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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1915)
1 "" THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1915 EVENING EDITION. 'SIX n ELKS PLAN ACTION BASEBALL SCORES WONDERFUL VALUES IN BURN LANDMARK W omen s Suits Fall At $12.50, $15, $18, $20, $25, and up to $45. Itiis.slnii Mouse effeetH uro cry Miuirt mill liecomliiir. Helled models, liotli Miapped ami HvWiigiug, me exceedingly MylNh. Loose Imv coats mill doiilile pressed coats nro charm Intf. MalcrialH Include Whlpeoids, (InliiirdlncM, Fancy Checks, Itt-oari-cloth and Seizes, In staple ami cue (holy new shades Many show tlio now effects in fur and silk bra'd ( t-litiiiiltif. Novelty Fall Coats For Women, $8.50 to $45. HUNKKRS AT HI3NHYYILLI3 DF.STHOYLR IV Flit 1-2 aid: Hub Dry Goods Co. Were lluilt hi ISTit lint In Disuse Long Time ami Hccniuo Monaco Tho old Hcnryvlllo initio littnkci'a ware burned down Inst itlRltt nml tills niornliiK. They hnd becomo n menace na they wcro very old nnd llablo to fall over nnd the owners ordered them tired. I Him f 1irt nltlnat Innrl ttinrlra rm VS1IU U illU UIHVOV MIMM Mini ltJ Ji Isthmus Inlet Is removed by the tiro. The Hcnryvlllo mine was opened In 1S7.'I by tho Coos Hny-OrcKon Coal ARRANGE FOR tllfl NKXT WKDNFSDAY mi:i:tixo night Will Determine Whether Hlt-uctiiio Shall He Krec'ed Novt Fleet New Members Sec. P. G. norton ot the special building committee of the Mnrshflcld 131 Us Lodge 1ms arranged for a bis meeting to bo held next Wednesday nlRht when It is expected that final action will be taken. An endeavor is beltiR mado to liavo all ot the res ident mombcrs of the 1011(8 present. It will bo noccssary to rnlso about $10,000 in addition to tho loan of HKAYFHS NOW OVKH 100 IIKLOW TOP OP COAST LI2A(1U1'2 Hut Two Gnmcs In National Lepie Yesterday Seals Take 20 Point Lead Oicr Angels Company, of which the Southern i $20,000 offered by Portland parties Pacific owned five-sixths of tho stork a banquet mid program Is being or nml I. M. Mfllnnnlil nnp.nlvlll Mr." Donald was a brother-in-law of Dr. "SMART - WEAR - Cor. Broadway and Central. FOR WOMEN" Phone 361 SHIPPING NEWS i Will ARRIVESlSHIP IS STRUCK t I in; i Henry for whom the mlno was named. In 1S71 and 187fi there was more activity ot Hcnryvlllo and Ottcr vlllo than in Marshflold. Tho mine Is said to bo a good ono, but nftcr tho company had shipped out somo coat another mlno up north wns bought and less attention was si von to this one. Later McDonald leased the property and worked It for n short time. The bunkers nnd mlno havo been In dlsuso for about -" years. t LOCAL OVERFLOW Choir to .Meet. Tho mombcrs of tho Episcopal choir will meet ot tbo church at 7:.'10 o'clock tonight. CAPTAIN McCLKLLAN FINDS HAS HIHTHHAY TODAY Will Hold Meo'lng. The Young People's society of tho Norwegian Lutheran church will meet tomor- row niglit at the church. ranged. At tho meeting of tho lodge last evening, Dan McKlnnon, Sidney W. ttomltt and O. E. Hill, tho latter of Hrldgc, were elected to membership and will bo initiated later. OPPOSE TAX SALE WAITERS AND WAITE AGAINST FORECLOSURE Skipper Huh Weathered I" Winters, Ilo Avers Uwfs Out Tills Af- tomooti for South Prom Portland tho steamship P. A. Kllbum, Captain McCIcllnn, cros ncd In curly this morning, and loft nbout two o'clock for Eureka and Son Pranclsco. Slio brought a fair freight tonuago from tbo north, ma ny tons on tho manifest being fresh vegetables and fruits from tho north. Captain McCIullan came Into the office of tho North Pacific ns soon as tbo host docked this morning and wont looking for a calendar. Ho found one, "Gosh all Hemlock," ho exclaimed, "hero Its the 10th and I am an old num. Yes sir, -17 to day" Pour of his friends In Eureka iiIbo liavo birthdays this week and tills trip thoy are going to celebrate togothor, he snid. Th passongors from the uortU for Coos Hay wore: John Olson, A. S. Hand, Annlo Ar tell, II. Perry, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. A. T. Stelnor, P. K. Mason, CI. Elder, S. II. Montay, S. S. Ilorvltt, E. McKalc, Mrs. G. W. Hinder, P. H. Wicks, C. P. Gruvo, Hay Richards, Mrs. I.M. MeOeo, P. I. Poroinau, May II. McKen nil, II. Kltitt, N. Jowoll, E. Anderson, Cary ThoniHon, Emll Schwab, P. D. bchultz, I). Donahue. Tho pabgengers south from Coos Hay woro: Mrs. II. II. Hansen, II. II. Hansen, John PaHbol. II. E. Mllcr, Harry Johnson, Ned Galloway, Mrs. N. Gal loway, .Mis. Winston, Mrs. H. P. Trudton, Mr8, lcilxt, J. Morse, Mrs. MonkhoiiHo, Mrs. Anna Llllonthal, W. Shollo, W. Soars, Mrs. Iua Kllnibuii, P. P. Ersnlngor, Harney Grldinark. A. E. Hallday, John llealy, A. S. ChrlstoiiBOn, Carl Johnson, Matt Kin dnl, Gus Sclmliort. Geo, Pahlius, P. Woborsklrk, E. Hoss. IIILAST .ItLINDS .OFFICERS .ON HHIDGK OP STEAM SCHOONER Wlllaiiiette of MrCoriulck Line Has Thrilling Experience Gilt Hill On Poicuiast Gone A flash of lightning out of tho sky a few nights ngo struck the steam schooner Willamette, of tho McCormlck lino, whllo sho was coming down tho Colum gla river. Tho officors on tho brldgo worn blinded and tho gilt ball carried at tho (ruck of tho foremast was wiped out of existence That further damage was not dono to tho ship Is hcllovcd to bo because tho bolt wiib practically spent when it hit tbo ship. Tho blast was pro ceeded by considerable thunder. Laying Concrete. Tho work of layliig conccret pavement on Virginia nvu'iue at North Ilend was started today. Do Not Want Kinney Properties Dis posed of for Hark Taes at Present Tlino K. It. Hryson, attorney for Hecclv cr Walters ot tho Kinney properties, nnd P. H. Wnlto, ono of tho heaviest creditors, arrived bcro today from Eugene. They will appear In tho Cir cuit court nt Coqulllo and opposo tho action of District Attorney Llljcuvlst to foreclose on tho Kinney properties for taxes. Until the court makes a special order permitting tho fon closiiro proceedings, tho county can not proceed to sell tho property for taxes although the taxes nro long ov erdue. This is becausa tho proper ty Is now In tho custody of n receiver appointed by tho court. Mr. Waito said that good progress was being niudo on tho Siuslaw PKltOKNTAGKS OP COAST LKAGUM W. L. P.C San Pranclsco 01 71 .HOI Los Angeles . 01 77 .nit Salt Lnko ... SI 78 .BOO Vernon 81! 83 .i!r Portlaifd .... 71 87 .110 Oakland .... 72 00 .420 AVE M ONEY on your Furniture Wo nro slum lug n flue K. (f CRUISER TO COM I i vessel movements An lull P. A. Kllburu, 0:110 today. Hailed Kllhiitu, Einukii, 1 p. in. P. A today. Adeline Smith, Oakland, today. TIioh. L. Wand, San Francisco this evening. I p. m. Hopalr Finn Street. Whilo the ci ty and pioporty owneis on Pino ulreot&nrg, considering and figuring on vl7atshajl bo done with tho thor-l inany'vlsltois. 9."K tSPo. l,tmr(l w'1'8 bao beon rotting ujvay. Today City C'ominls ionor Lawhoijio had men at work putting in tiOiiitt now sidewalk at the b,oad of tho stairs onenlng off of Mar ket Avenuo. The boards had worn Would Hno (ioioriiment Hunts For "rldRe Carnival Government ships for Coos Hay during tho Hrldgo Carnival Is an eutrlely now movo nnd one which probably will be tho most popular of any for tho booming the enter tainment. H. M. Jennings, of the Chamber of Commerce, has wired Hugh McLalu, now In Portland, lo do his utmost to get somo boats hero. Tho telegram reads; "Take up the matter with Senator Chamber lain and the proper nuthoiitles and do all you can to havo United States torpedo boats, cruisers or even light ship tender In the bay during tho Hrldgo Carnival." On several occasions government ships have been In tho harbor hero for fost'val occasions. Tho torpedo boat llotllla at ono time canto here and tho Iloston, Admiral Dewey's flagship at Manila, was also hero several cars ago In connection with the local branch ot tho naval militia that thrived at that time. This ship Is now anchored lu Portland ami It is possible that she might be soul heiu again. Many local steamships and gaso line boats aie already entered lu the marine paiado which is to bo one of the big features of tho carnival. It Is possible that (he U. S. vessel sent hoio might either lead the par ado or come directly behind tho llrenkwator which Is said to bo first in lino for tho position ot flagship. At any rato the government craft would prove a great attraction lu the harbor and u drawing card for Lose a HitlldliiR. Mr. and Mrs. Hnlinrl Snrlor received world that a building they owned nt Klamath ,,1r,,,B ,b,,t ho scouted tho report Palls had been entirely destroyed by1 mt rul8 wo,lltl bo Pnss'nB over the fire. The loss Is ll.r.OO without In -fstr"f l lr0 ,"c1x,t 'co,- H 9n,(1 k would probably bo sovoral weeks bo- foro trains could cross tho Siuslaw. GUY ClIAMnnilS was down from ulsl cmd Jelly Fish nniilnlu f'ronlr rmieli vn.lnr.lnv mil. "u """ lu Blul' ovur "u rioiunuu business. W. N. i:iHLAD plans to leave n a tnr AmocIiIM Titi t Coot lltr Tlmn J POHTLAND, Sept. 1(1. When the Vornonltes romped nroimd tbo bases 1 to 1 yesterday the result put the Heavers moro than a cool hundred below tho top of tbo lenguc and leav es her scrambling with tho Oakland Commuters to see which ono will hold down the cellar In tho October scries. Tho scores of yesterday follow: Coast League At Portland: It. II. Vernon i -I 0 Portland 1 fi At Los Angolcs: Salt Lnko 3 S Los Angeles 0 1 At San PranclBco: Oakland ! 8 San Pranclsco 0 II American League At Now York: Detroit I New York .1 At Washington: Cleveland T, Washington 0 At Hoston: Chicago :t Iloston 1 National League At Pittsburg: Philadelphia n Pittsburg 1 At Chicago: Hoston 0 Chicago 1 i:. Bed Room Furniture That conies to us direct from tlm iiianiir,.(llltT . tho Jobhov'M profit. Wo gho our cusl cis tlii.LI!JuM suxliiK. Wo havo n nice display or Pickers ,.i i", "u'lH priced as follows: ""u,'eli $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12.50, $13.50, $1450 $16.50, $17.50, $20, $23.50, $25 and up Don't buy imjthliiR In Houm V Ishlngs imni see our line, Tor jou know "WIO SHLI. it l'OHUsjl Going & Harvey Co, COMPLKTK IIOUS 1-3 F('ILISIir:ii H PIGSKIN ARE I last night and Wr. Wolto had consld- fow weeks for tho San Pranclsco' Uo 8l'cl!m!" f'8'1 ,uul lmd. H Pxnosltlon "uracil 10 ,nr. jiryson, uananuas uo- MRS. FIIKD SLAGLLI3 and 8on ''K8!'' oyer the top of It like n came from Couulllo today to visit rcnl c"y do,1lcnc'- Aftor Mr;, I,r'- friends I H0" " Iniu, numerous futllo ef- turis 10 gei u spooniui, mt. wnno told him what tho dish was. t AMONG THE SICK t ? WUl Diirraud cnuio down J'rom McDonald & Vaughn's Hluo Itldgo PHANK CUItTIS, James Merchant, and Max Kri'ger loft yesterday for a short outing nt tho beach. F.NGINHICU V. G. HlNDMAItSH nnd Mrs. Iliudmnrsh and baby camo in from Ten Mile this morning. MUS. K. K. STRAW loft on the Ade line Smith to vUIt relatives at San ta Itosa and to take lu tho Imposition. WILL CHANDLKH plans to lenvo soon for a month's stay in Snn Pranclsco and other southern points. IRVING CIIANDLHR and wlfo and son nro expected homo soon from Sacramento, Calif., whore they lijivo fieon visiting Mrs. Chanl lor's relatives. CAL WRIGHT Is homo for a few days stay from Curry county where ho is now gaino warden. Ilo says that tbo hunters and res idents thero liavo been complying with tho gonio law In flno shape. TIP CORDKS aud Charles Illckox io turned Inst night from Coqulllo where they wero called as wltnefcs es. Whllo waiting for tholr turn, they took n nap uudor one of the big myrtle trees on the courthouse lawn and they awakened Just lu tlino to cscnpo tho town marshal who was sent for by Sheriff John- bOII. HIGH SCHOOL SQUAD DON MOLI3. SKINS MOVE MAN WORKS TURNS CRANK ON COOS HAY IN- DL'STRIAL SCI3NKS IN LONG FILM Lumbering Will Ho a Main Feature !!.- Dlrfciout places to be Pic tured In This WInlly Snnpplng of movies on Coos Hay Is uncertain at tho best. Old Sol smiled his host yestordny afternoon, It fnct woro n verltablo grin, nnd K. II. Westlcder turned tbo crnnk on his mnchliio nnd clicked off yards nnd yards of tho C. A. Smith mill nnd scones of tho lumber handling. Ho experts to bo hero several days un til ho has successfully taken a list of 25 well defined scenes, all out lined by a special commlttco from tho chnmbor of Commerce. Coach Nllcs Marches Ills Hattallou to South Mai-slifield Field To Form County League "Hoy that ain't n punkln' Hints n football, Savy. Tuck It uudor the I ether arm look, like this, right up , closo to your ribs. Sco." And plunk Coach Nllcs shoved the hnrd I noratcd pigskin woll Into tho Fresh-j mail's frnnio work and the oponlng prnctlco wont on morrlly. . in moleskins the high school squad j has already gono to its first nrac- I tlce; the coach ba8 looked over tho' hunch, sized them up nnd has dccld-. ed that tho locals will have a football I team this year hotter than ovor. ! , No games have been nrrango yet. This is tho first of the season nnd before very soon R is oxpectcil that ' n sorlos of letters will bo exchanged ' with the footbnll managers of tho football manngors of the other high ' school teams n tho county nnd n big, offort will bo made to hnvo a county leaguo and a regular schcdulo of gnmos. Thero oro a fow now faces In tho lineup to take tho plnco of tho old mon who gradunted last year, among mom being Sam Hunter who was on0 completely through and thero v,ns( Camp yesterday to securo treatment onager 01 porsous stopping tnere and for a bfjilp wound caused by n load dropping out of sight. ;ing hook striking him on tho head. 93? GOOD PKOPLI3 FITTKII WITH TORIC M3.VSI3S WHY? HPCAl'.SIJ WI3 KNOW OCR Rl'SIXIISS AND GIVi: SATISFACTION :: :: :: :: :. IIIIING VOIR DPFKCriVi: I3YFS TO US Optical Department x Red Cross Drug Store UNDERWEAR BARGAINS Wo liaut an excellent lino of Union and Two-piece Suits for men, minion, boys and tlilldicn In both cotton and uool. These nro excep tional allies at the prices: MUX'S UNION SUITS. "Oe to SI.00 .MUX'S TWO-PI l.t I SUITS, Per garment, 30c to HOYS' UNION suri-s HO cents to $1,00 HOYS' TWO-PIUCIJ SUITS. Per garment, 11.1c to ."iOe LADIUS' UNION suit's 30 cents to $.no LAIHKS' TWO.PIKCI! SUITS Per garment, 15c, t!."lc, 30c and SI. Come In and eaiiilue them Two thousand foot will bo tho .. . .. .. ... i .... . ... iiiiiiTii in inf. nru rn ruin flu it lu 1,1 hnni inn inur iiit.niin.. r .!. i .. " "" " - "" " " "' "- "" ""' """.ill Ul lliu lOClll S. II coninlntoil niiin wnnlu lionon ft , At tmv pntn n I.., .1 ... II ---- w...w ..vw.w ....w. w .-v ,...,, .,..u lt ln iiuiilliuil IIIUIU Will this 500 woro token nt Hnndon on i be a football toam and games nro In- I.MI;.. It,... n...l ..1 r.ln . I ....l..l.l .!.... t... . ... .-.inn i nun u nun I ifu mure, os- uvuuinu. 1 no ursi or tllo season il pcclally of tho tlo Industry on tho Coqulllo. North Ilend lias contracted for 400 foot during tho Hrldgo Carnival nnd Mnrshflcld has tho other 000 feet. With this all finished tho films will talk Includes o town tenm If nosslliln nnd another In North Rend, in con-1 junction thoro with tho high school boys. Tho sanio field, tho ono on south iii.mnway, is Doing used again this, of tho Northwest on n regular circuit! year and is In good shnpo and every mm imur may nu uinuii oven mriu-. uruiung now tho prnctlco is on or east as an advertising feature for Coos county. Takes "3 Saenes Tho scenes on tho local list In clude tho following: Logging train coming Into tho Smith Mill; dump. Ing logs into tho bny; drawing logs Into tbo mill; sawing logs; handling lumber In tho sheds; electric crnno handling lumber nnd Intor on tirs; loading AdoIIuo; Adoliuo crossing bar and dredgo Mlchlo nt work thoro; dnlrylng and milking scenes; unloading salmon nt tho cannery; canning fish; applo scene; cranber ry ranch; loganberry scene; bench. with bathers, campers, car unload SON AIDS IN MAKING MUNITIONS FOR ALLIES .Mr. and Mrs. .Tolm Matt Hear How Olders for Allies Roost HusS. "ess in Klectrical Plant Ruslness has novcr been better lu Montreal, ICannda,, writes tho sou of Mr. and Mrs. John Matt, or Marsh- fleld. He is superintendent of tho big cnblo nnd wlro plant of tho Northern Klectrical Company of Montreal. Largo orders from Kng- land havo stimulated tho work of tho plant umii it now runs at its full Ing passongors; water front scene; capacity, ho says, nnd adds that ti Fourth of July ovents (already tak- ,lew J3.000.000 building has just W.H.DINDINGER&CO Bunker Hill Department Store en) jitneys nml street scone; schools; coal mining; bunkers and Hreakwa tei loading; fire dopnrtment and the Nelson iron works. Considering thero nro '-'5 scenes in nil, tills means but 24 feet of film for each sceno and It Is possible thnt some of these mny be eliminated. been completed for tbeni Mr. Hlatt is a young man of 32 years of age and Is a graduate of tho Boston School of Technology. Ho hag been out of collego for about 10 years, and the holding of a very Im portant position is duo to ids ninny M'i8 ui nam woric. He began work Phone :t'J Mr. Westleder will remain hero for,,nK '" n'o plant on small wages and somo time, taking pictures as theihas gradually worked up. The toe-' weather and light suit. Wntch for Panama Opening tory turns out nil sorts of electrical HIP11P3, Wntcj, for Panama Opening " T HI? Kovninnr Pnvi,rrl eC M. I ijuu iuiiA5 uuu ui a luanii Life is His Harvest Tin - w AA Villi.... I - -MII . Llfo'H Winter will soon overtake you. Aro xou muL ing the fiultH of jour harvest? Will tho Mnriiii of oil ago find jou with nu empty granary? Jet thU bonk be your granary and you will leap n honest of roMm gilu Make Hay While the Sun Shines HANK WITH US AND YOU CAN HAXIC OX IS First National OF COOS BAY SAFKTY DPPOSIT ROAMS FOR HII.VT Bank HJilGl I BEiETT fill OLD13ST HANK TN COOS COUNTY ICstubllshed 1HK0. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlino AND 8AVINOS DF.POSITS Officers J. W. Hciinett, President. " J. II. Flanagan, Ylcc-Picsldcut. It. V. William Omhli.r. eo. F. Wlnihcstcr, Asst fttol M ARSHHELD-ROSEBURG AUTO j Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Dito Leavo Maiwhfleld 5:00 .1. M- M Lcmo Rosobiirg 11:30 A. M. M TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT MARSHFJKLD New Dodge Cars Fflre I T T NUSED articles ' you possess may be useful to some one else -:- -:- -:- -:- ' fI In almost even home mil hr A"1"'' '""l 'iJi lliiny of viilm; ilimmlcil, mill i "f hi be useful mid mliwiiic i Unit ivout TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Have t'ivcii runmi'knhlc results to the i p K of Coos Hav and Coos Couniy "' his; deals have hcpii pulled off through tho use ot riassiliod, cost ing tliQjtdvertisor a im''b,,ill(,of t.v-fivo-ecnt piece. If you havo soinetw" i.tiuo Taiang up space, ""',,, ) Hijnce,' ., , .i.,,- cost of Times Classified ads is small am . -i i . Knlll Hilt-' the Dai-t of llio finrloi' niifl n nroof ot i,ul ,. ,. . r -1.1 1...1. IPP1 "" Mius nro sausmng. i.osc gout ,a "r. .Tn in the hands of its owner a prool ot uu L V 1'Amitl - 'P;...r, ...: Ii T L' uur.- j;ivr ux aiivtM'iisor.i. Telephone Number 133