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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1915)
itmtmy THE COOS'BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELb-, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FIVE BHHBl for Sale At Sacrifice (VIMIOOM IIOl'HK, XHW, f)(jin'iii:ic with " N ALL I.MI'KOMiii.viH L(iii.m;i ' !' ' 1,100 ..... illl I VIM.' MV km) ( f". "'"" "" W TKHMS. Si:U-UU) AHOUT IT" W.A.REID,. hBO 1M0NT STUEI5T iARTER'S For Your IE CREAM bvi:kvtiiin(! saxitahy ElVS OPEX FOH INSPECTION fo iniiku Ico Cream to order, by kind ami m any i""il.v . iy, for parties, lodges, plc- 1m, etc. : : : : : : " Wo do not speak of Its g U A li I T Y ;Pf llinl speaks for Itself SALTER'S ' I'liono 1!!M, Marshflcld St., Opposite lllnnco Hotel ies' Want Ads Bring Results OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE (iorht .xi King. &irs leave Mnrshrield 7 a.m., 1 1 a.m., 2 p.m., ff Chin leave for Empiio 7 a.m., J I a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m. L'lrs Leave Sunset liny 7 a.m., 0 a.m., 1 p.m., f p.m. fares. rmprU ;nC; a'arlieel or South Slough, ROc; Simsot Huy 75c he Nobl To-Nkht, CHARLES CHAPLIN J"e greatest anil mud iwniulin. limdoii nliluin rolULSllllll ill tho Herhl HOSE LOVE PANGS 1 conieily that tuerybody will laugh at Forget your troubles fur 'e cun ng au,i attend the Xohlo tonight and soo this Chaplin com- p. II M IV T,.; Xl,,, PA(vM)llyi. tv...0"0 "r ,lu' famous "IlamV comedies Slapstick. !"MOlntm. !'!... r ... ,.,.,,Vh l.'IIOM ri'lll' rOMlVC. (Jrfi. ,..., ,.,..,.. ,..-..,.. ,x.- -.. .!. I..1...1...- i.l,m tr ''T,,T' FXPI.OITi OF KLA1W with Pearl White. Qoality Not Quantity IS THE STANDAHD 1JV WHICH CLOTHING IS .ll'DGED we give voi' Style Fit Durability IX CLOTHING, SHOES AXD MUX'S ITHXISIHXGS WHAT MOHE DO VOL' WANT? FIXUP Where the Price is always Right, Two Stores: Marsiificltl North Bend suhsohihhhs notice Tho Times carrier boys nro Instructed to put tlio papers on tlio porch. If tho carrier does not do this, misses you, or no glccts gottlng tho paper to you on time, kindly phono tho cir culation manager, as this Is tho only way wo can dotormlno whether or not tho carriers aro following instructions. I'liono 133. X Heart Appeal All of us many sooner or latci' and sonic Iititli sooner and Inter. Which Is Just nnolher way or sujlng that all Hie gicnt aims of lifo renter aliout Jfs.'; v (he making of a home. Any news that helps tlio . Jiome is good "0Hrt and In terest Inn news. f 'I'lint Is onu reason the ud- eitlslnn columns of THE TIMES jjfjf ju-o siu It good rending. i l Tliero Is a personality to the advertising that finds a AT? responsive chord, I a tlio nv " & erao heart. JT2J-M :.- e Theater Tlio graphic star of emotlonnlUm "GKHTHl'DR .MrCOY '" the four m-t featnro THP.OrGH Tl'IUn'LUXT WATI5HS. ... ,( " "V illlirill I'llUpilT Ul ". Hl.l.mi.Ui l'li. ..... Mlir.VY Sjwlal mntineo Wo mMI repeat 'HVPOCi;iTFS" HM ITIVltji, 1 1 ll -.,... j ..III li,K iK. nAIIIJ. sui.'"-"i jiiumuo i?vtr jiruuiii c hT.iB " -i SHPTHMHEK TIDICS Tlmo and heights of titles at Marshflcld. Tlio tldea nrn nlnro.1 In order of occurrence, with tliolr tlnion on tho first lino and heights on tho seconu lino or eacn Hay. A compar ison of consecutivo heights will in dicato whether It is high or low wutor. Hlch tldn nn Min linr nun hour and t4 minutes earlior than at Marshflcld. lCllrs. . 1.40 S.O'J 1.14 7.18 Ft... 0.2 3.0 2 A 4.0 1 7 1 1 1 ra . . 3.0 1 lUfi 'J.Iir, Ft... 0.3 3.C 2.1 1.8 18llrs.. 1.18 10.45 4.23 !l.03 Ft... 0.2 3.8 2.2 4.8 1!) Ills., 5.21 11.37 r,.3(5 11.10 Ft... 0.0 1.2 1,8 4.0 20'ilrs.., 12.20 C.32 0.0 Ft... 0.0 4.5 1.3 0.0 21'IIrs.. 0.07 G.rit) 12.r,7 7.21 'Ft... 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 22Hrs.. 0.57 7.30 1.31 S.O I Ft.. . 4.0 0.2 5.0 tl.C 23Ilrs.. 1.13 8.15 2.02 S.4V Ft... 4.0 0.1 5.2 0.-J 24 1 1 Irs.. 2.25 8. IS 2.31 0.2b I Ft... 4.S 0.7 5.2 0.2 WEATHEH FOHKOAST Ilj MoclMfd rrru to Coot Uf Tlrafn.) OllEGOX Fair, norther ly winds. LOCAL TEMPKHATURH HECOHD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. in., Sept. 10, by UonJ. Ostllnd, siicclal gov ernment meteorologist: .Maximum G9 .Minimum 40 At 4: 13 a. m 52 Precipitation 00 Precipitation sinco Sopt. 1, 1015 31 Precipitation sumo period last year 2.77 Wind: Northwest, clear. I'or .Miss Harry.-Mrs. C. F. McCol lum will entertain at her homo In North Head Saturday afternoon for Miss Mndgu Harry who leaves soon to take a Nurso'e lnltit? course at Lnuo Hospital In ' u Francisco. Honor Xew Superintendent. Tho pupils of tho North Hcnd Schools liavo planned a reception for tho new school superintendent, Prof. Coo nlid wife, who liavo como hero from Jo seph, Oregon. Tho affair will bo given tomorrow evening In tho as sembly room of tho high school. I loiior (iernld Hunt. This oven lug, tho members and friends of tho Methodist church are giving a re ception for Gerald Hunt of tho GJerdrum Conservatory, whom they liavo engaged to tako charge of their music beginning Oct. 1st. Tho affair will bo held In tho leaguo hall. Xew Mllllonery. Miss Mablo Ma gee, an expert trimmer and mlllluor of Portland, arrived hero today to tultu a position in tho now millinery which Mrs. Max Tlmmormnn will op en In tho Tlmmermaii building on North Front street, opposito tlio mat son storo, in n row days' Tho build ing has been remodelled especially for her and sho 1ms received an ex clusive stock for tho fluo store which bliu will conduct. SHU ale Hauling. It's the "rub ber" that tho Methodist Urothor hoods ot Marshrield and North llend aro expecting to pluy off tomorrow afternoon at Simpson Park when their rcapectlvo nines flay tho wil lows. So far this season each team lias managed to take a game, thoro liavo been two, and both sides nro confident that tliero will bo nothing to It tomorrow but one horrible slaughter. To Talk Good Itoads. Tho Good Hoads meeting lor this ovonlng in Conulllo has attracted considerable For BETTER RESULTS We do DEVELOPING and PRINTING PROMPTLY and SATISFACTORILY "THE OWL" ;Pho Kodak Storo Central Ave.'s Drug Storo Events To-night Good roads convention at CoquUlc tonight to discuss bond Issue. Tho choir of tho Episcopal Chifrli will meet at the chinch tnight. Miss Winifred Simpson, of Hunker I1IU, will entertain tonight. A reception will be held at the Mothodjst Church for (lerald Hunt, who will take charge of tho choir. The City Council of Enstslde will meet tonight. attention and many autolsts today unuounccd their intentions of leav ing this evening for tho county seat. They will take well filled machines, tho Idea being to have as largo a rep resentation as possible from Coos Hay. President Morrison expects to make n new selection of the Hood Honda committee personol. Seeking Sclio!iii'Mil C. M. Ilixhy, a young mnu from Kugenc, Is in the city. Ho holds tho Pacific Coast amateur championship for the running high Jump and Is therefore well known among amateur athletes, lie is now traveling In tho Interests of a magazine seeking to win a scholarship in a college and has al ready tramped over several hundred miles. Ho expects to stay In Coos Hay for nbout two weeks. And So Tlio (Jaiuo (2oe. Tho wrostllug game Is somowhat llko Oregon weather uncertain nnd nev er a suro tiling. Charles Itcntrop, tho pride of 15uropo nnd thrown about by tho wrestling huskies of Coos and Curry and sovcral times dumped headfirst on his "bean," is now being advertised In Portland as tho man who won "all his matches In southwestern Oregon." Ho meets Kddlo O'Donnoll In tho Hoso City tomorrow evening. Old Homo Patriotic It. C. Graves has Just received a copy of a paper published In Nowton county, Indiana, his old home, tolling of n tablet ded icated to tho memory of tho Civil War veterans. Tho nrtlclo states that during tho wnr tho county had 530 legal voters and that It sent 458 vol unteers. Thoro aro still a great num bor of old soldlors Hv1iik, rjinong them being soveral of Mr. Gravo'n relatives. Ills father Is a veteran nud Is now 80 yenrB of ago. Hoatmeii Heed Warning. Two warnings evidently were heeded by tho boatmen of tho Couulllo Is tho belief of Inspector II. F. McGroth. Ho went over thoro two dnys ago to find that tho news of his coming bad preceded him and most of the boats wcro cither tied up or had been put In ship shnpo to conform with tho laws. Tho result was that ho found hut fow rases of law vio lations. Ho expects to finish his work on Coos Hny tomorrow. Walt for Word Word must bo ro clovod from the govornmont radio of ficers to tho effect that tho slto far tho wlrolcss station on Coal Hank In let has been accepted boforo funds for tho land will ho collected, is tho statement of It. M. Jennings, chair man of tho exccutlvo committee or il.n ",1. n ... 1. nf nt f ix ..1 ... A.nn ITn ,,irtu that lii all probability tho note of I tho Port Commission ror ono yenr will In somo woy bo reducod to cash. Mr. Jennings bolioveB thnt the ro innlulng $400 plus can bo secured and that tho main lssuo now Is to have tho slto accepted, Halso Wg Corn Hero ContliiiioiiH and porslstont stories about tho won derful corn that grows over in tho Coqulllo valley has led Ncls Monsou to dlsputo tho theory that corn us good or ovon bettor can bo raised on Coos Hay. Ho brought to tho Cham ber of Commorco yestorday two stocks of foddor corn that aro 12 feet six Inches In length and tho owner adds that possibly, had ho not cut them, tlioy might Imvo grown to any length. Ho has thrco acres under cultivation on tho Wild Daisy I homestead on tho Ten Mllo whhh Js owned and fanned by him. t AT THE HOTELS , Chandler Hotel Georgo S. Gothro, North llend; L. V. .Colo, Helmar; W. II. Mitchell,. iPoitland W. 15. Chaso, Powors; F. C. .Micum, Dandon; II. S. Weekly, Myr tlo Point; W. 15. Parks, Handon; H. F. McGratli, Portland; II. S. Hurpoo. aiid wlfo, Portland; Miss Stearns, Shore Acres; Mrs. L, J, Simpson, Shore Acres; Mrs. Keating, Shore acres; T. J. Lewis, Portland; G. F. Fuller, Portland; 15. ,S. Edwards,. Portland: E, P. Doran, Portland ; Georgo Fischer, Portland. Hhiuro Hotel J. T. Illllman, Vancouver; j. i. Folley, Coiiulllo; John Swing, Em-1 litre, Tom Hiiydoii. Kmplro; AUrod Jewell, Isthmus Inlet; Alta Martin son, Seattle; A, E Hadsatl, Coaullle; c. s. McCullo-h, Coqullle; T. it Co ran, Emplro; K. H Westlodcr, nan don; R Allen, Powers. St. Lawrence Hotel Fred SmlUi, Eugene; Eunice Kon- nedy, Salem; Frank Thorscn, Coos niver; Ilbbert IJIxby. Snlem; li. Ilremer, Allegany; W. C. Morgan. Coos Illver; H. Wilson and wire. Powers; 15. Fern, Hoseburg; M. C Hnnzcn, Ilaudon; Frank Lane, North llend. Lloyd Hotel James Neff, Powers; Miss Virgin- la Kmnicl, Port Orford; Mrs. Alice llmtncl, Port Orford; Paul Ford, Co .qullle; F. M. Addison. Powers; Mrs. ' i:tta Hrown. Port Orford; Fred Williams, Dandon; K. Prlug. i Powers. ; t PERSONAL MENTION t; JI'IICIK JOHN HALL was a legal vis itor In Coutilllu this morning. W. T. STOI.h and I). 15. Hodge weroj In Coiiuille today on legal IiiibI ncss. C. F. McKNlGHT was among tho at torneys going over to tho circuit court this morning. CAPTAIN JOHN SWING was u visit or up from 15mplro last evening for a visit with friends. C. S. MaCULLOCII, civil engineer or Conulllo, was a visitor hero today on a Bhort business trip. T. S. HOIHNSON, an attorney of Portland, went to Couulllo this morning on legal business. MItS. L. J. SIMPSON, Miss Steams niyl Mrs. Keating Kvero (visitors hero last evening rrom Shore acres. I A. II. POWI5IIS went to Coqulllo tills ( morning as a witness In tlio case agnliiBt the Smith Powers Logging . company. MItS. ALICI5 15MM15LL, or Port Or rord, accompanied by her daugh-' ter .Miss Virginia I5mmcll Is hero in tlio city ior a short stay. JOHN I). GOSS nnd John C. Ken dall went to Conulllo this morning whero they aro interested In tho Dollish vs. tho Smith Logging company case. II. F. McGUATH, U. S. deputy col lector or ;ciiBtoni8 ror Portland, enmo over last evening rrom t'o qulllo and expects to leave In tho morning ror Portlnnd. CAPTAIN 15. S. Kdwards and Cap lain O. F. Fuller, U.. S. Inspectors or hulls nud boilers, loft up tho beach for Gardiner and Florence this morning whero tlioy will In spect craft and contlnuo then on to Portland. M. DOYL15, ono or tho ploneor or tho Hoguo Klvor country or Curry County, arrived on Coos Hay to day. Ho Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Mather or North llend, who hnil a child horn to her last week nnd "Grandpa" canio up to sco tho baby. Watch for Panama Opening l)H. !!. i:. KKlrV, Dentist, 0 Coke Hldg. Phone I11M. FIUJI'P GHOWKHS Sec us about npplo boxes In any quantity. Prlco on application. Schroedcr Ai Illldenbraud. Apple boxes, II) cents ouch. Plo ueer Hardware Company. t NPW TODAY t WANTED A 1 or 5 room lottage, furnished. Apply Schroedcr and , Illldenbraud, , . FOl'XD Pocket honk eoutiilnliigl money. Ownor may liavo same by Identifying proporty at Joy Doyle' place and paying for till ad. j 1 Special Sale on Hot Water Bottles 2-rmai't maximum hot water bottle, regular m O (T S'J.OK, now . . . J 1 JJ Written guniantee for TWO j ears THE BUSY CORNER The Rexall Store Phono 'JDK Giiaranteo good In any Ilexill store In V S CLJffiIHE m iik.x. r i Urn UWIkr VMCiW Have You Your mm I I Ul ' 1 "V I I ririfit 1 U I IT i II II Wvvl J vmmmmmmmmmmmKmmk vmammammmaammmmman J A list of our 10c I Salad Dressing Pepper Sauce Wu relies ter Sauce Tunny I'lsh Pineapple Corn Mustard (Prepared) Peas. (Very f.'ooil) Soan ('bins Catsup Sliced Peaches Cioun Sardines Cooking Molasses 'caches, No. UJS (in Pickles Peanut Hutlei' WE SAVE B II 1 fl 1 n il 1 1 Getting Cash Grocery North Broadway ' t LOST AND FOUND $$ LOST (Jen. A. Haines' H ft. gas olino launch from boat house. Howard for return. t WANTED t WAXTICD (Jfrl wants room nnd hoard near Central School. Ad dross "K" Times. W'AXTKD HooiuerH by day or week. Maishriold House. Helen Hnrvoy. Hroakfast solved. Phono 137-L. WAXTMI) i:xperiene'd coal miners. Apply Heaver Hill Coal Co., Hea ver Hill. WAXTED Tennis at Handon, Ore., to haul UxS ties two trip haul, A. F. Estabrook Co., phouo 121 KOIt HEXT To furnished apis. Heated. $15.00 and $18.00. Sec ond and Commercial, Apply Mut sou's Quality Storo. 'OH HEXT (l-room lunise In Kern- dale. Phono 1511, North Hend. FOH HEXT Hooms and apis. Teachers solicited. Phono 413. FOH KENT Small rooming Iioiim). Furniture for milo. Phono 413. FOR SALE $ FOH SALE Option lot I) "idle 5, First Add., Marshfleld, I), P. Ln inlclle, 3105 IlllHngs, Mont. FOH ULK CHEAP Iniprovements on fluo little ranch near .Milling ton on isthmus Inlet, 200 chick ens, 31 ducks, etc., and will give lease free. Inquire at Times or address L. I). Itohliibon, llox CIO, Marshriold. l'OH HALE Hlanco roomliiK house. 50 rooms: on easy terms. Or will trado ror suitable real estate in Marshfleld. Apply E. E. Forry, Illauco Hotel. FOH SALE Household furniture. Phono 11-L. ! l'OH HLE See or phone Warien Pnlntfr, North Hend, Ore, ror upple boxes ny quautlt, 10c per box repiesent'iig Dandon box factory New Fall Suit? Is it a Xono tailored bet ter: feu as good. Hand made collars, padded to they hold their shape Do not break down. Cut In the latest styles, latest fab rics, pure all-wool. Think of Itl Haying a suit worth at tho least one third more $7.1)0 Pure all wool worsteds hard and soft finish, non-breakable fronts, $15.00 value. Our prlco . . . ijii).l)0 Fine French serge, sponged and shrunk, hand-tailored collar, $15.00 value. Our prlco $!). Try on one of these novelty buHb. Illno mixed, gray mixed ami blue serge, Good weight, $18.50 valno. Our prlco SH!.r() STIIHUXG Tho suits of uunllty. Huy ono of theso and you will al ways wear them. They como in blue serge, brown, plaid, black, with whlto hair lino stripe, gray hard fin ish. I5very thread wool. 25.00 value. Our prlco $1 1.7." intoroersted S J mmnrmw things on Counter linked Iteans (lleln.) Chill Con Caino Cast Ho Soan Ojstei-s (Coiv) Solid Pack Tomatoes Onion Seasoning Macaroni (Short Cut) Shaker Salt ('how Chow Olives Stufrcd Olhes, plain Jelly Ma'ilelim i:lnicls, 1'anllla mid Lelium Horav (Powdercsl) YOU MONEY. Near Central Ave. Pioneer Hardware Co. CASH PHICES OX A FEW OF THE STAPLE AHTIOLICH Other Goods Priced In Proportion (Coinpnro theso prices with our competitors' or mall order houso prices.) Wire Nails. Haso, fjill.Ort por kog; Cut nails, Vil.oo per keg. a Hotall, per pound Mrb Sash WoIghtB. 41 Por pound I -C Hnrb Wlro. Heavy galvnnlzed, ?:t.l() por 100 lbs; 80 rod upool hoavy, ijiil.DO, SO rod Qr) flfl light $LiLJ Galvanized Pipe, prlco per 100 rt 1-2, si.r, 3-i iji.i.n. OQ OH 1 inch j)Ui4LU Lime, ?1.00 per bbl. Cement, 2.90 per bbl. Ex. Superior Manila Hope, 5-8 Inch and larger IKn Per pound luu Strictly puro boiled linseed oil, 70u per gallon. Turpontliio CKn por gullou UdC Pioneer Whlto Lead, fjn OC 100-lh. kegs ipOi3 Ploueor Puro Mixed Paint, gal., 1.7.". 1-2 gallon, Pile. tn Quarts UUU Pap-A-Lac Floor uud Porch Paint, 1-2 gallon, l)t)c Pft auarts uUU Tho very highest quality Tho very highest grado Hoofing Puper, 1-2 ply, $1.00 sq, 1 ply, $1.10. fM pf 2 Ply plnUU Valvolino Gas Engluo Cyl Oil. Tho very highest grado. HCn Por gallon uuu WEDGEWOOD STEEL HAXGES. Classic, rogulur. 52.00. rjJ4 nn Special p4-1 iOU Hlvol, regulur $32.50. fJ0K fin Special iPOiUU Glvo us your huslnesa nnd Juatlty us In making theso prlcos, Theso pricoB will chango with tho market. Pioneer Hardware Co. Marshfleld Phono 101. North noud. Phono 40i. i fii trr "f