Illllnll ll III " ' iMmulmiOMM IANY PEOPLE THESE DAYS MAY BE SAID TO DIE OE MEDICAL IMPROVEMENTS Coos Bay Times Your Paper (8 cure A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmt'a. ttlmt tho Oooi liny Times Is. A South, west Oregon pnpvr for Southwest Oregon peoplo mill devoted (o tlio Iront Interest of till Krct lectio , Tlio Time nlvtar boosts and aevef knock, Tlio Cwf r Thni li prciiul of Km (Wo "The People's rnjtcr," anil It strives itt all (linn to lite up to It nmno by ilorotlng It cncrxlr to promotlnR tho pcoplo'a Interests. MKMRKK OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ol. No. XXXIX. Kstnhllshcd 1H78 Am The Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times Const Mall mill Coot May Ail vender. No. 49 t&xmm wan OfLi OF S )!' "lU'SIXKSS IX MAKSHKIELHi 0 Since tile negluiUUK Ol scnoui,. C OL Al S.MAMj ALLOWANCE t'Olt on tho now books that they will re ciVcdVli IIANII HOOKS LIKELY entire for tlio advanced Krntles or TO ItKSt I.T IX INVESTIGATION"' classes Hint they enter. On these.' ,ivi: i.i km HAS MONOPOLY there In no regulation, the dealer t coinplnliitH of liiRli churges on text on the new special text or refer i.nnliu fur rhihlrun hllVO heCll ulrell- mien linnhit. nni'li im Mm i.tnsulna ilin lalcil' niid will probably result In nn investigation wnion nuiy resiiii ii, tiuiora nro said to ho charging a high placing the school hook syatoin In profit on them, much more than is nl Mnrsliflold on a hotter hasls. lowed on tho standard text hooks. In addition to tno cmnpinitiis 01 lii. f,i- l.ivf lifwiK'H In nrnv-I uiKii iiiur,vn ... ,. ,..w. . Ions years, more nave nuon torn- ilnlnls about a Bhortngo of certain1 :ext hookn. handicapping tho pupils, the, school book hiiHlncstt and this h tlio early weeks of school and monopoly may ho tho cause of the ut.sIi.K more or less trouble, lor thojprosent troubles. 'Oregon, a state commission in, As nmnVTtho'holnrs In the imposed to nx tno pneo on tno tntiilard text Imoks wiihm Includes n, disenable profit for tho retailer hnndlhiK the liooNs. Second lliiiul Hookn However on tho second hand books, (hero is now no regulation.; fclnnv pupils desire to trade In the! ilefct to Warsaw it is Most I Important City in Western Part of Russia WLY RAILWAY GUT 5rcat Encircling Movement Being Executed by Von Hin- clenhurg's Army :R0NT 200 MILES LONG l-Mlnmtes That a Qnailei' of a .Mil lion Hiissiiuis Aio Now Heine; .Menaced and In Hanger of Heine; Trapped III .r:mlat.l frm to Coo. lugp Time. LONDON, Sept. 20. Tho IliiHslan iniiy. meniiceil hIiico tin, fnll nf vil, m I yesterday by tho Cerman encircling I inovcinent, is estluintcd variously nt BiMi.iiuii men. tiio conditions under vMli'li tho Itlisslnns urn attoinntlnir to extricate tbnniHnlvPH ninv nrnclnltnln lio greatest battlii foimht on tho pastern front. Koi'ining n LiO Villi Illndeillilirf litin fliiiu' , lnnn ilJiiut tho Itlisslnns ovor a front of pOUlo i00 miles mid Is innnaclnir snr. Rously the slnglo railway lino mid the cw availabla wnenn i-dniiu Htrntclilm. o tho south. tniw twrna CAPTURE VILNA Cannot. Strike Hade slinging rigging. Thoy had just sent Aon lllnihinlinrfr'u r..,nf... nA,i.!olll H Ini ILiiil u'nrn U'llltlni? fm flint t rated so deon Into tho hostlln eonn- ry as to create a salient onun to 'iildon atlack, hut It Ib bollovod horn! Hie Hii8-:lnn8 nro not in a position to "-..i miuii a mow. Impoilaiit City Xcvt to Warsaw. Vlltm Is tho most ptiiportniit town u Western Hussln. llle railroad llinctlnn lu r rrrar mil. f'ary Importance. TO SAIL pWIIIASSAHOU Hl'MHA "WILL LKAVi: OX SKPT. 2H Has TiiKcii Passage on tho Hottoiilani nun imcs Throngli Xeiitinl Country Homo Illj AMacutej rp to coot Bif TlmM. N'KW YORK. Knot. 'n Amiunm. UOr DlimllU IlIIU nnc-c.. .. k!i ,,r'."ni,r Hottordam, which sails u,-i't .rt. Tlfl llnHncltt.,1,. t .,...! "on li Itotterdam, whonco tho unilms fn,'.l?.r '"?y travel through noutral Jtpiritnry into Germany and thento to fllC Itotlcirilmi, ..'III Unnli .. t l.'nl ?""!" ttuBlaud, hut It Is assumed ... a,'V''"Hn(ior lias rocolvcd assur- p. ,; ' .."."Kl1 t,, lTlt0'l Slates (lov tttiteed '"8 nfo ',a8SaS ,s Kunr- jSI-'SSlOV OK IWKSTMKXT HAXK- t;ns at ni:xvi:it ,..,i ' uictary of Organization IteporN iniii tho Year Just Closed ) Has Keen favorable One f 1 Trr.s lo roo Uay Tlmw 1 . "fA'VKR, Colo., Sept. 20. From i L' VloU'iinL.t . . i t ft In? Inrn, m' "le J'ar J,,8t clo8ei1 has "ten' Wo Pious, aordlng to the report Ol tile - .1- . ...'... . . (1- " I'UIIIL III IllO lIlYHHLIlimiL A '"niverS liennlnnr.. n A ...nrlnn REPARES HOLD CONVENTIDIi .wro-"i!iTisyffL I Of IN MARSHFIELD1 piotwi paying or allowing whnt price he' cuuosos uiiii in sewing tiieni tne see- oinl time rliarKliiK what he chooses, j Knci-liil Ion is II i ice price Is not regulated and the re )0 K,., ,s Monopoly H....I...- ....,. ... .. i.. r.....' iiiiiii iuuut jviiis in .uiiiBiiiiem, ono firm, Norton & Hansen, have' onJoveil nraetleullv n inoiiniinK' nf' Miiraliflcld public schools come from tho homes of working men, tho heavy drain of the cost of school hooks Is keenly felt. In sonio families, sev-, oral children am In dlfforunt grade1 llllll the COSl Of Hlimilvlllir them Willi text hooks each venr drains dinn In- to tho Income. t 0BREG0N CAPTURES t GENERAL BLANCO t tllf Aim Idril Trow to Com llajr Tlmc.l t SAN ANTONIO, Sept, 20, General Lucio Blan- co has been captured and t is now hold a prisoner Ji?,,0,w ,llm, ,t0 v,;8""Vi 0('1 lh0 In inii u nnnLn ni, '.0l,tH. ' th0. s MB,W. ! .Vim.t im jnu ujr wurnji cu ju- uooh nay ami mo uoiiunie uiver. X I'OgOll, according tO an ' "y has hitherto been shown I , r? ', n , i. , I 2 1 tho boatmen, said .Mr. Kimball, but Official CaiianZa dispatch ttmm now on they are to bo held X from Vera Cruz today, t;i!.Vlct'); t0 letter or tho laws. .. I Thu fines as they nro announced, . jl.0 ti,u maximum allowed by tho KILLED IS STUl'CK HV SXA AXH OHl'SII. CI) TO DICATII Accident. Tho Kirst In .MeDonald anil Coiiilrnii Logging Camp Leav es Wife, Tlueo Chlldien Struck by a toppling snug short ly before noon today lleorgo Noah, aged :il years, was crushed to death In tho .MeDonald and Coudrou lou'-l King ennui west of tho city, lie was leaning over :i stiimn ut thu time and tlio Biing hit him In tho hack, crush-1 lug him to death. Ho Knvo onu yell and fell over (lend. Tho body was brought at once to the coroner mid word was dispatched to tho mail's 1 family who llvo above Allegany und i a. II. Powers, 11. 11. Lloyd, op thoy nro expected hero this evening. Jorntor, .Marshfield, launch Paclfle; Jlnd Warned Others no f0R i10rn or flro oxtlngulshor, Worknivn In tho vlclnty of tho ac-l $200. cldont say that Noah had warned : c. W. HIcko.v, .Mnrshflold; not them but a fow minutes before to 'mifrirluut llfo preservers and wlth look out for tho snag. At tho tliuoinm t nvitnuniHlinr. 200. ho was tending hook whllo his broth-1 lor, Kred Noah, was also with lilm'niLM. not stiff Iclont llfo nioserv- hook to conio hack whon the accident hitpponcd. .This niorning Walter Comlroii,Lffjcie,jt ,r proBervers. $100. tuiiiKiiig Noali was working tooi j M Thomas, North Heiid, not hard, had sent him to laying plniik-Lr,in., ,.,ivni ,n,i with. Iltf Ml,...!,, .-. ... 0 .1. Ilk. lllllll 111 IIITI III II llllllll I I I I IT III IIIII' inoii (lilt and Noah was called bnek Ho was killed n few minutes later. Coroner Is Called Coroner Kred Wilson at onco went out. Ho declares that death came as n result of unavoidable accident. Tho camp Is closed down until af ter tho funeral which probably will ho on Wednesday, Tho rnmlly Is awaiting word from relatives In oth er parts of tho stato. Leaves Wlfo and Children Tho deceased leaves a wlfo and three children, two brothers on Coos Rlvor, Silas W. and J. U. Noah, Mrs. I A 0 !)!.. Hl l.., r:'V. """'"" ''' ;V ":..:, mi uiiintiii, .ir. L nil nea ivruniioiiu . - , . ...;, vn,.ii, n,.n,l and Mrs. Davo Musson. of .Marshfield. Macdona il oi'"HP; 0r,t' ,,el"1, Kred Noah, Marshfield, Mrs. .1. r ' not su flclent 1 fo pros " Sumiuors. Arizona. Mrs. M. K. Mar-1 Vraan Van Loo owi . er doi iim tin. Hritish Columbia, Ken Noah. Lu I Van Loo, operator. aimth Hex, (irando and Storu Noah, Montana, i Marshfield, no pilot iiilos, $-&o. , Lauronco Hossoy, ownor, Marsh- o! field, no whistle or horn, $100; not LITTLi; OlltL KALUS RKKOHK Al'TOMOHILi: Little Ara Uulnan darted across North Kront street before a Gorst &. King auto driven by Dock Rogers, at 2:15 this afternoon, mid nar rowly escaped death. Tho driver turned his machine far to the side lu time so that only the fender struck her. Sho was thrown to tho pave ment. She was picked up screaming and brought to the office of Dr. Houseworth where It was found no bones were hrokon. but the left f00t nlld urm lm(l lK'en. ' bruised. Passengers In the , car state that Rogers was not to blame, that ho was driv- lug iiireftilly and that the wind shied was blurred with fog when the little girl ran out. . - A A . i n while eiov. cleaned free this ffl HO F Inspector McGrath Inflicts Punishment for Failures to Comply With the Law E Long List of Those Alleged to Have Violated Regula tion Required on Bay .iiiii rr- rtrninTrn ...... WILL DC dinibltrt IMUW Mimi Ileieaftei- He direful i K.d. j l.e or of tli Imlv-l'lnis M.t he SVnt to liepalm.en. fo, ""-'-" ' l"m,l tinsollnc boat owner! of Coos liny have been fined $5:150 by U. S. Inspector .McGrath. of Portland, to'-, failures to comnlv with ili,i i.ov ernnient laws BovernliiB small mft. V'Allht innntlm nirn on n ullllllnr Irln tiu umim Ii,..ti, .,,.,. i,,i , Inbuilt 84500 In fines most of I Wlllfll Wlit'i. llllftr lllllltf.ll llv. flln Deimrtment of Coiunierco on the NO AGGREGAT SO : promises of owners that they would . I obey tho laws. X Since the disaster of tho Kust- I land In ChlcaKo thu officials have ! ben inoio on tho alert than ever . i liLlorc. Not only will .Mr. .McOratii Imi'lco regular trips In here, bat Hairy .1. Klmbull, deputy U. S. t Collector of Customs, has Jiik r a celved an aimronrlatloii whl'jii will if Department of Coiunierco mid II possible that In some cases thoy III bo somewhat reduced. Tho flues will have to bo piisscd on by the Department, The following nro tho bontB, their owners, tho offenses and thu fines of Coos Hay craft. Ceo, II. Chard, .Marshfield, launch .Marie, no fog horn, $101). A. M. JiitsHoin, .Marshfield; launch Kingfisher; not sufficient llfo preservers.! $1011. Andrew l Musters, .Mnrsiitiein; iSiimnor; not proper lllo preaerv- ers, $100. Wm. T. Iljoniiilst, .Marslitleiti; llonu: ilocumeutH not on hoard, $100. Krank L, Lowe, ownor, II. O. Kiel, operator, . excess passengers, launch Union. $100, Chits. Sltiuff, .Mnrsliricld, latincli Dandelion, no pilot rules, $250 v,.iu i Aiininunit Mainhflclil. cr8 0 board, $100. , . ,-, v....,i. 11.... .1 .... ft... L,v,inirici,n,. sinn ' ,. v Vnrth limul. not iniHIIUVIIb HV jili'iivi .w... .-..-- ...... mil allot rtllos. $:I5(I, M. II. Uellior, .Mnrshflold, launch "Herman," not sufficient life pro servers. $100. C. W. Ashtoii, owner stoamor Cliurm, without offle'al tonnage and number- cut in Ileum, $:I0. K. II. Keatliir!. .Marshfield, launch Koban, not sufficient llfo preserv or. $100. Frank Davis, Marshfield, OliOO, not sufficient life preservers, $100. Chas. Unogron, .Marshfield; no euulpmont on board, $550. Kdwnrus .v utt, owners .miiucuhiu, 110 IOK 110111. UU. H. V-- Matdnnalil. owner: O. W. 'sufficient Ilio presort urn. iu. Larson Dredging Co., .Mrs. i-reu Larson operator, no life pronorv- ors, $100. William llllhoroin, Marshfield, launch Star, no pilot rules, $'i50. Harry Graves, Marshfield, no pi lot rulos. $250. Drain-Coos Ray Stage Company, .Marshflold, launch Atlas, no horn, $100. Coos River Transportation Com pany, Marshfield, steamer Rainbow, without hailing port on stern, $10. W. R. Panter. T. W. Panter. W. A. Panter, S. Hufford, Klmor Hur ford, owners steamer Myrtle; no endorsement change of master, $10i no fog horn, iou: uoiociivo fire extinguisher on hoard. $1 .. jJ(mtey North Hend: sufficient life proservers. $1 ou. not sufficient life proservers, ?iuo. Edgar Kaiiey, Knipire, witnout llfo preservers, $100. Ivar JohannoBon. Kinplro, no pi lot rules or fire extliiKulHher, $350. Chas. Kckhoff, North Hend, K. - n. Korest. operator; no tire ex- linifiilHhpr. SI 00. Fourier Hrothers. owners, .Marsu Nr - ffrUssJS - rAffjss X BODIES ARRIVE AT X X SAN FRANCISCO (Of AMrtflatrJ rrm tn roo nr TlniM 1 t SAN FRANCISCO, Sep, t 20. The United States ; naval station ship Supply X arrived here today from X Honolulu with the bodies X of 13 men from the sub- X marine F-4 on board, X Four identified bodies X were brought in separate X caskets, The dlsmem- X bered bodies of nine X others were brought in X four caskets, TLB BAXTER U SHOOTS HIMSELK WITH HIKL IX KIT OK HKSI'OXDKXCV Koiintl Veslerday Moruhtg Ry Ills lli'other Chillies HaMei' AYas Pari Oivner of ICnglu Saloon Georgo K. Raxter, better known among his friends as Ted Raxter, was found dead ou his bed In a room occupied by him lu the Chnrles How ard rcsldenco on Commercial Avenue yesterday morning. Death had been citused by a self Inflicted 25-U5 rifle bullet wound In tho head which had blown away practically tho entire top of his skull. Tho dead man was found by his brother, Charles Maxtor, about nine o'clock yesterday when ho cnuie looking for Karl Chlsholm, his former room mate. Riirial took place lu Co.quille this afternoon. Together with his brother, tho de ceased ciimo hero u year ago from Coiiillle, whero for 12 years ho hud been In tho liquor business, anil bought thu Kaglo Saloon. Already Ted Raxter was well known lu tho country und made many friends. Was Despondent Cause of the suicide Is laid to a siege of despondency, during which ho Is said to have brooded heavily over the separation from his wif.i, about five years afo. Ills frluiids sny that ho drank very moderately and thnt his death could not bo at tributed to that cause. Thnt the deed was premeditated Is shown by tho fact that Ted Ilaxter had gone home Saturday evening and destroyed nil his hitters and every paper in tho room that belonged to him. When found ho was fully dressed, with tho exception of his coat, vest and shoes. Rut little was left of the head ubovo his temples and hits of the skull we io blown uboiit the room and tho hud clothing was saturated with blood. -Shot wits Heard A shot, supposed to have been tho fatal one, was heard holwcen 0 ami !:15 p. in. Saturday. Sonio men who hcilrd it roitorl and .Marshal .lack Carter went out to Investigate It. He decided Inter It had boon n back firing nhot from nu nutn mid nothing more was thought of tho Incident until yostcrday morning when tho dond nut n was found. .Mrs. Howard, at whoso rosldonco ho lived, wns down town nt tho'tlme. Charles Ilaxter wont Into tho room about nine yustorday saw his brother on tho bed and called to him. There wns no answer and ho walked to the window iiiul throw tin tho curtain and as ho turned discovered the trag edy. Nat ho of California Tho deceased was born lu Kalr Haven, California, March .'1,1871 and was II years of ngo. Ho'cnino to Coos county with his parents many years aKo. living until last September for 12 years In C00.11III0, Tho de ceased Is survived by his mother, Mrs. Llnnlo Raxter nnd sister, Mrs. .luinos Laird, mid brother Hal Maxtor all of Connlllo, and his broi'icr, Charles Raxter, or Marshfield. The fathor, K. M. Ilaxter died two years ago. Tho body was taken over on tho morning train to Couulllo where tho funeral was held at 2 p. m. XO INOl'KST HELD Coroner Krd Wilson held no In duest on the body, saying tluu m oaiiKO or dentil wus seir n'i!on und mi Inquest therefore unnic otsiiry. RICSOIA'TIOX ()!' SY.MPATHV At a special mooting tho Coos Ray Rartendor's Pnlou No. 7 111 this morn ing resolutions of condolence uud sympathy for the family of Ted j Raxter were adopted and coplos of mom orneroii seui 10 tno relatives or tho decoasod. A beautiful floral piece was also sent for the funeral by the union. C. S. KELLOGG, Seerotury. HAXDOX HAXKKCPTCV CASE G. T. Treadgohl came ovor from liandou today to interpose objection lu tho .Ma nu sua bankruptcy case from there. Ho claimed that Manussa made an assignment some years ago thnt preclude bankruptcy proceed ings now. Troadfcold represents the Kirst National Rank f Handon which will ho it preferred creditor If tho bankruptcy proceedings are knocked out. Mr. Treadgohl said that he under stood that the Averlll Dry Goods Company ol Handon which was for' od by the creditors to close would prolinhly be thrown Into bankruptcy. t 1B1GING FOR GIGANTIB LOAN Largee Underwriting Syndi cate Formed to Handle Big Transaction S WILL BE PAR Amount Has Shrunk to Sum, Between Six and Eight Hundred LEADS ALL OBLIGATIONS ' KveryllitiiK I'.lse .Alust lie St'cond I nry When It I'oines to raying I Hack i;nllvi Pound Slcillii;; Si'cond lo Aiiieilcan Hollar I Illy A 1 ni:w h uti-il t'rviu In fiitm lMy Tlnir. I YORK. Sept. 20. Tho (largest underwriting syndicate tho western world has oven known Is 1 In process .of formation today to 'handle the Auglo-Kreuch loan. which mis siiriiitK, 11 wns reporieii, to a sum yet lo ho determined, be tween $1100,000,000 and $800,000. 000. Yields to tho Hollar Kor thu first tiuio In history, tho iKngllsh pound sterling yielded flint place In International flmiiico to I the American dollar In this respect. ! Tho whole big Issue of bonds will ' bo payable In American dollars, principal and Interest. I I Pro-O'ei'iiiiins May .loin 1 Tho syndicate, according to ten Itatlve tigruemonts said to have been inureed itnnn. will comprise National und state hanks and trust companies from the Atlantic to tho Pacific. A number of, no-called pro-Gorman factors, It Is reported, will Join tho syndicate If It Is finally agreed that the proceeds of tho loan nro nvall uhle for commodity exports nnd not war munitions. Ahead or All Loans Tho price at which tho syndicate will put out the bonds to thu lliit ish and Krench governments will he par. All other obligations ut the two nations will ho subordinat ed to the bond Issue here. Kvou staggoiing sums raised by bond Is sues at homo will conio second to the loan floated hero when the tlmo comes to pay tho principal. Sn SCIKXCK IXTKRKSTKH I UK . PORTS .MARK MY STKKAXSSOX i:pedlllon Wns I'ndeitnken lo Ton! tlio Theory of Dr. Xiiusen and Other Kvploiers In Arctic Dj AoltJ rr 10 Com Il TlmM.l NEW YORK, Sept. 20.- Satisfied by Stefausson's niinouiicontont that ho Is ultra und well, explores und geographers directed tholr attention to tho now land ho reports discover ed. Cyrus O. Adams, president of tho Abbiw Iiillnn nf Anmi-lcun Oeourniill- I ers, expressed the opinion Unit tho now land iiiscoveruii oy minim'"'", I which lies nboiit 100 miles north of Prince Patrick Island, roaches from tho conlluentiil shelf in tho shallow , waters that surround tho Parry Arch- Ipelago, and the discovery hiiows that this part or the Arctic ocean Is comparatively shallow. Tho expedition was undertaken by SterausHon to tost the theory of Dr. 1 Nanseii and others, that tho unox- plored portion of tho Arctic ocean is it deep basin devoid or hud. Another notable 'ftiehlovomont or Sterunsson's was the completion of tno cnarting or me norinea' const of Prlit'o Patrick Island. :iy CLOSE PLAGE DISTRICT A'lTORXEY LIUIIlgVIST STARTS XORTH REXD CASE Charges Pauline Clint With Keeping House of lll-ltepulo on Murphy and Wright Properly (Spedul to Tho Times) COQIULLK. Ore., Sopt. 20.--DIH-trlct Attorney Llljoqvist bus begun Midt In tho name or the slate of Ore gon against Paulino Clint of North Rend, charging her with conducting a house of Ill-repute. It Is one of tho first cases of tlio kind ovor start ed lu Cooa county uud will detorniino the rosponslbllty or property owners for the actions of tenants. in his potltion, District Attorney LllJeqvUt sets forth that the proper ty lu North Rend was leased to Paul ino Clint and Jennie G. Wright of .McMlnnville and W. P. Murphy, and that for some time past the Clint woman has conducted u notorious Immoral placo there. Ho asks that the court Issue an In junction closing the place. ordurluK tho fixtures sold and that the place remain Idle for a period of one year as prescribed In the recent Oregon laws prohibiting houses or lll-r.niic Paullne (Hut wus re, c-nth hi fore the Coos Count grand jury hut no Indictment has been reported again t her. 0 EK i GIH ABOUT LOGGING PROPKRTY OWMRtS KICKING' AGAINST IX.ll RY TO PLANKING AND HARD PAYING WILL PHOHAHLY TAKK ACTION AT MKKTING THIS KYKXIXG ! COST WILL II K IIKAVV KOIt II K PAIRS SOOX Petitions or verbal complaint to' tho city council ngalnst further use' of the streets of Marshfield for haul ing logs nro expected nt thu meeting or the city council this evening. It is also expected that tlumniids will be made that the city council see to It that restltutition Is made for dam age already done to thu streets 'by the logging wagons. So fur, tho olovntod plank roadway nu Central Avenue from Fourth street to Kighth street lutu suffered U10 most apparent damage. This stretch of street wa recently 10 tleckcd und tho abutting property owners huve not completed paying tho ussessmeutH for the new plank ing. Despite this, many of the now plunks are split and show Indications tlf t.l'llll !,,. tt'.lMl lltll,, (llfl It I' l.l.r ..II '- P. .- ...... ...., '.t..l.ll .... . streets not traversed by tho logging' X X X X X X X t X CARRANZA DEFEAT ANNOUNCED TODAY III)' imi UliM I'ii-m ll C.HW llujf TIiiiiw. I EL PASO, Sopt, 20, Villa sources announce tho defeat of tho forces of General Callos, tho Carranza commander al Parodosi and in tho Can on do Sail Antonio yes terday by Maylorona's X X X X troops, t DN PERSONAL JISIT JOHN' I). HOCKKKKLLK.R GOKS TO TRINIDAD .ML, Will Gel I'll st Hiinil Yleiv of Colo rado Kncl nnd Iron Company Conditions. Illjr AwuiclilM I'rvM to Coim llaj Tlmo, TRINIDAD, Colo., Sept. 20. .loli 11 I). Itockofollor, Jr., arrived here today for an limped Ion of the properties or tho Colorado Kuel & Iron Company, IIJh visit had. Hh Inception nt tho healing or tho Kederul Commission ou Industrial notations In Now York, when "Mother" M.try .loues asked him to visit the properties nnd get 11 first hnml view or conditions. GERMANS REPORT TO IIAYE DRIVEN iil KM HAClf Russian Army Is Attempting ' Ki ck p from Teutons And Is .Mak ing Little Resistance (llf Aimoeltttol I (I'M lu im IMJ TIMM.I LERLIN, Sept. 20.- The wur of fice nnnonncod today an attack inndu by tho (Ionium rorcos on tho Sorb Inns. It Ik said the Serbians wer driven back. Tho (ioniums nro pur suliiK tho Kusslan army which Is at tempting to escape from the envel oping movement in the Vilmi rnKlon. The Russians tiro ofR-iinK llttlo 10 slstauce to the advuuclug (leruiniis. GET OUICn VERDICT ,11'IIV OCT ONLY KIKTEEX MIN- I'TES IN PERSOXAIi IN'.ll RY St IT Louis Holllsli, Suing Snillli-P'iners ; Company for . "jilt, r(M, Not Al- j lowed Anything i (Special to Tho Tlmos) I COOl'ILLE, Ore.. Sopt. M0. It j less than fifteen minutes, tho Jury, lu tho case of Louis Holllsli vs. tho; Suiltli-Powers Lokkuik company re turned u verdict In favor of tho ilo feudaut Saturday afternoon. Holllsli was suing Mr $3,500 dam aaes for personal Injuries sustained last spring whllo he wus employed ut ono or tho camps. He sustained a compound fracture of tlio leg Just above the ankle. It took nearly two dnya to try the cane, Holllsli claiming uegllgoiiBe tin tho part or the company as holuK responsible whllo the company lu trodticod evidence to show that Hol llsli was alone responsible for the log rolling onto his log. - O KY.WVATiON AT KIEV IS PROCEEDING III) Asu, lam I 1'iew lu rout luj Tliiu I PKTROGHAD, Sept. 20. A dispatch from Kiev quotes the director of the Southwesl 4 cfii railways as string that the evti' nation or KIe I- proceeding nonmiUv.' s 10 TTflCnuEnBllP0' COUNCIL WAGON wagons does lifter n couple of years of wear. The hard surface paving Is also beginning to show the effects of tho logging trucks. Only lu one or two ptuc-s has (he hard surface paving broken clear through tho concrote base, making chuck-holes, hut In mn ivv plnces humps nro appearing, In dicating thnt there will he iiiluierous other brooks before long. There has been talk of taking tho mntter Into court hat Saturday mid today It was indicated by thoso nf rected thnt the matter would first ho taken up with the city council or that body gave tho logging company 11 permit to use the streets. Tho cost of the repairs to the strools can not be estimated now nnd tho action liiken by tho council will probably determine what will ho done lu tho mntter. On Central Avenue west, from Kighth street to Eleventh, tho old planking wns lu bad shnpe and tho logging company put a tompornry deck over one half of tho streot for that dliance. However this Is get ting so that antes can scarcely run over 11. American Correspondent Who Carried Message for Dumba Lands in New York T BY OFFICERS Secret Service Men Board Liner and Question Him Before He Goes Ashore SAYS PROSECUTION UNJUST Claims Ho Hid Not, K'loiv CoUlonls of (ho Message Ho Was Currying Denies Report (bat Ho Was Searched til Awk lutM I'ruai lu Oku llaj Tlinra. NEW YORK, Sopt. 20 Jaiilea P. .1, Archibald, the American corres pondent Intercepted by the Hrltlah uuthoritles while carrying a messngo from Amhasailor Dumba to Vicuna, arrived today on thu liner Rotterdam. Secret service men hoarded tho Rot terdam nnd nuoBtloned Archibald. Prosecution Unjust AHer leaving 'iiiiiruiititio Archi bald said: "If ihnro Is any contemplated pros ecution or 1110 It Is perfectly unjust. I took the letter from the ambassador without knowledge or Its contontn und entirely unwittingly. That Is nil I cure to sny at present." Hollies Helng; Searched The secret service men wero ro poiid to have seurched Archibald, his hMKKiigo and stateroom uud to luivo taken away a cimo belonging to him. Archibald denied this. Ho said ho lApccted to go to Washington roon. TELL OF PERSONS ARRIVING HERE KKOM LONDON' GIVE ACCOUNTS Ocfuils Learned Which Had Heoii Suppressed Hcfnro by the ten- soishlp In England (Hr Awocltlod l'rM U Coot 117 TIium.) NEW YORK, Sept. 20.-r-A hand ful of persons, from tho millions who saw the first Koppollu ovor tho hoart of Loudon Sopt. 8th, reached Now York today aboard the stoamor Ordu na with thillllug stories uud details suppressed by the censorship. There wus said to ho threo Zep pelins In tho floet although thoso who told tho story saw only ono. Circled Over City Thoy circled over tho thontro and hotel district, dropping explosives and Incendiary bombs. One of the hater destroyed by flro an entire block of wnrehosiiKOH within five minutes walk or St. Paul's Cathe dral. Tears Down 11 Hnlldliig An explosive Ijomb rlppctl; thrqugh a six story louauiqut 111 the? center- of Hie city, shuttering the building from top lo bottom ami killing a doon or more. Several bombs fell near tlueo hos pitals which were reeked to tho foun dations and not a pane of glass left. Ono was mil or soldiers who had to be removed to tho streets on cota where they lay for hours. Caught Theater Crowd The Zeppelins apnenred ovor tho Strand Just as tho theatro wuh pour lute out crowds nod panic onsuod. Lights were turned ofr and men and women tp evening clothes rought for tuxh-aba und other vehicles to ea mpe searchlights swept the sktos and the whirl of aeroplane propellers filled the air. Mi lARGHIBALD iS li HID HOI