THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1915 EVEMIMG EDITION. FOUR I K. v n r I- h t f I ' COOS BAY TIMES',':!", M. C. MALOX13Y, Editor and IMili. DAN IS. MALOXHY, Xcuh HdlK.r Offlrlnl I'iiiiit of C'ooi County Offlclnl Vapor City of Mnrshflchl. """ - ., !,. juiuieu ui uiu i uoiuii.iu ......- flolil Oroiron for transmission' throuch Iho malls an second-class, mall matter. An Independent Itopnhllcnn news- pnper, published every evening ex- copt Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Address nil communications to COOS MY DAILY TIMES. J I EUROPEAN WAR ONE Z t YFAR Afifl TfinAY t $? Sept. :l, mil. Tho west wing of Iho Rermnii lino Is thrust back by the allies dur- ing forty-eight hours fighting. During tho combat along the Aisne, Olso and Woevor rivers tho adversaries, in many instances, came to hand to hand clashes and the bay onet was used oxtenslvoly. Tho Germans have captiired tho vlllago of Ilethany In their advanco on Itolms. Kmporor William has taken up his quarters nt Luxemburg, according to reports. After several days hatllo near KronpanI In which 2"0,fl00 AuBtrinnaj wore engaged, the lnttor nro re-, ported to hnvo fled in utter dofcat. I Tho Russians in Gallcla hnvo cap-j turnd 1 1,000 Austrlans, Including ir.l) officers nnd munitions. Tho fortress of .Tnroslau Is being bombarded and I'r.cmysl is being surrounded. A Montenegrin army of Invasion advances to within ton miles of tho capital of HoBiila. Two of tho important forts nt Thing-Tao nro dostroyed by Japan ese aeroplanes. xi:i:d iioad signs R OADS lending from the main ' hlghwayu in the Interior of tho state to coos county points , ,1 lm lirnllnrli. Itifllpnfntl liv should ho properly Indicated hy signs. Tho plan was suggested by this paper some tlmo ago. It la a matter of very smnll cost and is a very Important step which should he taken. At Hoseburg, Drain, ami othor points whoro tho ronda turn off to reach Coos county there should ho conspicuous signs placed In or der that travelers In uuios will know how to got to Coos Uay uud other Coos county loculltltos. There should Ijo big signs Indicating tho di rections and giving somo general In formation about Coos county ua how to gdt here. Othor parts of tho Stato havo followed this plan and such u step would doubtless bring muuy tourists to this locality. X WITH THE TOAST X t AMD THE TEA " ('OOP KVEXIXU 111 all departments of ac tivity, to hnu one thing to do, and then to do It, is the secret of success.- .Molau tier. O I 0l M.Ki:-iti:i,u:vi: Tuko a pair of chickens snowy, Harness 'oni with IiIIh nf strlnir: Ilrlv.i 'inn ml m.niu tliu liw.nil,.u ' Whoro the first blue violets sirlug jNortl1 N01"1 Make bollevo that you're u princess.' ' Talking In u foreign tongue IMPORTANT NOTICE Hiding through u golden palace; TQ THE PARENTS OF (Yw., It's easy--If you're young.) SCHOOL CHILDREM All tho world is bright to greet you; I Whon your snowy chargois prauco ! Out aeioss Iho dusty roadway, ; All tho daisies seom lo diimo. r.eiy nnnio oi grass is iiowiiib, Kvory cowslip hell Is rung Just to give you Joy uud plensme. (Yo, It'a easy -If you're oung.) ... ... i When tho springtime of your fancy Molts away to winter grim; When tho 1ohos of youth mil childhood Flutter fioin the highest limb Tuko n pair ot memory chickens llarross 'oni with strands of gold, Muko bollevo an' nuike It easy !f nou'i'o young or If iou'ro old: Ma ma ret E. Sangsier. An optimist Is the guy who points out tho silver lining to tho dond uud thou borrows your umbrella to go homo with. ll.iuolng on tho Hinge green mow-J iiduys has degenerated Into dodBiu Dr. HoiiHO worth's auto on Com rail on emtio. When n Coos Hay girl smiles nt a man ho always forgets that lie : carrying ills wife's picUuro in his watchcaso. When a Cops Day man ha cramps in his stomach and a noil on the back of his neck ho ti.'fl, he knows Homethlng about il b I Hut ho will never bo able eallo how n fat womiin f hen she Is wearing u ' . . . . rockitu .-h. .r. ' "l!,et '"" "'""' " rou'"'s l-""r' When n Coon an Hay man stand , KTKH l'araalso wnB ntjiyi). i. n KB that ho In bo3 Jt tho Maker of nil Kood foiiit'l you can bet tlml,' between the Palace of Timh nroitnil and hr ' ''I8 " .... ., ... , , , ,,, i.u, t, ... "," "u B ,l u' " down In tho cellar when ho want 'to chew tobacco and go out In Iho buck yard when ho wants to itnoku. hmmins that the Aml u rten "l'l,ei innc lue Coon Hay woman who 1ms twelve boitona on her klu jsiovob lias on her kid a I, ui-band who has to hold pn: is with a safety pin. up hla It Isn't what a Coos Uay woman knows that worries hor; it is what lio would llko to know. When a guy hugs ,somo Coos liny k1p' they immediately get tip In arms about it. Some Coos Uay young men have sand enough to propose nmrtingo but nro shorty on "dust." Oil, VKUY AVKliT;. Said K.' h. Bcsoy: 'While I hato to blow so, can sow seeds, my friends, and I know bo. Tho right way to sow I , la to sow In a row, You must sow seeds Just so, lot Just so so." Tin: OLD flltOL'Cir SAYS I "Xo use to have money without ' oco,,d marriage that has taken place the , nnnio of a now orjwnlxnilon i.i . i . ii.i .i.i, there which lias been formed and of wliie.i health-no uso to have hoaltl, - U,0'UTIjANnTlo ,,ortInilll Golt'carl Dorgman has boon mado tern out money neither ono good with-, . UI11 hA ';.'. ..'u, . ,... ,..,.,.,... ,li out tho other." Many Coos Hay peoplo look the'.r best whon thoy aro looking for someone who owos them money. A Coos nay woman may forget the vows sho made at the altar, but she never forgets to Jack her hus band up about the vows ho made - In his lovo letters. ;. a a r- nn ma-ti-i n A t AT THE HOTELS ol worship 21 by HO foot In slzo. I CHOW Tho barn on tho G. AY. ! I Kl'OKXE-Tho Eugene Mill nnd Layno place was burned together tmw9mvtvv-ivvs uiovntor Compnny announces n cut I with tho entire crop of hay and sev ('haiidler Hotel ,n tlj(J 1)rjco oi fom. ()f .jq conts n oral bushels of grain. F. G. Leslie, Coqulllo; W. D. , ljarrcl wllJch uniounta to 10 touts on1 ELMIHA The high school fall Wiso, Los Angeles; It. II. Lee, an ' Mct. 'term oponod with an enrollmont of Francisco; II. 11. Ilrlghtou, l'nrt-' ASHLAND About 250 persons' at pupils land; J. O. steinnilor. Myrtle Point; aUou(i0(J tl0 ;IUt, uniiunl reunion, of OAKR1DGE Tho sawmill at Win II. M. Feuslor, Myrtle Point; D. '' iil0 ,llcBOn. county plonoerg. ' liio springs hns boen given n trial McGoe. San Francisco; It. S. Week-j nAKl-JIt Tentative plans for run and will soon be rogularly oiier-' Iv. Myrtlo Point F. E. Grlswold, San j lUmtnK u $i:,,ooo bond Issuo have'nted to-fwr'nlsh' lumber for improve-1 Francisco; Ada llailoy, Lauglols: ))etm milo I)y t10 Y. M. C. A. to raise j tnonts at flio springs, itny Capps, Denmark; S. T. Cio- i ,uon0y t0 ay indobtoclnosB. EtIGENB Tho conuuerclnl t-luh Is nor, Portland: Smiling Dutch, Han-' JjA oitAXDE Flour made In La sending 7,500 linndsomoly Illustrated don: Henry Wiprut, Portland; M.'arando i,as dropped SO cents during1 soiiTLMilors'of Eugene to bo dlstrlbut F. Ilnrdosty, Astoria; W. L. Miller, t1L, ,)allt tuIl ,in)B) 0WK to dciness- ed at San Francisco oxposltlon. Portland; V. llrunibach. Uandon. ed conditions of the wheat nmrkot. LOWELL Lowell White Pak St. Lnwienco Hotel j COUVALLIS Lestor Vidlto, tiged grange gavo Its first fair whoro pio- ('. E. llolshaw, Powors; .Miss Vlo-rive V0HrH. aiod or uulsmiluu from! ducts of the farms vero shown and let Aiililn. Powors; Mrs.' F. Grant. Poweis; J. Drown, Portland; W. A. Schmidt nnd family, PortlanJ; 'Mrs. J. E. Wans, Lakeside. lllanco Hotel Clarenco Greene, Coos Itlvor: V.r. W. Hovis, Powers: X. McElvnny, Powers: William Hansen, Coqullle; E Englebloiu. Portland; A. IicdgM, foqulllo; M. Finnic Majestic, l'jrt land: A. Stein. Coqullle; Charlos McCrny, Coqullle. Lhid Hoi el Charles Murgntroyd. Soattlo; 'P. M. English, Spokane; Lloyd Cham bers, Hoseburg; A. Anderson, Lull" luiiin: Jhv ltlchuids. Suiutior: J. J. jOtt. Allegany; Harold Phillips, Un- I don: Sam Glenn. North Iloud; Hnrry Stl'Ollg, HOSPblirg; It. A, llogue. ialvn,s Uf., u,i, their children! ,mw, lll01 in0Hlmrgwl for school ,,ooKs ,. M1II,Hes nt Norton llnn-i ...... stutlonerv Soro nro icmiucMoiI i 1... ...I,. I.. I 1.. .. .Illmr ,,ll,l I ill iiu nil' iiiniMiiuii ... ..... - bring it in The Times office. JlM Wire iiiiIN, Iiiim $-." keg rush. .Miii.slillebl Hiiiilwuie. Llbby COAL. The Wild YOU hnce ALWAYS I'SF.D. Phono 72. P.idflc l.lwry mill Transfer Cciiupauy. j Pit. !l. K KHLTY, Dentist. 1101 Cuke llldg. Pliouo I lli-.r. Times want ads bring results. Ecseraal 9' Wo havo bail so many Inquiries lately rpski'tlluu l.rxi'ini ,ii. l nllirr uki'i ill. MHeM, Unit i- urn b' i.i to inai.i' ur aimwor pulille Attn iMU'ful Iiu t-ytlKa. lion li.ivi found Unit u ulniplo t. -li i'f Oil of WlnttMgi-i-.'ii, an cuinpoun U t In I. I). D. I'rfucrlmlon, run lo i.-liil upon. We wmilil not moka thin tit. t -tin-lit to our imtroiK. tllamU una inUih llllfci iniluww wu wuio uuiu of it .UlJ altliotisli Uierti are many tuvoulled Kc ztinu lerniiUloH moIiI, wu ourvek un Iiellatlnfly rocoiuiiiciut V. D. V. Pre bcrlpiloii. i'rop Into our tt"tc today, just tJ tnlb over tli n merits of this wondctful i'ru bcrlstltu. ' Itl.l) CHOS.S DHK1 bi'Oltn THE PATRIOT . I L flijluh.d, n..i it,,,,,, ,it,i rvni.rtifji Htnl i1h mm "i': " . (Triumphal Arch which in dedicated to the memory of 'Those who do things" and is tho mnln entrance to the paik of Success, u iiuantlly of unused materia). TIiu substance was the residue left from the mak ing of Love uud Laughter of tho skies, tho aim and dow, tho breath jot myriad flowed, the light of rosy I dawn and golden sunset splendors i 'and was sclntllated witli the irl- descence of tho bo,w of promise I took those and mixing with them lioino sloadfaHtneBs of u. Mothers' I.ovc, tho devotion and courage of Inn alleglnnt standing for God, Homo i and Native Land: for free schools i and freo speoclt and shaped ft ltojter being with the material at hand: a Patriot, lie guo him a conn- W. II. C. Oveir QUINAIJAY Tho hop picking sea- son una prnciieany toinu i" u vr." and some of the pickers nro remain ing to gather prunes nnd dig pota toes. ' SALEM Andrew Lawronco of Sll vorton nnd Miss Majorlo Hayes of Ulekerall wcro married In tho dome of tho stato house, this holng the UIUl) WaS UOSlIOjeil "J "IU m.n i ! started from a dofoctlvo flue and. caused a loss of $5,000. FLORENCE The Floronco public1 1 library has been formerly openod to j tho public. I El'GEXE E. M. Warron Is to o continued as Lane county's roproson-, tativo at the San Francisco expos!-j tlon until the eloso of tho big show ion Decombor I. i GLEXADA Tho Glonnda church' has boon dedicated nnd is ready for congregation having a house' ! which It first sufiorod while tho faiu-l '"Queenie," Baby Zebra, "I" -. :? v ... ' 'r-'rr'mvj -iT'fct5 fflH-' " CUT j.AW' ' . t fiBrJT 1 l'lrst Jlnby Zebra Horn in realm! Park on. From tho Mutual Weekly, No. ill, Kclcnscd on the lingular Jliitunl Program. Keeper "Dill" Snyder, of the Central Park (X. Y.) Zoo, wtaero ono of ilia world's greatest collection of wild animals Is on exhibition, U U.o uroiid guardiiin or a uuuy zcurn, iir..i wi m iuu i no wn . i.i ,. "Queeule"- as she las been c I.i Ieto.iod posed in true feminine tiishlci roeontlv lor a Mi.tual V i- kly pa. u aiiipher.aiid Is presented to Mutu.d iiuditiicvs in Muiu.d Weekly Xe. : I. ieb i.-r in tho regular Mutual pr .-ii-ani K. Mir ' i'.ai," who sp .i., ah autN nty. avows that "QueenU. fc one Of the nil : " j, i1 i beauliiel oi Ui' s?yiTffiimtyyrKsmTimyaiiCTaJi More Reason isRssEssm ttj :ikiuj' of Inisiiu'Sb foiulitioiis-roeontly John WainitiiiUt'i' sjmU: " IVplp today arc buying only lour things Kuml, aiitoiiiohih'iii, wiuirhig aupavol and shot's. "Thy arc buying tlii first bpcausc they must cat ti livo: the .second hocaust.' tlioy aro cheap, and shoes anil clothing heemise thoy nuibt be re- U.u-i'd l." mm lei. he niaile tiie tcUuisr noint tliat if inanu- tV'tiin-i-s of other lines are to moot this coudi tH'U they must push hai'der. Thi'v must follow the ajryressive methods of the lai'u'e .-tores. 7'A i iKil oihu 'm !8ffl35&aiHmQKS5rfsn53QisaKsriCa: tTH,M.,wn, Mi-ni-fiMW Mi-,-t.iiyair.Tr.i.T-TVwijffK.y?(Wi-f: lonnnoo lightened ijte tnornlim, only to the ln'iint ves iirciistonion lea nnd ponslhHIUi i .,r vutio' fiM iiu mid lilllH lulu i no j ..v.,, ,. -. , boat of ovary tlilim: kuurl iesno'1- slvo to tho rippling laugh of a child, and to tho sigh of tho sick, the dl appolntod nnd the dlscoungcd: a backbone of the principles of t.-tifh, honesty and iimo dealing, nnd a purpose- as pure and free from guile as u mother Initial kiss to the (dips 0f hop ftnt born. Ho ?o-it him to oarth with a will of deter lulitulloit to do evcrj thing ho can In every honorable way ho can, to promote all the good ho can for 1:1s family, his homo, his commun ity, hlfe state and his country. Thli was God's Idea of coating a l'.i tiiot. ' Is thero one of us, hnd we iho power, who could create a !- Oreoe ily were jiicklng liops at Indepen- donee. ItOSEIJURa Tho district nltor- noy of Douglas county holda that' the supremo court decision regarding Sunday closing will prohibit base mill snmos whore revenue Is eharged lin ing playod on Sunday . PLOU13XCK Tho Sluslnw club Is liumij i;ii..i(iiiii, GHESI1AM A display of article-. which may bo sont through the i ir eels post wns shown nt tho Greshani fair. EUGENE Lane county hns ein- cancollod nil oulstandlni; wntrants which hnvo boon out for sovou years and which have not been prosented for pnymont. OAK HI DOE Largo areas of slash-, lugs hnvo bVen burned over nnd the land will olthor be cleared of atunipp oy seeded to gras. prizes awarded. Poses for Mutual Weekly ipovie-s In captivity. !), to Fusfe Harder ossssssxw aggressive lonnnoo lightened hy the lino of ro . rfV w-3-www "W w -a- " -O " Full Lubricating-Efficiency O iivuli. li 0 6 d A 6 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 Stitd for l.ulrleaMn In slructltin Chart, sl-rtifx-ing make ami mtJtl 7 jour car. 1'icc, f!& C-' r t- l iTTTg- ,..rv: K a-o vo o o o o oox'oi'C-o.'0x EPTEMBER yreRN J? NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. ' Sh.vnshlp SANTA CLARA Halls for SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) WEDNESDAY, SEPT. Uli.VD Steamship - F. A. KILBURN Sails for PORTLAND WEDXESDAY, SEPT. J'JXD For further Inforinntlon see W. K. STUIIlt, Agent SMITH TElt.MIXAL DOCK Phono 1:1(1 EQUIPPED WITH WIHELES3 Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIME. RAILS 1'HOM MAHSIIITELD DUIIXK SEPTE.MIIEU, AS FOL LOWS: September UH, at 10 u. m. SAILS FHOM POUTLAXD AT H A. .M. EVEUY 'ITIL'HSDAY EN CEPT SEPT. HI. Phono :ift-.T. Ifiter-Ocean Transportation Co. STEAMER WESTERNER SAILS FHOM SAX FHAXCISCO FOIt COOS HAY FltlDAY, SEI'TE.MHEU 17TH, AT It 1. M. ' FREIGHT SERVICE ONLY San I'mncloro Office, (10(1 1'lfo Hulldlng, uud Pier Xiinihec 2!1 Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGEORGE, Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings.' General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped and most thoroughly nioder. iwomy-iucti nyiirnmio Coos Bav nffiiifi. Marshfield, Oregon. Abstracts FOIl REUAI1I.E AHSTKAOTri OP TITLE AXl) 1IWOKA1AT10N AHOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. lUAIICIirillln t- ,.., ' " ""'"." iiu i uvUHiTiR CITY, OHEGON SvNIS' KASTSIDK AND SEXfiSIUCKEX'S A AGENTS VOIl CANADIAN PAt IFIO HAILHOA1) LA ireXHY SEXGST?CKEX, MANAGER ' a , j-w a,jjjv. V ' j W J d o d o In fact, the highest lubricating cfli-cieiu- so declared the Jury of Awaids at San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. Zerolcnu is fmm asnh.i t-base crude, de dared hy many well-known auth orities on gan engine lubrication to niako the best lubricating ol' STANDARD OIL COMPANY ILallfornb) MuihIiIU'IiI NE ilie Siandard Oil for Motor Cars oitjo,o rt -t-i tau. 0 Somehow It seems to ho tho birth day of those twin sisters Work anil Worry. ' Playtime Is over nnd tho things to bo done loom vory largo. Tho school boll will remind grown-ups as well as "kiddles" that tho long grind Is near. In a business way tho signs aro encouraging tho times look llko more work nnd less worry. And tho now Impulse if or enorgy naturally suggests tho meeting ground for helper .and helped tho ndvci Using columns of Tho Coos Hay Times. II is the place where thoso already after business aro making themselves known and where thoso with wunls to be filled are finding answers to their (litest Ions. 11. .1. .11011 It, Agent. Phone 44 dredge ic l'nclflc waters Main office, Seattle, Washington. AHDITION LANDS !Dr- A.-'is i '-"mil and i" WflfesiM!4 S '""'cliourijH -. m. vvright M-'lMHVfj rn.A Eimatc.fnW - -"J ,Dr,-,-. M- Shaw ' pas .: ,,,Mww.S ''"MvmK?.!H I hone jjwn Rnninmin n.n? . !; Offices, 208 irti,, Pl.o.,ol03.Lor25r Miriito. H. G. Rlltlnr CIVll. I Room 301 PoV.buI HcslJence Phoae jgl W. G. Chanrlldr ""tuiiEcj Hooms 301 an ui r.,.. MarifcfltWI Wm. S. TlirnPn AltClirrrni i Marshfield.orit I ; 'UTortacescbJ heptember, iiu i iiiiiiiiki u llommld Leave Marshfielj 4rl .Moiuiay 20 i( Tuesday 21 t) weiincsilay 22 ii Thursday 23 ""', Erlday 21 , ' Saturday 25 j. Sunday 20 i(, Monday 27 j, Tncsday 28 p Weilnesilay 29 ,,;, ; Thursday 30 j I .cine (I'anlinerOiieH (On trips leaving JIinH 8 a. in , you should nuif same day.) TIME TAMI wiLL.Mi:rn: wcmci C.tll Helwccn ManliflcU and Pail;, Lcavo Mmsliflclil 7:10 a.m. 7: HO a, in, 8:TiO a.m. 9. CO a.n. 1 0 : r, 0 a.m. 12: Ofi p.m. 1:20 p.ii. 2:15 p.m. t 0.10 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 4: CO C:10 I'.m. 7:10 p.m. 7: p.m. 8:20 p.m. 9: 1G p.m. Marshfield Auto Stage Leave Oni Pharmacy Marhfic)d A.M. 7:00 U:!l() l.M". J: oo n.Jio MAIIS.IFlElHa KrAfinaiM3 Schcdulo srrJnW" with hoals to IM Mjrtlo l'olnti -r FnrUfromManfc6 75 ft"'" . . i rmlnt!ll Win furnish JI ...- i-lna Ail ' M I exira mi charter cars. TTrOT1 i run; 'i'-" .a 28 .. 2Slfl; TfnA Cars every tea v ... ,n 12 P. . o a. in. '- -- -... n 11 a. m-i oh r ,,i,j':..vkixo.I (JOIiai " See Si!1 piionej Red' I i'-SmW'' I THE