THE COOS BAY TIMES,. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1915 EVENING EDITION. x TrIREE mm MMrM lip 'SK! Cr-! sg Prince Albert just does this little old thing: Lets you smoke a jimmy pipe all you want to; lets you smoke a you want of roll 'em cigarettes! And that holds good every hour of the twenty-four, Sundays in cluded! Talk about home to bacco, or office tobacco, or street tobacco, or traveling tobacco! Well, you just uncork some P. A. smoke in your mouth! You'll feel like patting out a Special Extra to spread the news! Patented process fixes that and cuts out bite and parch ! When we tell you, and men every where say, that here's tobacco that reaches every desire in your pipe or makin's department, you head for WIDE LATITUDE IN FEEDING SILAGE unsilCd iwumrcTs may hi: ki:i at oxer, oit ki:pt for vicars CH ANGUS ACT AS A PHKSKRVATI VK as Tin: ciikmioatj Coos county luncheis aro com-1 inoiichiK ot take an Interest In the building of Silos and the feeding of sllngo. The following authoritative statement lias been Issued by the Oregon Agricultural College. V ; IB fJL I WJ MUMP .am? I gfcaB? Constantly, men whn haveearnoittk'ir rpur at imokerti ero bolnj cnosen memuer nftlio Prince Albeit '' Old Jimmy Plpeti Here it J. It. Time riii, " Hiii. or aoa w. tijnj Street. New Ynrk City, irho hat known tho I'.nly faya ofajimmg pipe inc lie was 17 .mm?o oW, Mr. Hill la enjaywj Ids tixty. bunntli tuumicr. Down tha lana you '11 find tho oro that aelh Prince Albert. Toppy red baui, 5c; tidy red tine, 10c; handtonui pound and half-pound humi' dors and that clas$y cryital-glata humidor with tho sponge nwhtcner top that'll just tickle you it'j ao nifty looking and hcupa this A I RFDT the national joy smoke W You can smoke a pipe and you will smoke a pipe just as soon as you get windward of some P. A. ! For it's real man tobacco that just-jams-joy into jimmy pipes, and puts the merry sunshine into makin's cigarettes! Now, let everybody sit-in on this tobacco talk and discuss it, pro and con, then get a supply and all hands smoke up! For P. A.'s built to test-out true-like-steel and the meaner you are to it when you want to know how good it is, the more you'll think of it when you get that informa tion personally! tobacco uochoarfuiS.c R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, 'Winston-Salem, N. C. ittrwwwxu-rr KoontZ1 Garage Agency for SOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLESUNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty forth Front Street :: :: :: .. Phono 180-J WARNING NOTICE ARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY e Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY aking usiness etter a D 353023--: ESPITE tno Handicap of war, business is on tho up grade. If each ono Of us contrllnitos n llttlo extra push it will soon bo bettor. It means trying hnrdor and Keeping at It longer. It moans continual optimism nud fnltli In tho future. ml it means careful, sustain ed, veil plannod nowspapor ad vertising In many lustancos. The Coos Bay Times w 11 be glad to assist thoso who want suggestions as to help pusn business. TO Al'TOMOIULK DRIVERS, MO . TOIU'VClilKTS, HICVCLISTS AND TKAMSTKItS. Drivers of automobiles, motorcy clists, bicyclists and tcamstors uro boreby officially warned that thoy must strictly comply with tho ordi nances of tho city of Marshflold rog ulntlng traffic or thoy will bo nrrest ed and dealt with according to law. Among tho traffic provisions that will lio onforced strictly and which overyono using tho streets should ob serve nio the following: Koop on the right sido of tho sticet nt nil times. Kcop within tho 15 miles limit. Turn corners slowly. ' Slow down nt crossings. Auto ow.-ners must not havo muf fler open. Violation of thoso rules will result liunrroBfca and no excuses accepted. I Ily ordec of J. W. CARTKR Chlof of Pollco NK of tho big advantages of all ago Is that feeding it may bo be gun as soon ns It is put Into tho sllo, and continued, with or without Intervals of non-use, until it has all been fed. Of courso the feed lias not really become ensilage until It has undergone tho necessary chemical changes, but the ensiled product may be fed as a soiling crop until such clinnges do occur. On the oth-1 cr band, not less than an Inch and a j hnlf should bo 'fed from the surface j ni npv .111, tiflni r.imlltii. Iniiihia If in ' less Is to be eucounteied. lint If conditions are such that it Is advis able to stop tho use of Bllago for n few days or longer, It tuny bo done with tho loss of only a few Inches on top. Tho decay of tho upper Inycrs will cause a mold that soon makes tho surface Impervious to air, and then spoilage stops. Tho sllngo may be lcpt for many months and even years without dnniago after it la sealed air tight. So said Professor It. R. (1 raves, head of tha Oregon Agricultural Col lego Dairy department, In reply to Inquiries from many fnrmcrs and dairymen of Oregon, who are begin ning o feed sllago for tho first tlmo. Thcso ndvautnges inalco tho use- of sllago highly deslrnblo not merely In tho winter but also for summer reed ing. Ily tho use of tho sllo tho en tire crop may bo stored at ono oper ation and fed out nccordlng to tho demnnds controlled fnrgly by tho sup ply of other succulent feeds. Whllo it Is recommended that feeding he continuous where feasible It may no suspended with advantage when now sources of pasture, knlo, roots or othor similar perishable feeds arise. During tho time that this sup ply lasts tho cnsllngo may bo left, un used. Hut n small amount will be spoiled nt tho worst, and oven this loss may bo avoided by covorlng tho surface with wot soil, sacks slightly covered with straw, or sprouting grain. The saving thus secured, howovor, Is thought by Professor (Irnvcs hardly to bo worth tho troub le and oxpense of saving it In this way. Tho chemical changes' which turn the green forago Into ensilage, and tho bacterial action thnl causes ensilage to spoil when exposed to tho nlr, may be controlled to u consider able extent by the feeder who under stands the pilnclplos upon which they work. These chemical changes aro explained by Professor. Graves as fol lows: Clii'iiiluil Changes lii .Sllngo Soon after green corn Is stored In the sllo, fermentation starts and tho temperature of the mass rises to a temperature of from (15 degrees V .to as high as 125 degrees F. Tho high er tempernturo Is found only near tho surface. Where tho sllago Is proper ly packed and all air excluded, tho tomperaturo rarely goes nbovo s5 de grees 1 This Is tho most favorable temperature, for rapid fermentation, which stops tho giowth of undorsir nblo bacteria. As a result ot thl3 fermentation, tho sugar In tho corn Is changed Into acids and some alco hol. The acids formed are chiefly lactic and ucetle. Luetic acid Is found In sour milk and acetic acid In vinegar. The ncotli; arid Is of a vol atile nature, nud It Is tho evaporation of this ncld that ives tho sllago Its pungent odor. Tho production of these acids lasts from two to four wooks. The chief function of these nclds is thnt of ii preservative. Tho nclds prevent tho growth of putrefactive bacteria, which would cause the sll ago to decay. Tho acid destroying and putrefactive bacteria require the presence of nlr. Honco, it Is neces sary to keep 'air from tho sllago. Sll ago that Is kept air tight will kcop Indefinitely. Cases aro known whoro sllngo has kept in good con dition for flvo and six years. Tho exclusion of nlr can bo obtained only by packing the sllago very lightly In n sllo with ulr.tlght walls, legume Sllago When legumes, such ns alfalfa, clover, vetch, and pens, aro put Into the sllo, they should bo ensiled with sonio such crop ns corn, rye, or oats. Tho legumes alono do not contain enough sugar to afford tho produc tion of sufficient ncld to prevent tho high protein content of tho legume from decajlng. Tho corii, ryo or oats, mixed with the legiilnes, would provide sugar for tho production of sufficient ncld to preserve both plants. Vnliiu of Aeldn These sllago nclds not only pro- Borvo tho Bllago, but probably partly djgest tho celluloHo or fibre ot the cell walls, causing tho texture of tho sllago to becomo softer and render ing It uioro easily digested by tho nnlmnli The nclds of tho sllago act a." an appetizer and tonic, thus helping to keep the digcstlvo tract healthy. This together with the succulont na ture of tho silage, keeps tho ani mal's bowels open and tends to glvo tho animal a glossy coat and a pliant skin, such ns the animal has whon on good pasture, Indicating that It is in the proper condition to mnko tho mnxlmum returns from its feed. In fact, sllago lends to our winter ra tion that indefinable property which causes cattlo to bo at their best when on good pnsture. MANY ATTENDING CORVALUS COLLEGE Agricultural Institution of the Ktnto Is l)t-uwlii Many Studcntw for Season Just Owning COHVALLISi, Sept. 22. Tho school year at tho Oregon Agricultur al College has opened for matrlculn tlon and ontranco examinations. Owing to tho press of registration work it is not possible to make up reports at this tlmo, but ovory indi cation points to a record year for en rollment In both the degrco and tho vocation courses. Quality Is Good. An Improvement Is also noted In the quality of tho student body, duo largely to tho fact that for tho first tlmo u tho history of tho Collego on ly students of qualifications suffic ient to meet tho standard collogo on trnnco requirements aro admitted to tho degroo courses. This meanB that Btudonts who ex pect to securo tho bncholor'B degrco at tho end of their collego work, must havo had at least four full years of high Brhool work or Its equivalent. This rlso in standards of admission provides for grontcr maturity of stu dents and more doflnlto aim In their collego work. Many Transfers Estimates of Increased attendance aro based on tho Increased number of credentials received by tho collogo registrar nud upon tho number of of certificates ot transfer from other colleges and universities. Corres pondence shows. thnt tho usual nutn mor nt old students aro returning, nud thnt enrollment In tho vocational courses Is vory much groator than It was last year, whon tho courso was SUMMONS lH tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Orrj-,'on In and for Coos County: fiadio Hair. Plaintiff, vs. Dalo I'Jtlr, defendant. To Dalo Ilalr, tho abovo named r. ...... ... ii.. ...A . l. Cna ,'UUIOUUUUt; III 1110 liuiuu ui mu ouiw. of Oregon. You aro required to np- pear and nnswor tho complaint rueu against you horeln on or boforo tho 20th day of October, 1915. If you should fall to appear and answer said complaint ns abovo re quired, tho Plaintiff will apply to tho Court herein for tho rollet do mandod In her complaint, a succinct btatement of which is: That she bo granted a decreo dt divorce from you: That sho bo permitted to assuino tho namo of "Sadio Louden." Sorvico of this summons Is mivdo! by publication pursuant to an order' 1 1... linn n V ClInii'irMi fill-.' JI11IMU U IIU1H v., jiH'" - '.. j cult Judge of Coos County, Orcgjon, .u..m.i.., t.u'illpn Mrti linrnnf In fhn Coos Hay Times onco each week for tho poriod of Six Weeks beginning on the 8th day of Septomber, 1915. j Graves and Mclnturff, j Attorneys for Plalrrtlff. Flr3t publication Sept. 8, IS 15; last publication Oct. 20, 1015. j STORING ENSILAGM ON Til 13 .FA1W. Ill I I llll I1 I IIMllll i . h h n uvra WHOHKSAIiKHS TKIJj OK I.OWHH 1NO KOOD VAM'KS ''. 10 SKIJiINO GOODS iO Tho big problem in selling I goods is getting the customer o Into tno store. Coos Bay I Times ads will help you solye ' this problem. I'loiir, Sugar, Staple Canned Good- And Dried Kriiltx on tho Tumbl ing MM War Part t'niiho Slump, ker-plunk has gono tho cost of living baromotor. Klour down, bo Is sugar, so aro tho standard Bta- nlo canned goods, down has gono tho milk and cheoso and dried fruits aro 50 per cent lower now than they woro last year. This Is what tho wholesale commission men toll us, and thoy kooi tab on tho market like tho proverbial cat watches her mouso. War In Kuropo Is having an oppo site effect than It did In tho beginn ing of tho war. Without tho bottoms to ship tho goods to Huropo and becaiiEo of the falling oft in tho de mand for bo called luxuries tho sup ply Is backing up onto tho markets of Aiuorlca, all Ju addition to tho supply on hand for our consump tion. Flour Cheaper Hero In Marshflold flour has, taken a tumble for all thu world like old iiumpty Dumpty. In tho winter it weit soaring, went up to $2.50 a Back and now It is on Its downward journey and today Is hitting mound tho $1.50 and $1.55 mark. Somo brands havo gono lowor. It Is explained that tho wheat crop has boon a bumper one. Kuropo Isn't outing as much flour as before, It can't bo exported and back It comes flooding Into American markets. Also tho now crop Is on tho market now. Sugar has dropped $1 a sack u a very short tlmo. It has been up to $7.50 per hundred nud now is sell. Ing at $(!,50, say tho wholesalers. ltalu has been provallont through tho summer In tho mlddlo wont. This has lessened tho corn crop and so cereals aro going to bo higher. In fact thoy are shooting up right now. With thorn will go syrups and starch, by-products of corn. Dried Fruit Loner Dried fruits aro down 50 per cent lower than thoy voro last year. Thoy are flooding back onto tho local American market after tho export market went to pieces. Standard stu- ply goods In all classes aro said to bo roduced. To In a way counterbalance these reductions so that tho prlco of liv ing won't get down to an Inconsider ate Infinitesimal flguro, money has becomo hcarso and wuges aro com monly lowor than what thoy wore n few months ago, but thcso depart ments sco into bo gaining rapidly ot lato. NOTK'i: TO CONTUACTOHS Notice Is hereby given that seal ed bids will be received by tho Com mon Council of thu City of .Marsh fluid, Coos County, Oregon, until eight o'clock p. m., on .Monday, tho tth day of October, 111 15, for each ot the dlfforout kinds of Improve ment tho Common Council Is con sidering tho advisability ot making for tho proposed impiovomont ot that portion of Front street South from tho south lino of Coutinl nve juiu east to a lino between a point on the west lino ot Front street South 132.1 feet southerly from tho south line of Central avenue Kast and a point on tho cast line of Front street South 125 feet south erly from tho south lino ot Central nenuo east, In tho City of Marsh flold, Coos County, Oregon, accord- first made a part of tho work at O. A. C. Knrollmont in agricultural and home economics loads but that In commorco, pharmacy, mining, en gineering aifd forestry Is also going strong. Ing to tho plans and specifications prepared by tho City Knglncor and on fllo In tho offlco ot tho City Ilecordor, and there open to tho In spection 'ot all persons Interested thoroln. All bids must be in accordance i with the requirements accompanying said specifications, and upon blanks for that purpose which will bo sup- j piled upuii request at the office of I the City Knglueur, I A certified check of five per cent of tha amount hid must accompany tho bid to bo forelted to the said City ot Marshflold, In caso tho con tract Is awarded tho contractor and ho fulls to enter in a contract with Bald City, nud rurnlBh a suitable i bond therefor, within ten days after being notified bo to do. The Common Council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 22nd day ot September, 1915. JOHN W. BUTLER, Recorder of the City ot Marsh field, Coos County,. Oregon. I