmur "Yum!" And also "Sakes Alive." Hut as I think tho matter o'or Tilings do not seem so fine. I first tako stock, then with a shock I murmur, "Whore Is mine?' A. K. NKKPf lll(i KIIII'MttXT OK Till: California Hav ' f & jtst iti:ci:ivi:n Best Don't forget our high grade flour HAINES Central Avenue. l'liono 52 d-l"I,'I"I"I"I"I'4,,H,4Hr"HH' KNTIIAI, AVKNTKI llnek to Hooks. a number of tno Intellectual i?huitn or tho community have skinned off to college. Had Outlook. It looks like It Is forget about Xorth Klghth street. Carry .loko Too Kitr. Al Xeff, Al. Mendel, Al Myers, Al Kohler and Al Cllossop, say they are getting al mighty tired of henrlng their com ments on the war icferred to aa "al lies." A MIsundorMiindliu; Dave Staf ford, (remnrklng on the weather.) "Town's dry now." Frank Cohan, (suddenly alarmed. ) "Why, I though that law didn't take effect till Janurnry." Wo Should Have Dollar Day A. (ilossop, tho g. & p. tousorlal artist In tho Chandler, thinks wo should cmulato Portland's "dollar day" scheme, nnd Bays he will do his share by charging a dollar for a Bhavo. ItienliH Iteeords Harry Kimball has tho record as a man of few words, which he established nt tho council meeting Monday evening. All ho said wns Juat "Xo," winning over George Cook's "Aye" by n slnglo letter. ()"ly TriiNt hi Advertising. Al Myers Bays ho never publishes any thing but tho exact truth. Ninety seven people were skeptical about tho "fresh Paint" sign on tho front of his office, and found by the usual lest that It wus entirely correct. Another Xetv Stoic. Kvcrythlng comos to Central Avenue In Unit mid this tlmo It Is time that comes. O. II. Wilson has opened his new tlmo emporium nnd tower of Jewels) on Central Avenue. You can get all kinds of tlmo there except bad time. Heat Cs to It All underpaid writ er In tho Orogonlan said of a Port land man named Cook that his name suggested tho slogan, "Cook with das." That would havo been a good ono to spring on our Central Ave nuo Councilman, In conneotlon with tho new Incinerator, If wo'd thought of it first. Minima On Central Avenue Dal Cathcart, fired by tho cloquenco of tho Booster on civic beauty, haB cleaned up his premises on Commer cial avenuo until tlioy look liko n plcturo In "Good Houskeeplng." Good work, Da). Don't destroy the "leavlns" savo 'em up for tho In cinerator. Oierlieiird on Central Avenue. Stage struck Miss (to companion): "I'm Just crazy to go on the stage." W. f. Miller, (passing by) "That's Just tho way, peoplo will do any thing to kcop from patronizing tho Southern Pacific. Xow tho "Ilreak wteor has been running" (passes out of hearing.) -. Central Avenuo At Meeting H. M. Jpnnlngs, J. Albort Matson, f. 13. Conway and G. W. Kaufman repre sented Central Avenuo at tho Council meeting Monday evening, and all pleaded with forvont oloquenco for tho support of tho band by tho city. Thoy succeeded In winning the votes of threo councllmen already favor nblo to tho proposition, How Sho Know Dissatisfied lady customer, (addressing Al Kohler.. "Tlieso shoes that you sold mo aro tho wrong bIzo." Kohlor: "I'm vary sure that's tho sUo you asked for, Muilam, and thoy seom to fit perfo t ly." Customer: "You can't put that stuff over on mo. These aro tho wrong slzo why, I'vo worn thorn threo days and thoy don't hurt my foot n bit." Awnings Too The following gentlemen, who walk up Contra! Avenuo dally to their homes, com plain that tho awning on the street aro too low, and think of getting up u petition to have thom lowered: W. T. Stoll, Kay Kaufman, Jno. Ilacb man. nnlm. wllllnma nn,i Tni... m...-. I '. ...M...O M.. ..(,, .'.v. chant. Chas. Van Dyun, W. V. Douglas and Laurence Llljcnvlst say thoy never havo any troublo with them. WnikH liotli Wny Sovoral Cen tral Avenuo gentlemen met up tho other day, by tho merest cbanco, in a front street saloon. During the customary oxchango of courtesies, ono of them Inquired of tho barten der, sympathetically, "what are you fellows going to do after January first?" Great Scott," broke In nn othor, "We should worry about him, what bothers mo Is what are wo fel lows going to do? Wlicro Thoy Conio JVoni Jay Doyle who recently roturned from the San f rauclsco fair is said to have remarked when ho saw tho largo building labeled "Creation" on tho zone, "So that's whore all tho flno "Creations" which tho dry goods stores advertise come from. Then ho bought a ticket and went In. Instead of lots of "Creations" bo saw only Rvo with not a thing. In "Creation" on her, 1 1 1 1:. 1 1 1 ox t I IT.IIHO.YAIj MI'ATIO.V. HAItllY ICIMUAU., ono of our Con-, . tral Aenue eonncllmon Is keep-! lug under cover those dn for reasons best known to his self. JVII.SOX KAUFMAN, who Is a neu tral discussed the war situation the other day Just long enough to remark that Hoosevelt was tho battle "blm" of tho republic 1IAIIKY McKKOWX, our expert hunter mid trapper Is getting ready to trap tills winter as usual. Harry says there Is abundance of fur this year such as rabbits and ' smilrrelB. .1 T. llAUUIOAX predicts a long." bard winter but be didn't tell ye editor on what ho based his pie diction but as he has filled his window with n large lot of new heaters wo suspect that had some thing to do with It. How about It. John? tin: sMoKKiiorsi: MIXSTKKI.S I - (Kellond nnd Crosthwalto) "You'ro a farmer, eh?" "Say, what kind of a farm did you llvo on?" "A homestead." "What Is a homestead?" "A homestead means that the United States government is willing to bet 100 acres of land 'agalnct $1 1 that you can't llvo on It flvo years without starving to death." "Whero was your homestead sit uated?" "In Arizona, and It didn't rain onco the whole tlmo I was thero." "Then how could you keep tho farm moist?" "Ily walking over It." "How did your walking over tho farm keep It moist?' "I wore a pair of pumps." I siA'it ox kxcmkii poirmv J. W. fiennott says thero Is no good lCuglish poetry, and cites tho following as the best cxamplo ho knows of: ' "A bloody, bloomln' sparrow Lived In a bloomln' spout. Tho bloody bloomln' rain cnnio down And drove tho sparrow out. Tho" bloody, bloomln' sun enmo out And dried the bloomln' rain; And tho bloody, bloomln' sparrow Went up the spout ngaln. Wo fear Mr. 'Dennett's education In defectlvo. Surely ho doesn't read The Iiooster regularly. SMIIiK-A-IVIIILK tiiksi: pkhcolativi: days To tho good old hard boiled coffco My thought with fondness turns licforo tho Innovation, Of tho porcolatlng urns. I loved tho rich aroma As It camo from mothers pot, Hut In theso percolatlvo dnyn, Alas! I know It not. So Joyously I sit mo down And daintily I sip Tho finely flavored fluid from a, trlcolator drip. I like this new Invention And It Hiiro will mal:o you glad If you Just bccoiuo n victim Of tho Trlcolator fad. Hay Olllvnnt smim:-a-avhim: iti;.M.HicAm,i; caki: (Dedicated to Jay Doyle.) i Jay's been on his vacation, 1 Of fun ho had no lack, Yet says, with much elation, Ho brought 2 back. AllTIIUIt ItHHfHM). DON'T , WORRY When you want drug store articles in a hurry Phone 74 Our ll. T. L. (no time lost) service is maintained for you. It is as near perfect as we can make it. "THE OWL" Frank I). Cohan, Wo ilelht'r. l'liono 71 DII, W. A. TOYU, DENTIST Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 5. Itoom 20 1, IrviiiK nidg. Central Avenuo. Murtlifli'l(I 4 CENTRAL AVf. 78 Central Avenue. EVKIIV limn or Human U Justly proud of it watch that keep time. Wo nro equally proud of tho fact that wo know liow to make it vutliit keep time. If jour ttntcli N getting ln In Its ImbltH, Juttt bring It lit mid let tit lake It in Iniud, It may nieiely need regulating or ndJiiNtlng. hi that event, o Hlmll bo grad to put It In shape for you anil thero will Iks no charge. If It icqulreM no repairs wo will tell joii w, frankly. On tho other liatid, If It nenk fUlng, wo will do It light and do it promptly at reasonable cost. Wo absolutely guar in it co nil work one year. O. H. WILSON formerly with Iteil Cioss Jewelry Co. ! - Delicacies for the Home GRAPES Black, Tokay and Malagas, 35 cents per bas ket or 6 1-4 cents per pound. WATERMELONS AND CANTALOUPES ASHLAND YELLOW CRAWFORD PEACHES RED PLUMS AND FRESH PINEAPPLES AVo have tho largest stock of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Mnrshi'iold, including Egg Plant, Celery, Caulitlower, Cabbage, Turnips, Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, Cucumbers, California Head Lettuce, Green Onions, Rhubarb, Green Peppers, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries. Mxcrylhiug for picking and spicing, including all kinds, of Picking Spices, Green Cucumbers, Small Cucumbers, Green Tomatoes, Quinces, etc. Ollivamrft & Weaver Corner Third and Central. ' Phone 199. Travelers to the Exposition nnd anywhere else In the United1 States will And that tho safest way to carry their fundi la In the form of "A. D. A." Cheques. They are accepted where a personal check might naturally be refuced. Self-Identifying. Issued in $10, $20, $50 and $100. First National J Bank 7 OF COOS BAY , ;TriMwtfwwlr'.: n 57o " . . -".rtartliWI"". r' . - itllUUU" MV2J4 .ibwi- . i, fflrOTSSBSBaQ-M " aMiwlfnU!y n'EI1 y&t.' ,.Xj&) )) lK?' ci pss-3 I giVi r REHFELD'S FSffE Myrtle Wood Novelties KOIt KOUVKMUH .ii:wi:ii iioxkh, nut iiowijS, (uhi tiiayh, naukin iunoh, CANI'-S, (JI.OVIl A.M llANI)Kl:lClilKI, IIOXKS, TAHLKfl, (!li:STS, UIIAIHS, VKNKKU AM) LIOIIIKH IN TIIK ItOUGll. KiifM-liti Ordi-r Work a Specialty . l'liono 275-1. A N 8 C O Get Insurance that Insures That's the kind I write. You take no chances ' E. I. CHANDLER COKE BUILDING Klro Insurance, Life anil AreloVnt Insurance, Surety Honda, Ktc. CENTRAL AVENUE MUSIC STORE PIANOS, ORGANS, VICTR0LAS, RECORDS, SHEET MUSIC AND EVERYTHING IN THE MUSIC LINE We will be glad to arrange terms if you cannot pay all cash. Thomas Music Company Coiibolliliitlou of Wlloy II. Allen anil W. It. lluluesWublo Stocks ;( Central Avenue. JEWELRY STORE Phono lftl-Ii . i l& - - J. .ti- 'P II" . ii .a . HaAlA1 1 n" Star fi tun lurmounf. Int Court of Ik Initwit, 'dmima. fmlfic Ei petition 220 Con tral Avenue FILMS i ?