v I I TWO 7 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, WB 23, 1 915 EVENING EDITION ROCKED ON BAR VVGfjK FOR BID People You Know Ab out GUR J-AILtll SHIPPING MEWb i i KKNATOItlAIj IttllTV DKOIJXKS jinm:k invitation ino imoruirr into j.isi: say AIMIKltKNTS I'onI master HiikIi iWrlniln Intimates , 'Xiiif-o of SoHhii'lnios Ni'iiatui' i Limo Leutes Coos Hay i:pcrt Slinrp Till In December Klec- (Ion Claim .Matter iw li.v no .Means Dead Issue .ijs.-Ssr-'',URBr STATHMSUm Adherents of the bniul nre employ tup Imsv tlnvs. Tliev snv that iles- I'lana of Senator Lane and several pIt(, U0 V)tc of tll0 c(y cotlndl tlu. member? of the Port Commission , movo to hnve a imincpai organlza to tnltVlilhncr hbdnrtl the) bar dredso t,on of ,migIc )g by ,10 menng ,icnd, aiichlc yesterday at noon were sad- ln fnct , just stnrtlng and that by dunjjj qhaiiRed after the party H:idia ,nc,s u measure will be before spent .some tlnio ln traversing Iieth0 1)C0,i0 tlio December election BWoDs.out at the end of tho jetty in .,0 ,)Ul tMt, Coog Ua. Concert Hand the- Jlttle gasoline schooner Tramp, i)ilcl onto tne ,,,, ncctfrdlilB to PostninBtcr Hugh Mr-, ir,,ptlL:ill v all oruanlzatlons of the Lain, who said that ho sat on mo ,i,y U10 i,L,nK biouglit Into line It Isj shore to' watch' the procedure. aat u,c purpose being to Interest. On leaving Jlnrsliflelil ln n inn- exprv citizen Hi the struggle. I chino for tho new Llfo Otiaril titn- xiiey point out the argument of tlor. on Charleston Hay the pla.n 'prcd Wilson heforo tho council on ' wore nil inntlo to enjoy tho hospl- Monday night in which ho said thnt ' tility of Captain Polheinus on tlu iinrry Kimball, tho day previous to dredge nt noon. Mr. Mcl.aln, while hs election, said he favored tho ho dd not openly uccuse anyone of'i)an,i anl then n few days ago said' getting seasick, said that they at that the people didn't know what, least seemed to lose enthiiBlusin they wanted but needed someone to about tho noon-timo lunch. And on guide them. thp'ptlier hnnd the Port Commission- Mr. Wilson snld then that former- crB point out that the Postmaster 'ly such a stnnd had to be coiiiitennii- fcll by ho . wayside before "ceil but that there Is now a recall ho got started and oven refused to act for such contingencies. touch foot aboard the little Tramp With the final vote standing three when 'sho was far Inside the hnrbor. i to three .Mayor Allen had been there Tho Airty to the lower bay wnscould not have cast tho deciding vote made up or Senator Lane, Postmns- or the expenditure called for would tor Hugh Jlel.nln, Peter l.oggle, A. 'have required nn ordinance and a II. Powers mid Henry Scngstackcii. 'three fourth voto of tho council. .Jelly Is Needed. , Little more has "been said nbout a Need of a long Jetty In front recall. Tho eouncllmen say thoy of tho I-lfo Guard station and fnc- have done exactly as they think best. ing on the water close to tho bar Is According to tho present Indications no apparent, said Senator l.nno yes- tho matter will bo settled by the lml tcrday on his return, that he will by ' lot in December. nil means advocate the further sums 'lKA I) 1CI.KS that will bo necessary. This has 'ADD OX SUHMAU1XI3 been estlmnted at about $1000, In-! '& Machinery eluding the Jetty work and the walks r- Vo "l"3"1 Uvo ,10Mra at tho wid fills about the station build-! "'' J'"1'1 lloro tm,,iy "l'cclinB ! 1BB. I marines and tho latest forms of innr- Ho said the money had been ap- ln0 mnclilncry. Ho was shown preprinted In tho original grant and through various departments and thcro was no reason why It alioiild t ken Into tho aiilimarliio K-n. not bo exi.otidn.i nrrnriiiiiL. .i. ' Every detail of tho craft was ex- plans. Senator Chainherlnln, when t"lnlnctl to "l0 rannufneturor. but It. ho'ft B.Jy. days ago, expressed tlie .'wns Il0t submerged. Ho also n-j buiuo opinion and tho belief la that 8,cctc- two other flubmarlnes eu p- enough money will bo now available ,CK w,, a'K,U . , 7,. UlYCIllCIl ny 1 milium t. r.iunuji. Xol to Kullil Now At tho conclusion of tho trip Ford CLARA Willing (o Take Couple Out Hut He lused to Tie the Matri monial Knot I I.IKl'T. DODO, 1'. S. X.. WANTS ; MST OK 1,01'AI, COXTItACTOHS Cnpt. Peter Olson, master of the1 gasoline schooner Hustler, has a rop. ., ,,.,., ((, HImt n(ls () XoH. illation for courage In handling hi. wireless Station Officers Toll boat and performing his duty as n of h,.,.,.,,,!,,,, t.,.0 mariner, but now comes a good story of how tho captain Piully balked Xuniea of local contractors who KTUAMSIIII' SAIUCD l-AST VA'IU XlXtJ I'Olt TIIH SOITII Dclajcd In lllsclmrglng Ktrlulit Slilpnirnl Carries Passenger lt lle.ivy (iood Delayed somewhat from her l'CK- When a young couple wanted to go would be willing tq submit bids for,ular sailing time In discharging and to sea to wed he was perfectly will Ing to cros the bar and brave any kind of weather but he flatly refits-1 ed to perforin the wedding cero jnony. Tho story Is told In tho fol lowing telegram from Cold Heach: j "What promised to bo a highly! romnntlu elopmtnt here wns narrow ly averted by the timely Interven tion of tho maiden's father. Oladys ' Miller, tho lC-ycar-oId daughter of A. S. Miller, n prominent ranchyr the erection of a wireless station! taking fi eight aboard the steamship hero Is asked lu a letter reclved this I Santa f'laui got nny shortly nftor morning from Motitonnnt K. II. Dodd, of Marc Island, who Is radio filler of the Paclric coast. That tho Xavy Department has formally san ctioned tho station for Coos Hay Is the tone or the letter for talk Is made or hurrying the building through us soon as possible. KesultB of the special attentions given Lieut. Hlankenahlp and .Mr. residing near Gold Heach, nnd I-'rod t llaiiscoin when they were here look Hogo, n fishermen employed at the lug for n site, have been leaped In Seaborg cannery, were principals In full. When they left the men ex the episode. pressed themselves ns very much "Iloge and his Intended bride at- pleased; tholr report to the govern tempted to gain the consent of tho. incut was satisfactory and at the girl's parents to an immediate mar-'end of his letter Lieut. Dodd adds, rlage, but wero told that they must J "Kindly remember me to -Mr. Seng walt until next Spring. The parents slacken, and Mr. Hlankenshl) and .Mr. Hnnsconi desire to bo remem bered to all the good people whom they met during tholr recent visit." As soon n the names of local con tractors, are recehed they will bo forwarded to Washington with the recommendation that they bo first considered in figuring on the new station. Asks for Dcmt1iIIoii Lieut. Dodd has asked for a deed. had decided to send the girl to Rose burg to attend school this winter. "I'pon the arrival In Hogue Itlver of the gas schooner Hustler, llogo Interviewed Captain Peter Olson nnJ tried to prevail upon Olson to take him and Miss Miller out to sea be yond tho three-mile limit nnd there 'perform the coreniony. Captain Ol son was entirely willing to take the couplo to sea, but balked at perform ing tho wedding corcmony. It was arranged that llogo should procure a preacher to perform tho coreniony and have him aboard tho boat at '2 o'clock Friday afternoon. "The news In sonio manner reach ed Mr. Miller at his ranch. He Im- ii '10 last evening for Kurelm and San Francisco. Sho cnino In short ly after noon. Her passenger Hat south wns unite largo. The outgo ing passengers were: II. Kudol, Mrs. i::iit Mcdiirkiy, Mis. May Hello MHiurkoy, Lilly .Tor dan. Mrs. J. V. Fuller. Mrs. M. Dn veys. Miss S. Daveys, Mario Daveyj, Paul Daveys, A. Daveys, Kmiuolt Davoys. II. (liinnell, Jtalph Ul.iko, Miss lCva Harbor, A. W. Hussell, It. .1. Diivman, It. FInneal, Mrs. A. O. Monkhouso, .Mrs. ('. I. Helgaid, Mrs. Vorst, Hen Fisher, X. L. Hoi chart. It. .1. Howard, .1. McXiiughton. .1. .lones, M. !:. Stroniberg, Fred llnworth, Joe Hall, Miss II. Olson. !:. Longl. F. It. Thomas, C. I). Thomas, W. It. Capps, Mrs. Capps, C. F. Frlck, Mrs. Frlck and seven steerage. ! WATERFRONT NEWS On her way from Allegany with it scow Amd of horses last night tho an abstract of title, photographs of ( KtisolIiie boat Mllllconm broke her tho slto and Its topography together ; ,.rn. 8i,aft nil was towed to Mnrsh wlth a complete description of the, fii,i i... , riHliormoii. Tmlav tho all steamer Alert was on tho run, spick and span In her new paint. Word has been received hero that to make the station u beauty spot t In tho lower bay. 't Had HO Foot of Water. i four aero tract on Coal llvuik Inlet and In the Hcyuold's Addition, Tho fact that matters are being pushed, minus tho usual government-1 the Btenni schooner Thomas L. Wand mediately mounted a saddle horso al red tape. Is shown by tho fact that' leaves San Francisco on Sunday for and whllo Mrs. Miller telephoned , tho offieor wishes all papers sent ill- Coos Hay, bringing rrelght. Sho Shcrirr Halloy to stop tho runaways, rectly to him nnd not to tho Xavnl!wm Hocure n lumber ciiiko for her Department, thus leaving the Maro return. Island station frco to cope with the1 Hound ror San Francisco tho Tho Tramp tuok the party oiilt ovor tho bar. The statesmnu saw , directly what Ib being ilono thoro ' 'anuouueed that he did not expect to build any submarine In tho near future, nnd that ho was still a strong peaeo advocate. and found that now there are ;io leet, ,of watijr o tho, bar at mo.in I low tide. Ho was very much ideas-! ed with tho report. I County Seat Xonx Told in Herald Is Own Cliauffeiii' Doing his own chnuffeur Sena tor Lane was busy yesterday nfter- XKWS OF COQlMliIiK or Thai Place ho galloped his horse at top speed to tho wharr at Wedderburn. "-Mr. Miller succeeded lu reaching the dock lu time to stop tho proceed ings. Tho girl returned home with her father under protest." Mrs. L. M. Brown, who recently noon, Just bororo starling, tylna; par-1 purchased tho Vondoino lodging and eels and Bull cases all ovor his Ford ' apartment nouso from . u. ucg mnchlno, having a bit or baggage lmi'" ,1,,s c8ol tlio name to the Tor every avallablo spot, leaving the "Hrowstor" and has added a dining seats freo for tho five Members of room orvlcc his family who wero with him. I Sum Sl0,ll mul aupervlsor In the Ho says that on the entire tilp ' -McKlnloy district, Is spending a fow they have had no inaehlno trouble. ' t,,,ys , tow " ,"lttli;sS' Uo fal,'8 II.. wimioil (. t-,.1 ...it i ii.,.i..... considerable damago Is being done to before the rains nun... bat l..y .,Ki.i I tl10 l,lllllk road" ln ,i1b '"strict by found hllil stopped lu Coqulllo. Mo Is on his way to Klamath Falls be fore returning to Portland. Ueckless automobile speeders. I .1. W. Whlckcnr, tin attorney of( j Attica, Ind., was In town. Ho Is making a tour of tho coast mid inatlei 'the side trip in from Hosehurg toj I look over this section. Ilo wns COMMERCIAL MUSEUM Tfl RC CQTAPI ICUCn much pleased with Coiiulllo and ox ZLZT il'iossed an Intontlon of coining here Uulvci-Mty of Oiegnn Has Stalled Xool Plan Which Will he of deal. Benefit I to locate. I M. M. Young Is giving up the Ilax-1 tor hotel, nnd posbovslon will bo transfered to Clius. Baxter within EIH1KNK, Ore.. Sept. I'll. Ai ll"' "r tw"' Mr- Yo,,l,K "d conuiiorclal niuseuiii of the IimIiim- to 'uHiv from tlio biuliiosH lor aj trial products of Or.-uon haw i,uuu , time at leiiht ami will miiko aeunvusi undertaken hv the Deprtnient r , r Douglas county with the chair ta-. mo lor wiiieu ue uas me ageiiL.v, i PRICE OF LEATHER BEING KEPT DOWN Commerce of the State nulveihlty. which Is asking every locality to wend to Kugeiio the following: 1, A list of all liiamifiu't mil's, a sketch of tho ilovolonnunit of imcIi and tho outlook ror each, value of I .Members of Faiiuei-' IVdoniUoii ' plant and output, and nmrkots and . SIbii " Agreement Xot lo Ail- j possible markets. "Wo want facts, anco Past Certain Point and not the extravagant claims often . Indulged lu to tho ultimate detriment 'of Industry," says tlio school of i commeiTo letter. This letter Is I being soul to every coiiimiiiclal body III Oregon. !.', .Samples of iiuiimfactiii'eil products; or, If not feasible, wim ples of tho inatorlals, with appro priate Information. .'!. Samples of minerals and other natural products (hat hao possibilities of commercial develop ment.' The purpose In establishing; u per manent comnierclal museum is to' acquaint coinmorco students mid visitors With the stale's rosoiirces, nnd to 'build up a center of prac tical 'commercial knowloiltto. Tho now school of commerce Is headed by Dr. I). W. .Morton, who cmuo this Soptoniber from the school of coin, merce of the I'nlverslty of WIscoh slu. Uyos luirt? See Cross. Birch at lied ll Am. Ulvil I'ri'i". la I'uun l4) Til"''- I l.OXDOX. Sept. L'0. After pro- traeted noiiotltitloiis, the British War Office has concluded mi agree- ituoiit to prevent further Increnhos lu I tho price of leather. The agreement in signed by tho I'ulted Tanners' I Federation mid provides that max imum prices for tho present year Uliall not exceed an udxnuce or ton Iter cent on tho whole hide on prlios current In May. Tho War Office lu n clrtulnr ex plaining the agreement announces to contractors haWng iirmy eiders that "tho Department expects to be given by luniiufactiirors tho full benellt or this leductloii on present prices, i and looks to maiiulactiirors to see that they theinsolvos get it from tanners or dealers." IS KXHOXKBATKI) There Are Xo Charges Against Hose burg Indian Agent HOSUBima, Ore., Sopt. 23. Soveral weeks ago complaints wero riled ngalust II. (5. Wilson, or tho local Indian agency, charging irreg ularities In sovoral matters pertain ing to his official duties. Sonio of these charges were of a serious na ture, and If sustained would prob ably have resulted In his removal from office. An investigation was taken up by the authorities and the matters rorerred to wero thorough ly examined. Mr. Wilson was of ficially advised today that no proof was found to sustain tho charges mid therefore they wero dismissed. O " . "" Mfl SOCIAL CALKXDAB TIIUUSDAY O Xorth Bond Fplscopal Guild with Mrs. C. M. By- lor. Mlnno-Wls Club with Mrs. K. A. Harris. Kastsldo Sowing Club with Mrs. S. F. Bock. A. X. W. Club with Mrs. II. Qulst, hostess at Klk- rock Lodge on South Coos Hlvor. Mrs. F. K. Gettlus ror Mrs. A. T. Stelner of Salem. Fit I DAY Phlliithea Society at Bap- list Church parlors. Business Meet Ing or Par- ents-Teachers Club of Fast- side. Kensington Club with Mrs. A O. Honors. Lucky Thirteen wHu Mrs. 1-J. Cameron. project. It Is snld that .lohuson, Larson and Payne have already sent lu ror information, nnd also the contract ing firm of R. I. Hlvenrs, or Portland. STRIKE MAY HAMPER SHIPS TO LOCAL PORTS steamship Santa Clara sailed down about ii:,10 last evening. WARNING NOTICE Marconi Wireless. Operator-; t'nlim Calls illnlt Demand Cnlon Becogititlou, High Wages A strike of Marconi operators on coastwise vessels has been called TO Al'TOMOHILi: DltlVKKS, MO TOItCVCLISTS, BICVCLISTS AND TKAMKTKItS. Drivers or automobiles, Motorcy clists, bicyclists and teamsters me hereby officially warned that they must strictly comply with tho ordi nances of tho city of Marshllohl roK j Dialing traffic or they will ho arrest ed and dealt with according to law. Among the traffic provisions that from the headquarters In San Fran-1 will ho enforced strictly and whioh dsco and. according to reports from ' evoryoiie using the streets should oh- mere, already many operntoi.i hive ; servo nro tho rollowlng: quit work, stopping as their ships Keep on the right side of Uiu como Into Port. It is posslblo that stieet at all tlmos. the ships plying Into Coos Bay, car-) Keep within tho !" miles limit, ryiug wlreloss equipment, may bo i urn corners siovviy. Slow down nt crossing. Auto owners must not have Muf fler opon. Violation of these rules will rosult lu arrosts and no excuses accontod, By ordor ot .T. W. CAHTUIl Chlor of Police I seriously hainperoil. I Tho men claim that thoy arc get jtlug wagos that range from $'.Tt up 'to $.0 a month. They nsk $CD monthly and $50 for tho second op erator aboard t-hlps. Also tho union must ho recognized. I ' As the men quit tho company Is lie. lug hard put to It to secure other : operators, of whom there are not many lu the field. Tho Inw roqulros 1 passenger ships must curry wireless mid operators. A similar strike. called lu 11 15! was a failure. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PARENTS OF SCHOOL CHILDREN WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Courtli. So. Phone 220-Ri"ri..g u t The Tm.es ofn,,.. Parents iho Uilnk lliolr children lime been oierchargoil for school books or supplies at Norton ,v Han son's .stationery sloi( are reqiioNleil lo pul the complaint In writing ami ww vwmrn ww mfm .-. .-. THI.il. wjncMnm oi KuaxniFiwwnMMiU 3 E j aarau-racgRibiaaai IN EVERY lR&!i DROP" ie liu iv i 17 -i-TI vixuas SKLLIXG GOODS Tho big probloin lu selling goods is gettlug tho customer Into tne store. Coos Bay Times adu will liolp you solve this probloin, iiityour Black Silk T Stove ' Polish il not onty p.nst niNnpm c 1. 'n tp inl'rMU unt ilk hixtr t'i ii u i e v pili, r iv, Uh. HI ,,(.- b , l ill r : ii nn ii ij.i, i iiml.mi 1 1 im, nry ltav ,.lli , rkt ! I If I, r I lwt-t I 1 n jr 4 , r . ik i h r 1 1 r U i-in a, I Mil I , c I i f .. ,hIi h. i.i r ii ' i ,k.iri,.Uriui.J j r in , niacU S.'k Slovo Polli! Wall,, ftcr' ns, JIIihok. I 111 l' LA rrtit.nv. r 111 I Moii'h Begal Shoes, $l.nn, ..-..(to, f?5.no. Oordon'fl Shoo Store. . Niito your I.KT'l'KIt heads, bill DIt. It. K, KKIrV, Dentist, HOI bends, etc,, printed at TlUC TIMK8 CoUo IMilg. Phono 112-J, 'office. ' IMli.ll lSO ' ' ''V' ." p i , -" i 'ill- i i I r In,, ti Il'irk Silk Mrui Pnl. You may not need a large order of Job Printing now but you can place an order for any amount you wish . We take care of the small order as well as the large one k Let us furnish your printing needs fc You will appreciate the service as well as the quality of our JOB PRINTING PHOK. HICI1AHDS wont down, to Baiidou this morulngr. On Tues day he kInos a benefit concert ror the city library. Thin year they opect to secure a llritniilcu Kn Odopodla and last year thoy ro ceived from a similar concert 11(5 volumes on muslrnl subjects. MI??. Ma'hY A. MAXNMNO. of Ala meda, Cnl., haa arrived lu fit, rilj to visit her daimhtor. JIm, Addison Cook. She formerly resid ed In Coos County mid Is well Known to many ot (ho oldo- n.'fl dr.uls. Mrs. MiiuuiUK w uccoin ;iauled lo .Miii'shrielil by Miss Lll l!t Cool;, who was vlsltlnj? In California. J. W. MOThl'V. or the Chamber of Commerce, hatt jjono up to otini nor to spend part of his vacation wlin' his brother. C. U. YVIUCiIlT, Movernnienl eiiKlu oer In eharno of the jetty work at Dilution, together with Yorlln Parker, Is over outfaced lu work ing out soundings on the Coos Buy bar, In tho Tramp. tup: iti-:r. katiiioh modhvitt m- turned yesterday from n visit to Canllner and I'lorence. Ilo eanio throiiKli from the latter place ov er the mall road because of tho tlllt) Btairn fl... .. "" ol,cr ,,!i 5. 0118 " driving 5?' ,lol,lrn "'tlnB on ! ,'f tllltO fctiiirn i. a KtDton. ,111 -j '- !". a formers man and ,nw,orJ ,. " wn, Where bo - SP(,llr" ,C ClothiiiK stnro -mn t AMONG THE SICkI Woilt an i,i.r.mn.. -. .. """Mj "vl In ,. i.nn, ,;j iris :;:r -v. Mrs Al.r,,, VarrelraanMICe 'liner, lint. I..IK iwupmw' operation r t,(,veral " tho Mercy ii.isnii.ii n..., J" leave for her lomc, '"J Tho lltti,, dau; hfir of j, Men. A I.- m lr ! : " u"u as qui;, u, last nlKtit wiiii ii,i.ii.., . .. Mrs. Hohcn Harris. Kolh( Mrs ( ,.rK. IMlnes, , C0D er ;WU,k. .m...'.ta,J iiiii nuv i, .,,ti,i!&., Ofls: :. '. '& "vp.s &.2lJ iv-.i rm:Jm r" er,;-'u'ijjfl 'iiiiiua' -..'".' - i wtt -'."" i m; vmmim "Mi y-ai..'s-4,Twr :. I KXrM fVflfcW i . : ! - '., J , - . .', liy vii-i v. j. J Two Operations at the Cost of One "With I lie Ijiicsl modol of CI as Haiigoyou coikIiicI 1vo optM'alioiis wit Ii but oiil1 liuriuM'. The really economical way to use Ilic new (las ftiovo 'is lo use tlio oven and broilcp fop cvop.v )ossil)lc op cratioii. You may halve bread, cako or biscuits in Hie oVen wJiilo your meat is broiling below. Ga s ore Economical Than Ever It is the "knowing how" which mala"? the modern (las Stove the most econom ical and convenient, range for ou. AVc will be glad lo explain main other met bods of gelling the most out of your range. Won't you drop in soon and let us explain the many new features found in (las Uangcs. Oregon Power Company fsssismssasstasssa GRAVEL' (lHJtrt" Wo nro now nrnnnrnil tn fnrnloli nUAVRIj In &DT from pllo in our yard or in carlond lots, at following P'l,: From pllo on ground, 2.?5 per yard. )unu, ja.ve per yara. canoad lots, taheii from carB, ?2-00 ?" ; Itetall Departiuont. i'! C A. Smith Lumber &Mfg. PI n..nti, it.ri rbont'1 3S&33XEEm?3mXmZXSSBSnmtS8!&8i Times Job Dept. PHONE 133 H3MMmttz5 lnJMraM I Opposito Tost-Offlco. liaiBiHVW igBtwrnwiyy? More Reason to Push Harder roSEESEEH W Speaking of business conditions recently AVanamaker said: .., 'JVijile today are buying only fom't" V ltjod, automobiles, wearing apparel ana s "Thoy nro buying the first became the. n oat to live; tho 'second bocauso thoy vo c!" and shoos and clothing been use ih?y im,st idaced." Then he made tho tolling point that if ijg facturers cif other lines are to mn't t1ls ticii they must push harder. nniKoi They must follow I ho aggressive mctiM Uic large stores. Tin t ihu.st advoiiac. : l'"MiwwwnSa jg I SHRC