V1' ,.IV - f- vnm -( L " r ,ir.i .,,,." Mutv.l. ' "1iM.iAwiM.M." !' t' 1 1 1 1 iCMBiinit Mn.i. j , fyn fm tA i vJ I "fT ' ? '- i ""-- '' jsi mwt YOU ALfi MAKE FRIENDS RAPIDLY WHEN YOU ARE MAKING MONEY THAT WAY Coos Bay Times Your Paper The Cmi Bay Times It proud of Its title "The I'ooplc'a Paper," nd it strlvei nt nil times to live up to Its iinmo by do voting Iti energies to promoting tlio people' interest. A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmt'a what tlio Ooos Bay Timet la. A South west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon people (nil dovotcrt to the best Interest of thin grout lection . The Time hrw boosts nnd aterr knock. it micmhkr op this assoclythd phkss i. r . g;j5?3K3raSHKfflKSjs2 SWIggK anJae,ipieffiF3HPiii, j fit ,IifflMliiiaaitewAj MYS CHaoB mmtB Vol. No. XXXIX. il. S. BOATS Nil I TO BE IfflC Germany Says Instructions Are Given Commanders Not to Destroy American Boats ASSURANCE TO SHOW FRIENDLY ATTITUDE Latest Note to United States on Sinking of tho Fryc is , Made Public WILL ARBITRATE TREATY The American Suggestion fop the Naming of Kxperts tit 11 (ho In. dciiiuity for tlm Slwimor l-'rjo ' Ih Accepted hy (ernuitiy U. S. CAINS IlKJ diplomatic victory (Hy AftKOrlntcsl PrrFM tn Cmm liny Time. 1 4 WASHINGTON, I"). C. Sept. 23. Gormuny'H note on tliu sinking of tlio Will- In in I'. Fryo. nindo public toilny hy tho Stuto Depart- incut (IIhcIoro an important diplomatic victory for tho Pulled Stales. tlly AnocllJ rrm to Ivui nay TlmM.l WASHINGTON, 1). C, Sept. 23. Germany, In tho latest note in thu Fryo rase, made pnhllc today, noti fied tho United States that orders IiikI heeu Issued for "(lerinan navnl forceH not to destroy American mor t'linntmeut which have loaded con ditional contraband, oven when tlio rendition!) of International law aro present, hut to permit thorn to con tinue their voyage unhindered if it Ij not possible to tuko them Into port." To Show Good Feeling jTho nolo buj'b Ciormany gavo this assurance "In order to furnish to tho Amurlriiii govornniont ovldenco of Its conciliatory attitude,'' whllo tho ipiestlon or Interpreting tlio treaty of ISL'S Is Huhmlttcd to arhltration. Tlio American suggestion for nam ing of experts to fix tlio Indemnity for the sinking of tlio Kryo wns ac cepted. About Contiulmud As to absolute contraband, such bh arms and ammunition, (lormauy Milieu in tho note "must roscrvo to Itself tho right to destroy vobsoIh carrying nhsolnto eontrnband wher eier hiicIi destruction is perinlssablo, arcoidlng to the provisions of tho declaration of London." Itegnrded l-'n orably Tho (Ionium notu is regarded by officials as evhlonelng n more M f frlendlr spirit, following months of strained relations between tho two countries, It wub received as a cry favorahlo development. U prac tically Insures American vessels HKalnst attuilt wlthoul. warning, and even in the event they aro carrying absolute contraband, tho pasEongora and ciew are bound, according to the declaration of London, to bo remov ed before there Is any destruction which can occur only In tho event of extrenio necessity. lOI(i;iO LANGl'AGr I'AI'IIIIS STWD IlIJIIIND I'HKSIDKNT A".sninnco Oi-en That Association Did Not Ask llryan to U on 1'eaco Mission III AisocltteiJ nrM In Coot Bty TlniM.J WASHINGTON, 1). C, Sept. 2:!. I-ouls N. Ilanunerlln, president of the American Association or Foreign l-angiiftgo Newspapers, called at tho WJilto House to assure President Wilton that his organization has nothing to do with tho representa tions of Dr. William Forgo that tho editors of foreign newspapers In this country wanted William J. Bryan to go ahead to work for peace. lJr. Forgo saw Bryan recently to extend such an Invitation. Hammer ling declared Forgo does not repre sent his association. Ho said tho association stood behind the Presi dent and would do nothing to. em barrass him. Heaver Till roai, $."!..".0 n ton. M'Eli MeLnhi, I'hono am. SUPPORT WILSON Established 1878 As Tho Const Mall. ) t U. S. CONSULATE STRUCK RY QHPI I u 0,u! tlljf Asnm litcl I'rcfs In (o6 Day Tim 1 V t WASHINGTON, Sept. t X The American consulato X at btuttgart, Germany, 2 X was struck by the frag- t mentof a shell during the X X recent raid upon that X t place by French airmen, X according to a message t X from Consul Higgins, Ho X X said no one in the Con- X X sulato was injured, but X t'dlcl not indicate whothor X X Ihc building was greatly X t damaged, RT KOIt.MKIt COOS IIAV MA.V VICTIM OC I'OUTIiAXU AITO ACCIDIIXT SiiMiiIiih llroUeii Ih'ji When Iltuey Hun Injures I'ho I'asseiigei'M Special to Tho Tillies.) I'OULANI), Sept. l!:i. Swinging his small jitney bus Into too short a turn at Nasi Fifth street and Iloll aday avenue In order to avoid a col lisslou with another car, George Vale overturned the ear. I'lvo peoplo were painfully Injured. T. Henry HradHhaw, his wife and their daugh ter, Hilda, wore painfully brulsoM and cut, .lako Goldie, proprietor of Goldlo's buffet, L'S7 Alder street, suffered u broken hip. Vak was cut about the head. I,lcd 11 .Mai'nhfleld Jako Goldlo was formerly steward at the Mllllcouia club In Mnrshflcld, later nt Tho Chandler bar, wuh a member of the Mnrshflcld baseball team a couple of hciisoiib and left about four years ngo to locnto In Portland. GHER Vtimioicx gkt .moid: in on THAN IN Plti: VIOL'S YK.U Dcpai'lmeut of libor Makes llcpoit As Itesult of InvcMlgatlou of the Union Scale (Dy Auoclated Trru to Loot Day TlmM.l NIJW YOIIK, Sept. 23. -Tlio Do partinont of Labor today mailj pub lic tho result of tho inquiry Into tho union snilo of wagoa an I hours of labor for 'J" of tho principal trndeu In 11 cities, as prevailing In May 1911. Tho avurago raw of wages- per week for all elllen taken colli ellvely was higher May I, 101 i than May 1, 111111. for 7.r. Jl I ho tn.dos reported. In 17 Ihoro va3 no ehango and lu only ono wan It lower. MEETING CLOSES watch I'owKit co.thm:xci: at I'oiiTiaxD is ovi:u Passes Itesoliitlons Calling TP'Hi tongiess tor Ihiaetnieiit In llel.i- Hon to Public Uses or Land Illy AJUoclitM rrMi to Coon llay TlmM.l P ItTLAND, Sept. 23.At tb, clo.dng suesIou of tho Westefi Valor Power Conference hero to da resolutions wero ndopted call ing upon Congress to pass a declar ator act recognizing that tho pio piluinry Intorests of tho United Stntes 1o vacant land within -itater la pubject to tho jurisdiction and eminent domain of tho states lor all uses declared by theso laws to bo public uses. A mlnoilty report on tho resolu tion Introduced into tho committee by Senator Walsh of Montana, was made. Tho report embodied tho principle of Federal control and gavo approval to tho Ferris bill. The majority report .was presented by Senator Smoot of Utah. Wire nails, base $2.ZU keg cash. Maishfield llardwnre. Kyes hurt V.. See Birch at l'.cd Cross. fijeidniin concert, Cii. Lve. Tick ets nt Lorkhnrt.Pnrsons, J50 fcnt. WAGES H MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SAYS CARRANZA IS HATED MAN Garza Says His Recognition by American Nations Will Bring Anarchy in Mexico WANTS TO FURTHER CONVENTION PLAN Plain That Villa Supporters In tend to Put up a Strong Fight for Their Side ARE NOT TO BE LEFT OUT Will bo Against Any I'laii That Does Not Iteeogiilo Villa P'olloulug ns 11 Kui'tnr Claims That Carrau- vu Is not Capable of Killing ttly Auoililnl l'rra4 to Coot liny Time WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. 2,1.--Publication today of a warning by Hoiiie Gonzales Garza that re ig nition of Cnnaus'.ii by the American nations would bring on anarchy In Mexico, l.i ought sharply to the -it-Icutloii of Washington, tho fight tho Villa olei..ent Is expected to ninko on any Mexican pacification plan that doi i not include Villa's supporters as possible factors. Wants Convention Gar.a, who was at ono tlmo pres ident of Hie convoutloii, Is hero to forwaid the peace convoutloii plan which tho Villa and Zapata elements iitcepted at tho Invitation of tho Pan American conferees. Snj.s CaiTniia Is Hated. Do says Carranza, next to Ilucrta, Is the most hated man In Mexico, a'.il predicts that If he Is recogn'zed, ho would prove his Incapacity In u mouth. TAKE ZACATECAS viMr i'ohcks hi:pouti:d POSSESSION OK PLACK Leader Is Itepoileil on Good Author ity Today l llato Airhetl at Inure. VILLA KKPOIITHD AT .H'AltKX NOW KL PASO, Sept. 23. Villa reached Juarez today accord- ing to what Is believed to bo good authority. His arrival was masked with consider- ablo secrecy and was denied in Juarez. ID; A.bocIiIkI I'rru la Com IUy Tlmw.I WASHINGTON. D. C Sept. 23. Advices to the Villa agency today reported that tho Villa expeditionary force was in possession of Zncatecas. No dotails were glvon how tho force bo suddenly appeared In that ter ritory. Tho report Indicated that tho Villa force Is behind the Car ranza army which has been advanc ing against tho main Villa body to the North. VERY FEW MEN ARE NOT WORKING NOW Number of t'nciiiplojeil in Groat 1 Bc.'itaiu Small ami Sou.o Indus, tries Demanding .Men Illy AHltl rrwui lu Cm llay Tlmon I LONDON. Sent. 23. Uovlowlllg I tho effect of tho first year of war on tho labor market the Hoard or Trade 'Labor Gazotto s.ays that although tho first shock of war caused much ills orKanlzatlon, there is now very llttlo 'unemployed except In a fow luxury tiades, whllo In a number of Indus tries, notably coal mining, engineer ing, shtp-bulldlng, agriculture and tiansports, tho demand for labor greatly exceeds the supply, lu tho Insured trades tho percentage of un employment on August C was 1.03 comparqd with 3.05 a year ago. The position of tho uninsured trades also tonds to Improve. On August C, there voro 17.274 men and 11.374 women on tho reglstern of the Labor Kxchanges against 10,- '903 and 13,700 respectively a month ago. . Durlne the year two and a half I million workpeople have had in creases In rates of wages or war bo nuses amounting to over two million dollars a week or over three shillings per capita to those benefiting. 23, 1915 4 X THREE BIG STEAMERS 1 t ARE REPORTED LOST X x ; tlly AmiiiI-iIiM Press in r,o -ay Time 1 X LONDON, Sept, 23, X X The British steamer Gro- X X ningon, 988 gross tons, X X X X X X X X X X : : x x X X X X X X X X has baen blown up, One member of the crew was X killed and several wound X od, The survivors land X cd today, X The Dutcli steamer X Koningen Emma, 9000 X tons, which struck a mine X on the way to Amsterdam X from Java, capsized and X sank in tho Thames to- X day, The passengers had X previously been taken oil, X A message from Chris- X tiania says the Swedish X steamer' Forsvik, 1107 X gross tons, was sunk X Sunday by a mine or X torpedo, The crew land- X ed here today, HIINHY KOKII TAKKS A TBIP VS l)i:U WATICK Holds that Gasoline Submarine Can Bo BuMt .Much Cheaper Thau Those Now Used My Aasorlatitl I'itm lu Coon llay Tlmra. NliW YOIIK, Sept. 23. Honry Ford Is horo today to take a trip lu a submarine nt New York navy yard In furtherance of his promise to at tempt to perfect a gasoline motor for uso In such craft. Ho insisted that U efficient under-sea craft could bo built at ono-slxteonth or tho cost of tho prcEono submarines. When ho was asked lTow many of them ho would suggest building, he replied, "None." S NOT OPPOSED KOCKKKKLLim DDKS NOT OIL .IIXT TO UNION MUX Says ('(dorado Fuel and Iron Co. Does Not Caro Whether They Belong or Not Illy AmocUU! I'rrai to Con. nay Time, J KOUSH, Colo., Sept. 23. John 1). Kockofellcr, Jr., today stated that tho Colorado Fuel and Iron Com pany does not caro whether its min ora belong to the union or not. The statement was made lu conference between Uoekefeller, David Griffiths, grievance mediator of tho company, and O. A. Mitchell, negro grievance representative of tho I ton ho minora. DIG OBSL'HVANCK I'OB OltllJ.V TALS AT TUP: IMPOSITION ThiHlsaiids of Clilneso Giect the Minister to United Stales Who Is In Alteinlaiiro Illy AHkarlatnl Trowi la Loim llay Tlion.) SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23. Thoiisaudu of Clilneso, most of them lu their native costumo, greeted Kal Fu Shah, tho Chinese Minister to the United States, at the Panama Pacific Imposition today, with tho National Anthem. They Joined 'n tho colobratlon of "China Day." CASKS IIKARD Matters Brought up Befoio Judges Coke ami Skipvvortli Judgo Coke heard equity cases In Ills offices today. A motion was heard on the part of Judgo Wat kins, attorney for Gow Why, to strike out a portion of a complaint filed through It. O. Graves by 13. Bandel, charging that tho building of Gow Why Is loaning on his prop erty. Yesterday Judgo Sklpworth heard a discussion of tlio Kinney tax question. L. A. Llljeqvlst mov ed to have the property foreclosed for tho $50,000 taxes duo. Attor neys representing creditors said that such procedure would shut out tho crodlloifl No action wns taken hy Judgo Sklpworth, vtJSftCF- 4l 111 SUBMAR Gl EVENING EDITION GERMANS KEEP Strongly Fortified City of Dvinsk on the Dvina is Now the Objective Point MOST OF RUSSIAN ARMY HAS ESCAPED Forces Succeed in Getting Away From Encircling Net Attempted hy Teutons' TRENCHES ARE CAPTURED Taken Flout Russians Along Front i.f Two Miles and Two Thousand Men aio Mado Prisoners Duf uicsllc Conditions More Quiet (lly AmihUKhI l'rc to Coo Hay TlmM.l LONDON, Sept. 23. Tho strong I) citified Htisslan city of Dvlusi: on the Dvlnn, has becomo tho new German objective, now that the Hits slan nimlis apparently cscapod from the Vltun net. The German forces ear.t and southeast of Llda aro mak ing more rapid progress, but their lucrcuKtd speed at this time Is ex pected to gain them llttlo lu view of the fa"t that tho safe retreat of the i;. eater part of the Huuslau forces now seems assured. Bond Is llarrtMl. The chief success of tho Gornui'ia lu t'lo la (it day or two has boon along the Dvlua front, which bars the road to Potrograd. Southwest of DMnsl: tho Invaders captured the ItiiKsInu trenches on a front of near ly two miles, taking 2000 prisoners! For tho time being tho domestic sit uation lu Russia Is quiescent. Strike Called Off. A strike in protest at tho pioro gatlon of the Duma has been sus pended, but may bo revived If the government persists lit Its opposi tion to the movement In favor of ic-assembllng Parllamont and po-- mlttlug the formation of a now cab inet. Artillery Fighting On tho Western front violent ar tillery firing continues. Mobiliza tion of the Bulgarian forces contin ues to excite keen Interest, but the belligerents, as well as the neutral world, seem to ho In the dark as to the purposes which dictates this movement. GUILD RAILROAD M'DOXALD.VAl'GIIX COMPANY IS PBICPABING NKW CAMP Beady to Operate at Sumner In About Si WoeliH TIhto Miles of Track The McDonald & Vatighau Logging Company is making preparations to open the now logging camp near Sumner. They will take logs from ,i tract of timber owned by Fred Wllbon and Dennis McCarly for tho Simpson Lumber Company. A railroad three miles long Is to bo built into the timber, or this road 3800 feet has already been laid. It Is expectod that everything will bo in readlnesH to open thu camp lu about idx weeks. CARROLL SMITH STAHTS TO LKAHN LUMHF.R UUSINHSS Son or C. A. Smith Ihiiphotsl as Labour In Ills Father's Bk Local Plant Carroll Smith, the sou of C, A. Smith and younger hrothor of Ver non Smith, has started lu to learn tho lumber business. Ha graduated from Yale this year and goes to work with tho blow of tho whistle at 7 a. m, and quits at 6 o'clock, the same as the other workmon In tho nl 11 1. He has started in at first to learn to grade lumber and when ho has an InsUlit into this work he will go into some other feature of the lumber business. Ho intends learning tho business through actual work. Vernon Smith has been an official lu the company and ncttvely engaged lu the biiBlncos for sevornl yoars. WA WO N MILL A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mull nnd Coos Bay Advertiser. X CLAIM GERMANS LOST X X 250,000 MEN AT VILNA t tlly Aamrlalol l'trns to Cchm nay Time X PETR0GRAD, Sept, 23 X Tlio Russian military au thorities regard tlio with drawal from tho difficult position near Vilna, which for a time seriously men aced tlio larg-a army, as virtually completed, They assert tho Germans lost 250,000 men in the re cent operations in Hi is region, L A. (.. BAAB POINTS OUT ADVAN TA flics OK DISTHICTS HAND- ling tiiioib own school books l1ttli3 tkoublk ob i:.pi:nsk attach kd. That thero Iti very llttlo work en tailed In handling text hooks Is the statement of A. G. Ilaab, former superintendent of the North Bend schools, who Introduced the free text hook system there. Mr. Rnah said Hint ho was really surprised how simple It was and said that ho porsounlly handled It tn addition to his other duties, without any extra help or expense Mr. Kanb says that there are a great many advantages to tho school districts handling the text bonks. It Insures overy pupil having tho proper hooks at tho opening of school or on his promotion at mid year, and the patrons are given tho advantage of the saving. Mr. Ilaab approved tho sugges tion that tho commercial department take charge of It. Many have been advocating frco text books for Marshfleld, but tho law pormlttlug school districts to adopt tho free toxt hook system was 'repealed at tho last session of tho Oregon Legislature. As tho school books aro an Item that vitally affectii the working classes, thero Is an Insistent demand that something ho dona about It, E BUSSIAN TO MAKK RADICAL MOVICS IN ABMY Now Order to Bo .Mado Will lifted tho Highest up of .Mill- Itory .Men tlly AaaiicUtftl I'lwn l Cnna llay Time.. , BKRLIN, Sept. 23, ( Wireless Say vlllo) A toport reached Berlin to day from Potrograd hy way of Stock holm that radical changes lu tho leadership of the Russian army, af fecting tho highest military officials, were hooii to bo made. E ALLII.K WILL KCKNFOBfi; ABMY at Tin: dabdani;lli:s Reported that Force of Ono Hundred and Ten Thousand Will Bo Dispatched tlly Aakoclaled IV" w Coo llay Tlmra DUBLIN, Sopt. 23. (Wireless Sayvllle' A now army of 110,000 men has boon sent to the asslstauco o tho allied forces at the Dardan elles, according to an Overseas Nowa Agency dispatch, VISITS HATCH KB Y B, 1-3, Clapton Is at tho North Ump qua Hatchery HOSI3HURG, Ore., Sopt. 23. R. i'3, Clanton, superintendent of state fish hatcheries, has arrived lu Rose lurg. It Is understood ho will leavo lucre this evening or early tomorrow for tho North Unipqua hatchery, where ho will spend a day or two ;llnspectlng tho work in progress thero at tho present time. ffjeidrum Concert under auspices Mfhl. Athletic Amor. Frl. Kv; II, H, Auditorium, Adults rille. Students U.V APPROVES 0 Hi AD ND i MEN No. 52 BIG L BE GUT DOWN Some Bankers Doubt Whether it Will Exceed Sum of Haifa a Billion Dollars DEAL RECEIVES ITS FIRST CHECK TODAY i j Some Question as to How Cnnnrlii if W1II ho TalnVj V fi 1-C41JIIIJ IL Villi V llfVII 1 By Investors , RATE MAY BE TOO SMfflt-' 11 t W Flmiiirlri-H Falls to Slinro Opinion! iv Anglo) French Commission tlint'A V Five Per Cent Bate Will bo BuNl? flclcutly AttrncUvo to Capital J (Uy Aiaoclatad rrtwa to cm Day Tloa. NI3W YORK, Sopt. 23. Tho Cfll: ...... .... i.ii.'LL crity wiiu which wio uukuuuiiuus m of tho Anglo-Fronch commission f' had proceedod toward nclilovctnont of their credit loan apparently has been checked today. For tho Brat I time- since the negotiations betfitr, j certain bankers aro Inclined "to doubt whothor tho loan would ett- coed ?r00,000,000. ' Theso bankors failed nlso to sh'aro tho commission's reported opinion that tho big lssuo would ho eagerly takon by American Investors at a flvo per cent Intorost rate. ' Deny Any Friction Tlio mombors of tho comnYlsBloa Issued a statement denying that thero had boon any friction boteea them and tho American bankers. Tho conference continued today arid" It wub Intimated an official announce ment as to tho progress would bo mado within a wook. FIGHT IN HAITI ITVi: HUNDKKD NATIVKS EN. f.AGi; with Tin: marinks After tho Kiirotiutcr leader l'rom I Ise.s to let Food Supplies Go Over tho Ballroad Cr AiMKlaliM) rr.M lo Cooa Hay TlmM.l WASHINGTON, 1). C Sopt. 23. General Ramcau, commanding 500 Ilaltleus In tho vicinity of Gonalvos, after an encounter with American mnilncs who woro oponlng tho rail- 1 way for food supplies, has agreed to stop molesting tho railroad and tol egraph linos and pormtt food aup "plk'n to reach town. Ono Ilaltlon was killed lu tho encounter. No 'American casualties woro roportcd. MERCHANT VESSELS HIGH IN ENGLAND 'Laborers Aro, Kuiployed Almost Kx cluslvely In Naval Construe tloa Work hy tho Government (lly Aaaoclttxl I'rru la Cooa Hay Time,) , LIVERPOOL, Sopt. 23. Tho up 'wnul trend of steamship values' Is well maintained ospoclally for ton nage sultablu for liner service, the dearth of such boats becoming more and moro marked. Tho absorption of all available labor Into naval ship building and munition work hero ns woll as In Franco, Russia, and Italy. has boon comploto and shipbuilders aro unabln to accept orders for. 'lew tonnago with any prospect of making tlellvery, so that sollors can get -most any prlco they ask for available boats. Tho North Gorman Stoa'mer Sdileslon which sold at action In Jan 'uary for 03,000 pounds has Just been sold for over 100,000 pounds'. ALBANY TO HAVE PAPER PULP MILL' New Knterprb.0 for Using Waste Wood Is to Bo Stni-twl Thero Soon ALBANY, Oro vSopt. 23. Arti cles of Incorporation aro being pre pared for tho company which plawi to build a monstor paper mill at Albany, which will manufacture pa per under a now process whoroby many kinds of woods not now utll- ,1 Izcd can bo usod. Tho company will bo incorporated under tho lawa of tho Stato of Washington. It. Thomas, Inventor tho now proc ess and head of the proposed com pany, says that extensive timber In torostB have arranged to back the plant financially and that Its oreo tlon Is assured. Preparations wjll bo made soon to build tho first unit oi the, plant,