,0K2K1. mmM , $ I -I v S Wfi a M t m I i M m 3 n M ). n TWO 1SR?. MARIO KIHiVf myiitm: IIAItltlS.IIAItKKIt mtiMi: IS A Ceremony Takes I'lnee n( Itilde's Home In I'ciiuhile Honey moon nit Slllltll Coos Alfri'il U. Intlc nnd Myrtle lltirrl Darker wore married at noon loilny at tlm home or lliu bride's tnotlior, Jlra. W. 0. llnrrlB. In INjrndnle, Kov. 0. I.olloy I hill officiating. The wed ding en mo mi n surprise to nil ox ccpt a few Intlnmtc friends of the contracting pnrlles. Owing to tho rercnt death of the lirldo'H father, dipt. W'.C.IIiutIh, only inimcillnto friends nnd relative wore present nml litcludcil .Mrs. Carl .Mnlt Hon and .children, Mrs. V. C. Har ris nifd Mr. and .Mrs. Win. Kuffner. Mrs". A, K. llnle Is a well-known Inrsfjold man. Tlioy left on the I ltnlnbow this afternoon for A. I. Owen's summer home on South Coos Itivor where they will spend their lionoydiioon. Thqy were unnlilo to secure an nit to by phono and the groom started down! town to aecttro one. In the meantime, the hrldc caught a Jitney and cTtnttmown, riilsRIng her htts- lmnd nvlio was returning with a pri vate cjr. .,U.v upending up, they were flnnlly reunited nftor only n twenty nilnuto Hopcrntlou. Wed nt Powers Win. Preston and hrlile, who were mnrrlcd at Powers by nv. 0. I.olloy Hall, yesterday, came to Marshfleld last evening nnd loft for South Coos Itlver whero they will visit at tho homo of the groom's parents. SELL FAIR GROUND FOR LUMBER BILL Another Move Made In Connection "With IMablMiiiicnt of l!l Plant in Douglas Tolling of the salo of the Uoscbttrg fair grounds for tho u'uo of the Ken dall lumber mill tho Koseburg Ile ,vlow says: Stockholders of the Itosebtirg Park and Fair Association, at a special .meeting held at tho Commercial Club rooms, voted to sell tho fair grounds just enst of tho city for tho special purposo of n mill situ for tho Kendall Lumber Corporation. Tho vote on tho resolution Introduced for this purposo, In shares of stock of the Fair Association, resulted ns fol lows: Present, 'voting yes ,..".. a 20 1 , Present, voting no 307 Absont nnd not voting .... 171 " Total ; 3 1 nil Adoption of such u resolution re quired a favorable vote of two-thirds of tho entire stock of tho Fair As Hoelntlou. On this basis tho veto 'stood: Ttotnl vote In favor ... .ii'Jl s Necessary two-thirds ... Ill Oil m Net nialorlty In favor . . . is This majority of l'fi In u.ncchh of the neceHHay two-thirds, nil stock absent or not voting being recorded against the resolution. This meet ing, llko tho special bonding election held last Juno, shows an overwhelm ing Bontliuejit In favor of this big sawmill enterprise und vn railroad to tho National forest' leservo on the North Umpqua Hlvor. wiijij m: diplomat tji'midsoii of Filnco IIIsiiiukU Fin- . islus I'uhllo School W" ITtJ AuaiUtM I'rcu to Coo. Uj Tlmf.,1 11KUUN. Sept. 10. Piiiu-o otto Von JllBumrclr, urnudiiuii of the Iron inanceiior lias just piiHHeil liU pub- lie ucuooi exnminatioii nt I'lon. th most (unions or the I'iiishIiiii prepur ntory 'schools. lo expects to imIii. eato ljlnibclf ror the diploiuatb pro feusloi). M. BORN & CO. Chicago Tailors W E HAVE just received their blue hook of over thi'nn linnrli'rtrl samples to select from. . Thol'STlJ,0"11.'0.1:1;::. 1 mnn iAhr Mocirne n cmt nf.v,,,,l,v" lo ll1 "" v.1111 wnt-ii yuti,, style in both fabric and model will find his every wish and whim gratified in Bom's Blue Book. Come in and look it over. We guarantee a fit and quality. Prices from $15.00 to $40.00. Also a good line of heavy overcoating. W.H.DINDINGER&CO Bunker Hill Department Store I'llopt) ,'12 SHIPPING NEWS X $ NO NAVAL BOAT ! CAN COME HERE1 .Mi'sniKC I'limi Senator Siijh Xni'p Alt' Awilhihlc in Tithe Part In t'urnlwil According to a telegram recottcd ly Senator Chamberlain from Scr tary DmuIcIh of tho Nnty Dip if nient, there are no government thnm available for the llrltlgo Carnival nt North Demi October 7, . '. let ter containing a copy or the irlc gram wns received yoMonl t Hugh Mel.nln. v.onx. si:i:ks.ii:ttv Want Woih Tiiliou I'p Again Where Wits l.el'l Off Venrs Ago Coiiiiletlon of tho Ymiulnit lluj Jetty project, which was Interrupted years ugu after ?300,uo of an $l.-i UUO.OOO npproprlntlon had been o-' punuuii, is urgently sotigiu uy mu pert coniiuissiouers or .Newport ana Toledo. A meeting wus held at Newport it few nights ago which was attended by Representative- llawley and ex-Congressman Hlugcr Herman, who in l!70 secured the first ap propriation for the Yuqtilmi project whero there were three entranced to the harbor and but seven feet of wa ter at low tide. In 1S70 was tho first time the Jt ty system was tried on the Pacific Const and It was following this ex ample that the Columbia IMvcr and Coos Hay caino Into Hue. Ynuul.m .first nsks that a thorough survey of the hnrbor be made. oiii) kiuoati: is iiruxni) I'lKlitci- In Hie War of IKIU Fusses to Iftuoble Don 1 1, on .Mud Finis Htirned on 11 mud flat for her cop per rivets was tho Ignoble end of one of tho one time proudest ships of tho United Slates, tho frigate Inde pendence that started her career In the war of 1SI2 against Knglaud. Mnny pcoplo from Coos Hay hnvn seen tho old ship that for so long was used nl Mnro lslnnd as a receiv ing ship. Tho craft was recently sold by the government for ?3,r15.1ii. It was then tbwed to tho final resting ground and eroinntlou took plate. Tho Independence wns America's first flag ship nnd nt 0110 time cur ried 71 guns on threo decks. She 'wns dlsmuntlod nftor being brought to .Mure Island. Severn! old "landmarks" of tho first navy of Uiiclo Sam have passed recently. There wns tho frlgnto Constellation. She laid her char red bones on tho flnts near llelllng hitin not eight weeks slnco nnd men probed the ruins for tho copper. Tho 8I11110 fate ranio to tho l'onsacola, flagship of Admiral Farragut at Mo- 'hllo and now but very few of tho old ships roiunlii hi existence. All or llioin have been out of prnntlrnl use of a fighting naturo slnco IS70. ENGLISH PEOPLE PRACTICE ECONOMY IIiiiim's nil' .Iiiio riuliilly l'liiiiKlicil nnit .Many l.imiilcs nro Done Ahiij- Willi Illy AwtoUlwl 1'nxw lu Okm IU TIiuiw LONDON. Sept. i'l.-W'ar has had a HoborliiK tdfect on house iiittw 111 I'.iigiauu. lor one tiling olil cors on leato prefer liiiiuiuoeks to beds. The prluclp.il reason for this war-time siuipiieiiy, says the mini- M,.r l a West Knd luriiUlicd liouso. B u dioupiifw Fvery one has to icmuouiUo. expecinlly the newly luar rled ones. Kalxoiuliied wall, stained floors, i'iikh, slniplo liiriiliiii'ii nnd i iiiiinlulcHx windows nre lb fad of Sultan'n Cliuiieelloiy eabluot, jini the da lesHor of oceldeiital literature nnd - -! 'llimtoiy nt tho University of Con- MODEL CASH ERY eoc . TilC task Of finding SOUIC-lim .1. ca" on lLPTlni n VtUtlMbLtb FRUITS DRIED AND CANNED GOODS Everything the season and markets afford (JIVi: IS A Till L OltDFIl Free Delivery 86 COMMERCIAL ' AVE. PHONE 433 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, T WINIFRED WORTH I Crochet and Tatting Designs These Designs Arc Exclusive nnd Mnny of Them Are Here Published for X the First Time. The prrn Winifred Worth Crochet Hook Send 12 cents nnd the coupon and It's yours. Tnltlng Tovrol. A novel towel motif which brings Into tiso tho qtinlnt nit of tatting. i Makea un Vcry attrnctIroly. Detail of medallion. 1st How Mako ring 20 st. and 10 plcots, cloao ring and fasten thread. 2nd lion Mako ring 2 at., 1 p., 2 st., fasten to p. of ring first made, 2 st., 1 p., 2 st., close ring and turn. Ord Jlovf Mako ring of 4 st, 1 p., 4 Bt, 1 p., 4 st, 1 p., 4 st., close ring nnd repeat from 2nd row. Detail of Edging1 of Totting Towel. Mako ring 4 nt., 1 p., 4 st., 1 p., 4 st., clooo ring and fasten thread. Ttirn, mako ring 2 at, 1 p., 2 st., 1 p., 2 st., 1 p., 2 at. clooo ring, fasten thread. Turn, mnltn rlnrllttn flril unit fnslnntn i ,BBt p mdo on flrst rlng C,0E0 r,ng and turn again. Mako ring, 3 st., fas ten to last p. an small ring, 3 St., 1 p., 1 ot. 1 p., 1 St., 1 P., 3 st 1 p., l st. l Closo ring and fasten thread turn work repeat 1 bU rlug, turn. Mako small ring, turn. Make 1 at. ring. This completes the flrst festoon oontlnuo, always' having 4 largo rings on ono side, 2 email and 1 largo on tho other. This pattern made of linen finish cro chot thread Is vcry handeomo on scrim curtains. 99 e t suciaij camixdai: Fill DAY I'hllntheu Society nt Hap- tlst Church parlors. IliislnesH Meeting of l'nr- ents-Teacliera Club ot Fast- side. Kensington Club with Mrs. A. O. Ilogors. Lucky Thirteen with Mrs. H. Cameron. LIEUT. KITCHENER NEPHEW OF LEADER' Completes Coui'M) of Training mill (iots to I'riiiice to ICimngo In tho War tllj AwoclalP'I l'rci u cotii 1)1 7 Timet. LONDON, Sept. L'O.- Lleutenau' II. II. Kitchener, whose couimlssl'm bus Just been announced In (lit Ot llclal (lazette, Is a nepliow of Lord Kitchener. Llko his uncle, he mi" begun his military enreer with tho Royal Fuglueurs. Ho bus just mn- t ill . t itil !i i.nitl'izn ff hnnl ti'.'iiinn 111 ,..... .. - .. ... . ... ....... -, ... the 1101 th of Kugland nnd has .'oiu to earn his spurs In Franc'. fiirui.sli-(TURKS WILL STUDY THE GERMAN WAY Former Head of Sultan's Cabinet Cniiiiiiissloiieil by ('oxciniiicnr to .MitUo 'roue Ut AooiUIm! m-M lo (Voi Itnjr Tlmw. CONSTANTINOI'LIC. Sept. 1). Ilalld Slit Hey, former head of llio i-t.iniliHipJo mid well-known nt u Duel. Iui8 been eouimliwloneil by (In 1' . MMi Koverniuout to mako an ox tended trip thioiiBh Oeiiuany to "'Kl tlie hplrltiml, nrtUtlt', econoiii 11 u! mid kocl.il I lie of tho empiro. In hi imt he will visit all the ji-rimlpnl tierinlui cities and deviitu , i..' th tihir attention to (leiuiun fill- iu 'c. I llti trip Hill bate, houever. i pollili'Ml tilKnlflcame. for he v. Ill (oucern hlnuelf with uuetiiioiut lie day. HU InipreNslonu will ecorded both serially nnd in . oo; form on HU return, tln-oiiuh the TuikUlt Mlnlatiy of Fdut.u'on .VKW IHICOUI) .MAI Vbteiit of the .Miitteiliorn FuM Time Mndo in Illy Awo lale.1 r-ntw t runt IUy Tlm.l flWXUVA. Switzerland, 8pt. 80. A uw record of fonr hour and twenty minute for the uttcont of Ihe .Miitierhorn I rout Ze:nutt. has Just been entnblUlicd by tho prwl- J uent or the Mouto Curio Alpliw Club, .M. .1. jjaulltr uud.hU guide, lumlnii. The dement wuc niitUe iu I three imurm und fifteen minute. I'lin voi-ord hn been held by an I tlfli li ltil-l .iuie u i Times Want ads brius roBUlti. OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 19 15 EVENING EDITION.' caretramcsMnmnn contains these two braut'ftil We'll mall It direct to you. lSilf,)r';;::'::.'::::t:i Will ( ji:::KM:::!i:t:ni!K:KttHtni-s:jtv.itttv.iwr.vJ'irjat $ m (Inest Tonol Detail of Fillet Inser tion. Towel designs aro always appreci ated nnd you will not bo disappointed in the beauty of thin one. For tho 3 open meshes mnko chain MBmSMMSiL it-mtmrtwmw''ww-fwwtmwi: .' WVBEMIfr-WlD WDKTH DKUUHtl BUUK COOS BAY Send 12c and coupon to this pnper nnrn nroehpt llnnk rnntalnlnir I lie if interesting imtterns wllh full Instructions. This is ono of tho most completo AMR Iaddress , L WW-it4M14"M'll44MiMHtW4"14M4tlWH' i8mM&tiWMBmmmmwaims!& SIX BIG SPEC5A m mwJSBj if jBlSR For Saturday, Monday and Tuesday only: Ten piece?,, lliiee-(iinr(er Ladles' l."e anil 7-"c llitugii- tthllli I'eirnles, good iiml- lew Aii'ons; viulety of pal- ly. On hale nl " terns, on sale an per ynrd ib T.(j Ono lot of striped lllpplette (.a,.,li ,its( m (. m. C.epe; u,m lr.e. Ql s1, m,,ihk x,,w J'-b KMJIIT I'Olt OG One lot .'Men's .Suiiiiiiei' I'll- ilei'shjits mid Dinwers; food lions' Feienlo anil Cliiiui- tallies at ."lie. On OC, linly W.il-'is, il.le A Mile nl eni'li lJb Millie, only h THE FAIR. Satisfaction nltvayh Atr: S3f.r. I'oitcim 'io movi: ix fi;v days -WATCH SFXSATIOXAL S,l,l .lVKI!TISi:.Mh:XTS T.MOJHO' XKJHT The Parisian WARNING NOTICE TO AFTOMOItll.i: DltlVKIlS, MO. TOUCVCMSTM, MICVCI.ISTS AMI TCA.MSiTKHS. Driver of autotuoblloa, motorcy clists, bhyrlUlH und Toauister are hereby otflclully warned that the Btut mrletly comply with tho ordl uttitceB of the city of Mnrahflold res ulallnK traffic or they will bo arrest ed nnd dealt with according to law. Among the truffle provisions that will be unforced strictly nml whhh everyono uslnu; the ntreti should ob serve ure the following: Keep on the right side of tho street at all tme-. Keep within the 15 miles limit. TIaTo your I.F'rri'lt heads, bill liMd . iU , i Hotel nt Tim TIM I M e'fico, mUUIimWUM.lAiratWMWJIMMUOJUaH towel designs and a host of others. of 27 sts. Always retnomber to ch. fi nt the end of row. In one filled mcili thero are always 4 tr., in 2 there are 7, in 3 there nre 10. Follow design. Detail of i:uYc on Touel. Fill end wllh do., ch. C, turn Und ltow Mnko row of open meshes with 2 chains between each treblo. Ilrd How Same as necond row. 4lh How 4 de. In 1st open mesh, 1 p.. 4 dc. In next space, l dc. In next space, 1 p.. repeat to tnd of work, al ways making 1 p. over every other 1r. t'lh ltow- rii '. and si. tit. into treblo inlAtnl icot. Xotlco the chain of C fu:i i ver plcot mndo in preceding r.. Kiprat to cud of work, turn. Mm yfrciu.wify h''Amzmmffxmmvi'm i tun ltow 4 dc. ln.ch. of G, 1 p., 1 dc, 1 p., 4 dc. repent to end of work. This edgo cau bo used on drcssor scarfs, or can bo mndo by making clintu desired length, fill ch. with dc. nnd proceed from 1st row. TIMES nnd we will mnll you a thirty-four- nbOTO dcMLMi nna 1 ILT.elir lit Oilier 1 books on Crochet .Work published. f if STATE ................? LS AT Xet door to Climiillei' Hotel. or your money back Turn corners slowly. Slow down t crossings. I Auto owners mutt not have muf fler open. i Violation of these rules will result iu arrests nnd no e.cues ucceutel. liy order of W. CAUTI2U Chief of Police T. J. HC.UFK A. II. nODGIXS MarQhfiolfl PAINT AND IVlarSmiel(l DECORATING CO. Kstlitmtes Furnlstied I'lione Utl-lt. Murhlifiuld, Oroim WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood, por load $1.75 to a Alder wood, 16 to 24 inchos $2 to $2.."!0 Firo Unlivery W. II. MMIO IM'-n ""7 -J Nntli ri-Pt "' iSyRRXSSI (MSefi8ffifl5SS52SSj i, You want cigarette "comfort" Your "tendy" elgerotto moiit milt your own tttc, ofeoariM. WE li PetltniM) rny or tmy not do tlwt rou can't lull until you try thm. But In mldittan to tho tlfilit tBteyuwnt"COWlfOKT' too conifoit for th thrent and tongu and no "mn" feeling nftor unoklnic. You wantuSIiWrilBLttclgsretle. Test nny other clgnretto In the wciclil alongtWe cif lrtlmt nnd youll jto that Katiinns are tlm molt "comfartnbht" nnd " bfo" ciffrtt tht yvu ever Btnokcd. oZlfi fajfjftii vvt'tuco Or. . m EfAlrpF' 2 & Ifao TurltMi Blend GftuBlte' n 0 ZU tor ft LOW WEEK END IJKTWKUX MARSHFIELD AND Powlind $2.10 2.20 1 Baker Powers Tickets will bo sold between .Marsh- field nnd any of the above points at fares shown every Snturdny nnd Sundny. good for return Montlny following. CONVENIENT TRAIN SERVICE Further pnriitou'arrt front nearest Agent. e.j PACIFIC JOHN M. SCOTT. Genornl Passenger Agont. SOUTH COOS ItlVKIt IIOAT SLItVICK LAUNCH KXlMtFSS leiives Mnr.sbflclil every day tl n, in. Leaves lieail of river nt :t: 15 p. 111. STF.AMFK UAIXIIOW leaves liwul of titer dally nt 7 n. in. Leaves Mni'slifield ut ii p. in. For (bin ter apply on board. HOt.'KltS .V: SMITH l'loprletors arnKmrn JLL IIMM. PALACE rVIEAT MARKET THE BEST Meat Market THE BEST Meats THE BEST Bologna, Weiners and Pork Sausage THE BEST Variety. THE BEST Service. SOME NICE CHICKEN Phone 406 J Children calling and phone Koontz Garage Agency for 800DYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a, Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. PhonP 0'1 PARCEL POST We Pay Return Charges. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY sssrtmaassssifn AF1 lFJr& Wo are now tirnnnrn.l in fnnlol, from pile In our yard or lu carload lots, at. follow. ng prJcer Prom pile on ground, ?2.?5 per yard. . lUj, canoad lotB, Itetail C . A. Smith Lumber feMfg- OppoKlto I'ost-Offico. WeC arry All Kirds Of AT PRICES THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Drop in and order your Suml.iy Roast Tender, jiiirv and al a pric that wni ulcasoyou interprise Market I'OIt TIIIWIH! AXblT,1 AGI'i OF IKll M IKIM) GOOI-S FltUK.'IIT M HAGOACK 1 all . J FERGUSON TRANSFER I Hullo io;t Hesideino Phono uuj iMinket Ate. and Wnterfrtnt SAVE MONEY by ordering tho f,u,iuai HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, pur tun j)M I.ump coal, per ton Or hnlf ton of botli . j,;j I). Ml'SSO.V, 1-rop! I'liono If-.I or Icatc orders tf IIfll)erV fJuur Wore. 0'004nnHH ' 1 1 WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer 666mttmi DRY WOOD I CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Strwt I I 'hone ;t7IU MERCHANTS CAFE Popular riitto for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial mid Il'dity WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Mason, 680 12th Courth. So. PhoneKM THE BEST Booth's Fresh Oysters THE BEST Delivery Ser vice. THE BEST Care taken in putting up orders. FRYERS FOR SATURDAY 1 80 No. Broadway orders given special attention YOUR LAUNDRY Prompt and Efficient Service V iUfl Utlet nnivitr. In aD? u takon from cars, JJ " ' Department. phonf 'WFi'K EB3SKSl2