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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1915)
IBJaHHS DOLLARS ARE HNE THINGS TO HAVE BUT COMMON SENSE IS EAR BETTER Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Ooos Hay Timet Is. A South, west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon people and devoted to tlio best Interest! of thin groat section . Tlio Time always boost And never knocks, Tlio Coon Bay Times Is proud of Its title "The People's Paper," nnd It strive t nil tlmei to llvo u ,ta nnm0 by devoting lu orKlcj to promoting Uio people's intercut. r -i MHMIIHIl OF Till! ASSOCIATED PKFSS Vol. No. XXXIX. Kstitbllfdicd 1878 Ah The Coast Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times Const Mall nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 46 Jts OTrtrtfS i! S. CARGOES ARE SEIZED Goods From America on. Four Vnsscls Seized by the Brit ish Prize Court IGO TO 1 Consist Principally ot Meat Products Which were snip ped Abroad from U. S. DETAINED LAST NOVEMBER ('iirricd (ill tho Xnrwogluii Steamers Sidling I'""" America An Amei- cjiii mid n Punish Vessel me Xow Kcportod Detained TWO MOKF, SUM'S AIIH XOW DKTAIXUD I U; AmwlIM l'rr tu Com nr Tlmo. U LONDON, Sept. HI. Tim American tutik steamer Mus- i knueo. lioiinil from Now Or- ! leans for Gothenburg, nnd tlio Danish Hteiuner 1'oliirat- terneii. from Imltlmoro for Gothenburg, have been do- tallied hy thu llrltlsli. suiimakixi: is I'ltOltAllliV LOST Illy A i lli"l I'm In Com Hoy Tlinra, LONDON, Kept. 1C Tlio Admiralty announced toiluy (lint In nil probability tlio IlrltlHli Hiibinnrino K-7 win sunk off tlio Dardanelles. : 111; AworUlM I'imi lo Ono lljr Time.. LONDON. Sept. 10. Tho Utitlsh lirlro court today condemned tho greater part of Amoiicnn products i forming tlio cargoes of four steam ships. Tlio productH, valued at sov cral million dollars, woro declared j forfeited to tlio crown. Tho judg ment Involves tlio cargoes, prlnclpnl- ly meat products, on tho Norwegian 'stcnniPiH Kim, Alfred Noblo, Iljor-jnitJcrne-UJoniBon and Frldlund. Tho' Steamers were seized last Novcm l ber. PACKKKS IIKAK LOSS Xii Adrniico Payment Made on the y I eat 111. A.jocUIM rrrn lo Coo. nT TlmM. I'HICACIO. Sent. 10. Tho meat cargoes confiscated hy (Jreat Ilrltuln will bo a complete loss to the pack ers, according to tho president of : Morris ntul Co.. im thorn Wna tin ml- j vanro payuicnt made on tho ship- i ments, wokth si. "5,000,000 Armour Man Says llrltlsli Aro Xot .liistifled Df AnwIatM prnw to foot D Ttmn.J CIIIC(JO, St.jlti ic Tho meat ;prodntt- seized by tho llrltlsli aro .worth $ir,.ooo. "I do not boo how iKiiKland justifies hor decision," said I'. ! Kaulltiier, of Armour & Co., I "The Koods I shipped woro sont be ifor tin llrltlsli order was Issued. Wo could not btop tho shipments. Whon ;tho liiltl-ih order did como out, thoy Were on tho oconn." DECIDES ELK CASE iJi'iK.r. i,.vw not valid KIXi'AKDIXO IIOKXS iJmd.iu sdiiinpi-k Im tti'w I.',-..,, ittii flatter Will bo Taken to tiny Supremo Court . tSpechi' to Tho Times,) rOQl II.LK. Oro.. Snnt. IC. .luilise Sklpworth gave an Interesting dccls- 1 rcgardinc tho hnvlnir of lk horns in one's possession. In tho casp of Jordan Sclmpers charged with "hik elk horns, he directed a vor i d!t. of not guilty, holding that the : '4. was nnt vnl'fl Tl'e Game Warden will hold the 't horns seized from Schapors and 1 Mrlct Attorney Uljeqvlst says that thf. rase wu be taken to tho fu Pfcme Court for a decision thfro. Watch for Panama Openln-j Tlraea Wont Ada for results. 111 X RUMANIA MAY TAKE PART IN WAR x I Ily Amm laic Prm In twn nny Tlinra t LONDON, Sept, 16,--X A Copenhagen dispatch t says German newspapers were permitted yostercmy to publish sensational tel egrams, intimating that Rumania's participation in the war may bo expect ed at any time, 0 o. & C liAxn (.'kant mhftixg ix skssiox . Delegate 'ro" All Over Slnto Aro There, Touctlicr With Kallroail Men and Officials IlT Asnndatol I'rraa (u Coos Time.. SALK.M, Oro., Sept. IC With UOO delegates from all pints of the state and with government and railroad officials present, thu Oregon and California laud grant conference convened hero today to suggest a plan to Congress for the utile anil settlement of tho lauilu. Opening W. I. Vawter, temporary chair mini, delivered u lnlef opening ad dress. 1'revlous to tho opening of the convention, a committee on pioc.edtiru met and decided to recog nine former Congressman Luffon;' and also Increase the personnel of the u solutions committee from five to 2. (Jovcriior HiiKgeMM OoNornor Wlthycomhe, addressing tho convention, suggested that the delegates Invito Congress to sond a subcommittee of the public hind committee to Oregon to Investigate all phases of the land grant prob lem and give hearings to all inter ested parties. AUTOS MCAVi: KOK COl'XTV ,mi:i:tix(s at nxjriM'K Clmiles Hall Wires (Jovernor Withy- comhlo mid Sjmioii lleusoii Will- HiC to loin in Campaign Kvcry goot roads enthusiast in the county Is urged to bo prosent nt tho meeting this evening in Coijiilllo. Autos from Marshfleld will leave tho Chandler Hotel and tho Chamber of Coinniorco at 0:30 this evening, ma- nv have been pledged and there will he seats for a good number of boost ers from Coos Hay. From ovory anglo tho $370,000 permanent roads bond lssuu Is going to bo dlseiiHsed and, If possible, a permanent policy determined which will guldo further efforts toward a spcchil election. That tho matter ot good ronds la Coos Is being talked of ami causing Interest In other parts of tho state Is evidenced by a telegram received this morning by J. K. Montgomery from Charles llnll who Is now In Portland. Tho telegram, which Is self o.xplnn atory, follows: "I am ussiired positively by Simon Ileiibon, Chairman Advisory State Highway Commission, that Stato aid will bo available for a road to inter sect tho Pacific Highway when Coos County has helped horsolf through tho bond Issue. With this nssirranco wo should loso no more tlmo Please attend tho Conditio meetings and pledge our anorectic and contin uous support for a coinprohoiislvo good roads program for Coos Coun ty. Wo can secure tho best talont In tho State Including Uenson and tho Governor to assist In a campaign of oducatlon as to tho business valtio ot roads. FOKMi:i! PASTOK LOSKS Senator I. S. Smith has received word that Kev. J. 13. Utirkhart su talned ?1&00 loss In a fire at Ited dlng, California, Monday morning. The fire wiped out the flno Presby terian Church, of which Kev. I3urk hart was pastor, tlio parsonago und nuothor rosldence. .Ttov. Hurkhnrt had no Insurance on his library and household bolonglugs. Uov. Hurk hnrt was formerly pastor of the Marshfleld church and his many friends hero will regret to hear of their loss. Invitations printed at Tho Times office. N ICE GOOD BOS SSUE NO TROUBLE ON AMERICAN SI Mexicans Evidently do Not In tend to Carry Out Indepen dence Day Threats Made Four Thousand United States Soldiers Are On Duty Along Lower Texas Border CARRANZA LEADERS HELP Two Tlionsuiil Troops (.'ntliered nt Miitnmoi'iis on Mexican Side nnd Authorities (llvo AMi'rnnc They W'M Try to Prevent Trouble (11? AnorlitPd rri lo ea Hi; TlmM.) lmoWNSVILLW, oxas, Sept. 11.--Tho fore part of Mexican Indepen dence Day saw much shooting and shouting along tho Mexican sldo of tlio river, but no disorders were ob served and nothing in tho natuo of a threat toward the American .lido of the river. All early reports to army and civil officials Indicated a peaceful cclobrutlcn In American territory, Mnny Troops There The day dawned along tho lowar Texas bonier with more than 1000 United States troops under nnnsi ready to nuoll nny uprising ngalnrft Ar.'oi leans, which rumors said wctld take place. Carrana Men Act. Two thousand additional Carrauzi soldiers arrived in Mntanioras yes terday Tho Carranza authorltlen I5.ivi asflitraiices that they would make ovory effort to prevent hos tility's. I'lic on ltandlts Dandlts, believed to bo thoso who killed two American civilians, were discovered today ten utiles north of here. They woro fired on by a party of civilians and soldiers. Tho Mexicans lied, leaving a trail ot blood and woro pursued Into tho brush. OKI: WOKTII S3,0tl0 IS KKCOV IIKKD IV OLD IIOl'SI-J Was Stolen From Fnip'io Mine Xear WiasK Valley ami Located Xear City Dj A.sixUlc.l I'rfM lo Coot Il7 TlmM. SACKAMUNTO, Cal., Sopt. 1G.- Moro lliaii ?l'.r,,000 In h'gh grade ore, stolen from tho Umpire mine near Gnus Valley, was found In n house just outside the city limits today. WVMOKi: MKOTIIUKS AWAKDIID DAMAGES IIY COl'KT Case Was Olio Whore Liability Ad mitted mid Amount or Money Is Settled (Special to Tho Tlnioi.) COQUlLIii:, Oro., Sept. 10. In tho settlement o? tho case of tho Wymoro boys uuaiust tho county, uimrnln daiiiuKou woro asked I o- canso tho hoy wero hurt by tr.o ex plosion of cups earoloBHly lert on tlio rr.nd. tho County Court awarjud $1300. Tlio claimants wuuted V1700 and tho district attorney suggested that $1000 bo glvon, so the court bpllt. tho difference. Ono boy had throo fingers shot off at tho end nnd the other lny had his eyos Injured. Mr. Llljo qvlst sahl It was oleiuiy a case where dm county was robponstblo but was a matter of how much damages must be given. HFXKY CAKDWFLL 11UKP llieaks Ills Shoiildei- lllmlo at ('.itni One Today Henry Cardwell, an employee In the Smith-Powers logging camp nt Carap 1 was brought down in tho Kid this morning from up South Coos Itlver, where he was In an aid dent and broke hia shoulder blade. Ho vai ruslud to Mercy Hospital for treatment and th 8 afternoon 1h doing very well Tnnnnn nai nunnn men inn ATrnrPT fl nKhl mum i: k i Hh ii ii i 1 1 ii mii ii mi i r n i i i ' hm 1 1 i n n nun i u VALUABLES FOUND BOS GIVEN !il o X CZAR HAS FREED X 100,000 PRISONERS t TURIN, Italy, Sept, 15, t A dispatch fiom Petro- grad says tho Czar -has granted amnesty to all political prisoners, They number moie than 100, 000, STAXUAKD Olli WKAI.TII MAKK 1110 I.OAX MAV l.'iiiopeauH Offer l''ive Per ("cut, but Financiers Want, a (iivater l.ato of luteivst for the .Money ID) Anoclalad Vrtn to Coot Uij Timet. 1 NKW YOKIC, Sept. 10. Standard Oil millionaires, Including John I). Uoekefeller, Jr., It is reported to day, aro coiisldcr'ug terms ot (ho proposed billion dollar Anglo-Krone. i loan, with a view of participating. Members of tho Anglo-French com mission and American baukurs, It becumo known, disagreed on the terms governing tho loan. Want More Interest The commission Is reported to be lieve the maximum rate should ho live, per cent. .Many American bank ers) believe the mammoth Issue would yield nt least five and a half per cent, whllo there is some alk c! requiring six per cent. .Millions in Pledges A possibility that obtained wide spread discussion today was that the payment for munitions ot war should bo oxcluded from the opera tions ot tho proposed loan. Mem ben of tho commission claimed to bo well satisfied with the progres? thus fur mado. KcftiMS to Take Part, A pro-Gonnuu group ot bankers announced that under no clreii'ii stnnces would thoy participate In a Inini which would cover the payment of war munitions. A WIIIIAT CHOP KSTIM.YTK SHOWS AX INCKKASK Agilcultiiral Deiaitiiieiit Figures tlio Total Output at "HI Million Kushels In United States U7 A..ocltol I'rcu tu t nJ TIuim.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. 10. Material gains In the prospects lor bumper wheat crops woro disclosed by tho Department of AKrlcultuiVs monthly estimates. Spring wheat September 1, Is IISS.OOO.OOO bushes,' n gain ot li'.OOO.OOO over August. Tho year's total production Indicat ed 1181,000,000 bushels. The com forecast Is U,'J8:,,000,000 bushel'). WED IN THE SOOTH MISS FKAXCKS WILLIAMS IS ItltlDi; OF FKi:i LAMOX Ceremony Take-. Place in San I 'ran cisco Vosteiilay Vniiim Couple To Lho at liny "olt Miss Francos Williams, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Williams of this city, was united In marrlaao to Fred Lamon yesterday at 3:1." p. m., In San Francisco. A telegram van received this moinlng by Joe WMHnnis, saying tlio young coiiiilo wero on their way to Santa Cruz for their honeymoon. Mr. aud Mrs. Williams woro pros ent at tlio ceremony, having one down 10 days ago with Miss Frames Williams and though it was known hero that the ceromony was to take place the oxact dato was not glvon out The groom ImB many frlonilv on Coot, Day as he camo hero several jears ago with the Hlltmoro btu donts and lator wont down to Hay Point Into the offlco of tho C. A. Smith company, where ho has been for the past two years. Mrs. Lamon was raised In Marsh field, Is a graduate of the looal high school and attondod tho Unl- jvortlty of California for two yoars. Sh was prominent at Berkeley In Borcrlly clrolos. Mr. and Mrs. Lamon oxpoct to irake tholr homo In Hay Point. MRS. J A DOONB, of Powers, Is I with relatives In Mar b- flold. ' .1.1 NEARLY Li si AGIST L Senator J. Hamilton Lewis, of Chicago, Makes Public His Views on the Matter Fears So Much Money Beincj Taken Out of United States at This Time MIGHT BE NEEDED HERE One' Itllllon Would Take One Half of Available .Money Outside Itc.M'lve anil Would Soon bo Snout by Fni-clgu Coiuitilos lSj A.socUIol rm, lo coot D.T Tlmea. CHICAGO, Sept. IC Senator J. Hamilton Lewis today made public a letter protesting against thu pro posed billion-dollar war loan which ho sent to Secretary of the Treasury MeAdoo and tho Federal lleservo Hoard. He bald tho loan would In vite a repetlt'on of the panics of 1873 and 1S1KS. Lowls said his purpose of mak ing the letter public was su that the public might counsel with tho bankers "looking lo u proper guard ianship ot the money of the people." Would Take Half He said: "A statement from two official hankers of tho government Is that the amount uf usable moiiuv in America for America, in oxcinu of reserve and money already obligat ed, Is $J, 000, 000, 000. It will bo seen that If tho billion sought goi to foreign bankers, one half of all available cash will bo taken Trout the American people.. At a Had Time. "And this would ho at a t'mo when tho American people and gov ernment have no other snurco In the world to resort to In tho event or nny emergency breaking upon tho United States. The effect of tho for eign loan would bo to tnko $1,000, 000,000 from our people nnd lend It to nations which are spending $15,000,000 a day. .Money Would be (10110 "In sixty days all that money would bo spent for foreign natlonu and wo will have In Its place secur ity of two or three countries Isdiied upon a credit already taxed boyond Its resources, aud wo will linvo no wiiv left .by law to collect tlio col lateral. Would llilng Crisis "Tills conditions would bring on a crisis In th's country as In 1873 and 1803, when panics woro brought on Amotion by sending our money to the fulling fortunes of liurmiu. ' Keniemher, wo never recovered that money." E (JF.KMANV SIJVDS WOKD AKOUT IIFSPFKIA.N SIXKIXG llvldcmn (.'at Inn id by U. S. About Arabic Matter Presented at Iteilln Today IDT AikkIiM rrr to coo. nr TIujM.) WASHINGTON, I). (!., Sopt. IC (leriuauy'K note IntormliiK the U"lt ud StatoH there is no ruatiou lo bo liovo tho HuNpuriuu was sunk by a Hiibmaiiiio was received today. A nummary ot the evidence In posses sion of the State Department on tho sinking of the Arabic was delivered in Ilerllu today. LOCAL OVERFLOW X Sues for Mill. Suit was filed In tho justice court today by the Coos Day Grocory company vorsus A. II. Olson for tho collection of a $11. CO bill said to bo duo on goods. MATT L. MAY drove homo from ' Handon last ovonlng In his road ster and today mado a trip ovor to Sumner. Ho says thaf ho had no trouhlo with his machine yet and that oven the horn Is In per fect ordor. CAPTAIN and Mrs.v Nod Galloway lert on tho Kllhum this afternoon for Sau Francisco and a visit at Hip Fair It K MJLLlIt went down on tho IOl burn today to Kurd' a on a 1M ness trip i DTES XGHANGED 4 $ t RUSSIAN RESERVES X X CALLED TO COLORS X X N? A'moi IaIoiI rtTM In 10114 Tiny Timet. PETR0GRAD, Sept. 16, X t t An Imperial ukaso was t issued today calling to the colors the reserves of X the territorial army, Tho t Senate was instructed to X determine the ages and t X numbers of the reserves and the districts from Hill i tli ) hntt rtlinll nnllnrl wiiimi uiuy oiiuii ui. Lciiiia.ii CAPTURED million and half kl'ssiaxs maim: pkisoxfks Figures Anoimced mo Taken from Official Kcpoiis Issm-d at. lletilu and Vienna ttlr AmocUIM rrf to Cooi TIaj Tlmr, OUNUVA, Sopt. 1(1. Tho numhor of Russian)) taken prisoners since May 1 by tho Austrlans and Ger mans is reckoned by the La Sulc. at I2,r.7l,7r,0. It Is stilted that 0000 guns and 1000 machine gnus were captured. Tlio figures aro taken from official bulletins Issued at Hor 1 1 ii and Vienna. Out of tho total of ficers and men sent to tlio front slii"o tho war began of 5,000,000 only 1,-O'JV-T.O remain. GERMANS TAKE GUY OKCFS CAPTUKK PIXSK IX KL'S SI A, IS STATHMFXT Claims Mado that Teutons aid Ail- vniiclmj ' Practically All Ouarters. Dr A'.uclntftit TrtM lo Cooi Dajr Time. IIMKLIN, Sept. IC Tho capture of the Kussfau city of Plunk, 100 miles east of Ilrest-Lltovsk, was an nounced today at army hcadiiuar tors. In addition to tho capture of I'lnsk further successes are scored by thu Germans In their fight for Klga, liorllu announcing an advance along tho Dvlna In tho direction of Jn cobstadt. At nearly all points, except In Gnllcla, where the Itiissiauu claim further successful counter attacks, the German advance continues me thodically. Quirt III West Tlio Western front contliiuoH unlet. A bill alipropi lilting $ I, 'J 10,000,000 for expenses of Franco during tho lust quarter of tho year was Intro duced In the French Chamber of Deputies today hy Finance Minister Itlbot. Franco lias already advanced $130,000,000 to her allies, Klhot Hlllioiiuccd. MITHOR IS FREED FOUND XOT GUILTY OF PASSIXt; DAD CHUCKS John Dm Hug on Trial Today for Selling Liquor nt Powers, u Dry Territory (11 AuocUtti) I'rria lo Cuo. (Uf TIium ) (Speulal to Tlio Tim on.) COQUILLI'J, Ore., Sopt. 10, CIim. W. McAithur, eharged with pabsiug clmcku on Peter Mlmuoul wheii bo hail no money in bank, was found not guilty and freed, Ho claimed ho thought ho had money In bank but that lils account had boiu cut down because of a forged chuck against It which had buuu cashed, Dm ling on Tiial John Dahllng, charged with selling liquor at Powow, a dry territory, Is on trial today, It U alleged thill ho worked there and acted as ;;o -between for boot-legggrs In Bulling to the loggers. Still In Session Tho grand jury Is btlll In hoshIoii and will not likely got through un til tomorrow, as the District Attor ney is busy trying qasos In court. (llvo Keiilal In Coqtilllo. Mrs. 01 ga Hondrickson Huggo and Mrs. Eve lyn Conway, together with Miss I.u clllo Powell, accompanist, sro to glvo a rocltal pi C'oqulllo tomorrow even ing for tlio bontfit of tho Library Association. Mrs. Huggo will give loadings and Impersonations and Mrs. Conway will slug. MANY During tho Frenoh Hovolutlon It h said that more than 00 uoo ' Lib erty Trees" wero planted throughout Franco DUMA ENDED BY CZAR'SJRDERS Premier Authorized to Prorogue Until November After Visits to the Russian Front PEOPLE STIHRED UR Preparations Made to Fore stall Any Popular Demon stration in Big Cities DIFFERENCES EXISTING Now Liberal mid Progressive Ele ment. In P)iet In Duma and Pro cut Plans Which and Fol lowers Think Untimely 1IKITISII I.OSI'2 MAXV AT DAItD.YNKLLFS llljr A.-xirlalotl rni lo Com mjr Tlmr.) LONDON, Sept. IC Tho lt.itlsh casualties at thu Dardanelles up to August 21 woro 87.030. The number killed was 17.C08. Mr AiMKlatfHl I'rrM to Cstoa Ilir Tlnm.J LONDON, Sopt. IC Itoutor's Pc trograd correspondent tolographa that thu Russian Duma will ho pro rogued today until tho middle of No vember. An Imperial decrco was Is sued. Thu premier conferred with military and civil authorities of Pa trograd nnd Moscow with regard to forestalling a popular demonstration, Tho'dlfforences of opinion botweon tho cabinet and Duma lins boon clear ly defined slnco tho formation early this month of a majority la tho Du ma of tho liberal and progressive elements. Visited tho Tho now majority put forward a program of Important reforms nnd It wan reported the cabinet might re sign. Premier Goromykln wont to thu field headquarters of Kmporor NlnhohiH to discuss the situation, and on his return to Potrograd, it was said, the government rogarded tho program of tho liberals an untimely. PUIIL1U IS STIKKKI) Premier Is by Crown to Prorogue Duma (IlT AMOCI1I0 VtIMM (0 COO Uf TIOW.1 PUTKOOKAD, Sopt. IC Promlor noremykiii has been nuthorlzod to prorogue tho Duma. Public fooling' Is stirred deeply by tho announce ment. It was mado known today that, meetings ot tho district councils and municipal leagues would bo hold In .Moscow next wook. MB IS FREED GKAXD .IUUY FINDS I1UHI1AM) DID XOT FLASH fiU.V Kotiirns Xot n True 1(111 In Wife Ah- dueling Case Mr. and Mm. Tower Called nu Stand No gun wus flashed In the fnen Kf Hen Hydo on tho night Charle magne Tower abducted hla wife ns she. was returning homo with Hydo from a daiicu at Simpson Park, ac cording to the decision of tho grand July Hint late yosterday aftornuon returned not a true hill for Tower mid released him from his bonds, hi the morning Tower, with hla mother, Mrs. A, !, Towor and broili-er-in-law, M. II, Mlllloru, who has just lost his young wlfo, oxpoct lo leave for Saloin. They will (uko Mr. Mlllioru's young sou, who will stay with his grandmother. Iloth Cliiiiiemiigue Tower nnd hla wife woro hi fore tho grand Jury to toll tholr stories. Mrs. Tower had previously positively said that her husband flashed a gun on that night. An explanation ot tho mattor was made aud it is said that Hydo to coivod a severe criticism for his ac tions In the caso and disappeared about the tlmo a subpoena wa3 about to bo served. Kuk'agciucut Announced, Mrs, Jennie Galbralth of Kustsldo an nounces tho engagement of her daughter. Miss Mario Galbralth, to Herbort Gorr, recently of California. Tho wedding will tako place this fall. Thoy will reside in Mnrahflold. Mr. Gorr la a brother of L. L. Gorr, Ppj