The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 16, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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M. C. MALONEY, Editor ami Tub.
DAN K. iMAMLNKY, News Editor
Official Paper of Coos County
Official Vapor City of Mnrsliflcld.
With The Tea And The Toast
Enterod nt tlio I'ostoffico at Mnrsh
floltl, Oregon, for transmission '
turaugn tno malls as Bccouu-cmss
mall ninttor.
An Independent Republican news
paper, published overy evening ex
copt Sunday, and weekly, by
Tlio Coos Hay Times Publishing Co.
Ono year ?C.00j
For month GO ;
Ono year $1.50 f
When paid strictly in advance- the
subset Iptlon pilco of tho Coos Ray
Tlme3 Is f G.00 per year or $2.50 for
elx months.
Address all communications to
good kve.mng
r Excessive distrust of others
Is not lees hurtful than Its
opposite. .Most men become
useless to him who Is nn-
f willing to risk bolnj; decolv-
O i'd. Vuuvennrgues.
A Coos Day mnn llkea to brag
that he once bad to work with a
pick and shovel. Hut n woman will
never admit that she had to take
in washing.
Interesting Stories of
western Oregon
A HAMMOCK AM) lllllt
Kept. 1(1, IDM.
A Krcat battle is In progress
between tho Germans and tho allied
forces along a battle line of 110
500,000 men aro taking part.
An Amiens dispatch says that tho
German right wing Is now encircled
by tho allies.
A message- from Russia announces
tho rout of tho Austrian army in
In Gallcla as complete and that tho
'Austrian losses slnco tho taking of
LomborB was 25,000 killed ami
A Jiggle, n wiggle,
A form at my side.
A litter, twitter,
An ucrlnl glide.
A yearning, ti spurning,
A lot of sweet much.
A patting, a spatting
A warning "Oh, hush!"
A laughing, a chaffing,
A hand slipped In mine.
A teasing, a squeezing,
A whispered, "All thine!"
A swaying, a playing,
A satisfied purr,
A swinging, soft singing, i
A hnmmock and Her.
You can't make an old fashioned
Coos liny man understand why you
should not use the same knife and
fork all through a three-course din
ner when there Is plenty of bread
to wipe the knife on between courses
When n Coos Day girl bus a good
figure nobody notices her bad form.
?s nioiiK iiui"" - "
s, extending from Noyon to Hols
;cs on tho Mouse, In which -',- .
Till: )!!) GROUCH SAYS
"There was n time when mo3t of
tho women were overdressed. Hut
nowndays most of them nro undepressed.
yt'KSTiox for Tin: day
What has become of tho old
fashloned womnn who always had
tho bosom of her dress filled with
Tf George Washington never told
a llo Martha must hnvo spent nearly
nil of her married life throwing
things nt George.
Some Coos nay women after they
havo been married awhile have a
sneaking ldcn that if their husbands
had n chance they would flirt with
anything over six nnd under sixty
that woro skirts.
When a Coos Hny mnn has n good
wlfo and a good dog ho Is always
brngftlng about tho dog.
Faith will move mountains, but
i It never seems to help n fnt woman
I so von could notlco it.
nnd 100 guns ami qunnuues oi sup
plies enptured.
Tho Austrlnns claim to hnvo de
feated tho Servians who crossed tho
river Snvo nnd to havo driven them
out of Szorem nnd Daunt.
Tho report of tho recent Ilr!tl3h
ambassador to Austria on the rup-t
turo with that country Is Issued by!
tho London foreign office In tho form I
of n Whlto I'npor, placing thu blame' if Shakespeare bnd asked "What's
for tho war on tho Knlsor. in (l number?" ns well as "What's
Kaiser William In u coniniiiiilrat-in !t name?" nnd pursued that In
lon to Washington confirms tho qulry, liu would hnvo found an end
Btntemont of tho German ninbassa- iC8H riull for Investigation. Thoro
dor that his country is willing to H something uncanny and mysterious
nioko peace. ' in the character of figures, tho
President Wilson directs inoboll-- strange things you can do with thorn
ntlon of tho fighting battleships In nnd tho way certain attributes recur
tho Atlantic ocean. 1 1 tuulr use.
Itoplylng to tho German complnlnti Tho numbers !!, 7 and !) furnish
that tho allies used dum-dum bullutaj t10 most Interesting study. Num
und to tho complaint of llolgluni i,orB :! ,,,( 7 mVo their good points,
that tho Germans woro guilty of at-Jlt ln potency and versatility they
rocltlos. Pro-lent Wllwm explains1 umj t0 ,i;0 buck seat when 0
that truo Aniorlrnn neutrality prc-'mH tle 8tnge. No." was the fav
cludes his expressing an opinion oilto In the IHblo. To It wo are
tho nets of tho bolllgorentH. , mdobted for seven days in tho week,
Tho United Stutes Government in- tlio seven golden candlesticks, tho
Blructs Its umbnsHiidor at Coniitiintl-iguy,,,, oan ycara tmt devoured tho
noplo to protest against tho Turkish 'Von fat ones and tho sovon loan
abrogation of tho capitulations. Until., that made a nioul of the seven
rat kluc.
Tho Hulo or Three Ik n nightmare
lu overy child's education. As his
education progresses ho becomes ac
quainted wllh thu Three races,
"Threo men in a Iloat." "Tho Threo
was !0. In Huston the schools bud Musketeers." It's on the ball Held,
to cIohu when HUfforluK a heat or it I thoiiKli. that number '', shines. Hero
degrees. On Coos Ilay thu hlglio-t j rinl tho three basemen, tho threo
temperature yesterday was OH do- outlleldom, tluoe strikes and three
greos and it was a beautiful clear out. And pursuing (bin line of
day. The comparison Is lutoroMtliiK. reckoning should a man get his
liao on threw balls Instead of four?"
WHAT WILL Hi: SAY 'Then, thoro aro such trivial things
. tis ihreo meals a day, tho third do-
OUTIl CAROLINA has voted au0. iho threo estates and threo
Some Coos Hny women enn raise
a family and look young and other
women got crow's foot from nursing
their troubles.
It Is hard to bo a good Christian
and regard a man ns Christian
when ho owes you $10 and contrlb
utes a dollar to the poor henthon In
What's In a Niuum-ber
WO pontons wore prostrated by
heat In Rochester, X. Y., yes
tordny will on the tuinpornturlt
or how many times you repeat or
ehnnge tho figures, .lust try it.
.Multiply 0 by 2 and you got 18.
Add 1 and 8 and there you have 9.
Multiply :i by U and you havo 27.
Again 2 plus 7 equals 1). Thoro Is
no valuation until you multiply 0
by 11. This gives you 00 and ap
parently and inconsistency. Hut
add the two digits 0 and U and you
get IS, and again 1 plus S equals
it. This process may bo carried out
to an indeterminable length and
tho results are always tho name.
Pick out any number nt random.
For example, 1,50:1. Multiply It by
! nnd you got 11,007. Add tho dig
its and you have IS, add theso dig
Its again and 0 reappears.
Now try .another. Tuko any row
or Hgures at random, rcvorso tholr
order and subtract tho less from
the greater. Always the total will
bo either U or a multiple of I). For
example, take .', 151), which reversed
reads. Subtract .VI 39 from 9,453
and you havo C.0S4. Add tho dig
its and thu result Is IS, a multiple
of 9. The sumo result follows, no
matter whothor the numbers aro
raised by squares or by cubes.
Hero Is another way by which tho
number 9 exerts Its strungo pow
ers. Write down at random uny
number, add its digits and then
subtract tho sum or these digits from
the original numbers. The sum or
the digits thus obtained will always
(Special to Tho Times.)
POUT ORFORD, Sept. 10. When
It comes to betting, Coos Hay bnso
ball fans nnd boxing bout sports
are backed clear off tho board by
Curry County wrestling enthusiasts.
There is great interest in wrestling
as a sport throughout tho .county
nnd there has been quite a number
or matches this full nt different
points lu the county.
It Is Impossible to pull off a
wrestling match without a good deal
of money changing hands. Curry
County's sportlvo Inclined do not
finance their luck with $5, 10 or
$20 pieces, but they bet $50, $100,
$200 and $500 at 11 throw.
Lots of Money
When a wrestling match Is on
rolls of bills nnd haudsfull of gold
arc flushed until n visitor Is nt once
Impressed with the fnct that there
aro 110 hard times In this part of
tho country. In Tact bo says to
himself thnt he did not think there
was thnt much real money In nil
the world. And the best of it nil
is thnt the losers take it all In good
nature and declare that thoy will
get even the next time.
.Many MutclicM Held
Tho wrestlers began at Handon.
They next appeared at Langlols and
several matches woro hold there.
At the Agate Carnival at this place
the wrestling was ono. of the chief
features and tho wrestlors worked
on down the const holding soveral
matches at Gold Beach. Everybody
talks about tho merits of tho differ
ent wrestlers nnd how much their
friends lost or won. At the Port
lOrford matches somo largo sums
changed hands. It was expected
that Eddio O'Connell would win over
Lutsoy, the Curry County chceso
maker, but the Portland man was
downed and It Is said that some
thing over $1000 wns won by the
backers of I-iiitscy. It was nil real
money, too, and tho cash passed to have him put down any threo men
but occasionally there Is a man who
has plenty of collateral, but not so
much ready cash. One such ranchor
wns vory anxious to bet nt a recent
match and said to n friend:
"I'll toll you what 1 will do. r
know that boy Is going to win the
match nnd that your judgment about
It is different ami is wrong. 1 don't
know how much balance I have In
bank, but I will Just bet you my
Ford nutomoblle I bought Inst year
against $300 lu cash that 1 have
picked the winner."
"I will Just tako you up," said
tho other, "on the condition that
if 1 lost I pay you next week when
I get through shearing my sheep."
"That condition Is granted," said
tho first, "on ono other condition.
It I loso and you wlu my auto you
have got to drive my wire back to j
tho ranch bororo Inking possession
or the machine for if I lost It before
she got to ride homo in that auto
I would never hear tho last of it."
"You're on," said one.
"You're on," said tlio other.
Good Wrestling
The wrestlers who havo been In
Curry have given some very Inter
esting matches. George Sutton is
ono or the wrestlers who Is a Curry
County boy and who mado a tlno
showing. Zumwnlt Is another Cur
ry County boy who Is in the wrest
ling game. Roth Sutton nnd Bum
walt are In tho game more for tho
sport than anything else. Sutton
has attended tho Oregon Agrlcul
tural Collcgo nnd expects to go
back thero this fall. Lutsoy, the
cltoeso maker, has been In Curry
County recently, but came from tho
Syrian tlio Rest
Tlio mystery of tho wrestlors Is a
Syrian named Wilson. It Is believed '
by many that he Is a top-notchcr
under an assumed name traveling on
n vacation. lie Is admittedly the
best mnn who has struck tills part of
tho country and tho only way a
match with him can be arranged Is
Wlfo Took Check Hook
It Is not always smooth sailing
for the sportive inclined. Ono or
tlio prominent Cuiry County men
lost $50 on one ot the matches. Ills
wlfo was not at all pleased and
thought ho might loso more if ho
was allowed to attempt picking any
more winners, so she went homo In
disgust nnd took her husband's
check book with hor so ho could
not risk any more money.
Tlio prominent citizen thought this
wus such a good Joko ho told his
Trlcnds about it nnd added thnt his
wife never thought that he could
easily get plenty, more blank checks
nt the bank.
Hot Automobile
Most ovcryono In Curry County
within an hour and ho has done
this every time he has undertaken
Plenty of Sport
Hut no matter what tho match Is
tlio sports always manage to arrange
somo kind ot a bet. In fact, sport
ing blood seems to be in abundance
in Curry County. Said ono man:
"I am sorry, old man, that your
Judgment wus so bad you lost that
$200 on tho wrostllug match. Hut
never mind, you will have a chanco
to get even. I have Just received
tlio money for my wool clip, my
brother lias Just collected nil his
farm rents and Hill, my neighbor,
has Just sold his cattle. It's a good
time. My wlfo Is going nwuy on n
visit, ho bring your roll nnd conic
over nnd wo will havo a big poker
seoius to havo money In his pocket gamo lasting all week."
September in History
prohibition nnd bns gone dry. 'cheer.
w What lu the world will the. Hut you can't beulu to manipulate bo either 9 or a multiple or 9. Thus
governor or North Cnrollno any now';; iu,d 7 as you can 9. Tako tho take 7.:i25. Adding the digits gives
to the Kovoruor of South Carolina? i multiplication table for example, j 17. Subtracting '17 from 7,325
It inny Doom u longer time between
than evur
Everywhere the product of I) 10-, leaves 7.U0S. Add the digits nnd
sultrt In 11 9. It doesn't make any you get 18, and adding 1 and S
difference what you multiply with gives 9.--Exchange.
Aim n n
i-Mii vuwsir reMOini
THE good rendu meeting which Is
to bo held this owmliiK at Co
qulllo should be well attended
by roprodonlutlvos from all over tlio
county. The matter of heller roads' HOSEIUIUG Robert Kldd has SAI.E.M Tho public has been In
for Coos county U one of the most vl- 'qualified as a city councilman bo- vlted to visit the flowor gardens nt
tal questions now before tho pen- Inn appointed to fill tho vacancy tho stnto asylum for tho Insaiio and
plo of the locality. Tbo purposo or 1 made by Councilman Goddes mov- eery visitor will bo given ono blos
tho meeting tonight Is to oeato new ln his losldenco. ! soin.
Intorost nnd to launch n nioveiueut SAI.EM Tho Orogon state school PORTLAND Circuit Judge nag
whlch it ii hoped will result lu some- for the blind opens Monday, Sept. i0y baa held that the new Jitney or
thiiiK substantial. The uuiln Ideu Is , 20 with 38 pupils. dinance passed lu Portland is valid,
to create lutoroit In Iho good ronds' FLORENCE Men aro at work 1 porti Xl The architect pro
problem. A p.opor maulfestutlon of coutructlnK road from Earl to , ,e ',,, for ',ho now poU
intorost in the muetluK tonight will Point Terrace wlilMi will bo mi out- ,)ffh,0 ,,, , ,,ortinm, ges
guarantee results. ( let for the fanner of Sweet nnd iat , t0 ,)0 8tnu.tlir0f
Practically overy glato in the Pn- llonvor creeks and Smith river.
Ion anil ovoiv rnmitf in iiio.o utai.iu Mienmim Tim imiiiie si-imoia nf HOOO RIKR A heavy rain-
nro pushing tli coiiktru lion of blub-! Madtord opened with a total enroll-i,onn w,,lcU wcl't ovor the Hood
EPTEMIlEIt 1, 1S70, capitulation
ot Sedan.
September 2, 1SCC, great Lon
don tire.
Septomber 5, 1771, scat or govern
ment established at Philadelphia.
Soptember 5, 1901, President Mc
kinley shot at Iluffalo.
Eirst Monday in September Is La
bor Uny.
September S, 1900, Galveston tor
September S, 1781, hattlo of Eu-
taw Springs.
September 9, 1S50, California ad
mitted to the Union.
September 9, 1850, Now Mexico
ndmltted ns a territory.
Soptember 11, 1777, Washington
defeated at Hrandywino.
September 11, 1811, McDonough's
victory lu hattlo of Lnko Chaiuplaln.
September 12, Old Defenders' Day
in Dnltimore.
Septomber 13, 1759, hattlo or Que
bec. French and Indian War,
Will Lay Corner Stone, nt G. A. It.
Or AuoclMol rrtu U Cooi D17 Tlmei.J
WASHIXOTOX, D. C, Sept. 16.
President Wilson lias accepted the
invitation of tho Grand Army of the
Republic to lay tho comer stone of
the new amphitheatro In Arlington
National Cemetery across M10 Poto
mac River from Washington during
the encampment week. The con-;
1 September 13, battle of Chapul
topec. September 11, 1814, Key wroto
"Star Spangled Uunner."
Soptember 14, 1901, death of
President McKlnley.
September 15, 1847, City of Mex
ico taken by tho Unitod Statos troops.
Soptember 10, 1770, Americans
victorious nt Harlem Holghts.
Septomber 17, 1802, bnttlo of An
tlotnm. Soptember IS, 1793, George. Wash
Ington laid cornorstono ot United
States Capitol nt Washington.
Soptember 19 and 20, 1803, bat
tle of Chlckamagua,
Soptember 20, 1870, Italians oc
cupy Rome.
Soptember 24, 1SC9, financial
"Hlnck Friday" in New York.
September 24, 1777, battle of Sar
atoga. Septombor 28. 1781, beginning of
tho battle of Yorktown.
September 29, 1911, Italy de
clares war on Turkey,
Cut This Out ,-;
It Is Worth Money
Cut out this aavortlscmont, enclosa
5 cents to Foloy Co., 2835 Bltctueld
Ave., Chlcano, ill., writ ns your nSmo
and address clearly. You will ro2
talnlne" roturn a lrlal F-ckauo con-
(1) Foloy'a Honey nnd Tar Corn
round, the standard family remedy
for coughs, cold, croup, whooplnrr
couB-li. tightness and soreness "n
chest, erlppe and bronchial coughs
(!) Foley Kldnev pm .
ESSES r.liortJ!? .!Wwm and ,
i.i .,.. ""Vv"i?ij ""njn snies and
back duo .to Kidney Trouble .n,:
ways to tbo limit of mean avail- mont of 1121 ns compared to 1199 j Klvor district was a groat rellof to
able. While every c.nuuonwealth last ear. showing a decrease of 75l" ,"r,"u,s "s l" ll'io crop need-
has its own methods of procedure, whool cblblieu. ed tho rnln.
the objects sought ro the sumo. The El'GKXK Tho school eurollmont FltEKWATKU Tlio Hudson Ilay
lowering of the cost of Marketing of Eugene on the tlrst dR; was lS72,ttni' l5nst K fair at l'reewntcr elos-
products and securing supplies: the. umipared to only 1771 last year.0'1 aftor " lnol fcuecessful e.xhlbl-
oponlng or channels of traffic to per- .IiuuIuk an Increase of 101. j tion.
mlt the de elopuieut of new terrl- Al'STORIA Urlek Haiilto, til PORTLAND Peter Hiimo, plo-
tory, mid the iiiliuiii'miieut or value niomltient uieivlinnt. wh killed ! ueer woolen mill mnn mi.i cnmi.w
of propei ty. Good roads aro not when his auto plunged throuuh a of tho Hank of Brownsville in Llnn'"lony wiU tttko 1)hlcu " Tln,r8t,n'
merely a conienlmee and comforl , bridge and turned turtle county, died at his home in Port- St'"tom,,or 30 h0 d' following tho
to the UN 11 wlio ottiis nil autfluioblle. I COLL'MIHA REACH A new land. "......, .i.wun 01 mu ui.-ia..0. ...u Dacit duo ,to Kidney Trouble, soro
Thy .re nec-H-it,- to overy ranch- school building ba8 just been com- SALEM -c. M nark was n uned T!' , "I"- f Ml , KcaI",mout' U,y' rheuBat,liin,.,K ims bacUacho an(l
er and every Individual of the com- pleted and u now ready for use. bv Goiernor Wlthyeo inbe o o his ' .' ' " Woni,t th 1 e8S .r,Rai11". ,(3? Poloy Cathartic Tablets.
mimUy. Great as , be cost would be. MKUKOKH- The m n.bers ot tho'n'.r.on.l Z ,r ! ?' W S H'011. o( Gra"'1 Arly' .W,U . SSffffiiS0 a...RuU:,fe
...".' '" "v " ll'llil Illn I'nrnni (ttnlln Invlnf In n Mn -..nn. .i " "'"f- ! I-
iiv Avorvtinri" ,m. i..5: needed .
""BBIIII Dowels
', iry ineae
for only gc.
Prescription Phar-
Contral Ave-
HpJ, TJe-
I' Ull illl III .1 1 lllllllnll lrM : 1 If to ill I 1 i h .. I -n.n.. 1. ..Ill .. -
"'" r""i I'Hiiiuii uui- . 11 hi numiH-iii wivkuii iiuiii mans suilrauo meetliiL' in lu. imdi .
Inr, 11 ft.l r. I'nnu fnliiit. I rr ill Hill fl.-o.- iw.-it. AI...1- ... o.. n. . HJ """ SS18l tllO I rCSIUOUt 111 UIO . ,n,i tr,rri,i i., -..
- ....... ........ ... . v., ... ..... ....sti ..V .. ..n - 11 ruin r murisi o , r. 11 ' v
v . 1 a:. '. 1 r.illlon iloll u to the ford whb'i was Iui-kUv utten led imi'siiu. n.... ,...,. , .exeiclses three raraiiy remedies
"" in" .uiiuiiuuiuii 1 . . For sain hv tiivl
v'i- ' f i' M ,nd oiroat SUm The Southern Pariric ciiimtv fnir ui,i..i, 1,,.. i... , ........ " ... " ror-aioojuw!
c- t I - cs which follow tfho will be nt the O and C 'i ,l , t - '""r ,". "' . 1, I .'' ' Z:1 It" ?. .umajLulL " 1 ",ay ran f UlCol,au'
I, uu u or the Ilslvu. C laud couferpuce by p. L. Duune. ,lu tbo county, Livery ...a Transfer C0uiVH. phono 74. -
Ml I W
The Standard Oil
for Motor Car,
1 '.
K'PMll ,,.
sails for
TMUItHDAV, SEPT. 1(1, j. j H'
Sails tor
FRIDAY, HKP1 17. 1 P. M.
For runner inroi'iuation nco
Steamship Breakwati
LOWS: ScptemlHM' 20, nt 10 a. in. ' 1
Phono 80-J.
If. J. MOID!, ij, I
Inter-Ocean Transportation (i
San Francisco Office, 000 Fire, Uulldlnj;, and Pier Xsmlml
Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGEORGE, Phone H
Puget Sound Bridge &
Dredging Co.
Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construct!
Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Co
work the
Dredge "Seattle"
tke most powerful, best equipped and most tlioronjbl; bI
twcntyJncu hydraulic, dre-go In raclflc vtttn
Coos Bay office,
Marshfield, Oregon.
Main office.
Seattle, Wash
general Agents, eastsideandsengstaoten-AI)
agents for oanadian pacific railroad u
. ... .kblrtV
Somehow it Becnis to ""r'vI
day or tlioso twin sisters
Worry. . .
Playtime is over "- $,
to, oe uono mum "' . tr0ipr
school bell will remind '
o ,..oii n kidd es" that '
ns well as "kiddles
grind la near,
.. -ttml
In a busIncsB way i 't p
oncouraglnu tho "ra"JW
more work and less worry. ,
And tho new Impulie
naturally suggests tne
ground tor helper an7bt W
advertising columns 01
Ray Times. (hn!9 lrew
It Is tho place where th"
arter business are maKins 1 js
known and where those t
to bo tilled aro rinding
their queations.
Times -WantAds Brings