Boffin m tmn&simi x. , "-"ueMiTC "b Ml 1 w THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSMFIELD, OftEGON. WEDNESDAYS-SEPTEMBER 22, 1915 EVEHING EDITION IX 7 ! w it. it. New Arrivals, Suits & Overcoats Make vour selections now. Our stock is complete. Prices $15.00, $17.00, $22.00 and up to $117.50. Flannel Shirts Big assortment, flail or auto collars; all colors. Prices $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. WOULD IT Sport Shirts Complete lines Sport Tics to t at $1.50 and $1.75 match 50c See windows. HANDLE SCHOOL BOOKS HERE PHOPOSK' TO IIAVK SCHOOL IIOAItl) AND Sri'KHIXTKXDKXT LOOK AFTKH IT AND KLI.MIX ATI: IIK.'II CIIAItCKS AM) IX ADKQl'ATK SKHVICK PHAC TICAL FKATl'HK FOIt CO.M.MKU CIAL DKPAHT.MKXT flub Cloflp ti$t MARSHFIELD BANDON FOUR STORES MYRTLE POINT POWERS tlio school board nnd superintendent would IiiBtiro n suuuro deal to nil of tlio piitronn or tlio public schools. In addition to this, a big saving could bo effected by utilizing tlio second linnet text books, on which (lenient nro now reported to be milking n big profit. Thcso could bo tiikon In at n fixed nllowunco on new tcxtH nnd then Bold back to the classes needing thoni lit cost ns the cost of handling thein would be prnctlcnlly nothing. At the Btuno time, studcntB or pnr enlB desiring now books for tlio child ren could obtain them. Hy tlio school honrd handling them (hero would always bo Biirflclcnt text books on linnd nnd tbo work in LONG TIME HEREABENOW GREEKS I As n result of the reported high charges on school books and sup plied nnd Inntlouunto sorvlco us no. ton &. lluiiHCn, the .Mnrshfield School Hoard will probnl'ily consider tlio ad visability of hnvlng the hoard, nnd Biiperintcudcnt's office handling the text, books. TJils was broached a couplo of years ago when a shortage . of text books for the high school pu- ..II. 1......II- .l I1. .1. - .. .!... i.iih .mmuciipiicu me wuut .ui u i'"i' ,,0 BCl,0ls wo,,l,l ot bo lull)" anil rauBcd erincipai winter to nil vocnte it. There nro only a couplo of times each year that there Is much work attached to tbo handling of tlio I school books. One is nt the opening lof tlio school year In the fall and tlio other Is nt tho time of tbo mld-ycnr promotions. A day or two Is suffic- lent to handle them nnd tho percent- igo allowed bv tho Oregon School Hook Commission on tho now text3 CASE IS DECIDED vkhduct says vicrouv hut PLAINTIFF PAYS COST'S Supt. Tlcilgcn Favors Plan Supt. Tiedgcn in dlsciisBlng tho mnlter snld'thnt ho favored the plan. Ilo has given coiiBldurablo thought to tbo mattor. At first, ho consid ered a cooperative store among tho pupils to do Uj- Pi-adieu! Cmiiiucniiil Work It has bean suggested Hint tho handling of tlio school books bo turned over to tho commercial do- piirtmcfnt in tho high schood. It mi:s. KHICKSOX (JUAHTKH TUJtY IX CITY MM ITS CKX- j COOS COl'XTY YOl'XO WOMKX JOIN V. of (). SOUOHITIKS JJiclc from VKU to Prosper Surprl.s- t'd nt Changes .Made In i;,"i Years on Coiiilllo ' Mrs. Wllliolmlna Krlckson lived n quarter of a century In Mnrshfield without once leaving tho city until last week sho consented to a week's visit at Prospor with her friends. Sho returned from there last evening with hor daughter, Miss Kniniii Krlckson, and declared that she had thoroughly enjoyed tbo visit. Changes that liavo taken place slnco sho wns outslilo laiit were ro m'nrkablo, sho said, and tho places could hardly bo recognized. How ever, Mrs. Krlckson points out thai nho has not yet left tho county hut hopes ono of these days to taku u Journey at least over tho county boundary Hues. S'mllai' Cases ' Tho Hodondo liiHt winter carried south a family that hud spent Its en tire HTo hero. The mother, moro tlinit 50 yours of age, hint nnvor be fore boon outstdu of Coos and her three (laughters were In tho sumo predicament. They went to San Frnnelsco to seo wlint the world looked like. Also there wns a man lived In .Myrtlo Point 10 yenrs and hnd never boon to .Mnrshfield. Ho said ho hnd heard of tho placo and hopes to coino hero sometime. Watch for Panama Opening Four Are UcpreNontntlvcu of (!rook I Letter Oiguiil.ntluns Sutui (lay mum "Pledge Day." Coos county's representation at ! tho University of Oregon is steadily growing nnd this year is lnrger limn f over before. Tbero have been ninny , entries there from southwestern Oio-i gon, nccoidlng to word received from Registrar Tiffany in Kugenc. , Uids to tho various sororities were I Issued last Saturday. Kntered on would more than bo amplo to take .....,,. fliriliBll ..radical feature In care of tho little extra expense on- tho commercial course and would ta",!(1' eliminate nny extra expenso that might bo encountered In hnndllng the books. Would Insure Square Deal Tho hnndllng of school books by NEFD EVIDENCE MAY TAKE STEPS m:x fisiikh, wiiiti: slavk of-: Flt'KH, OKF TO KUHKKA Seeks Affldavlls In William Shook I'nio llvni'.ing; llcforo Federal -Court lit October FKKD IIOLLJSTKH IXVKSTIOATKS POLICK CASK Says Wonts Justice l"or Walter Tul- (lulu Who Was lleaten Wlillo llol'ig Aircslod Monday investigation of the enso In which tho lists nro four young women from , Seeking testimony In the William ' Marshal Jack Carter used a night i Coos. According to the rules of tho shook white slave enso Hon Klshor (ireok letter societies a certain lny. I ,.,, whllo ,nvo mcur( ,oft thls soon after tho oienlng of the school : . . i jenr, Is set aside for bidding, or ,. " K'. l vltlng young women to Join tho tor-' to secure several armiavitH ami gel orltlos where they have been chosen. testimony in the case that comes up Sometimes there have boon recelv- for hearing In thu federal court In ed soveral InvitatloiiH, all written, ami Portland earlv In October Anilines Anderson Secures DunutgcH rrom Smith Powers Company .Jury Dismissed (Special to The Times) COQU1LLK, Ore., Sept. 22. j Judgment Tor $81.50 wns awarded! by tho Jury at G o'clock last evening I to Andraes Anderson In his ntilt against tho Smith-Powers Logging, company. lie sued for IU.700. Tho fact that John 1). (loss, attorney for' tho logging company, offered Auder-i son $250, or moro than tho final Judgment, to settlo tho enso, relieves tho dofendants of all costs In tho cage nnd leaves thein to bo by paid by Anderson. Thcso will bo consld-' crnble, It 1b said. Was Through Courts i Tho caso was before tho court two days. Already It hnd been through1 tho circuit court, to tho supremo court nnd tlfon sent back again for, trial in tho circuit court again. It was started about 8 years ago when, the Smith-Powers company logged ) on South Inlet. Anderson contend ed that tho logging roait trespassed1 on his land and asked damages ac cordingly. Jury Dismissed After tho hearing of this caso Judge Sklpworth adjourned tbo court and the Jury was dismissed. Tho grand Jury will not meet ngnln until December. Judge Sklpworth will now hear a few equity cases in which Judgo Coko Is disqualified. On Friday Judgo Coko will hold an equity session in Coquillo. SPECIALS AM0SKEG WHITE OUTING, cxtia hoaw d xfir-rl. inn: hv tho hnll " Per SWISS OUTING, colored, sood paiiom'sjnl and dark, heavy; per yaid ' ""' GODMAN'S SCHOOL SHOES . ..$1.20, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.65f"$U5"J and ft! The Golden BIGGEST STORE E BASEBALL SCO RES HKAVKHS CIIVH UP (.'MOST TO J SKALS IX FIHST OF S Kit IKS I All Treated Alife Evcrv man. woman or child ulm m0B ic frnatorl onnrroniiQlu nnrl life nn U u...- ,o uwuiyu wu .wmw,j .. ma u UK, UUSineSS B H tenuuu iu iu uiu uusi ui uur aoniiy. vvc waul A to our mutual advantage. " If you transact your business here you are a J ui inu inuiiuiy uiittiuoi ui uui utlllK iQ IIS OlIKnl uur uubiuuiuia uuvu uur nibi uunsiiicraiion. First National OF COOS BAY HAFKTV DKPOSIT HOXKS FOH FIKXT Bai stick on Walter Tulquln, n negro found drunk on north Front street .Monday night, nnd caused a sovoro ) wound wns holng Investigated today I by Fred ilolllster, of North llend. Italn and Cold Delay Knslcrni League Tenuis Again llws iiikI ' Vviiioults Wei-o Traveling i I'KUCJSNTAGKS OF coast iviiiaui: . .TIckoH nt Lockhurt .i Pui-mmis or from Mtulnit.s for (ijcidi inn con cert, l-Yldny, AdultN nor Sliidcuts ur.c. tbo cnudidnto must cbooso one of tho number, If sho cares to Join nt all, and Immediately notify tho body. Miss Frances (loldcn, daughter of County School Supervisor and Mrs. F. A. (loldcn, Is pledged to tho Delta Delta Delta sorority. Miss .Myrtlo Cowan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cowan, will Join tho Delta (Iniiima sorority. Miss Penrl Craln, of Dilution, Is with tbo Pi Iletn Phi sorority and Miss Lonlso Cluuson, or Coquillo, Is In the samo organization. Miss Kthel Waltc, daughter of Frank Wailo so well knonw hero, Is from Sulhcrllu ami has Joined thu Kappa Theta sorority. Watch for Panama Opening Shook was arrested hero several weeks ago and nftor a preliminary Ilo said that ho Is yet undetermined' IT iinv tlf'flnti will tin tnlrnii In Min matter. Tulquln, Bald Mr Ilolllster, has worked for the family during tho hearing befoVo Judgo Ponnoek, wns lnst 20 years. Ilo snys Hint ho will bound over to tho higher court. Ilo was charged with taking two women on an auto triii through Cold Iicaeh and down to Kuroku for Immoral purposes. As soon ns ho arrived Iu Portland Shook wns put under $2,000 bonds and, fnlllug to sccuro this amount, la being held there In Jail. Watch for Panama Opening ('Jerilriiui concert, High School nil ilitorluiu, Friday ce. ." cents. 1)11. II. K. KKLTV, Dcntlht, 201 Coke Itldg. Phono lll!.J. Times wnnt nds brliiK remits. MoiiOKi'iiiu OH at tho Marsliffolil lliii'dwiiie Coiiinaiiv. TlniPrf Wnnt r1h tirtnif rpiilt Special Showing of Fall and Winter Suits and Coats TIip "(,'tnrral Prrixurdiics.s" polii-y of .Miilson's Quality Ktoiv enables us prpst'ii! at the opening of the .season the finest display of' the latest Kail ami Winter styles in Ladies' Suits and Coats that has ever been enjoved hv the run tlio matter down and get ns much evidence as posslhlo before tnk lug legal notion, should ho decide to do so. Ilolllster snld tliat ho want ed nothing moro thnu justice for tho man. He wns over talking with the police this morning. Watch for Panama Opening W. San Francisco lit", Los Angeles . .!! Salt Lako . ...SU Vernon SI Portland 7 1! Oakland 71", L. 7.-I 7!) 81 sr. oo P.O. .500 .5i:t .ro:t .491 .117 .i:ig iirrn nn nniin t i NttU NU UUUhl CASKS OF LVXX LAMIIICTII VS. DIL .MOIUtOW SKITLKI) l( w women ol loos I my. Hy i)lnein: our orders earlv. soon after the colors and si vies luwl lwwm dni..... lor the hall and Winter season, we were able to secure the cream prices that enable our customers to buv iusl, as ashion's olTeriiur ami tit mined upon o wen ami as economic Portland. Our stock allv on Coos I .. .. j i I, i. . n a mc.v nmm tit niui p raneisco or m covers a widt raiitfe they the 'avorite prcvailiuir materials, the smartest of new styles and colors and above all, every garment shows Quality. Owing to the extensive offerings, it is imposstble'to describe thorn individ ually, nut we invite every woman in the Coos I Jay Count rv to visit the store, look them oyer ami try them on. We will be glad to show them to you and a morning or afternoon cannot be more pleasantly or profitablv spent than inspecting this handsime display of Fashion's Latest Offcrims. ' Former Ik faven $170 Owed lllm and .Slot) Additional and Do Xot Como to Trial (Special to Tho Times) COQl'ILLK, Oro. Sept. 2V. Set tlenicnt of tho two cases of Lynn I Lambeth vorsus Dr. 13. V. Morrow, j ono for nialpractlco and another an appeal rrom a Judgement of tho Jus- J tlco court, woroj sottled yesterday Immediately heforo thoy woro to ' como to trial. Dr. J. W. Morrow, j fnthor or Dr. 13. V. Morrow, and Dr. I (S. W. Colo, or Portland, nppoarod in i hclinir of tho nbsont defendant. I Tho bcttlomont mado amounted to 1 prnctlcnlly $350 to Lynn Lnmbeth but In this manner. Ilo closed tho appeal caso Involving $170 which ho wns fined in tho Marshflold Justice court ami lot this go on tho amount recolved. Dr. 13. V. Morow paid $20 i owing Lainbotlt for nuto biro nnd I about $130 In addition and tho mat- i tor was closed. , It Is snld that thcso amounts will Just about pny tho costs iu tho caso for Lamhoth. Dr. 13. V. Morrow fwn8 uiiublo to appear nnd defend hiiusoir hecnii8o ho is a Hod Cross doctor with tho Alllos In Holgluni. lloth sides brought a Inrgo urrny of witnesses, a fact thnt rnn tho costs up considerably. (117 AJiocl.lod ITf.i (ii com n7 TlmM.) POHTLAND, Sept. 22. The Senls enmn over mill i?nlihlnil nff nnnllinr . . ... .. ....... win yestorday, Inking tho first of the wcok'B series with tho lleavori. Cold nnd rain, tho bugaboo of tho Kastoru series through tho entire summer, have not yet loft and yes- , terdny kept Ilrooklyn nnd Pittsburg apart and uIbo Cleveland and lion ton. Tho scores of yesterday follow: Paclllo Coast At Portland It. II. 13. San Francisco 0 11 2 Portland G 12 1 At Oakland Los Angeles 2 S 1 Oakland 1 10 t fruit Lake-Vernon Traveling. American laguo At Now York FLA1E1 BEIEITSII OLDKHT HANK IN Ciftl.S COUXIT KstabllNhod JHHI). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND SAVINGS DKPOSIT8 Officers J. W. Ilcmiett, President. J. II. l''laiingi,ii, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cashier. Ceo. F. Wlnrlintcr, Aut W Now York Now York .:i St. Louis 0 St. Louis r At Philadelphia Dotrolt -. 7 Philadelphia s Clcvelaud-Hoston Ilaln. At Washington Chicago i Wubhlngton 7 National Icugiio At Cincinnati Iloston 4 Cincinnati 2 Hrooklyn-Pittsburg Cold. At -St. Louis Philadelphia . . . 8 St. Louis ,'y Philadelphia . . .CSt. Louis l At Chicago Now York C Chicago. ..... .1 Now York 3, Chicago 0 coos iiav to poitTiaxi). ALLEGANY-DRAIN Auto Stage Line LKAVKS .MAHSIIFIKI.D KVKHV MOIIXIXO WW, AKIUUHl DHAIX AT O'CLOCK. ' I Cars Careful Diners .Most Hciiulifiil'lloute to ftf Fare $6 TiTe Smokehouse Fan AOI.'VTC MADUIII.'II'I.II PIIOXK (Kl.,1 or call I), i;. FOOTi:, Proprktar of .li ll Plinii') K-J for liifiirnuitlon. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Ciii-h leave .Marshflelil 7 a.m., II a.m-.Sl" Cars leave for Kmplro 7, 11 H.m.,2p Cm ! Irf.iiv,. RiiiivoI II.. v 7 n.m.. I) n.m., 1 P''i ..... ..w.... ...(,...V .... .... ....... ' 1 .. I-'arcH, Kmplro, :t5e; Tarheel or South Slough, fiOc; fioaww; MARSHPIELD-ROSEBURGAjji Best Cars Fare, $7 Best M Loavo Munliflelil S!0 'l J, IlllV. Itf.inl. 0l30 TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT St. iiiiiiiii.'n.'i.h iWJllt.-IIll' Him' . XOTICK TO KLIyS Hill, bo suro and bo out for tho big mooting tomorrow night, Wed ncsday, September 22. It promises to bo a red lottor event In tho his tory of Marshflold Lodgo nnd you will regret It if you aro not In on tho big doings. In ndditlojj to tho important business, thero will bo a I program nnd refreshments. J. W. HILDKNllHAND, Kxnltod Hulor. DON'T KVKH LKT AXVOXK TKLL I VOF THIS AS A SKW OXK Patience Will snld ho was in n railroad accident, but ho didn't mind lit. Patrice Ilo didn't? ' No; ho only kissed the wrnua i ..- AHKANCK WltKKTIilXfi MATCH ' Snillliigi Dutch, tho wrestler, is In tho city to nrrango an exhibition for Jim Wilson, tho Syrian wrestler who1 nttracted much attention in Curry, county. Lutsey nnd Lambert nro toi liavo a match during tho bridg0 car-1 nival at North Iiend and it is plan-! nod to huvo Wilson also for n card. ' Wilson will agree to put on tho mat any two mon twlco during an hour and will put n rorfeit of $100 ror any! man who will stay with him ror twonty minutes. It is likely that lie i will give somo oxhlhltlons on the hay Iuiuuin inu carnival. it WATERFROiMT iMFW.q Painters hove been transforming' the Steamer Alert from a white look-1 Ing sea gull color to a pea green huo of stibmnrino dopths and out rrom behind the rioats on tlio Kast slde flats sho will blossom ono of! these days In )ltr resplendent hurst K EEP YOUR EYES Oft Yes, that is what" every man ni hnmimuu iri.Ll miief An ll t IlCV 11' i keen tlieie eves nnen for opportunity. Now the way to bo suro not to"" tunity for bottoring yourself is to rN Ads evory day, for in t ehanet'.s without number ioii,w lines of business endeavor. K;rl ( in Willi AH Vl'SU 11 iruiui ""- no t)i)porlunitkr will slip !)' Vml . Hiffh Oualitv Groceries n. s i..inr silvery senffr; yui uwii ) uil Ml U IU Maiiiuuiwi "';, j. f h flnt nlflrlfRhilnff nut nf ihfl 1 1 W,1 keeping our Drices as low as consistent witnt ness makes , The Leading Grocers Dealers in Glffl 7H7 5niih DKnnriuioii PlinnCS o4o " . bin in u iiuiu tunnel. 01 coior, i , . w, uuuim -